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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 635x536, cheerwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6437377 No.6437377 [Reply] [Original]

Jealous, yankee?

>> No.6437390


What's that supposed to be some kind of purry teeth, backwoods after rape refreshment?

>> No.6437399

Ohio reporting in. There are two places within 5 miles of my house that stock it regularly. You're not a special snowflake beyond your inbred hick roots.

>> No.6437406

MDfag I got that shit here too. Boylan black cherry is better.

>> No.6437411



You're more borderline than yankee.

Fuckin' buckeyes thinkin' their shit don't stink.

>> No.6437415

no not jealous

>> No.6437418

I'm actually originally from Florida and despise the hellhole but whatever, still got cheerwine.

>> No.6437420
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>> No.6437441
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Ya'll ain't even from the south, R-ya faagots?

>> No.6437445

I can get Cheerwine locally AND I don't have to live in the backwards, ignorant, Jesus-freak-infested South.

Jealousy status: none.

>> No.6437447

why? that shit sucks!

>> No.6437450

Is that soda supposed to taste like fucking disgusting bubble gum? Worst soda ive ever had and we have some real garbage pops in Canada.

>> No.6437459
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No, you just get to live in some polluted, elitist hellhole.

I'll just be down here with my low taxes, plentiful land, and superior snack food.

>> No.6437462
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Cream soda with a twist of bubble gum is what I always got from it.

They make a version called Big Blue too, which is just straight-up cream soda without the bubblegum taste.

>> No.6437464 [DELETED] 

Floridian here, can confirm Cheerwine at my local convenience store, next to the Sun Drop and NEHI.

>> No.6437512

I think i've actually seen this in some stores in Manhattan.

>> No.6437515

best soda for ice cream floats, hands down. it had to be made for that shit, cuz its so good.

>> No.6437525

jealous of
>lack of literacy
no, never

>> No.6437529

If not then it's an amazing coincidence. The stronger cherry flavor and more mild sweetness compared to other sodas both lend itself really well to ice cream.


That's surprising. The most northern place served by Golden Flake is Indiana.

>> No.6437530
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Whatever you say, blue boy.

I'll be up there later for some of that thin, floppy pizza.

>> No.6437531

we have this in california at raley's.

literally the most common you can get

>> No.6437532

tfw you work at a wendy's in north carolina and you get free cheerwine all night

>> No.6437534
File: 678 KB, 1024x2982, big_cockta-2l_classic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not slurping on a big, juicy, glistening Cockta.

>> No.6437538
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God save the South.

>> No.6437642

If you live in central Ohio, you can get that shit at World Market in Easton

>> No.6437648

you gonna eat that before, or after fucking your sister?

>> No.6437663

>he thinks MD isn't the south!!

If Lincoln didn't illegally disallow it, Maryland would have joined the confederacy, but he held the state hostage. You lot are nearly as inbred as the rest of the south. Shit, I know people from fucking Cecil County (northeastern MD, 40 minutes from Philadelphia, for those that don't know) who speak with a southern drawl.

>> No.6437669

>southern pride moron
>thinks the USA only consists of either bucolic (look it up, inbred illiterate) paradises and urban nightmares
>pacific northwest, rocky mountain region, western desert states not known due to southern "education"
seems about right

>> No.6437671

shit i remember this from vacations in croatia. i didn't really like it a lot back then but i'd love to have some now, if only for nostalgic reasons.

>> No.6437675

The top 3 least polluted states are all northern. Northeastern, in fact, the very center of the gay-marriage universe.
Vermont is the least in the nation.
Of the top 10, none are in the south.

Half of the top 10 most polluted states are in the south, all within the Bible Belt.

Try again.
What's more elitist than thinking you're God's special friend and everyone who disagrees with you even slightly is a hellbound sinner?

>> No.6437714

I'm in PA and literally just saw this at Sheetz, so no.

>> No.6437727

>western PA
>not being culturally southern
Other than Allegheny County, y'all awl tawlk lahk this thurr, tho.

>> No.6437894

>oregon fag
We have these, but don't worry, most of southern Oregon thinks its the actual south anyway

>> No.6437963

You misspelled 'my'.

>> No.6438799

Very very easy to obtain in Boston, lol

>> No.6438801

Kinda actually, I want to try that shit, live in Cali tho.

>> No.6438804

My Ohio niggas.

Clevelander here. There's a new chain called Old Carolina Barbecue Co. Their food is pretty bad, but those motherfuckers have Cheerwine ON TAP. Absolutely based.

>> No.6438813

Honestly, Southerners simply aren't human and should be enslaved

>> No.6438815
File: 87 KB, 350x450, 0316091735_m_john_stamos_450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're actually quite concerned at the amount of sugary drinks you consume. Diabetes is a serious problem in this country.

>> No.6439690

Britbong here, I went to uni in North Carolina and the cafeteria had this on tap. Twas glorious.

>> No.6439739

I can get this in MN and don't because it's not good. Keep your shit water, inbreds.
Not really though. Shouts out to the south for their good ass food and being nice as fuck when I go down there. I still don't like Cheerwine.

>> No.6439760

>everyone in the South is ultra religious

This Brooklyn dago thinks you should go kiss your boyfriend and shut the fuck up.

>> No.6440364

They stock these at places like Rocket Fizz and Bevmo.

I also live in CA and know of like 4 stores that have them within several miles.

>> No.6441117
File: 92 KB, 625x468, 57a6300833a6fba4f79200ae99a57c3087e7efce292a105c6c47dd74e2ed9a9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe your lies

>> No.6441150

>mfw drinking a crate of it in less than a month

I'm surprised I don't have diabetus yet

>> No.6441160

Why on earth would you ever want to attend a school in the US?

>> No.6441203

It's below the Mason-Dixon. It's the South. It's not Dixie, but it's certainly the South, like Kentucky and West Virginia (though WV is also Appalachia as well as the South).

>> No.6441217

>If Lincoln didn't illegally disallow it

So you think Lincoln legally allowed the other states to secede? Did South Carolina call up ole Honest Abe and ask his permission to withdraw from the US? Nah man, all of the secessions were illegal.

>> No.6441234

Full ride for playing soccer. Eh it was a really good time and I got to live in America for 4 years.

>> No.6441239


not quite... maryland basically wanted to remain neutral, and to prohibit the union from crossing it with troops, so Lincoln declared martial law there.

you can argue that he had no explicit power to do so and that it was illegal, but maryland wasn't going to secede

white people in maryland definitely sympathized with the south, don't get me wrong

>> No.6441500

No, because I've got locally-made sarsaparilla that blows that shit out of the water.

>> No.6441918

>yfw I can get this in cali

Shits great.

>> No.6442164


Here in Canada, the Italian supermarket carries it.

>> No.6442242

The secessions were legal. Secession is a right protected by the Declaration. Disallowing the secession and starting the civil war over it was illegal and unconstitutional.
>it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish [the established government] and to institute new Government
That's exactly what the southern states did and Maryland would have done had Lincoln not illegally intervened to stop them from doing so.

Lincoln is a highly controversial figure who can be seen as either a freedom fighter and paragon of justice or the man who assraped the constitution.

>> No.6442822

What paralel universe do you live in anon?

How are you able to acces ours?

>> No.6442839

Cheerwine is overrated
Moxie actually tastes disgusting
Any soda with HFCS is probably a lot worse than any soda made with beet sugar
MUG is the worst root beer ever made
is that it?

>> No.6442848

Land of Lincoln here. Just picked some up from the grocery store.

>> No.6442864
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>> No.6442866

>Moxie actually tastes disgusting
Fuck you. It's gods gift to soda.

>> No.6442873

Rather than mock, why not point out what's wrong? I don't see any errors, factual or otherwise. Are you imagining things?

>> No.6443033



>> No.6443039

>still drinking soda

>> No.6443043

Treat it as candy and there's nothing wrong.

>> No.6443074

Never heard of it but I've a got a relative on vacation in S. Carolina so I might get a hook up.

>> No.6443110
File: 67 KB, 600x450, chicken-fried-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the South isn't the best place to live in the United States

We have the best barbecue.

Scratch that, we have the only barbecue.

Also, chicken fried steak.

>> No.6443118

Walters, Athens, GA.
Best barbecue I've ever had, any of you fags know if it's still around ?

>> No.6443120


It's good shit. Unique.

Much less sweet than most pops, but has a stronger cherry flavor. I wish more sodas did it like that.

>> No.6443124

Yeah, that and corruption.

>> No.6443126

Hell no I'm not jealous. Never was a big soda drinker, and stopped drinking the stuff entirely when I was about 25.

>> No.6443129
File: 56 KB, 472x354, family-style-southern-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not the most prevalent in northern urban areas

'Round these parts politicians will personally show up to help you move into your new house. When they ain't even runnin' for election.

>> No.6443144
File: 105 KB, 800x800, CVR_SFS_SmithIslandCake_0003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's southern and eastern MD, which are pretty much the South.

And then there's the rest of the state.

During the civil war, the tobacco plantations in the eastern and southern part of the state wanted slavery to remain legal. Lincoln put the matter to rest by declaring the state part of the Union.

Now post Maryland-related food.

>> No.6443164
File: 1.16 MB, 2592x1944, chicken-018[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maryland fried chicken.

>> No.6443178
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Nashville hot chicken.

>> No.6443187
File: 472 KB, 1484x1978, hot%20chicken%20from%20Reserve[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a DC restaurant called Reserve 2216 that does great hot chicken. Delicious.

>> No.6443213


>Serving hot chicken with waffles

Get the fuck off of this planet.

>> No.6443227


>No pickle
>No bread
>A waffle

Fuck you and fuck Washington.

>> No.6443297

Not person you're replying to, but Kansas is arguable as far as geographic designation. It's a plains state that typically gets lumped in with the midwest, but the culture and food is closer to that of the south.

>> No.6443660

All your "facts" are made up.

1. The southern states seceded without approval of congress or a referendum, thus making their secession unconstitucional and illegal
2. The southern states seceded in order to avoid being forced to emancipate the slaves.
3. The newly illegal confederate republic initiated aggression with an unprovoked and cowardly act, firing upon Fort Summer in South Carolina, April 12, 1861.
4. Such was the illegality of said secession that the "confederate states" was never recognized by any sovereign nation in the world.

All of your facts and rationalizations do not come from the annals of history or any accepted version of it but instead from your third rate third world southern education or your aryan nation/ku klux klan boot camp,

There is no debate, mr. south anon. and this will be my final post on the subject.

Expect to be made fun of when proposing your redneck history to civilized persons.

>> No.6443677

That's a piece of chicken? Looks more like a mashed up chocolate cake. Either the frying oil is dirty as shit or that chicken is burnt to a crisp. Either way, only niggers eat chicken and waffles.
What's for dessert? Watermelon?

>> No.6443680

cheerwine isnt actually that great

>> No.6443683

shut your mouth heathen, Good watermelon is better than the best apple in the world.

>> No.6443926

im in south central PA, and i saw some in sheetz too. Its a popular drink, but people are starting to see that us northerners want some too.

>> No.6443933

where is your *proof* you fucking faggot.
1 the south says you are gay
2-4 the south says you suck dick

>> No.6443938

>tfw from North Carolina
>hate Cheerwine

People think I'm Satan for hating this shit.

>> No.6444072

But that's wrong.
1. They declared independence/secession. The Union said "lolno" and had a war about it. You know. Like what happened a hundred years before that, just that this time, the ones making the declaration, which was, as shown in the quote from the US Declaration of Independence, completely legal and constitutional.

2-onward: Irrelevant points that have nothing to do with whether the declaration of secession held or lacked legitimacy.

Finally, I'm not even an American let alone a Southern one.

And of course this won't be your last post on the subject. You're as much a liar as you are wrong. So go ahead and reply. Give me another point that's on the subject, as undoubtedly incorrect as it will be, followed by a bunch of other points that are entirely irrelevant to the conversation.

I look forward to reading it.

>> No.6444078

>the mississippi of the north criticizing the south

m8 i am laffin

>> No.6444219


Every Walmart in America carries this

>> No.6444242

That's because you are. Cheerwine is objectively the best soda.

>> No.6444849

Cali resident here. They sell that at the bevmo a mile away. Why am I jealous?

>> No.6445265

I have been very disappointed in the bbq I have had in the south. Georgia especially.

>> No.6445277
File: 48 KB, 800x800, MOXIE-010000_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a hardware store near me that sold Cheerwine and other out of town pop (I'm in Michigan).

Cheerwine was okay but I still have a bottle of this stuff.

>> No.6445540

>The southern states seceded without approval of congress or a referendum

They didn't need approval though.

And the federal government has no constitutional right to quell an attempted secession by force.

>> No.6445547

Nope, I can buy this crap in chicago

>> No.6445620

What university?

>> No.6445628

I'd say corruption is most prevalent in the Midwest but the northeast isn't corrupt, really.

>> No.6445681

whoa man leave apples our of this

>> No.6445689
File: 58 KB, 600x800, vernors+slurpee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just plan on having the most refreshing summer in Michigan

>> No.6445836

been watching unwrapped 2.0 with that faggot negro, eh?

>> No.6448215

mah central niggas I'll have to check this out tomorrow

>> No.6448222

>only the south is corrupt

>> No.6448224
File: 1.17 MB, 1680x1050, 1406757340709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously this shit tastes like cough syrup mixed with pickled pig assholes