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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6413095 No.6413095 [Reply] [Original]

What are the benefits of whole grain?

>> No.6413102


it makes you feel good about eating healthier

>> No.6413114

please more specific. Im trying to get into whole grain. and why do food charts suggest it more than fruits and vegetables?

>> No.6413122

they are lower glycemic than refined stuff. So they don't spike your blood sugar in the same way, which means you dont have a blood sugar crash which is what makes you get hungry and triggers overeating

>> No.6413134

They're bulked out with undigestible roughage so you get fewer calories while still feeling like you've pushed the same amount of stuff into your food hole.

>> No.6413135


there are minuscule and quite irrelevant changes in the amount of micronutrients available

whole grains have more fiber and will increase your blood sugar levels slower leading to a more level amount of satiety over the course of a day.

>and why do food charts suggest it more than fruits and vegetables?

because people eat a lot of grain products, so it's easier to try to get them to change those into a healthier form, rather than trying to reform their whole diet by getting them to leave grain products in favor of fruits and veggies.

>> No.6413160

Its harder to digest and has more fiber, lowering your body's uptake of fats.

>> No.6413216
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your colon will thank you later

>> No.6413306


definitely expected to see a small shitstain when I clicked on that thumb

>> No.6413321



>> No.6413323

much better poops
tastes better
more filling

>> No.6413331

>tastes better

this. I vastly prefer WW bread to white bread and brown rice to white rice.

Now if only I got as much oven spring out of my WW bread as my white bread. ( ._.)

>> No.6413340


try using white whole wheat instead of red, and let it proof overnight if you can.

I can get a perfect "artisan" loaf with 80% whole wheat that way

>> No.6413558
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what iis the difference between whole wheat and whole grain?

>> No.6413572


much higher protein.
tastes better(For non-plebs)
lower glycemic index

Look faggot, only an american would think wonderbread is actually edible, holy fucking shit.

You know why europeans managed to grow big and strong compared to asians? the peasants ate like 2500-3000 calories of whole wheat bread(150g protein) while asian slaves ate 2000 calories of rice(10g protein).

>> No.6413577


>> No.6413579

I read this as "uptake of farts" ...

>> No.6413584

thnk u anon

>> No.6413605

thx u anaon

>> No.6413685


none, whole wheat is a whole grain.

there is white wheat and red wheat and you can get either as whole grain or refined

>> No.6413693
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thx anono

>> No.6414245

No, because eating 2200 calories worth of veges is retarded and infeasible. That's like 40 cups of cooked broccoli vs. 11 cups of rice (which is also easier to digest). Your body only needs a few servings of fruits and veges a day for the micronutrients. Better to get the bulk of your calories from grains which are much more calorie dense

>> No.6414296

>implying you need 2200cal a day
>wanting to die early

>> No.6414433

>being so physically inactive you can eat less than that

My maintenance is like 2600