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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6389989 No.6389989 [Reply] [Original]

I'm guessing this board's mostly populated by Americans, I wanted to see what you thought of a local delicacy from my area of the UK.

The chicken parmo or parmesan. Not the same as the chicken parmesan you're probably used to.

Flattened, breaded, fried chicken breast.
Bechamel sauce (preferably thick).

Cook in oven until cheese is melted and serve with fries and salad.

>> No.6390017

immigrant here, id rather just have a pasty(not that vomit inducing classic shit you have, the pork and apple one or the beef empanada version).

Or some doner.

>> No.6390031

Doner's always good, but if I get a pasty, it has to be Greggs.

>> No.6391943

Looks like something you'd eat after a night of very heavy drinking.

Like the sort of thing you wouldn't dare eat unless you were trashed.

>> No.6391957

The only real difference between the two is that we tend to use a red sauce instead of a bechamel, and we treat it as a fancier food, so you'd probably get potatoes rather than fries.

Personally, I think it looks solid as take-out food, though I suspect it's a little disappointing when you're not drunk.

>> No.6391961

Why does neither version of Chicken Parmesan include Parmesan cheese? The American Italian variety has melted mozzerella, not parmesan

>> No.6391962

What the hell is wrong with you? Greggs are literally the worst pastries available, including the pasties.

>> No.6391996

>In 2007, North Yorkshire Trading Standards conducted a survey of 25 fast food dishes. A large parmo with chips and salad contains about 2600 calories and 150g of fat.
got dam

>> No.6392004

It's actually "Parmigiana" with means it's from Parma, not about the cheese. We (dumb anglos) just dumbed it down to "Parmesan" since that's a word that we know how to pronounce.

>> No.6392014

It doesn't help that that's the same reason the cheese is called Parmagiano ("Parmesan")

>> No.6392049

I'm from the same part of England and I personally think they are overrated. It's embarrassing how much people go on about them.

>> No.6392058
File: 49 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parma Violets
>contain no cheese

>> No.6392354

The burger king sandwich had a slice of Parmesan on top

>> No.6392356

>slice of parmesan


>> No.6392533
File: 95 KB, 575x431, carne-asada-fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's sort of equivalent to our Carne Asada Fries.
A massive slab of food you eat after a night of heavy drinking.
I'd love to trade you some carne asada fries for one of those.....

>> No.6392547

foreigner in the UK for 3 years now here

british takeout is uniformly terrible

it's impressive how consistently awful it is everywhere

>> No.6392558


Looks meh, I'd probably scarf it down drunk though.

>> No.6392560

nice one pleb boy

>> No.6392568

>Immigrants having a valid opinion

top kek

>> No.6392572

Don't compare carne asada fries to OP's disgusting mess. Please.
Poutine on the other hand...

>> No.6392583

It's the same kind of thing, bro.
Food for drunks. That's all it is. If you eat carne asada fries any other time than when you're either drunk, or hungover, you're just a fatty. Same with their chicken parm. That said, I'm sure carne asada fries taste way the hell better than their drunk food. I have a feeling their chicken parm is probably woefully underseasoned.

>> No.6392590

I get carne asada fries sober because they're delicious all the time. I get poutine when drunk. Idk if I'd get that chicken parmo shit even if I was drunk though. It looks horrible.

>> No.6392597

Because "Parmesan" means "Native from the city of Parma".
Hence "Chicken Parmesan" means "Chicken on the style of the city of Parma" and "Parmesan Cheese" means "Cheese in the style of the city of Parma".

>> No.6392601

immigrant takeaways are equally and uniformly shit as well lad