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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 185 KB, 1080x834, Screenshot_2015-05-02-21-31-17~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6469554 No.6469554 [Reply] [Original]

What are your top office cooking devices and tips?

Pic unrelated

>> No.6469558


cook home and just warm the meals at the office

>> No.6469562
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>That pic

Unless you need to wash like 50 fucking pounds of potatoes then that is just a waste of hot water and energy. Not to mention the dishwasher takes fucking forever.

>> No.6469569

Don't cook in an office

There is a general lack of cooking related appliances

Fire alarms limit the practicality of open wood stoves on the oven floor

Ambient paperwork is a perpetual hazard.

>> No.6469583
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>> No.6469586
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Real talk

Micro (every fucking thing)
Rice cooker
GForeman if you have space

>> No.6469590

It would be viable if there is a quick rinse option. I don't imagine very many people outside of restaurants will be needing to scrub that many potatoes anyway though.

But yeah, pretty much.

>> No.6469635

Could've sworn there should be Thousand Island dressing in there.

>> No.6469653

Thousand Island is made of much of the same stuff, but big mac sauce doesn't use it.

>> No.6469679
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>> No.6469770


There is no sauce on a big mac, it's literally just the ketchup and mayo combining with burger grease

>> No.6469781
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there is no ketchup on bigmacs.

>> No.6469800
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stop coworkers stealing your milk

>> No.6469824
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>> No.6469825

>having breast milk

You're pretty retarded.

>> No.6469871
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>> No.6469901
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Why is she allowed to put that in there with people food???

>> No.6469912


Your baby isn't producing breast milk you illiterate retard

>> No.6469950


>The breast milk produced by me, and given to/owned by/consumed by my baby
>"my baby's breast milk"

>The chicken produced and butchered by the local farm, sold to me by the local supermarket
>"my chicken"

gr8 b8 m8, next time try not to be such a pedantic little shit

>> No.6469986


Your own examples prove ME right

>my milk, given to baby
>it's still mine
>not baby's

>chicken I bought
>it's mine
>not my baby's

I sure as fuck don't say "you ate my chicken's meat out of the fridge"!

>> No.6469990
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>be at work
>see water bottle in fridge with liquid that resembles milk that isn't mine
>fuck it ill drink some

>> No.6470012

The dishwasher would probably cook the potatoes as well, which may or may not be desired.

>> No.6470014


>dummies will pay 100s of dollars for a sousvide machine

>> No.6470019

Also them near miss quads. Checked and disappointed.

>> No.6470027

Why would you bring a bottle of breast milk to work with you, just to take it home again for the baby? Is the baby with you at work?

>> No.6470058

>Why would you bring a bottle of breast milk to work with you, just to take it home again for the baby? Is the baby with you at work?
I think lactating women use breast pumps at regular intervals to extract milk. An 8hr workday, plus a commute, is pretty much not in the timeframe of a feeding schedule for someone staying at home and tending to an infant. It's also painful when breasts continue to produce milk and no one is consuming it. All part of nature's plan. Women who do use breast pumps can stockpile a little extra, for babysitters and a rainy day kind of thing, so it's always on hand.

Why a quality mother or anyone else with a brain about plastics/leeching carcinogens would be reusing a commercial water bottle with even more than 1 refill of water, is beyond me. Using sterilized containers are for storage, or even disposable bags for the soft bottles. I kind of think this sign was a hoax, hoping to fool someone who keeps drinking someone's coffee creaming milk (poured from a gallon at home maybe).

>> No.6470069

>anyone else with a brain
>worried about plastics/leeching carcinogens

You contradicted yourself there

>> No.6470087

I dunno what the name of it was but some offices have these coffee/tea/hot chocolate machines that are pretty cool, generally there's an ice machine too, the proper kind that makes clear ice. I don't drink coffee but once in a while I'd get a tea or hot chocolate from them, then because it's too hot to drink I'd put some ice cubes in it.

That stuff is pretty useful in an office.

>> No.6470138

Micro some water for tea and have with granola bars/crackers for a snack.

Meals are leftovers also micro'd.

>> No.6470142

>dishwasher cycle is 1.5 hours
>would take about 10 minutes to wash that many potatoes by hand

>> No.6470147

why would someone take food that isn't theirs?

>> No.6470150

>implying dishwasher don't have various options and cycles
>implying you can't just open the door to force-stop it even if your ghetto dishwasher doesn't have a rinse-only option

>> No.6470152

>implying only one kind of dishwasher exists

>> No.6470163


I'm pretty sure the idea is you just run it for a minute or so

>> No.6470182

>two all beef patties
>sesame seed bun

>> No.6470261
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Yeah I watched the sponge Bob training video too as a kid

>> No.6470325

That is people food.

>> No.6470370

mac sauce is its own thing, you can get a side of it to dip your fries in

>> No.6470878

use a veggie peeler to make an easy salad
cucumber, carrot, radish, and chopped iceburg go well together

>> No.6470880

Another good way to stop coworkers stealing your food is to make it look unusual in a bizarre way e.g elastic banded maxipad on your lunchbox

>> No.6470882

Isn't it thousand island or whatever?

>> No.6470885
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This was on sale at Maccas in Oz a couple of months ago. Mac sauce is a thing.

>> No.6470915

>tfw its just a plain bun with sesame seeds sprinkled on it

>> No.6470959
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>that person's baby is lactating

>> No.6470972

>salad dressing (like miracle whip)

>> No.6470973

>french salad dressing triggered me in addition to that

>> No.6470980

I do the same thing but with cucumber, carrot and bean shoots, with lime juice and chilli, or just with whatever leftover meat I broight from home.

>> No.6470988
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You can also wash your greens in a washing machine.

>> No.6470999

uh, the dishwasher doesn't physically scrub, so you might as well put the potatoes in a sink full of water.

>> No.6471075

Cooking meals, and eating in general, at work is a rude invasion of other peoples senses.

If a co-worker coming up to you and blasting ass 2 inches in front of your face would upset you, then don't cook. Nobody wants to smell your horrible mush.

>> No.6471091
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Carwash pizza

>> No.6471179

Hungry people don't hit sales targets.


>> No.6471183

I KNOW what you do with cucumbers and a tub of crisco.

>> No.6471205

Breast milk is THE people food, you fucking retard.

>> No.6471251

Tastes nothing like it

>> No.6471326
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Don’t you know that in the office you must always choose the lesser of two weevils?

>> No.6471414

sounds pretty decent m8 I'll have to try that combo

>> No.6471858


Clean out your jets you've probably never picked the sediment out

>> No.6473128

hahaha, nobody got that one, shouldn't that be on a ship though? Sailing the Seven Seas.

>> No.6473177

Women won't understand this joke.

Or hungarians

>> No.6473924

>Ambient paperwork is a perpetual hazard.

It's a poem. All my love.

>> No.6473934

Not entirely unrelated pic, op.
Microwaved potatoes. You may put them in a heat-proof plastic bag (like these for making chicken in the oven) to make them softer or nuke them directly for more crunchy skin.

Take clean potatoes. Make holes with a knife in several places to avoid risk of explosion from steam buildup. Max setting, 5-8 minutes one side, flip, same time the other side. (one potato - 5 mins, four-five - 8. Anything in-between, time in between. Cut in half, salt, possibly a little butter and/or dill.

>> No.6474799

But the milk is for the babby. Therefore, the owner of the breast milk is the babby.

So, the babby's breast milk is correct, but awkward as it could also mean the babby's breast milk that it made.

>> No.6474840

I buy dried pig ears for my dog but he doesn't own them, I do because they are bought with my money.
I live in an apartment which my parent's bought for me, and they own the place. It's just bought for me.

>> No.6474856
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>> No.6474858

Literally the only thing I remember about that movie.
Master and Commander.

>> No.6475041 [DELETED] 

And all who replied to it
have derailed this thread, now please take me to the lair


>> No.6477295

I have one of those. Best thing ever.

>> No.6477301

Does anyone actually cook a meal at the office? Like using the oven or stove? The most I'll do is cook at home then reheat in the microwave at work. Then again my work doesn't even have a proper oven or stove. I suppose cooking ramen would be ok, but that can be done in the microwave as well.

>> No.6477388

If you don't pump/feed every few hours it's not only painful but stops or greatly lowers production.

>> No.6477394


>> No.6477467


>> No.6477515

Unless your a fucking chef the closest you'll get to cooking at the office is a toaster, and even then most won't have those

For everything else, its a microwave, though I have seen a bunch of health freaks cooking eggs in the microwave in the morning

>> No.6477557
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>Ambient paperwork

You could eat an ambient sausage roll while doing your ambient paperwork

>> No.6477591

Galactorrhea also occurs in males, newborn infants and adolescents of both sexes.