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6453136 No.6453136 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys do with your leftover pickle juice?

>> No.6453140


>> No.6453143

Save it for hangovers and drink it. It works miracles.

>> No.6453144

make homemade pickle flavored chips.

>> No.6453190

I make "pickled" eggs. They aren't really actual pickled eggs, but they do pick up a surprising amount of flavour. Dill only please, not with sweet pickles. I never buy sweet pickles.

>> No.6453199

I do this, we use the eggs for tuna salad.

>> No.6453201

pour it down the drain

>> No.6453203

drink it post work out, its full of vitamins and electrolytes

>> No.6453211

I actually like drinking pickle juice. It's also great for hangovers and being used as a palette cleanser

>> No.6453215
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I tried this with tea once, but it didn't work because I tried to be fancy and make these cool cracked tea eggs instead of just shelling hard boiled eggs and soaking them in the tea like I assume you do with the pickle juice.

>> No.6453216

If you mean you put hard boiled eggs in the juice and let them sit in the refrigerator in the brine, those are pickled eggs, they are NOT canned.

I usually use it to pickle asparagus, green beans, eggs, onions, garlic or whatever I feel (often blanched first). Sometimes I add extra vinegar and salt if needed to cover.

Or I just drink it.

>> No.6453221

Isn't it mostly just a combination of water, salt, and vinegar?

>> No.6453223

Drink it, as I do

>> No.6453228

Dill pickle soup. It's basically potato stew with pickle juice added to the broth. Some recipes call for additional pickles, but that just seems excessive to me.

>> No.6453231
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jesus fuck that pickle triggers my trypophobia severely

>> No.6453233

I have a pretty gnarly hangover. I should drink some brine.

>> No.6453236

there is happy little microbes fermenting away in that brine, it has potassium and calcium and other nice stuff in it

>> No.6453239
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Flick it on my sandwiches.

>> No.6453240


>> No.6453261

You could brine meat with it. Just dilute with a little water & add whatever spices you like.

>> No.6453350

Well that's exactly what I like to do. I hard boil them, peel em before putting them in the jar too, top it off with white vinegar if needed. Into the refrigerator, and usually, I can't prevent them from being eaten by day two or three.

>> No.6453375

Am I the only one who drinks the juice while eating the pickle?

>> No.6453385

gross. like cereal?

>> No.6453388

You bite, sip. Repeat.

>> No.6453389
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what kind of monster drinks from a jar that has pickles in it? they'll bonk you in the nose and what if you have a qt 3.14 over and she wants a pickle before your pickle and you've slobbered all over that jar?

>> No.6453394

use it to make potato salad.

>> No.6453397
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>> No.6453414

i strain it through a coffee filter to get rid of all the seeds and spices and such.

Then i drink it.

>> No.6453418


What do you do? Just let them soak for a few hours/days?

>> No.6453423

I pickle salads in freezer bags and put them at the back of the fridge. The texture is lost but it's an amazing hangover cure.

>> No.6453433

Why are people laughing? Is this funny?

>> No.6453435
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>I tried this with tea once

>> No.6453437

Chink thing.

>> No.6453509

Drink it. Tastes good and helps guard against hangovers

>> No.6453523

the hangover thing is a meme. the taste of it hitting your tongue just shocks your body and your body quickly responds to getting rid of a headache. so it works right away but no point in continuing drinking it after a sip or two

>> No.6453537

You drink it the night that you're getting drunk, not when you're already hungover. It helps PREVENT. It isn't a cure.

>> No.6453538

Soak chicken breasts in it then bread and fry. Soooo fucking good.

>> No.6453542

well I read a study that says youre wrong. idk about the before part but drinking it after youre dehydrated gives your body a quick boost because it confuses it

>> No.6453545

It has a lot of electrolytes in it. It can help replenish what you lost from drinking. It's better than Gatorade

>> No.6453548

I'm not med or sciencefag at all but this is what I read

>Ingesting small volumes of pickle juice or carbohydrate-electrolyte drink produced no changes in plasma electrolyte concentrations, osmolality, or volume up to 60 minutes postingestion in rested, euhydrated men without exercise-associated muscle cramps.

>> No.6453549

>confuses it
Fuck off with your broscience "studies"

It is the electrolytes that help stave off the #1 cause of hangovers which is dehydration.

>> No.6453553

youre the broscience fag :^) please read link related


>> No.6453554

Yes it's obvious you're a retard. It isn't about increasing levels in healthy men. Healthy men have healthy levels.

Alcohol basically causes dehydration and throws your levels off. You drink the pickle juice to give your body a way to get back to normal levels.

>> No.6453558

its been awhile since I read this but doesn't the study I link also have people do it post-workout? when they would be dehydrated as well

>I am arguing about pickle juice at almost 4am
goodnight 4chan

>> No.6453595

Brine chicken and pork.

>> No.6453605

I drizzle them onto my corned beef after I slice them.

>> No.6453616

>If EAMCs are caused by large electrolyte loss due to sweating, these volumes of pickle juice or CHO-e drink are unlikely to restore any deficit incurred by exercise.

>> No.6453776

>implying there's ever any leftover pickle juice at my house
I either drink that shit or use it in marinades or to pickle other things.

>> No.6453893

Don't know. Just seemed like an easy recipe to try.

>> No.6453968


and drinking after shot of vodka

>> No.6454709

Drink it. Its pretty good.

>> No.6454739

pickleback shot
>drink shot of shit-tier whisky
>drink shot of pickle juice
>forget just how shitty the whisky was
>get krunk

>> No.6454750


>what to do with left-over pickle juice
>left-over pickle juice

What's left-over pickle juice? I don't ever have anything left over... you're weird.

>> No.6454811

I hear you can use pickle juice to marinate a chicken breast to taste like chick fil a sandwich

anyone try it?

>> No.6454822

yeah it's pretty good I found it on pinterest

gotta use peanut oil too

>> No.6454826


>> No.6454830

Do you have the power of the risen LORD Jesus Christ on your side? Cause Chick-fil-a does. Better make DAMN sure, communist FAGGOT.

>> No.6454866

>drink shot of shit-tier whisky

>> No.6454872

I only had it once in FLorida and it was really good. No shame, buddy. It was REALLLY good.

>> No.6455103

>ctrl+f "flick"
was not disappoint

>> No.6455117

sometimes I drink it. I used to pour it in my beer though.

>> No.6455136

I only do that with Jamison.

>> No.6455311

More or less. Boil eggs to fill the jar up. Cool and peel under a slow running tap to help make peeling easier. Put in the jar of juice, top up with vinegar (your choice of type) and put the lid back on the jar. Into the fridge for a week, a few days, it's up to you. The longer you leave it, the stronger the flavour transfer, but a week is plenty for me.

>> No.6455405

Pour it down the drain, of course.

>> No.6455673

Put it in Caesars
Drink hungover
put in pasta/potato salad

>> No.6457437

Apparently very popular china street food.

>> No.6457480


I've done that before but though the eggs tasted great I got diarrhea so swings and roundabouts really.

>> No.6457530

It's a pretty common Chinese thing.

>> No.6457949

pickle brine is an essential ingredient for deviled eggs and pasta salads.

also, add a couple tea spoons to tomato sauce.

>> No.6458261

Brine chicken breasts in it for frying.

Makes for a nice faux chicka-fil-a

>> No.6458268

Slice up other vegetables and pickle them. I usually have radishes from my garden and they're really good sliced and pickled. I put them on salads.

>> No.6458272
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I strain all the shit out then use it to make fake sourdough bread.

>> No.6458287
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use the juice and make a dill dough

>> No.6458313

dick my weiner in it

>> No.6458323
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>> No.6458329
