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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6404222 No.6404222 [Reply] [Original]

How is it even possible to stay within the WHO guidelines for intake of sugar?


>> No.6404236

>How is it even possible to stay within the WHO guidelines for intake of sugar?

By not eating so much sugar.

>> No.6404252

I don't see any guidelines on that page.

>> No.6404378
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>> No.6404386

5% of 2000 is 100

so thats 100 caloriez or 6.25 tsp of sugar

>> No.6404388


charge your phone

>> No.6404408

>doesn't see the lightning symbol in the battery

>> No.6404413

What is that in grams? Approximately 4 grams per tsp? 25 g of sugar per day? That seems manageable.

>> No.6404418


improve the wireless connection

>> No.6404420

they mean specifically added sweeteners, not just sugar as a whole

>> No.6404423

A shot(30ml) of sugar a day is manageable. There'll obviously be days when you go above it but that's not gonna matter if you stay below it most of the time.

>> No.6406199

>How is it even possible to stay within the WHO guidelines for intake of sugar?
Don't consume sugar.

>> No.6406214
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Eat properly.

Don't eat so much processed shit.

Vegetables, meat, eggs, nuts. Fuckin use your brain.

Americans man, cant stray from their donuts, soda and bullshit.

>> No.6406217

Lmao why is that bird such a bothersome cunt

>> No.6406677

Its not that simple.

The availability and pricing of non-processed foods is what makes it so difficult to remain slim, especially if you are poor.

Additionally everything including meat products that arent shit like raw meat have added sugar.

>> No.6406693

Thats horseshit, if the only thing you can afford has too many calories, why not eat less of it now and save it for later?

>> No.6406698


Its that fucking simple, you hamplanet. Don't eat shit out of a box.

Cook real food.

>> No.6406718


I've worked grocery bagging and in doing so gotten a lot of time speaking to people to take food stamps or just going over the sort of products people eat

So I might be talking out of my ass a little here but take that as my background with this.

Its a fairly complex problem caused by a number of factors. Empty calories are cheap and you can get a lot of them, preparing food at home is less common because its just that bit more expensive and when you live paycheck to paycheck thats all you can get your hands on. Keep in mind this is coming from a person living in a place with notable agriculture.

Sometimes its just as simple as price per amount of people this will feed/fill. Combined with the time it would take them to prepare it. People in this situation tend to work jobs that take up much of the day or have multiple part time jobs meaning less time to deal with cooking.

This being said this is the perspective of someone living in an area where obesity isnt as big of a problem as the mainland but still exists.

>> No.6406720

So what do these recommendation translate to in terms of starch consumption?

For someone who does physical work getting in those carbs is important so you dont get hungry on the job.

>> No.6406782

read the actual document on sugar intake on their website..
it says 25 grams of free sugars... so you can still eat fruit and what not.. i eat 0 grams of free sugar every day unless i make some desert which is not often.

>> No.6406819

>that aren't shit like raw meat
How hard is it to buy raw meat and cook it. I mean if its expensive where you are why not buy bulk and put it in a freezer?

>> No.6406844

>single banana is 80% of the allowance

>> No.6408289

"too many calories" means "too many calories in relation to all other nutritional benefits".
So eating less of that will indeed make you slimmer, but you'd be even more malnourished.

The actual solution is to just bite the bullet and devote more time/energy to cooking for yourself.

>> No.6408293


That's a lot of big words for a grocery boy, sparkie.

>> No.6408295

Don't eat fast/convenience food, don't drink sweet drinks and don't eat dessert often.

Not hard at all.

>> No.6408296


>> No.6408308

>44 tabs

>> No.6408310


>meat, eggs

Good for avoiding refined sugar, but they come with their own problems.

Whole grains and beans are recommended as the core of your diet.

>> No.6408315

By not adding sugar to your food or eating food high in refined sugar. The sugar guidelines don't apply to fruit, for which there's no known consumption level that we can say is bad for health.

>> No.6408322

Just eat like a real old school human bean. Not like a braindead wage slave under capitalism eating "Soylent Green" shit like McDonalds and frozen pizzas to work more and waste their lives in a endless pursue of a false idea of happiness.

>> No.6408323


It's purely for refined sugars added to foods. Has nothing to do with total carb amounts. WHO recommends eating a lot of whole grains, fruits, and legumes, including [whole grain] breads and pastas with each meal


>> No.6408331

I might not have my cash right but I have my language.

>> No.6408490
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>> No.6408554

it's not the 10 commandments

>> No.6410226

Well what do you mean to say here?

If I may ask, elaborate

>> No.6410612

It really isn't that hard. I too thought it would be difficult, but it's as simple as cutting out the useless junk that has no reason being in your body. Drink your coffee black, have oatmeal with almond milk for breakfast, eat salads, fruits and vegetables. Once you remove unnatural sugar from your diet everything will taste better.

The real problem is the lack of education on this and pervasiveness of additives in our food. Even the supposedly healthy food like Nature Valley bars are loaded with sugar, and what's worse is they don't tell you the daily value of sugar you're getting. Most people are consuming well above the maximum amount of sugar every day without knowing or really caring, thus we have diabetes, heart disease, etc., and an increasingly costly healthcare system.

>> No.6410625


charge your phone

>> No.6410645

Fucking calories again.
When are you fucking fat retards going to learn?

>> No.6410650

Divide the grams of sugar by 4.2 to find out the number of teaspoons it has.

>> No.6410652

The phone was on charge you fucking moron. What do you think the lightning icon means?

>> No.6410668


improve the wireless connection

>> No.6410674

Stop eating candy and deserts

>> No.6410677

you fucking tit.

>> No.6410758

>idiots are borderline illiterate

>> No.6410762
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are you pretending to be me or just white knighting

>> No.6410804

>44 tabs open

>> No.6410827
File: 318 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-12-14-02-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not browsing with 100+ tabs like a true 21st century human bean

Get on my level, faggot

>> No.6410836

So far today I have eaten:
- A two-egg omelette with 1 cup kale, two strips of bacon: 1.5 g sugar
- Panini with ham, provolone, and mustard: 3 g in the bread, 0.4g in the provolone, 2g ham

Dinner will be penne with kale, tomatoes, parmesan: 7g

So my day of normal and filling food will have 14g of sugar, under half of the 5% extreme recommendation.

>> No.6410964

>unironically eating kale

Are you a middle-aged housewife?

>> No.6410975
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>muh iceberg lettuce
Spotted the midwesterner

>> No.6410980

It's because poor people don't understand how to save money because nobody ever taught them. Those food stamps go a long way, if you knew how to use them. Rice, beans, tomatoes. Bam, you've got chili. Pick up some curry paste and coconut milk, bam, curry. It's about cooking in bulk.

>> No.6410985


I just eat broccoli, brussels, and spinach. You know, green veges that don't taste like a bitter, disgusting leaf made for trendy faggots.

>> No.6410993

My girlfriend bought a giant bag and I don't like wasting food. I usually stick to spinach or swiss chard. Kale isn't that bad though. I like that it retains its texture when you cook it.

>> No.6411008
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>> No.6413449 [DELETED] 
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Sugar isn't actually bad for you. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6413461

post child porn however is inherently wrong.

>> No.6413473

>it would take light 1.73 years to travel across the pudding

>> No.6413745

> Eat zero added sugars
> Eat lots of veggies, some fruit
> realize that carrots and peppers are basically sugar plants
> a banana is basically a candy bar
Fucking Americans

>> No.6413759

> buying food
> Holy shit whole foods are cheap
> I can make really good chili for about a quarter of what it takes to buy it
> make a big pot of it, put it in glassware, eat it, clean glassware
> money savings canceled out by time - could have just bought the stuff in the microwavable bowl
That said, mine is healthier and I enjoy making it, but there is a time factor.

I agree.
A lot of what is supposed to be (our implied to be) healthy is just sugar.
> oat bars (like you said)
> breakfast cereal
> basically anything sold in a "snack pack"
That last one "ohhhh, it's only 100 calories"
> of pure sugar


>> No.6413774

Peppers have like 5 grams of sugar per 100 gram.
While most fruits have quite a bit of sugar it's still hard to get too much sugar with raw fruits than with regular processed foods and sugary drinks. (includes fruit drinks)

>> No.6413847

Eat foods that are naturally high in protein. They tend to have less sugar except for dairy products.
Pop, candy, and condiments are extremely easy to cut out.
Avoid processed foods that are loaded with sugar. The most common ones are bread, flavored yogurt, canned vegetables, tomato-based sauces, and fruit juice.
Eat fruit instead of drinking juice. Do not eat dried fruit in large volume.
Lactose is a sugar, so an 8 oz glass of milk technically has 3 teaspoons of sugar in it.

>> No.6413861

Too much sugar is bad for you, that's why you have to try to cut it out.

>> No.6413980

They buy the less expensive food so they can eat more of it. Then because it lacks nutrition they end up eating a lot more than they should to feel satisfied.

>> No.6414031 [DELETED] 
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Well fuck, a single apple has triple that much sugar.

What the fucking fuck do they want us to do? Health organizations are always setting unreasonable goals that no one will ever pay attention to. They need to make more practical guidelines so that the people who actually need to follow their advice will not discard everything they say.

>> No.6414035

>“Free” sugar is any sugar that is added to foods by the manufacturer, plus that naturally present in honey, syrups, and fruit juices. It does not include sugar naturally present in milk or whole fruit and vegetables.

>> No.6414383

Citations, sources, reasons, prove it you fucking faggot, make your shitty ass case, stupid bitch.

>> No.6415010
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>spending the remainder of your biological life exploring your vast pudding nebula

>> No.6415023

Nonsense. My pantry is full of cheap canned vegetables and beans that have no added sugar.

>> No.6415112

>Its not that simple.

It is.

Green bell peppers have 2g of sugars per 100g
Carrot 5g
Spinach 0g
Potato 1g
Navel Orange 8g
Dandelion greens 0g
Banana 12g
Mountain Dew 13g
Burger King dessert: Vanilla Bean Cheese Cake 26g

>> No.6415227

believe it or not, not everything used to have loads of sugar in it

>> No.6415283

i solved this problem by avoiding processed foods and started cooking all my own meals

>> No.6415305

this refers to added sugar
sugar is actually good for you and fuels your brain and body, we need it

>> No.6415333

>comparing refined sugar to glucose
Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.6415380

Thank you so much; I love all of you.

>> No.6415443

only if you're uneducated and can't cook. the cheapest foods are often the most nutritious. convenient, cheap, and nutritious, pick two.

>> No.6415445

no matter how short on time you are, it's not that bad to cook a big pot of beans for a week, or put some meat in a crockpot.

It's not like poor people CAN'T have healthy food for cheap. they just don't wanna. super tasty food is more attractive. it's only seemingly cheap, though. fast food is pretty outrageous if you add it up.

>> No.6415447



>Free sugars refer to monosaccharides (such as glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (such as sucrose or table sugar) added to foods and drinks by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, and sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates.

>The WHO guideline does not refer to the sugars in fresh fruits and vegetables, and sugars naturally present in milk, because there is no reported evidence of adverse effects of consuming these sugars.

>> No.6415449

Most of /ck/ probably has a harder time staying under the 10% of calories limit for saturated fat, and an even harder time staying under the American Heart Association's more strict 5-6% saturated fat guidelines

>> No.6415451

why though. What is it that makes fructose in fruit okay to eat?

>> No.6415453

>implying that's not bullshit anyway
the demonization of saturated fat conveniently sells vegetable oil

>> No.6415458

its my belief after hearing the hurricane of information we all hear about diet and nutrition, that too much sugar is way worse then too much fat. its easier to consume 500% what you should in sugar then it is with fat, simply because most things that are really greasy that you can eat a ton of require a bit of prep or a wad of cash. you can eat a whole box of sugary cereal in one sitting if you're a real fatass, but eating a pound of bacon and 12 eggs would require 30 minutes of cooking at least, would leave you unable to eat for 6-8 hours and full for at least 12, and still not give you diabetes, while costing several dollars more. meanwhile you could have eaten that bag of captn crunch then drank a 2 liter of coke before noon and then eat a whole bag of oreos.

the deadliest combination is soda and potato chips or cheetos. if a dictator came to power and made eating a whole bag of cheetos and drinking a 2 liter of rootbeer punishable by death, i'd be like, ehh, shrug, whatever. i'm ok with it,

>> No.6415462


also, i'm mildly fat at 250 and 5'10 with decent musculature from boxing and wrestling, and, i've never lost as much weight as fast as i did on the atkins zero-carb kind of diet. i lost 50 pounds in about 3 months, eating huge piles of meat and cheese three times a day, and eventurally spinach once i realized my asshole simply can not handle a diet of 2lbs of cheddar and 12 hotdogs and 1/2 pound of bacon and 6 eggs a day. which is literally what i lost 50 pounds eating for 3 months.

the whole ketogenic metabolism thing seems sound to me. if you give your body no sugar, it simply has to burn fat, and a whole different respiratory dynamic comes into play.

plus the evidence that one of the reasons hominids like us surivived is because during the last ice age, everyone who didn't have a certain genetic structure died, that genetic structure being one that made a single piece of fruit do the work of 10 pieces of fruit in terms of carbohydrate burn efficiency - which is why eating lots of fats will never give you diabetes, but some people will develop diabetes by drinking 20oz of coke a day.

>> No.6415463


Fiber you dumb fuck.

>> No.6415466

nothing really, besides the fact that your body has to work more to get it by breaking down the undigestible fiber that its encased in.some nutritionists even say that if it wasn't for the vitamin content of fruits, which isn't that important with the variety of greens available to us, eating refined white sugar would be better for you then eating fruit, because its simply absorbed very easily and your body doesn't have to ramp up insulin for 6 hours after eating it, only for an hour or two.

>> No.6415468

>your body doesn't have to ramp up insulin for 6 hours after eating it, only for an hour or two.
isn't the former supposed to be preferable?

>> No.6415486

some would argue that, yes, and others, fewer perhaps would argue no. i couldn't say i knew for sure myself, it does sound counter-intuitive, but some things are like that. i don't think that sugars are really necessary at all, your body will create the basic compounds out of what it has at hand, fat is just a different arrangement of carbon hydrogen and oxygen. but it will have to use fat to do it.

part of the problem with sugar as a source of energy is that you have max 800 calories of sugar in a healthy bloodstream at one time, and if you're geared to burn that, when 400 of it is gone, you'll have gone through very very little fat and have become hungry for more sugar. a person with 15 percent bodyfat will have some 200,000 calories of fat on his body, and when you do 400 calories of work with it, you'll have barely scratched your reserves and you will not feel hungry.

considering that, it seems that the shorter the duration which your body is drawing on sugar for energy, the better for your metabilism as a whole, when i came off the atkins diet and ate a crusty bagguete with brie, i could literally feel my body change within 6 hours and gear back up for what it loves most, sugars.

i'm personally sure that sugars are bad and that a diet of mostly fats and greens is the best. i'm not sure that the simpler the sugar = the better the sugar as some sources have said. but its not impossible either. the only way to know really is to experiment, and learn from the experience on what the results were in your sensations

>> No.6415767
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By not being a fatass?

>> No.6415776

>eat 2 pieces of fruit

>> No.6415832

The only sugar I'll consume today is that in the 1 apple and 120g of sweetcorn I eat. 21g of sugar. Pretty typical day.

Pretty easily.

>> No.6416130


>tips tinfoil fedora

>> No.6416140

That's not how you hold cats. One arm under their "feet", one for their front paws to rest on

>> No.6416145


When you eat a piece of fruit, fiber slows down the absorption of the sugars, it contains fructose which is mostly handled by the liver so it doesn't cause a big insulin spike, and it comes packed with antioxidants (many of which have anti-inflammatory properties) to quench the oxidative stress that would come from digesting the sugars.

What the WHO is advising against is "free sugars," which are unregulated in digestion due to lack of fiber, come with no antioxidants, and just serve as an extra source of calories, which we don't need with the global obesity crisis going on

>> No.6416153

so you are saying soda doesn't spike insulin because it's all fructose? didn't know that...

>> No.6416161


The lack of fiber makes it shit for your blood sugar/insulin levels, but soda actually doesn't have as high a GI as you would expect


It's not pure fructose though. Fructose as an individual sugar has a GI of only 19 or so

>> No.6416168

>44 tabs
>no signal
>no wifi
>battery on 7% at 2.42 in the afternoon
sort your fucking shit out you cunt

>> No.6416171


>i'm personally sure that sugars are bad and that a diet of mostly fats and greens is the best

What brought you to that conclusion? Ignoring anything to do with weight management because obviously people can maintain their weight on diets other than the Atkins diet, health officials the world over recommend foods like fruits, whole grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and plantains to make up the majority of your diet, because they're able to help prevent many chronic diseases. Meanwhile they advise against many of the foods you're likely to eat on a high fat diet because those can promote disease. The consensus seems to be to base your diet on high-fiber, antioxidant rich, starchy foods, supplemented with fruits, vegetables, and some nuts


>> No.6417965

100 tabs...amateur.