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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6403707 No.6403707 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most disgusting of the commonly eaten animals, and why is it the cow?

>> No.6403798

How common are we talking? Does goat count? What about horse and kangaroo?

>> No.6403804

I used to live cheaply near a highway where cows, pig, sheep and hrose would get driven away, and pigs smelt the worst. I could smell them in the bacon and pork I was given. Least smelly was the sheep. Funny thing is, I saw more adult sheep drive by than I saw lambs, but the shops around me were 90% lamb meat, and nearly no mutton.

>> No.6403810

pigs take the cake and frosting.
tilapia and most farm raised fish are runner ups but they are not eaten as often as pigs.

>> No.6403833
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chickens are stinky

>> No.6403856

The animals themselves are not disgusting; the way we factory farm them is.

>> No.6403864
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>> No.6403866

Pigs. Holy fuck pigs.
I used to raise them, and while I did not usually enjoy slaughtering animals, I would never say I wasn't a little bit happy to see those fucking monsters go.

>> No.6403875
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PETA pls go

>> No.6403892

You are an idiot. The beef industry is the most highly regulated of all the meat industries in the US. You're safer eating beef than any other meat.
That said, I highly disapprove of factory farming in general. I only buy free range beef. My father and grandfather were both cattle ranchers who only raised pastured beef, and I grew up eating pastured beef, so obviously that's what I buy at the store/farmer's market. It's more expensive, but worth it.
Anyway, point is, beef is a hell of a lot cleaner than pork or poultry.

>> No.6403900

Agreed. Pigs are terrible things who will eat anything and everything, including each other and you too.

>> No.6403987

I have agree with this.

Eating animals is in our nature, but the way we farm animals today is cruel. Does a bloated chicken who can barely walk and has corn sprinkled from above only to be asphyxiated by an expanding foam have any quality of life? Does our hunger justify the suffering we cause them by raising them that way?

Well, at least chickens are less intelligent. Pigs are smarter than dogs, but western cultures don't eat dogs.

I would not eat a crow, dolphin, elephant or most primates, and in the future I plan to stay away from octopus. I have no problem eating most fish though, as well as land animals raised humanely.

>> No.6404003

So you decided only to eat dumb things?

>> No.6404022
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>regulations make things less disgusting

Tell that to the people who clean those regulated sewers.

>> No.6404029

100% this.

I've never encountered a disgusting animal that is commonly eaten. Well, perhaps some crustaceans or clams/oysters. Male goats in rut stink pretty bad.

>> No.6404030

yes any why not?

>> No.6404035

Eating because of how you feel about the animal and not coz you like the taste is retarded.

>> No.6404036

Reading comprehension, do you have it?
(of course not, you're vegan)

>> No.6404039

/pol/ tier elitism, as far as I'm concerned. Might as well euthanise blacks while you're at it.

>> No.6404040

>You're safer eating beef than any other meat.

The problem lies in methods of farming and handling, not the actual meat or animal itself. Also, high regulation goes hand in hand with highly industrialized methods. Free range beef isn't as regulated as CAFO raised beef.

>> No.6404054
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>mfw edgy young shitlords, invigorated by their first Ayn Rand novel, pretend that nothing they do is ever driven by emotion

Everyone knew a kid like you in high school

You'll grow out of it

>> No.6404060

sardines and anchovies taste good, are sustainable, and are unintelligent. Lots of other types of fish and animals fit that description as well. It isn't like I think to myself "oh that rat seems pretty unintelligent, better eat it" but rather "I want to eat tasty things I also don't feel guilty about eating."


>> No.6404069


Yes, I've heard this many times on /ck/. I'm apparently a vegan because I don't eat ammonia-soaked trashmeat from walmart. Decent quality meat is made of vegetables, who knew?

>> No.6404163

came to say pretty much this

>> No.6404182

>pigs are smarter than dogs

You ever seen a pig play fetch? How about a pig that attacks on demand?

>> No.6404185


not him but pigs learn everything dogs do extremely readily. my brother has a minipig

>> No.6404229

>I want to eat tasty things I also don't feel guilty about eating.
I get this 100% anon. I feel exactly the same way, which is why I raise my own animals for eating. I know what they were fed during their life, what quality of life they had, and how they were butchered (because I do it myself).

>> No.6404239

I don't have the resources to go that far.

I do grow a few herbs, but the reasoning for that is different (cheap fresh thyme, rosemary, parsley on demand for minimal effort)

>> No.6404328


Max bait.

>> No.6404450
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>there are people on /ck/ RIGHT NOW who think that CAFOs don't exist

>> No.6404461

See, you obviously didn't bother to read past the first sentence of my post. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.6404487


Here is your attention.

>> No.6404825

I only like jamón serrano and jamón iberico, anything else on a pig is pig disgusting if you ask me.

>> No.6404850

>You ever seen a pig play fetch?

>> No.6404868

Any industrially raised animal is disgusting. Why do you think it's illegal to film these operations?

>> No.6404876

They also contain arsenic

>> No.6405168

There's still something wrong with hundreds of cows standing knee-deep in their own shit eating corn they're unable to digest.

>> No.6405183

If you're a panty-wearing vegan faggot, maybe

>> No.6405208
File: 329 KB, 719x433, Sea Kittens Have Mental Issues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the hell are sea kittens
>look it up
>read the little bed time story designed for the kids

I think this was my favorite page.

>> No.6405249
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>I've never seen a pig in real life but believe I have a firm grasp on their average intelligence anyway
They're incredibly easy to train.

>> No.6405355

He specifically said that he eats pastured beef. Feedlots are fucking disgusting, however.

>> No.6405386

Maybe if sea kittens stopped being fucking delicious we wouldn't eat them.

>> No.6405464

My problem with this is that it invites a whole load of other difficult expectations. Are you at all upset about the fact that dolphins live in the wild, in conditions that would be considered, by human standards, as horribly cruel poverty? When watching a wildlife documentary involving intelligent animals, are you upset when they are killed? Do you think that's a moral wrong, maybe not a major one, but one which is at least on the list of things you think should be fixed?

I've thought about it, and my answer has to be no. I try to avoid making animals suffer, but I'm not willing to treat any animal by the standards I would judge a human by. I'm okay with animals dying. I'm okay with dolphins and octopi and chimpanzees dying. I just can't accept the ludicrous implications that follow from treating them as morally equivalent to humans. I am kind to animals as a benevolent master, not as a respectful equal.

>> No.6405501


I don't want to bring undue suffering to animals, but they are not our equals. I am okay with eating animals, but not with making them suffer unnecessarily. If we absolutely had to cause such suffering to survive it might be different.

>> No.6405547

Hell, I don't even care about people who aren't family or friends of mine. Any animal in the position to do so would kill any if us if it were even the slightest bit to their advantage. So fuck them.

But that doesn't make industrially farmed meat any less disgusting. Not because the animals suffer, but because eating anything grown in such toxic, filthy conditions doesn't seem like a good idea.

Cows are a perfect example. Take an animal that evolved to eat grass while spending it's days wandering around outside. Pen it up, standing in its own shit while feeding it corn and soy for most of its life Do you want to eat that, or drink the fucking milk that comes out of it?

>> No.6407185

Catfish is the worst tasting commonly eaten animal.

>> No.6407203


Never actually been to a feedlot, have you?