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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6454832 No.6454832 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Underrated foods

>> No.6455880
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>> No.6455894
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That looks amazing.

Awww yiss.

I made a fried catfish thread once, and it did not go over well. People basically thought of it as being the freshwater equivalent of roadkill.

>> No.6455897
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I'm not even joking. Sometimes you just get a craving and only chef boyardee will do. I can't even explain it. I've had some of the best italian food ever and I still get urges for this stuff. it has to be doing something right.

pic related. best flavor except for the lasagna.

>> No.6455906

i suppose it just depends on local varieties. the local catfish from the river just tastes muddy ans nasty. go fishing two hours south at dam and its amazing stuff

>> No.6455911
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So many of these are done badly. But when you get one that's done well, done right... boy howdy you remember.

>> No.6455933

These people are plebs.

I'm going to go with peanut butter and jam sandwiches. It is too often considered a kid food.

>> No.6455938

The most underrated food of all time, ever, is prunes.

>friend owns super successful bakery/café/restaurant thing
>starts selling prune cakes
>"ugh! ew! prunes!"
>relabels them torts with dried plums
>sell like crazy
People are stupid and I hate them.

>> No.6455942

Isn't Dr. Pepper basically prune flavored? That is my shit. Chocolate covered prunes are good too.

>inb4 soda hate

>> No.6455972

Prunes are my favorite dried fruit snack. But yeah, people are retarded, so what do you expect?

Chocolate covered prunes sound delicious. I've never seen such a thing.

>> No.6456326
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Prunes are rapturously delicious, but I've had a bad experience with them.

>buy a bag of prunes on a whim, first time ever having them
>vaguely heard that they make you shit in the past and used to clear up constipation
>probably just a myth
>take one bite and instantly fall in love
>in college and working as a stagehand, opening night of a show is that night
>stuff my face with prunes, cumming over how tasty they are
>go to the theater later that night to get ready
>"Yo boss, I'll be right back"
>Go to the toilet and shit out my life essence
>Have to run to the bathroom throughout the night, my bowels are in the cruel vice of the prunes
>Almost shit myself on stage during a scene change, definitely let out a few spurts on the way to the bathroom
>Finally the deluge has ended
>Still have almost an entire bag of prunes left
>Eat the rest of them on the toilet

It was totally worth it

But you have to be fucking careful

>> No.6456336
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whenever i bring these to a potluck or some other function, they're always one of the very first foods to disappear.

everyone wants one.

>> No.6456340


>> No.6456366


yes, it's called MSG, literally heroin legalised, and it kills your brain cells.

>> No.6456373

No, it doesn't.

>> No.6456379
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Alex Jones much? Look out behind you, the lizard people are watching.

>> No.6456382


Are you a girl?

>> No.6456388
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I'm one of your reptilian overlords.

>> No.6456423

msg is so chill it's like the sugar of savory.

>> No.6456890



>> No.6457120

>not enjoying pan-fried catfish
Shit, I'm not even from the south and that's still good.

>> No.6457138
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>> No.6457223

I only use various catfish types for making fish tofu/pempek (patin catfish), in laksa (air-breathing catfish) and steamed with ginger, chilies, shallots, vinegar and soya sauce (also air-breathing catfish but occasionally lundu/keting [dunno English words for this type of catfish] and American catfish).
They've a strong taste that hold up best to strongly seasoned dishes. I make my pempek in a log shape and cut 'burgers' out of it or slice it into thin bits to be stir-fried with strong-flavoured ingredients or used in curries. I don't like them just simply fried (unless served with peanut sauce and lots of chili paste). How do Americans serve fried catfish? Lots of hot sauce, I would guess? Garlic paste? I don't know much about American fish fries.

>> No.6457361

Chocolate prune cake is good, can't even taste the prunes.

>> No.6457388

Can't honestly say I wouldn't want to try that.
They look like little pigs.

>> No.6457407

I'm more concerned with the fact that, ya know, fried rat.

>> No.6457412

>tfw the closest maid-rite is an 8 hour drive over the rocky mountains and through the deserts of utah.

I'd have to go on a fucking journey to get a proper loose meat sandwich.

>> No.6457413

it's guinea pigs

>> No.6457417
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>> No.6457424
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>> No.6457430

No it doesn't you fucking dolt it's a flavor. >>6456423 is right. Msg is exactly like sugar or salt. It should be a table condiment, but fear mongerers like you made people stop using it so now most foods don't taste as good as they could. Please stop spreading misinformation and nobody listen to him.

>> No.6457442

I've found that 9 is the limit. If I have 8 then I notice no ill effects.

>> No.6457443

>used to live in queens

Holy shit my childhood is flying back at me!!!
>local pizzeria
>ask mom what those yellow cakes were
>mom asks pizza man for a Jamaican beef patty with mozzarella
>eat a delicious melty cheesy Jamaican beef patty for the first time and cum

>> No.6457448

That's what I call fat Eye-Talians.

Hi Chris.

>> No.6457450

Not Chris

But Chris sure sounds like a cool guy

>> No.6457455

so what makes the popcorn stick?

>> No.6457456

sometimes it's goatmeat, not beef

>> No.6457459


wizardry, faggot.

>> No.6457467

>not Chris
Of course you're not. :3