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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 354 KB, 1600x1200, iPhoneUpload_aarjyvynf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6449598 No.6449598 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this sandwich, /ck/?

(Walt's Roast Beef, Rhode Island. That's Catalina dressing)

>> No.6449609

Looks decent. Lettuce doesn't seem like it'd fit on a roast beef sammich though.

>> No.6449689

RI native here. fuckin love walts roast beef. i like their fries too.

>> No.6449694

it's just irking me that it looks so pretentious. but would eat. but damn fill my sandwich with roast beef please.

>> No.6449716
File: 76 KB, 600x450, walts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walt's roast beef is the least pretentions place ever. shit looks like it hasn't change since 1970.

>> No.6449726

This. It's a roast beef sandwich. The butter grilled bun and non-iceberg lettuce are so out of place. Same goes for drizzling condiments instead of spreading.

How was it tho?

>> No.6450061

Is it me, or is that top bun way too big?

>> No.6450108 [DELETED] 
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Needs more mayo.

>> No.6450153

So pork in burgers are becoming a trend.

>> No.6451006

that's not pork.

>> No.6451101

Yeah, but pork in burgers are becoming a trend.

>> No.6451258

Why on earth would someone put catalina dressing on roast beef? What the actual fuck?

>> No.6451264



you mean "is"

>> No.6451285
File: 54 KB, 687x309, mccountry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What flyover, red state shithole do you live in?
Pork burgers are common as fuck and have been for years. What do think is in a McRib or the McCountry?

>> No.6451288

looks like a bloody abortion between two slices of bread to sop up the blood.

You asked.

>> No.6451289

Get a passport and travel my friend. Just because it's new to your tiny part of the world doesn't mean it's not commonplace everywhere else.

>> No.6451293

Riiight, so you assert that the people of the USA and all the places that we can go to without a passport is a tiny part of the world.

Do you really believe your own bullshit or do you need technical correction?

>> No.6451297
File: 102 KB, 951x526, pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hardly new and cutting edge.......

>> No.6451303

I have no way of knowing which country the anon lives in. Stop getting so defensive, I'm not your enemy.

>> No.6451309

Fair enough, peace out.

I made a chicken sandwich last night that was crackin awesome, no pictures, it was late so just made it. I made a nice sauce of mayo and green tapatio sauce for it which had a nice green hue then put that on some whole wheat bread then put the chicken on then and went to town on it.

That was pretty good.

One funny thing is, being a single guy, was that one piece of chicken fell out and fell between my toes on my left foot, I had to do a stretch to grab it, but a small part hit the floor so washed that off and ate it.

Good times, maybe!?

Sometimes it's fun to be single, othertimes, I dunno, I'd like a wife and everything. Either way, I'm learning stuff, but it would be nice to learn stuff with a chick.

So you got a bit of honesty from me.

>> No.6451317

It's a thing they do. It's not bad, though. It's not my favorite.

>> No.6452537

Looks delicious as fuck/10. Would eat.

>> No.6452541

Neither does NY system, mostly because they probably haven't

>> No.6452551

WTF is "NY system?"
Please tell me, I'm from New York and I want to know.

>> No.6452556

I'm guessing it's like "penn station's" the sandwich shop, which has nothing whatsoever to do with penn station (actually probably a good thing as who in his right mind thinks penn station is a place you want to eat)

>> No.6452617

Yuk, I'm guessing too and I've lived in NY for a while that it's more like some idiot with a marketing degree came up with something that would be like one of the men's rooms in the lower level of Penn Station, that's where the homos and weirdos hook up, right next to the food court on some nasty lower level.

Grand Central is much nicer, check out the Oyster Bar there, the soup is really nice, I used to work next door so would get take from there a lot, and if you can do it, walk on the catwalks on the Vanderbuilt side up above, it affords a nice view.

I think the old Penn Station was like that before it was torn down to make Madison Square Garden, but MSG is a pretty special place too. The new Penn Station is a stinky craphole underneith MSG.

David Bowie - Under Pressure (MSG)

>> No.6452641

You won't see many nice rooms like that excpet for in Grand Central in NYC anymore, one that you might is the Credit Suisse building on the north side which used to be Met Life or something like that.

I got taken down there for a second interview and a lunch, I sabotaged it because Credit Suisse is a sleazy ass company that fucked me over once, but I wanted to see what they were on about, I went there drunk, I didn't want that job so answered technical questions with silly answers that I knew the answers to.

It's a nice bulding, it's too bad that sleazey fucks took it over but they did keep up the nice room, I should have taken pics but didn't... so it is.

If you go to Grand Central stand in the middle and look up and see the beautiful roof, it used to be filled with cobwebs and stuff and was beautifully restored by the Grand Central Conservatory, I think that's the name, in any event, enjoy.

>> No.6452657

Yeah, GCT isn't what it was in the "good old days" but I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. At least you can see the paint on the ceiling, and you can take a piss in the basement without having some bum ask you for change as you're zipping up. That must have been CSFB at the time, no?

>> No.6452701

I like learning new shit everyday, what the fuck is a CSFB?

The old days were weird, there was a dude in the tunnel beteween Lexinton and the Grand Central main that would fix your watch inexensively and another place nearby called USA Chips that would fry up an order of chips right to order complete with really cool spices.

The renovation priced shops like that right out of business and made it a faggot hole.

A funny one was on Valentines day, some guy opened a shop to sell red roses to guys who forgot presents so we could bring stuff to our lovie dovies and be total morons. They made nice markup on those.

It would have been to keep both, renovate the main room but also keep the cool shops in the corridors, especially the Lex to the main area corridor. Politics entered it and they fucked up both.

>> No.6452710

Credit Suisse First Boston? That's what they were called for like 20 years, they only rebranded themselves as Credit Suisse like 3 years ago. Since I assume you're that guy who moved out of here before 9/11 after a stint at Philip Morris and such, I figured you interviewed with CSFB not Credit Suisse.

>> No.6452715

Never mind
>Credit Suisse First Boston (informally CSFB) was the investment banking division of Credit Suisse Group, prior to 2006. It was active in investment banking, capital markets and financial services.
>2006 was 9 years ago
I still can't accept that it's 2015

>> No.6452735

Four years isn't a stint, I got bored and wanted to hire me, also PMI wanted to hire me. I just wanted to be left alone to write code to do shit, and get paid for it.

You're wrong on the history of Credit Suisse, that sleezebag organization has been known as that since 1986. If you're going to fuck with me, get your history right.

Believe it or not, they brought me to their board room for me initial interview, I wasn't drunk for that one. That's a nice room, but they didn't design that, that was designed from New York folk a long time before Credit Suisse had anything to do with it.

It's old style and very nice, but then so PM did that too. PM got me, I made an error I should have stayed with them but my mom died and I needed some time to myself and didn't want the responsibility that I had.

Life goes on.


>> No.6452752

Well, almost every employee in the US, certainly in NYC would have been a CSFB employee, and investment banking people tend to be more overtly unpleasant than wealth management people, in my experience, so odds were in favor of you having a bad experience with some sleazy investment bankers, at CSFB.

Sorry about your mom.

>> No.6452763

Back in my BNP Paribas days, I could have sorted your nefarious activities by your banking codes and would have. My programs would have reported all of CSFBs nefarious activities to other authorities, that was a legal requirement.

BNP Paribas was a cool company to work for too in NY then they moved to NJ and fuck NJ. I don't want to work in NJ.

walking distance from BNPP to subway to downtown, then transfer to shit train to NJ to be in NJ shit smelly town. Fuck that. They did really niiiice Christmas parties!

>> No.6452772

I knew a guy at BNP Paribas when you were there. I'm not gonna say his name though.

BNP Paribas is at least as sleazy as CS, as an organization. Although with companies with as many fingers in as many pies as those organizations, it's pretty much impossible to have a perfectly clean conscience.

>> No.6452777

Your experience isn't very extensive if you're really declaring that "every employee in the USA, especially in NYC" would have been employed by credit suisse.

Thanks on my mom.

You're wrong on your assertion, are speaking very drawn out BS? You're all employees of Citibank too, I've had offers from them too. The one main thing now is that I don't report to indians. I don't want to deal with their bullshit H1B crap and I don't need to wear a decoder ring in my own country to decipher what the fuck their saying, plus I have to really try hard to not crack up laughing when they bob their heads to and fro while speaking.

That's funny shit.

>> No.6452780

Give initials?
We'll both know if we're right.

>> No.6452829

I said "almost every employee" not "every employee". Certainly CSFB people would have outnumbered CS Wealth Management people in the city.

I would prefer not to.

>> No.6452846
File: 32 KB, 233x423, article-1352393-08C5DFB1000005DC-708_233x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So almost would be what 90%, you're full of shit.

You're also full of shit on knowing me at BNPP, initials wont provide any information except for between me which then I would know and which you're claiming to know.

You're so full of shit that I can smell it from here and I need to spray some Citrus Magic to clear the air. You fucking faggot!

>> No.6452851

He is a 4chan regular, and yeah, maybe 90%

I'm pretty sure that smell is the empties next to your computer. Might be time to take out the recycling.

>> No.6452857

recycling's for fags, that's what I pay other people for. I stuff things and a bag and they deal with it. Why the fuck should I take time to do what they're making money for, let them earn their money. If they want to sort my garbage have at it, but I'm not going to help them at it.

>> No.6452863

You "believe" in carbon credits and hillary clinton as your new religion don't you?

Just admit it.
While you're at it, admit that you like sucking cock.

>> No.6452869
File: 138 KB, 300x100, 4c-chickenhead-201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chickenhead detected
Here's my phone number 6468675309.
That's a New York number.

>> No.6452882

Sorry to give you trolling blue balls, I'm in the middle of cooking and not even drunk yet. If you're still awake later I'm up for some more shitposting about NYC and shillary, but my lamb is gonna burn if I do this now.

>> No.6454057


Looks good OP, definitely a step above Arby's. Doesn't seem like a lot of beef in that sandwich, though. That bun is too big, probably to make the sandwich look more substantial than it really is.

>> No.6454419
File: 2.27 MB, 389x279, 1424649954994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walt's roast beef
>not kelly's

>> No.6454426


when did Arby's start using lettuce?

>> No.6455231

looks about the same quality to me.