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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 296x300, ywap-stinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6438744 No.6438744 [Reply] [Original]

there's this girl who works at my office who's started eating two hard boiled eggs for breakfast at work every morning. it's a small air conditioned office where the windows don't really open. i like eggs but her breakfast fucking STINKS. i walk in every day to that disgusting eggy fart smell as she stands in the kitchen peeling the shell off her eggs, and then the office reeks of it for the next couple of hours. and i'm not the only one who has a problem with it.
wat do? how do you approach someone and go 'your food is making everyone feel sick stop eating it'? should i make a formal complaint to management and avoid having to tell her ti her face that she's disgusting?

>> No.6438754

"hey (name), the egg aroma sort of bothers a few people and makes it hard for them to concentrate, do you think you could prepare so that it's less noticeable?"

wow i must be a wizard or something

>> No.6438771

He'd get called out for oppressing her and lose his job, anon

>> No.6438780
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Up the ante and eat a durian in the office every day until she leaves.

>> No.6438781


what if she counterattacks with surstromming?

>> No.6438803

Does she boil them there? or at home then brings them in?
If she boils them right there fuck with the stove in some way, tamper with it so she can't use it, it's a dick move and fucks over everyone but she will at least stop doing that shit.

She's probably doing some shitty diet plan if she does that every day so she will most likely get pissy with you if you tell her about it. Also going to the boss about that shit is a rat move, you'l be known as a grass.

You could just walk in and be like "Woah it smells of eggs in here" then attempt to get rid of the smell with air fresher or some shit,

>> No.6438817

He'd have to marry her

>> No.6438830

Not to mention when she will digest these eggs

>> No.6438908

she's at it again. right now the whole office smells like she's left a turd under each person's desk

>> No.6438911

wait till she gets an heart attack

>> No.6438932

Tell her to peel them at home and bring 'em in a plastic bag or glass container. Shit ain't gonna stink that bad (or for long) if she doesn't do all the peeling shit at work.

And if that still bothers you, then you need to fuck off, but she needs to prepeel them outside the office.

>> No.6438949
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It could be worse and she could be eating an egg curry instead. (Which, I might add, tastes delicious, but if you are already having a problem with the smell..) OH SHIT. YOU should make an egg curry and bring it for breakfast, and try to "out stink" her. That would be fucking hilarious.

>> No.6438961

more like tomato sauce

>> No.6439068
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Well she'd be dead at that point because she'll OD on sodium from eating it daily.

>> No.6439070

There's this girl in my business law class who would eat cereal extremely fucking loudly every single fucking day for half of the class. Every once in a while you'd see people turn around and give her a "wtf man" face

She eventually stopped at least

>> No.6439073

>Breakfast at work
Tell her to start bringing a fucking McGriddle or something.

>> No.6439074

>Eating eggs(which are notoriously high in cholesterol) every day

>> No.6439076

its a possibility that her diet is about losing weight rather than avoiding atherosclerosis.

>> No.6439078

>implying curries cant be tomato based

>> No.6439081

>I don't know how cholesterol works

>> No.6439086

how do i write in green text?

>> No.6439089


just start the sentence with "Green:"

>> No.6439091

"Green:" test...

>> No.6439096
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>> No.6439097

Just get fuckin passive aggresive with the lysol dude

>> No.6439099
File: 397 KB, 955x1500, 2015-harajuku-style-novelty-French-fried-font-b-potato-b-font-font-b-chips-b-font[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck man, there was this fat bitch in one of my intro calc classes that would go through 2 or 3 bags of potato chips through the lecture. It was a large audience hall but you could still easily hear the crumpling, the crunching, the chewing, the smacking, licking fingers, etc. I'm talking full size bags of chips she brought in her backpack not the single serving kind. What a fucking bitch.

>> No.6439100

>Eating in public
Why do people do this?

>> No.6439101

You must be new to 4chan. To do the right thing, please leave before you make this place even more cancerous than it already is. Probably haven't even read the rules, what a faggot.

>> No.6439127

Tell her that it's an unpleasant smell and ask her if she can pre peel them

>> No.6439161

>Faggot cant stand the smell of an egg
Suck it the fuck up you wussy little fuck. Jesus unless her eggs are rotten they will hardly stink at all. I mean fucking hell man if you are too prissy to ignore that you really should just stay the fuck home.

If you absolutely cannot pull that dick out of your ass just fucking talk to her about it. Don't be a passive aggressive little twat (I know you will have to try really hard but it will be good practice for you!) and explain the problem in a cordial manner. If she refuses or gets offended THEN take it to management.

>> No.6439198

Why doesn't she eat them before she leaves her home? Just wake up 10 minutes earlier. Hell, if she's in a hurry, she can just shove them in her cheeks like a squirrel.

It's going to end up that someone needs to tell her. She probably doesn't notice.

>> No.6439201

Just say something to your boss. Doesn't need to be a formal complaint. No point is creating workplace drama over something like eggs when it can be handled by someone else.

>> No.6439211

>compaining to boss rather than just talking to her
Jesus christ man stop being such a faggot and grow some balls.

>> No.6439213

I would loudly say something near her. "What is wrong with the sewage lines around here? It smells like gross ass eggs every morning, I can't take it"

>> No.6439221
File: 37 KB, 450x600, 1428297313146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take/find pics of people shitting eggs, vomitting eggs, etc. and make it her desktop background until she leaves.

>> No.6439225

Is that bobby flay and daughter? What is it with chefs getting sexy with their hot daughters?

>> No.6439234

>putting salt on eggs

>> No.6439237

>not sure if actually this dumb
Robert Irvine and I'm pretty sure his wife.

>> No.6439242
File: 63 KB, 368x374, fubobbyflay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby flay

Jesus, get your eyes checked. Also please don't remind me of his existence again

>> No.6439245

>robert irvine
Literally who?

>> No.6439254
File: 53 KB, 550x550, bQ61k[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's another celebrity chef on the food network but he is British and spends 3 hours a day in the gym.

Also I heard Flay had a fling with Giada, is that true? I mean they'll deny it but it sounds like something they'd do.

>> No.6439272


ever since i first saw this guy on tv i thought he was using gear. i could tell since he was big and wears nothing but tight ass shirts and seems like a showoff

then, when it came out he had fabricated credentials i knew it for sure. he wants to be bigger and more important than he would be naturally, both in resume and body

>> No.6439280

He probably took gear in his youth but doesn't so much now. But depending on dosage and whatnot it can have lasting effects even 15+ years later.

>> No.6439285
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>> No.6439287

>loudly licking fingers after eating chips

I could slaughter thousands for this.

>> No.6439316

Go down on her then fuck her super hard then super soft. Politely cum inside her then ask her if she could put a belt around your neck. After you pull your big juicy cock out of her blood-soaked pussy hole, stuff it up her black asshole and cause her to shit. Take the shit and smear it as hard as you can inside all the vents on the copy machine and place your gigantic black cock on the scanning part then repeatedly slam the lid onto your humongous, beautiful dark penis until you start to jizz and also emit large squirts of blood from the tip of your beautifully veiny cock. She'll understand about the egg thing after you do that.

>> No.6439322

Wow you must be fucking stupid if you think that.

>> No.6439327

You're right, a 50 year old guy who still wears nothing but skin tight shirts and shows off by making up impressive accomplishments is certainly natty. Please. He's as natty as fucking scoobs.

>> No.6439392

Here's what you do OP (assuming you can't stand the smell or talk to her directly):

Have someone unaffiliated with the office show up, a friend of yours or family member (the younger and more masculine the better), just as the smell is hitting it's peak. As they're walking in they pretend they have zero social awareness and just loudly exclaim to you as they pull a similar face to the one in your pic: "AW M8 HAVE YOU FARTED? STINKS OF FUCKIN' EGGS IN 'ERE! PHWOAR! AW! EGGY WEGGY M8!" You quickly usher them out, acting embarrassed and telling them how rude they've been. When you return to the office, act shocked and apologise.

One of three things will happen now:
1. Egg lady says something at this point, like: "Do my eggs bother anyone else?" At which point you hesitate long enough for her to get the message, before saying something non-committal and changing the subject.

2. Egg lady becomes utterly mortified and never eats eggs again in her life (or makes eye contact with anyone in the office).

3. Egg lady gives no fucks and continues to enjoy her eggs. In this case, she has earned her right to eat whatever she wants without anyone complaining. The protein in the eggs has turned her into the alpha and there's nothing you can do. Suffer her stench or find employment elsewhere.

>> No.6439430

Would agree with most of this, except the choice of accomplice. It occurs to me that if you brought a very polite, demure young woman (or at least someone acting this way), and even they made a huge scene, it would have much more weight.

>> No.6439435

lol >america

in civilised countries, the lecturer would tell her to fuck off with that shit

>> No.6439875
File: 82 KB, 761x960, mittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> pre-peel

Like you pre-open your mouth before you eat something?
Like you pre-switch-on your computer to look at porn?
Like you pre-breathe before you say something?
Like you pre-facepalm before you groan over this post?

Like you pre-suck your sugar-daddy's genital situation before he post-reams your posterior?

>> No.6439879


Nope, not at all. You see, the act of using an oven is "heating" in and out of itself. Therefore "pre heating" is used to differentiate the process from cooking. I know that this might bother people who are on the spectrum, but just remember that language isn't consistent. This isn't done on purpose just to make you mad, it's just the way that it is. Nobody is doing this to make fun of you. It's okay. It will be alright.

>> No.6439884

>the protein in the eggs has turned her into the alpha and there's nothing you can do


>> No.6439895

>Assumes everybody that does something he doesn't like is American

>> No.6439923
File: 245 KB, 500x371, 1417628029940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm on to you.

>> No.6439940

you preheat ovens because the food needs to go IN at a certain temp. often you'll preheat to 400, put a pie in, and set it to 375.

>> No.6439941



No, seriously, that's a nice, sensible explanation. I can follow the original concept behind "to heat" as in "to continuously add fuel to keep the temperature up" which would cause "heat to x degrees" to mean "stoke the fire until the oven is hot, then stop bothering and let it cool naturally".
However, since ovens today have thermostats and do the heating themselves no matter the energy source, a baker's or cook's work - as far as sorting out the oven's temperature - is done as soon as the oven is switched on.
Thus, time and usual practice (you're more likely to cook or bake with maintained temperature rather than in a once-heated-then-cooling oven) have made the need to make the distinction obsolete.

>> No.6439954
File: 41 KB, 631x357, AlfPromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can some people be so sensitive to smell of things, it's outlandish.
>your food is making everyone feel sick stop eating it
Nah I think it's just you, being abnormal oversensitive princess.

>> No.6439965

this is a thing? can you explain the point of an oven starting off hotter than the actual cooking temp, please?

>> No.6439970

Seriously this. I avoid smelly foods but im not such a fuckin priss that I can't deal with smells.

>> No.6439987
File: 29 KB, 408x408, herewego[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did you have to ruin it ...

Listen, fool.

The advice "pre-heat the oven" is the first step. Anything you do afterwards, comes afterwards. So you're doing the heating, the getting-the-oven-to-the-desired-temperature, beforehand already, so you don't need to sound like a pretentions cock by slapping a Latin prefix to a perfectly sufficient verb ... unless of course you're referring to the traditional way of heating - carefully creating and duly maintaining a fire in your hearth, as described in >>6439941 - which however, you will excuse, I find rather hard to believe given that you're not exactly striking me as the linguistically spirited kind of guy.

>> No.6440005

Putting in significant amounts of food will draw a lot of heat energy as it warms to (internal) cooking temperature, and by the time it has reached that, the (external) cooking temperature will have been reached and can be maintained without a significant dip where the oven tries to keep it up but cannot due to the cold food going in.

>> No.6440023

What's wrong with Bobby Flay?

>> No.6440031


There's two reasons for it. One is just like >>6440005 explained. Same thing for deep frying too: when you put the cold food in the hot oil the temp of the oil immedietely drops. You can help avoid this problem by heating the oil (or the oven) to a higher temp than needed so that once you add the food the temperature is where it needs to be.

Another reason is to help get nice browning when you are roasting meat. You set the oven to a very high temp, then put the meat inside. Then after a minute or two you turn the heat down to a lower setting for cooking through all the way. It's a bit like pan-searing the meat before putting it into the oven.

>> No.6440035

damn that makes sense.

should i do this with all my foods? i mean stuff like fries and frozen stuff come out okay but could it be better?

>> No.6440174


Fun fact: Frozen pizza specifically has more water content than fresh one because it takes longer to get to temperature so there is more time spent until cooking where water can evaporate. That's why it says on the box "Cook from frozen, do not thaw". If you did, you would get a pizza that's a lot wetter and soggier than if you did as instructed.
That aside, if it says "put in at x degrees", it likely is best to do just that and not bother, unless you have a REALLY shitty oven with lots of leaks and a weak heat source too.

You just have to use common sense. If you were to bake a delicate cake, for example, using too much heat at the beginning would scorch the outer layers before the insides can even get hot enough to produce a sufficient flow of steam to "cool" the surface as it dissipates.

>> No.6440502

Sounds like something my sister would do. What law school are you going to?

>> No.6440620


>doesn't know cholesterol is THE building block of ALL hormones