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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 275x183, sardines 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6389441 No.6389441 [Reply] [Original]

Food that you love that others do not.

>> No.6389448
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>> No.6389456
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>> No.6389613
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spicy porkrinds

>> No.6389615

Pickled herring

>> No.6389617

BRUH I just had a can of these with some pita chips and pistachios a few days ago so damn good.

>> No.6389776

they are pretty good with a taste that's hard to put your finger on.

>> No.6389778

What's a good brand? I wanna try these

>> No.6389785

i feel your pain. whenever i bring these up around other people i get looks of disgust.

>> No.6389787
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I remember as a kid always being baffled that every cartoon and kids show kept trying to convince me that brussel sprouts (and green vegetables in general) were the grossest poison ever.

Maybe my mom was an unusually good cook or something but I love em. Hell, even if they don't come out very well you can always just turn them into a butter-&-salt-delivery-system

>> No.6389791

yes I too like them buttered. Plain however im not as big of a fan

>> No.6389798

Almost definitely the best bacon and caramelized onion delivery system.

>> No.6390037

soft boiled eggs,avacodoes with malt vinegar, liver wurst, onion,and molasses fold overs,,celery stalks, beet tops,chicken hearts ,and gizzards, cheap pepperoni on crackers, canned (evaporated milk) in coffee or tea. Also, deviled eggs,egg salad,(better open a window)Kraft mac'cheese,,cream of mushroom soup,.Frito corn chips,french onion dip( the real kind,not soy oil based shit) potted meat and spam(low salt now). Cheap

>> No.6390047
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>Century eggs
>Spam/Vienna sausages/other processed meat
>American cheese/other processed cheeses
>Mint flavored candy
>Banana flavored candy
>Diet soda

>> No.6390077

I liked them. Bitter stuff in general I have always liked, but I've always hated onions.

>> No.6390313

I kind of like it in a weird way but I haven't tried it enough to say I love it, when do people eat sardines?

Seems cool

best shit, but if you're a swede it's not very odd to love it

I never understood why cartoons hated on them either, they're great.

>> No.6390328
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>> No.6390331

Banana flavored ice cream is also a big one. Everyone I know hates it

>> No.6390337

Holy fuck I love SOS

>> No.6390372

my mom would fry up home fries and serve it with this for dinner. I love it. I want some now.

>> No.6390388
File: 49 KB, 450x300, scary-fried-fish-head-in-a-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this and have gotten dirty looks from people when eating it in restaurants, the funny thing is that if it's on a plate and not in a bowl as in the picture, I'll turn the plate so the head faces the fuckers giving me the dirty look.

The cheek meat is the best.

>> No.6390396

is that a mini monk fish?

>> No.6390406

I wonder if fresh sardines don't taste rotten like how fresh oysters are amazing

>> No.6390407

I don't know, it was a random picture I found but it looked close to what I've gotten at a lot of Chinese places.

>> No.6390418

anyone who doesnt' like those should try this


I've been eating them boiled or steamed my whole life and these are nice for a change

the best parts are the loose leaves that turn into potato chips

>> No.6390580
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One of the greatest things to grace this earth

Foreign people spread it on thick then seem to think this is some kind of biological weapon

>> No.6390583

Doodoo stain toast

>> No.6390602

Can you guys step it up to hard mode? I like everything in this thread so far.

>> No.6390604

Whatchu got tough guy?

>> No.6390608

Anchovies and oyster crackers
Oh yes

>> No.6390615
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and also for some reason all young folks (19 and below) seem to hate all forms of dried fruit including dates at stuff like it.
also I like using dried shrimp for flavoring stuff

>> No.6390622

as a blubberstani I wish to try this.

>> No.6390650
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>> No.6390705

Lutefisk. As a Lutheran growing up in northern MN, I ate it at least once a year.
Once you get past the smell, it's actually really good. Especially when buttered with a side of mashed potatoes and venison meatballs. Rakfisk is pretty good, too, but must people find it easier to eat.

>> No.6390710
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Y u niggers hating?

>> No.6390808

I could eat these all day long. They don't look particularly appetizing but they taste amazing. I've only found one other person who likes them usually if they get brought up in conversation people make disgusted faces and ask me how i could consume something so repulsive.

>> No.6390820
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Absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.6393151

A lot of people I know don't like olives. I love them.

>> No.6393154

crown prince

>> No.6393162
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I like those, and these.

>> No.6393179

I can drink balsamic vinegar like it's water

>> No.6393188

When my friend finally exposed me to anchovies on pizza, it was like my whole world opened up. Salty and delicious. I like ordering from Papa John's because they just give me the can of anchovies separately. Yum.

>> No.6393229

Same, only my first was Domino's. Pizza Hut used to carry them, but Papa John's does them well, and usually any hometown shop. Agreed though...they're my favorite topping now.

>> No.6393328

I bought a can of these and a can of smoked clams on a whim, still not really sure how I should eat them. Any tips?

I tried making a sardine salad sandwich a few weeks ago, not really sure what it was but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

>> No.6393335

what is this

>> No.6394090

oh please anon, take me back to my childhood, why don't you?

>> No.6394289
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I love them

>> No.6394342
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this, even better, salt liquorice which I got to get imported

and lima beans

>> No.6394364
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Trigger warning.

>> No.6394382


>> No.6394417

Mcdonalds fries dipped in mcflurry. fuck.

>> No.6394423

Looks like they're served on a towel.

>> No.6394424


>> No.6394447

Hate if bought from shops, the meat is always shit tier, or atleast it just happens in 90% acuraccy for me
But homemade, they're god tier

>> No.6394465


>> No.6394493

Last time I went to Paris and got a baguette with gherkins and pork rillettes, some people passing by would hold their noses a bit when I was on my way to a place to dig into it. Apparently it stinks. So, rillettes.

>> No.6394544
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These wonderous little things.

>> No.6394553
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>> No.6394556

Why are your fingers so dark?

>> No.6394563
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marmite way better imho

>> No.6394567

i still cant figure it out but on a side note >>6394544
those taste like petroleum by-products

>> No.6394674

Look at the amount you've put on there you fucking psycho!

>> No.6394690

I love them both, plus Mighty Mite. They all have slightly different taste and texture so I rotate between them all so its not too boring after a long time of the same.

>> No.6394694

anon halp

i've had both, but not side by side. whats the difference?

>> No.6394697
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>> No.6394878
File: 38 KB, 512x312, sauerkraut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty well-liked worldwide as far as I know, but I'm the only person in my circle of family/friends that likes it. Of course, no one I know can even muster up the courage to try it. Pussies.

>> No.6394885

Could be. Could also be the fact that they're French.

>> No.6395558


>> No.6395644
File: 15 KB, 300x300, pickled-herring-cream-onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet vinegary goodness

>> No.6395661

People don't like lima beans? They're pretty inoffensive as far as beans go.

>> No.6395695

This right here. I would put it on everything. Great bitter and sour flavor.

>> No.6395860

You probably drink semen like it's water too.

>> No.6395997

Shit on a Shingle

>> No.6396003
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>> No.6398547

my nigga

>> No.6398569

need to be almost burnt to be enjoyable

>> No.6399142

What about Canadian food? How it is?

>> No.6399301

i fucking love escargot. shits incredibly cash. many people seem to be afraid of trying it. sucks for them.

>> No.6399316

raw meat

>> No.6399349

My Pop made sauerkraut out of cabbage from our garden, sausage from the deer we both killed, and served it with the potatoes we grew. Topped all that shit with some course grain mustard and I was in heaven, guy used to work in French and Italian restaurants and can cook Chinese yet its the simple comfort foods he makes that I crave when I go to visit my parents.

>> No.6399352

It's hard as fuck to find a place that makes it right.

>> No.6399380


yeah a lot of places just use canned stuff. every now and again i find at my local grocery store a basket full of frozen in-the-shell snails. parsley butter i think. they're relatively cash.

>> No.6399407

Japanese natto.

I put in some green onions, a bit of sugar, some soy sauce, some bonito flakes and then mix it all up with a raw egg (free range and all that jazz)

>> No.6399415

I fucking love these. I like to eat them with rice.

>> No.6399416

10/10 fucking delicious

>> No.6399435

Fuuuuuuuuuck yeah, love me some pickled herring.

>> No.6399442

marmite is very slightly sweeter

>> No.6399455

Canadian food is god tier. I'm canadian, but I'm a maritimer, so lots of fishes and smoked seafoods. Smoked oysters are fuckign godly, same with sardines stuffed with hot peppers.

As for canadian delicacies, poutine is pretty high up there, but also if you wanna get /ck/ tier, a donair sandwich made nova-scotia style will change your perception of how good a wrap/sandwich can be. Also paté is god damn amazing, and so is classically made canadian jerky (pemmican)

>> No.6399461
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Come at me, motherfuckers.

>I hate meat on pizza.
>By far the easiest way to get people to hate YOU.

>> No.6399584
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>> No.6401403
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>mix with cream cheese
>stuff into mushroom caps

>> No.6401420

fucking love this idea
mushroom caps are so good

>> No.6401433

Tuna fish mixed with mayo and sliced green grapes with a piece of provolone cheese melted over top in between two slices of bread!

>> No.6401447

drizzle some feckin bbq sauce on that....ya!

>> No.6401478

Chipped beef and gravy. My father told me many stories about them eating it because they grew up poor. Shit on a shingle indeed.

>> No.6401522

They're super fucking rich though don't eat a bunch of them as a meal

>> No.6401747
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dude Spam goes HAM. Fry that shit up, put it between some toast slices with lettuce n mayo?
Ya got me hookt

>> No.6401753

top-tier chicken bits

>> No.6401789

I had a heart attack reading this post

>> No.6401794


the toaster has 2 slots

>> No.6401811

This with a bit of mayo, on some wholegrain bread, muh dik
I like vinegar and mustard a lot, my roommate hates it. I told him I was thinking of drinking a shotglass of vinegar and he nearly puked just from the thought.
Would this be a bad idea, health-wise?

I also like marzipan and licorice and other 'strange' things that a lot of people seem to hate.
Pringles salt and vinegar will kill me one day, if I can find some more.

>> No.6401812

Also those green wasabi flavored pea-thingies.

>> No.6401841

People hate sardines?

What I like are anchovies
Spicy mustard in the jars too

>> No.6401850

Brussel sprouts are awful, and I like everything. It's broccoli that's the great tasting vegetable that cartoons are turning kids against. I love broccoli

>> No.6401857

Mana from the Gods !

>> No.6402221

banana and mint candies are the bomb
some diet sodas are all right too

>> No.6402223

>Would this be a bad idea, health-wise?
I did it once on a dare, I still feel sick when I think about apple cider vinegar.

>> No.6402268

The one I had in mind was plain white vinegar.

>> No.6402282

I'm sure banana ice cream could be good but alone the flavour is too 1-dimensional. Maybe banana and pistachio (or some other nut) would be decent

>> No.6402290

KNOWN worldwide, liked sparsely by rare Germanophiles

>> No.6402451

I don't see how it would be any better.

>> No.6402591
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I like to make a small plate of cheese, crackers, salami and slap an put anchovies on them. A little oily salt bomb to cut through some strong cheese and salami.

I'm also probably one of the few people under 70 who still likes liver with bacon and onions.

>> No.6402647
File: 145 KB, 320x400, Mezzetta-Capote-Capers-16FL.-OZ_lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capers, I've always really liked them but I've never heard anyone talk about them.

>> No.6402970

I've always loved coconut and never understood how people can hate it.

Though I've never been able to stand the taste of olives (black or green) even though plenty of people like them so I guess stuff just tastes different to different people.

>> No.6402979

My brother loves this shit. I think it's okay, I'll eat it if it's served to me but generally I'd prefer something else if I"m making the order.

>> No.6403009

Still nigga I love liver and onions
can't eat it too often though

>> No.6403069
File: 33 KB, 500x375, uni_nigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea urchin. I could eat a whole tray of the stuff.

>> No.6403073

Fuck. This.

Really good sea urchin is pretty much butter handed from god.

>> No.6403075

Apparently the best in the world comes from California coast but nobody really eats it here. I enjoyed it with some lemon.

>> No.6404857

literally tastes like dirty boogers

yes I know because I pick my nose and eat it

I still do to this day

>> No.6406603
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I put this shit on a lot of things. Spaghetti sauce, puttanesca sauce, tuna pasta salad, Veal Piccata, smoked salmon etc goes with a lot of things

>> No.6406621


I'm fucking hooked on olives. The ones stuffed with feta are the best imo.

>> No.6407663

You what, lots of people love liver. But leave the bacon out of it yuck.

>> No.6407665

So.. do you like sea urchin or not?

>> No.6407742

I will eat anything with cloves. It's a weakness.