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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6430412 No.6430412 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ what kind of meals would you make with these groceries?

What would be a better way to spend $29

>> No.6430421

Why are groceries so damn expensive?

>> No.6430425


well there's tortillas there so tortillas

with the stuff she bought on top of the tortillas

>> No.6430426

>on food stamps
>buying leaves
Why would you do this

>> No.6430438

She's a terrible shopper. If you were on a budget like that, why the fuck would you get so many lime or two different types of greens? Also what the fuck would you do with that cilantro.

This is clearly a rich person trying to show that "ugh it's so hard to survive on SNAP" but then they continue to shop as if they were wealthy.

You buy fucking bread, peanut butter, rice, beans, eggs and maybe something meat related if it's on sale, but most likely you'd go for something to splurge on that's also on sale, so 2 for 1 cereal or something like that.

>> No.6430441


>on snap
>buying organics
>buying brown rice
>not buying in bulk


>> No.6430444

I know that she is probably buying all luxury brands, being a celebrity and all, but I refuse to believe all of that cost $29.

Food prices can't be that shit in burgerland.

I could feed a family on that, actually feed them.

>> No.6430445

Surprise surprise, rich people can't shop.

>> No.6430450 [DELETED] 

Why is Gwyneth Paltrow so annoying?

>> No.6430465

>If you were on a budget like that, why the fuck would you get so many lime or two different types of greens? Also what the fuck would you do with that cilantro.
Same reason you'd buy the tortillas and beans: you're Latino.

>> No.6430466

She probably went to some deluxe supermarket, plus she's in LA which is pretty expensive already.

Where I'm at $29 is more than enough for one person, I spend less than that per week on groceries and I buy fruit, meat and drinks on top of veg and essentials.

>> No.6430469

Gwyneth Paltrow is a white woman from Australia or something. She is not a latino.

Plus, latinos know where to get cheap food, $29 would get more food for them.

>> No.6430483

>Plus, latinos know where to get cheap food, $29 would get more food for them.
Of course. My point was that the selected groceries in the pic were chosen to evoke the plight of poor Latinos. The half assed result it typical of an actress trying to do anything on her own - you make your living saying lines and performing actions not of your own volition, but based on what others have written for you. Go off script and you look like an idiot.

>> No.6430487

What is she going to do with all those limes?

>> No.6430489

>using 10% of your food budget on limes, 5% on cilantro, 5% on an avacado.


>> No.6430493

Paltrow is completely divorced from reality. She has shown this again and again.
She's straight up crazy.

I agree with the actual shopping , though. One tomato and seven limes is exactly what a normal person uses in a week.

>> No.6430502

She eats a mostly plant based diet and eats large amounts of greens and citrus. I used to bus her plates at a restaurant, always kind, always humble, always left huge tips.

>> No.6430504

She was doing the SNAP challenge and in the middle she fucked up.

She had an 80 dollar dinner for someone's benefit. She really is divorced from reality.

>> No.6430509

There are storebrand things in there.
It's just that Paltrow or, more likely, her cunny-kissing assistant, has no idea how to shop.

And $29 each week is not what a SNAP family gets. In fact, it's about $15 less than what a /single/ person on SNAP receives. So, if you have mummy, daddy and baby, with mum and dad receiving separate SNAP benefits, that's $87 per week just for the adults, plus an additional bit for baby, not to mention WIC.

Of course, this is assuming maximum benefit. If the family aren't qualified for maximum benefit, they have income beyond the $29 weekly Paltrow attributes them to spend on food. Furthermore, there are other programmes to help families in need beyond just SNAP, many of which are not government-run and therefore don't ask for financial information before giving.

I'm a somewhat left-leaning centrist myself, but what I detest more than cold-hearted persons on the extreme right are disingenuous people on either side (or middle) of the equation who spread misinformation. Gwyneth Paltrow laments the income of the poor yet has done little in donating her own money to help them.

She asks others to donate, of course, yet I can find no record of her personal donations. Perhaps she does it anonymously, but considering how much of an attention whore she is, I'd find it surprising she wouldn't write a big ol' cheque with her big ol' signature on it.

It's just another douchecunt "raising awareness" for X, Y or Z problem yet doing nothing beyond that to help the situation.

>> No.6430512

I think it's hilarious that she thinks a family on SNAP would shop where she shops.

>> No.6430513

>She really is divorced from reality.
This is a surprise? She's a very successful rich actress who lives in Hollywood. There is no "reality" in her world.

>> No.6430517

Looks like Gwynniepoo isn't the only one divorced from reality. Do you think Target is deluxe, too?

>> No.6430520


Kirkland Signature brand beans, in the largest size I can get for $29.

Not pretty, but you can get at least a gallon and at least at the Costcos I go to the container is resealable. It'll feed a family of four breakfast, lunch and dinner for about three days per jug.

>> No.6430522

tbh in Canada safeway is more expensive than other stores for most things, I'm not sure what it's like in LA though.

>> No.6430538

Just buy cheap things that will keep you full and stopping you from becoming dead.
>Chicken (frozen breasts are dirt cheap in bulk)
>Frozen vegetables
>Not frozen vegetables if they are on sale
>Colorful root vegetables
There are a lot of things to buy, its not that hard. If she gave up her fucking lime budget I'm sure she could set her self up pretty well.

>> No.6430539

In the US, it's middling. Not expensive. Not cheap. It's in no way deluxe unless you're comparing it to Deal$ or, because you're a Canuck, NoFrills.

>> No.6430552

>LoL guys I just went 2 buy groceries here in bvrly hills and I can't believe how expensiv it is like srsly??? Poor dirty poor people xD

>> No.6430569

Therein lies a large problem: If you're on welfare, you don't get to eat what you would like to.
Not that anon, but if you're that poor, Target is a poor choice to shop at because yes, you do pay some markup usually as a tradeoff for it being not as shitty as WalMart. It isn't upscale, but if you're that poor, it may as well be.

This, except replace breasts with whole chickens and possibly add something like peanut butter in there. Hell, add some flour and make your own damn bread. Tortillas are marked up to fuck considering how easy and quick it is to make them.

>> No.6430590

You should read this book
poor people, well we don't have the time and the luxury of making our own bread. it's simply not an option for a lot of people, esp those of us poor enough to be on SNAP.

>> No.6430594

>Target is a poor choice
Not the point. The point is that neither Target nor Safeway are in any way 'deluxe' retailers.

And I must be the only person on earth who finds Walmart overpriced for damned near everything. There's very, very little there that I buy that's ever set at a price I'm willing to pay.

>> No.6430607

You have the time and money to send me a link to that on the internet, but not enough time to bake some bread? Get the fuck out of here. There are types of bread that take very, very little input from a person.

I understand lots of poor people cannot afford time to spend hours in a kitchen, but this doesn't require hours and it will help feed your damn two kids that you decided to have while making less than 20k a year.

The real issue isn't the time investment it takes in the kitchen, but the lack of skills these people have to efficiently do any of these tasks because they probably don't know how to bake bread. That's really the core problem more than time for any of these people: lack of skills.

By the way, a luxury would be buying premade bread, which is more expensive.

>> No.6430610

>time and luxury of making our own bread
It takes literally 50 minutes of active time to make bread: 5 to weigh and mix the shit together, 9 to form the loaf, 1 to slash it and 35 to bake it, so only 15 minutes of work time (mix, form and slash). The rest of the time, it's just doing its thing, unattended. It is quite possibly the least-time-sucking-for-most-payoff thing you can do in the kitchen.
I guarantee, you've got time to bake a loaf of bread.

Other. more labour-intensive things, like making your own pasta or something like that, I can understand, but not bread.

>> No.6430613

Where do you shop, chink markets?

>> No.6430618

yes because when I get off from my 12 hour shift job where i stand all day and move heavy shit and i go home i wanna lay down and browse the internet, oh but according to you i should be up making homemade bread and chopping vegetables, no it's easier and less stressful to go to mcdonalds, the fats and sugars and salts also are to die for, yes. and you cant even mention it's unhealthy because i work it off the next day

>> No.6430621

I guarantee you I most definitely do NOT have 50 minutes of time a day to be making bread, that's 50 minutes of my alone time and rest and shit time that I wouldn't have. 50 minutes is a LONG time for me, that's FIFTY fucking minutes of other things I could be doing.

>> No.6430625

Pretty odd selection
On $29 my main problem would be milk as our family goes through 2 gallons a week which is like 1/3 of the budget
Would buy potatoes rices beans lentils and cook mostly soups stews and vegetarian curries
Maybe some frozen burgers and a white loaf or two
If I was unemployed I'd make my own bread

>> No.6430626

>that's FIFTY fucking minutes of other things I could be doing.
like watching TV or surfing 4chan?

>> No.6430636

Exactly. Even poor people deserve to relax, or else we'd go crazy. and what is the point of life then, if i can never relax?
don't talk about someones actions when they're in a situation you've never been in, mkay

>> No.6430644

Yeah, see this is exactly what I'm talking about. You need the skills + education to not be a poor shithead. Personal time is a luxury, basic necessities are not. If you are trying to raise a family on sub 20k a year, there likely isn't much food in the house. Say you go through a loaf of bread every three days (or even once a week). Let's say you're not even shopping for the bare bones cheapest bag of flour and pay 3 dollars for a bag of flour. That bag of flour is going to be able to get you roughly 5 loaves of bread, making the breakdown sixty cents a loaf (this is all highballing everything). A cheap loaf of bread is about a buck. You're going to be saving forty cents every three days, or four dollars a month. $36.00 a year is being saved by baking your own bread, which is more than a week's food budget.

>> No.6430648

It's 15 minutes of worktime, you enormous mong.
Do you not have 5 minutes Sunday night to weigh and mix the ingredients?
Do you not have 10 minutes Monday afternoon to form and slash the dough?

You spent about that much time, perhaps more, as that posting here!
>>6430590 04/19/15(Sun)14:10:18
>>6430621 04/19/15(Sun)14:23:32
That's 13 minutes and 14 seconds right there. So tell me again how you don't have the time to bake bread?

>the baking takes 35 minutes, though!!! derp

That 35 minutes it's baking, you don't need to sit there watching it. You could be doing the dishes, washing clothes, taking a shower, mowing the lawn, shouting at the neighbour's parakeet, diddling a polar bear or spying on the hot girl down the street with the eye patch and the club foot.

The problem isn't that you're time poor or even monetarily lacking: it's that you have zero concept of time management and even less of a clue how to manage your finances.

>> No.6430653

Brown rice can be cheaper than white.

>> No.6430659

>5 loaves
More like eight-to-ten, depending on size. You can bake about eight 1lb loaves with a 5lb sack of flour.

>> No.6430665

I know, I was extremely tilting the numbers so there could be no argument. It's also ignoring that the loaf will have better nutrition and you can always make different types of bread. Sourdough takes zero additional investment except a bit of space for the starter. Use the discard to make things like pancakes which freeze well. There's really no reason (except ignorance) not to bake bread if you're that poor. People don't because they either lack the skills or justify the luxury of purchasing premade bread.

>> No.6430671

36$ a year....vs having some time to just relax after work every day hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.6430678

>better nutrition
Nope. Now, I bake bread two-to-three times a week and love doing so, but I'm not going to pretend that homemade is more nutritious than storebought.
Storebought, bagged bread will nearly always be nutritionally superior to homebaked because they tend to be vitamin fortified and have additional minerals.

>> No.6430679

Dude, I've been poor. It sucks. It's the reason I learned to cook in the first place - I wanted to eat well and couldn't afford to go out to eat. And all the convenience food items were pricey and tasted like shit. So I figured, "fuck this shit, Imma learn to make good food for myself so I can eat as well as I would at the restaurants I can't afford."

As I got better at it over the years I came to see it as a relaxing activity, and an enjoyable part of my day. I'm not poor now, but I still spend at least an hour a day banging around in the kitchen, and feed two on a grocery budget of under $40 a week, because that's what I'm used to doing. The money I save gets spent talking the wife out to places where they cook better than I can. And that's not too many places these days.

>> No.6430687

>having an entire extra week and a half's food budget to spend elsewhere
>not significant
It's actually more than that too, considering >>6430659

If you make a bunch of small changes like baking the bread, you can save a significant amount of money over the long term. Small expenses add up.

>> No.6430688

Again, it's 15 minutes. And it's spread over two days.

>>6430671 04/19/15(Sun)14:41:25
That's over a half hour you've spent now defending your "lack of time." You could have set up two loaves of bread for baking in that time, Anon.

>> No.6430692
File: 903 KB, 1500x900, CkFajitaWraps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys do meal planning? Cooking a bunch of stuff on a Sunday and eating it the rest of the week.

On Sundays I buy:

1 Whole Chicken £3.50
1 Wrap Kit £2
Pack Peppers £1
1 large Onion £0.50
1 block Cheese £2
Mixed Veg £1

Then I make 8 wraps, eat 3 a day, boil up the chicken carcas and make chicken soup. Food for 5 days for £10 ($15).

>> No.6430695

And what if he has a shift in 12 hours when they're done fermenting? What if he's posting from his phone on the bus?

It's easy to make assumptions about faceless anonymous strangers on the internet.

>> No.6430699

>1 Whole Chicken £3.50
>1 block Cheese £2
What kind of nasty chicken and cheese are you buying?

Eat more legumes, carnists.

>> No.6430706

Just a small supermarket own branch chicken and whatever cheese is on offer. You get a lot more meat on them than just the breast if you eat the whole thing and use the bones for stock.

It might not be free range home grown chicken (which I agree tastes 10x nicer) but it's all I can afford right now.

>> No.6430734

That's quite literally of no importance here.

>12 hour shift
Weigh and mix just before you hop in the shower.
Bake when you get home.

>> No.6430742

>it takes 40 minutes to preheat my oven
>it takes 40 minutes to bake the bread
>I have 7 hours between getting home and having to leave for my next part-time job, including time to eat, sleep, and shower

Can you imagine how sleep might be important?

>> No.6430743

>shift in 12 hours.
Eep, read that wrong in >>6430734
Let it ferment longer or shorter, then. More flavour if longer. What's the big deal?
If you don't want to ferment it longer, ferment for ten hours, then form, rise, slash and bake.

Alternately, make flat bread or American biscuits instead. They take little-to-no time.

>> No.6430744

> Old Fashioned Oats
> Pancake Syrup (to sweeten the oats)
> 2 cartons of 18 eggs
> 4 loaves of bread ("Giant" white bread is usually the best deal)
> Large jar of peanut butter
> Large jar of jelly
> 5-10 bags of frozen veggies
> 5-6 lbs of rice
> 5-6 lbs of lentils/beans
> 1 whole chicken (approx. 7 lbs)
> 1-2 types of Seasonings
> Jar of chicken bouillon
> Box of cheap, store brand tea

This is my monthly shopping list, and it costs $55-$65 total depending on sales/where I happen to shop. Some of those things will also last me closer to two months if I'm careful (rice, lentils, seasonings, peanut butter). I'll also buy a different meat for one week out of that month if I wanna mix things up (usually pork or beef).

My "eating out" budget each month is around $25, which gets me one sit-down restaurant meal and 2-3 fast food dollar menu meals for when I'm too lazy to make a meal that day/ want something a little different than my usual fare.

Sure pancake syrup isn't as good as maple, and white bread doesn't taste as good as almost any other kind, and I could theoretically not buy chicken bouillon and just make my own stock, but a lot of it comes down to a mix of price and convenience.

Breakfast is oatmeal sweetened with syrup, one egg (2 on weekends) with a slice of toast. Lunch is 1 and a half PB&J sandwiches. Dinner is some combo of the chicken/lentils/rice/frozen veggies with a seasoning/sauce. I've done stir-fry/fried rice, soup, curry, seasoned "tex-mex" style (I'll buy a pack of tortillas as an extra). I can't stand the taste of black coffee so I drink tea, instead.

Also, for the dinners, I spend a couple hours on Sunday afternoons making a weeks worth and store them in tupperware containers in the fridge/freezer till i eat them.

That said, I don't think I could feed a family of 4 on $29 a week, just because I'm one of only a few people I know in the US who's comfortable eating rice-bean/lentil-chicken dishes almost every day for the forseeable future.

>> No.6430749

>40 minutes to preheat an oven
What in the everloving fuck? Are you using an easybake oven with LEDs?

>> No.6430752

>40 minutes to heat my oven
What sort of shitty oven do you have? They should take 7-10, depending on the temperature you're heating to.

If it's that much of a problem, make flat bread. If you'd rather not make flat bread, heat your oven 20 minutes into the rise, then bake when the rise is done. You can eat and shower while it's rising and/or baking. You can sleep after.

You've poor time management skills.

>> No.6430754

>What would be a better way to spend $29
in that case 29 things off the dollar menu

>> No.6430765

26 things, taking into account Los Angeles, Califmuhfornia's state, county and city sales taxes.

>> No.6430767

$29 is supposed to subsidize food shopping, not cover it entirely, you're meant to top it up with your own money. $29 is also the minimum you can get.

Also, stupid number of limes, fresh corriander, probably all organic and bought at an expensive place.

Lastly, it's in her fucking interests to 'fail' this challenge, it's a stupid exercise. Lets see her do another shop if she knew she had no option but to live on the $29 for a few months. Bet she wouldn't buy this shit then.

$20 can buy you 5kg+ of fresh veg easily and the remaining $9 can be spend on the bits and pieces to make decent tasting meals on.

>> No.6430770

>divorced from reality
Don't you mean she's "consciously uncoupled" from reality?

>> No.6430773


Generally speaking you can always get some sort of branded extra mature cheddar at British supermarkets for that much (£2 for 200-350g).

>> No.6430774

>You've poor time management skills.

That's true, I just realized I have $500k that I could just park in a high yield dividend fund from SPDR and spend my time cooking instead of working and sleeping. brb quitting my job, thanks 4chan!

>> No.6430782

Wow, she can't shop for shit.

>> No.6430784

Ah, sarcasm; the last resort of the defeated whiner.
Hopefully, you've realised that you could eat well despite your supposed time poverty.

So lemme get this straight: he doesn't have money to feed himself, but he has $90 each month for a smartphone?

>> No.6430790

It's about 2 bucks for a cheap loaf of bread. You aren't saving much money by making your own bread. Plus, store bought bread lasts longer, homemade goes stale as shit in two days unless you freeze the whole thing.

>> No.6430800

This. If you're poor or low on cash, you immediately go for the high-enery:low-cost foods. Unfortunately this tends to end up with people buying junk food, but it's certainly possible to get relatively healthy food that's also high in nutrition/energy (rice, beans, potatos, milk, eggs, whatever meat happens to be on sale, etc.)

>> No.6430807

Is baking a loaf of bread really that stressful to you?
I grew up poor and we did bake our own bread. It was fun because we didn't treat it like the worst chore in the world because if was 15 minutes of 4chan time down the drain.
Come on, man.

>> No.6430813

>goes stale as shit
Yes and no.

It's best fresh, but after the first day up to the fourth or fifth, it's still pretty good if you store it in a plastic bag. If you don't, yes, it will go stale rather quickly. But the same is true of storebought bread that isn't stored in the bag.

The difference is, due to the lack of preservatives, it may mould over in said bag while storebought won't. And, even if it doesn't mould over, it won't taste too nice unless you toast day-old, homemade bread.

I bake my bread, have some fresh day-of, then put it into a bag. Over the next few days, I'll slice off a bit every now and again and put it into the toaster.

>> No.6430816

>So lemme get this straight: he doesn't have money to feed himself, but he has $90 each month for a smartphone?

Ah ridiculously ill-informed nonsense. I'm the "defeated whiner" you've been arguing with, not the poorfag who doesn't want to spend all his sleeping hours baking. Do you realize you can get a very good phone for $100, off-contract, and a cheap prepaid plan for $30 a month with more than enough data and service allocation to live in the modern world? Do you furthermore realize that many poor people just use their smartphones for internet access, to save money on traditional ISP hookups? Do you finally realize that the internet is not a "luxury" but a necessity to live in the modern world?

Typical preachy self-righteous retard. No idea what life is like for poor people, but lots of Paltrow-tier patronizing advice on how to be just like you.

>> No.6430832

The internet is still very much a luxury.

>> No.6430833

I grew up moneyed but I shop like a poor person because I'm a fucking scrooge. I feed myself on slightly more than $110 monthly. I shop sales, manager's specials, special offers and play the trade game ("Oh hi, guy who owns the butcher shop. May I trade you a loaf of that homemade bread that you liked so much [that cost me 65¢ to make, but you don't need to know that] for a half pound of lamb, please? Yes? Thanks! Here you go!")

Not everyone has upbringings like ours. In my family when I was growing up, everyone had a hand in preparing for meals, from 3-year-old me (even if it was just to shake the ingredients together for the vinaigrette) to my wheelchair-bound older brother (who set the table and prepped the pot for afterdinner coffee). I've no children of my own, but my non-wheeled brother has continued the tradition with his wife and daughter now.

>> No.6430837

No. A lot of companies won't even accept paper resumes or job applications.

>> No.6430844

You're talking to someone who works in a school that is in an extremely impoverished area. A large percentage of the kids come from homes with zero internet access, and from parents who often can't speak English, let alone have a functioning e-mail address.

The jobs most of these people are working very much do accept paper applications. Most menial or low paying jobs do. If they don't, there are public facilities with internet access. Internet is in no way required. It is VERY, very useful, that I do not deny, but it remains a luxury item for the extremely impoverished.

>> No.6430845

>No idea what life is like for poor people
Most folks would consider themselves successful if they manage to get through life having no idea what life is like for poor people.

>> No.6430846

Ah, so they should just stay poor and mop toilets because it's good enough for their broken homes? Stay patronizing, Gwyneth.

>> No.6430849

thats the point, she was trying to prove that you can eat healthy on food stamps and failed

>> No.6430850

What are you assuming about my upbringing exactly?
All I said was that we made our own bread and didn't bitch and moan about the 10-15 minutes of work it took twice a week.

Might as well claim you don't have the time to shave or clip your nails or do laundry.
And I still think seven limes is a bit much if you're on a tight budget.
Probably could have bought some potatoes instead.

>> No.6430851

Absolutely, but they should refrain from telling poor people not to have these newfangled e-toys that no one needs because the internet is for cat videos and looking at pornography.

>> No.6430870

But none of that is true.
Internet access is not a necessity, it's $30 for an introductory price which then blows up to double or triple that amount thereafter and anyone who's got $100 to spend out of pocket on a smartphone plus another $30 each month for the next six months then at least $60 for the following six ($540 + $100 for the phone or $54 monthly, in case you're keeping track), has more than enough money for his or her own food.

>patronizing (sic) advice
Nope. You're just trying to justify your poor life choices and time management skills.
A legitimately time-poor person isn't going to spend nearly an hour (>>6430695 04/19/15(Sun)14:51:47 compared to >>6430816 04/19/15(Sun)15:43:31) defending just how time poor he is. You have more than enough time to spend doing more constructive things than complaining about your lack of time.
You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.6430884

Their lack of internet isn't what's keeping them poor, lack of proper education and skills are. These people aren't suddenly going to have amazing jobs just because they were unable to apply online. I have students that sometimes are without electricity and in rare cases, even running water. There are higher needs that are more immediately pressing. Internet is a luxury item.

>> No.6430887

>what are you assuming
That we both had families that spent time together preparing meals. There's no assumption. You claimed as much in >>6430807

Oh. You've a point there. I haven't even considered that. I guess you're right on that point; the internet is necessary for job-hunting. I rescind some of my points in >>6430870, then. And I'm not >>6430844/>>6430832, by the way.

>> No.6430888

You're fucking retarded. I've been paying $30 a month, permanently, for the last 27 consecutive months for my phone service. This includes 4 GB of high speed internet, 100 minutes of voice, unlimited text, and unlimited slow internet after the first 4 GB. The price is not going to increase.

You need to stop assuming everyone is as retarded and incapable of self-improvement as you are. Rice is faster and more efficient than wasting hours waiting for dough to rise every week. Having a prepaid phone is faster and more efficient than taking 2 hours a day to trek down to the public library and log onto your webmail account with keyloggers everywhere so you can see if they replied to your application yet.

I'm not poor. I make almost $100k a year. But I was dirt poor in college, not especially well off growing up, and I'm evidently far better equipped to handle poverty than you, because I don't have delusions about the real world cost of fucking around with biga and baking stones and lames for hours every week.

>> No.6430903

are you on that shitty t-mobile plan? i'm on a shit t-mobile plan and it's exactly that.

>> No.6430905

But all of that is wrong and entirely inconsequential to the conversation.

You're getting really rather upset that I've pointed out that you're not managing your time efficiently, Anon. Why? Why not just take the hint and go bake something instead? You'll be a lot happier for it. The smell of fresh-baked bread is a wondrous thing you just can't buy, even with your imaginary $100K salary.

>> No.6430912

Yep, same one. It's awesome. The only time it sucks is when I'm traveling, the internet goes to shit outside of major cities.

I like baking bread, but it's a huge time suckage. I did it a lot when I was in school, not so much these days. I'd rather just stop at Eric Kayser for a god-tier loaf, considering I eat bread maybe three times a month if that.

>> No.6430914

cut on the limes and buy more carbs

>> No.6430915

>falling for propaganda
buy rice, ground beef, some carrots, bell peppers, onions, eggs, beans, that should cost around 30 bucks. you should also have some money from not being a fucking bum, that should cover the rest of your costs.

>> No.6430919

>she's nice cause she gave me money

what a reliable person you are. Literally a whore

>> No.6430922

>time suckage
Do you spend two consecutive hours awake at or near home at any point in your week doing anything at all whatsoever, Anon?
And can you spare 10 minutes of those two hours to pay attention to and work on something?
Then you have enough time to bake a week's worth of bread.

It only takes 15 minutes of work time, after all. The rest of the time, it won't need your attention. You can spend it looking up a better job on your T-Mobile prepaid plan phone.

>> No.6430930

>Lived in Chicago on minimum wage with a budget of 100 dollars a month for food as a student
>Be Latino if it makes a difference
>See this

She just has no idea what the fuck she is doing.

>50lbs of white rice - $10
>15 cans of 16 ounce black beans - $8
>60 eggs - $8-10

That's your basic survival gear. Careful thing is figuring out how expensive it will be to have bus fare or whatever to get you shopping. Without bus fare

>2lbs Green/Red peppers $8-10
>4 lbs onions $5-8
>Broccoli/mushrooms/asparagus in season; not more than $2 a pound
>Spices; salt, pepper, garlic, cilantro, vingar

And that would be about $60. Then I'd put the rest of the money into booze and coffee.

>> No.6430934

>ground beef
I find that to be pretty costly, actually. There are a kajillion other meat proteins that are far cheaper than beef mince. Pork and chicken spring to mind.
I don't know about your area, but beef mince is $2.99/lb in my area currently. Whole chicken is 89¢. Pork shoulder is $1.19. Even taking bone weight into account, the meat from the chicken would be about $1.62/lb and the pork about $1.49.

>> No.6430939

>Throw out everything but the limes
>Buy more limes

Literally the best use of $29 that I can think of.

>> No.6430944

>tinned beans
Dry beans cost about a quarter that.

1lb of dried beans swell to 3× their original weight when cooked so a 99¢ 1lb pack of pinto beans is equal to four, 12-ounce tins.

>> No.6430945


Why the hell would I want to bake a week's worth of bread? Three day old bread is fucking nasty. You should eat less bread and more rice. All that gluten is giving you autism.

>> No.6430947

They do. It's really a quality of life thing; the time to prepare tinned beans is minutes versus soaking for hours.

And for my first year on my own my studio didn't have a stove.

>> No.6430958

>three-day-old bread is nasty
See >>6430813
Just toast it for omnomnomable bread.

>> No.6430971

>soaking for hours
I've never soaked anything but chickpeas and fava.

Here's how to prepare them with time-efficiency. How you have a slow-cooker!

Boil a pot of water.
Dump in your beans.
Boil then while you're in the shower before work.
If 20 minutes hasn't passed by the time your washed and dressed, wait until that point (important, lest you get bean poisoning).
Dump the whole pot of beans into the slow-cooker and leave for work.
Come home 9 hours later (thirty minute commute there, eight hour work day, thirty minute commute back) for perfectly cooked beans.

Eat your dinner. Store excess cooked beans in the fridge and freezer for later meals.

>> No.6430979

Or I could just eat rice and continue buying a loaf at Maison Kayser on the rare occasion that I feel like bread.

You mad that I've reached post-baking nirvana?

>> No.6430983

>I only have $29 a week to feed my family
>Better buy 7 limes

Fucking retarded white yuppies detected and eliminated.

>> No.6430988

Why does she need so many limes?

>> No.6430997

Reading on /ck/ it always seems the US has very low food prices, compared to the Netherlands.

Prices for (whole) chicken and beans over there seem like a fairy tale.

>> No.6430999
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>> No.6431003

>how you have
>hope you have
Sorry about that.

>> No.6431009


Or you can soak and cook a whole bunch of beans on your day off and store them for the rest of the week. Put them in water the night before, wake up and cook beans, sprinkle some seasoning on them and tuck them away in the fridge.

Also save some of the bean water and cook grains with it. I cook oats and barley together with bean water and sprinkle on cajun seasoning. That's a hearty, tasty meal for like 50 cents.

>> No.6431013

She lives in New York actually. The other actor city.

>> No.6431017

Ignorant flyovers.

>> No.6431020

Yes, but meat on par with EU, NO and CH quality costs about the same in the US as in those places. It's just that EU, NO and CH don't generally have lower quality meat available. That's not to say that meat in the US is shit. It's not. It's decent. On a scale of 1-10 with 1/10 being salable, not dangerous but low-quality and 10/10 being, well, 10/10, US meat quality seems to average around 4/10. 2/10 is a rarity and 1/10 is reserved only for processed foods.

In my home country, we don't usually have the luxury to choose the lower quality, value-priced meat. Everything is 4/10 and up. Even though 3/10 and below is still perfectly edible and safe, they're just not available in the markets. 6/10 meat will be the same price in the US as it would be in the EU. The only exception is beef. Beef is fucktardedly cheap in the US compared to most anywhere else in the world I've ever, ever been. My home country, it's about $19/lb (converting for US standards). In the US, a cut of beef of similar quality will cost half that or less.

>> No.6431037

You can easily just reduce it to 10 minutes throughout the week.

Look up no-knead bread. A few minutes to mix flour, salt, yeast, and water. Wait a day or two. A few minutes to fold into a loaf. A few minutes of oven handling. Artisan bread that's gonna be leagues better than anything you can get at safeway.

I have a slightly above poorfag grocery budget (lots of beans, lentils, rice, pastas, peanut butter, yogurt, eggs and some minimal greens and roots) and I'm eating healthier than everyone I know. Learn from poor people around the world (indians and latin america are based at peasant food).

But getting a steady, everyday supply of greens and fruits is not doable for most working poor people. The US gov is already throwing tons of fucking money at agrobusiness, might as well just give most people a basic produce allowance of in season vegetables and fruit.

>> No.6431063


Indians and Latin Americans don't generally sit around all day warming their couche to have a constant supply of warm baguettes and black honey to feast upon. They eat chapati or tortillas or something similarly convenient, or they just make rice like normal people. Note that in the case of tortillas, the vast majority of tortillas eaten in Mexico are purchased, from a grocery store or a stand-alone tortilla store. They're not sitting around pressing nixtamal and lovingly cooking each tortilla over a wood fire, you fucking sperg. In countries where they eat more European style breads, they just go to the neighborhood bakery.

Baking a half dozen loaves a week is for aspies and middle class housewives. End of story, go away Irish Stew Guy.

>> No.6431082

Have you seen ground prices lately? They've almost doubles around here. The sale prices now are what the regular prices used to be. I've more or less taken it out of my regular diet.

>> No.6431086

I think she's trying to prove that it's not a lot of food for a week.

>> No.6431097

well she has put on a little weight recently

>> No.6431098
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>Beef is fucktardedly cheap in the US compared to most anywhere else in the world I've ever, ever been

It's the only things you can raise on 1/4 of US land. We could replace it with sheep or goats but we don't.

>> No.6431104

Avacado is really cheap on the west coast, year round.

An avacado that size costs me $0.80 in Oregon.

>> No.6431107

Gotta have your authentic vegetarian tacos anon!

>> No.6431109

But none of that is true.
You insert a lot of extra steps into baking bread that simply don't exist for the sort of bread recommended in this thread time and time again, Anon.
If anyone's sperging out here, you are. Spergs get angry when reality inconveniences their perception just as you're doing now.

>prices for mince have doubled

>ground chicken: $4/lb
>boneless, skinless chicken breast: $2.19/lb
>"Hi, can you run this package of boneless, skinless breast through the mincer for me, please? Thanks."
I do that from time to time now. Beef mince is $4/lb this year. Last year, it was half that. A whole chuck roast is $3/lb. I just ask the butcher to run it through the mincer for me.
Seems the only non-aquatic flesh they won't mince to order is pork for some reason. That's okay, because pork mince is $1.09/lb at Asian markets around here.

>> No.6431110

I thought she was anorexic or boring because eating rice and beans and some variety of egg everyday would get old real fast. I assume she bought the limes to flavor water, like most middle aged white women do.
It doesn't seem like a single ear of corn, a tomato, a spring onion, cilantro, and an avocado would get her much further though. Seems like she was planning on having rice and bean tacos with a bit of guac for an entire week straight. Lol

>> No.6431113

Chanko Nabe

>> No.6431116

sheep and goats are harder to maintain commercially because they have to be repastured regularly because they'll eat the grass roots and all

>> No.6431119

Being able to meet the massive feed requirement for beef entirely on better than free subsidized crops doesn't hurt, either.

I knew a guy with a feed lot who fed his cattle (several hundred head) reject corn tortillas from a local factory and they paid him to haul it off.

>> No.6431120

>all that class warfare and jealousy

Get a fucking job, NEETs

>> No.6431127

I thought it was paid for through subsidies or something. Goats can be raised anywhere. In fact, they generally are. Your mountainous areas can't raise cattle but sure as fuck can raise goats.

>> No.6431133

My dad's work has a bunch of goats and sheep. They use them so they don't have to pay people to cut the grass.

>> No.6431145

>reality inconveniences their perception

What does that even mean? You're the one who was insisting that "in reality" authentic working class peasants are sitting around at home all day instagramming their tang zong and windowpanes, until I delivered the harsh truth that they're working hard and eating some cheap simple unleavened bread, or buying leavened bread someone else made, or just eating rice.

It's cool that you have a hobby but you, Irish Stew Guy, are the one who is thoroughly cut off from reality, by his own choice I might add.

>> No.6431177

Eggs are more expensive in LA then they used to be so that's where half the money is going. The vegetables wouldn't even total more than $10.

Anecdotally, I ate really well over the winter of 2010 when I had food stamps but that was mostly because Colorado doesn't allow you to use the card at convenience stores or fast food at all. (Some states will let you buy fast food with EBT, some will let you buy cold food but not hot food which means Subway can screw you over by toasting your sandwich and you can't get the $5 hot rotisserie chickens.)

>> No.6431183

But none of that is true, Anon.

You're growing very, very upset.
Perhaps you should try to come to terms with reality so that you're better prepared for it later in life when mummy and daddy die and you have no one to arrange your plate so that your nuggets aren't touching your chips/fries for you anymore.

Grow from love, Anon. Grow from love.

>> No.6431191

This is great. I come to 4chan so I can be lectured by 21 year olds who have Finally Got This Whole Thing Figured Out.

I was kind of like you at that age, but for local foods purchased only directly from small independent farmers. It's a lot of fun to be an insufferable jackass, but it does get old.

>> No.6431205

But Anon, no one is lecturing here. You're growing more and more upset that reality doesn't conform to your perceptions. It's not a flattering look.

>> No.6431217

>u mad
>u mad

You fought hard, but I can see you've given up. Enjoy your irish soda bread.

>> No.6431224

There was nothing to give up on. You never addressed anything I said, even once. It was clear that you were running on a rather angry, unrelated diatribe and who am I to get in the way of a spergfit?
I just let you run your course. You tuckered yourself out. Is it time for your apple juice, story and nap yet?

>> No.6431232

>but none of that is true

Yes, you keep saying this even though you've gotten your ass handed to you at least a dozen times. Care to explain to me again how no one could possibly pay less than $90 a month for their phone and how no one needs the internet?

>> No.6431257

But that's wrong, Anon. Try again.

>> No.6431269

That's enough 4chan for the day. Go play in the street.

>> No.6431277

But you really ought to have another go of it, Anon. Try again.

>> No.6431345

So you work all day and do not exercise. Then you go eat junk food. When you come home, you browse the internet instead of caring for yourself in other ways.

You could buy a raw chicken, throw salt/pepper/cayenne on it, and shove it in a slow cooker so it's done by the time you get home. You could cook a pot of rice that lasts you more than a week. You could microwave vegetables as you go to steam them.

That's probably healthier and will save you time because you won't have to line up at a McDonald's, it'll give you a productive activity for you to do where instead of being judged by others, you're doing it for yourself.

And you'll probably save some more $$ that way.

>50 minutes making bread that lasts for multiple days is too much.

>> No.6431364

As you prepare your own food, you act in ways that are self-serving and self-caring that come back to you later. Your improved skills in serving yourself, and ease of doing so through experience, allow you to share food with others. Maybe you'll make a friend, or bring something good and homemade to a potluck, impress people, share a great meal with a date.

Or you can talk about how awful your life is on a mongolian drawing website.