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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 599 KB, 1554x2381, Waitress-taking-lunch-order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6434431 No.6434431 [Reply] [Original]

Tips aren't an entitlement. True story:

>Go to Asian restaurant in college town
>Be 18
>With two freshman poorfag friends
>Finish dining
>Pay bill: 40$ split
>Start getting ready to leave
>We pull on jackets, bags, ect.
>Thai immigrant bitch waitress has been eyeing us the entire time and storms over
>Starts screeching at us before we even leave the table
>She is fucking furious and demands explanation why her tip isn't on the table

>> No.6434437 [DELETED] 

>Go to dinner with my grandmother, I've been off at college so we're happy to see each other and catch up and whatnot.
>Waitress has other plans
>often interrupts us in the middle of our conversation or walks up as we're talking then stands there and stares at us
>often brings us the wrong drinks for refills, fucked up our orders for the main course.
>hideous bitch face when I left no tip, she actually ran out after us as we were heading back to my car. She got the threshing of her life from my grandmother.
>I love my gradma.

>> No.6434440
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Am I the only one that tips with fake jesus money?

>> No.6434445

>go to an Ethiopian restaurant
>fantastic service
>good food
>go to pay
>decide to tip the waiter, since he deserves it
>he refuses to take it
>we even argued back and forth
>eventually agreed to take the tip and gave me a "namaste" type of bow
Why can't more servers be like this? I mean without the bowing, that's not very necessary.

A hard-working African immigrant won't take my money, but spoiled white teens have entitlement issues.

>> No.6434448

Brilliant. But it costs to replace those

>> No.6434465

worth it

>> No.6434478

>go to local pizza restaurant
>have to wait to be seated, not because there are no seats but because the servers are absent
>are seated
>water glasses are NEVER filled once
>can see kitchen, food is prepared and left out for servers to take, but it just sits there for five minutes until one of them grabs it
>my pizza arrives almost cold as a result
>order a root beer
>receive a normal beer
>when I complain they bring me a root beer, but don't take away the normal beer
>bill comes
>I've been charged for the beer
>sort it out, pay the bill
>leave without tipping
>as I leave a server grabs my arm and tells me I forgot to tip
>told him it was deliberate because the service was awful
>he tells me I'm an 'asshole' and that servers work hard
>I tell him they don't work hard enough
>he tells me I'm not welcome there again
>I tell him that suits me just fine
>after leaving I see NINE servers sitting on a step out the back smoking and drinking
>this explains why they were notably absent

>> No.6434480

I wish I lived in a place where there were enough restaurants to not tip anyone.

>> No.6434485

Servers are some of the most entitled people there are. To be fair, they have to deal with the shittiest people.

>> No.6434490
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>go to an Ethiopian restaurant
>Ethiopians have food
See this is how I know you're full of shit.

>> No.6434493

Tipping s part of eating out you retard. You're just wrong if you think it's an extra like chocolate that come with the bill. Just pay the 15% and get over yourself.

>> No.6434499

>go to restaurant
>shit service
>no tip
>don't go back
>place closes in a few months
>new place opens
>see step one

>> No.6434503

>spoiled white teens have entitlement issues.

they got it from their parents.

>> No.6434504


Naw fuck that I've made every dollar of my life front-of-house and I would never be that big of a prick. That guy went to the shittiest pizza parlor I've ever heard of.

>> No.6434505

This anon right here. Don't want to sit down and have a meal with a wait staff? Don't want to have someone shlep your food to your fatass because your too lazy to go get it? Well there is this place called McDonalds. You should try it sometime.

>> No.6434510

Oh and wait staff and delivery people make shit because their bosses expect them to live off of their tips. It's why your food doesn't cost anymore than it does and you don't pay a delivery fee.

>> No.6434517

It seems more and more places have a delivery fee.

>> No.6434536

White teenager from some hick town with no passport detected

>> No.6434539

McDonalds employees work harder than restaurant servers on any given day

>> No.6434542

So why does it look so awful? Do people actually fall for this?

>> No.6434549

Most states require by law that employers pay minimum wage if the employee's regular wage and tips don't make up to that amount. Tipping just makes assholes feel like they deserve extra for doing their jobs properly.

>> No.6434561

>paying people to do their job because their boss is a lazy fatcat that rakes in all the money and hoards it to themself

Entitled, American server detected

>> No.6434569

You put it sticking out from under a plate.

I know because some asshole left one at the restaurant I worked at in college.

I didnt get upset if people didnt tip me, I mean yeah I was making 2.50 and my manager never adjusted my wage based on tips but whatever. I get it, money can get tight.

What did piss me off is when someone would do shit like this. Who the fuck would think this could possibly leave someone thinking, "Yeah this is way better than 10 bucks!" ?

>> No.6434577

>don't pay a delivery fee

Almost every delivery place I know has a delivery fee. Also being a server myself for 3 years I know that your whole post is bullshit. Before tips I made 6$ per hour which was like 1 dollar under minimum wage. With that I had enough money to live in an apartment and be content. The tips however were amazing. I was making more money than your Average Joe working 40 hours a week for 12 dollars an hour. All I had to do was pretend to be nice to people and I got oodles of money. Just because you are so fucking cynical that you can't hide how much of an ass you are (which in turn makes you get shit for tips) doesn't mean every server is living a life of extreme poverty, barely scraping by without their huge tips.

>> No.6434609

>driving down the road to my friends house to pack the car for our 4 hour trip
>window shatters
>guy comes out the next morning to replace the window at 8 am
>give him a 20 after he finishes and tries not to accept but I insist
>I tell him how much I appreciate him coming out so fast to help me in my time of need

tips should really only come from the heart and not because society tells you to give x amount

the same sorta thing happened where a locksmith had to drive out in the middle of nowhere because my friends key wore down so much that the car wouldn't start

we all chipped in and gave the guy 100 bucks for a tip even though he was getting paid by AAA because we would've been so fucked without him

>> No.6434617


In a lot of ethnic restaurants the wait staff get a flat salary and all tips go straight to the owner as part of the night's take. Doubly true if they are typical trafficked workers and totally under the thumb of the business owner. You probably put her under quota and got her a tongue lashing or worse from her owners.

Hope you're proud of shitting on someone whose life was already a pile of shit, you smug asshole.

>> No.6434618


>> No.6434679

>never tipped before back home
>never tipped casually during my travels
>move to the US
>I am Satan, Ebenezer Scrooge, and Adolf Hitler combined

Jesus fuck, I can still remember the first time I went to a restaurant when I moved here. Went with a couple of friends to some shitty diner and got served food that was eighty percent grease. As we're about to leave everyone puts down a couple of bills on the table like they just had the greatest service of their life. And then when we left, one of them asks me why I didn't pay a tip. Even when I explained that a tip is supposed to be given for service that requires skill or excedes what is expected, someone else practically demanded that I go back and leave a tip.

I refuse to tip at every damn restaurant and café I go to. I'm not so rich that I can afford to drop an extra ten or twenty percent on top of taxes just because it's a "social requirement". I tip when I feel that the quality of the service is exceptional, not when someone tosses a lump of beef on a flattop and crams it between to buns with a side of fries.

I still don't tip at every shitty restaurant I go to, but when people call me out on it I just meekly try to redirect the conversation. I'm not going to change other people's perspectives, I'm just going to stick with what I know.

>> No.6434706

>whiteknighting azn

Go back to thailand, gook.

>> No.6434810
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>> No.6434831

I tip at every sit-down restaurant I go to and at fast-food places on holidays, but I don't generally go to a lot of sit-down restaurants because shit's expensive and not worth it.

>> No.6434832
File: 7 KB, 210x215, smug afro american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using edgy
>still using edgy and even using it wrong

>> No.6434840

My problem is waiters and waitresses will bitch about how they "live off" of tips but won't mention how often they have nights where they take home over $100.

You gotta assume a server working say a six hour shift probably gets what, three tables minimum per hour? Assume at least $5 a table that's $90 on top of what you're getting paid hourly.

Grow the fuck up and get a better job if that's not enough for you. These are the same people who believe in the myth of a wage gap.

>> No.6434845

I tip when I'm served, but I never tip a fucking barista or some schmuck at a deli. That's asinine. I might drop 'em a dollar if it's a place I regular and I always get good service. Usually leave a dollar at the place I get my calzones.

>> No.6434858
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>saving a thumbnail

>> No.6434865
File: 771 KB, 500x281, kaiki blowdryer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture goes to original size when clicking it

Nigga you straight up retarded.

>> No.6434871

>doesn't even know what a thumbnail is

>> No.6434881

I was a line cook for three years and my servers each made in one saturday night what I made in two weeks
you can't go to a shitty website like cracked or buzzfeed without at least three articles telling you you're literally putting a single mother out on the street if you ever don't tip, even for god awful service
fuck you, earn your tips

>> No.6434904


I'm >>6434577 I only got the job because they were the only place hiring close enough for me to walk (while I was in school) and I thought it was going to be hell. "Living" off tips is the easiest shit. I'm a cynical jaded cunt and even I could pretend to be happy to rake in a shitton of cash. Serving is easy if you aren't a fatass slob that can't stand walking and sometimes carrying things under 20 pounds all day. I felt bad for all the cooks and I never complained outside my first week. I bet every server who complains about low tips are the kind of people who can't budget, do simple math, or blow all their tip money on stupid shit.

>having to deal with stuckup servers
>having to listen to stuckup servers
>having to sit in the heat all day
>having to make shitty food for people with godawful taste (well done steaks, etc)
>never getting a break while all the servers go out and take smoke breaks

tl;dr serving is easy, you have no right to complain, tipping isn't required, it's the job you chose so suck it up or quit

>> No.6434905

Tip for good service, not because its mandatory. People who call you an asshole or a big meanie face are insignificant because all that is is a objective opinion. Either-way, they're just poor saps who have been brought up in a culture where they think they must tip to make that greedy filthy business man pay his waiters less.

Heck I don't even tip for normal service, I only ever tip if they have gone out of their way for me and haven't bothered me constantly in the meal. The real people who should be tipped are the cooks.

>> No.6434908

samefagging because text disappeared

Before Greentext. *Cooks had it the worst

>> No.6434929

So this is still /ck/? Has not changed a bit and I havent been here in almost a year. A fucking tipping thread at the top of the list with college kids one upping each other about how hard they dont tip. So cool, it's like these people dont even give a fuck, man!

What you idiots should be doing instead is demanding that businesses start paying their staff fucking more than half a peanut a day, instead of passing the buck onto the customer to jew them into paying the employees wages. Nothing will change if you just dont tip, all that happens is you look like a cheap asshole and will be "that non tipping guy" if you ever wanna go back and make everyone around you not like you.
If you had any balls at all, youd tell the wait staff "I dont tip." When they get your drink orders. Remember, they are expecting a tip, so why not be honest with them right away?
If you hate tipping so much, dont eat at places where tipping is expected and part of their business model because I agree its greedy jew bullshit. Lobby to pass a law that says they cant pay their waitstaff less than min. wage and make the rest up in tips, tell the owner yourself that you wont eat at a place that depends on the customer paying the employees instead of his fat ass.

Or you know, you can continue making endless tipping threads about how much you never tip and a loud mouth bitch gets mad at you. (so badass!)

And their excuse for not doing it is because muh food costs. Meanwhile the owner is pulling away from his main store in a brand new luxury car and doing coke off of his trophy wifes fake titties and has no idea how to manage money because he doesnt have to. He charges you 25 bucks for a seafood special that costed him less than the 3 Dollars an hour he legally has to pay his waiters.

>> No.6434934

>thread about not tipping
>some faggot inevetably whines about his jewgolds

>> No.6434979

Can we talk about how awful servers/waiters are?
I`ve been working in the restaurant business since i was 13 and I`ve always hated the wait staff. They`re so fucking entitled an their jibs are usually easy.

>> No.6434992

I tip for good service
I don't tip for bad service
If you can't do your job, you deserve minimum wage just like everyone else in the restaurant (and yeah, you will get minimum wage, if you're so fucking terrible you don't make it with your tips the employer is required by law to pay the difference, if they don't just fire you for being awful)

>> No.6436420

>be Aussie
>if you're on 60k/year here you're "just" sort of scraping by
>had a shitty, $18/h janitor part-time while at university
>had to eat 30c ramen and 25c cans of spaghetti
>go English teaching in Japanese elementary schools
>only get $130 for a day's work
>"work" consists of playing card games and singing songs so it isnt so bad
>only have to do 2-3 hours of classes
>surf 4chan about 2-3h a day in off periods
>usually home by midday, 2 at the latest
>had 4 months off a year due to school holidays n shit
>decide to I wanna move to Europe or go back or something
>see threads like this and realise just how good I have it in my cushy job
I dont know how it's even physically possible to live on $12/h like >>6434577 was saying, let alone less. Do you have to just eat cup ramen and live like a university student? Is the cost of living really that cheap there? I traveled there once and remember that fuel and milk was like... RETARDEDLY cheap but I didn't notice much else.

>> No.6436506

Course they're not, you work for your hours, tips are a bonus

>> No.6436516

Genuine question, what would you consider exceptional service?

I mean, there's only so much a server can really do; know the menus inside out, get your food to you quickly and correctly, make sure you needs are seen to. What more could you expect?

>> No.6436518

>what, three tables minimum per hour?
Yeah, no, that's not how it works.

>> No.6436543

pleasant to interact with, reasonably swift service, accuracy of order (go between of me and the cook). thats all it takes to get a hefty tip from me.

if youre a sullen cunt, fuck up my order, and take forever, you get nothing. honestly, its not fucking hard to smile and do your job correctly. even if somethign goes wrong, because lets face it, shit happens, and you apologize and make a good effort to fix it, youll get a tip.

>> No.6436550

He doesn't believe in it

>> No.6436569

That's pretty much what I was hoping to hear

>> No.6436577


I would never give a tip for horrible service. But for run of the mill service where nothing is fucked up, even if the food sucked, you're supposed to leave at least something. It's just how it is over here. You can listen to the butthurt neckbeards on here saying they don't tip, but they are either lying or huge cunts to deal with. It is a custom over here. Just the way it is. All I ever see on the internet is people chastising Americans for not observing their customs. It goes both ways. The food is cheaper to account for the tips and very seldom do you get a waiter not worthy of a tip. I've been to Europe. I know just how bad service can get when the staff has no incentive to perform well.

>> No.6436583


>> No.6436587

>not knowing that a lot of restaurants have low profit margins
>probably thinks a kia is luxury

>> No.6436593
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>> No.6436651

>people getting baited by the same old copypasta

>> No.6436669
File: 135 KB, 1200x836, clint-eastwood-photos-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finished the night working in a buffet, god that job sucked
>As I'm cleaning out the buffet front a waitress starts sobbing loudly
>I ask what happened
>"This family of 6 didn't leave any tips I got stiffed"
>Tried to be positive, say "You can't do anything about it now but it'll be ok shit happens."
>She starts screaming at me saying I don't understand blah blah blah
>Chef finally hears all this shit and I get yelled at because he initially thinks that it was my fault (he learned later it wasn't but never apologized)
>Front of the House Manager went to console the bitchy server, she her crying on her shoulder later
>Server from there on out gives me a death stare whenever I'm working

I'm not an MRA anything, but the double standard can be fucking ridiculous. I'm just glad I never have to see that place again.

>> No.6436704

who tips more than a buck or two at a fucking buffet anyway?

>> No.6436726

Why the fuck would you tip at buffets?
All they do is just take your dishes away
its not like its fucking hard

>> No.6436736


This. Tips are for table service restaurants in which you order off a menu and are served by a waiter or waitress. Buffets & places where you order & pick up your food at the counter are not tipped.

>> No.6436742

Does taking an order warrant that much effort? I go to a buffet and go through a shitload more plates so the waiters visit my table a lot

>> No.6436749

>Does taking an order warrant that much effort?
Apparently it does seeing how servers are so shitty they can't even get your order right

>> No.6436753

>Does taking an order warrant that much effort?

Nobody said it was warranted, but that's just how the tradition works. Tipping is associated with physical assistance from someone: a waiter taking your order, a bellhop carrying your suitcase to your room, etc.

>> I go to a buffet and go through a shitload more plates so the waiters visit my table a lot

Your buffet has waiters? Normally it's one or the other. What do the waiters do at a buffet if you are getting your own food?

>> No.6436754


Ethiopian cuisine is a thing, the country is starving though for other reasons.

>> No.6436760

get drinks, take the dirty plates away, keep an eye out for people trying to leave without paying. basically all the parts that aren't bringing you food

>> No.6436775

people tip at a deli? I work at a deli and it would be really weird if someone tried to tip me.
probably against the store rules to accept it too

>> No.6436777

We had an Ethiopian restaurant in an town filled with old white people. Naturally it failed because people are afraid of anything ethnic that isn't Mexican or Chinese. Only went twice and we were the only people there. I miss it.

>> No.6436797

Mellow Mushroom downtown Atlanta, June 2014. The cooks burned my food and had run out of some ingredients which affected which menu items were available. My waitress was covering more than just her assigned section because another employee hadn't come in to work that night. One older woman who had been seated already bitched to the manager about the waitress and left without tipping or paying as far as I could tell.
While the service was subpar I did tip my waitress because none of the problems encountered were her fault. I really wanted to give her a hug too because everything that night was obviously taking a toll on her but that wouldn't have been acceptable.

>> No.6436959

>pizza restaurant
>waiting to get seated


>> No.6438694

Kitchen worker here. All the servers at our restaurant are either smokers, drinkers, partiers, or a combination of the three.
Same goes for most of our cooks, prep cooks, and dish washers...
I don't feel bad for anybody who complains about money, but smokes and goes out drinking every other night.

>> No.6438700

>tfw there is always that one restaurant that your town had that was genuinely amazing but just didn't survive, but other ones that serve meh-tier food do well since everybody goes there on principle
I'm looking at you Boston Pizza.

>> No.6438939

That's great. I want to try that sometime.

>> No.6438960

You non-tippers at such fucking jewfags.
>wah wah I don't tip because the system
>wah wah I don't tip because cooks should be paid more
> wah wah I don't tip because Europe doesn't tip as much as is expected in America
> wah wah I could have cooked this at home
> wah wah this one time my server was on a smoke break therefore all bad service is because lazy servers

I fucking hate every one of you. If you can't afford to pay for service don't fucking go out. If you don't like the system, don't eat at restaurants. If you can cook it better at home, by all means do so.
Fuck every last one of you non tippers.

>> No.6438970

Entitled waitress identified.

>> No.6438975

You still make vastly more money than other unskilled jobs in spite of the minority of people who don't tip you.

Cry me a fucking river.

>> No.6438977

I often leave big tips especially for cute girls who serve me. My father's allowance and my day job mean I don't have to be frugal and it gives me the luxury of impressing waitresses with my money. I leave 80·/. to 90·/. tips for the most part. It pays off.

How does it pay off? I once got the cutest ever girl server at an iHop to leave her number on my receipt. I didn't even ask for it! We didnt keep on touch considering her interests weren't as interesting as mine but it would have been nice to have sex with her. Remember people, tip well!

>> No.6438980

Thank god servers are paid a certain minimum wage where I live, so I can just tip to round up and/or reward very good service.

>> No.6438985

stop posting

>> No.6438986

No, I'm a cook. But I treat my waitstaff as allies and I realize that when customers tip we all make more money.
>happy customers are return customers
>you're a fucking Jew

>> No.6438997

>tfw no tipping culture in the UK

I got over 9000 death stares when I toured the US a few years ago just because it didn't even occur to me to tip shitty service. One place I went to tried to stop me from leaving until I paid the '15% service charge' saying that it was an important, but optional, part of the bill. Thankfully, the British accent is a great bargaining tool.

America is a strange place.

>> No.6439006

>paying rich tips to get to fuck some crackhead college dropout every once in a while

>> No.6439008

Tipped servers are literally paid more than 99% of unskilled labor jobs. I have no problem tipping and actually tip fairly well. But for fuck's sake they can be entitled cunts.

>> No.6439009

>after leaving I see NINE servers sitting on a step out the back smoking and drinking

Could you make this just a little more believable?

>> No.6439023

Sorry bub, but that simply isn't true.

If it were the case I would have reported her to the management at ihop rather than follow it up with a text. In my times at restaurants I have gotten flirty with really pretty dames the likes of which probably wouldn't bother with a non-tipper like yourself. Guess what it pays to tip if you ewnt to socialize with chicks. Yup, you heard it here first, dipshit. Don't tell me how to spend MY money.

>> No.6439025


Citation needed

>> No.6439048

I'm not them and British so tipping isn't an obligation here. But I tip (usually a keep the change type of deal and rounding up to the nearest ten or five) if the server is friendly, able to give recommendations but otherwise leaves the table completely alone aside from taking the order, delivering it, bringing the bill or I flag them down.

>> No.6439055

i wish pro-tippers werent such obvious bait

>> No.6439057

>I've been to Europe. I know just how bad service can get when the staff has no incentive to perform well.

You probably have a different expectation. Culturally eating out is a different experience, in America you expect the server to kiss the ground you walk on and be there constantly to give you refill, make chit chat, etc. In Europe its a more of a "if you need something flag me down, I ain't a mind reader". I read a story awhile ago of some Americans in Europe that were waiting like 40 minutes for the bill because they didn't realise that here the custom is to flag the server down and often people will just sit and chat after a meal and maybe get a drink.

Personally I prefer the European way of serving. It's much less intrusive, I don't want to make chums with the waiter and have them breathing down my neck.

>> No.6439060

>and often people will just sit and chat after a meal and maybe get a drink.

And to add to this: stuff like this is actually possible because you don't have a server trying to hurry you out the door so they can make their next tip.

>> No.6439061

lolz does it say tears?

>> No.6439126

Also it's shady to try to really replicate currency. It's obviously illegal to counterfeit, but some software like newer versions of Photoshop will not even let you edit a scan of US currency if it detects it.

>> No.6439189



>> No.6439197

Yeah but she was probably cute and innocent, and you're probably a creepy sperg, so it's understandable how they reacted. Don't be a creep, anon. Women are not vending machines that you can put kindness coins into and the sex falls out.


This isn't uncommon, there's an indian buffet near my work where they come around and give you naan and tandoori chicken even after you went through the hog trough line to load up your plate like a hambeast. I think it's supposed to contribute to the sense of indulgence and excess. The style is not to my taste (nor are buffets in general), but some people lap it up.

>> No.6439220


If you ever do this, you can't ever go back to the same restaurant without having your food fucked with.

>> No.6439450
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>> No.6439549

>father's allowance
>my money
>leave big tip to prove you're rich, not just having it be readily apparent

RIP my sides, stop posting, kill yourself

>> No.6439679
File: 65 KB, 497x760, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a kebab place
>literally called "kek"
>none of my friends want to go in, fuckin normies
>they go to mcdonalds instead
>walk into kek
>order a burger cause I didn't feel like kebab
>$5 for a good sized burger, some amazing fuckin fries sprinkled with spicy red shit and a drink
>owner looks like a terrorist
>worker looks like he just got done wiring a bomb
>cashier girl checking me out looks like she's the only virgin female for miles despite being 18+ spaghetting everywhere
>friends meet me back at kek, eye my fries, t-those look pretty good man
>mfw the entire thing was fucking delicious
Pretty sure it'll close down soon enough, I was literally the only customer

>> No.6439709

>be waiter in uk
>bout 20k dollarydoos a year from wages and 5k in tips
>also free room to live in and tons of free food, work is 5 mins away(saves me 12k a year at least)

Why the fuck can't america do it right? non-tippers are scum but it's not that big of a deal for me if they're jews cause the tips are a bonus/.

>> No.6439725

stopped reading right there.
It goes in all fields.

>> No.6439731

I tip, and I don't have any problem with it... for table service.

More and more I'm seeing take-out joints and fast casual places that are obnoxious about their tip jars, or use those credit card terminals that try to guilt you into adding a tip. Fuck you, I'm not tipping you unless you bring shit to my table.

Next there'll be self-service ordering kiosks with fucking tip jars next to them.

>> No.6439737
File: 2.02 MB, 1602x2424, ignatius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some confederacy of dunces level shit. Please continue

>> No.6439777

>Next there'll be self-service ordering kiosks with fucking tip jars next to them.

Be sure to tip your robot overlords once they take over the world.

>> No.6440634

We had a Donair place that was pretty solid, even sliced the beef off the giant skewer thing. Didn't often have many people in. Shut down.

>> No.6440641

The concept of having to tip BEFORE you even eat your fucking food or your drink irks me.

>> No.6440654

I can't remember the name, but there was this burger/fast food place in Chicago where they berate you for not using the tip jar. It's their gimmick or something.

>> No.6440664

That's technically what tipping is (insure proper service), anything given after the service is actually called gratuity

>> No.6440682
File: 5 KB, 103x144, 1382080319306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is exactly what happens at the one i delivery drive for.
i used to be the assistant manager, but i quit that job when i couldn't fucking fire them or even send them home for fucking off on the job and the general manager wouldn't do it either.
it was and is fucking infuriating to know that the cocksucer that replaced me makes four times what i do to fuck off on facebook with his smartphone and take naps in the adjacent dining room.

on tipping the delivery guy: i don't really care either way. no amount of money you give me is going to change anything in my life. you can give me a penny, you can give me twenty bucks, doesn't matter - i'm still taking home less than 10k a year (about 4800 on paper with another 1-2k in tips, after taxes).

>> No.6440732
File: 199 KB, 600x540, 540706d6Mj4gsaPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always tip according to how well the server is. if i give a shitty tip it's because theyre a shitty waiter.
i used to be a regular at this diner for about a year.
i came back maybe about 5 months ago
>get this waitress around my age
>she sits at the counter the entire time talking to some douchey guys
>barely came to the table
>i'm glaring at her the entire time waiting for her to come over
>it took her 20 minutes to give us the bill
>give her a shitty $1 tip that she didnt even deserve

>come back a few months later
>douchey guys werent there and yet she still continues to slack off and not do her job properly
>barely came to the table at all
>once again, took us 20 minutes to get the bill
>give shitty tip once again

theyre lucky they have good food. i hope when i go back there she's gone.
if a server is great, i will give them a good tip, but if theyre shitty i wont hesitate to leave them a shitty tip

>> No.6440849

It's more that the manager wants the table cleared and reset so they can get the next ticket in. Waitstaff usually understand that if they rush you their tip will go down.

Management loves turnover though.

>> No.6440852

I always tip the Pizza Guy/Gal well, because they're always quick, extremely pleasant, and very polite. If only more waitresses were like that.

>> No.6440884

me too, our house in is assfuck nowhere and they come up, it's not too far from town but it's buried in backroads. I tip well because unlike sit down places Im sure these people have seen some SHIT. At least at a sit down you generally have to behave in a way that wont get the cops called, delivering to a home basically throws that out the window

>> No.6440954

From what I've gathered, people opening the door in the nude is not uncommon.

>> No.6440971

When I visited American restaurants it was horrible, the waiters were constantly hovering and grovelling with this fake friendliness all for a few extra shekels. I'm glad we don't have that tipping culture here (in Australia) because I want the waiters to leave me alone unless I want something

>> No.6440976

Nowhere I've been in the US have I seen that.
Ideally it should be.
>once for drink orders
>once for food orders
>once for bringing food and checking on drinks
>once more towards end for drinks

>> No.6440982

>Tipping s part of eating out you retard. You're just wrong if you think it's an extra like chocolate that come with the bill. Just pay the 15% and get over yourself.

Raise the price by 15% and give that wage directly to the staff. I pay the price listed.

>> No.6440984

>It's why your food doesn't cost anymore than it does and you don't pay a delivery fee.

However both of those statements are false if you 'have to' tip.

>> No.6440995


Maybe just in comparison to what I'm used to, I've heard the same thing from a lot of people who have been over there. On the other hand a lot of Americians who come here complain about how terrible the service is

>> No.6441003

leave austrailia brah

>> No.6441020
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all youi non tippers; if you come in my place and I know you will stiff my staff, I will personally penis your food.

>> No.6441041
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Do it

>> No.6441045
File: 2.86 MB, 396x222, McFucking Kill Yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It goes in all fields.
>didn't put it in all fields

>> No.6441058
File: 39 KB, 556x798, brock01s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont think I wont. I have done it before.

>> No.6441059

What's the catch?

>> No.6441061

>impressing people with money
Didn't think I would have to filter a trip on /ck/

>> No.6441153
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>> No.6441172


How would you know they're non-tippers until after their food has arrived?

>> No.6441283
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>giving workers good wages

>> No.6441302

Fucking this. If the service is nice at a big restaurant, I'll tip. But I'm not tipping the guy at the Subway register just for handling my money.

>> No.6441304
File: 77 KB, 338x540, aboriginal-woman-collecting-witchetty-grubs-australia-BPD511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you come in once and never return, well then you got me.
god have a mercy on your soul should you ever come back though.
Its happens rarely enough that we will remember you.

>> No.6441310

How about you just pay them more? Or teach them to not suck.

>> No.6441313
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>I totally walk out there and remember people who have already left! Honest!

>> No.6441314

Why can't these stupid chicks do business without being so detrimental and snake-like in their business practices? I placed an order for some food at a Chinese restaurant today. I was told by her over the phone that the total would be $24.38 and some change. I get their, I hand her my debit card to pay for my food and asked her again how much my total would be. I was told $24.38.

I arrive home, started eating my food, and saw that she sneakily charged my card for $29.70. I have a bank app that gets pop-up notifications whenever I spend money, that's how I was able to notice this heinous charge. I called them up and questioned them about it. The cook answered the phone and not the stupid women that was standing at the register that answered when I ordered. I told them I'd be back up their later to demand the $5 they overcharged me. But figured I'll just teach them a lesson by never doing business with them again and writing tons of bad reviews about my experience with them online to damage their reputation.

Hope that was worth the $5 you so eagerly wanted from me, you stupid shithead chinks.

>> No.6441318

...or you could chargeback the money and let them rage.

>> No.6441320

>total would be $24.38 and some change

I meant to delete the 'and some change' part after proof-reading that, derp.

>> No.6441326


Not sure how to 'chargeback' with a debit card. I'm guess you can do that with a credit card?

>> No.6441335

If you didn't punch in your PIN when they charged you, you should be able to do it either through your bank's website or over the phone. Just tell them the charge is fraudulent and most major banks will back you up on it. If you have a receipt for $24.38, then it's even better since you can back up the correct amount.

>> No.6441338

>tfw male bartender in a college town with a pretty face

Man, it's the best job to do while in school. Kicks the shit out of being a server.

>> No.6441394

>be English Teacher fag in Japan
>become bartender
>It's fucking awesome as shit
>getting drunk for free at work every day
Best part is getting paid to do so.

>> No.6441431

Ethiopian food is actually really good. It remind me a lot of indian food. It's a bunch of sort of sauce-like dishes than you use this really soft,sour sort of dough that you use to eat them with. I love it.

>> No.6441435

Depends on where you live. People who tip in Canad infuriate me because servers only make a little less than a dollar under minimum wage as default and tips are added on top. They don't subtract the difference or whatever and lower the wage. They get a flat like 9.50$ an hour and any tips are added on top.

Tips are a relic of prohibition and anyone who defends them is a fucking retard. Food would not be more expensive if you got rid of them. Why do you think almost no one in the world has tipping besides fucking Americans.

>> No.6441445

Servers are suddenly police?

>> No.6441456

I work for tips and I don't feel entitled to them. I'd like to think I'm good at my job because most people tip me well. If someone doesn't tip I assume they didn't feel I deserved it and move on. It comes with the territory. I make enough money right now I don't feel threatened by non tippers.

>> No.6441499

that guy is british though

>> No.6441502

>>had a shitty, $18/h janitor part-time while at university


I got paid 17.35 an hour when I was working as a middle school teacher in the US.

it's been a year since then, but I'm really starting to come around to how much they really, really fucked me over.

sage for offtopic.

>> No.6441510

Resposting a rant from a while back 1/2

Guys can someone explain to me what the hell is wrong with waiters in America?

Tips are SUCH a fertile ground for making mad money. I used to do some service part time in Asia then exchanged to America.

I don’t get why waiters here are so half hearted when you can make dose just by being uplifting.

I’ve tried time and again to push some things across:

People who behave angrily are of a few categories:
Having a shitty fucking day
Are in a real hurry
Are internalising something that has gone wrong with service

I cannot tell you how many times simply asking if they need anything with a smile and apologising for a perceived lack of service has either guilted my customers into tipping more and then frequenting the place because thats where they come seeking shelter from the shit flinging of life. On the corollary, no matter how bad your own day is, as a service person you cannot bring that shit into the professional workspace.

Similarly, when I know service is slow due to any number of reasons I inform them of this fact.

Also if you seen people who came later than someone and are being served the food first, apologise and explain why the fuck that happened. In some cases I brought the people some juice with my own money - think of it as an investment, some shitty 2 dollar juice is worth it if you can garner the loyalty of someone who will come back and keep making bigger tips.

>> No.6441513



How hard is it to remember the names of the regulars? For me if Ive seen you once before in the past week you’re a fuckin regular. I fucking love it when waiters/service staff at the JW Marriott remember you by name in the morning. (Rich enough in Asia, Murica expensive as fuck)

Why do the waiters here have no clue of what they are serving? How hard is it to know what shit on the menu tastes like. The cooks are more than happy to let you taste a small morsel such that you can have a clear idea about what shit tastes like in a week of working. Whats the point of a waiter that cannot tell you what’s good.

If you can’t do anything other than carry shit from the counter to the table I don’t see why anyone would bother tipping. God fucking dammit. Im mad because I went to a restaurant earlier and had to express my disgust.

Got it off my chest.

>> No.6441604

>go to chick-fil-a for the first time
>cashier literally brings the food to my table, acts very kindly, brings me my drink after I forgot to grab the cup
>doesn't expect a tip and goes right back to work
I almost felt like pulling out a $20 and handing it to her but that'd feel kind of cheesy

>> No.6441699

Line cook here

If you really cared then you would come to the kitchen when you are done with your meal and just tip the cooks with beer.

>> No.6441712

Trust me bro, I want to, I want to.

>> No.6441840 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1944, ck fucks curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

mods, pls.

>> No.6441841

ya got a small penis

>> No.6441844

It's not mine. Some fag working at an indian place was told by his boss to get rid of a bunch of curry. /ck/ convinced him to shape some of it into a butt and put his dick in it.

>> No.6441889

This is better story than any thread on here right now

>> No.6441905

It's a buffet. Unless you are one of those fags who goes to a buffet and orders a single meal the waitress literally does nothing but serve you drinks and take your plates. Doesn't have to remember shit other than 1-2 word drinks.

>> No.6441923
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>We pull on jackets, bags, ect.

Explanation in a nut shell Dumb, entitled bitches, especially college age ones are notorious under or non tippers.

>> No.6441925

>I tip well because unlike sit down places Im sure these people have seen some SHIT

Yea, when I was a delivery driver at 18 some asshole crashed into me, causing me to be late. Also avoided many crashes. Fucking crazy drivers in my area.

>> No.6441936

It's the joke

>> No.6442068

oh wow, I can read the menu and yell to the chef what I want and he can yell back at me and I can get my ass up and go get the plate and bring it to my table and save the fucking 20% you self entitled fuck. if you don't give good service you don't deserve fuck all for a tip
every single place ive ever ordered from tacks on a delivery fee

>> No.6443700

>being this much of an underage waiter/waitress at some shitty chain restaurant

>> No.6443731

>If you can't afford to pay for service don't fucking go out.

They want to pay for their bill not your gynecologist visits.

>If you don't like the system, don't eat at restaurants.
lol make me, what the fuck you gonna do big boy? Fuck with my food and get fired? You get your little bitch ass back in that kitchen and make my food you insolent little shit. Where th fuck do SERVANTS get off fucking demanding charity? It's not my fault you can't do any better.

>> No.6443738

>implying servers are in any position of power

>> No.6443768

I was thinking the same sort of joke the first time I saw an Ethiopian restaurant but then dismissed it when it turned out to be fucking amazing food. All joking aside, if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it.

>> No.6444264

>Be me on my birthday
>sister brings me to restaurant
>She pays he meal I have to pay for mines
>broke, so I pay for stuffed chicken
>Waiter was impatient with me and I felt embarrassed
>Food took too long to finish
>Didn't tip
>The waiter had a annoyed look
>Sister complained about me not tipping

Despite the shit service, I just didn't tip because I was broke. Who cares? If you're not getting enough tips, you're doing something wrong. Tips are EXTRA money, so you need to put EXTRA money. Smile, talk nice to me, and don't take too long with a person's food. Make me WANT to tip. It's not just "tradition". We're not in a depression anymore. Relax, you'll still get paid. I do tip, but mostly if I feel like I have enough money to tip or if I feel satisfied after the meal.

>> No.6444274

why don't you talk to the manager?

>> No.6444352
File: 1.17 MB, 200x147, 1429657648962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a root beer
>recieve a normal beer

>> No.6444397

My girlfriend ordered a Shirley Temple and received one with Vodka in it.
Like, how?

>> No.6444738

>have to pay for mines
>pay for mines


I think I just figured out why you were unable to tip.

>> No.6444800

>paying a delivery fee to waiters

>> No.6444803

>What did piss me off is when someone would do shit like this.
>Who the fuck would think this could possibly leave someone thinking, "Yeah this is way better than 10 bucks!" ?
more like someone is thinking, "kek"!

>> No.6444823

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.6444864

I ordered a virgin strawberry margarita once and got what tasted like that pink lemonade from a soda fountain.
I was livid.
I was also at a bar once and ordered a shirly temple and the bartender used the juice from the cherry container instead of grenadine, which might have been fine except she'd been STICKING HER FucKING FINGERS IN IT all night.
Fucking gross. I almost threw up. Being pregnant sucks ass.

>> No.6444893

How do you not have Grenadine in a bar?
I've seen some scary Food Safe shit too, luckily our boss is extremely anal about that. Anything like that is unacceptable.

>> No.6445185

I'm glad that here in Spain almost nobody tips when I tip I only left cents ~ less than a Euro.

>> No.6445944

i live in the US and make $9/hr, and am doing just fine on ~40 hours a week.

so i'd have to say, yes, cost of living here must be much cheaper. my rent for example (1 bedroom, 1 bathroom in a 4/4) is $400 + utilities every month, which is just over 1/3 of my pay.

>> No.6445970

>takes you out for your bday
>makes you pay for your own
your sister a shit bruh

>> No.6445994

this is almost what an average spaniard makes per week

>> No.6446019

nice bait post.
4/10 trolling is a subtle art anon.

>> No.6446040


I live in the us and make $10/hour and an unusually cheap tiny shithole studio in the bad part of town will still be over $1000/month

wish I wasn't born here

>> No.6446101
File: 8 KB, 377x326, 1420935713048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw $23k (£15.2k) after tax living in a high floor apartment with a balcony sea view
uk best

>> No.6446115
File: 204 KB, 800x670, mvzZrSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> get terrible service
> drop tip to 20%
> get home and write 2-star review on yelp
> mfw

>> No.6446121

I always tip $2 on pick up orders because I'm not cheap or poor.

>> No.6446127

East Coast England ?

>> No.6446137


For people like that I usually drink my drink and get rid of the ice before dropping a dime into the glass. the tiny bit of water on the bottom of the glass will make the dime stick, and they can have fun spending 10 minutes trying to get it out from the bottom of the glass

>> No.6446141

>If you can't afford to pay for service don't fucking go out

if you want me to pay for 'service' then charge me for it and put it on the bill.

>> No.6446147

Could spray it out instantly

>> No.6446155

>tfw waitress doesnt use pen and paper in a group of 6-7 people, let alone other tables and is flawless in details

That shit is impressive

>> No.6446165


>> No.6446166
File: 65 KB, 534x484, 1429872557708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the only times I've experienced bad service at a restaurant was abroad
Feels good living in a country with manners.

>> No.6446178

what even is your point?
or are you just spewing decade old memes for lulz?

>> No.6446179

this is what i am used to. Besides never paid a tip in my life

>> No.6446184
File: 33 KB, 436x436, 1429034641306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing in a poker tournament at tge Luxor Casino in Vegas
>end up splitting the pot with the 5 remaining players
>my take was about $400
>customary to tip the dealer
>dealer was annoying, made several mistakes throughout the game
>grudgingly $10 on table for his tip
>the clown says "$10 that's it?"
>I call the poker room manager over
>explain to him that the dealer is soliciting tips
>dealer tries to deny it
>manager fires him on the spot because apparently he's gotten a lot of complaints about this dealer soliciting tips
>comps me and gf's buffet
>eat pounds and pounds of crab legs

>> No.6446198

i like tipping because i like to be able to help other people out just a little bit without it being weird. if it costs me almost nothing to bring someone else an extremely slight amount of happiness then fuck yeah i'll do it

>> No.6446214

my point is that you are not going to change the culture of tipping in the US. so just tip and conform and shut the fuck about it already, when autists on here don't tip (not you, but in general), it just fucks the waitstaff. its not like the NSA is secretly counting how many people tip so they can decided to enact a mandatory service charge.
>inb4 food service

>> No.6446228

How my parents tip: autistically calculate 20% of the bill and pay exactly that, every time, no matter what, even if the bitch waitress didn't refill our drinks even once

How I tip: toss a buck or two if they did their job, maybe some more if it was a fussy, long order or large party.

I don't tip by bill percent. Whether I order lobster or a sandwich, all the bitch has to do is carry one plate out. The fuck is that shit? Plus I know people who are waitresses and take home like three hundred bux for a single night. MEDICAL PERSONNEL don't get paid half that amount. Why should carrying some food and removing dirty dishes get paid more than someone who literally has peoples' lives in their hand? (Nurses. Doctors obviously make bank, but nurses get shit pay.)

Fuck waiters.

>> No.6446232

enjoy your life of solitude

>> No.6446251

>newer versions of Photoshop

>using overpriced kike software

Found your problem. I'm using a ten year old copy of PSE that came free with a tablet and some nip program I pirated. I would never pay for PS, especially the new versions which are glorified bloatware.

>> No.6446261

>he doesn't know about torrents
Lol. Faggot. Get with the times.

>> No.6446270


I am.

>> No.6446272


torrents fix bloatware? I never knew....

>> No.6446277

Just because you don't understand the additional functionality or use it does not mean it's bloatware.
>using ten year old software because "things we better in the old days!"
Are you 80`?

>> No.6446280


You see, you pause the torrent halfway through and launch the .part file. It's only half the program, hence no more bloat.

>> No.6446286

>Just because you don't understand the additional functionality or use it does not mean it's bloatware.

Correct. It's bloatware because it uses far more system resources than necessary for most tasks.

>Are you 80`?
No, I'm not the guy you were arguing with. I have a full subscription to the entire suite at work. I'm just wondering how on earth you claim to fix a bloatware problem with a torrent. That's just dumb.

Lol, good one.

>> No.6446289

cool thread guyz

>> No.6446294

regardrless of where you go, leave a 10 dollar tip. if you can afford to eat out, you can afford to tip faggot.

>being poor

>> No.6446297


>he's poor
>therefore he can never enjoy anything, ever

>> No.6446300

thats how it works

>> No.6446306

>he thinks rich people should waste money just because

>> No.6446307

welcome to the real world. where its responsible to live within your means. Arent college kids supposed to be smart? better to learn now that you cant just have money for the sake of spending it and have no consequences.

>> No.6446311

>american economic sense
Heh. I'm supposed to pay extra, outside of the bill, directly covering the servers lifestyle proportionally to my own income and yet when the government does it to provide public healthcare it's the socialist communist boogeyman!

>> No.6446314

>not a thumbnail
ur the retard

>> No.6446319

>implying waiters get healthcare

>> No.6446326

Are you too dense to realize what public healthcare is?
No wonder you want me to throw away money for no reason other than convention.
Fuck off. I have money for a reason. I don't waste it.

>> No.6446330

>being this greedy

you love money so much? food has more value than your paper.

>> No.6446342

Clearly it doesn't when I can use that paper to get the food.
I guess you really are retarded.

>> No.6446345

wow thats dumb

>> No.6446352


I might be a retard but doesn't public healthcare imply that the individual doesn't have to pay for it? Because I'm not aware of them having that in the US.

>> No.6446358

You're a fucking entitled douche, Op. If you can't tip then don't eat out. Were you raised in a fucking barn, Op? Go back to McDonalds you fucking shithead. You make me fucking sick.

>> No.6446364

no, it means make your own damn food which will save you a fuckton of money, faggot. like chinese, buy the fucking ingredients to make it yourself.

>> No.6446369

It's paid for as part of your taxes. That's the whole point.

>> No.6446374

>this deflection
Yeah, okay.
I'll get food at a restaurant if I want and I will pay for the food at whatever price the restaurant has set.
Beyond that I have no obligation to "make it rain". It's the business' responsibility to take care of it's employees and ensure they are adequately compensated for the work they do in service to said business. They're not fucking volunteers who just walk in and start carrying food around to people.
If I get exceedingly good service I will tip. But only when I feel it is appropriate.
The price I pay to eat at the restaurant should cover the waiter's employment and them doing their fucking job.

>> No.6446384

>employed waiters
>getting compensated by their employers
>all two dollars of it

do you live in america?

>> No.6446388

What the fuck are you talking about?
I am quite obviously against the tipping culture promoted in the US.

>> No.6446406

yes, but here our waiters get paid 2 dollars an hour. so they have literally no income, aside from tips. how do you feel about casinos anywhere in the world? Those table workers, they get paid in tips. Are you gonna gamble away your money and then leave the table saying "i already spent my money, you did your job. its a fair trade". tipping is common courtesy.

>> No.6446421

yeah but theres nothing you can do about it
so tip them and dont be a nigger about it

>> No.6446427

Holy shit. Just everybody shut the fuck up.

No minds are being changed nor will they change.

Just shut the fuck up and let this thread die, jesus christ.

>> No.6446432

No one is getting under the federal mininum wage at the end of the day. I know many servers that make a nice living for the time/work they put in. They make way more than I do, dodge the tax man, and bitch when people don't tip 20% (after sales tax). I'm not against tipping, just people are greedy.

>> No.6446435

See, that's exactly what I'm saying.
The problem isn't one that the customer is responsible for. It's the fucking BUSINESS that EMPLOYS the workers who are responsible for paying them.
There is actually. I can not pay them and wait for them to get off their lazy asses and demand fair pay for fair labor.
But no. Instead of going the easy, logical route all the responsibility is put on the customer for some weird backwards ass reason.

I'll pay them nothing and they'll like it.
>inb4 they'll mess with your food
They can't after and I won't visit again if they demand tips so that sorts that.

>> No.6446453

the face of autism right nere

>> No.6446455


then why do I have to pay for health insurance as well as taxes?

>> No.6446460


if they don't get enough in tips to bring them up to the minimum wage then the business has to compensate

>> No.6446461

>There is actually. I can not pay them and wait for them to get off their lazy asses and demand fair pay for fair labor.

>implying thats going to do anything but make you look like a fucking asshole

>> No.6446464


>> No.6446468

Great argument, champ.
Maybe you pay for more than basic "public healthcare".
Good thing I don't care and won't have to as I live in a civilized country where businesses pay their employees appropriately. ;^)

>> No.6446475

im not sure you understand how america works. please leave and dont come back, or else america is gonna free you one day you dammed communist.

>> No.6446490

That is the law, but what server isn't making decent money anyways?

>> No.6446494


I live in america and work in a restaurant, that's how it works

not that I've ever seen a waiter or waitress not make a shitload of money anyway

>> No.6446662

>Shouldn't have to pay a ransom for good service
This is why I tip chefs over servers

>> No.6446695

you have never tipped a chef

>> No.6446699
File: 59 KB, 648x648, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in a third world nation that allows it's servers to be paid a fraction of your already laughable minimum wage
>Expect customers to make up the difference instead of requiring employers to pay a proper wage
>Autistic right-wingers see this as a form of extortion and take it out on the server instead of blaming the people creating the situation in the first place


>> No.6446704

>I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm going to call everybody else stupid

'presumably 'yurop

>> No.6446708

What do you think that symbol is used for 'm'u'r'r'i'c'a?

>> No.6446716

I really tip chefs more than servers because they make the food and make sure it's right

>> No.6446727


Tripdubs confirm America is a wasteland

>> No.6446772

As someone from a european country where we actually pay people a living wage - this is basically what I see

The times I've been to the US and eaten at various places the waiters at times act like the only thing they're not willing to do is suck your money that extra bit of cash

Anyone who doesn't think that waiters should be paid fairly and not have to live off tips - I have no respect for people with that attitude.

>> No.6446804

I have no qualms about giving at least minimum wage. My issue is having to tip and and gratuity just to get decent service is what I don't agree with
Ameritip here

>> No.6446820

that fucking nose is hideous, Claire looks like a horse

>> No.6446865

>United States
>Begging is literally a part of the culture
I'm sorry you guys were born in a shithole

>> No.6446881

implying your country does not beg for US semen on a regular basis.

>> No.6446882

>mfw americans really think this highly of themselves
Or are you just rationalizing?
You realize there wasn't as much "murrica" hate even 15 years ago but then your patriotism kicked off bigtime and that's why everyone hates you.

>> No.6446892


the hate all comes from the jelly.
even now the jelly is eating your soul.
poor bastard.
I wish I could give you some semen.

>> No.6446901
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>> No.6446904

>Teaches Asian lolis
>Regular 4chan user
Totally not suspicious at all

>> No.6446948

You probably live in a big city. I live in a small town in Florida and rent is only 500 + utilities. Funny thing is, it's a villa apartment instead of a normal (so I don't have anyone below or above me). Feels great.

>> No.6446966


Why does my decision of 10 dollar burger or 20 dollar steak influence how much money my waitress/waiter gets? They still only have to carry 1 plate and 1 drink. Fuck off already.

>> No.6446967

I'm kind a racist, sexist asshole, so here's the metric I use for tipping.

15% is your base tip (10% at buffets, 'cause I have to get the food myself, fuck you)

These can apply unless they piss me off:
+2 for being white
+1 for being Asian
+1 for being Middle Eastern
+2 if I want to fuck the server (+3 for men)
+2 for really good service
+3 for excellent service

Now the negatives:
-2 for being a nigger
-1 for being a beaner
-3 for being a kike (-1 more if obvious Zionist)
-3 for being a gypsy
-2 for acting like a cunt
-3 for REALLY acting like a cunt

So, for example: a white male waiter who I want to fuck and who rendered excellent service would receive 23%.

Or some Jew bitch who was really cunty towards my party would get 9%.

>> No.6446973

nice samefag

>> No.6446977

tell 'em

>> No.6446980
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>implying something wrong with occasionally fucking crackhead college drop out

>> No.6446989
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>Americans honestly believe the rest of the world hates them because they're just jealous

>> No.6446992
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>I pay the price listed.

>> No.6446999

If you're gonna pay for sex you might as well pay for someone who's not ashamed to admit they take money in exchange for it and likely has some actual skill doing it.
Not some random girl you could just chat up in a bar/club.

>> No.6447003

I top based entirely on physical attractiveness.

There's a qt Puerto Rican twink who delivers pizzas for a place near here who I think must be fighting everyone else off any time I place an order because he knows he's getting a $19.00 tip on a $21.00 order.

Fat chicks get nothing.

>> No.6447024

They also want the tip percentage based on the bill after sales tax. So weird.

>> No.6447032

>want the tip percentage to be after sales tax
>their tips don't get taxed

this is some next level jewery

>> No.6447038

>after sales tax

That I object to. Some cities have crazy high sales taxes on food. I always write out my equation on the tip line.

>EG the bill says Subtotal: $100, Tax: $10, Final Total: $110

So I write on the tip line:

>$100 x 15% = $115

5-10% is for pretty lousy, 15% is for acceptable, 18% is for really good, 20% is for outstanding, 25% is I want to cum between your titties.

>> No.6447042

Doh, correction:
>$100 x 15% = $15

>> No.6447133

South Coast m8

>> No.6447141

its not begging that is a part of our culture. Generosity is a strong aspect of american culture. dont confuse it. though, as a non-american you probably wouldnt understand what generosity means, and its understandable that you are quick to withhold your money for yourself when your government takes all of it. But hey, at least you got free healthcare, right?

>> No.6447142

The best part is when people tip bad servers. They always make a point to say "I'm ONLY tipping them 10%" or some shit, but they're still fucking tipping someone who isn't doing their job. "Tip" is just another word for "fee" in this country.

>> No.6447159

>rationalizing full on jewmode business practice as "generosity"
You have to either be retarded and completely brainwashed or you are a business owner shilling his own underhanded practices.
Either way, fuck off.

>> No.6447176

>Giving something that isn't required is considered jew
How stingy are you europoors?

>> No.6447186

>twisting words to suit your argument and deflect from the actual intent
Are even capable of responding without a strawman?

>> No.6447192

Not the first anon but , not my fault you want to clutch your sheckles tightly

>> No.6447203

So you're just some random person chiming in with an unrelated argument based on a strawman then.

>> No.6447216

Ya but at least I admit my shit posting, you believe the crap that rolls out of your rotted gluttonous vacuum hole you call a mouth.

>> No.6447226

You seem mad as hell though.
Interesting how the "other guy" went mysteriously silent throughout your whole tirade here.

>> No.6447231
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Dont get mad euroanon , there is enough sperm for you. I will donate double this week I promise. I will ask my coworkers to do the same.
I know its rough for you guys out there.

>> No.6447237

Unrustled jimmies tbh.
It'd not my fault you live in a shit hole if a continent.
Claim all you want but not that guy

>> No.6447245

Wow. What a surprise. There he is all of a sudden.
And with both posts 1 minute apart no less.

>> No.6447256
File: 310 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-24-18-02-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually nope wrong again.

>> No.6447266

>he justifies his actions on an anonymous image board
>he thinks that picture proves anything
Nice photoshop, bro.

>> No.6447269

How retarded are you? I'm on mobile and can't use photoshop on mobile.
You are hugely grasping at straws

>> No.6447271

>he's fully latched on the bait

>> No.6447280
File: 216 KB, 652x896, SemenShipment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OOPs wrong pic guys.

Sorry about that, I will make good on the semen though I sweer it.

>> No.6447286

>being this rectally ravaged about your dumb country

>> No.6447296

I don't eat at restaurants or order food because I don't believe a fucking server deserves money for moving a plate from the kitchen to a table. There is no way you are going to change how retarded the average American is, so I don't even put myself in a situation where a tip is expected. Eat a fat dick you entitled failures, I tip my barber because he actually provides a service that requires skill.

>> No.6447317

No one is angry anon, I just want to help.
I will donate today to dentists without borders.

>> No.6447576

Don't tell that to the AR threads on /k/.

>> No.6447587


those people give me anxiety

>> No.6447601

>all these people complaining about servers not getting enough money and needing tips
>"I have never worked in a kitchen before"
They make more than any of the dishwashers, prep cooks, or line cooks make by a long shot.

>> No.6447610

>They make more than any of the dishwashers, prep cooks, or line cooks make by a long shot.
well of course they make more than the kitchen trolls.
you disgusting fuckers are lucky you have a job.
can you imagine where these guys would go if they could not be hidden in some greasy kitchen?

>> No.6447622

I'm gonna do this. Visiting America next week so I'm gonna make a bunch of these. I'm only visiting those places once anyway lol.

>> No.6447631

No idea, line cooks are some weird people.

>> No.6447635

> If you can't tip then don't eat out
Where the fuck did this buzzphrase even originate from? It's so incredibly stupid. If people did this then a lot of restaurants besides corporate chains would close down and more people would be unemployed.

>> No.6447643

Jesus I need to do this sometime

>> No.6447654

and 80% of americans are in some form of debt... just because everyone does it doesnt mean its a good thing to do. but i guess thats just a buzzphrase too.

>people are stupid
>more news at 11

>> No.6447661

So you think the very existence of restaurants in America is dependent on the business of the small percentage of people who refuse to tip?

>> No.6447696

Riighhtt because the whiny bitch of a server that smokes a d sits on their phone is sooo much better

>> No.6447729

If the server did a good job, they'll get a good tip. If they did shit, they won't. A girl I went to high school with posts shit all the time of facebook about how people need to tip their servers no matter how shit the service is (this girl has 3 kids to 3 different dads).

If people have to complain all the time about tips, go get another fucking job, no one pushed you to be a server.

>> No.6447745

>cooks minimum wage is determined by number of happy returning customers.

>> No.6447872

>i can't into finance, so I think people who have any kind of debt are stupid.

When you get older and realize that not having a credit score, much less a good one, really fucks you over on a lot of things, you'll learn the error of your ways as I did.

>> No.6447943

>letting your credit score get ruined

be the 20 percent

>> No.6448042

You are the worst type of person.

>> No.6448046

Most restaurants serve alcohol. It is illegal for teenagers to serve alcohol in most places in the United States.

You are full of shit.

>> No.6448264

I like to tear the corner of a $20 and place it under something so it looks like I left the full bill. Don't worry, I use the bill to pay. It's fun to watch as the realize you didn't tip them $20. I've only done it a few times and on really bad service.

>> No.6448593

>Don't worry, I use the bill to pay.
jesus , you had me worried there for a second.

>> No.6449289

Did you watch their sweet tears fall ?

>> No.6449518

when I get horrible service I write a short letter detailing what was lacking and how it should be improved, then I end the note with 'this is just my two cents'

I proceed to leave two pennies

if you don't tip anything they will think you forgot, you need to send a message when people fuck up