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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6386329 No.6386329 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cook grilled cheese without burning the bread and making sure the cheese is melted all the way through?

>> No.6386335

butter on the outside of the bread

>> No.6386336

Cook it on medium, not high.
Or use a sandwich press.
OR cook it in the oven between two pans.

>> No.6386534


>heat pan to like, 5-6
>butter outside of bread
>place in pan, add cheese, place butter side outside on top
>cook for a bit

Who can't make a grilled cheese sandwich?

>> No.6386628

Use an iron.

>> No.6386637

I cook it around medium low for a long time. I find butter crisps it up nicely. Time is your friend here, and trying to do it very quickly on high heat isn't going to work as well.

Let your cheese reach room temperature. Choose your cheese wisely (some melt better than others). Thinner overlapping slices of cheese rather than one gigantic hunk of it. And patience. That's about it.

>> No.6386651

Slow and low is the key.

Cover the pan, too.

>> No.6386671

Use the microwave.

>> No.6386677

Use less cheese? you seriously don't need that much, your pic is honestly kind of disgusting.

>> No.6386693

use shredded cheese that's at room temperature, cook at medium-low temp.

>> No.6386841

God can we please have a sticky with basic shit like this thread?

>> No.6387108

I use butter on the bread and rendered bacon fat in the pan.

>> No.6387115

this. cut up little squares of butter and but on the bread. dont put the butter in the pan. also (for electric stovetops) it should be on 3-4

>> No.6387119

I'm pretty sure we don't even have a mod. Getting a sticky would be fucking glorious.

>> No.6387796

dont cover the pan if you want it crispy

as others have said lower heat is better
you can make a great grilled cheese with 1" thick slices if you do it slow enough.
like im talking over 10 minutes to cook it.
another thing you can doo is add the butter to the pan half way thru, get the bread dried and toasty first

but my biggest advice is flip it many times, dont try to do it once per side. that for sure will burn it

>> No.6387805
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...I like that there isn't a sticky...

>> No.6387809

In a toaster oven

>> No.6387817

Butter both sides of the bread
Toast the "inside" sides of the bread first, then flip both slices, add cheese, and close the sandwich.
And, most importantly, cook it SLOWLY. Low heat is critical.

>> No.6387932

Low and slow, motherfucker.

Also, go with the monteray jack-swiss combo. Never fails.

>> No.6388644

>lower heat, longer time
>use butter or mayo instead of oil
>use cheese that melts well already
>mix two cheeses, one for texture and one for flavor

>> No.6388652

I don't cook it anymore because I can't get the kind of cheddar(milder) I like here in Northern Europe.

Only super old cheddars. Maybe I'll try it with some of the local cheese sometime, like hushållsost

>> No.6388664
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>Low and slow, motherfucker.

I only burn it when I'm in a hurry.
Still eat it when it's burnt.

>> No.6388954

Put cheese on the outside for cheese crust

also works to cover up fuckups

>> No.6388959

its never been a problem for me

>> No.6389005

I love the Alton Brown pressed method. Heat up 2 cast iron skillets, heat until smoking, remove from heat and place the sandwich between the pans and let it cook.

>> No.6389017
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I like Alton Brown, have one of his cook books, but sometimes he goes to far.

It's a bloody grilled cheese sandwich any 9-year-old can make.

>> No.6389020

But it works, it comes out good, cheese is perfectly melty and outside is golden brown. Whats so bad about simplicity?

>> No.6389023

Alton Brown recommends owning 2 cast iron skillets?

>> No.6389027
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because it's gonna tart a billion threads about how to season cast iron

but hey, it's Easter, go for it

>> No.6389028

I own a cast iron skillet and a cast iron dutch oven.

I also own a smaller cast iron skillet and a single serve size one.

>> No.6389030

You don't "season" anything, it just gets that way over time.

>> No.6389034
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cast iron needs to be seasoned before you use it

>> No.6389038

Maybe when you first buy it. Most people have them handed down or bought them like 5-10 years ago.

>> No.6389042

>Most people have them handed down or bought them like 5-10 years ago.

gee, just saying something makes it so

let me try one:

I am the greatest human being to have ever graced this planet.

feels good man

>> No.6389044

What kind of household do you come from that doesn't own at least one cast iron skillet?

>> No.6389053
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grew up in a house without cooks and servants
actually had to enter the kitchen to get something to eat

>> No.6389057

I cooked with my family growing up and that's why I have a passion for cooking now.

>> No.6389138


This is still weird to me, i fucking hate getting my fingers greasy.

>> No.6389158

Do you mean that you'd fry something in mayonnaise?

>> No.6389161

Hushållsost is good for this.

>> No.6389167

Maybe he lives alone and his mom wanted to keep hers so no one have him an old one.

>> No.6389171

Both my moms and I moved to different states from where I grew up. We split up the kitchen equipment because it was too much for her to move with.

>> No.6389172

We don't need a sticky. Not only would it not get rid of retards asking stupid questions, but people wouldn't read it and we'd still be asked basic shit all the time.

>> No.6389205

The true secret is to pop it into the microwave for about 10 seconds to make sure the cheese is molten. Quick enough to make sure the cheese is molten but not soften the bread.

>> No.6389249

If your bread is burning and the cheese not melting, try a lower temperature. This is the opposite of searing a steak.