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6393627 No.6393627 [Reply] [Original]

Either good or bad, doesnt matter.
I'll start
>goes to maestros with family for birthday
>ultra-nice and friendly waitress, talks with my sister about experience in art industry
>food is super comfy, steak is bomb, sister's chicken is perfect
>surprise birthday dessert (i know that's typical for restaurants but it's still nice)

>> No.6393669

>connect with a half sister I didn't know I had on ancestry dot com
>she's 23 I'm 22, she looks like a female version of me
>she lives in the next state, instant connection, we both can't wait to meet
>only a few days later I'm there
>we go to a tiny bistro
>everyone is couples
>I realize I put on cologne without thinking about it
>our knees are touching the whole time but neither of us seems to mind
>waitress says we're a cute couple
>both of us give her the death stare
>we get the check, it's time to go
>the moment comes
>we don't kiss
>we siblings now

This was two years ago. I feel like I've lost the love of my life.

>> No.6393687

Shoulda fucked her, beta.

>> No.6393689

Half sister. Only half disgusting m8

>> No.6393710

made a friend and didnt deprive your self. gratz m8

>> No.6393711

>family decides to go to Olive Garden
>it's mediocre, but enjoyable enough from time to time
>waitress comes by
>offers wine
>dad, a wine snob, politely declines
>waitress leaves
>dad says, "Ugh, kill me if I ever order wine from a place like this"
>we spend the next 10 minutes laughing at that

I mean, he's right, but the disgust and elitism in his voice was very funny. Maybe it's just me. Either way, it's a pleasant memory, I guess, which is all that was asked for.

>> No.6393794

On a scale of hobbyist to sommelier, how much of a wine snob is your dad?

>> No.6393803
File: 9 KB, 275x183, tsukemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, the first time I went to a REAL ramen shop it blew my mind

they only had tsukemen style, which is fine by me, and the broth had been cooking for fucking 18 hours. It was almost like gravy by the time we tasted it, but just from the amount of reduction that had occurred. The flavor was so rich and complex I don't even know how to start. Just, like holy shit, so good.

If you have a real ramen shop in your neighborhood cancel whatever dinner plans you might have for this weekend and go there. you won't be dissapointed if they're legit. I was talking about this meal for weeks after the fact.

>> No.6393811

He definitely deprived himself

>> No.6393813

What's a good indicator of a good Ramen shop?
Sorry for the dumb question but I think I have seen one but I'm not too sure, they mostly advertise their sushi

>> No.6393815

i encourage shit talking of olive garden at all times. literally the dumpster of italian cuisine. your dad is right.

my dad actually has his so called "shit list" of restaurants he won't eat at of his own accord.

olive garden and carrabas are high on that list lol

>> No.6393821
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this is because you two are alike in a lot of way ways (maybe) and human beings are inherently selfish, so you feel like you passed up a chance to fuck a female you... which to your lizard brain was stupid and dishonest, not just that but you probably don't bring this whole sister attraction thing up anywhere besides anonymous image boards, amirite? well go talk to a psychiatrist, its pretty normal shit, and you will either realize you didn't lose the love of your life, or you did, tell her you love her... carnally... see if she feels the same, if she does fuck the world, do it anyways.

>> No.6393822

>went to McDonalds drive thru with family
>Order double cheeseburger and fries
>Collect food
>No cheeseburger in bag.
No longer tip the waitresses at McDonalds.

>> No.6393826

>go to first date with chick at middle eastern place
>order lamb's brain as first course
>looks at me with disgust
>eat it, it's delicious
>encourage her to try it
>"No, that's disgusting, not only is it brain but it's from a BABY"
>get up, pay the bill and leave on the spot

Fuck people who won't try new things.

>> No.6393830

no prob m8, hmm not really sure to be honest with you as i'm totally white and good ramen can be hard to come by in the states.

i would definitely make sure that their main focus in the restaurant is the ramen. ramen is like barbeque in that there are many regional styles in japan, so if they focus on a specific style like tuskemen or tonkotsu you're probably in the right direction

heres some info

heres the video that made me want to try the real stuff in the first place. the series is awesome and would recommend it highly as well. think it's produced by bourdain and i think it's on netflix. this clip kind of focuses on how the shitty instant stuff came into fruition but the whole episode is awesome, they actually go to japan, give history etc.

>> No.6393836

Thanks for the info, I'll look around for a good one in my area

>> No.6393838

people who are squeamish about trying different parts of animals annoy the shit out of me. I'm not a vegetarian by any means but if you're going to eat an animal at least try and respect it by eating the whole fucking thing.

>> No.6393843

Not just different parts but different animals altogether.
Nothing like a good Hungarian salami with pork and horse.

>> No.6393872

amen man

>> No.6394185
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A real ramen shop is a treat.

pic related