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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6451986 No.6451986 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ mix in an egg to their ground beef when making burgers?

>> No.6451994

Never have and never will.

>> No.6451998
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And here we go...

>> No.6452000

I prefer egg-less pattyloafs.

>> No.6452004

I don't make burgers but Frikadeller and yes, for 500g minced meat I add atleast one egg.

>> No.6452011

It's meant to be a binder for the meat or something, but I do it.

>> No.6452021

Missin' out

>> No.6452024


On what? Egg adds no taste. It only acts as a binder for the shittiest of cooks.

>> No.6452028

That's Mince beef you faggot.

>> No.6452040

I make Indo version using 50/50 mix of beef mince and mashed potato. And yeah: an egg per 500g.
I have a single, frozen westernised vegan perkedel left in my freezer that I made last year. I swap the mince for black beans and the egg for chickpea flour. Holds surprisingly well and taste PDG.

Made them for a friend who came to visit who happened to be vegan but isn't obnoxious about it (and would have eaten something with eggs or dairy had I cooked that, but would politely refuse meat).

What's the difference between frikadeller and polpette?

>> No.6452041

Not for burgers, but I mix in an egg when I make meatloaf or meatballs..

>> No.6452049

>muh mins biff
The most queer sounding culinary term I've ever heard.

>> No.6452059

Salt, a little compression and time will do the binding job for you. The risk with egg is it can make the burger hard.

>> No.6452064

Nice try, American, but nope. It's beef mince, not mince beef.
Quite literally no one I've ever known ever has ever said "mince beef," ever.

>> No.6452086

Depends. If I want them to turn out shitty I won't.

>> No.6452100

Why the fuck do they break apart when I grill them? It doesn't happen if I don't put eggs in.

>> No.6452115
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They are spheric.

I tried kidney bean patties once, it wasn't bad but it tasted obnoxiously like...kidney beans.

>> No.6452122

Frikadeller are spheres? I always thought they were patties like polpette.

>> No.6452138

Polpettes are spherical.

>> No.6452145

Simmered/sauced ones, yes. Fried ones, not usually, unless they're polpettine. Polpettine are always spherical.
But I see what you mean, I think. I don't believe I've ever seen frikadeller in a sauce or simmered in anything.

>> No.6452146

No. Burnt egg isn't tasty.

>> No.6452147

Stop flipping them so goddamn much.

>> No.6452151

I only flipped them once.

>> No.6452160

Eggs for meatballs, no eggs for burgers.

>> No.6452216 [DELETED] 

When making your burgers, you need an egg to help bind the meat and breadcrumbs together.

>> No.6452235

You need to flip three times

>inb4 grandpa science about dry meat

>> No.6452242
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after the patties are on the grill I always make a meatloaf for the next day and it has the egg and oatmeal in it

>> No.6452309

They probably don't have enough fat. Use 80/20 beef.

>> No.6452310


Why would i destroy the natural deliciousness of beef? If i wanted to eat meat filled with binders i'd buy some frozen shit.

>> No.6452313

I haven't done it, only for meatballs.
Now that you mention it, maybe I should start doing it.

>> No.6452334


Why would anyone want to fill in the air space that is there by all the kneading and filling in with egg?

It can only lead to a worse result.

>> No.6452339


>When making your burgers, you need an egg to eliminate all room for juices to collect so that they run out instead of resulting in a jucier burger.


>> No.6452344

You can call it whatever you want, but if you're adding eggs to your beef (and other ingredients as well) you're not making a burger, you're making a meatloaf sandwich.

>> No.6452368
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>It only acts as a binder for the shittiest of cooks
>every top chef in the world is a shitty cook
>every cook book in the world is shit
this guy

>> No.6452376

Except only British cookbooks will say to use egg (or any binder at all, actually) in burgers. And we all know Brits have no right to speak on culinary matters. It's like asking a black guy for investment advice.

>> No.6452377


But a binder would make it even juicier, since it binds the juices together, duh

>> No.6452381

Hey Anon: is a poached egg "juicy?" What about an omelette? Boiled egg? No? Why? Oh! Must be that albumin binds with the available water as it coagulates, huh?

>> No.6452384


That's because it's pure binder. How can the water get inside the pure binder?

When you mix binder with beef, however, it's dispersed. Even though it's equally dispersed, the most superficial parts of the patty will have binder, and this superficial binder will prevent the juices from escaping.

>> No.6452394


By leaving less space for juices to collect?

>> No.6452397

Are you... uh... I don't know how to...

... I have a rule about being constructive so I can't ask any questions right now because all of the questions I have right now are rhetorical and they end with the word 'idiot.'

Do you know what a rhetorical—no, of course you don't know what that is; you're an idiot.—Oh!
I'm sorry.
I am SO sorry. But you're SO stupid, you have no idea. And you're the only one who has no idea because guess why?—don't answer that; you'll get it wrong.
Aw, so dumb.

>> No.6452398


More like by leaving less space for juices to escape.

>> No.6452399

brb checking my cookbook

>> No.6452400


You type like a cuck. Are you mad or something?

>> No.6452408

it says you can use egg, there is one with and one without

>> No.6452415 [DELETED] 

Hamburger is expensive. Adding breadcrumbs and an egg makes it go further. And the breadcrumbs retain the moisture, making the burger juicier. Bonus points if you use garlic breadcrumbs for the added seasoning and spice.

>> No.6452432

>hamburger is expensive

I don't know how to say this without sounding like a douche., but if you can't afford meat you could just... not eat meat?

You do not NEED meat to be healthy, it's just a tasty thing that sane people eat as an occasional treat.

>> No.6452437 [DELETED] 


My broker is a nigger

>> No.6452470

Saying something is expensive isn't implying an issue of affording.

>> No.6452520

How do you guys make patties? whenever I make them thick they end up ballooning into a small thick ball that's uncooked in the middle. I've done the hole in the middle with the thumb but it's not very effective

the only thing I do that works is making them extremely thin initially

like half an inch thin and then after they cook they'll be like an inch thick

>> No.6452528

After I saw Ramsay use bread crumbs and little bit of milk as a binder I haven't gone back.

>> No.6452542

Saying it's ok to ruin a recipe because the ingredient is too expensive is the same as saying not being able to afford it.

>> No.6452628 [DELETED] 

recipe for burger calls for breadcrumbs and egg. How can you ruin a recipe by following it

>> No.6452635

It's hard to ruin something that's shit to begin with.

>> No.6452818 [DELETED] 

Out of 12 church ladies cookbooks, 12 of them have burger recipes that call for breadcrumbs and eggs.

Get off your high horse and remove dildo from your ass and realize that just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it is bad or wrong.

Now go make your mom make you some tendies and STFU.

>> No.6452834


As a result of many church picnics and many church dinners, I'm not that big a fan of the cooking of many church ladies.

>> No.6452840

Adding shit makes it a meatloaf sandwich. OP asked about hamburgers.

>> No.6452843

>He thinks there is only one way to cook a dish
Bet you only use salt and pepper on your steak and think any creativity with sauces or other spices is shit-tier you boring person.

>> No.6452855


Any creativity with sauces on steak should be done by the person eating the steak, not the cook.

>> No.6452946 [DELETED] 

you pretentious fuck.
do you go to a $100 dollar a main restaurant, and tell the chef how to prepare your food?

The chef puts it on the menu, and you decide if you want to order it or not.

He, not you, you whiny, cock gobbling, ramen eating, basement dwelling faggot, makes the food, the way he wants to make it.

>> No.6452961

No, and keep your breadcrumbs away from muh meat, too.

>> No.6452969


Perhaps when you grow up, you will be able to afford some good food.

>> No.6453048 [DELETED] 

I happen to be HVAC/R tech guy. I make far more money than you'll ever see, sucking off chicken hawks and diseased niggers in the bad part of town.

I can afford to eat in restaurants that average over $100 bucks per person.
And do so on a regular basis.

And I spend that money so the chef can cook me some good food.

Other than base shit, like no cilantro, I leave it to the fucker who is trained and paid to make me good eats.

If there is some variable, it is offered at ordering. Otherwise, I am paying good money, for what I can only assume is good food.

Funny thing, those back of the house dopers and degenerates, tend to serve some pretty tasty stuff.

Strange, it is like they are paid well to produce tasty and satisfying meals.

>> No.6453115 [DELETED] 

Avoid gelatin, mayo, and anything that doesn't seem local.
Great meals then.

>> No.6453508

Flipping them repeatedly actually cooks the patty more evenly and allows you to cook the interior without overcooking the exterior

>> No.6453517

>no cilantro
what a philistine bitch

>> No.6453649

>beef mince
it's chop meat

>> No.6453684 [DELETED] 

Try OR6A2, you know nothing, ignorant bitch. Learn your genetics.

>> No.6453833

In Spain we add bredcrumbs and egg and parsley and garlic to our boigers and call them russian steaks and serve them with french chips and tomato sauce.

>> No.6454350

when you say american you mean normal person im from uk never heard beef mince before

>> No.6454353

You're making meatloaf.

>> No.6454354


>> No.6454362

Then you need to get your ears checked because you're missing the D.
"Minced beef," and "beef mince" are each about five times more common in Britain than "mince beef."

Similarly, "pork mince" is three times more common than "mince pork" and "minced pork" is nine times more common than "mince pork" and three times more common than "pork mince."

Also, watch where you're clicking when you reference a post, BritAnon.

>> No.6454373

>french chips

en america dicen french fries, en reino unido dicen chips. no mezcles las dos anda.
ah y los filetes rusos son otra cosa, no se comen con bollo de hamburguesa y ademas llevan zumo de limon.

>> No.6454439

your trying to mess with my head, how many people live in your village three four

>> No.6454628

I've never added egg and my burgers always turn out great.

>> No.6454666

I don't barbecue often. Never really do much to my "burgers". I just salt and pepper ground beef and form it into patties. Am I doing it wrong? It still tastes great either way, especially partially rare.

>> No.6454716

I don't think you're doing it wrong. That sounds good to me.

>> No.6454733 [DELETED] 

satan's trips knows how to make a burger

>> No.6456047

Burger requires whole cuts, that you grind yourself.
Otherwise, you are cooking shit.

>> No.6456250

That's nice dear; remember that when you're sitting at a desk you didn't harvest, cut, plan, construct, and finish yourself.

>> No.6456279

Except there are black investment advisors and british cooking is good. Pity there are still ignorant fucks around though

>> No.6456368

There are plenty of black investment advisors, but come on the only good British food is Fish and Chips and you have to be some kind of special to fuck up deep fried anything.

>> No.6456381



>Born genetically predisposed to dislike cilantro

What kind of fucked up genetic tree did you fall out of? That's some weird shit.

>> No.6456643 [DELETED] 

Doesn't mean shit about "disliking". It means that cilantro tastes like soap to me and other folks with this inheritable gene.

Who in their right mind wants to eat soap?

>> No.6456876 [DELETED] 

Fucking soap-tasting faggots
Cilantro is a god tier herb and you guys have to FUCKING ruin it

You are the niggers of the culinary world

Don't reproduce

>> No.6458367


>parchment paper (not wax paper)
>mix ground meat and spices, I like to go 66% ground beef, 33% ground pork
>worchestershire, black pepper, garlic, onion, etc other stuff if you want
>press super flat on parchment so they are about 8~ inches wide
>put in freezer

>> No.6458372

I have this has well. Everyone always said I was making it up. Can basically not go to Mexican restaurants now because its in everything so everything tastes like soap.

>> No.6458377

if you put anything aside from meat and salt in your burger patties you are a faggot and i hate you

>> No.6459202

>Zumo de limon
No tienes ni puta idea.

>> No.6459739

>Boring white person detected

>> No.6459746 [DELETED] 

you mean
>person who knows how to make a hamburger detected

>> No.6459750

No thats not what I meant. Your underseasoned boreburger is not a good hamburger

>> No.6459754


Adding extra shit to the patty is counterproductive. You might think you're the next guy fieri with all your funky crap you throw in the patty, but it doesn't actually to any good. the cooking times of the shit you add rarely matches the cooking time of the beef so something always ends up under or over-cooked. Add whatever you like as toppings instead. That way you can properly control their cooking time, and not over-work the patty while you're at it.

>> No.6459799 [DELETED] 

what shit do you add to your patty?
congrats you have meatloaf. use fattier beef and stop being a faggot
>veg of any kind
oh great, things that take different times to cook. enjoy your overcooked beef or undercooked veg. cook them separately and put them on the burger you jizzprince
>sauces and shit
yeah flavortown. dont do this
nigga pls

>> No.6459805

what's wrong with worcestershire sauce in burger

i add salt pepper worcestershire

>> No.6459822

I don't, tried once but eh.
Just meat, salt and pepper for me.

>> No.6459823 [DELETED] 

eh ok i can see that working. it has some sugar so i wouldnt go nuts for fear of it burning a bit when searing

>> No.6459827

Not once, not never.

>> No.6459922 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 298x409, 1430219711180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger detected

>> No.6460044

>Chop meat
>Not beef wellington ensemble

>> No.6460056

>beef wellington ensemble
>not small pieces of moo-cow

>> No.6460058

I like to add some nice mushroom ketchup on my burger.

>> No.6460060

I mix in ground pork, cumin, crushed black pepper, and a little bit of English mustard.

>> No.6460289



>> No.6460300

That's a meatball.

>> No.6460427

Never had mushroom ketchup, but do like to add mushroom soy for that color. It lets me cook them medium and the wife thinks they're well. That and the added flavor is a win, win for me.

>> No.6460594

Ketchup is derived from the Chinese ke-tsiap, which is a pickled fish sauce. By that definition, you could make ketchup with pretty much any base.

>> No.6461417

looks like a burger, tastes like a burger and is called a burger.
So, it is a burger. Meatloaf has veggies, and a couple/three different cuts and types of meat, and spices.
So go back to the basement and ask mom for some more tendies, Mt. Dew and Cheetos, faggot.

>> No.6464280

at least 1 egg and about 1/3 of the meets mass added couscous

>> No.6465153

1 egg and 1/2 cup of garlic croutons that have been pulverized in food processor per pound of ground mat.