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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 634x811, make that a diet coke, i'm watching my weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6468414 No.6468414 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you make sure to order a Diet Coke when you eat out?

I'm so proud that you are health conscious.

>> No.6468418

I do it because diabetes type 1.

>> No.6468419

I prefer the taste.

Fite me.

>> No.6468425

why is it so hard to believe some people legitimately prefer the taste of diet coke?

now i'll admit i'm a fatty, but i'd continue drinking it even if was healthy.

i think it's very crisp and refreshing. more so than any other soda.

>> No.6468429

Coke zero...
My teeth are fucked though so I can't even have sweet sauces or even the fucking buns of most fast food burgers without pain. Life is hell but I'll die young on artificial sweetner.

>> No.6468449

I do it because yes, not having 60g of sugar with your burger makes a difference

>> No.6468451

It tastes like piss and if you want to be healthy/fit you shouldn't drink coke to begin with.

>> No.6468455

It's a shame more people don't accept this mindset.

Half measure won't do. They're ultimately more destructive.

>> No.6468464

What if you're already fit and don't feel like ingesting that much sugar?

Impossible, right?

>> No.6468468

Not impossible, but a bit irrational.

If you're actually so fit and your lifestyle reflects this, your body can and will chew through the calories with ease. If you're trying to avoid the blood sugar and insulin spike you've simply avoided it for a product that has its own compounds to spike your dopamine levels. You shouldn't be worried about insulin resistance either.

You can want to sure, but I can see very little cases where that desire is backed with anything that makes much sense. Not that we always have to or will make perfect sense.

>> No.6468472

unnecessary calories are unnecessary calories

>> No.6468474

Define necessary.

>> No.6468478

Maintenance calories

>> No.6468483

Define how you know what your real world caloric usage is and how your body will handle incoming calories. Define how aware you are of your leptin secretion, your histamine signaling, how much fructose you've eaten that day that comprise your body isn't even directly aware of.

Yes, you can skip the calories in a regular soda by going with something diet and bypass all this, but it isn't really based on much of anything solid. It's just whim, desire, intuition, whatever, and that's fine. What isn't fine is trying to spin it as something else because if you're actually "fit", all of this along with that soda is trivial, and you likely shouldn't be drinking soda to begin with.

>> No.6468484
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>> No.6468487
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What the fuck are you on about

>> No.6468488


I think I'm going to try some mucuna pruriens soon. Anyone happening to see this thread have any experiences with this?

>> No.6468495

Maintenance of beetus....must

>> No.6468499

People that drink diet should probably kill themselves. Not only do the artificial sweeteners give you cancer, but you are giving money to the liquid jew because you are too much of a piece of shit to drink water.
If you are actually on a diet why would you drink fucking soda??
Soda is a fit persons treat.

Fucking fat people, everytime with these fucking people. I wish they would all die of a heart attack or some other fat fuck disease all at once. They make everything cost more for everyone else that give a fuck while they sit there and bitch about airplane seats not being wide enough and get their feet amputated because "god" gave them gout. If you cant fit in the fucking airplane seat, they should probably just put you down right there and take away your misery. Fat people need to be put in camps. Shit has gotten out of hand.

>> No.6468532

Who the fuck drinks soda lmao

>> No.6468537

If I'm eating out I actually order water. Sometimes I squeeze a lemon into it. Only at home do I drink diet coke.

Can't let people see me like that

>> No.6468539

Gonna go brush my teeth now. Fuck that sounds brutal, I hope Science finds a way to fix your teeth up soon.

>> No.6468540

Manchildren, actual children, and ham planets.

Don't get me wrong I'll have a soda once every couple of months but only because it's free from the office fridge. Ordering it at a restaurant is an alien concept to me.

>> No.6468543

they should try theobromine, found in things such as cocoa bean solids. Won't fix actual damage, but will aid remineralization better than fluorine.

>> No.6468545

But not actual planets?

>> No.6468549

>not ordering 2% milk at restaurants.

>> No.6468550

I gained 20 pounds when I drank regular soda for a few months. Went back to diet soda and had no problems after that. Diet soda doesn't excuse a bad diet and make the fat less fat but they could be so much fatter if they drank the extra calories in regular soda.

>> No.6468627
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What size ice cream do you get when you eat out?

>> No.6468634

>what size do you want sir?

>> No.6468734

I usually have the unsweetened tea or water. I don't care for fizzy drinks.

>> No.6468894

Soda is shit. All of it. It's fizzy to the point where it's uncomfortable to drink, it's overly saturated with sugar, and most sodas are extremely bland, and all taste the same. Only soda I'll ever drink is an ice cold A&W root beer in a chilled glass. Even then I haven't had one of those since I was a kid.

>> No.6468896

The biggest. I can kill an entire pint of ice cream on my own.
>tfw I'm only a 140lbs at 5'9

>> No.6468954

>The biggest. I can kill an entire pint of ice cream on my own

Fairly certain every adult male can?

>> No.6469006
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You're not a real man until you can down a half gallon on your own in one sitting

>mfw I do this about once a month

>> No.6469021


So does every woman when she menstruates.

>> No.6469027


or is pregnant

>> No.6469034

I do the opposite. I drink water or unsweetened tea at home and only get a nice carbonated diet drink as a treat when I eat out.

>> No.6469734 [DELETED] 
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i am overweight so i never order diet anything when in public it only draws more attention. at home or at a friends or fams i drink diet.

>> No.6469767

"Diet" anything is fucking awful.

>> No.6469804

I prefer the taste of it.

Luckily I live in a free country where I can just ask for the cup and serve myself all the diet coke I want with nobody the wiser. Because of course it would be just terrible if some fast food worker were to judge me for drinking a certain drink, that would just tear me up inside.

>> No.6469839

Come back when you stopped listening to Linkin Park

>> No.6469849


Fuck off pretentious faggot, i drink diet soda just because sugar tends to leave a sour after taste in my mouth which i can't stand.

>> No.6469851

I also genuinely prefer the taste of diet coke to regular coke

>> No.6469872

I sometimes wonder when someone posts a picture of Jonah, how the fuck can he gain so much weight. He was literally massive so he would have to eat all day to consume +4-5.000 kcal

>> No.6469873

I only drink water, I'm superior to all of you

>> No.6469875
File: 64 KB, 641x946, _nipt8fh3jz1u7utklo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking hot dog water

>> No.6469900

It says something that in a sleep deprived, addled haze, with a moment's glance at this thumbnail while scrolling, I immediately recognized it as Inuyasha / Kagome.

Brain is a curious thing. I haven't the slightest how it processes and abstracts stimuli so well as to have such things work so consistently. We're full of holes and shortcomings, most of us suck, but goddamn the underlying functions are relatively impressive when viewed on their own. Associative memory has to be stored somewhere. Perhaps it hinges on sheer dendritic spine count, but I know not.

>> No.6469987

both coke and diet coke are absolute shit

>> No.6470001

I drink diet coke sometimes. Don't care for the flavor of regular coke, or the way a very sugary drink makes me feel (slightly jittery and too hot). Diet coke gives me the same feeling other caffeine drinks would, a little more alert and energetic for a while.

>> No.6470250

I prefer Coke Zero or Pepsi Max because HFCS sodas taste like shit. Has nothing to do with health. If I cared about being healthy, I wouldn't drink soda.

>> No.6470297

Reason A: because a lot of people are STILL ignorant about Diet Coke being a different formula from Coca-Cola

Reason B: they're repulsive Southern subhumans who call every soda a 'coke'

>> No.6470300

OP has low IQ logic. You don't get it dude. Smart people don't avoid delicious food, they simply avoid empty calories where they don't matter to them. I know that's hard for you to understand. You can't help it. You don't actually have a fully formed brain.

>> No.6470389

I drink Coke Zero daily, not for any health reasons, but because I like it's less sweet, acidic taste. I don't like normal Coke or any other soft drinks either (except Dr Pepper and Irn Bru).

>> No.6470398
File: 157 KB, 450x467, wpid-skinny_jonah_hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder jonah hill puts on weight for roles and can lose all that weight whenever he wants.

>> No.6470401


Yeah, too bad he's only funny when he's fat.

>> No.6470795

Same. I hate non-diet sodas. If they sold flavored seltzer water I'd prefer that but they DON'T so I go with Diet Coke even though I know it's bad for me. Non-diet sodas are so fucking nasty though, all that sugar sticks to your mouth and just feels gross in your stomach. Diet Coke has a much cleaner taste in my opinion even if it may be the opposite.

>> No.6470814
File: 422 KB, 433x557, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can actually agree with this, despite how edgy it is. The delusional fatties are the worst, but I've got nothing against fatties who actively try to improve their lot.

>> No.6470821
File: 5 KB, 149x250, 1416822378218s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I saw you post yesterday as well, consider adopting a tripcode so I can filter you.

>> No.6470943

Depending on the setting I'll have either water/sparkling water, beer, or wine when eating out.

I've had maybe seven sodas in the last year. Generally far too sweet for me and I know they're poison-tier for your body. When hungover I sometimes crave one though.

>> No.6470974

Can't find a valid english source, but diet soda can make you gain more weight than if you drank regular soda. Whether it actually make you gain more weight, or it's just because people eat more, thinking that it's ok because they drink diet soda, is another side of the case.

>> No.6470978

I can eat a whole 1/2 gallon, im a fat piece of shit though

>> No.6470979

I remember last week some anon was trying to prove that sucralose doesn't have any negative effects on the body by linking to a bunch of studies and one anon pointed out that half of the links actually stated it did, and the ones that said it didn't were like 10 years old.

>> No.6470986


I work as a third party contractor in the oil fields. My job often has me up for 24+ hours and I was consuming several sodas a day. It got so bad I could feel the nerves becoming exposed from my receding gums.

Fuck coke, I switched to coffee.

>> No.6470992

A milkshake from McDonald's is probably worse than any coke. It's ridiculously unnecessarily sweet. So sweet that it's not very nice at all.

>> No.6471020

So... eating less calories will in fact make you gain weight?

Wow I never knew diet soda broke the rules of physics.

>> No.6471027

It's more likely those people who went off regular soda to diet decided to start adding cupcakes to their meals because cupcakes are much better calories than soda, right? I mean, cake is basically bread and bread is good for you.

>> No.6471035

I think it comes down to how our bodies metabolize the sugar substitutes they use in diet sodas. Basically, they don't, so our body either pisses it away or stores it indefinitely, with the added effect of making them hungrier and thirstier than before they drank it.

But I'm no nutrinalist.

>> No.6471040

I just prefer diet pop.
Don't like regular pop.
Doesn't quench my thirst and leaves a disgusting aftertaste.

>> No.6471042

Sounds like it's not something caused by diet soda, but by fat people being retarded.

Sorry man, but this sounds like straight up bullshit. I can understand diet soda making the body want more food / drink. But the body storing sugar substitute sounds like gibberish.

>> No.6471071

>drinking sweet carbonated beverages with your food

TOP KEK, no wonder this board seems to think that hot dogs and burgers are some kind of delicacy.

>> No.6471113


Artificial sweeteners may cause radical changes to the metabolism and gut flora.

>> No.6471514

You probably did. I've been on a /ck/ binge.

>> No.6471518

Weight management is not meaningfully viewed like a thermodynamic system.

>> No.6471535
File: 47 KB, 306x606, themountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Subway's closed

>> No.6471567

i'm convinced diet drinks are safe. at least for me.

i have a glucometer, and i test myself frequently. many artificial sweeteners appear to have zero impact on my blood sugar and insulin.

on my glucometer, i can score a 95. after drinking a liter of diet coke and waiting an hour, i'd still score a 95.

it's the same after consuming drinks made with aspartame, sucralose, or acesulfame potassium.

of course, this is just me. people might respond to artificial sweeteners differently.

>> No.6471572

The safety angle isn't really about blood sugar, it's well established artificial sweeteners won't raise your glucose levels or trigger insulin release... because they don't break down to glucose. Your tongue just perceives them as sweet in the same way (they're actually much sweeter when directly compared).

>> No.6471575

regular pop tastes too sweet to me

>> No.6471609

soda makes your tee hurt? you're a sissy faggot then.

>> No.6471614



>> No.6471622

Anon is a sissy faggot for being slave to physics. Lol, point and laugh, XD.

>> No.6472095

>not calling everything coke

>> No.6472209
File: 149 KB, 634x901, the other one is for my friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda expected this to be posted already

>> No.6472476

I always grew up with diet sodas because my parents had this mentality. So I'm just used to it.

>> No.6472487

fountain dr pepper is the goat, lol @ diet drinks they taste like shit

>> No.6472549

I quit soda cold turkey 4 years ago. I was raised on the shit, it was all I ever drank, but I just decided one day enough was enough. So I quit, and I haven't looked back since. I've never had cravings for it. I get caffeine in black coffee and drink water. I'll never understand why anyone would willingly ingest the stuff, let alone let their kids drink it.

>> No.6473285
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>> No.6473288
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Nice shop. Original pic coming through

>> No.6475038

Yeah the guy has Chris Farley syndrome.

>> No.6476176

>when you eat out?
I never order Coke when eating out, except I'm getting a greasy burger or kebab or something. If I'm eating at a restaurant I order beer or water.
Also, I never ever drink Diet Coke, fuck that shit. I get you'd want to pick it if you drink a litre of the stuff a day but the times I drink Coke I want the full experience.

>> No.6476253

>implying a fat face on a skinny body looks good
He's better off fat.

>> No.6478214
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I always grab a diet drink when I eat.

>> No.6478216
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>> No.6478361

I'm not health conscious, I prefer diet soda because they are less sweet

>> No.6478368


>> No.6478376

Sugar sodas make me more thirsty. Diet tastes better to me. The criticism of getting a burger, fries, and DIET FUCKING COKE is a tired one, and doesn't deserve a thread.

>> No.6478415

speaking of repulsive southern subhumans, it's called pop not soda. you would know that if you weren't an american.

>> No.6478460

It's like this guy knows he will stop being funny when he loses weight, and does his utter best to eat like shit

also: diet tastes like shit. Most soda is garbage and should be drank once a month or less. It is not a go-to drink anyway. But if you decide to eat a liquid candybar go for one with actual sugar.

>> No.6478580
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>Sugar sodas make me more thirsty. Diet tastes better to me. The criticism of getting a burger, fries, and DIET FUCKING COKE is a tired one, and doesn't deserve a thread.
just fucking kill yourself, your worse than my coworkers who smoke a pack of cigarettes, drink 4-6 coffees a day and sip on diet coke because it somehow makes up for it.

i hope you impale yourself on a harpoon you fat fuck, put yourself into a grinder and maybe your family can sell you off as whale blubber so you can make up for the shame of them having to live with a soda pop scumbag like you.

>and doesn't deserve a thread.
this thread doesnt deserve your reply, you are the shitposting that ruins boards
every time you type letters its as if youre one word closer to destroying america, if i was a doomsday prepper i would think that the world is going to end after reading your developmentally disabled discourse.

>Sugar sodas make me more thirsty.
i wish you could drown in diet coke but you would probably drink yourself out of that one you amphibious asshole. do you even wonder why sugar sodas make you thirsty? maybe its because you were dehydrated before eating processed food that dehydrates you further, the sugar soda is literally the cherry on top of an already enormous cake, and one you would probably unhinge your own jaw to devour.

ps fucking hang yourself fatty the world doesnt deserve idiots like you, not even lower class america.

>> No.6478583
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Unfortunately, there are only three.

>> No.6478587

Don't care about health. I just love me some sweet sweet aspartame.