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File: 329 KB, 1813x1322, vegan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457934 No.6457934 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a vegan thread without any trolls?

What are your favorite veggie combos?
I love onions, mushrooms and celery gravy over some tasty fresh baked tofu.

>> No.6457939


Kidding. I do like celery, carrots, onion, and potato together.

>> No.6457940

im not vegan but i like veggies and dont feel like every meal needs meat

gimme recipes that are fast and easy and super dumbed down

>> No.6457946

Potatoes are so good just baked by themselves.

What do you have? I usually just chop up a bunch of veggies and depending on my mood and what's in the mix just eat them fresh or drizzle some oil on a pan, and soften them up and wrap them in some home made tortillas. But sometimes I make exclusive stuff like pizzas, bread, desserts, so much stuff.

>> No.6458141

Do you make tofu sashimi too?

>> No.6458148

never heard of it, I just looked up some recipes and they seem to vary from person to person. What's the main gist of it?

>> No.6458153
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>> No.6458163


>> No.6458164 [DELETED] 


>> No.6458169

hummus with anything

>> No.6458171

If I could afford it I'd try that out. Though variety never hurt anyone.

That bread looks pretty good, though the meat looks more like ham than horse.

>> No.6458178

What's your favorite hummus? I had some artichoke hummus dip and it was amazing. I tried making some but I didn't have tahini which I think is vital to that hummus taste.

>> No.6458182
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>Literally eating out of a giant bucket a table

>> No.6458185

You're entitled to being morally opposed to eating healthy meat like grass-fed beef and fish, but it's illogical.

>> No.6458190

coriander flavoured hummus is usually my go to flavour, either that or plain normal hummus.

>> No.6458195

What's wrong with that? Why dirty a plate when there's no mess in eating lettuce?

It doesn't bother me, I don't walk up to every cigarette smoker and ask them why do they smoke? So I don't understand why most people have to play 21 questions with me when they find out my choice of diet. I understand it might be something new to them, but c'mon.

>> No.6458199
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>> No.6458200

Get: Veggies you like. Potato, leek, carrot, mushrooms, whatever.
Chop up veg.
Sautee veg for a bit.
Throw flour over veg in pan and let it continue cooking.
Throw in vegetable broth and let it all cook down to desired thickness. Think gravy. Add more flour if it's too runny or more broth if it's too thick.
Put that shit in a pie crust and place another pie crust over it if you're a crust loving fatty. (Otherwise just use the one crust to cover it).
Bake that until golden brown and bubbling.
Eat your feelings.

Vegetable Pot Pie.

>> No.6458220

But she's using her hands to pick out the lettuce I'm sure.

Also pie crust is just margarine, flour and water. so easy to make and if you have extra you can make dessert with them if that's your thing

>> No.6458301

To be fair, being a smoker is a far better lifestyle choice than being a vegan.

>> No.6458336

I wasn't really looking to argue in this thread just looking to share and talk vegan.

>> No.6458678

>not using butter and margerine

this is why vegans deserve to die

>> No.6458703

Don't worry I saw some vegan butter the other day at the market.

>> No.6458711

Mushroom gravy is awesome, OP. I love it over a nice juicy steak.

>> No.6458720

I love me a nice juicy seitan steak as well anon.

>> No.6458723


Onion, garlic, peppers.

>> No.6458729

When I first went vegan I kept fucking up mashed potatoes. Soy milk mashed potatoes taste like shit, almond milk takes like shit, help milk takes like shit, oat milk tastes like shit etc

So what I do now is replace milk with overcooked cauliflower. 1 head cauliflower for 1/2 bag of potatoes plus a few spoonfuls of earth balance. Just mashed it up like normal, season how you like. It tastes perfect, you're welcome.

Let me know if anyone needs any help veganizing something

>> No.6458734


vegans are dumb

>> No.6458742

excellent combo

Last time I made mashed potatoes I boiled the potatoes really long till they're really soft then I put it in a sauce pan, with a little bit of oil, some garlic powder and with medium heat stirred them till they were really soft and creamy. They turned out very good.

>> No.6458747

Do you have any home made cheese recipes that don't involve cashews?

>> No.6458752
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Tonight I sauteed brussle sprouts (halved), onions, and chopped pecans in a garlic olive oil.

So good.

Also, my city has a vegan pizza place. I bet you are jealous.

>> No.6458756

Just ignore the trolls and the haters.

>> No.6458759

That meal sounds delicious.

It's alright I actually love making vegan pizza, no better feeling than getting a really good dough and letting it rise for a day. It just bakes so delicious. The closest vegan pizza place to me is a couple miles, maybe one day ill try it out.

>> No.6458764
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YES I DO. It is my favorite recipe, I am glad you asked.

-1 can white beans
- 1/4 - 1/2 of a red bell pepper (I don't like bell pepper, so I use 1/4 and it comes out great. It is essential to recipe)
-1/4 cup nutritional yeast (or more. Up to a cup if you like nooch)
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (will work with soy)
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1/2 to 1 tsp ground mustard
- 1/4 tsp turmeric
-2 tbsp veg. butter (optional)

Throw everything into a food processor and blender and you are done. I normally top it with paprika. The white beans make it surprisingly creamy, and it is really quick and easy. Pic is from original recipe online.

>> No.6458767


Oh and I forgot the best part. It saves really well. I don't know if I am weird, but I always preferred krafts mac and cheese reheated the next day, as opposed to fresh. This mac and cheese ends up the same way and it is soo good the next day.

>> No.6458769

>File: .jpg (15 KB, 400x267)
fuuuuck that sounds very delicious, I know what im making next week.

Also there's this youtube channel I found called the vegan zombie the videos are kinda cringe at times but he makes some pretty good looking homestyle vegan meals.

>> No.6458770


I live in the bay area so I am spoiled
My city: 7 all vegan restaurants
San francisco: vegan everywhere
Santa cruz: best vegan pancakes in the world

>> No.6458773

Los Angeles here, I have to travel to hollywood most of the time to get to the good restaurants. Maybe one day I'll bump into Moby.

>> No.6458793
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I misread your post as home made mac and cheese, but oh well. I haven't tried to make cheese itself yet, but here is a bomb ass cheesy quesadilla recipe:

-1 pkg of tempeh, crumbled
-1 can black beans
-1 onion
-1/2 bell pepper (I like the orange one)
- avocado
-Heidi Ho creamy chia cheese (sold at some whole foods. Sorry if it is not available because it is the most important ingredient. This stuff is sooo good)
-large flour tortillas

-chop onion and bell pepper and heat in oil of your choice (I use safflower). Add tempeh and cook until brown, add beans and season to taste.
-Thinly slice the avocado and put a layer on half of the tortilla
-put a layer of the tempeh mixture ontop of the avocado
-on the other side of the tortilla liberally add heidi ho cheese
-close quesadilla and cook however you like to cook quesadillas.

>> No.6458804

Oh I thought that was a recipe for a nacho cheese like thing. I tend to purchase the follow your heart brand of cheese, don't think I've ever seen that heido ho brand though ill look for it next time. That recipe sounds delicious.

>> No.6458813


I have eaten the mac and cheese recipe as a nacho cheese before. Just add more beans, bell pepper and less milk.

>> No.6458838

I was thinking of making some sort of caserole with this cheese recipe. You think it can handle some time in the oven?

>> No.6458850


yeah probably.

>> No.6458885

My [spooierler]gf[spieler} says the same thing. Never tried it.

>> No.6458920

>seitan steak
So you're a Satanist?? Why do you people always join the losing team for everything? Typical.

>> No.6459000

Of all the things in the world why would you miss mashed potatoes. Just boil some potatoes break them up and toss them in olive oil and cumin seeds. Season with salt, cayenne and lemon. Garnish with chopped cilantro.

>> No.6459026
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>why would you miss mashed potatoes

>> No.6459111

That show sucks

>> No.6461176
File: 316 KB, 680x453, te.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with my favorite tempeh recipe:
-1 package tempeh, cut into small cubes
-green onions
-hoisin sauce
-romaine lettuce
-rice noodles

-Chop green onions. Separate the light green part from the darker green part.
-Saute tempeh with the light green part of the onion in a high heat oil until browned. I use safflower oil.
-when it is browned, add a spoonful or two of hoisin sauce and mix up
-add a handful (or more) of cashews and cook for another few minutes
-Serve on romaine lettuce with rice noodles.

Pic isn't recipe, but shows how it should be assembled on lettuce.

>> No.6461179

Oh, and top with the rest of the green onion after you turn off the heat.

>> No.6461204

How do you "drain" your tofu? I like fried tofu (I am the fattest vegan in the world, probably) and so the tofu has to be well drained. I use paper towels, but I end up using almost half a roll. Is there a better way?

>> No.6461214

People like you disgust me. I hope you die while being raped and tortured by a 350 pound sadist who likes sticking sticks of butter into your asshole as he rapes your other extremities.

Your answer? Fucking make some fucking Quinoa and add all the vegan faggot shit to it as you must. Better yet, just go to a field and tear the seeds off the plants like a fucking cow. It will be more 'nutritional' that way.

Get your head stuck into a barbed wire fence while the bull male rapes your behind, but it's OK because you were able to get to the no-pesticide vegan spinach on the other side. Good for you, now you can shit out all that cum.

Holy shit, you can also just go into the yard and start eating the dandelion flowers and leaves and other shit. You'll last until winter, then you'll have no choice but to kill others and eat them, then rape the remains of their bodies, because God knows, an animal's life is more important than some shitty humans. Have a good night, cannibal fucker.

>> No.6461230

I hate vegans too but calm your tits. Some of the food is actually really good, and I'm all about enjoying good food.

I just hate pseudo-meat. And smug assholes who think their white people problems deserve attention in the face of real human suffering on a daily basis.

But quinoa? It's good shit.

>> No.6461234

super butthurt autist

>> No.6461235
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People who talk about hating vegans are so much more obnoxious than actual vegans.

>> No.6461248



>> No.6461319

this is ironic

>> No.6461322

I'm vegan, but I sometimes eat fish once in a while.

>> No.6461332
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>> No.6461339

Not all of us are ethical vegans.

>> No.6461340

I'm vegan, but I eat meat and dairy at least once per day.

Please share some of your stories about how people hate you just for eating ethically.

>> No.6461387

That's very ironic and true.

>> No.6461401

Well I'm only Vegan in between meals. During meals I usually just eat sautéed ground beef wrapped in cheese with a fried egg on top wrapped in bacon. Shits good and I never have to worry about my cholesterol or anything because I'm Vegan.

>> No.6461414
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Serious question:

Why is it accepted grammar to say both "I'm a vegetarian" or "I'm vegetarian", with or without the "a"? Same for vegan, etc. But it's not ok to say "i'm omnivore" and must have the "a"? Is it just a matter of what sounds ok, or is there some rule being broken here?

>> No.6461415

It's okay to eat fish cuz they don't have any feelings.

>> No.6461418

-ian is both an adjective and noun ending (compare "lesbian") but the -vore in omnivore is solely a noun suffix.

>> No.6461423

Because the suffix "-an"/"-ian" can be used to make an adjective, and these words are sometimes adjectival. Just like "Christian" or "bohemian." When the article is omitted, it makes it clear that the word is being used as an adjective, not a noun.

Also "i'm a omnivore" is a grammatical shitsmear. Please try again.

>> No.6461436

In some contexts the word "vegetarian" is an adjective, ex: a vegetarian meal does not contain meat.

Yes a rule is being broken, people are incorrectly interchanging the adjective and noun versions of the word. When they say "i'm vegetarian" they're saying they contain no meat, which is both factually incorrect and improper use of the word vegetarian.

>> No.6461461

Well, the important thing is that you found a way to feel superior to both.

>> No.6462530

If anyone needs some quick, healthy vegan meals, you should definitely check out "the vegan corner" on youtube

>> No.6462634

One could simply say "I'm omnivorous." It's not hard to fix.

>> No.6462680

This is correct
I don't think you know what irony means
Carnism in a nutshell

>> No.6462708

i'm making tahini today. get some sesame seeds and toast them a little and put them in a food processor with some olive oil and maybe a pinch of salt. 1 cup of seeds and 2-3 tablespoons of oil.

>> No.6463059

What would a vegan do if he goes to prison and they don't offer him vegan food there?

>> No.6463083


Sue, or otherwise make a big stink about it. That's what vegans do.

>> No.6463109
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I'm partial to a jacket spud with sour cream and chives. I also think that all vegans should be taken outside, shot and used as landfill.

>> No.6463117

Not sure what you mean by combos.
Rice goes well with many Asian style stir-fried dish.
Fresh pita goes well with many middle eastern foods.
Mustard is nice on many sandwiches.
Olive oil, salt, and/or lemon juice are good on a lot of vegetables.
Fresh herbs are good with many grains.
Fresh fruit and nuts go well with oatmeal and other cereals.

>> No.6463123

Well in their defense, anyone should have the option of not eating that garbage "meat" or "cheese" that they're likely to serve in prison. However, I've also heard that prison food is likely to be better than typical school served lunches and I think that says something about our society considering it costs the same to buy healthy foods.

>> No.6463143

>How do you "drain" your tofu? I like fried tofu (I am the fattest vegan in the world, probably) and so the tofu has to be well drained. I use paper towels, but I end up using almost half a roll. Is there a better way?

Best way to start is by buying the firmest tofu you can find, or an already-baked tofu which is even firmer than firm. If your normal grocery store only has like Morinaga soft-as-piss tofu, go to an Asian grocer. Even flyovers with 100k population often have them.

Beyond that, or if you really want soft tofu, a couple other tips: Set something heavy to press down on the tofu while it drains. If you want it *now*, cut your tofu, then squeeze the tofu in your hands, compressing it on all sides to apply pressure evenly, allowing water trickle out.

If you want to make pressing or squeezing the tofu more effective, and don't mind a chewier, spongier tofu, freeze it and then thaw it...that's actually a sought-after texture for some dishes, as the water crystalizes, making little holes in the tofu, which then soak up sauces and can make the tofu more flavorful.

>> No.6463163

>...I've also heard that prison food is likely to be better than typical school served lunches...

You heard this from someone being served school lunches, not prison lunches. Students also claim dog food is classified higher by the USDA than the grade D meat they're served, the mystery meat includes euthanized zoo animals, and the lunch lady overcooks food because she's always hated children. It's not fair, and grownups just don't understand!

>> No.6463169

>Students also claim dog food is classified higher by the USDA than the grade D meat they're served

Opinion automatically discarded as there is no such thing as letter grades assigned to meat. The moment someone says anything about "Grade D Meat" (or any other letter in place of that D) you know they don't know what they are talking about.

>> No.6463175

"I'm on a vegan diet." Not: "I'm vegan." Fucking twats trying to feel special about the food they eat.

>> No.6463183

Well I was in high school not too long ago, but I've never been to prison. I would never ever ever touch the food that they served there unless there was just absolutely no other option. I went to a relatively nice school and the food just didn't look like food. Unless you were a poor black kid then you bought way overpriced prepackaged stuff from a separate food line. I of course almost always brought a lunch, but I didn't cook then as much as now and I wish that I had. Anyways, I hope what they are serving in prison to all of those non violent drug offenders that don't deserve to be there is better than the disgusting plastic food I saw at school.

>> No.6463233
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>> No.6463240

Veganism is a mental disorder

>> No.6463300

will try this next time I come across some sesame seeds, much thanks

ill check this out

is it just the brand that I get, or do rice noodles have a very horrid smell when you first open the packet? I've noticed after draining them and rinsing them off the smell kind of goes away, but some of that bad smell tends to stick to the noodles.

the person that has already responded to you basically summed it up, but you can always go on youtube and see how others do it. I myself haven't bought those packets of tofu in the water in a while. The one I buy now is a bit smaller than those but there's isnt really much to drain from them. Also, try baking instead of frying! I heard chopping up a bunch of fruits and making a light syrup out of it, letting some drained tofu soak up all those juices and baking it makes for a delicious treat.

>> No.6463801

The vegan would actually starve if wardens just called them on their "no eating" bluff. Later the prison might induce a food tube if you were a dick about it, or send the person to the prison hospital for an IV, meds, and a gentle doctor to convince them to eat. It would be something like that. My friend has Crohn's disease, went to jail for a week, couldn't really eat anything without shitting himself because of his sensitivity to gluten and generally having ulcers and sores throughout his guts, and he basically starved the entire time. Got no help from the jail guards or anybody. Like, lost a bunch of weight and basically was traumatized for life.

I'm vegan. It's best to count your stay in a prison as something you don't talk to people about, so during that time, you can get away with eating meat. I'm sure when your girlfriend asks you about your time in prison, her first thought's not gonna be if you "broke vegan" but "what did you do to get yourself in there."

>> No.6464153


I've never noticed a bad smell to my rice noodles. To me they smell just like rice.

Everyone has their own weird smell stuff though. Like, everyone thinks its weird that I don't use glass cups to drink water because I think the combination smells like wet dog. Has anyone noticed that before or am I crazy? no one agrees with me. I doesn't matter what glass, too, so its not just how I wash glasses.

>> No.6464209

I'm no faggot vegan but I can easily eat vegetables if I throw five times the amount of mushrooms in them.

I'm talking red bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, squash, cucumber, other things that are fruits/vegetables and then a FUCK TON OF mushrooms.

Hell, I eat mushrooms raw. Skip down to the store and pick up a pack of button mushrooms and eat them on my way home. Plain and raw. Goddamn do I love mushrooms.

>> No.6464786
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Mushrooms are easily the worst vegetable. I can't stand them on anything.

>> No.6464796

I love mushrooms too. I found a grocery store that had some weird foreign Asian mushrooms that I'm going to pick up next time I go shopping. They had a sample pack of different ones. So far my favorite ones are bella mushrooms.

>> No.6466987

you are a mental disorder :^)

>> No.6468920

Normally I can't stand too many of them, but grilled king oyster mushrooms with a little bit of salt and sesame oil are the best. My goodness.

>> No.6469141
File: 39 KB, 638x312, 2Jjjs6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least vegans have their priorities in order.

Fucking Google captchas, I just got a picture of some steaks. Fuck Google for not having vegan captchas.

>> No.6469163

mushrooms aren't even a vegetable bro

>> No.6469193

I'm not defending vegans but that's taken completely out of context

>> No.6469202

I literally cannot imagine any context that would make that acceptable. Please enlighten me.

>> No.6469207

it's a secular religion/cult for retards who irrationally anthropomorphize animals

>> No.6469441
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Yes, I agree. Context is everything.

I'm perfectly open to foods of all kinds and quite accepting of people's scruples when it comes to meat, but this kind of ideology is pretty sick.