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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6399114 No.6399114 [Reply] [Original]

>diet change to lose weight
>losing nearly 1lbs a day
>end of day salad of mostly wild greens

I've reached ravenous-tier. Mind is overly sharp, body is jittery, look at everything as though it is food, ready to hulk out at a moment's notice. I can't wait till all the weight is off, but the ride itself is pretty fun.

Anyone else get like this with successful dieting?

>> No.6399129

Don't even bother, you'll put it back on the moment you stop
shit thread

>> No.6399140

I doubt that. I only put the weight on for boxing anyway. But, if you are always a failure, you'll see everyone as a failure around you and try to pull them down. You need a better more positive attitude.

>> No.6399144

>Losing a pound a day
That's very likely just water. It's incredibly unhealthy to be losing more than 1~2 pounds a week, and if it's not water weight, you need to see a doctor. Rapid weight loss is one of the most common symptoms of cancer, after all.

>> No.6399152

>losing nearly 1lbs a day

With fat goes water. All you have to do is drink lots of water on the diet and you know it isn't just water weight. When you diet to lose weight you can lose it extremely fast or very slow. 1-2 a week would take fucking forever.

>> No.6399160

>It's incredibly unhealthy to be losing more than 1~2 pounds a week

I've lost 19 kg in 30 days...
A month later i was in the hospital with my gallbladder removed due to the magical creation of over 9001 gallstones in the month before

>> No.6399170

You really need to drink lots of fluids when losing weight. That being water, not soda, tea, or coffee.

>> No.6399180

>Hey, anon, what diet do you want to go on?
>"Just fuck my shit up!"

>> No.6399203

1lb is not sustainable. You are only putting your body into shock and you'll put it back on once you return to your diet.

>> No.6399222

>1lb is not sustainable.
>losing nearly 1lbs a day

Of course it isn't you are supposed to sustain it. also, losing weight is easy and keeping it off is easier. Is everyone here just really fat or something?

>> No.6399227

Good work. You should be shot by a hunter like many wolves!

>> No.6399443
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Heres some oc I made

>> No.6399458

>Is everyone here just really fat or something?

A lot of us are yeah. We had a guy claim he wasn't fat at 280 and 6'1"

>> No.6399470
File: 328 KB, 800x778, 1425184661945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people do the kill-me-tea dehydration diet
>mfw people do any diet that isnt just calorie control
>mfw people take the easy route and learn nothing about why they were fat
>mfw people think losing a pound a day is both normal and healthy (provided you arent already 900 pounds)
>mfw people get smug online as soon as they start losing weight

>> No.6399472

Yeah becuase you arent eating enough you retard
Find our total caloric needs and cut by 500 calories
thank me later you fatass

>> No.6399473


1000 kcal/day diet.
lost about 1 lb per day.
basically about food budgeting.
felt like you during the first week, then got used to it.
body and blood felt much cleaner after dropping about 10 kg.

>> No.6399474

What's wrong with unsweetened tea/coffee?

>> No.6399749

They're diuretics. They make you go to the bathroom so you ultimately become dehyrated in the end. Water is by far the best, and safest option. Sometimes if you're feeling hungry, you can drink a bunch of water instead and maybe stave off hunger for two hours or so until your next meal which is probably healthier in the end.

>> No.6400092



Not really, no. Unless you're drinking more than 4 cups or so a day, you're nowhere near 'pissing out all your water' tier.

But keep on going, people like you are what bring be back to /ck/.

>> No.6400094

you started to lose water, hence the illusion you are losing weight fast.
Keeping that for long and you will lose more organs than fat.

>> No.6400096

>if you're feeling hungry, you can drink a bunch of water instead

Aside from acidic spike it achieves nothing.

>> No.6400105

You need to balance meal options with increased fiber, and increased water needed to support increased fiber. Limit calories, avoid unnecessary carbs/sugars.

>> No.6400142

You do realize that this is a lifestyle change, right? You are going to have these cravings for the rest of your life, and you will have to deal with them.

>> No.6400161
File: 396 KB, 682x466, 1318132945736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink soda every day with every meal
>medically obese
>stop drinking soda
>drink water instead
>no longer even chubby

>> No.6400165

FACT: if you are losing more than 3 lbs/week, you are fucked up.

>> No.6400171


>> No.6400257

Pizza is already a sandwich.

>> No.6400894
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ITT: fat people try to drag a random anon down to their level of sloth

So much misplaced hate. You people should probably look in the mirror and start cutting yourselves or something more constructive. It is obvious none of you know anything about healthy eating, proper diet, or exercise.

>> No.6400929

Good on you, OP.
Remember that you can have cheat days so that you don't snap.

>> No.6400934

Pizza is already a vegetable you fucking retard

>> No.6400937

gb2/grave, ronald reagan. your neocon tricks won't work on me

>> No.6400957

I don't understand diets. Just permanently change your lifestyle. Also people who just eat salads to lose weight are doing it wrong.

>> No.6400959
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This last weekend I've been binging real hard some days (basically eat enough for 2 days) , so I didn't eat anything the next day except drinking a protein shake in the afternoon and in the evening.
As of now it's been
>Binge (Not as hard as the other days tho)

Is this very bad for me? I didn't binge on unhealthy stuff except for the first day (a lot of alcohol)

>> No.6400965

there's plenty of people out there that refuse to drink plain water. You seem to have forgotten that.

>> No.6400966

>Anyone else get like this with successful dieting?
not at all. dieting is easy. Don't eat fat. Eat lots of complex carbs. You should feel just fine, and lose weight.

>> No.6400980

Cool bro science.

Drinking water and coffee do not dehydrate you. Even soda doesn't. Whatever diuretic properties they have is irrelevant considering each drink is 90% water. You can drink nothing but soda, coffee, and tea every day and never be dehydrated.

>> No.6400993
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>> No.6400996


I'm not going to waste my time looking up a bunch of links by doctors, but if you think caffeinated beverages that are made up of 90% water aren't hydrating you, then sorry for your stupidity.

>> No.6400998

>Broscience: The Post!

>> No.6401015


Try confusion. The way it's almost always stated, in books, magazines and newspapers, the 8-by-8 rule specifically discounts caffeinated beverages, such as coffee. This is flat wrong. Caffeine does cause a loss of water, but only a fraction of what you're adding by drinking the beverage. In people who don't regularly consume caffeine, for example, researchers say that a cup of java actually adds about two-thirds the amount of hydrating fluid that's in a cup of water.

That is to say, one cup of coffee equals about two-thirds a cup of water--if you're not a regular caffeine drinker.

Regular coffee and tea drinkers become accustomed to caffeine and lose little, if any, fluid. In a study published in the October issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers at the Center for Human Nutrition in Omaha measured how different combinations of water, coffee and caffeinated sodas affected the hydration status of 18 healthy adults who drink caffeinated beverages routinely.

"We found no significant differences at all," says nutritionist Ann Grandjean, the study's lead author. "The purpose of the study was to find out if caffeine is dehydrating in healthy people who are drinking normal amounts of it. It is not."

The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol--and usually it takes more than one of those to cause noticeable dehydration, doctors say.

Either I am being trolled or /ck/ is legitimate filled with retards.

>> No.6401031

Congratulations, you are about to discover the joys of Bulimia.

>> No.6401049

How do you diet if you have an unsupportive partner?

>cook lots of healthy shit
>partner whines and complains
>give them a shopping list
>they come back with nothing on said list
>bags filled with soda, pie, deep fried shit, mayo
>there's a bag of apples in one
>"quit nagging I bought fruit"

>> No.6401058

No I'm trying to recover from that. I used to vomit like every second day, there's worse but it's still something I don't want to keep doing.

>> No.6401071

You dump them and find someone who isn't a useless sack of shit going nowhere.

>> No.6402015

Yeah, don't relegate such responsibilities to that person again, unless you enjoy berating them. Just make them stick to their thing and you stick to yours.

>> No.6402123


Your body is adjusting to the lower calories and its hard to keep it off after as your body has moved into more calorie efficient territory.

You will find it hard not to bounce some of the weight back on. If for instance you return to what was your normal before youll pile on some weight fast. This is because your body now needs less as it has tried to fend off starvation by lowering requirements.

Usually its recomended to only drop your caloric intake by 10-25%

>> No.6402191
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>losing nearly 1lbs a day

>> No.6402213

Maybe related since we're talking about health.

I rarely get thirsty so I don't drink a lot. Most of my water intake probably comes from what I drink while I eat. Other than that I just sip on water throughout the day. Those two together is probably about three glasses of water a day.

It worries me that I might be doing damage to myself. I apparently had a relative who had the same habit and she ended up fucking up her kidneys. Forcing myself to drink more water just ends up making me feel sick. It's not that I don't like water I just have no urge to drink anything.

It's easier for me to drink soda and juice than it is water but issue still applies to those as well. I rarely finish a can of soda before it goes flat.

>> No.6402246

1lb a day. You're either 400 lbs or retarded. Good luck failing and going back to square -1

>> No.6402526

Net loss of 3500 Cals a day? Great job!!!

>> No.6402563

OP is a moron.

Losing 1lb a day is not healthy in any sense. The damage done to your body is not worth it.

>> No.6402570


Assuming you don't live in a particularly hot area and you don't exercise a lot, its likely you get more than enough fluid intake from your food and the drinks you drink.

The average, not particularly active person doesn't really need to consume much water at all.

>> No.6402642

>live in a particularly hot area
The Midwest, so season dependent. It's 64 degrees right now but feels hotter because of the humidity and the fact that the house has shitty airflow.
>don't exercise a lot
Not as much as I should.

Make sense though. I just get anxious over stuff. I'd still like to drink more water. Since the taste isn't much of a problem maybe it's just a matter of training myself to get used to it.

>> No.6402887

Losing 1 lb. of body weight (not water weight) a day is not just unhealthy, it's virtually impossible. Maybe if you ran a 10k marathon every day and ate nothing.

>> No.6402894

For damn good reasons, you know. Half of this country's water tastes like shit. It either tastes like chlorine, or sulfur, or there's just a nasty taste to it altogether.

For example, my water comes from a well. You think it'd be nice, right? No. My 90 year old landlord retards don't take good care of it, and so the water is hard, and it only tastes good when it's ice cold, so you don't notice this dirty, nasty, gritty flavour it has to it. We filter it, too, and it's STILL shit.

I understand why people don't want to drink the nation's water in different places, because it tastes differently everywhere you go. If you have good water, your ass had better be drinking it. If you don't, opt to filter/boil it as much as you can to get the nasty taste out, or freeze it until slushy like I do. Or buy bottled water that doesn't come from the tap, but verified spring sources.

>> No.6402908

need my wisdom teeth out and i've lost about 20lbs in two months from waiting.

>> No.6402910

if he's extremely obese i don't see how its virtually impossible

>> No.6402913

I did some rough math. If he was 6 ft. tall and 16 years old, he'd have to weigh about 422 pounds to have a 3500 calorie BMR.

>> No.6402941

>magical creation of over 9001 gallstones in the month before
thats because you cut too much fat from your diet
what where you eating?

>> No.6404795

>Losing 1 lb. of body weight (not water weight) a day

"Nearly" 1lbs isn't 1lbs.

>> No.6404812

>losing nearly 1lbs a day

There are something like 3,500 Calories in 1 pound of fat. If you're losing that much daily you must not be eating at all combined with a l lot of cardio.

>> No.6404829


When someone first starts a diet they often lose a lot of water weight in addition to the actual fat loss so what OP is describing is not surprising. On the other hand, if he is continuing to lose weight at that rate after a month....that's a different story.

>> No.6404848

I haven't drinken soda in 7 years and I'm still a fat fuck, so I don't have a lot of faith in this

>> No.6405048

Your body needs fat.

>> No.6405064

How long have you been dieting?

>> No.6405093

>tfw 250 lbs 6'4 last year
>stopped drinking soda/alcohol/coffee with milk
>200 lbs 6 months later
Almost a little too easy.

>> No.6405198

The fact people get like this due to the dieting is why most people give up, keep it at bro, #beastmode

>> No.6406830

I find it is better to just fuck the shit out of my GF when I get ravenous. Helps a lot actually.

A little over 2 months. 60lbs+ lost. Since I'm not boxing anymore I don't need the extra flab for but protection. It REALLY fucking helped too.

>> No.6406831

I do jogging and manual logging (chopping trees down and dragging them to the building site through the woods.)

>> No.6406847


>losing water weight
>omg im like so amazing!
>grr i am like hungry now alpha n stuff grr durrrrr

gonna be fun seeing you balloon up again.

>> No.6407007

>1 pound a day
That's a little extreme anon, most I've done was 4 pounds a week by cutting to 1200 kCal a day, and then I was pretty hungry. There's not really that much to cut after that, so kudos to you for really getting down there on your diet I guess.

>> No.6407296

>>losing nearly 1lbs a day

>3600 calories in a pound of bodyfat
>unless OP previously ate 4000 a day, this is bullshit
>doesn't know about water weight
>thinks starving is good

>Unless you're drinking more than 4 cups or so a day,

Uh. 6-8 cups of tea plus 32 oz of water.

>> No.6407325

If you eat lots of bread, cut back on that hard. anything sugary like candy and shit is a given. juice will fuck you too if you drink shitty sugar added stuff. dairy can be a real cunt but dont cut it out entirely. if you eat late at night, dont do that either. been 3.5 months and im down 16 pounds.