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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6439130 No.6439130 [Reply] [Original]

What simple foods do you make that you love?

Pic related, what I made last night. Chicken breast, butterflied, salt and pepper with a bit of garlic, in a pan with a bit of olive oil. Really simple and just plain delicious. I ended up cutting it up and putting it in some veggie soup I made on Monday.

>> No.6439138

Salmon is nice when I have it

Sprinkle coarse salt and have it under the grill at high for like 2/3 minutes then flip+repeat for the other side

V nice

>> No.6439143

Spaghetti aglio e olio.

I use about 5 large cloves of garlic, finely minced, and simmered for about 10-15 minutes in olive oil over very low heat to make them soft and transluscent.

>> No.6439147

rice with butter and salt.
So simple
So delicious.

>> No.6439187

What is that? Pork chop?
Looks delicious

>> No.6439196


steak or salmon filet

salt and pepper
let sit
pan fry

>> No.6439209

Chilled soba with a small amount of a hoisin/soy/sesame oil sauce sprinkled with green onions and sesame seeds. Is good.

>> No.6439215


Soup and bread. Specifically cream of mushroom or french onion. If you can make a pot of either of those soups with fresh ingredients, and get hold of the best, freshly baked bread, that is the best meal.

I've been appreciating simple things a lot more recently. Everywhere you go, especially in supermarkets, you'll see too many choices. An entire fucking isle dedicated to cereal, 40 flavours of fucking chips, frozen pizzas with double bacon, sausage and extra cheese. It's all so fucking boring and exhausting. Simple is the best.

>> No.6439216 [DELETED] 


You weeb faggot just FUCK OFF.

>> No.6439227
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Really nigger?

Back on topic
Fucking balsamic vinegar and olive oil, especially if it's a balsamic reduction/syrup. Dankest snack.

>> No.6439231


Things midwestern whitebreads think

Although in all honesty I'm surprised you even know what hoisin is, let alone soba

>> No.6439233


OP asked for SIMPLE dishes not fucking obscure japanese bullshit that nobody outside of weeb city knows about, sprinkled with a bunch of stupid sauce and seeds. Fuck off.

>> No.6439238



What the fuck. Where do you ever get that idea? I am not from the Mid west, let alone from the USA. I didn't even know what the fucking fuck soba was and googled it. I suspected it was Japanese and OH WOW LOOK WHAT I FOUND


Fuck off you white yellow fever suffering insufferable faglord.

>> No.6439239
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Ok how about:

Sketti with ketchup and NORMAL cheese (pic related)

>> No.6439240
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Where the fuck are you from where you had to google soba? And no, I am not white.

>> No.6439243


>All of this assblasting

Are seriously /ck/ this autistic?

ONTOPIC:Simple, Pan-fried medium rare steaks are the fucking best.

>> No.6439248

>lemme google to see if this is jappy
you are the worst kind of faggot on /ck/

>> No.6439252


>Thinking that people who are normal know anything about obscure Japanese dishes

Fuck. Off. You stupid loli loving queer.


>Calling me autistic

Put your fedora back on, cockboy. The only autists here are the ones who have no social skills and are obsessed with LE UNIQUE AND INTERESTING JAPANESE DISHES xD

>> No.6439257
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>I'm so cultured because I eat Asian cuisine xD

>> No.6439260

who wakes up, gets on /ck/, and decides to troll?

>> No.6439263


pretty much everyone here?

>> No.6439264
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Guys, i found the autist, Should we get him back to /v/ or /pol/? i don't think it'll work on /b/

Also, a nice chicken breast soup with noodles, carrots, spinach and leeks. nice for cold days.

>> No.6439267
File: 34 KB, 448x256, chickenpie_80250_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soba noodles
>soy sauce
>sesame seeds/oil


So how does it feel living in a trailer, anon? Always wanted to try it for a couple of months, but maybe without the sketti-only diet.
inb4 >I was only pretending to be retarded I totally tricked you

On topic:
Chicken pot pie, more specifically jamie olivers recipe (I know, stay mad).
>throw some shit+chicken in a heavy duty tray/pan with oil/butter
>add flour, stir
>add dairy and maybe stock
>put a puff pastry sheet on top.

Seriously is great on lazy days, done in 20-30 minutes.

>> No.6439269

>i'm so 4chin edgey because i hate japapajaajajapajapajaps

>> No.6439273


I never slept. I never sleep. I am here until the end of time and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.6439274

he was clearly pretending to be retarded

>> No.6439275
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Even the captcha knows you're wrong

>> No.6439276

I love how easy it is to spot uncultured pretentious pigs. The dish is simple and it being from japan made absolutely no difference. But the little american fuckboy had to throw a tantrum because his parents did not give him enough pills.

>> No.6439278

What's the deal with Jamie Oliver? Seems okay.

or is the typical 4chan thing "HURRR DURRR HEZ FAMOUZ HE SHUCKZ"?

>> No.6439277


Kill yourselves you pack of loli idolizing anime loving fags

>> No.6439281
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>I'm defending some guy who likes asian cuisine, must be a lolifag

Are you even fucking trying?

>> No.6439283

No, he isn't fucking trying. He's literally just called you a weeb and posted xD and he has you all insulting Americans and trailer parks.

is this your first day on 4chan

>> No.6439289 [DELETED] 


Holy shit. You call someone who doesn't like to eat Asian cuisine (aka dog, cat, rat, dirty noodles in broth, fucking tarantulas,etc) uncultured? My country practically created western culture you moron.

And I already stated I'M NOT FUCKING AMERICAN you stupid slant eyed fish head.

>> No.6439292

Fisrt time on /ck/ and i thought these faggots were contained on /v/

>> No.6439293
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>> No.6439295

Trolls are everywhere. You're more likely to have people appreciate weebshit on /v/.

I can't believe you assholes are responding to such obvious bait.

>> No.6439296
File: 14 KB, 460x277, Jamie Oliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mediocre chef, bit of an annoying faggot at times, but has some nice beginner-intermediate recipes.

>> No.6439297



Fuck off. This is a food and cooking board not a "let's have a circle jerk about how amazing Japanese culture is xD"

Fuck. Off. Final warning before I do something cerialous!

>> No.6439300

nigga uses extra virgin olive oil over high heat
aside from that, hes nothing special or evil. some of his basic stuff is pretty good.

>> No.6439303


Also he added half a bottle of olive oil to a pizza recipe.

>> No.6439315


>Clams on pizza


>> No.6439331

jesus fucking christ its swimming in olive oil he must be trolling

>> No.6439344

Rare cut of steak cooked with just salt and pepper, olive oil then refrigerated cold, taken for lunch with any kind of berries on the side. Mostly strawberries (I know they're technically not berries) or blue/black berries.. any berry, really.

Steak and berries.

This fills me with joy, and I don't know why. Just delicious.

>> No.6439374
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>> No.6439389


>le jamie olivoil meme

don't eat italian food if you don't like olive oil. jamie oliver is not the only guy to dress things with it.

>> No.6439395

Kimchi fried rice with spam and polish sausage and a fried egg on the top
> ib4 korean weeb
> in4 I'd polish your sausage hur dee hur

>> No.6439401

I really like poached eggs on toast. My grandma used to make me that every morning and I loved it. I still do but I barely eat eggs anymore since I'm kind of busy in the mornings.

>> No.6439406


This, just chicken spice instead of salt.

>> No.6440277
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Simple pear and blue cheese tart

>pre made puff pastry
>blue cheese
>sometimes i like to put a little brie on the bottom
>also can caramelize the pears in butter if they aren't ripe enough

It's just assembly pretty much and it's delicious as fuck, if i had to pick 2 foods that make the best flavor combination i'd say it's pears and blue cheese.

>> No.6440329

He has a point

>> No.6440380

best snack with warm fresh sourdough bread hnnnnggggg

>> No.6440498
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>comfy thread ruined by autism

>> No.6440578

Recipe? (As in, what temp / how long)

>> No.6440627


>defrost your dough if frozen
>preheat oven to 200 C/400 F
>prick the center with a fork so the middle doesn't rise
>put ingredients on
>pop in the oven for 20-25 minutes

Just try and see how it is with your oven, the biggest problem is to cook the bottom evenly, i usually just put it on the bottom for 15 minutes and then for the rest i put it a little higher to cook it more evenly. You can also drizzle some honey on it, add fennel seeds, some walnuts or almonds. It's meant to be more of a sweet dish but since i prefer savory to sweet i don't put any additional sugar or honey on top.