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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 516 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150417_121102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6425241 No.6425241 [Reply] [Original]

What are you enjoying at the moment beer wise? looking forward to something? Brewing some poison on your own?

This evenings haul for me!

>> No.6425262

>proper beer
pleb taste

>> No.6425265
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Homebrew take on Heady Topper bubbling away!

>> No.6425272

Lagunitas makes some good stuff! They are riding an wave of fame in the hipster beer world i guess but still some of their offerings are really good!

>> No.6425281

>muh superiority
>muh neckbeard
>muh high abv porters
>muh beeradvocate account

>> No.6425284
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bought some of this cause it was marked the same price as everything else in the store and I had heard good things. Turns out it was marked wrong and was 4 dollars more expensive. Hopefully good, not the hugest fan of IPAs but I do enjoy them.

>> No.6425289

Proper made IPAs with more than bitterness are really good! Best beers are probably well made IPA:s!

>> No.6425293

>shit taste detected
>muh superiority
I am so happy that you can see it
>muh neckbeard
Clean shaven come at me bro
>muh high abv porters
Those are alright but not my favorite
>muh beeradvocate account
That website is made for people like you.

>> No.6425299

>Clean shaven come at me bro
not on the inside

>> No.6425302

I see a bunch of obsolete pisswater there. People should not support luddite brewers who want to enslave us to the Reinheitsgebot. Beer less than 19% ABV and with any unreformed garbage hops invented prior to last February is literally worse than the holocaust which didn't happen but it should have.

>> No.6425304

What do you enjoy beer wise then?

>> No.6425305

Did you make your beeradvocate account yet sweetie?

>> No.6425312

Belgian beer.
I quite like sours.

>> No.6425313

Solid start to the thread guys, starting the shitposting early I see.

>> No.6425315

faggit u r a mod

>> No.6425319

godfuckingdammit I hate you with all of my being but we probably have similar tastes

>> No.6425330

Nah you'd probably like me. I am a really relaxed guy.
I mostly work, workout, go fishing, cook and brew beer. That and tabletop games. Lets hang out anon.

>> No.6425331

Serious question here, OP. Where do you live? I've never seen stainless steel counters like that outside of commercial kitchens.

>> No.6425333

Their cappuccino stout is pretty good. They get some (deserved) flak, but they can make a decent beer here and there.

>> No.6425363

Sweden, stainless is king here still, no shitty marble stuff!

>> No.6425410
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Nice offering from Mikkeller indeed. Lots of citruis tones for an pilsnerer!

>> No.6425417

I'm enjoying a Stella, because we all know it's the beer of wife beaters and I'm beating up my wife as I write this!

>> No.6425486

id try it

>> No.6425494

My local stores only have expensive Beer Geek Stouts and Porters. I'm pretty jelly.

>> No.6425549

Sounds like some shit some faggots in software companies buy to "look like something." The types that suckup to h1bs to fill positoins instead.

I know the type and avoid them.
They're the most uptight on the planet. Wow I can play ball in the hall, wow!
GTFO! They're you're basic fags that exist to fill positions to justify high budgets and bullshit.

Oops! Did I mention that was reality?

>> No.6425564


>> No.6425569

look into how both the democrats and republicans are both into increasing h1bs which make cheap labor from foreign shit nations available. This should be done from US citizens first.

They're treacherous fucks and that's some of the core of it.

Keep voting stupid you assholes.
It's just part of the core.

>> No.6425573

The rotten core which is, the democrat and republican parties. If you vote for either one, you're a fucking sucker.

>> No.6425582

/eh its weak on flavour

>> No.6425583
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I'm enjoying some trappists, because we all know it's the beer of wife eaters and I'm eating (the muff of) my wife as soon as I've finished these.

>> No.6425584

I am aware of this, but what does that have to do with beer?

>> No.6425598

Yer mum was weak on flavour

>> No.6425603

Naturally m8

>> No.6425611

Cuz these are the fuckin' faggots that are buying up the so called beer places and pumping out the crap, and it is crap.

They're the most uptight faggots on the planet.

>> No.6425617
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>> No.6425619
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>> No.6425621
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>> No.6425622
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>> No.6425623
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>> No.6425626
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>> No.6425628
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>> No.6425630
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Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence live

>> No.6425633
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Where do you get that ? Mine all looks like this

>> No.6425634
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>> No.6425637

Christopher street in Chelsea, aka FAGTOWN!

>> No.6425642
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>> No.6425644
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>> No.6425667

I have had Tokyo a lot and Sink The Bismark once when the Brew Dog reps came to Petrol Station here in Houston. Love all their beers and I wish they were more available in the states.

>> No.6425668
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going to buy a case of hoegaarden tomorrow

>> No.6425676
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Nice. First thread when I clicked the board.

Friday ritual underway. Car took a shit this morning and I'm about to be $1000 poorer. These beers are needed.


Actually pretty good

>> No.6425689

Come to America pls

Also, is this stuff like a McDonald's brand beer or do they get it from a big brewer like Heineken or Stella over there? Here in America they would def sell bud light or Miller.

>> No.6425742

Wow, $1000?
What got your car?

>> No.6425760
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Hit a pothole and destroyed my probably almost destroyed coil spring. So I'm having them replace both in the front. And a new tie rod or some shit. Broken spring rekt my tire so I gotta buy a new one of those now. And they fixed the toe on my car. Whatever. Getting a new car soon probably. I still have money for food and beer.

Here is #2, really tasty


>> No.6425823
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Beer #3

I love sours

>> No.6426038

is that club keno I see in the background?

Solid choices in the beer though. Keweenaw's black widow is also fantastic and worth trying if you have the chance

>> No.6426058
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Really digging this Grand Reserve 17. Saved it, and reminds me a bit of Chimay Blue. Unibroue is really on spot with this dark Belgian Style.

I just bought a bottle of Rochefort 10 that I'm going to dive into. Where I work we recently revamped our beer menu, so we have 7 of 9 Trappist ales, one on tap (Spencer's from Massachusetts).

Hoegaarden is great, especially for the upcoming Summer. If you can get it, try Einstok Icelandic White.

>> No.6426061

Did you get that High-Westified cappucino stout? It's the regular stuff aged in rye barrels. So fucking good.

>> No.6426084
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Having a Saga right now. Pretty tasty IPA.

>> No.6426094
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Which one first? I'm leaning towards the red rye.

>> No.6426095
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Something cheap and in a big brown jug. Tastes like shit intially but it's goes good with pizza

>> No.6426100


>> No.6426104

Porter, then the Dark Penance.

>> No.6426110

I should have excluded the Dark Penis. It's the last bottle of an entire case so I'm kinda burnt out on it. Great stuff though. But yeah, porter it is.

>> No.6426146

The roach 10 is great. I had one with a steak the other night and it with some horseradish/olive oil sauce was the best beer pairing I've ever had.

>> No.6426157
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Just bought this, it was fucking expensive so it better be good

>> No.6426189

Would you reccomend "La fin du monde" as a god-tier introducer to the world of craft beer to someone who's never drank craft beer. I have a friend who's really into wine and I wanted to know what would be the best beer to give him a good first impression on craft beer. I've already got some 4 packs of multiple Unibroues at home (fin du monde, maudite, trois pistoles)

>> No.6426198

It's a very good introduction to Belgian style beers but maybe not a great first try beer. Generally pale ales and hefeweizens and such get people into the better beers. Though if they're really into wine like you say, they might not immediately dismiss it.

>> No.6426207

Thanks anon, I have a Hacker-Pschorr Weisse somewhere in my cellar.

>> No.6426217

If you've got a good collection and are feeling generous just bust out a few different styles and see what they like.

>> No.6426260

Start with an allagash white or a yards brawler. The easier you enter into craft beet, the earlier it will be yo grow to enjoy it. Too many people I know go in way too deep, so they get thrown off by tastes and such.

Fin du monde is a great Belgian style regardless however. After you've had a couple of wit or Weiss beets is move onto that.

>> No.6426270

Tell us more about how standing in line to buy groceries is what cool hipster do so they can pose and be photographed by the papparrazi. I can see you're in quite the mood tonight.

>> No.6426294

Thanks anon, got many wits and some Hacker-Pschorr Weisse in my cupboards.
>dat clove and ester taste

>> No.6426295

>Not drinking at your local pub
>Not drinking beers on nitro
>Not drinking beers with locally sourced hops
>Not having a glorious brewmaster beard
Pleb taste. Go back to drinking Bud Light you autistic manchild.

>> No.6426380

But.. b-but.. I..

>> No.6426517

>Dat fermentation chamber
About to dry-hop a an APA with Summit, which i've never used before. I've made so much beer with bittering hops only lately (cream ales, stouts, lager, shitty oud bruin), it's about time I try to make something hoppy.

>> No.6426572

can't we have one beer thread without you trying to shit everything up with the "muh high abv and 21st century hops" strawman?

>> No.6426582
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got to try all the ones that are marked with either a square or a circle
the red rice ale was extremely interesting, never really had anything like it before - was expecting something more like a macro japanese rice lager
stone & wood's porter is fantastic if you like the rich, dark fruit notes with less of an emphasis on coffee/chocolate characteristics

and brother thelonious is amazing, so glad they have it on tap here, wish i could justify $16 for a whole glass

>> No.6426586
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Found a couple of these as my starter and I am enjoying the ever loving hell out of it

>> No.6426626
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This is garbage.

>> No.6426635

Where are you from?

Outside of the brother Thelonious, I haven't heard of any of these. I've only seen that one at my local Total Wine. Might pick that up next.

>> No.6426669

these are almost all australian brewers, there was a belgian lambic which i didn't get to try, and the japanese red rice ale, which might be available at your bottleshop, they seem popular enough, and it's a really unique beer

>> No.6426697

Said it in the other thread. Sierra Nevada Nooner.

I also have bud light platinum in the fridge

>> No.6426702
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Pic related

>> No.6426728


ive got a pic related sitting in the fridge for me.
cant decide if i want to drink it tonight though.
ive already had 3 miller high lifes just hanging out and a wrought iron IPA

if i drink this tonight then ill be drunk and im off tomorrow so thats kinda okay.

but i cant get drunk tomorrow night since i have work on sunday.

make my decision for me /ck/

drink the stout tonight or tomorrow?

>> No.6426729
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>> No.6426755

I have the same exact thing chilling in my fridge now. I'm saving it for Saturday, which is technically tonight. (east coast US)

>> No.6426772
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not my fave but it's what we have

>> No.6426781

I want it in my mouth

>> No.6426784
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Just finishing up this. Bottled 3/2014. I haven't had the 2015. Bourbon is there but gives way to a burnt chocolate and black coffee taste in the end.

>> No.6426792

I found it in some Bodega store. Like it's the taste if a hefe followed by coconut sweetness then a small bite of yellow curry to say hi. It's really good

>> No.6426815

I'll be drinking IPA and laphroaig on Sunday (yes sunday, I'm off work monday). It may come as a surprise to some of you in this thread but I actually enjoy it. I'm actually able to handle hops and peat.

>> No.6426833

I had last year's fresh and then again about eight months later. The fresh one was better.

>> No.6427060
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Er. mah. Gerd. Spencer on tap! I'm craving for this.
Can't wait to fly to NY to taste it.
Will you report?

>> No.6427387

Sure, if we can have one beer thread without you trying to shit everything up with the "muh pisswater and ABINBEV" strawman

Deal? Yeah didn't think so, you neckbeards just can't enjoy beer without shitting on others.

>> No.6427433
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It's sunny outside and it's time for some witbier.

>> No.6427442

Hitachino Nest is a great brewery that shows that even Japan can make good beer when they try. It makes me wonder if they have more "craft/" type breweries over there that we just don't know about.

>> No.6427443
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Bought this to celebrate my new job

hope it's worth it

Sour are my favorite type of beers

>> No.6427465

I might get to come home with a couple growlers and twelve packs of stuff from Atwater Brewery tonight, all free.

Their stuff usually good? I'm bartending for a catholic school's auction night fundraiser event. I mean I do plan on having a small sip of what I'm serving so I can make recommendations but I think the only one I'll probably be serving that I've had is Dirty Blonde.

>> No.6427532

>"muh pisswater and ABINBEV" strawman
What does complaining about AB, and rednecks who still buy Bud Light possibly have to do with strawmen?

>> No.6427681

well, aside from the red rice ale i tried, i have seen some of their stuff in bottleshops along with stuff from other japanese breweries, and there's an izakaya near here that sells both sake and japanese craft beer, i'm sure there's a lot of great stuff out there

have you seen this munchies vid about craft beer in japan? i like the sake one too

>> No.6428002

>replying to obvious bait

>> No.6428095
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It was really good, usually don´t like beers with adjuncts like fruit!

Too many people like you at my local pubs so i rather stay clear of them.

Single most worthwhile investment for any homebrewer! The yeast works so much better in controlled environments.

Now for the first beer tonight! Good quality stout from an brewery that has otherwise has fallen in quality alot this last year, sad to see.

>> No.6428104

See what I mean? You just can't resist.
>muh ABV
>muh craft
>muh brewery you've never heard of
>if you don't drink exclusively drink violent tasting beer at all times you're a bud light swilling redneck

>> No.6428123
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Probably one of the best lagers from the states i can get regularly here! Love the vienna style generally.

>> No.6428150

This shit tastes like an IPA and I really don't know why it's called lager. I love it though.

>> No.6428152
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>> No.6428154

Are there any /ck/-approved YT channels or sites that review beer?

>> No.6428164
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>> No.6428171

but I didn't say any of those things

>> No.6428177
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Very low bitterness in it though, maybe Pale ale, not IPA though. More malt than hops really.

This one though, hopped up lager, insanely dirty from all the dry hopping. It will clear up with time but for now it´s probably the cloudiest beer i have seen!

>> No.6428184

Not sure about the /ck/ stamp but gregs beer reviews and realalecraft are good! Daves is enjoyable at times "my friends".

>> No.6428198
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nice beer, but a bit too bland

>> No.6428203

nice glass, its proper?

>> No.6428206

Never liked innis & gunn, fucking clear bottles sitting on the shelf for months!

>> No.6428213

how is it?

>> No.6428221

I like it, but, I prefer the rum finish or whisky stout, to be honest.

>> No.6428233
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I expected more tbh

>> No.6428244

What's wrong with clear bottles? Genuine question.

>> No.6428258

UV light causes a chemical reaction amongst some chemicals in hops that causes 'skunkyness', brown bottles and cans block UV light, clear and green bottles do not

This is not a problem in beers that use aged hops as that chemical degrades in the brewing process which is why certain belgian beers can get away with it

>> No.6428261

Oh. I never heard about this. Thanks.

>> No.6428274
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I'll be trying this tonight, hopefully it's good. The molé beer I had before was drinkable but weird.

>> No.6428290
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Is there any habañeros in there? I've heard los Méhícáñós really love their spicés. Every time I visit the barrio for some tacos de lengua, I feel invogorated by the redolent olor de los spices.

>> No.6428590

I am thinking of getting some discarded marijuana leaves and boiling it in with the hops. I don't expect to get high off it, but I hope it provides a unique flavor.

>> No.6428617


I don't know for all of /ck/, but I personally enjoy Real Ale Craft Beer. He's a Welshfag who gets shit from around the world. I don't know, I like his consistency.

>> No.6428625

I can't think of any but I find that youtube beer reviewers with beards are better

>> No.6428632

>supporting logan

>> No.6428764

Nice logo! Logan does some nice stuff still, mostly thanks to Wendell but stil!

>> No.6428860

what does /ck/ have against beeradvocate and ratebeer?

>> No.6428866

They require registration and are thus unfree censorship hellholes just like reddit.

One time I tried to redpill the bros by posting a review for every beer that explained the true facts of how the jews are taking over brewing so they can shove their multiculti SJW cuck products down our throats while imposing a kosher tax, but my free speech kept getting got deleted. Haven't they heard of the 1st amendment?

>> No.6428873

you can't get a 4chan board to agree on anything, plenty of us use them, plenty do not

>> No.6429292

i've never really liked pilsners, always found them quite straw-ish and bland
what are some must-try pilsners that might change my mind? hopefully somewhat widely distributed, i'm not gonna drive out of state for something

>> No.6429300

I dunno, I think they are generally a good way to get basic info on individual beers. You need to take the scores/reviews with a grain of salt. But if you're not already really skeptical when you read online public reviews, then what's wrong with you?

>> No.6429327

>what are some must-try pilsners that might change my mind
I don't really think there are any. There are plenty of ok ones, but there aren't really any elite ones

>> No.6429333

I dunno, I like Warsteiner, which is widely distributed. If you want one with a bit more hop flavor, then Victory Prima Pils is also common. There might be some better ones, but if you hate both of those, maybe pilsners just aren't your thing.

>> No.6429339

might try warsteiner since beer cartel stocks it, thanks anon

>> No.6429345
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I know I'm a bad person, but I like it.

>> No.6429356

Their Amberbock isn't the worst

>> No.6429779

Polestar by left hand and Keller by Southampton, in addition to the prima mentioned by the other luddite freedom hating piss drinker. I enjoy bud light and I want real breweries to go bankrupt because I'm weak and I can't handle a proper imperial stout.

>> No.6429935

Brewing newfag here. I was hoping I was able to ferment the stuff in the bottles, don't have all the equipment but I was overly eager. I'm stuck with a bunch of beer bombs now, what do?

>> No.6430272

what? dogg what did you DO?
If you were actually trying to ferment entirely in closed bottles, then I guess carefully open all of the bottles and pour them into a container and wait for fermentation to finish. If you do nothing they'll all explode. You could just keep it in the bottle and then prime and cap after fermentation is done, but then each bottle will have an inch-layer of dead yeast and sediment which seems like it'd be kinda gross.

>> No.6430273


>> No.6430540
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Let's see, from top to bottom...
>Crabby's Ginger Beer (was a gift, a bit too sweet for me, I recommend non-alcoholic Fever Tree Ginger Beer as a mixer or alone)
>Shiner Pricky Pear (extremely standard beer with a sweet fruit aftertaste. Worth trying just to try)
>Tank 7 (delicious farmhouse ale. Highly recommend)
>Devil's Backbone
>Stone Milk Stout (meh)

Not pictured, the two last Divine Reserves are in my pantry. Yesterday I also went to 8th Wonder, which the venue is shitty and hipster infested, but their "Rocket Fuel" is one of the best coffee beers I have ever had.

>> No.6430566

Westmalle dubbel is the beer that made me start actually enjoying beer. Still my favorite, don't care for the tripel.
Which of the trappists are considered the best?

>> No.6430606


I&G recently switched over to brown bottles.

>> No.6430615

why did progressives have to make beer laws so convoluted

>> No.6430647


That article doesn't point the finger towards any political entity.

>> No.6430664

i know, but the abolitionists were always considered progressives and are behind most of our ridiculous distribution laws

>> No.6430666

Macrobrews are so much cheaper and Guinness products are up there with the best micro stuff. So why not just buy that in bulk instead of paying more than £1 for a pint? All this "IPA" shit is hardly artisan either.

>> No.6430672
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Redpill me on which minorities are why you're a kissless jobless loser, neckbeard-kun.

>> No.6430674

>Macrobrews are so much cheaper
most of them are just a little cheaper
>Guinness products are up there with the best micro stuff.
No they aren't. That is ridiculous

>> No.6430677


>> No.6430698

>most of them are just a little cheaper
Doubtful, and that's without factoring in the delivery cost (since you won't find them in bulk at your local shop like with macros).

But go on then, give us an example that I could easily calculate the price of and go taste.

>> No.6430709
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Sipping on this right now. WW is very good at their marketing, and producing a consistent product. This isn't nearly sour enough for my tastes, more like a wild farmhouse with berries. Slightly tart. Also overpriced for what it is. Decent beer.

>> No.6430710

usually at a bar or something its only like 10-30% more expensive to get a much higher quality beer

Sure if you buy the absolute cheapest beer in 30 packs you are saving over buying a quality beer in 6 packs, but a lot of good brewers sell 24 packs you will just be limited in your selection

Its a difference that anyone with an adult job can afford

>> No.6430762

Haha. Always makes me laugh hearing fatfuck Americans talking passionately about so-called "craft beer". After years of washing down massive piles of fatty food with the worst pissy lager known to man, the new hipster generation suddenly think they are beer connoisseurs.

Try some proper British real ale, naturally brewed in a cask, not a keg. Or, if you must drink lager, try Leffe or one of the Polish beers.

>> No.6430768

It's like they don't want to drink beer the way it's meant to be consumed. Beyond cask beer it's all the same.

>> No.6430769

the vast majority of beer sold in britian is awful

Quality beer has a significantly higher marketshare in america

>> No.6430862


>Eurofag acting like there isn't Bud Light equivalents all around the world

>> No.6430865


Really now? Craft beer had a 5% marketshare in the US as of 2 years ago. You can smirk at "plebs" who drink English macros like Sammy Smith's and Newcastle, but they are still far better beers than American macros.

tl;dr stop posting

>> No.6430886
File: 33 KB, 624x517, beer graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craft beer had a 5% marketshare in the US as of 2 years ago
Its at 12% and seeing 10-20% growth annually. Plus macro numbers are dramatically influenced by old people who didn't grow up with quality beer being an option and are generally ignorant of what is now available

>but they are still far better beers than American macros.
overwhelmingly, the beer english people drink is nearly as bad as american macros, the difference in quality is negligible compared to what is readily available in america

Your entire belief system is based in ignorance of the modern market, almost all of the worlds best beer is currently being made in america, and no where else is such a wide variety of top tier beers available at almost every bar and grocery store

>> No.6430895


Crack cocaine is readily available in America, I guess that means that everyone loves to smoke crack.

>> No.6430896

>better than anything other that rancid shit

Opinion discarded.

Also, were you aware that the vast majority of American "craft" beer is unpasteurized and many are unfiltered, much like your vaunted "real ale"?

>> No.6430900

do you know what the best selling beer in england is? The top 5?
At least in my state a craft beer outsells Bud Light, you can't say anything like that in england

>> No.6430904

If you see it cheap, try a Ginger Grouse. Much drier than a Crabby's with a touch of the whiskey bloom to it. My go-to shit day drink.

>> No.6430907


I'm not from england, I'm from the US. Try to remember that common sense is not exclusive to dirty foreigners.

>> No.6430917

well you are delusional if you think the beer landscape in england is better than in america. Its not even remotely close

>> No.6430931

It depends on how you're measuring it, and obviously you and I have different ideas.

Half the beer in the UK may be Carling, but there are dozens of obscure local brewpubs that you've never heard of, for the same reason that the average British drinker has never heard of your favorite local macro, and a decent % of the macro pleb beers are on par with low-end American "craft beers" like Magic Hat and Sam Adams.

Just because 1 in 10 beers sold in America is expensive, highly hopped small-batch beer doesn't make up for the overwhelming amount of terrible stuff being consumed. It's great for the person who consciously chooses to drink well, but it also means most people are drinking much worse than most Brits.

>> No.6430941

You idiots are acting as if he was comparing macros to macros. He was saying the pseudo-connoisseur craft beer/hops/ipa bandwagon is shit compared to real ale from a cask.

>> No.6430950

>He was saying the pseudo-connoisseur craft beer/hops/ipa bandwagon is shit compared to real ale from a cask.
what does whether it comes from a cask have to do with anything?

>> No.6430957

i am genuinely curious, what kind of marketshare does good beer actually have in England? from what I can tell it is very small, and much fewer people drink quality beer there

>> No.6430964

Cask and tap is literally the only way for beer.

>> No.6430968


>> No.6430969

That's literally not true

>> No.6430973


As I've said before, I'm not in England, and it depends on your definition of "good beer" which is obviously somewhat flexible depending on your agenda, but most of the ones on this list are substantially better than stuff like Budweiser and Coors:


Also, this doesn't include the all the no-name town brewpubs.

>> No.6430982

>but most of the ones on this list are substantially better than stuff like Budweiser and Coors:
being a little better than bud does not qualify one as quality, also that graph is only ales so its excluding a lot of shitty lagers that are very popular in england

>> No.6430986

I've seen the paper-wrapped Brew Dog at my local Vinmonopolet. What type of beer is it? Is it any good?

>> No.6430987

if there was such a list, only counting ales in america they would almost entirely be better and of higher quality

>> No.6430994

A little better doesn't mean the same thing as substantially better. Nothing on that list is a bad beer, and collectively they represent half the market. You can twist and squirm all you want but it doesn't change the fact that *at least* half the beer sold in the UK is pretty good stuff, whereas fully 88% of the beer sold in the US is horrible garbage.

>> No.6430996

are any of these british?

>> No.6431000

The difference between carling and Stella compared to Budweiser is absolutely minimal when you compare either to and actual quality american or Belgian beer

>> No.6431006
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Are you serious? Why would American beer enthusiasts care about good British beer when they can get good American beer?

>> No.6431008

I'm not comparing Stella to Budweiser. I'm comparing Old Speckled Hen, Hobgoblin, Old Peculier, and the other actual beers on that actual list, to Budweiser. Did you look at the list? Have you had any of those beers? I've had at least a third of them and none of them are remotely bad.

>> No.6431012

Do you seriously think americans have a conspiracy to underrate foreign beer?

In fact Belgium proves the opposite is true, american beer drinks love to fetishize european beer

>> No.6431015

>. I'm comparing Old Speckled Hen, Hobgoblin, Old Peculier, and the other actual beers on that actual list, to Budweiser
Well thats ridiculous, you are comparing beer with a tiny marketshare in england to huge american macros.
Recall that the list you posted is only of ales so the best selling beers in england are all conveniently excluded for you

>> No.6431018

In what way would it be a "conspiracy"? Is it a "conspiracy" that Americans don't have any opinions about the best douhua hawker in all of Singapore? No, it just means that they don't give a shit, because it's thousands of miles away and has no relevance to what they're seeing and eating on a daily basis.

You're changing the argument, again, because you want to "prove" that USA #1. Fine, I like America too. I'm American and I like American beer. But what you said earlier, that "the vast majority of beer sold in Britain is awful", is demonstrably wrong, and posting a list of American beer enthusiast's favorite beers is irrelevant.

>> No.6431019

Thornbridge represent! Makes me miss the Sheffield station pub.
More partial to Kipling myself though

>> No.6431025

I am just saying that your theory that american underrate foreign beers is not based in reality

>> No.6431029

>But what you said earlier, that "the vast majority of beer sold in Britain is awful", is demonstrably wrong
Just because some mediocre ale has a sub 5% marketshare in england in no way makes your claim true. None of those beers are on par with stuff available in nearly every bar and grocery store in america

>> No.6431031

It's fully based in reality. I don't drink much foreign beer because it's rarely fresh, it's too expensive, and there's less of it around. I guarantee you would admit the same if you didn't feel it conflicted with your argument that murrica #1. There is rarely any reason not to drink local.

>> No.6431033

The best selling beer in Britain is fucking Carling

>> No.6431034

One of them had 5% market share. Collectively they have about half the total market share. And those are big brand ales, not the no-name small brewpub beers being sold only on an ultra-local basis.

>> No.6431035

Yeah, I drink way more american beer than foreign beer, but that doesn't mean I am likely to underrate foreign beer

>> No.6431036

Yes, I believe I was the one who mentioned this earlier. Are you having trouble following the discussion? /ck/ is a slow board, you can read the whole thread and it's not going to 404.

Read up, and then post again when you have something to say.

>> No.6431040

>Collectively they have about half the total market share
Marketshare of ales specifically, when most of the worst and best selling beers are all lager, so its a very misleading thing to post

>> No.6431043

>but that doesn't mean I am likely to underrate foreign beer

You're really reaching here. Just admit that the UK has good beer, it doesn't detract from the fact that America makes great beer.

>> No.6431045

Someone post the beer section of a typical grocery store in england

>> No.6431054

>ust admit that the UK has good beer,
My point was never that it doesn't

>> No.6431069

I am going to be going to england next month, what do I need to try?

>> No.6431075
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>> No.6431080
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>> No.6431083

That must be the most depressing drink I've ever seen

>> No.6431106

most people the world over drink macro beers, that's why they control the majority of the market place
even in places like belgium, the majority of the market isn't held by good, smaller breweries like chimay or duvel
yeah, before the craft beer renaissance in the 80s, America had a shitty macrobrew culture, and they still do, but smaller breweries like rogue, stone and especially sierra nevada own a far more significant share of the market now, and there are a ton of small breweries doing great things

have always wanted to try a real ale though, just for the uncarbonated texture

>> No.6431112

uh, yeah americans might not care about the actual hawker stalls in singapore or malaysia, because the actual product isn't exported, whereas most people can readily go out and buy stuff from belgian, german, or english breweries at their local store
do you think that all americans only like "american" food and disregard chinese, italian and french cooking?

>> No.6431154

Sure just like anyone in England can go out and buy American beer at their local store. But you can be certain that it's not Pliny the Elder at the local Tesco.

>> No.6431171

>most of them are just a little cheaper
Not in bongland. Guinness is alright when you don't want to pay like £8 a bottle

>> No.6431192

Do you guys use thermometers to get the right serving temps?

I was looking for one that would measure from 0'C to 100'C so I could use it for tea and coffee too. Maybe such a thing doesn't exist though.

>> No.6431194

I enjoy drinking the Blue Moons variety pack. I usually buy variety packs of beers because I enjoy different flavanoids. I'm going to be having a Shocktop chocolate flavored beer tonight.

>> No.6431200

no, i just drink it, unless you are chugging it, the temperature will change while you are drinking anyways

>> No.6431206


>> No.6431209

they usually have one of the better national macros.
In the CZ it's Plzen mostly.

>> No.6431226

lol, how do liberals manage to get offended by literally everything?

>> No.6431228

> "It's bad for children -- who will start looking at beer as the next step after ice cream."

>> No.6431235

I got two coors light tall boys in the fridge waiting for when I get home.

I know, I'm depressing.

>> No.6431240

>It's a crass, corporate greedy move to put put a brand name like Ben & Jerry's on a beer
i mean, he's 100% right
almost as bad as that game of thrones beer or sriracha beer (but i believe that wasnt an official collaboration)

>> No.6431243

>blaming liberals
>despite the fact that the founder of the company, a notorious librul hippie, is quoted as being in favor of taking it to the next level and having weed ice cream

The most anti-alcohol sections of the country are rural conservative shit holes. Stop pretending this isn't your fault, you ignorant rednecks.

>> No.6431247

I think it sounds fun

and lets not overlook how that even if it was made up in a corporate board room, there is nothing inherently bad about that

Like the GoT beer, does that make any of our lives worse? No

>> No.6431260

>he most anti-alcohol sections of the country are rural conservative shit holes
True, the people who drink the least are all shitty religious southerners
However, the people seeking even more anti-alcohol/tobacco and the people constantly worrying about banning things to protect children are overwhelmingly liberal. Its a uneducated mother type of belief, the kind that pretty much defined the liberal base (see anti-vaxxers, the exact same people)

Southern religious republicans are fucking awful too, but this is not their MO

>> No.6431265

>i mean, he's 100% right
He literally said "It's bad for children -- who will start looking at beer as the next step after ice cream"
and what the fuck is wrong with cross promotion between two brands. Especially a brand like Ben and Jerry which is primarily associated with pot smoking adults, not children

>> No.6431275
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>not liking GoT beer or capitalism

Too much fedora for me

>> No.6431289

Funny thing is that both alcohol and icecream should be taxed out of existence.

We should make elite stuff like green and white teas more popular instead. Patrician future.

>> No.6431292

>not liking GoT or GoT-tie in beer is the fedora opinion
sure thing m'classy sir

>> No.6431300

>banning things to protect children
>overwhelmingly liberal

Pick one. Conservatives have a monopoly on the "save our family values protect our children" meme. And the anti-vaxxer movement is the same as the anti-government group. The only person I know who thinks this way is a relative who is a fundamentalist christian who carries a gun everywhere because he's been brainwashed by AM radio into thinking the niggers are going to jump him in his suburban subdivision.

>> No.6431301

Getting upset at product cross promotion is incredibly fedora

>> No.6431307

>And the anti-vaxxer movement is the same as the anti-government group
no its not, its the exact opposite, its the former hippie california liberal douche crowd

>> No.6431316
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Let's look at the facts here. It's a bipartisan issue but it's more strongly represented on the right.

>> No.6431354

The thing most microbrew advocates don't understand though, is that most american microbreweries are generally only so so good as good european macros.
So you get europeans who are used to decent beers, know of american pisswater and then hear someone talking about "amazing beers" which are named stuff like arrogant cock, raunchy rhino and similar.

It's hard to take it seriously.

>> No.6431379

then why are low vax neighborhoods overwhelmingly in white liberal California and new england areas? They are the exact same people who buy organic food and protest GMOs

Southerners are dumb as fuck, but you can't blame this on them

Also your chart does not support your claim, if the data were accurate and representative, an r value of only 0.21 would suggest there is no correlation between political ideology and the issue

>> No.6431383

>is that most american microbreweries are generally only so so good as good european macros.
This is a ridiculous claim, the common beers in europe are mostly terrible

>> No.6431394

Recall that men vote republican in all but 1 state

The protect our children by banning things is an emotional fully female ideology that in no way aligns with masculine conservative ideals

>> No.6431410


Probably because hard core conservative anti-vaxxers don't live in "neighborhoods" but on heavily armed ranches in rural areas where they can engage in whatever weird alternative lifestyles they get off on. Marrying their cousins, patrolling the perimeter for UN spies, and so on.

>there is no correlation between political ideology and the issue

So what was your point again? Liberals are using "family values" to shut off intelligent debate on a topic? No, that didn't happen.

>> No.6431433

You mean white men.
>The protect our children by banning things is an emotional fully female ideology that in no way aligns with masculine conservative ideals
Right, when Republicans ban abortion and gay people it's got nothing to do with family values.

Realistically, city people, who lean strongly liberal, are more sympathetic towards actual civil liberties that don't infringe on the rights of others, like freedom of speech, freedom of association, and the pursuit of individual happiness. Rural people, who lean strongly conservative, are sympathetic towards forcing a "2.5 children-unit" lifestyle down everyone's throats, curtailing people's right to do what they want with their own bodies, and defending bogus "muh rights" issues that actually infringe on others' rights. Guns (which reduce general public safety), dumping poison in the water supply (fucks everyone over), and questioning science every time it conflicts with their feelings (see: global warming, vaccines, evolution).

>> No.6431467

>and questioning science every time it conflicts with their feelings (see: global warming, vaccines, evolution
Liberals do that just the same, all successful politicians hate science and freedom
See vaccines, GMO food, fracking, belief in astrology. denying evolution and genetics and humans by saying all poor people are just unlucky, general chemophobia, belief that natural is good etc

Conservatives do a lot of dumb things but liberals are clearly the "muh feelings" party as is evidenced by their popularity with women and disregard for science when it doesn't suit them

>> No.6431473
File: 75 KB, 450x722, They+give+these+to+children_16782d_4983068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason women lean liberal is that it's the only rational choice when the other side has an unnatural interest in the contents of your vagina and conservative politicians keep saying lulzy shit like "rape is a miracle from god". When you consider how it must feel to be a woman in this country it's surprising the slight female preference for liberal politicians is as slight as it is.

>> No.6431483

yeah, voting with your genitals instead of with logic is a great idea

Females are genetically prone to using emotion instead of logic, which is a hallmark of bleeding heart liberalism.

Unfortunately for all of us, the republicans in power aren't much different but theoretically they should be

>> No.6431488

The media really loves to find obscure nominally conservative people saying dumb shit and air the shit out of it. You never see liberals held to that standard in the media

>> No.6431493

>yeah, voting with your genitals instead of with logic is a great idea

Considering you don't seem aware that it's how babies are made, I'm not sure why you're being sarcastic about this. This is the result of conservative-controlled sex education in our school system.

>> No.6431497

I strongly dislike the southern religious hijacking of the conservative agenda, but that doesn't let liberals off the hook for the bulk of their beliefs

>> No.6431509


So you agree that liberal policies are the only rational choice for any adults of reproductive age from either gender.

Then couple that with the conservative belief that rape is a gift from Jesus, I think we can safely assume that women, irrational or not in other ways, would probably vote lockstep with their male counterparts if not for the republican war on women. If not even more so because females are biologically more susceptible to the "family values" card.

>> No.6431512
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I hate this place

>> No.6431518

>So you agree that liberal policies are the only rational choice for any adults of reproductive age from either gender.
Yeah, on that narrow subject I definitely do. But I think that is a silly thing to base your vote off of

Women basing their vote on social issues rather than the economy is exactly what I am talking about with the "muh feelings" voting

>> No.6431523

> You never see liberals held to that standard in the media

Except when the media holds up california hippies as the main example of anti-vaxxers.

>> No.6431525

>Then couple that with the conservative belief that rape is a gift from Jesus,
Do you seriously think this is a thing that any significantly sized group of people believe, its ridiculous what liberal media propaganda will get you women to believe

>> No.6431528

I am sure it is just a coincidence that all of the highest non-vax areas are in highly liberal areas and that the belief is solely being spread by hollywood liberals

>> No.6431534

>I think that is a silly thing to base your vote off of

Obviously, you have never met anyone who was ever considering an abortion. Or more likely, you have, but you don't know them well enough for them to have mentioned it to you. And obviously, while you are guaranteed to know several rape victims in real life, they haven't mentioned this to you either. But think about it for a moment and ask yourself whether this would affect your political beliefs.

>vote on social issues rather than the economy

Oh yeah and about that economy. Remember when the conservatives threatened to throw the US economy into a death spiral because they couldn't have their way? So let's see, conservatives want to invade women's uteruses, AND they want to destroy the economy. What rational person would support conservatives?

>> No.6431542

>to throw the US economy into a death spiral because they couldn't have their way?
that never happened

>> No.6431546

>Obviously, you have never met anyone who was ever considering an abortion. Or more likely, you have, but you don't know them well enough for them to have mentioned it to you. And obviously, while you are guaranteed to know several rape victims in real life, they haven't mentioned this to you either. But think about it for a moment and ask yourself whether this would affect your political beliefs.
Yeah, lets base our votes on an issue that will probably face a few people you know once in their lives.

We have a shitty system where we are always picking between two terrible people, at least pick a few important issues to base your vote on

>> No.6431547

Only because even the more reasonable elements of the republican party finally pulled its head out of its own ass at the last possible second. But not before it caused global, lasting damage to US credit ratings. Let's see you try to blame liberals for that.

>> No.6431559

>the president is responsible for vry good thing that happens during his reign but none of the bad things unless he is a republican than the opposite

But the idea that the federal government not doing something would "throw the US economy into a death spiral" is ridiculous and shows you have way too much faith in the power of government

>> No.6431567


The right to control your own body isn't a real issue? Then what, the economy? You lost that one too. What else?

Maybe it's time to admit that conservatives are a catastrophe for freedom and prosperity in nearly ever conceivable way.

>> No.6431571


The entire global economic system is based on faith. If you yank the rug out at a fundamental level, you can very well throw the economy into a death spiral.


>> No.6431619
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I picked up a bottle of Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout and a bottle of Hop Stoopid on my way back to my school today. I really like Lagunitas, I'm not that far away from Petaluma so the stuff is readily available and I've never had any ale from them I didn't like. I'm working on the stout right now and then I'm drinking the IPA at some time tonight. I have two exams and a presentation tomorrow so this is all I'm drinking.

>> No.6431669

>most american microbreweries are generally only so so good as good european macros
good european macros are in far smaller number than good american microbreweries. and this is if we're counting breweries like trappist rochefort, leffe, duvel, chimay, etc as macros, which i guess we could
european "true" macros like carlsberg, heineken, etc that sell a huge volume in the EU is trash on the same level as bud or pbr
the only really big european macrobrewery i can think of that holds its own in hoegaarden, because they focus on a specific style and actually do it quite well even compared to american micros

>> No.6431707

>Watch a movie
>Come back to thread
>/pol/ shit up the ass

Fucking hell. Anyway, anyone else fond of coffee stouts? I fucking love them.

>> No.6431728

I very recently came of age and am looking to get into craft beer. I live in hipster ass western mass so I bet there's some good places to get some that I just don't know about.

Only tried macro brews, but I know I like stuff like Guinness (draught and extra stout), sam adams boston ale and lager, yuengling and blue moon.

Thought all the other macros I tasted were shit.

Is there like a "/ck/ guide to good beer" image?

>> No.6431736

As a European who just came back from the states. I can tell you, that you're full of shit.

>> No.6431746

Not a fan. I do brew a really good one though, well according to my friends.

>> No.6431765

There are a bunch of beer styles. You'll be able to find what you like more easily if you pay more attention to the style of the beers you try rather than the brand name. So, just try a variety of styles.

If it doesn't say on the label, if you just google any beer you find at the store, it will tell you what style it is. There is also a list of beer styles with commercial examples here:

>> No.6431768

It wouldn't really work well because good beer is, more often than not, local beer. There are globally distributed beers that are great, and there are local beers that are utter shit, but freshness is a big deal and distribution hurts the value prospect of beer from far away.

Since you're in the eastern US I would suggest looking at stuff from breweries like Sixpoint, Ommegang, Dogfish Head, Brooklyn Brewery, Captain Lawrence, and Evil Twin. There's bound to be stuff that's more local to you but all of those should have distribution throughout most of the region. For the most part these guys make beer in multiple contrasting styles all of which will be fairly solid representations of the style (Ommegang might be an exception since they are focused on Belgian styles although there is some variety in there as well)

Most beer noobs take a strong liking to imperial stouts right away, to the point where they declare anything lighter in color, body, or alcohol to be pisswater, so you might start with some of those and then move your way down the scale of lightness and alcohol. Until you've developed your palate more, you may think good pilsners are too similar to the macros you're accustomed to.

>> No.6431848

>Until you've developed your palate more, you may think good pilsners are too similar to the macros you're accustomed to.
i'm >>6429292 and of that opinion, same with kolsch beers as well, but i'm more than happy to be proven wrong, do you have anything you'd recommend that weren't mentioned in >>6429333
or >>6429779
also stop with the "i'm such a luddite" straw-man beer bashing, it's not funny and just fosters an attitude of negativity

>> No.6431873

In terms of other plebstain obsolete pisswaters that I enjoy? From the eastern US, I'd probably look at Brooklyn Octoberfest (seasonal), Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold, and maybe Sixpoint The Crisp.

I didn't start the luddite thing, but I'm running with it because I get tired of being called an anti-American commie yuropoor who hates progress just because I don't have limited tastes.

>> No.6431883

>plebstain obsolete pisswaters
please stop typing like this

>> No.6431887


>> No.6431925

Where do you guys get your beer from?
Anywhere you'd recommend others stay away from?

>> No.6431934

usually the nearest piggly wiggly

>> No.6431948

>just because I don't have limited tastes.
in the thread where that started you were exactly the one with the limited tastes saying how IPA and stout were terrible and only for immature people and all real adults only drink central european lagers and would downright refuse to drink anything with new world hops

>> No.6431955


>> No.6431959

oh, you just happen to type in the same manner as that guy with the same buzz phrases?

>> No.6431972

Oh no, I'm the same guy. But first, it's been a long standing tradition for/ck/ to accuse me of high treason for thinking hallertau isn't a Soviet plot to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids, not something that started in that thread. And second, you are grossly misrepresenting what I said in that thread, which was essentially no different from what I said in this thread.

>> No.6432042

I haven't had many lately, but I have had a coffee ale named Bean Flicker from Oddside Ales. It was so damn good, despite my friend giggling like an idiot at the name all night long.

>> No.6432061

It depends on what I want to do. If I'm just trying out new stuff, I go to Krogers and get one of those Make Your Own 6 Pack things with new stuff. It usually works out pretty good, especially when they had Dragon's Milk.

But if I'm looking for something specific, I usually go to the liquor store at the end of my street. The owners might be kinda judgmental assholes but they have an incredibly wide selection.

>> No.6432063

probably because you say dumb, ridiculous things, then you back off and say you were never saying them when people call you out

>> No.6432079

More likely it's because beerfags are too quick to pull the nationalism card on everything, and too quick to denounce anyone who disagrees with them as being either a bud-swilling redneck or a foreigner. Most likely because the majority of the most opinionated beerfags in these threads have barely ever set foot outside the upper midwest.

>> No.6432088

i'm posting here from australia, and i think you're a cunt

>> No.6432097

Fine, but isn't that basically what you call everyone?

>> No.6432103

yeah, but you're a shitcunt, not a mad cunt or anything
i just wish you'd stop shitting up threads, yeah there's going to be anti-macrobrew sentiment because they're mostly shit, and yeah a lot of people like porters, stouts and IPAs, stop posting inflammatory shit for attention because it fucks up the thread

>> No.6432110

nah, you are just to quick to blame everything on nationalism, beer people typically want to try anything they can, and the novelty of drinking something from someplace new is significant. This accounts for many foreign beers, near all of them actually, to become overrated by american drinkers, just look at the inflated ratings Belgian and German beers get from American reviewers

Also why do you think most people are from the upper midwest? There are a few here, but way more are from the coasts and you can tell from the incessant anti-flyover shitposting

>> No.6432120

It's not my fault that neckbeards fly off the handle every time lagers or hops that have been around for more than 3 months are mentioned. Most normal people are ok with such things. But here on /ck/ liking something that isn't an IPA or an imperial stout is considered "posting inflammatory shit for attention". How sad.

>> No.6432125

but that doesn't actually happen

>> No.6432126

Not most people, just the most overwhelmingly negative and opinionated. You can tell by all the whining about west coast IPAs and the fact that they find it difficult to comprehend the idea that someone might have visited different parts of America or god forbid different countries. That and maps guy, whenever someone jumps down my throat about hallertau he comes out with the maps folder, and maps guy is definitely upper midwest.

>> No.6432127
File: 31 KB, 390x400, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you buy beer glasses from? Hopefully one that ships overseas.

>> No.6432129

that's exactly what i'm talking about, none of that happens here, and you're shitting up the thread by posting about it
it isn't posting about disliking ipas or stouts that's considered "posting inflammatory shit for attention"
it's posting about posting about disliking ipas or stouts and all the imaginary backlash you receive

>> No.6432131

> just look at the inflated ratings Belgian and German beers get from American reviewers

I like it how you said that right after saying nationalism isn't a thing.

This is like the beer equivalent of "I'm not racist, but niggers are subhuman and they should all be hanged from burning crosses"

>> No.6432134

I didn't say anything bad about IPAs or stouts, you seem to have me confused for someone else.

>> No.6432140

Wait, you are both whining about IPAs and whining about people who wine about IPAs?

Also, I like you schtick about how everyone who doesn't post like you is definitely from the Midwest and has never traveled because you say so, and you are a well traveled man with no home land and no biases who just so happens to hate immature american beers especially Two Hearted because fuck the upper midwest and IPA

>> No.6432141

>Wait, you are both whining about IPAs and whining about people who wine about IPAs?

No, are you drunk? Reread my post.

>who just so happens to hate immature american beers

This is exactly the kind of shit I mean.

>> No.6432149

So americans are racist because they like foreign shit?

>> No.6432152


You really don't seem too bright.

>> No.6432155

>This is exactly the kind of shit I mean.
in the thread the other day you specifically went on a rant about how american beer drinkers are immature because we all like Stouts and IPA and once we grow up we will go back to central european lagers which you exclusively drink, until the next post where you talk about how you actually drink american lagers and we are all nationalists for suggesting you drink european ones

>> No.6432161

If anythings americans have the equivalent of white guilt when it applies to beer as they feel obligated to like european stuff

>> No.6432163


>> No.6432165


Just because Stella is garbage doesn't mean any time anyone ever likes any European beer ever, it's because of "white guilt"

Get over yourself.

>> No.6432167

How did you possibly get that from my post?

>> No.6432174


Because it's what you said here >>6432161 and here >>6432110

Anyway this is tiresome and I need to get up early tomorrow so, good night to you and stay euphoric /ck/

>> No.6432180

Thats a ridiculous way to interpret what I said

>> No.6432185

I have two glasses that look exactly like those that I got from the dollar store across the street. I'm pretty sure they stopped selling them though.

>> No.6432239
File: 50 KB, 300x300, Spiegelau_Stemmed_Tulip_Beer_Glass_300_x_300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiegelau is like the world standard, but certainly will costs you

>> No.6432276

What do you expect to pay for a glass?

>> No.6432322

like $30 for a pair of two

>> No.6432331

Where do you live? Unless you're in Africa, just go down the shop and browse their glassware.