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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 640x440, egg-ruhlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6451015 No.6451015 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the deal with eggs? Are they good for you?

>> No.6451019

They're good for you only if you consider extremely high cholesterol and a load of toxins good to have in your body

>> No.6451029


What do you mean by this?


Eggs are a good source of:

vitamin D
vitamin A
vitamin B2
vitamin B12

>> No.6451031


>> No.6451047

they fine unless you eat too many, as with all things

>> No.6451066

You know, toxins. Bad stuff for your body. You should really do a cleanse and then you'd see.

>> No.6451083
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While it has been established that eggs contain cholesterol, it has not yet been proven conclusively that they actually raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human blood stream.

>muh toxins

>> No.6451109

So one of those Egg Council creeps got to you too, huh?

>> No.6451122

Eggs are bad for you, eat beef and dairies.
-Beef council of murrika

>> No.6451448

Cholesterol and saturated fat.

>> No.6451455

>bad stuff
such as?

>> No.6451467

Eggs are good because plenty of animals live off them, like egg stealing dinosaurs, snakes, and various mammals

>> No.6451471
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Always remember to sweat your eggs. Decreases the cooking time and leaves a creamier texture.

>> No.6451531

Eggs are great for you. Unless you're a vegan. In that case, though, you've got a lot bigger problems to worry about. Like being a vegan, for instance.

>> No.6451539

How do you sweat an egg?

>> No.6451540

Sauna that bitch.

>> No.6451680

no but the american heart association did

>> No.6451729
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>Bad stuff

>> No.6451743

Of course.

>not eating at least 2 eggs per day

never gonna make it

>> No.6451752
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1440, As you see I got biceps to spare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 2 eggs a day
>Not 5 dozen

It's like you don't even want bargemode.

>> No.6451873
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Egg contains lots of animal-type choline which easily saturates the digestive system's uptake mechanisms so a lot of it goes to feeding gut flora. They shit out trimethylamine as a metabolic byproduct, which is absorbed, processed by the liver, enters systemic circulation, steals endothelial nitric oxide and finally decomposes into the atherogenic cigarette smoke toxin NDMA. The egg fats and cholesterol you just ate then proceed to conspire with NDMA to clog your arteries. As little as one a day is enough to trigger heart disease.

>> No.6451876


Depends how the hen was raised.

>> No.6451877

Someone with a western diet should not eat eggs or cheese or fatty meat or fried foods, etc.

>> No.6451879
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>yfw an american put his eggs in the fridge

>> No.6451885
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>> No.6451905
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>anon why is the yolk orange? that's so weird

>> No.6451907

Utter Bullshit.

>> No.6451915

So what is the deal with the yolks? Why are the colors different?

>> No.6451927


>> No.6451931

It's the type of grain or meal that they're fed, which results in different shades of yellow

>> No.6451935

Poultry's diet
The yolk tends to be paler for battery eggs, it would even be nearly white if the chickens weren't fed natural colorants.

>> No.6452025
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90% of my diet is Chicken and Eggs.

If these things died out i don't know what i'd do

>> No.6452034



>> No.6452102

Complete satisfying protein with a decent collection of micronutrients and little effect on serum lipoproteins.
Pretty good.

>> No.6452107

It's a simple flowchart.
>1. Does it come from an animal Y/N
> If Y, it is not good for you.
> If N, it might be good for you.

>> No.6452120


gtfo you pussy vegan cunt

>> No.6452130
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I need to ponder this for a while...

>> No.6452341

gr8 b8 m8
i r8 8/8

>> No.6452353
File: 33 KB, 666x360, 0180110_17994_MC_Tx360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to live off of just ONE protein for the rest of my life, it would be eggs. I love how versatile they are.

Fried eggs, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, egg tarts, egg drop soup, egg curry, egg this, egg that....

>> No.6452356

They're great if you're an active person. If you're a fat ass who doesn't plan to change, avoid them. Actually nevermind. Keep going. It's not like any of you give a shit about your health anyway.

>> No.6452357

Eggs are great for you, super dense protein and tasty as shit.

I mean, egg yolks have cholesterol, but it ain't gonna clog your arteries or some shit.

>> No.6452366
File: 14 KB, 288x238, scotch-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scotch eggs (I bake mine) are the bomb

>> No.6452608
File: 67 KB, 250x195, 1427377150953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, you're either a great troll or a gigantic idiot.

Since I can't tell, you officially win one internet.

>> No.6452609

I like this post

>> No.6452612
File: 1.03 MB, 360x198, We can both live.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger.

>> No.6452636

How hard is it to make your own pickled eggs? I had the pleasure to try a couple for the first time ever last night, and was completely blown away.

This can be a gamechanger in my life I think. The portability and quickness of eating it seem amazing.

>> No.6452647

Not terribly hard. Just hard boil some eggs, cool them, peel them, stick them in a jar and cover with vinegar, some sugar, maybe some salt. A lot of people add beet juice to get the pink color on the eggs. You can also add some pickling spices or some herbs like tarragon or dill if you want, maybe some garlic, whatever.

They'll keep in the fridge for several weeks too, or you can always can them to hang on to them for months or longer.

Plenty of easy recipes on the internet, just look around and find one that sounds good and give it a try.

>> No.6452662

I'm doing a cleanse right now, it's called having a functioning liver.

>> No.6452666


great so I bought the french press, the almond dehydrator and now I have to build a fucking sauna for my eggs?

When does it end /ck/?

>> No.6453432

...haha... silly America...
Shall we both say, out loud, why you shouldn't do this?
I know why, just thought it would be a fun game.

>> No.6453436

I can't eat eggs (straight) without feeling gassy and sick for the next 2 days. Which fucking sucks because I love eggs so much

>> No.6453455

I'm the same and today I've decided that eating them isn't worth the misery so I'm gonna use milk instead when breading my fish fillets this evening.

Unless anyone has a better suggestion.

Dijon mustard?