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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6396035 No.6396035 [Reply] [Original]

Soylent 1.4 is out, and pretty completely fixes the texture, flavor, and gassiness issues of earlier versions. Also, Sodium and Chloride have been upped slightly, as per research showing deficiencies. Protein content ratio has been reduced, but you're still getting 84g daily, which is nearly enough for a /fit/fag. Oil capsule is gone.

Soylent thread -- you know the drill; spout off your misinformed/uninformed opinions about what's "healthy" or how food "should" be.

Don't forget lots of posts with "Why don't you just ______ [something retarded about a multivitamin, yadda yadda]."

Also, be sure to play dumb about situations in which it would be useful, with lots of "Why would anyone want this?" posts.

>> No.6396040

Do you enjoy the taste of soylent?

>> No.6396041

Great, how much does it cost?

>> No.6396048

What are the ingredients? Is it a bunch of supplements or is it like powdered food mixed together?

>> No.6396052

one month supply is $300, so $10 daily. but that's literally the entirety of the money you need to spend on food for that month

end goal is like $2 a day or something

never tried it but it apparently tastes like nothing
lots of people add coffee to theirs

>> No.6396053


If you know jack shit about it why not do yourself the effort of at least Googling it first?

>> No.6396055

Yes, I enjoy the texture, flavor and gassiness (or lack thereof) of version 1.4.

>> No.6396057


Why spend my time googling when I could ask in a thread about this very topic, presumably made by someone who would have the answer?

>> No.6396058

the ultimate hipster meme food.

>> No.6396059


Ya man, like why do anything?

>> No.6396060

>one month supply is $300, so $10 daily. but that's literally the entirety of the money you need to spend on food for that month
Eh, maybe in the future then.

>> No.6396061


>> No.6396064

apparently different kinds of flour, oils, vitamins and minerals, and a couple of kinds of thickeners

>> No.6396066

>food with version numbers
These are the end times...

>> No.6396069

>muh reactionaryism

>> No.6396073

lots of foods have had version numbers, they just arent publicized because they're meant to be kept in testing

>> No.6396076

It's Slim Fast without any fucking flavor added.

I don't know what the hell they are thinking marketing a product like this that has been around for decades and completely fail at the most basic aspect of marketing and fail to give any flavor options.

The only convenience about it is for the people selling it. They throw some shit together in their ratty warehouse in great big vats and then ship it out making bank.

I'd rather drink Ovaltime or whatever. This is some gay-ass, hipster, wannabe shit right here.

>> No.6396079

so you can live indefinitely on slimfast, huh? sure.

>> No.6396080

It's not food, it's just a diet supplement like the diet drinks that have been around for decades that are supposed to replace a meal. Except the people selling soylent aren't even trying.

>> No.6396082


>> No.6396086
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picture source:
>Also totally changed is the actual taste. Previously, Soylent had a vaguely sweet taste mixed in with hints of bread dough—sort of like a thin pancake batter over which someone had sprinkled artificial sweetener. This Soylent tastes like—very little. There is a much more pronounced umami note—rather than tasting like bread or dirt or sweetness, the new mixture tastes of inoffensive plainness, and it has a presence on the tongue. I haven’t tried mixing it with peanut butter or vanilla or chocolate, but I suspect that Soylent 1.4 will be much more receptive to taking on the tastes of mixed extras than before—the liquid equivalent of tofu.

>> No.6396087

It's exactly as ridiculous as claiming you can live off soylent. It's almost exactly the same thing. The real question is who the fuck would ever want to try?

This is the shittiest shilling I've ever seen. I really don't ever see anything about soylent anywhere except the occasional thread here on /ck/. If you want to sell this garbage to people claiming convenience, then have the balls to flavor it instead of selling the bland powder as one of it's "features"

>> No.6396089


Well why make a thread about the new soylent version when people could just google it?

>> No.6396092

not enough protein

>> No.6396094

>It's exactly as ridiculous
slimfast is meant to replace a meal or two
soylent has the specific goal of being able to replace 100% of your food intake, and can, as many people have already proven.

>why would anyone want this?
stop pretending to be retarded

i like the idea of soylent and enjoy correcting retards about it

>> No.6396095

lol, they wish. The whole thing is just a gimmick. I remember when they were still collecting funding for the project and they had that youtube video talking about how soylent would end world hunger and shit.

It's fucking ridiculous. It's a powdered dietary supplement like literally dozens of other in its class. It is nothing new or special!

>> No.6396102
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alright, we're in yahoo news comment territory now, you don't need to try so hard

>> No.6396104

You're an idiot, dude. You like the idea huh? Well, I guess that's about right for an idiot. Tell you what. Live off of nothing but soylent for a year and then get back to us. (protip: It'll never happen and you're full of shit)

>> No.6396107

Your product sucks and it's very unattractive the way you are pushing it.

>> No.6396120

it's not good to consume this much polyunsaturated vegetable oil.

>> No.6396124


Tell us all about it

>> No.6396132

Is that a joke, marketing or autism?

>> No.6396134

the guy who runs soylent has only done a 2 week only soylent test, no ones done more then 1 month str8

>> No.6396138


if they paid me good money i would do it for a year for marketing purposes

>> No.6396143
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kek i'm some dude, i made the thread because they're fun

here are the results of a 600-subject survey faggot
>>6396134 is just an outright lie

honestly, why are some people so assblasted by the fact that this EXISTS?
why was the op able to predict your posts with 100% accuracy?

>> No.6396151

here's the raw data and methodology

the survey is from a site that makes a soylent-esque product, but the raw data is right there for you to look at

>> No.6396154
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I drive

>> No.6396159


>ketogenic soylent

And we thought soylent couldn't get any shittier. Now they sell one that purposely harms you.

>> No.6396163
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>i eat

>> No.6396165

why in the world did they name it soylent. it's people

>> No.6396168

A product to solve a nonexistent problem.

There is tastier convenience food for not much more money. If you spend a minimum of effort you can buy cheap ingredients and cook big batches of tasty food for cheaper than this.

I think it's likely that most people who are so busy they don't have time to do any cooking can afford something tastier than this. And that people who are poor would generally rather spend a bit of time and save some more money to get something with some flavor. I think the number of people who want to maximize convenience and near-maximise cheapness, at the expense of totally sacrificing all taste, is not very many.

But what baffles me the most is how this product is not being admitted as the niche product it is, but is described as something that everyone will want. To do this, the glaring disadvantage of the product, its tastelessness, is somehow sold as a positive. As though everyone has always hated food being tasty and has secretly always wanted it to be bland and flavorless.

It's an idea borne not out of understanding of the market, but out of a science fiction fetish. Of course with fiction, you can tell the people in your story to do what you like, and they will. But that doesn't work in the real world.

To people who do not have an interest in sci-fi LARPing, tastelessness in food is always going to be a downside, not a perk.

>> No.6396177


Literally reddit - the food

>> No.6396178

>one month supply is $300
so you can order nutrisystem for the same price, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks a day, and you actually get to eat food

>> No.6396181

>most people who are so busy they don't have time to do any cooking can afford something tastier than this
never been to college

>why don't you just ____?
>why would anyone want this?

>> No.6396182

This was made by an autistic shut in for autistic shut ins playing future time and pretending to be above petty human needs for flavor and texture. FYI, all your jaws are going to atrophy from inactivity, this is a documented fact.

>> No.6396183

Or just eat tinned soup, if you insist on living off liquids only.

>> No.6396188

So have they addressed the fact that your teeth will become very weak?

>> No.6396189

You were busy at college?

Also, preempting a question doesn't mean you don't have to answer it. What I'm most confused by is why they seem to think the flavorlessness of it is a positive factor. Convenience is good, but the notion that anyone has ever wanted their food to have the taste and consistency of water is completely fabricated. As I said, the appeal of this isn't the product itself, it's getting to play pretend sci-fi. Like astronaut food.

>> No.6396190
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>> No.6396192

Why the fuck is everyone so mad at Soylent? I know a couple of people who use it all the time, one guy who's lived off it for the past 4 1/2 months and he loves it. Other friends hate it.

If it's not for you then it's not for you, so why do you give a shit if other people use it?

That's alright, I'm not 60 years old and attracted to food that a fat Dan Marino shills for.

>> No.6396196

>44 grams of sugar per 2000 calories
>implying this is healthy

>> No.6396197

for $2 dollars that would make it the ultimate neet food supply.

>> No.6396198

So no? Thanks.

>> No.6396199


It's a shitty meme food for autists who like to pretend they're living in a wacky dystopian future that gets shilled constantly

>> No.6396202

Reminder that the health food industry has a high concentration of shills and frauds, and OP is likely to be one of them.

Through Mechanical Turk, Soylent paid me to do SEO work. As in, search for their terms on Google and click on the URLs they want you to click on. They do this so that criticism of Soylent gets buried.

>> No.6396203

>anyone has ever wanted their food to have the taste and consistency of water is completely fabricated.

That sounds great to me. Eating for me doesn't have to be some holy ritual, it's annoying as fuck half the time to be in the middle of something and suddenly get hungry. Something like this just lets people disregard hunger and make something in seconds which you can easily chug, I seriously don't see the downside of this unless you're just not busy at all.

>> No.6396204

>Something like this just lets people disregard hunger

wow, eating food allows you to disregard hunger. the geniuses at soylent have done it again!!

>> No.6396207

If you think 44g of sugar a day isnt healthy, i have some bad news for you. That bread you eat, turns into sugar in your body. Same with the potatoes, pasta, rice, pretty much any carb. Combine that with the sugars your are getting from icecream, soda, and candy you useless neckbeard manchild, and im sure you get well over 44g a day of sugar.

>> No.6396211

Don't you dare disrespect Dan Marino you piece of shit

>> No.6396212

44g of sugar is quite small you moron

>> No.6396214

maybe if your an athlete, tyrone.

>> No.6396216

Do you seriously not agree with me on that?

Jesus christ you are both so autistic and probably so lethargic at the same time, of course this isn't directed at you

also has anyone bought any? I bought the $90 pack yesterday but didn't get any shipping confirmation, how long does it usually take? I'll be pissed if it takes more than a few days

>> No.6396219

I think that when a terrible idea, completely contrary to what people actually want, is pushed by people convinced that it's The Future and everyone does want it really but pretends they don't because they're just ignorant technophobes who hate change, being concerned is a perfectly reasonable response.

There are lots of products that I also don't want, but that I'm not concerned about because the people pushing them don't believe that everyone needs to have them. This, and similar ideas like it ("why aren't you eating insects yet, /ck/?") are not in that category. Because they have sci fi appeal and have been picked up by the authoritarian wing of the trekkies, who believe that the quality of their product is not determined by how many people choose it, but that it is intrinsically good and people who don't like it don't just have a different opinion, but are wrong.

That's why I'm concerned.

>> No.6396221

Is it made out of people?

>> No.6396224


there are countless products that do exactly what you describe. if I'm so pressed for time I dump some protein in milk or water and go about my way

this is a completely useless, redundant product that does not do anything new

>> No.6396226

Yeah, I've never heard of this product before now but it sounds completely ridiculous.

>> No.6396232

I can agree with you, but honestly I don't give a shit about any advertising or shilling at all, just the final product.

If there's a substitute (something that I can eat/drink under a minute and be full for hours) I would buy that in a second.

>> No.6396236

All food lets you disregard hunger. The difference between meal replacements and, say, soup, is that the latter is tasty but the former is not.

Like I said, you are conflating convenience with tastelessness. The two are not the same. Convenient food can be tasty. Inconvenient food can be bland. Convenience is a positive quality in food; a lack of taste is not.

>> No.6396240

I can understand the convenience of it but completely replacing your diet with it is just ridiculous and will be incredibly niche

>> No.6396247

Soylent is like the food equivalent of owning a Segway.

>> No.6396248

>200g carbs a day
yea, im no longer an athlete, so i would never eat that many carbs in a day unless it were a special occasion (thanksgiving)
Imagine if it were a small female drinking this shit, 200g of carbs a day that bitch gon be fat and wonder why shes so lethargic all day err day.
if it were
>higher fat
>150 carbs a day (as little as 125 would be nice)
then i would try it.

>> No.6396252


Why would the amount of carbs in grams rather than the calories be what matters? Carbs are the main thing you're supposed to be eating regardless of your activity level

>> No.6396256

i'm 30 yo male 59 kg x 183 cm and i eat 230/240 carbs daily and when i don't sleep i'm in front of my pc on a chair

>> No.6396262

"my health has improved since eating soylent"
correlation much? whats the point of this picture other than to enrage me you shill?

>> No.6396265

>Carbs are the main thing you're supposed to be eating regardless of your activity level
>Carbs are the main thing you're supposed to be eating regardless of your activity level
>Carbs are the main thing you're supposed to be eating regardless of your activity level

>> No.6396270


Is there a problem? Whole grains, fruits, and beans. The backbone of a healthy diet. Producing thin, healthy populations since the dawn of civilization.

>> No.6396271

>worrying about taste or texture in a food substitute

oh america

>> No.6396282


Who the fuck wants to be thin other than /fa/ fucking mentally ruined faggots who couldn't overhead press more than their scarf weighs?

>> No.6396283

Erm, I'm not sure what kind of argument this is supposed to be. I'm worrying about it because it's lacking a positive quality that its alternative has. Why wouldn't I take into account what I'm losing and gaining when I weigh up different options?

>> No.6396291


Should have said lean I guess. By default, without weights being involved, diet should make people thin though. You don't get muscle just by eating, not without getting fat

>> No.6396317

yea i wrote a long thing about how if you want to make a total food replacement, the pros and cons of filling in calores with fats vs carbs bla bla nutrients, diabetus, ect. but i dont really care about you and deleted it. so here you go.
>thanks for nothing
yea, you too faggot

>> No.6396321

>You don't get muscle just by eating
>the only way to get muscle is lifting weight
faggots like you are so pathetic its amusing

>> No.6396328


Uh, he's right though? You're not going to develop appreciable muscle mass without some form of resistance exercise.

>> No.6396329


According to >>6396061 the carbs come mostly from oat flour. Surely you don't believe oatmeal causes diabetes.

>> No.6396354

Yea except that an assumption, like the previous poster.
works like always and never, you should be careful using. Seeing as you cant understand the impracticality of your statement, let me give you a real world example, not made up.
>allergic to so many things, nuts, eggs, ect...
>cant eat "unhealthy shit" like cakes, microwave shit
>hasnt worked out or exercised in years
yea, hes ripped as fuck, from playing basketball and doing pull ups and push ups(not even regularly, whenever he feels like it), no weights. im sure his diet has more to do with his appearance than his activites. (he also keeps his carbs under 200 a day, but is probably more active than the average person)

TLDR: no weights, strict diet, moderate exercise 1-2 times a week, ripped as fuck naturally (and im jelly as fuck of him to be honest)

>> No.6396359


>and doing pull ups and push ups(not even regularly, whenever he feels like it), no weights

In other words, body WEIGHT exercises. You fucking twonk.

>> No.6396360

pull ups and push ups are forms of resistance training, faggot

you're retarded

>> No.6396370

>hasnt worked out or exercised in years
>pull ups and push ups

you are a god damn fucking idiot

>> No.6396375

I hope you're trolling and not really this dumb.

>> No.6396377

Your liver doesnt give a shit where it comes from:

just skip to the science shit if you are opposed to paleo for some autistic reason.

>> No.6396378

>hasnt worked out or exercised in years
>yea, hes ripped as fuck, from playing basketball and doing pull ups and push ups


Simply epic

>> No.6396392

Why would anyone imply you need weights to gain muscle. You sound like tiny women. And possibly retarded.

>> No.6396396

>people calling it a meme food

I'm considering it because sometimes eating feels like a huge chore. Not even cooking, but just eating.

>> No.6396397
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.Your liver doesn't give a shit where it comes from:
>the paleo diet bullshit

Show me this "oatmeal gives you diabetes" science, because as far as I know all the science in the world says the opposite

>> No.6396403

If paleofags cared about the science they wouldn't be paleofags.

>> No.6396404

2000 calories per bag

if you want to weigh less, eat less
if you want to weigh more, eat more

>> No.6396407

It has to do with carb and fiber intake
>spoonfeed me please
watch it, you might learn something

>> No.6396415

Paleofag confirmed for unable to defend his retarded statements.

>> No.6396416


>It has to do with carb and fiber intake

Oatmeal is a pretty fiber-rich food

>watch it, you might learn something

It's just a paid spokesperson bullshitting about nutrition in order to get retards to buy into one of the stupidest fad diets ever created. If you want to say oatmeal causes diabetes, make your case, and it better be damn strong because it's widely accepted that whole grains help to prevent diabetes.

>> No.6396425

>macros have no affect on how much energy your body has, and ultimately how easy it is to exercise and lose weight
yea, im going to stop responding in this thread now. good luck everyone!

>> No.6396428

I gave you a video with a MD who explains it better than i could. But i can see that was a waste of time, you dont actually want to learn anything.

But hes not affiliated with primal, just references it. He has his own book. You people are hopeless.

>> No.6396441

I have no sources for you, only real life people i know who have dropped grains AFTER being diabetic for MANY YEARS and are now doing much much better.

I mean, i do have sources. But they have words like Paleo in them, so i wont bother linking.

>> No.6396457


>I gave you a video with a MD who explains it better than i could

Can you point out exactly where I should be watching if I want this guy to explain how oatmeal causes diabetes? It's an hour and 40 minutes and he seems to just be talking about some vague biochemistry that for all I know is coming out of his ass because he's not citing any references. Meanwhile I'm skeptical because I know atleast some basic nutrition, and I know every group of experts in the world consider whole grains protective of diabetes, citing countless studies where whole grains are shown to lower diabetes risk.


>I mean, i do have sources. But they have words like Paleo in them, so i wont bother linking.

What I'm taking from that is that all of your "sources" are paleo blogs. Come on, man. These aren't the people to learn nutrition from, these guys are considered the retards of the diet world.

>> No.6396460

OP successfully trolls whole thread.
Wow, that's some autism spectrum disorder disturbed mind.

>> No.6396471

And you lap it up like an over heated Saint Bernard

>> No.6396518

>What I'm taking from that is that all of your "sources" are paleo blogs
They all have reputable source as well. Peer reviewed journal articles and such. But seeing as im a pleb, why would i catalog and save hundreds of sources, when i could bookmark the easier-to-read-and-share blog pages? IDK, you connect the dots.
>These aren't the people to learn nutrition from, these guys are considered the retards of the diet world
i never implied they were 100% correct, just that they make a good point occasionally, and say so in an eloquent way that i dont believe i could improve on. but like i already said, it has the word paleo, so most will disregard immediately with almost equal bias toward their shitty standard government approved diet.
>whats wrong with that
>the government and nutritional authority are never wrong, as shown by butter, margarine, and most recently eggs/cholesterol types
but if you just want to follow the food pyramid and be told what to eat, thats cool i guess.

>> No.6396541
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I think he tried too hard. If he'd stopped right after...

>Soylent 1.4 is out, and pretty completely fixes the texture, flavor, and gassiness issues of earlier versions. Also, Sodium and Chloride have been upped slightly, as per research showing deficiencies. Protein content ratio has been reduced, but you're still getting 84g daily, which is nearly enough for a /fit/fag. Oil capsule is gone.

...he would have gotten just as much anger in response. Soylent's just that polarizing.

Personally, I like the idea of Soylent but not as much as I enjoy the taste of food. When I want Soylent I will follow one of the free recipes rather than put money in the pockets of its creator, who is COMPLETELY FUCKBALLS OUT OF HIS DICKING MIND.

>> No.6396552


>They all have reputable source as well. Peer reviewed journal articles and such

Can you link some of these journal articles that show a link between oatmeal intake and diabetes prevalence?

Fuck off with the government conspiracy theories, I just want you to show me some data that can back up the claim that oatmeal can induce or even contribute to diabetes, rather than actively protect against it, because from my perspective that's a really stupid claim. You wouldn't realize how stupid it is if all the research you ever did in the way of nutrition was reading paleo blogs though.

>> No.6396559

you said oatmeal, i said it didnt matter. stop being so autistic. and i already linked you what you need. hiding the thread now, troll someone else.

>> No.6396563
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>soylent thread
>103 replies and 7 images omitted.

>> No.6396582


>i said it didnt matter

A claim that needs to be substantiated. Show me any whole grain inducing diabetes. Show me any article that's even in the ballpark of "whole grains associated with diabetes." Hell, I could find you more direct evidence that meat can give you diabetes than you can find for whole grains.

>and i already linked you what you need. hiding the thread now, troll someone else.

Aaaaand this is why we hate the paleo diet fad.

>> No.6396774

OP here, just checking up on the thread before bed

It seems to have been commandeered by the two guys in the paleo/anti-paleo fight, that's a shame

I only SLIGHTLY wanted to rustle some rumps with the op; I really wish more people could just have the reaction to soylent of "oh hey, that's neat."
I wanted to preclude as much of the fucktarded posting that inevitably occurs in soylent threads as possible.

>> No.6396814

yep, I smell SCIENCE! worship all over this shit. The tastelessness is for ideological purity and glorious futurism.

This is an actually autistic product.

>> No.6396842

>"oh hey, that's neat."

a board dedicated to food and cooking would definitely be open to the idea that a virtually tasteless meal substitute is neat

>> No.6396869


Nobody gives a fuck about your trolling or your dumbshit viral marketing.

If you aren't getting paid to do this then you're fucking pathetic.

This is a board about cooking, not shitty scams. I've never seen anything dumber than this product.

>> No.6396923 [DELETED] 

I think soylent is kinda neat, but I actually like taste in my foods

>> No.6397999

I'm going to order a week-supply bag and experiment with different flavoring

I'm really curious about just adding a cup of hot coffee

>> No.6398055
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God, this is one of the best threads i've seen for long.
Hope it's not copypaste.

here is some real food

>> No.6398265


>> No.6398270
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whats the point

food should be enjoyed

>> No.6398466

If I wanted to make my own substitute meals I'd mix oats, peanut butthurt a banana and sum whey. I'm not autistic enough to consider buying this or to forgo food entirely.

>> No.6398471

>end goal is like $2 a day

Fucking hell that would be ace

>> No.6398702

I legitimately can't wait for the coming days of dirt-cheap soylent and artificial meat

because i'm rather wealthy and my real food will further elevate me above all the plebbies

>> No.6398705

>SCIENCE! worship
is that something to frown on you fucking hipster?

>> No.6398724

>Internet is full of lies
>I tell truth

>> No.6398767

Soylent just seems like a stepping stone towards a dystopian universe. Food costs are rising and wages are stagnant.

Only a matter of time before the masses are eating 3 shakes a day while the wealthy enjoy real food.

>> No.6398777

wont soy give you man boobs?

>> No.6398778
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>> No.6398780

the amount of soy you'd have to eat to accomplish that is so huge that there's no point.

>> No.6398801

Yup, population in Africa could grow twentyfold until it imploded in unprecedented genocide and bloodshed. Great prospect!!!

>> No.6398845

>talking about how soylent would end world hunger and shit
absolutely ridiculous

>> No.6398871

This will happen. Why can't humans stop being shitty and just fairly distribute food? That would stop world hunger.

>> No.6398875

Oh I bet you just fucking love science don't you? Go back to facebook.

>> No.6399578

finally SOMEONE tells it like it is

>> No.6399995

do you have to make it in the fancy jug, would a protien shaker do?

can i add flavouring/colors like the baking stuff?

if you can this seems like it would be great to keep in a car for emergency food

>> No.6400015
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I honestly think the whole dystopia thing is why this thing has taken off, there are dozens of products that do the exact same thing but soylent appeals to people who like to imagine they're a replicant getting their nutrition ration

>> No.6400060

i would do it on $2 a day, even $5 a day, but i can't spend $70 a week on food, that's almost double what i already spend on groceries

>> No.6400068

Its kinda depressing that theres actually people looking forward to nutrition rations and that sort of a future

>> No.6400083

>Why the fuck is everyone so mad at Soylent?
Because it's expensive as fuck.
That's basically it.
I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, $300.

>> No.6400103

>Why the fuck is everyone so mad at Soylent?
it's the fedora of food

>I only eat tasteless efficient mush that is a meme from an old book and movie

the euphoria is palpable

>> No.6400111
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>I'd mix oats,
>peanut butthurt a banana and sum whey.
>peanut butthurt

>> No.6400167

>what if dystopia is utopia of the masses

>> No.6400174
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shill is given job to go on 4chan and create buzz about useless expensive (and probably dangerous) crap created by desperate incompetent venture capitalists


laughter is heard throughout internets

>> No.6400181

>Africa could afford 2 dollars a day

>> No.6400186

Hey it's the episode where Riker hooks up with a tranny

I always thought he was the gayest of the senior officers, other than laforge, worf, and data.

>> No.6400188

>eating is a chore to me, so I prefer drinking my calories in a slurry

You people are autistic.

>> No.6400195

>it's the fedora of food

I think you meant trilby

>> No.6400196
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finally the Fleshlight equivalent of food

my prayers are answered

>> No.6400203


>pay 3x what youd spend on food, for horrible tasting shit that makes you fart more than protein shakes


>> No.6400207
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why buy this shit when yo can make your own?

>> No.6400213
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at last, the "Fredo" of food substitutes

eat smart

>> No.6400222
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Fredo food

>> No.6400229
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>Fredo food

>> No.6400236

you're a right piece of shit, m80

>> No.6400238

This shit has existed for decades soylent is literally just a fucking marketing campaign and you're fucking dumb for buying into it.

>> No.6400241

This should be banned tbh.

>> No.6400244

Ah I think it's fairly harmless, he product itself is boring but the phenomenon where you have people evangelising and devoting themselves to eating a meme food as their sole diet is fairly interesting

>> No.6400245

You say this now but in ten years anyone not making $100,000 a year will have nothing but this to eat and will be told they're entitled if they expect real food.

>> No.6400249
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it was created by failed venture capitalists hoping to make a score before having to get jobs at Quicken Loans

Fredos, Fredos everywhere

>> No.6400250


It needs to be more dystopian. Look at the ingredient list:

Maltodextrin (carbs)
Oat Powder (carbs, fiber, protein, fat)
Whey Isolate (protein)
Grapeseed Oil (fat)
Potassium Gluconate
Salt (sodium)
Magnesium Gluconate
Monosodium Phosphate
Calcium Carbonate
Methylsulfonylmethane (Sulfur)
Powdered Soy Lecithin
Choline Bitartrate
Ferrous Gluconate (Iron)

Where is the Single Cell Protein grown on hydrocarbon waste? Where is the algae? Where are the insects?

>> No.6400251

it will flop, because the concept has been around since the late 80s and it never caught on

this is just a makeover targeting techie hipsters, but it will also fail because those guys arent trendsetters, in fact they are marketing poison (see what happened to google glass)

>> No.6400253
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I'll stick with this here potted meat and some french fried pataters

>> No.6400255

Who are the guys involved?

>> No.6400256
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OP sure has drunk the Kool Aid.
What are they offering a percentage of sales versus a salary?

Multi-level marketing, pure genius.

Fredo, you funny

>> No.6400258


failed venture capitalists now spouting this crap about solving world hunger

A New Yorker article explained it all

>> No.6400263


I'm not a shill for this shit m8, only suggesting that since the only people who are going to buy it are edgy dystopian scifi fans that they should make it more like the stuff in the movies if thy want sales

>> No.6400299

I live in a first world country and am too jaded to beleive humanity will ever save itself. I'm just going to eat some food that I enjoy. Would like to try it out of interest though.

>> No.6400638

Why do you hate personal freedom?

The lower the costs of living, the less you need to work to do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6400856

That's funny too. The problem of world hunger is not that food is too flavorsome. Nutrition paste already exists and is already given to starving African children. It comes in big toothpaste tubes. Hell, an early version of this concept was gruel, which has existed for centuries.

As I said above, it's a solution to a non-existent problem, whose only appeal is its sci-fi cred. There already exists food that's just as convenient as this, and food that's much cheaper than this. It's sold on the false premise that tastelessness = convenience. Tinned soup serves the same purpose, but is tasty rather than bland. Any statements about it allowing you to 'disregard hunger' are silly, because you still have to eat nutritional paste, just like any other food. The difference is simply that it doesn't taste good on the way down. But nobody has ever wanted their food to taste worse. This is the conflation of convenience and blandness that I'm talking about. You make something convenient - which is good - and then try to sell its blandness as an extra feature. It's just silly. It's only a feature if you value getting to play pretend dystopian futures more than you value pleasurable sensations from your taste buds. So to anyone who isn't a sci-fi fan, this is worse than the convenience food that already exists.

And it's the way it's being pushed with complete ignorance of the nicheness of its market, by people who are used to fictional worlds where everyone does exactly as they're told to by the authors, that is worrying people. Its creators and fans are exactly the kinds of people who believe that people don't know what they want and need to be told by someone much cleverer than themselves, like a scientist, or a fan of the Science Is Fucking Awesome page on Facebook. There's something very authoritarian about creating something out of a dystopian science fiction book and proclaiming it as something everyone WILL want, whether they admit so or not.

>> No.6400869

>"I LOVE SCIENCE!" - community college dropout

>> No.6400877

It is pretty obvious OP is a shill, not sure why they aren't banned for shilling.

>> No.6400882

> a fan of the Science Is Fucking Awesome page on Facebook

Credulous theist detected. How many times have you prayed to the invisible skyfather today, sheeple-kun? Do you believe the sun is carried across they sky by a chariot?

>> No.6400886

>Do you believe the sun is carried across they sky by a chariot?

Fuck, you got me. It's almost the time of day where I pray to the fire spirits too.

>> No.6400896


>i don't like it because it's popular (meme) and people i don't like use it (autists) who think weird things (dystopia rp), and people keep talking positively about it (shilled constantly)

so, your problem has nothing to do with the product itself?

>> No.6400899

Way to try to drag his relevant post down to your level, shill.

Soylent is fucking stupid, end of story. I don't know why this thread is still here, *cough* shilling *cough*

>> No.6400907

You're mixing two assertions there. One, they don't like it because it does not seem appealing, its benefits appear to be vastly outweighed by its drawbacks, and there even exist similar products with all the same benefits but with less drawbacks. Two, they are therefore concluding that the reason the people who think it's a good idea do, is because they gain value from it in terms of its sci-fi cred, which they couldn't get from any similar or better product, because no other convenience food or meal replacement is billing itself as the sci-fi food of the future, named after a product from a book/film set in a dystopian future.

They dislike it because it's shitty, AND they think other people do like it because of its value as a meme for nerds.

>> No.6400908

so you just ignore the heart of his post, which is completely legit and straightforward and completely clear, and you make up a strawman to argue with about religion instead. Ok, fuck you. You're the cancer.

>> No.6400911

I will add that this "le future, sci-fi cred, you technophobes just don't get it" thing seems to crop up quite often. Remember solar roadways? Exactly the same principle. Less benefits and more drawbacks in comparison to its competitors, but with the niche benefit of being really futurey and cool-sounding.

>> No.6400949

Because it's posted on /ck/ more often than ramen threads. People tend to get a bit salty when the same shit is posted over and over again.

>> No.6400961

I want to chew food.

>> No.6400970

In a world where we are learning the value of whole foods and having a balanced and varied diet and staying away from overly processed food, it is difficult to ignore that this stuff is the complete polar opposite of natural whole foods. This is completely artificial and the very definition of processed.

>> No.6400989

I don't think you realize why they see blandness as a feature. It's so that you can add whatever flavor you want to the thing without it tasting off. A lot of people seem to add coffee to soylent so it gets a coffee flavor. Obv you can add lots of other things like chicken soup, milk, almond milk, etc. To me it's a good thing cus it's a full meal and it might prevent me from buying fast food when I don't feel like cooking.

>> No.6401099

costs too much and has artificial sweetener.

no thanks.

>> No.6401115
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>This will never ship in your lifetime

>> No.6401157

I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that outside of you and someone else in this thread. Usually the blandness is touted as an advantage, as in, "it's just like a 'neutral option', equivalent to water, but for food!" or "you don't have to go to all the trouble of choosing what to have!".

For the record, the first point is dumb because water is refreshing, we've evolved to find it appealing, whereas we have evolved to seek taste in food; there is no equivalent to 'refreshing' that exists for food even when it doesn't taste of anything. The second point is dumb because grabbing a handful of cans of soup, or adding the flavors you want to your basket if you're shopping online, is a tiny bit of work for a big payoff.

>> No.6401189


It spikes your blood dugar like crazy and causes you to crave even more food.


>> No.6401288


>oatmeal spikes your blood sugar


> Oat products significantly decreased fasting blood glucose and glycosylated serum protein


>Intact grains as well as a variety of processed oat and barley foods containing at least 4 g of β-glucan and 30-80 g available carbohydrate can significantly reduce post-prandial blood glucose.


>In the oat cereal group, a trend was observed for a lower total insulin response to a glucose load, suggesting improved insulin sensitivity

Oatmeal helps control blood sugar and can improve insulin sensitivity. The same applies to most other unprocessed carb sources.

>> No.6401783

You don't sound like you eat a lot of protein powder. A lot of protein powder tastes so bad that pretty much everyone adds something to mask the taste.

So just because no one talks about adding flavor to it doesn't mean it's not something they're not thinking of. For me anyway, adding flavor is such an obvious thing to do that I just don't feel the need to mention it at all. Just seeing that it has a neutral flavor means to me that yay it won't clash with anything I add to it.

>> No.6401807

Not that guy, but I go through about a pound of powder a month, for the past 5 or 6 years, and I can tell you that the solution is much, much easier than coming up with a retarded memepowder. Your options are:

1. Don't buy shit brands of protein (easy)
2. Look at what kind of powder it is (different powders have different flavor and texture)
3. Don't buy flavored powders (they all taste like ass and chemicals, every last one of them)
4. Blend it with something like a good quality yogurt that tastes good on its own (I'm partial to Trimona)

But seriously there are a ton of proteins out there that taste completely fine blended with just plain water.

Stop buying based on the photoshopped images of roidraging freaks on the label, and look at the ingredients. If there is more than one, don't buy that.

>> No.6401876

Never thought of protein powder and yogurt. Will try that, thanks.

>> No.6401881

>3. Don't buy flavored powders (they all taste like ass and chemicals, every last one of them)


I agree they mostly taste bad but have you ever tried ON chocolate flavors? it's identical to chocolate milk when mixed with milk

>> No.6401902


Yes, they taste like ass and chemicals. I'm used to fancy pants chocolate and fancy pants milk, so maybe it does taste like cheap chocolate milk, it's been a while.

I was using Isopure whey isolate for a while but I switched to rice protein about a year ago, it's very neutral. It's slightly gritty and has a slight nuttiness but I don't mind the grit. Whey burps are just nasty and even Isopure has a slightly unpleasant flavor.

Before anyone jumps down my throat about >muh incomplete protein, remember that powder should only be used to make up the difference on days when you didn't meet your requirements in other ways. If you're using so much powder that amino profiles are an issue, rethink your diet. But even still, you could mix pea protein with rice. Pea is pretty neutral too, but not as neutral as rice.

>> No.6401927

How long does this stuff keep?

Would it work as an emergency ration?

>> No.6401941

Yeah, it is. Who in their right mind would worship the fucking scientific method?

>> No.6401989
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We need to perfect it alongside pills that take away all hunger pains and cravings so we can distribute it to the third world after their mandatory sterilization.

>> No.6402023


honestly if this gets cheaper it would make a perfect emergency food replacement,

>> No.6402035

You would think people who are literally starving to death would stop having kids. I'm never in the mood to fuck when Im hungry.

>> No.6402038

fuck that, first application for both those things will be cutting off those fat fucks in Mexico, the UK and America

>> No.6402086

enjoy your gyno bitch tits

>> No.6402095

This. Science is great for telling you about the state of the universe. What it cannot do is tell you the value of something, as value is subjective (not completely random and indeterminable, but subjective nonetheless). The problem with people who worship science is they falsely claim that science can tell you the value of something. It can't, and believing that is totally misunderstanding the legitimate role science has to play in bettering our lives. It's great, but it cannot do anything outside of its scope, nor should it be expected to do so.

But of course what's actually happening is people who Fucking Love Science are just subjectively valuing the idea of science, the imagery and emotions that are associated with it, and are incorrectly believing that this means that the things they like are objectively good because they are proven by science. They're operating perfectly well within the real definition of value, but are making a wrong assessment of what defines value, because for them, personally, it's influenced to a large degree by a different system of measuring things, which they then come to believe can also be used to measure value.

>> No.6402117
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>> No.6402200

Carbs are the one macro you actually don't need at all because you can metabolize protons and fiats into energy. They're convenient but not necessary and certainly not recommended in the amounts that people eat them now (especially sugar).

>> No.6402834

full retard

>> No.6402854


That depends on what you mean by "don't need." You can technically survive without dietary carbohydrate, but you'll be in shit health. It's not really a point to mention that protein and (polyunsaturated) fat are necessary in the diet because what food would you eat that doesn't have protein and fat?

What's your objection to eating carbohydrate "in the amounts that people eat them now"? What's that based on? Humans have historically eaten carbohydrate-dominated diets throughout all of recorded history.

>> No.6402875
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Shit dude I only did psychological surveys but cool lmao

Also OP is a fag

>> No.6402881

>predict your posts with 100% accuracy
>something gets posted on 4chan and people shit on it
Not exactly hard to predict.

>> No.6402948

Every time I go a day or two without carbs, I feel lethargic and lazy. Can't think good if I don't get my carbs.

>> No.6403673

Skimming through this mess it seems assumed that no one might be interested in Soylent given the new mixes "features"

All the way to the point of /v/ level accusation of shilling.

I'm interested because of how cheap it is. But can anyone confirm that it serves its purpose of meal replacement?

Where I live it would be difficult to get it shipped here. However storm season is coming and having a few packets on hand might make ensuring that my meals are complete easier.

Additionally I have more than enough cocoa powder to flavor it and mint bushes.

>> No.6403692
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>all those open ended answers to read
confirmed only wishy washy faggots buy these

>> No.6403694

I have to also mention that I have a passing interest in the idea of "complete" meals.

Soylent is my go to here as I continue to have trouble learning about human nutrition so that I'd be able to derive something like that for myself.

>> No.6403698

>skimming through
>I have a passing interest in this but I have a learning disability
>can anyone talk about stuff that's already been beaten to death? I have ADHD

see a doctor and get a ritalin prescription, it will improve your life

also sage

>> No.6403703

Well most of the thread was pretty shit, and no specifics were given concerining more easily accessible supplements. Just mentions that there were some.

>> No.6404156

Man, I just wanted to talk about soylent and alternative food options.

>> No.6404175

ITT: failed venture capitalists acting desperate

Next time put your money in a vanguard index fund, you clearly can't be trusted with your own money

>> No.6404255

No, invest dogecoin.

>> No.6406037


>> No.6406049
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>> No.6406369

Chew gum.

>> No.6406414

>one month supply is $300, so $10 daily. but that's literally the entirety of the money you need to spend on food for that month
that's more than I spend on my (real) food, drink (including alcohol), and internet combined

>end goal is like $2 a day or something
bwahahaha, I'd say good luck, but that would be a bit mean

>> No.6406416

>eating plants
look at this fucking caveman

let go of your illusions and maybe you'll learn to converse with us civilized folks

>> No.6407905


You should stop trusting crazy paleopeople and try things yourself.

You should be looking at GI (Glycemic Index) which is the affect of the carbohydrates in the foodsource on your blood glucose levels. GL is also derived from multiplying the GI per 100g of carbohydrates from whatever you're eating, and given the rough 40 GI in oatmeal, eating all your 250g of reccomended carbs in a day from oatmeal will yield a totat GL of 100. 100 GL is the recommended maximum level of strain you should be putting on your pancreas, and likely way lower than most americans get, due to sugars, processed foods and fine grains often being in the 70-100 GI range.

Furthermore, I eat about 150g of oatmeal with water and a teaspoon of sugar every morning, and I go for about 10hrs without needing to eat, or even feeling slightly hungry. I'm even concidering dropping it, because I'm losing weight because of it.

>>6401288 are valid studies