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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 630x420, comp_hummus30__01__630x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6409769 No.6409769 [Reply] [Original]

Did this campaign actually work? Do normies and Chads eat hummus now?

>> No.6409797

hummus is classic "im so cultured" food for basic bitches its one of THE most normie of all foods

>> No.6409806

jesus christ this fucking board

why do I keep coming back here pls kill me

>> No.6409811
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>> No.6409817

it still costs too many GBP

>> No.6409825

But I'll lose all my hipster cred if I like something other people like!

>> No.6409841

I gather that a 'normie' is either any philistine who isn't patrician enough to share your preferences and worldview or anyone who has more than a few hours of face to face interaction with other people to whom s/he is not related but what in the actual fuck is a "chad?"

>> No.6409865

It's /r9k/ fuckers spreading their cancer.

>> No.6409872

Sabra (and most other store bought hummus brands) are pig disgusting, if you want good hummus you have to make it yourself

>> No.6409885

Is there any storebought hummus that's worth a damn? I've yet to find any.
If you don't wanna cook your own chickpeas, just buy a tin of the stuff. Alternately, if the idea of something from a tin bothers you, cooked chickpeas are also sold in jars now. And if /that/ bothers you, then I've no more suggestions.
Anyway, from cooked chickpeas, it takes only about a minute or two for me to make hummus.
It's just mashed chickpeas with oil, lemon and sesame paste, after all.

>> No.6409890

whenever i make my own hummus its super soft and liquidy like a milkshake and not like hard store hummus

how to fix this?

>> No.6409892

I usually add a few cloves of garlic as well, gives it a nice kick

>> No.6409901

add more tahini and less liquid

>> No.6409904

>Is there any storebought hummus that's worth a damn? I've yet to find any.

the whole foods brand is p good

>> No.6409906


>> No.6409907

beat me to it

>> No.6409921

>add roasted chickpea powder
>use thicker tahina (you can make it thicker by draining the oil that separates out rather than stirring it back in)
>let it sit in the fridge, uncovered, a while before eating to allow the oils to gel/solidify
>use more chickpeas than normal and pat them dry before use
>use less lemon juice and add powdered sumac to mimic the flavour of lemon

I do, too, but my nan hated garlic, so I didn't have it with garlic growing up. Hers was a bit tart because she added sumac to it. I like it that way. It had a slight kick, too, due to the paprika she would top it with before serving.

I might give it a try. Even brands that list only
>chickpeas, sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, salt
as ingredients have been shit to me for some reason. Perhaps they're using lower quality OO than I do or something? I don't know.

Anyone know if hummus freezes well? If it does, someone really ought to start selling frozen thaw-before-use hummus. It might actually be tasty.

>> No.6409930

'Normies and chads' have eaten hummus for like 10 years at least you twat

>> No.6409948


Very few brands use primarily olive oil, in fact WF has two hummus labels which are mysteriously sold in different parts of the store. One has olive oil and one has canola and olive.

I was about to post more but I noticed you said "my nan" and your writing style matches that of this one moron who I dislike, so I'm just going to leave it at that. Nice blog post.

>> No.6409973

>answering other posts is now blogging
You're not very smart.

>> No.6410231

What the fucks a "Chad"?

>> No.6410260


tad ghostal's evil twin brother

>> No.6410270

Fuck I am going to start reading "normie" and "chad" in Zorak's voice now

>> No.6410316

I never post anymore. I'm not sure if the boards gone to hell or if I'm just getting old. Even the ck challenge has become a drag. I just lurk, randomly shitpost, and waste time with yal. Might be time to move on, ya know?

>> No.6410347

It is just people from /b/, /pol/, and /r9k/ who come to this board that ruin it

All the "cuck", "chad", "normie" gibberish that people bring to this board is disgusting

>> No.6410358

I don't know if it can be attributed to that campaign, but its pretty common though not surpassing salsa

>> No.6410367
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if you're in the region, it doesn't get better than thai coconut curry…

>> No.6410369

I've been coming to this board for close to 7 years and the past year it's degraded so much it's fucking unbelievable. It was never that good in the first place (just fast food and alcohol, the odd actual cooking shit) but now it's fucking >flyover, alcoholism and fedoras.

>> No.6410717

What region is that?


>> No.6410718

Nope, I have been on 4chan since like 06-07ish. Looking at everything I am sure this place hasn't changed. We have grown up.

>> No.6410724

b-but muh memes
what would we ever do without the memes?

>> No.6410730 [DELETED] 
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Spotted the flyover

>> No.6411020

who uses mayo in their hummus?

>> No.6411027

Dunno about hummus but one time I went to a store frequented by jews and they were selling babab ghanouj with mayonnaise mixed in.

Needless to say it was disgusting. I'm a pretty SJW kind of guy but on that day, I realized the holocaust was actually a hoax.

>> No.6411043

I've been /ck/ since 08 or 09. I just stumbled in one day and felt comfy, been here ever since. The boards changed a little but I think I've changed more than the actual board. Just growing up, maturing, etc. I'll still browse but do not post like I used to.

>> No.6411064

yeah, it's kind of sad since /ck/ had an older, less insecure userbase
are there that many <21 year old kids coming in and spamming /r9k/ memes like "normies"? weird to think about, they should just go shit up their own boards

>> No.6411066

everyone always ate hummus.

>> No.6411068 [DELETED] 


Not flyovers, they had never heard of it before, and probably still don't eat it because its not "normal food" so they stick to their miracle whip casserole.

>> No.6411116

Anyone here remember Sabra before they got bought by pepsi? That's when I used to eat it, and people thought I was crazy and disgusting for liking it... I miss those days.

>> No.6411137

Hummus is really, really popular right now
But it's not because of what ever that is

>> No.6411146 [DELETED] 


>> No.6411220

Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to turn I your fixie, tight pants, and and overly ironic glasses. Oh you try to order pabts, we got you on file so you can't do that anymore .

But in all seriousness, hummus is essentially another reform of a bean dip and quite normal where I live. If someone really thinks they are cultured from eating it, they are from some place that's a few years behind the rest of the u.s

>> No.6411422

Sabra is disgusting, cant touch that shit. It actually just got recalled too

>> No.6411463

hummus is fucking disgusting

3rd world shitbirds

>> No.6412458

Hummus tastes like shit

>> No.6412460

People eat hummus because it tastes good.

>> No.6412568

I honestly have no idea how /ck/ has gotten so shitty despite being a relatively minor board.

>> No.6412569
File: 295 KB, 1000x959, Trader-Joes-Spicy-Hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trader Joe's spicy hummus is pretty great, especially when paired with their bagel chips.

>> No.6412602

There was a time a few years ago moot announced this was one of his favorite boards. That drew in a lot...a lot of unwanted attention. RIP in peace.

>> No.6412671

What doing in /ck/?

>> No.6412688

and yet it's still better than most other boards
4chan is dead

>> No.6412698


>> No.6412708

>Anyone know if hummus freezes well?

I've frozen the Costco-sized tubs of Sabra before. It doesn't destroy the quality, but it's definitely not as good as fresh. It becomes slightly more liquidy, and the texture slightly less smooth, but it's okay.

>> No.6412709


moot is a walking magnet for all kinds of faggotry. thank the fuck christ he only posts anonymously from now on

no offense to moot, of course

>> No.6412711
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>miracle whip casserole.
Why flyovers why?

>> No.6413078
File: 75 KB, 1000x673, ck 1aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time, /ck/ used to be well moderated. I don't know why it still isn't. It's such a small board.

I hope you fuckers are remembering to report this shit.

>> No.6413082

Please fuck off with your

This is one of the only decent boards left.

>> No.6413085

kek, apparently that's called "Israeli eggplant salad"

>> No.6413152

Tons of people will eat hummus if you put it in front of them and serve it on chips. The real test is if you'll eat it in a wrap, or on plain pita bread. Also garlic hummus is bullshit.

>> No.6413155

You're bullshit.

>> No.6413173

>remember to report
I would but for some reason, my report feature is broken. I haven't been able to report things since the "I'm not a robot" captchas were implemented.

>> No.6413176

Don't worry, I was able to successfully report your post.

>> No.6413204


>> No.6413226

Tell us everything you would like reported.

>> No.6413250
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>> No.6413297


This is by far the worst board I post on, goddamn I hate it so much. This board and most of the people who post on it are the worst of the worst.

>> No.6413435
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Can we start talking about Simply Sara instead of food please?

>> No.6413453

They've started serving it at breweries. They think it's good when they drown it in Spanish olive oil. They need to cut that shit out.

>> No.6413546

Every succeeding generation is more idiotic and cancerous than the previous one.

It's just these millenials are the most cancerous of all, spoiled, soft and autistic due to all the environmental pollution that they absorbed while they were fetuses.

Hummus is awesome with ak-mak crackers that you can get from trader joes.

>> No.6413630

You never been to /lit/ have you?

>> No.6413657
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Not them but- fuck them to hell.

They won't read my favorite book. We have kindles now dammit. Read you niggers.

>> No.6413662


if /ck/ is the worst board you post on then it's either the only board you post on or you spend your time on places like /po/ or something

>> No.6413667

I hate the /lit/ board so goddamn much!

>> No.6413680

He also might be underage /b/

>> No.6413690

> be /fit/
> trying to eat more veggies
> start dipping peppers, carrots, etc in hummus
Shits good, yo.

>> No.6413699


>>faggots pretending they're discerning by pretending sabra or generic hummus doesn't kick ass almost as much as fresh hummus

for real. shut up. there is literally like 1% of food that doesn't taste good, and no hummus is part of it.

>> No.6413703

>>muh extra virgin olive oil

>>implying olive oil is superior to vegetable oil

>> No.6413707

shhh you'll awaken the fedoras

>> No.6413999


Only because they can't appreciate garbage bag food.

I'll eat it if I can tounge and stomach it. Making food unpalatable is a fucking talent when we need it to live.

>> No.6414018


>> No.6414211


You only get one tendy.

Bad boy.

>> No.6414246

Meh, that shitty mod would cross board ban me for complaining about Mexican food. All the while letting Sceak blogs get bumped for days. Good riddance you fucking shitbird.

>> No.6414325

I dare you to visit /r9k/.

>> No.6414521

I think it's more to do with the fact that people often cited it as one of the better boards on 4chan. Draws too much attention, idiots flock. Same thing happened to [s4s] and /vr/.

>> No.6414956
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>mfw I had hope hummus 2 days before I came down with fucking horrible food poisoning where I shat uncontrollably for 2 days and shat some more for another 3

fuck hummus, it's a breeding ground for bacteria and their toxins.

>> No.6414999


A delicious breeding ground.

>> No.6415022
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delicious enough to risk death by poops?

>> No.6415036

Not everyone is autistic on this board, please return to /r9k/ friend :^)