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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6420941 No.6420941 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there, /ck/, I've got a younger cousin that absolutely REFUSES to eat anything but pizza, popcorn, pretezels, and potatoes. Due to this condition, he has to drink ensure daily to gain proper nutrition. How can I get him to stop this increasingly destructive behavior?

>> No.6420952
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>> No.6420956
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And if that doesn't work

>> No.6420959

Noted, but my aunt wouldnt go for it, even considering his condition.>>6420956

>> No.6420966

slowly start introducing more consonants into his diet, maybe kick him off with some quail or quinoa and go from there.

>> No.6420967

I have a cousin with a similar predilection. We've had limited success in teaching him how to make the things that he likes from scratch so that he realizes that he likes other things-- the components in his preferred foods at the very least. In your case I suppose that the only thing that can be dissected is the pizza. That at least opens up the possibility of eating bread, tomatoes, cheese, and, presumably, pepperoni. The object, as far as we see it, is to tangent off of the things that he is willing to eat.

>> No.6421553

stop fucking feeding him garbage on demand and only let him eat from proper well balanced family meals. Why the fuck is a child allowed to choose what he eats or doesn't eat, tell your aunt to grow a pair and stop treating the litte shit like a spoiled housepet

trust me, once he gets hungry enough, he'll eat carrots and apples like a fucking champ, and here's another tip, don't give children shit like pizza and pretzels except as a special treat on birthdays or holidays

>> No.6421558

Tell his parents to discipline him

>> No.6421559
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what's all this shit with letting kids pick what to eat ?

When I was a kid my parents would sit me in the table and don't let me get up till I finished whatever was on the plate.

>> No.6421561

It's almost like this but you gotta trick them into thinking they have a choice:
>want peas or broccoli wee lad?
>do you want one scoop or two?
>do you want carrots in your peas or the wee little onions?


Treat them like bioware did gamers in the mass effect games: the illusion of choice through little pointless choices.

>> No.6421565

when I was a kid my parents fed me horrible shit food and I was required to eat it all even if it came back up my throatway halfway in and I had to wash it down with water or something. thanks to having to eat nothing but horrible trash, as an adult I can eat pretty much anything. my children better fucking appreciate it when I put tacos with homemade corn tortillas and pork shoulder or lamb rendang in front of them, and if they refuse to eat it, I'm going to feed them the poverty shit my mother used to shovel down my throat until they learn to appreciate cuisine.

>> No.6421650

>don't give children shit like pizza except on birthdays or holidays
I agree with the rest of your post but this is fucking retarded.

>> No.6421658

That is retarded. Growing up I rarely had pizza, despite loving it. Now, as an adult, I rarely have it despite loving it. Don't care to spend 15 dollars for a pizza (or two, depending on deals). Weird, I know, but I can cook things that are better and better for me.

>> No.6421937

pizzas healthy though. pretzels maybe i dunno, saltless pretzels seem like they'd be healthy too.

>> No.6421944

that sounds like it'd do more harm than good dude, childhood nutrition is one of the most important periods in a humans life and will set the stage for all their conditions until death X[)

okay so like if you're not feeding them properly now - they wont be able to make up for it 20 to 40 years down the line because the body stops absorbing the nutrients as effectively so i'd perhaps consider a less spiteful method of child training such as: >>6421561

The illusion of choice, huh, that's a good idea!!! :D

>> No.6421963

How about you tell his parents to grow a few brain cells?

>> No.6421968


This basically, why the fuck would you cater to your child? Have fun watching him grow up autistic like my neighbor's son who only fucking eats Kraft mac & cheese and is a max level sperg.


8/8 b8 m8

For anyone who may not be firing on all cylinders, starchy dough, salty sauce, in theory mozzarella cheese is less packed with fats and carbs than other cheeses but the processed shit you're gonna use on pizza is just as bad.then you're going to top it with a bunch of greasy pepperoni and other terrible things.

So no, pizza is relatively shit .

>> No.6421994

>but the processed shit you're gonna use on pizza

Why wouldn't you use proper mozz? Why not use good quality meats? If you're going to make a pizza I don't understand why would choose shit ingredients for it.

>> No.6422002

Underdebated boast

>> No.6422005

Starve him.

I used to be a ridiculously picky eater. Then I went on a diet and had to cook for myself.

Hunger is the best spice.

>> No.6422006

>Why wouldn't you use proper mozz?
Because it doesn't work unless your oven can hot 750 degrees F. Most ovens hit 550, tops, which is why shitty low moisture mozz has become the standard.

>> No.6422008

Because the pizza is being made for some little shitlord who'll shit himself if it tastes different.

>> No.6422024

in what world are vegetables "terrible things"?

I dont know anyone who puts any sort of meat on pizza. I dunno about you but my pizza of choice is spinich, mushrooms, onions, and pineapple...

You might as well be saying sandwiches are unhealthy because some people drench them in mayo. Pizza is a genre of food - and a very broad one at that. It's incredibly possible to have a healthy pizza and I would argue that its hard to have a healthy one than an unhealthy one.

And even the unhealthiest of pizzas is still better than the unhealthiest of practically any other food genre, i would wager.

>> No.6422032

Sounds like a shit childhood which turned you out to be a bitter faggot.

>> No.6422034


Yes thank you Mario Batali and Fabio Vivani for your personal take on pizza consumption, but I will continue referencing the 95% of the pizza eating populace who instead order from chain restaurants and local dives that use the same shitty ingredients that I'm talking about. If you want to make your own fucking pizza from scratch with quality ingredients that's just peaches but the fact of the matter is the rest of the US isn't going to.

>> No.6422050

>I will continue referencing the 95% of the pizza eating populace who instead order from chain restaurants and local dives that use the same shitty ingredients that I'm talking about.
Most of the country eats mac and cheese from boxes, pasta sauce from jars and dresses salads they buy in plastic bags with gloppy shit they buy in bottles. That doesn't make any of it right.

>> No.6422057
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>> No.6422075

The average autist that refuses to eat anything besides 2 or 3 foodstuffs isn't the type to eat a "spinich" pizza. They're the cheese only type.

>> No.6422083

put it underneath the cheese.

Spinich doesnt really taste of anything, or at worst, blend it into the sauce. I'd be surprised if he noticed.

Then one day ask if he wants to make the pizza with you and when he realizes that spinach is a normal part of the sauce he'll suggest that maybe perhaps it could be one of the toppings to!!!!!

>> No.6422084



>> No.6422402

look,if they can't enjoy homemade tacos, then a week of soy-chicken patties, lentil and egg soup, and ketchup-american cheese macaroni should fix them up for life. as a kid I would have killed for some ground beef tacos or properly made chicken stirfry now or ever

>> No.6422594

I know people who are 30 years old who still eat this way. Hell, my stepfather who was over his 60s ate nothing but McDonalds, chicken tenders, and candy bars, and it gave my mother no end of grief because he refused to eat vegetables or home-cooked meals. His mother constantly apologized to my mother for "ruining his diet" because she let him choose to eat what he wanted growing up.

You gotta fix them while they're young or it's hopeless.

>> No.6422603

correctimundo :) how perceptive of you.

Heres a challenge for you... I have posted in thrice threads of this board... if you can reply to me and link them back to this post ... one per thread - I will give you the gift of acknowledgement.

This is the challenge I bestow at your feet... whether or not you accept it... is up ... to....

YOU!!!!!!!!! X[)

>> No.6422722

Bad cooks make picky children, OP.

>> No.6422764

You should get a tripcode, that way you can stand out even more!

>> No.6425074

I have a friend who eats nothing else but chicken and potatoes. And it's not even real potato it's that instant stuff. He has never in his life tried an egg, or fish. It boggles my mind that you can live this long and not try them.

>> No.6425426

I'm going to sire some children right now so I can try this.

>> No.6425433

How young is he? I used to be super picky as a child but I started to grow out of it around 13