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6412621 No.6412621 [Reply] [Original]

Why is liking sweet flavored alcoholic drinks considered "girly"?

>> No.6412628

because culture. why is liking pink things and flowers and sparkles and unicorns girly, or gossiping and watching the real housewives of whereverthefuck

if you like to do those things, then do them. but people will think its girly because men like to feel manly by doing manly things, which can only exist opposite to girly things

>> No.6412634

I'd never drink that shit OP, but those fruity drinks are considered "girly" because they completely cover up the alcohol taste. It allows for drinking without drinking in a sense.

The girliest I go is long island ice tea. If done right you don't taste the liquor but instead you just get really fucked up. Great drink.

>> No.6412639

But why are sweet drinks associated with that stuff?

Sweet foods aren't. Nobody thinks you're a fan of sparkles and unicorns if you eat a brownie or ice cream.

>I'd never drink that shit OP
Stop being insecure. A good foodie would try anything at least once. I don't particularly enjoy it myself but it's not terrible. The only reason you wouldn't try it is because you care too much about what people think.

>but those fruity drinks are considered "girly" because they completely cover up the alcohol taste
Except they don't at all. They have the same ABV level as many beers. They just happen to have a different flavor. If you have ever had anything with alcohol in it in your entire life, it's impossible not to be able to tell that this is an alcoholic drink. If you think otherwise you're simply lying to yourself.

>> No.6412643
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its not feminine outside of high school parties

if you like the taste then drink that shit

pic related is my go to summer drink to enjoy with my gf

shit is fruity and delicious and if you wouldnt try it you have your head up your ass

>> No.6412644

You ever had a Mike's Hard Lemonade? Tastes like lemonade, no alcohol taste at all. Ever had those shitty seagrams? Taste like fruit juice.

>> No.6412647

Traveler is 8/10

You've clearly never had actual lemonade or fresh fruit juice.

What you're telling me is that if I have a glass of non-alcoholic lemonade and then a glass of Mike's Hard Lemonade next to each other and pull in strangers from the street to try both, the majority wouldn't be able to tell me which one is alcholic? Yeah, no, you're just in denial and have literally no reason to not allow yourself to enjoy it other than people thinking you're a pussy for drinking something sweet.

>> No.6412656

Honestly if you can drink those things you are manlier than me. They have so much sugar and that super cheap malt alcohol. The hangover is vicious compared to pretty much any other alcoholic drink, with the possible exception of getting trashed on cheap champagne.

Very few drinks give me a textbook throbbing head hangover, but these are one of them

>> No.6412766


>Nobody thinks you're a fan of sparkles and unicorns if you eat a brownie or ice cream.

sparkles and unicorns are more childish than feminine, but yes having a sweet tooth is heavily associated with women, go watch a couple of commercial breaks if you don't believe me.

>Except they don't at all.

yes they do. they don't outright conceal the alcohol taste but they often come close.

i feel like you're trying way too hard to defend your gay cocktail habit.

>> No.6412769
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because girls drink them mostly

>> No.6412791

>hurr durr gay cocktail look how manly I am guys am I manly yet

And no, eating a brownie or a serving of icecream doesn't constitute a "sweet tooth"

You'll be hard-pressed to find a person who doesn't enjoy that stuff every now and again.

I'm not defending it though, I don't even like it all that much. I'm just trying to figure out why insecure people like you have to force themselves to drink stuff that tastes bad just to reinforce your masculinity.

>> No.6412798

Because girls can't take "real" booze. Fucking Jack Daniel's is too harsh for them.
Nothing wrong with sweet drinks, just so much sugar and it's hard to know how drunk you're gonna be after few of them.

>> No.6412802

A lot of it is indicative of poor education. You get a lot of dumb, uneducated people together, and they circlejerk over their hurr durr manly shit. Why do you think rednecks drive trucks almost exclusively and give each other handies over their guns? It's a narrowminded groupthink, basically, from a lot of people who don't have many external reasons to question it

You'll get a ton of idiots with a post-secondary education too, but generally it takes a completely different form

>> No.6412804
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It's threads like these that remind me that I spend a lot of time on a website full of children

Thanks obama

>> No.6412809

Because children prefer sweet things, and girlyness is a cipher for childishness.

>> No.6412818

It's a machismo thing

They never get to discover how delicious KC tea is, so they're worse off than I am.

>> No.6412824

sane people prefer sweet things.

>> No.6412830


>And no, eating a brownie or a serving of icecream doesn't constitute a "sweet tooth"

and i didn't fucking say that, i said that the people who DO have a sweet tooth are seen as being more feminine. especially when it comes to cocktails. we aren't talking about people who will happily eat a brownie when offered, we're talking about people who don't drink booze unless it's combined with a sweet and acidic mixer or combination thereof.

unsweetened alcoholic drinks don't taste bad. i think if you don't have a taste for them you just haven't developed it yet. girls are less likely to develop a taste for them for whatever reason, probably a bullshit social one.

>> No.6412833

>we're talking about people who don't drink booze unless it's combined with a sweet and acidic mixer or combination thereof.

No we're not, we're talking about why people think a drink with a sweet flavor is considered "girly"

Read the OP

>> No.6412842


it's considered girly because of

>people who don't drink booze unless it's combined with a sweet and acidic mixer or combination thereof.

who are very often girls. and even if they weren't, that kind of aversion to harsh things is considered girly in and of itself, rightly or wrongly.

>> No.6412846

because Real Men Don't Eat Quiche

>> No.6414550

Sure you could tell. The point is that it masks the alcohol taste and gets rid of the intense disgusting taste that considers you "manly"

I'm not that same game that you were talking to though, I'm just stating what I think they meant. I don't fucking care who judges me, I'll drink whatever the fuck I want; with or with out fruit.

>> No.6414568

Stop worrying about it and drink your fuzzy navel. Shit is delicious, your tears and social mores are not.

>> No.6414629

Everyone I know just drinks what they want. What's the point? Last time I went to the liquor store with my boyfriend and he got some of these and I got a bottle of vodka and we shared both. They're also lower ABV so you can sip on em and enjoy the night without getting totally smashed (which I still enjoy, but yknow). Sometimes you just want something not as strong as straight whiskey on the rocks dude.

>> No.6414633

And I've never seen it as "girly", just less strong.

>> No.6414683

Because people are dumb, although in the case of your pic I'd rather make my own cocktail rather than buy flavored malt liquor. But yeah fruity drinks are great and I will happily enjoy them as much as a dry martini

>> No.6414743
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>with my gf

>> No.6414750
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>Thanks obama

>> No.6414754
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>girlyness is a cipher for childishness

>> No.6414757
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>people are dumb

>> No.6414758

How much for that pepe?

>> No.6414767
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Save away, it's all yours my friend :^)

>> No.6414772
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>Not drinking the sweet shit when you're already super wasted and just want to get even more shitfaced but you're tired of the taste of beer or liquor

>> No.6414783
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>already super wasted
>being able to taste beer or liquor

>> No.6415730

fuck off dumb frogposter

>> No.6415743

I can't stand the taste of alcohol and I don't drink it to get dru's toif I drink, it's to relax. And even then I buy several different kinds and mix them together.

>> No.6415746
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