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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 507 KB, 2372x2072, Watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6473565 No.6473565 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ know how to pick a good watermelon from the grocery store?

>> No.6473569

cut it open and bring saran wrap if its bad

use glue if its good

>> No.6473570


I was always taught to hold it in one hand, then rap on it with your knuckles like you would when knocking on a door. Oh, you have to be holding your ear to it when you do this. If it sounds hollow, but a 'wet' hollow (hard to describe, it sounds hollow but doesn't echo, like the sound is murky) then you have a winner. If it sounds 'too' hollow, it's old. If it doesn't sound hollow at all, it's not ripe yet.

Also, you're better off getting one from a farmer's market or fruit stand. And never buy them out of season. Even ripe ones are trash then.

>> No.6473580

Remain hidden and wait, carefully observing any individuals of recent African descent. Upon detecting that one has decided on the ideal watermelon, I quickly rush in, pulling it from their grasp.

I sprint to the nearest cash register, shoving passed any other customers in line, and immediately make my purchase, continuing my sprint out into the parking lot and continuing to run for miles until I am home and certain my watermelon is safe and secure behind locked doors.

I then leave my home and go about the rest of my business, potentially retrieving my vehicle from elsewhere in the process.

>> No.6473592

Actually that's quite accurate, they always know which are good, I work in a produce department and only white people ask me if I know how to pick a good one , colored people seem to know the secret.

>> No.6473600

as if you could outrun an african


>> No.6473643

Should feel heavy for its size, the more so the better.
Should have a pronounced yellow or lughter-colored area on the surface- this is the part of the melon that sat on the ground. If it's very obvious, and preferably quite yellowish, it means the melon ripened longer on the vine.
It should sound hollowish when rapped with your knuckles- not booming, empty-sounding hollow though. Imagine how it would sound if it were just the rind and then all the inside were filled with water- that's how you want it to sound.
Obviously it should have no soft spots, cracks, holes etc- look it over.

>> No.6473650
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Can't trust pigs with watermelons y'know

>> No.6474077
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Get two melons and clunk them together. Listen for a meaty thunk and not a hollow donk

>> No.6474081

Heavier ones typically have a higher water content, which means more juice, thus better tasting.

>> No.6474083

If you go to a good grocery store they'll buy from a reputable supplier so it's a good chance you'll get a decent water melon without bothering with all the voodoo.

>> No.6474106

Ask the nearest black

>> No.6474110

>checking for ripeness is voodoo
>all fruit arrive at the store perfectly ripe and remain perfectly ripe for eternity

>> No.6474114

/ck/ is there anything on earth more refreshing than biting into a big ol thick piece of cold watermelon on a super hot day

god damn i bet the first human to taste watermelon was happy as fuck to discover it

>> No.6474116

I usually determine which melon is ripe or not purely by smell. Pushing / feeling the rind is a crapshoot. However softer usually means riper, but it could also mean overripe.

This won't (as well) work for watermelons, but will do wonders for cantaloupes and galia melons.

Source: I worked produce for 6 years.

>> No.6474120

Watermelon is fucking great mayne I love water in general
>implying earth wind or fire can compare ti glorious water

>> No.6474133

I wonder if there's an infograph for picking the best fruit and vegetables
i'd make one but i don't know shit about fruit and veg

>> No.6474146

Yeah that guy is an idiot. Most melons in chain markets are picked before they are ripened on purpose.

>> No.6474152

Watermelon has a very distinct taste though, you may be buying shitty ones.

>> No.6474157

A lot of people don't realize they buy it unripe when they go to big grocers or pretty much from anyone who imported the melons from pretty much anywhere but non regional

It's a shame really.

>> No.6474200

No I didn't mean to imply it tasted like water I just have a huge boner for water that I wanted to show off

>> No.6474426

Wet hollow sound, dried ends

>> No.6474443
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>tfw it makes the roof of my mouth itchy
Still good though.

>> No.6475483
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