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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6380684 No.6380684 [Reply] [Original]

>Alcoholic feels thread

That feel when you go to the same liquor store daily and they know what you buy and your name

That feel when you puked in the parking lot of liquor store from a hangover and counted change for more booze

That feel when im a nervous person so i like shake my hand sometimes at checkout, and they probably think i have alcoholic shakes.

>> No.6380713

>been sober a year after drinking a litre of vodka a day
>oh im probably fine now i can have a few beers before bed
>start with 2 a week ago
>up to 6 or 8 before bed

its only a matter of time i switch to the hard stuff again. i don't think i have it in me to suffer that much again.

suicide sounds good right about now.

>> No.6380724

Don't. Even. Think. About. It.

>> No.6380727

How did you suffer last time?

>> No.6380728

suicide, or drinking again?

suicide is literally better than being an actual alcoholic.

>> No.6380740

withdrawal every morning. shaking. puking. anxiety. hallucinations.

having to somehow keep down shots in the morning so i didn't have to go to a detox. imagine waking up, feeling like literally death but the only way to way to feel better is to have a shot, easy enough right? now imagine puking up the first 3 until one finally stays down.

then you feel god damn amazing after a few. next thing you know its 8 am and you're buzzed. you say to yourself, i wont drink a lot today. nawh, you'll be passed out drunk by noon only to repeat the vomiting and drinking again by supper time.

just fucking kill me.

>> No.6380742
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>That feel when you go to the same liquor store daily and they know what you buy and your name

I've been sober the last 13 days, the two liquor stores I frequent probably think I've died.

>> No.6380747

ya that sounds fucking awful, im not at that point yet, thankfully

>> No.6380761

jesus op, i was drinking 375 ML hard liquor + 2 tallcans , + a rockstar/vodka ppremix can every night for 2 years straight and still never was that bad. granted I worked during the day, and only drank after work.. how do people get this bad? its only people who dont work and drink literally from the time they wake up till they sleep every day right?

>> No.6380770


>> No.6380781

what about both?

>> No.6380786


so what then ? your just a little bitch and can't handle getting drunk every night?

>> No.6380789
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Why not? Literally. Not like, KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT, but if someone's existence is pain, who are you to say they deserve to continue suffering every day.

>that feel when you go to the same 7/11 and get the same $6.99 double bottle of white wine
>that feel when the same turban motherfucker who is literally ALWAYS THERE is watching you, judging

Fuck dude get a family or something how are you ALWAYS HERE I come at really random times just to try to avoid you

>> No.6380799

thats the worst when you think you have there schedule figured out and they are there at random times to judge you some more

>> No.6380831

I'm trying to taper down, first day I didn't have a shot as I stepped our of bed at 8. I got a 6 of beer and still have 3 1/2 left. Also vodka shot. I feel good and awake, the hardest part has been facing how far I've let myself go. I was half drunk all day and it didn't register. Today I never got above slightly buzzed, did a bunch of cleaning and took my car in to get something fixed. If I can keep out or the vodka that's a pretty productive day for my pathetic self. Tomorrow's gonna be the doozie, I'm off work.

>> No.6380849

Why are so many alcoholics here? How is alcoholism related to cooking?

I bought a bottle of whisky yesterday, because I was shaking a little. I managed to stop drinking after a few glasses though, I was very tired and fell asleep before drinking too much.

>> No.6380857

>How is alcoholism related to cooking?

Have you met any kitchen staff?

>> No.6380860

No. Are they often alcoholics, because the job is so stressful? I thought most people on /ck/ only cooked as a hobby.

>> No.6380871

You sound like the anon that when showing up at his local McDonalds everyday and eating in the parking lot everytime, the window girl asked him why he never comes in and eats. He then complained about how he doesn't want his routine tracked by a fast food employee, and how he doesn't want them telling him how to live his life.

>> No.6380954

lol i remember that

>> No.6380959

use your willpower anon. I believe in you

>> No.6380979
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>implying that ever actually happened
>believing anything you read see or hear on a taiwanese sculpturing podcast

>> No.6380980

Most cooks are addicts of some kind. I worked at a very busy German restaurant and most of the cooks did cocaine on the job. The owner found out about it and joined in.

>> No.6380983

>taiwanese sculpturing podcast

this meme has officially jumped the shark

>> No.6381022

Funny story, everyone but me (not trying to look good, I drink plenty, just feel completely weird doing it at my place of work) on closing shift drinks on the job after we've closed up. The boss came to hate this one guy, so he waited until a friday when he knew this guy was going to take a beer from the cooler. Not only did have it, he had it on the clock. Fired him. I got bumped up in his place because "Hey Anon doesn't drink here. At least I won't have some fucker taking beers from the cooler." Later that night the boss had a beer from the bar cooler with the rest of the staff.

Anyway, yeah, being good kitchen staff usually means they can come in half in the bag and still do their fucking job well.

>> No.6381048

To me a bad hangover is kind of like a good Vicodin high. I'm focused, deliberate, and I get the job done. I'm kind of on a type of autopilot. My thoughts during days like this generally run along the lines of when can I get some more alcohol in to my system to mask this interminable feel of being a complete, and utter, loser.

>> No.6381429

Not even an alcoholic but people who don't drink / enjoy getting drunk once in a while bother me... Finding a gf who drinks is impossible since apparently all women are either massive druggie whores or teetotaler sex-averse prudes

I think it's my Slav genetics
Brb moving to yuroland

>> No.6381433

Sober for months now.
But the feels, man. I swear there are like ten people who completely cut me out of their lives. It took everything I had not to drink because I was so bummed the fuck out.

They're not coming back, are they?

>> No.6381440


Yeah, tough shit. Taper off, join a program, anything. Don't be a fucking triple dwi case like me. Figure it out.

>> No.6381444

I never been caught but that shit just SCARES THE FUCK out of me.

So many stories about drinkan and drivan praying to Jesus I don't get pulled over. I mean I was like driving on the wrong side of the road once.

>> No.6381447

TFW It's 3:12 in the morning, drinking vodka and water and gotta be at work in 1 hour and 15

>> No.6381455

Who all's gone to work drunk?

I have. I polished off one of those giant, novelty margaritas at a mexican place (Intended for 2 or 3 people) by myself. I open up alone so I just kind of stayed to myself and hoped no one would notice.

>> No.6381464

Tfw trusted shift lead and coworkers tell me is ok to being liquor to work. So I bring in pep schnapps and fireball. Drink because my coworkers are loud and one of em us rude and talks shit about my religious beliefs at work. She is a female feminist. Drink to feel good. Nothing to work on as all servers are good and everyone else is on vacation.

Lose job because feel good and fall asleep from only having 4 hrs of sleep thanks to traffic and spending 2 hoUrs commuteing to work.

Get fired. Boss still recommends me and is not angry at me.

I have not drank in 7 months cause of that. I'm 22

>> No.6381468

Smoke weed guise.

Honestly it's so much better than you than drinking.

>> No.6381501

I'm not an alcoholic, my regular consumption is low except on holidays. But yesterday was a day that demanded I be fucked up.

It started with volcano shits that forced me to run to catch my train in the morning lest I be late. Then I was late anyway, because I had to get off one stop early to stave off the second round of shits. I was about to message my coworker giving her a heads-up about my tardiness when an email popped up from my landlord saying that other people in the house are bitching about me leaving a mess (read: one pan soaking overnight in the sink and a little bit of residual shit left in the sink that I was going to get to that evening) and threatening eviction. I had to walk a km to my workplace for the day, where I was immediately told that I showed up at the wrong place, had to walk back, and take another train from the opposite direction at my personal expense and walk an addition 1.5km to the second workplace. Told the landlord to fuck off, he said okay.jpg, came to work 1.5 hours late but coworker didn't care so I got off easy with no pay deduction. Nice. I'm talking to her about shit we're doing that day at lunch, and my phone goes off. Girlfriend says we should just be friends. Have to finish off the rest of the day knowing that I would be going to meet her for our last dinner together ever.

Long story short I had the worst hangover this afternoon, but I managed not to vomit.

>> No.6381521

>this thread
>mfw I got redpilled at 23
>now 27
>earn 70k/yr, have own car, apartment, no debt
>drink myself to fuck with chouffes, westmalle, and tequila every evening at the bar
>will probably die at 58 due to chronic alcoholism

>> No.6381549

Not really an alcoholic, but when I feel like drinking I don't care to stop.

Drank a bottle of Boulevard's Chocolate Ale, knowing full well when I opened it I would want a few more beers after it was gone. Decided to start drinking my roomate's gf's tequila alcopop shit she left in the fridge months back. Which isn't a terrible thing, but if I finish it I'll feel/look like an asshole. Which I just might.

I had a legit drinking problem several years back (nearly a fifth of gin every night, and I'm tiny). I'd drive to work still drunk every morning. Lucky I just straight up don't have the constitution for it anymore. I genuinely respect alcoholics in a romantic sense.

>They're not coming back, are they?
I obviously don't know the specifics of your situation, so I may be way off base - No, they're not, and you're better off. In my experience with drugs and getting sober, I realized that most of the people in my life and circle of friends were only there BECAUSE I did drugs. They were my friends only because they were people I did drugs with. Are/were these people your friends simply because you did drugs/drank with them? Then they're clearly not your friends at all. You even mention that THEY cut you out of their lives. If they don't want to be around you because you don't drink, then they're just shitty people. Life is insanely too short to be friends with shitty people.

>> No.6381956

...and apparently, it works wonders for your writing abilities.

>> No.6381973
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>like alcohol
>alcoholism runs in my family, courtesy of my Irish upbringings
>1-2 drinks a day more or less
>Haven't been blackout drunk or obscenely intoxicated since 2 months ago
>Had a glass of vermouth today

I'm scared, man. I'm pretty alright for now, because I don't tend to drink with other people, but it still scares me considering I have a genetic propensity to drink. Advice?

>> No.6382026

Weed gives me anxiety.

>> No.6382059


>> No.6382079

>alcoholism runs in my family
>implying it actually is a disease
You'll be fine, alcoholism comes down to (I suppose before you develop a dependence) self discipline. Keep yourself in check and it'll be cool

>> No.6382085

Everytime I smoke weed I feel really out of it the next 2 days. Like I'm not really there, everything just passes by and I mostly think about killing myself.

>> No.6382233

they're two completely different things, dipshit.

>> No.6382355
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I've never been "that bad". But I'm certainly not in a good spot.

I drink every night (maybe have a sober Sunday once and a while), and I literally can't stop once I start, until I eat then immediately fall asleep.

Sometimes I come home to 4-5 Bud Light talls in the fridge and I think "Man I'll just drink slowly, when 10 pm rolls around I'll make my dinner and hit the sack".

It starts out well enough, my intake is controlled, but then there's this point and they just go down like water, and I always end up at the store at 9:30 because apparently I don't have the self control to sober up for 1/2 an hour or to eat a little bit earlier.

And I can't even get near liquor, I've made that mistake 3 or 4 times. I'll wake up puking bile for 8 hours straight 'till my throat is raw and bleeding.

>> No.6382509

>tfw bleeding ulcers in my bowels
>blood on my shit
>such is life on crohns
>get into uni, get hangover drunk three times a weeks
>start skipping medicine
>since i have never felt anything bad except for some blood in my shit i go into yolo mode, cigs, coffee, drinking, dropping medicine
>bleeding go on and off, reappears about two times a year
>now it have not came back in the last two years

i wonder what the fuck is going on

my only pity is that since i thought in my younger years around 18-21 that i gonna get my bowel removed and i wont be able to have a decent career anyways i skipped uni and dropped out two times and now it seems like i will be probably all right but now i am like 5 years behind the normal life development, for example i had my driving licence when i was 24

>> No.6382530
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At what volume and for how long would it take one to develop cirrhosis of the liver?

>> No.6382533

You know you're an alcoholic when you no longer give a fuck what the other customers or staff think.

>> No.6382541

that's the greatest picture of all time

>> No.6382543

>giving a fuck to begin with

>> No.6382544


Mother of christ, don't you know if you sit that close to the TV it's bad for your health?

>> No.6382547

you already have it

>> No.6382549

>be 22
>have 2 DUI's
>1 fraudulent weed charge and tons of PI charges starting at age 15
>ride bike
>live with parents
>have no job
>use parents charge account at local store to acquire lottery tickets for booze money
>if lottery doesn't pay off then use charge account to buy shitty 3.2 beer
>got drunk last night on KD
>lost phone

I like weed but yea 50 percent of the time i get anxiety especially if i'm riding in a car and very high that shit ain't cool. Weed is to strong nowadays i think.

>> No.6382560

not sure but pain in the liver area and frothy urine are signs of liver damage. At that point it is sometimes too late to reverse so don't wait for that

>> No.6382562


living the dream

also it varies greatly how much and for how long you have to drink in order to develop cirrhosis

I used to manage a dude who was almost 70 and downed a handle of captain morgan every 2-3 days, and he had apparently been doing so for decades. He didn't have it.

>> No.6382567

been sober for 19 days... the urge to drink is strong on this friday.

>> No.6382568

Bud light wont give you cirrhosis fag

>> No.6382582

>knowing the schedules of all employees at two different liquor stores
>coordinate to not look like an alcoholic
>cashier at one place helping out at the other
>hey anon, dont i see you at (other) liquor store

>using change at the counter
>cashier: lotta change
>me:yeah its my rainy day fund
>its actually the only money i have.
i lie to a fucking cashier about how bad ive got it because im embarrassed

>> No.6382605

I'm this guy. I'm just paranoid because the last couple days I've been pissing infrequent orange piss. I hope its just dehydration, my ac is broke and my apt retains heat, I've been sweating gallons night and day. I was drenched when I woke this morning.

>> No.6382613

I'd take a picture of all the beer boxes in my closet but like I said i lost my phone.


>> No.6382684

How has alcohol got you in trouble? Personally I have an "assaulting a police officer" charge that I got after drinking too much wine at my parent's house then assaulting my father.

>> No.6382690

what you get for that?

>> No.6382723


A £50 fine believe it or not, UK law is a lot more lenient than US.

>> No.6382728

oh yea i can see that i bet the bobby's are pretty used to that and prolly didn't give a shit.

>> No.6382736

I imagine you guys have the worst shits ever.
Every weekend night when I drink the next morning shits are bad

>> No.6382738

You're AN HERO!
Congrats Anon.
We will never forget!

>> No.6382750

Get five, 250ml of vodka, at 7am everyday before work.

Work 12hrs a day 7days a week,

I pay the man £110 every Monday so I just walk in and walk out with my booze. Because here 10am is selling time

Just finished so ill have the last pint then sleep. I'm fucked tbh

>> No.6382767

That feel when I am out of alcohol and money. I already drank all the vanilla extract in my cupboard

>> No.6382782

just steal you dolt. If a bar is pretty empty and the bar tender turns around you can grab a bottle from the rail pretty quickly and dash off.

>> No.6382802

>drank 9 beer last night, no water
>wake up with the worst headache ever
> 2 aspirin, 2 tylonel, pain is gone after 20 min
> have a beer, then a coffee, now on my 2nd beer

went from feeling like absolute shit to pretty damn good in less then an hour

>> No.6382839

burn all your bridges :^)

>> No.6382867

i go to moto mart pretty much every night and pick up a Four Loko. i dont get carded anymore. sometimes, as im pulling up, one of the workers will actually go get it for me. this old guy that works there, when he sees my car pull up, he pulls out a brown paper bag, before i even get in the store.

Its $2.68 and if i dont use my debit card, i pay in almost exact change. i pay $2.70. they dont even ask me if i want my two pennies anymore.(i dont)

i can always tell if someone is new. well besides the fact that they are a new face, but the fact that they card me.

funny story. My car had some problem. coolant wasnt getting where it needed to go, so over the course of a couple weeks me and my dad pretty much took apart the engine. cleaned it. had to get my heads milled, as they were warped a bit. fun stuff. still didnt fix the coolant problem, but it needed to be done regardless, was a pretty serious problem as well. a new waterpump fixed the coolant problem. so all is good now.

but in the meantime, i drove my parents cars. The workers took notice and commented on my "upgrade". told them it was temporary.

>> No.6382877

Or do both.

Weed and alcohol is a great combo, as long as you dont overdo it.

>> No.6382883

Nice liver assault.

>> No.6382886
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>tfw sober for 3 months

>> No.6382895

nice dude. you planning on drinking again or are you done for good?

>> No.6382916

it's medical. I have SVT but not drinking for this long has given me a new perspective. I don't even want to drink anymore and have pretty much gotten used being sober in a party of drinking people. I do miss the taste of beers and good whiskey. When this shit is done I don't think I'll turn back to drink. The unwasted time and extra money feels better than being drunk.

>> No.6382919

Sorry it's DVT in english not SVT.

>> No.6383082

Well good news. I drank 3/4 gallon of water since I woke up and was getting worried because I could barely wizz and it was an autumn orange color. The dam finally broke and I'm running smooth and yellow now. I'm still working at weaning off it though, I gotta get back to my old rule where I don't have a drink until 7. I'll post the dangerous slope here in a minute.

>> No.6383091

What do you buy when you to the packey alcos?
I always get a little depressed when I see the dude in front me buying five nips and a shitty 40.

>> No.6383111

>assaulting an officer
>only a small fine
You'd just get shot and killed in the US. Do not come here if you enjoy being alive.

>> No.6383120

Maybe just a little sip, you miss the taste after all :^)

>> No.6383170

i usually drink 2 40ozs of steel reserve and a red bull a night, have been doing this for like 4 years now

>> No.6383204


I've gotten a little heavy on the sauce. Withdrawal, shaky hands. I know that feeling of forcing liquor in when you don't even want to.

I can't imagine hallucinating from going straight. What are the hallucinations even like?

>> No.6383919

I just finished my alloted pint for tonight lads.

stupidly, I bought a handle thinking I can just measure it out and drink no more when i finish the limit.

I'm not even touched yet :(

gonna watch a few shows and i'm setting a time limit- not a drop more until 10:20, by then i should be feeling it and ok to hit the hay or maybe have atouch more

>don't need the touch more
>why did i buy the handle
>this week has been so good

>> No.6384045


well fuck me I'm taking another swig

>seriously fuck me
>my kids expect me to get up tomorrow am for Sat. breakfast

>> No.6384061

i am struggling too, hang in there man.

>> No.6384209

I'm struggling too.

>> No.6384224

pour it down the sink

>> No.6384247


fuck no that's $20.

but you know what anon? You did it, you kicked my ass just right. I am walking away from the handle and off to bed

>for real no backsies

>> No.6384252

Just one more sip :^)

>> No.6384274

Keep drinking. You know its good to treat yourself, you earned it.

>> No.6384774


Actually. I was puking off the roof at work today. It was hot. Oh well

>> No.6384784


20 a day can, fag

>> No.6384788


Ole Bill got the best of you old boy? That sounds hilarious. Sorry to laugh at your misfortunes

>> No.6384800

Murrican here
Got my first DUI a few months ago.
They're making me take fucking alcohol counsling classes at $100 per session and making me go to 2 AA meetings a week on top of probation, community service and shitloads of fines.
And that's a "good deal" according to my lawyer.
Can't imagine what I would have gotten had I not lawyered up. They do not take alcohol offenses lightly here in the good ol US of A.

>> No.6384815

So, are there any coping mechanisms you alcoholics do to not drink? I'm really worried about my friend who is 22 and drinks daily, carries cheap whisky with her wherever she goes, drinks at work, when she drives. I don't know what to do and don't want to lose her. How do I help her?

>> No.6384819


Shit man, what state are you in?

>> No.6384844

Indiana. We have these cops called "excise police" who are sent out to bars to arrest people for public intox and bust underage drinkers.
They fucking hate alcohol around here. They also hate gays. Fuck this state.

>> No.6384846

Get out, keep busy, have fun, and leave the booze at home. Or find a particularly enthralling vidya to play. Go see movies without sneaking in zip locks full of cheap vodka. You just gotta distract yourself.

>> No.6384854


Fuck me sideways, I'm in commiefornia and it is no where near that bad. If it makes you feel better, I got my first DUI recently and am trying to get back on my feet. Hang in there.

>> No.6384877

I hope you assholes can stop drinking. a drink on occasion is fine, but to get to the point some of you are.... fuck....

>> No.6384911

What flavor 4 loko?

>> No.6384953

We will be moving in together soon, so hopefully me and the other roomies can be a good influence and keep her busy. She has been on her own struggling with shit for a little over a year, after getting out of a abusive relationship. But she drank and partyed before that, but I don't think to the degree she has been after the relationship.
The thing is she likes to drink and doesn't see a problem with it, and is very clearly in denial about being a alcoholic, and will joke about being a alcoholic.
I worry about her a lot and wish she would see what she is doing to herself/and those who love her

>> No.6385892

Does drunk you ever play pranks on sober you? I woke up today with a roll of tinfoil sitting in my fridge. I remember baking frozen pierogies last night but I have no idea why I took a roll of tinfoil out of its box and stored it in the fridge. I didn't use it in the cooking process. What the hell was I doing with tinfoil? Oh well it was pretty funny.

>> No.6385926

Probably planned on using it. I've put foil in the fridge before too.

>> No.6385952

>ignoring all those beer cans

>> No.6386117

Fruit Punch.

most of the other flavors they have here i dont like.

>> No.6386135

Confirmed for never having had a hangover.

>> No.6386153

Typical /k/ommando, nugget and pissbrew.

>> No.6386164

50% of the time when i smoke weed im staring out the peephole of my door

>> No.6386171

I went to a brunch at my m8's place this morning at 11. I was drinking screwdrivers and got drunk. I stayed until 2ish. Then bought more vodka. It's now almost 4 and I'm still drunk because I decided to day drink and continue the vibe.

Can you alckys give me some tips because I might be drinking for the next 12 hours.

Just got off the phone with my mom and now I'm in my dorm room chilling. Also ate a slice of bacon. Might take a bath because I love taking baths when drunk.

Tonight there's my university's spring fling and a concert ellsewhere too. I'm 20 btw.

>> No.6386185


>> No.6386216

>A very good friend of mine got a bullshit DUI (Was drinking in his house, forgot to move his car so the street cleaners can come by, cop pulls him over as he pulls into the driveway)
>He drinks heavily since he fucking hates his life
>Gets a second DUI
>He decides to quit drinking heavily, cuts back from ~15 beers a day to 1 or 2 a week
>I be supportive and not drink around him and talk him out of buying beer if he's craving it
>This works for about a year
>Now I see him drinking a tallboy or a flask when he's driving and he polishes off a 12 pack or its equivalent nearly every night
>Try to tell him to cut back or take it easy, he just snaps at me and calls me a bad friend, says he can handle it, etc.

I feel fucking horrible, guys. I don't want my friend to die.

>> No.6386220
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Started drinking after i got a blood test for huntingtons, which is basically a death note for people who don't know what it is. Doctor cut off my xanex because he thought i was getting addicted so i started to supplement it with booze.. Started drinking 2 cans a night of that cheap high ABV stuff you get from the indian corner store, upgraded to vodka until i was going through a liter a day.

I can function easily because im a short order cook and everyone else is just as messed up as i am, but in the summer i do an under the table landscaping job and let me tell you i sweat like a mother fucker. Alcoholic sweats are the fucking worst, i once sweat through an entire shirt down to my pants and all the money in my wallet was soaked. I thought about going to admit myself at a hospital but after a friend of mine did that and ended up in the behavioral ward and told me the horror stories, i declined.

>> No.6386221

Tomorrow I'm celebrating my 30th birthday with the family. I have lost pretty much all my close friends, because I'd rather drink alone than go out. I've been calculating how much I need to drink tonight to be not too hangover at lunch, but still manage some sleep without sweating.

>> No.6386224


hey man, i think your buddy has an alcohol problem

>> No.6386225

Ha, you're that kommando who scams the state of CA and filmed a long, rambling, video about gun laws in which you dropped your beer twice because you were fucked up.

You're a legend.

>> No.6386232

Yeah, I know. He says he won't get killed or anything, but I worry.

Friends since the 6th grade, man. I hate watching him destroy himself.

>> No.6386260

That feel when I think I killed some homeless woman last night while driving under the influence.

Feels Batman

>> No.6386266

I'm so sorry m8. I hope everything works out for the best.

Goddamn, i might start crying. When I'm pissed I get really emotional

>> No.6386304

Who is this guy? He takes the time to come into every thread with his DARE idea of what alcoholism is like, attempting to 'epic troll' and getting no replies

>> No.6386312
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For about 2 years I was recreationally drinking and driving.
I'd buy booze and cruise around the city. I culd down 8 beers cruisin around, park and pass out, then drive back home sippind on 4 others.
I don't think I was a real danger, except at 3 am when I was shitfaced, but I always took little routes, never went on the highway and knew where the cops had a chance to be.

I had a few close calls, once the cops woke me up in my car, in the parking of a strip club, a bottle of jamieson on my lap, with my foot on the accelerator. I was heating the car and passed out. They let me go but charged me 400$ for out of date driving license.

I am just lucky that in all those years I never was arrested.

I stopped when I got so drunk one afternoon that I decided to go to the closest US beach (3hrs drive from my canadian city). I got raped at the US customs, clocked 0.07 mg alcohol with th Vermont State Police, got charged for open container, got refused to enter USA and went back home.

>> No.6386347

it's just Alan having a laugh. don't mind him

>> No.6386348

AH AH AH! Nice one m8

>> No.6386362

Was doing a late night beer run, since they stop selling at 3am im out at 2:50am to get beer at 7/11 which was 2 blocks away. I go to pull onto my street and park and a police cruiser is at the stop sign. They were there for 5 minutes probably running my plates in the car. My friend had coke in his pocket and was smoking a joint, i had an expired licence and we were both too drunk to even walk.

The one time i actually got pulled over was when i was drinking a soda from a glass bottle. Cop was so pissed that he fucked up he gave me a ticket for bald tires and a beer can in the backseat that accidently fell out of a grocery bag. Just for that every time i try to go to canada i get stopped and my whole car is searched.

>> No.6386374

Worthless faggot.

>> No.6386390

>I am just lucky that in all those years I never was arrested.
No, you're lucky in all those years you didn't kill somebody.

>> No.6386393

No, I'm a female and I drink most nights. Fuck, I had my own problems with drinking which led to DTs and withdrawls. I worked as a bartender so drinking was par for the job: TL;DR Finding a woman who drinks isnt a problem, only one of my girlfriends doesn't.

>> No.6386406

Go to AA meetings to pick up chicks who are only there because a judge made them go. simple as that friend.

>> No.6386410


Yeah, drunk walkers can do terrible damage to your car.

>> No.6386447

rude, tbh

>> No.6386479

Stop overthinking it. If you don't important have shit to do today, then it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.6386483
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>tfw when 14 days of sobriety

Kinda meh, last time i was sober for so long was in 2012 i think. 8-12 beers (0,5L Exports) a day before, sometimes two bottles of red or a bottle and a sixer.

>> No.6386508

My father owned three restaurants, died at 59 of alcoholism. I had an apprenticeship as a cook when i was 18, 95% of workers, service and kitchen, had addiction problems. My instructor was a total wreck, fucked up from the stress, facial ticks, chainsmoking, hard drinking.

I quit 9 month in when my day went like wake up at 4AM, at work at 7AM, work till 6PM, drinking a half liter of cheap whiskey and passing out at 0-1AM, repeat.

This is just from my personal experience, i met lots of other chefs and kitchen staff over the years who are the same, a lot of them do cocaine more than liqour nowadays.

>> No.6386514

You don't get arrested for drunk walking anon. You get arrested for driving drunk into drunk walkers.

>> No.6386517


you can be arrested for being drunk in public, although at that point your drunk walking would really just be drunk "walking"

>> No.6386523


it's probably a combo of that and that only a certain type of person will tolerate that sort of work, and that type of person also has an affinity for addiction

the people in my kitchen aren't drunk on the job (some of them are high though), but I know they do drink a lot after work

>> No.6386529

Hoosier here too. Excise thinks they're the DEA.

>> No.6386537

depends where you live, public intoxication isn't illegal in every state.

>> No.6386612

been there done that. threw up in my car numerous occasions from that nervous stomache feeling, shit blood many monrings, got denied alcohol several mornings at the liqor store because I still smelled so bad from the night before. By the time I quit I was drinking:

After Work Day: 375 ml bottle of Vodka, 6 tall cans of beer. Fridays/Weekend was 375 of vodka and 12 tall cans of been. I also went through about 1-2 years where I was drinking 375 of vodka throughout my work day, but I got caught so I quit that. I finally ended up in the hospital because I was just super sick, blood test revealed liver enzymes through the roof (to no ones surprise). Had to stay doped up on valium for about 3 weeks to safely get off the sauce. That was about 2 years ago, I've slipped... 5 times since then. But not like I've went on 5 week long benders or something, 5 times I've just gotten drunk one night. Anyways, feels good to not be a slave to alcohol any more. Eating healthier, gym 5-6 days a week, got a promotion at work and on my way to another one very soon. You can do it too anon.

>> No.6386679

kill yourself

>> No.6386809

Check out this article from The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2015/03/the-irrationality-of-alcoholics-anonymous/386255/

I am getting a prescription for Naltrexone on Monday. It's cheap and doctors know about it. My Mom got a 3 month supply and gave me 9 of the pills and it absolutely curbs cravings and mediates the withdrawal process. It's amazing. Get it. Zero side effects besides some drowsiness. Do it.

>> No.6386879
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>> No.6386927

I just went to the dump with my empties.

2 80 gal totes full to brim with handles and magnum wine bottles, prolly 3 months worth

>at least I recycle

>> No.6386975

That's gross.

>> No.6386986

>drank all day
>feel like shite
>get high
>feel 40 times better
Guys, smoke weed.

>> No.6387019

When I wake up with a hangover, I just start thinking non stop, even when my head is pounding. I come up with some of my best cooking ideas when I'm in that state.

>> No.6387038

welp, according to the bigass pile of empty bottles and cans next to me, i guess i'm officially back off the wagon.

cheers, i guess.

>> No.6387063

Ha! I lost all my close friends and family due to my sobering up, kind of makes me want to slink into a depressing bender, but I like getting actual sleep now.

>> No.6387075


>> No.6387078
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Seems like a good place to ask,
but my roommate is an alcoholic, and either drinks a 6 pack of molson Canadian tallboys, or a mickey of spiced rum a night at least, some nights he'll tackle both, and or go to the bar.

Its getting worse though, and now he is buying 26s,

I tried helping him quit drinking a year or two ago, but just gave up.

My big question now is, how do you explain to an alcoholic that they are really, really unpleasant while drunk?

I don't mind the guy when he is sober, but I fucking hate him when he is drunk, and he is drunk 24/7, and all he does is bitch about people and what they aren't doing for him.

I know addicts are often self absorbed and lack empathy, but how do I go about saying
>"Holy shit, shut the fuck up you drunk asshole, you're so god damn greedy holy shit. There is a fucking difference between asking a question and making a demand, you need to learn it.You're not the king of the world, people don't owe you anything, stop being so fucking demanding. You need to give before you get you asshole"
Without directly coming out and saying that,

I'm at the end of my rope, and am close to just kicking him out and paying his half of the rent myself, but I don't want to be a dick.

He is stressing me out like crazy, I'm literally losing hair because of how obnoxious and self centered this guy is.

I don't mean any offense to anyone in this thread either,

Just don't know how to go about telling an alcoholic to either stop drinking or shut the fuck up and help himself.

Sorry if this came out like a rant, but I haven't been sleeping well lately,

>> No.6387083

Suck his dick, he'll start caring about you more cupcake.

>> No.6387087

>how do you explain to an alcoholic that they are really, really unpleasant while drunk?
generally, they already understand that they are. often these people have bigger issues to worry about than their shitty personality... that's why they're drunk all the time in the first place.

honestly, stop worrying about coming off as an asshole. if something needs to be said, it needs to be said regardless of whether it might hurt someone's feelings.

>> No.6387088

Give him a good solid ass-kicking. When he wakes up the next morning with bruises you can explain to him that he's been a very naughty boy and you had to discipline him.

>> No.6387104

>tfw I got started about 8 this morning
>roommate came home unexpectedly from yoga
>bottle of vodka on coffee table
>hid it behind couch pillow seconds before she came in
>vaguely remember filling up my water bottle that I take to work with vodka, so I can drink at work
>don't remember half of work
>absolutely no idea were or what the fuck I did with bottle of said vodka

Another day in my life I suppose.

>> No.6387112

Alcohol w/ds are fucking BAD. The alkies are always in the worst shape in the detoxes and rehabs I've been at out of everybody. Alcohol tears your body the fuck up. I like it, but heroin and crack was my thing.

Get in a sober house, OP. They help a lot to keep you sober, if you go back home straight out of rehab then you relapse, trust me. Done the rehab thing 3 times now and this is the first time I've been able to keep myself clean. Sober houses suck but they're temporary, and think of it as 6 months of being uncomfortable versus years of being miserable.

>> No.6387116

>he'll start caring about you more cupcake.
You misuderstand me, I want him to pay less attention to me.

He is constantly making demands and throwing fits about mundane shit like not flushing after I pee (grew up in a village, 20+ years of "Yellow let if mellow, brown flush it down" isn't easy to forget just for one little drunk guy),

He has no hobbies, and no real friends.
I want him to leave me the fuck alone, and do his own shit, so that I can play videogames and draw in peace without having a hairy little manlet stumble into my room, trip over a bunch of shit, just to say
"Anon, I-I just. I just want you to tell me that I'm right. Just tell me I'm right about this,"
In 50 different ways

Just last night for example, he threw a fit about my cats jumping up on the kitchen counter, which I have explained is just kind of a thing cats do.

It ended with him telling me to train my cats like they are dogs for 40 minutes, the whole 40 minutes was that one sentence rearranged in 30 different ways, and the he concluded that he simply can't get his point across to me because "Your brain just can't understand what I'm trying to say. I-Im wasting my time, Fuck you...."
Then he stumbled off, puked on a closed toilet seat, and went to bed.

I'm a hermit anon, not a homo.
I just want a nice, quiet house, where I can enjoy my hobbies in peace,

But this faggot has no hobbies outside of "Get drunk, Get mad about things"
Oh yeah, he also listens to conspiracy theories I guess, but all he does with that is dismiss other peoples hobbies as "useless" so that he can feel better about himself like a pretentious faggot,

He is the kind of asshole that never shuts up about Pink Floyd and how smart he is for liking them, but if you ask him what other prog rock he listens to his face goes blank.

>> No.6387118


>> No.6387126

2 2nd degree burglaries and a grand larceny, getting them expunged if I stay compliant with treatment and don't fuck up again

>> No.6387135

>grew up in a village, 20+ years of "Yellow let if mellow, brown flush it down"

As a recovering alcoholic, I can honestly say, you are a very bad person. Plumbing is an antiquated technology in non-third world countries, learn to appreciate it. And you better not throw your TP in the trash can, you piece of shit.

>> No.6387152

You sad because my life is pretty bad or because I can't find my vodka? I bought more vodka and a 12 pack, so I'm already on my way to get drunk, no worries.

I'll find it at some point, but what gave me the sads was when I was tearing through my room trying to find the bottle, I found 6 half gallons of empty containers and I took out the recycling last Friday.

I am going to die before my parents and that's what makes me sad :/

>> No.6387176

>Plumbing is an antiquated technology in non-third world countries, learn to appreciate it. And you better not throw your TP in the trash can, you piece of shit.

I'm Canadian, so basically 3rd world.
Its not that I NEVER flush, he mentioned that he doesn't like seeing piss in the toilet, so I said "Oh, sure, I can try to flush when I pee, its just an old habit",
We had a hand dug well in my childhood home, so wasting water was never smart.

But this guy only see's in black and white, yes or no, on or off.
He can't be happy that I'm making an effort just for him, he has to throw a little shitfit every time I forget to flush.

Its hard to explain what a self absorbed greedy cunt this guy is,

Alright, so I have insomnia and (big surprise) major depression, have had it for a long time. Around last thanksgiving I think I went 5 days without sleeping at all, woke up thursday morning, and didn't get any sleep until the following tuesday morning.

Either way, I was pretty fucking tired, and not really in the mood to do anything at all.

This drunk fucker starts throwing a fit about the house being messy, and how I should spend 8 hours a day cleaning because I was looking for work at the time.
Its not as if I don't pay rent, I do, I pay more than he does, but he still honestly things if I'm not working I should be cleaning the house all day.

He ranted for a good 10 or 20 minutes before I couldn't ignore him anymore and just said "look dude, I've been awake for like, 5 days straight, I haven't eaten in days, and I don't even have the motivation to play videogames right now. I'll probably tidy up later, but if its bugging you so bad can't you just clean up? I'm not a maid man, I pay rent here just like you do"

so he starts tapping the tops of his fingers as if doing math in his head, and then shouts "YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU'VE BEEN AWAKE FOR OVER 100 HOURS AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO CLEAN THE HOUSE?!"

No fucking empathy whatsoever from this guy.

>> No.6387181

>I am going to die before my parents
That's entirely up to you. Addicts often feel powerless, but it's not true. Even if you need help doing it, you can change your life.

>> No.6387182

>Alright, so I have insomnia and (big surprise) major depression, have had it for a long time. Around last thanksgiving I think I went 5 days without sleeping at all, woke up thursday morning, and didn't get any sleep until the following tuesday morning.

Sounds like you need a drink friendo. Skip the Molson and head directly for whatever hard liquor Canadians drink, eh.

>> No.6387184


>he said as he polished off his 4th beer of the hour

>> No.6387196

I used to enjoy a few beers after work, but I stopped buying it because my roommate makes it impossible to keep any alcohol in the fridge longer than 2 days.

He bought me a mickey for my birthday, I drank a few shots, got a good buzz and put it in the freezer for another night.
He fucking drank that too.

I just smoke a little weed to help me sleep for the most part,

I've been depressed for so long, that I'm afraid doing any harder drugs will make normal life seem so bleak that I'll actually start considering suicide.
I've had chances to do MDMA and shit, but feeling as happy as possible just sounds like it will make every other moment of my life that much more depressing, because now I know what I don't have.

>> No.6387199

>Worried I'm an alcoholic because I drink 700 mL of vodka every weekend
>Come across this thread
>Feel relieved

>> No.6387220

Not the same guy. What if they just drink out of boredom though?

>> No.6387231

drinking out of boredom (and only boredom) generally doesn't turn someone into a heavy alcoholic itself, unless they're predisposed to alcoholism. there are a million different ways to cure boredom, and usually well adjusted people take a less self destructive path.

this is all my own perspective, obviously your mileage may vary.

>> No.6387241

Jesus dude a liter a day?
Fuck I brought some Johnnie Walker Gold Label reserve to school like 3 weeks ago to my friend's room, and the damn thing is still nearly 3/4ths full. And I share a glass with anyone who cares to try it too.

>> No.6387242

obligatory. i am going to post this in every drinking thread. just cut back a bit. I am not saying stop drinking but just cut back a teeny tiny bit.

>> No.6387250

1-2 drinks a day is nothing to worry about. Just remember man, moderation. My dad was an alcoholic for a little while. He completely quit the stuff and will never touch it again. It probably runs in my family and I have been drunk on a few occasions before. But for me alcohol is a deterrent because going past the point where your head is spinning and you feel disoriented is never fun. It's what has kept me from blacking out or puking ever.
I still have to be careful though. 1-2 drinks I don't even feel after a few it starts to hit me and that's when I know to stop.

>> No.6387287

just drink the night before and on holidays (2 days a month) i have cut back my drinking so much because of this.

>> No.6387312

alcohols siren song is just too much at times. i love feeling warm and disorientated. I know why i feel the way I do, i just don't care anymore.

>> No.6387319


how attached are you to this place of yours?

because I am going to tell you(from experience) that the best, least obnoxious, most effective way you have of resolving this situation is finding a new place of your own and pulling a fast one on Drunky. just get your affiars in order, get Moving Day organized, don't say a word, and fuck off to your new hermit crab shell.

heres what happens if you want hime to leave

>you are awful and fucking up my life
>but but but i'm great guy and you you you are meanie!
>please consider moving out
>*sobs* why do you hate me i'm good guy
>i'll do better, you'll see
>one week of passable behavior
>Sat. night bender, breaks your tv, gives cat AIDS and pees on couch
>ok, please move out, it's time
>nonononononononononononohplsohplsohplsFUCK YOU ASSHOLE
>repeat ad infinitum until you finally call the cops
>now stuck with all his shit in your house

just dodge this mess and put loser in the rearview bruh

>> No.6387332

I read every post in every alcoholic thread, because I'm an alcoholic. One thread running through all of them is an understanding that we are alcoholics, and an acceptance of such. Because, wtf? Who cares? I don't. I work to make enough to drink. Period. I'm divorced, I lost a house, my kids hate me even though I pay the court ordered $1200 a month in child support. My ex starts every conversation with "You need to do so and so...". Fuck it, I just want to be left alone. And what I do while I'm alone is nobody's business but mine.

I'm serious /ck/ LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!

>> No.6387341

as long as you can afford it drink to your hearts content. just don't do stupid financial shit in order to drink and you are okay in my book anon.
I mean there is always your general health to think about. alcohol is a poison afterall (with genrous euphoric effects).
fuck man have a drink for me.

>> No.6387345

I used to smoke crack and shoot heroin all the time after work, thinking it only affected me. Never even occurred to me that it would affect other people so much until I got clean.

>> No.6387347

>>Sat. night bender, breaks your tv, gives cat AIDS and pees on couch
>>ok, please move out, it's time
>>nonononononononononononohplsohplsohplsFUCK YOU ASSHOLE
>>repeat ad infinitum until you finally call the cops
>>now stuck with all his shit in your house

The worst part is, this is totally something I can see him doing.

He used to threaten to break glass all over the house when he got upset, but he hasn't done that since I told him I'd grab him by his hair and make him clean it all up with his tongue

>> No.6387352

Fuck that, I've cooked crack in a microwave, and bought in the hood. I put the pipe down once I got a job that required testing. Alcohol is a different monkey entirely. It is my drug of choice. And it's legal. Your sobriety is a fragile egg. Mine doesn't even exist. Who's better off?

>> No.6387355


this is something i've lived through, hence my recommendation to put it on 180 and nope out of there. You lose no respect by declining a confrontation that has literally no point

>> No.6387356

>how attached are you to this place of yours?

However, this is the big problem.
I just recently got a job as an At home IT guy, I need to be at home 5 days a week, and I need an internet connection.

The downtime required to move houses would probably cost me my job, and it'll be 2 or 3 more months before I can request any time off.

But I guess as soon as that is a possibility, I'll start looking for other places to live.
Its a real shame though, this is a nice house in a great part of town, and my landlord is a real sweet heart.
I'll have to start up a new garden too, which is a bummer.

>> No.6387360

>crack in the microwave

Hope it was with ammonia instead of soda. Ammonia cooks rang my bell hard every time. I still remember that whooshing sound you get in your ears after a good blast, fuck.

>> No.6387362

You've lost everything and broke the lives of others because of it and still think it only affects you?

>> No.6387367

I haven't heard "rang my bell" in a long time, but yeah that first hit from a decently cooked batch. Nothing beats that...I'm glad I never got hooked on crack. I could smoke it, enjoy it, but not sell my soul for it...

>> No.6387368

>tfw you go through a bottle of cheap wine a day




>> No.6387372

how do you cook crack in a microwave. or cook crack at all considering crack is just cooked cocaine?

>> No.6387375

I've not lost "everything". I make 100k a year, what I've lost is a nagging wife, the love of my kids, and a 3/2 ranch house that was overpriced when I bought it.

>> No.6387379

Trying to go sober all april. 4 days in already starting to crack. Just knowing it's the weekend I think is killing me extra. Quit smoking 3 months ago buy I'd kill for a smoke about now.

tl;dr help

>> No.6387380

LOL! I cooked powder in to crack in the microwave. It's like saying I cooked popcorn, it doesn't mean I put already cooked corn in to the microwave. Semantics, I guess.

>> No.6387389


can you play it off somehow? tell him lease is ending, time to make plans, tell him your work has required you to live alone for liability reasons, anything?

he's drunk and stupid, he can't be that hard to fool.

>> No.6387392

either smoke or drink your body cannot handle not having both at the moment considering it relied on both for its dopamine and other pleasure chemicals. if you drank more than you smoked, then smoke and vice versa, but dont' go smoking a pack a day. you basically want to cut back inch by inch or drink by drink. just slowly reduce it.

>> No.6387394

I quit smoking two years ago, but I didn't stop drinking. Good luck to you, anon. One day at a time, right. If a day is too long, break it down in to hours, or even minutes, if that's what it takes.

>> No.6387401

Quit dipping three and a half years ago, just passed two weeks sober, third serious attempt, and I alternate between wanting a drink and a dip. The craves are hell.

>> No.6387412

looks like the alcohol already had an affect on your brain

>> No.6387413
File: 1.21 MB, 2448x2448, Skinny-Ranch-Dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You quit eating your pizza with ranch dressing?

>> No.6387418

So besides the 'nagging' wife, you've lost and broken your children, AND a house. Who cares about how much money you make when you've ruined everyone's life around you. What a great father and husband!

>> No.6387422


>> No.6387428

Don't you have anyone in your life you can bitch at? Surely you can do better than whining and carrying on at anons on the internet.

>> No.6387434

It works better if you cook it on a stove, in the microwave the heat isn't evenly distributed. Basically all you do to cook crack is add water, a strong base(ammonia or baking soda), add heat, then stir with a glass rod.

>> No.6387435
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Sort of, just leave out the ranch.

>> No.6387447

you. are. not. an. alcoholic.

>> No.6387453

but why would you want to cook it in the first place? to make more of it with less potency?

>> No.6387462

Sneed's Feed and Seed
>Formely Chuck's
I never got this joke from this episode? care to explailn it to me
> I am drunk
I feel like anything is possible and I can do anything as long as I work hard and impress ther right kind of people.
How fucked am I?

>> No.6387467

chuck's fuck and suck

>> No.6387468

As long as you realize what you've done and continue to do. I'm sorry that society has lied to you, telling you that he only thing that maters is the amount of money you make, and to disregard your addictions and lives ruined. Good day, sir.

>> No.6387475

I've been hospitalized twice for internal bleeding due to excessive alcohol consumption. I was given blood transfusions. Even though I nearly died twice, I still drink almost everyday. The days I don't drink are days I vomit blood.

>> No.6387482

But I'm not addicted to anything, anon. Are you feeling alright?

>> No.6387488

really? that much effort for a diry joke?

>> No.6387490

speaking of blood. How the fuck do I stop shitting blood after a night of drinking . my asshole cries blood every morning.

>> No.6387493

there's a shooting range near my house called bass & buck we call it ass & fuck loool

>> No.6387514

Anyone else gain a tremendous amount of weight being an alki? I cant stop the 3am drunk as fuck cant remember that I cooked binges before I pass out

>> No.6387517


I've gained about 10lbs over the course of 3 years. I drink 1.75L of vodka every 2-3 days. I'm not one of the drunks who doesn't eat either so idk why I haven't gained more weight. I'm fairly active and I'm a cook so I'm on my feet a lot, I guess that's why.

>> No.6387518

Ya I dont do shit no job or anything so i guess thats why i gained more then 10 pounds

>> No.6387523


>no job

cmon anon, at least try to be a functioning alcoholic

get a job in a kitchen, everyone there is probably an alcoholic too

>> No.6387528

I had jobs but my social anxiety and weirdness and attitude caught up with me. I worked at cvs and my manager said vacuum the whole store so i did even outside the door on the cement was fired shortly after. also got fired from acme for lashing out on employees for plotting on my life

>> No.6387533


>> No.6387534

i keep losing weight. I hate it so much my cheeks look sunken and I can see my ribs now. instead of eating dinner i just drink and only eat when I feel sick.

>> No.6387535

yep u from robot?

>> No.6387546

>fired from acme
from a cannon I hope.

>> No.6387549

hahah no, co workers who I never liked or talked to invited me out after work, I knew they were trying to lure me somewhere and to do harm for me so i flipped on them and cursed them out and threw something and stormed out was fired next day

>> No.6387559

you know when coworkings invite you out is so you can get a promotion

thats how you get them

you go out drinking with the boss

>> No.6387562

drinking advances your career!!

>> No.6387566

i was only there for a month and did a shit job, not only that it wasnt a boss or manager it was other baggers and cashiers

>> No.6387569


If they leave you like this, for their own selfish reasons, let's hope they never come back!

>> No.6387570

listen to what
>drink everyday
go out drinking with coworkers and say stuff like "shots, but i have to drive" or I can only have a couple of drinks.
everyone views me as a responsible drunk even though I just finshed a bottle of popov. I hate the rat race, but it is so fun when people see you as some innocent and harmless fuck. hehe

>> No.6387571

what do u mean listen to what

>> No.6387573


>> No.6387578
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>> No.6387580


I keep trying to tell people, use crystal light (or kroger or walmart brand), apple is the best. You get the vitamins of apple juice, no sugar and it doesn't taste like water and vodka.

Oh, brush your teeth and keep listerine strips on you. If someone things you smell of booze pull out the strips and say, "I get that ever time I use one."

The best way to hide your breath is with garlic, eat a couple cloves before you drive. You get pulled over apologize to the officer, you just ate garlic chicken alfredo.

Remember, at least your not a pot head...fuck weed.

>> No.6387581

when you go out drinkng with coworkers it is so they can see if you are a threat to them or to see if you are capable of being promoted. people under you won't hate you more once they have seen you trashed, which is why the fifth date is always at a bar. I like to know the person I am fucking before I think about posting " I am in a relationship with" the person.

>> No.6387583




I haven't even had my first sip yet.

>> No.6387584

i believe these people were plotting on my life and i had no intentions of staying there to be promoted i just it for vidya and extra money and to get my parents to shut up about a job

>> No.6387585

>hiding your breath
is this even possible anymore?

>> No.6387590


Threat or promoted?

They won't hate you because they have leverage on you once you're trashed with them.

Fifth date? At a bar?

Sounds like you're just fucking yourself.

you're so beta you're gamma

>> No.6387594


From scent only, you drive drunk, you're getting breathalized. If you're driving at .08 which is nothing for an alcoholic, and you get pulled over because your GD license plate light is out, it can work.

It worked for me and not just on the moron checking me out at walmart while I was buying another caliber vodka at 2 am.

It worked with the officcer who pulled me over...plate light...I told him I was on my way to walmart and thanked him...i still only bought the vodka.

>> No.6387610


Is your roommate hot? Are you male or female and what is your relationship with said roommate except as roommates.

>> No.6387624


You tell them you need to talk. You remind them that you tried to help them before (if it was their idea to get help, not if it was yours). You can do this when they're drunk or sober, as long as not too drunk. Tell them you're willing to help, but if they don't want it now, you don't know if you can be there when they totally fuck something up...their liver, a DUI, losing a job or some other BS.

If they try to make a change help, if they blow you off, nothing you can do until they are ready. I hope they want help before the end.

>> No.6387628

If you're going to drink then don't drive. At all.
That's not a request. It's an order, captain! Serve your country well by not drinking and driving.

>> No.6387636

In NSW, or at least Sydney, you get breathalysed as a matter of routine every time they pull you over, regardless of the reason.

>> No.6387642


That isn't how it works, I'm sorry, but it isn't. A person that blacks out and has no idea how their night ended and how they ended up in a hotel room with two very nice gay gentlemen in Vegas that had just gotten married and let you sleep on their bed, doesn't always make the correct or prudent choice.

I agree, they shouldn't drive. But, they need to set rules, always hide things here, never drive when drinking eat breakfast. You can't enforce it, I'm sorry.

>> No.6387645


I did not know that, thanks. It's very unlikely that I'll drive drunk, especially abroad, but I'm glad to know this.

>> No.6387651

Australia never ceases to amaze me. I could never live there.

>> No.6387695

You are an alcoholic. I have never seen a fat alcoholic ever. Malnutrition is a huge detriment to the health of an alcoholic. When I went through my own bout, I never ate and only consumed liquid calories. Slippery slope

>> No.6387708


I've seen lots of fat alcoholics and lots of thin alcoholics. Not all alcoholics just don't eat.

>> No.6387716

thats wrong theres tons of alkis who eat

>> No.6387721

Haha same. When I drink I'll turn the music up, enjoy vidya, post freely, answer phonecalls, watch TV, hang out with people, etc etc.

When I smoke I make my place completely silent so I can hear everything outside, stare through the peephole, sit in my chair staring and worrying, staring myself in the eyes in the mirror, turning my phone off because I panic when it rings and I won't answer anyway, get hungry but to autistic to open my door to go grab a bite, and if I get on here I second guess and erase every comment I typed out. They say weed calms you and makes you more open, for me its opposite. Makes me want to turn the lights out and hide behind the couch. I wish it agreed w me, I'm all for legality and am glad some people like it. Doesn't work the same on me though.

>> No.6387726

When you physically cannot eat because of your limited pancreas or liver functioning, talk to me. I'm in health care and I am triage for alcoholics, the ones that are far FAR gone. When you are unable to keep liquids down, how would you be able to keep solids down? Please retify your answer with common sense.

>> No.6387733

So why are you calling yourself redbilled?

>> No.6387741


This sounds like a stupid question, but if they are so far gone that they can't keep liquids down then how do they keep drinking? Because if they were that far gone I imagine they'd be likely to get the DTs if this had a sudden onset

>> No.6387799
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Retard alert

>> No.6387812
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Dawg, I jthey throw up. A lot. Oreo, they keep down enough alcohol.

Not the same guy pero this hombre >>6387799
Quien este tienes es el doubles

>> No.6387813

There are lots of alcoholics who haven't hit rock bottom yet.

>> No.6387826

Some boards use redpilled to mean taking a certain perspective on society as a whole. It sounds like he's saying a cynical perspective on society in the guise of clarity drove him to loneliness and drinking.

>> No.6387850

>go a year sober after losing my job and my mother knocking on the window of my car while I am passed out with the windows covered with sweaters to keep the light out in the middle of the local park
>get job and start working out again
>move to new state and get a job
>break wrist and go depression mode
>hold out a couple months
>lose job
>go full locked door vodka mode
>get shit together enough to get new job
>go only beer mode and level out a bit and go back to gym

disaster may strike any day now, but so far not dead

>> No.6387876

>I'm the winningest at being an alcoholic! Don't talk to me!

>> No.6387921

is this the official alcholic thread trheme song?


>> No.6387968

im so drunk that I can barely concentrate on my mahjong game

are you guys like this every night

>> No.6387974
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I've got four days sober. Couldn't do it without weed. I've got to have something. But the best thing about weed is just one hit unlocks enough conscience and guilt to overpower my drive to buy that bottle. Of course my alcoholic brain usually buys the bottle before smoking the weed because he's more cunning and knows what I know.

My last bender was so bad (and the 2 1/2 day hangover) that I know I can make it a couple weeks on weed alone. But that's all I can ever go for. Two weeks is my record since diversion in 2000.

>> No.6388037
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>> No.6388049
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>throwing fits about mundane shit like not flushing after I pee
>so that I can play videogames
>my cats

Holy fuck. If I lived with you I'd get loaded and tell you to fuck off all the time too.

>> No.6388052
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You don't seem like such a bad guy. Honest, well-meaning and all. I take it back. I'd still get loaded all the time, but I wouldn't be a prick to ya.

>> No.6388670

Should I get drunk again today?

Kind of bored and I don't have any weed

>> No.6388684

>bought Bailey's for my coffee just to have some kind of chocolate for the holiday
>actually need to drink it mixed with vodka now because my grandma had a stroke rendering her left side useless and my mom may not be able to afford the house
I hate visiting home.

>> No.6388883

Fuck dude that sucks.

>> No.6388889

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6389035

Are there any barbers here? I'd love to hear a story about cutting hair while drunk.

>> No.6389241

No one
It's a green text of her own life

>> No.6389946

>Addicts often feel powerless, but it's not true. Even if you need help doing it, you can change your life.

I know this is the internet and it's easy to lie, but since you said that last night I've done a lot of soul searching. You're right. I am not powerless, but I have to choose not to be powerless, I have to make the choice to live, as miserable and difficult as it will be in the beginning.

I spent the afternoon with my family and at one point my father grabbed the back of my neck, as an expression of love, pulled me in and told me that it was great to see me. He gave me a pat on the back and started talking about how great the bread I baked was. It took all of my will not to break down and cry and confess everything I'm going through. I went into the bathroom and wept, out of shame and weakness, the pain that I would inflict on him and my mother by selfishly committing a subversive form of suicide.

I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to do it. I'm ending this bullshit and I'm going to stop tormenting myself. Tonight is 8 beers. Tomorrow 6 and so on and so forth, until I'm tapered down to none.

Thanks anon. It sounds like bullshit, but you really inspired me to reflect on my life and to make a change.

>> No.6389998
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>I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to do it. I'm ending this bullshit and I'm going to stop tormenting myself.

I believe in you anon,
You can do it

>> No.6390215

Nice. If you can find some way so that someone gives you a "beer allowance" instead of having more than you plan on drinking in your fridge, it will help with that nagging little voice telling you to drink them all.

>> No.6390220

You are all worthless. Stop being alcoholics NOW!

>> No.6390238

But I don't really wanna...

Ideally I would like to become a social beer drinker who stops after 4 or so.

>> No.6390247

> but if they are so far gone that they can't keep liquids down then how do they keep drinking?

>> No.6390280


I can never even stop after 2 i just get drowsy and feel terrible if i stop drinking after i've started.

>> No.6390292


nigga that was my girlfriend i'd die too

>> No.6390326

Just OP, felt like sharing my feels. I got back from the hospital a few hours ago with a handle of crown that I'm about to finish up. I feel a little better after seeing her and I talked with my mom to make sure she'll be alright no matter what happens, but I feel drinking provided a much needed comfort that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else. That can't be too good.

>> No.6390512

youve never met my dad

hes been running his whole business every day and at 5AM PSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a fuckin bottle opens. Trash comes around for the recycle and the bottles echo through the neighborhood.

Im sure he was drunk all day no matter what. I have memories of him with me and my 3 brothers pulling off to the side of the road to puke because he drank too much at one of our birthdays.

its called a functioning alcoholic and my dad is a professional one. He has been sober for a year, fag still drinks becks "no alcohol" shit though

>> No.6390525

>joined in

sounds like a bro

>> No.6390539

america will get there soon. we like to let you guys try it out first

>> No.6390548

try smoking an indica. you were smoking a sativa

>> No.6390566

Hey, my toughts about that, next time you go north, when they asked you ''Have you ever been arrested or blah blah blah'' say, I once had an open container, should I declare it? They will think you're shy and honest and prolly let you go.

>> No.6390570

BTW you on the West coast or East coast, or the petroleum lands?

>> No.6390612

That feel when ur miserable all day, and then you do some shots and it instantly feels like you took legit "happy pills"

>> No.6390614

its like a hug from your friend

>> No.6390628

I've cut off the beer and tequila but I'm stuck on wine now. I can never have just one glass, I typically start and finish the bottle in an hour to an hour and a half. That's why I only keep one bottle in the house.

>> No.6390919
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Rooting for you anon

>> No.6390972

Please dont drink yourself to death, anon-kun

>> No.6390993
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You know, sometimes I forget just how crazy our police officers really are.

>> No.6391201

If you or anyone else wants a link to a forum for actual alcoholics send an email to secretlyawful@gmail.com, sorry to be an awkward dick but I'd prefer if my nice thing didn't get shitted up with sober dickbags like >>6387241.

>> No.6391310
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You guys suck.
Just become fuctioning alkies like me.

On my 7th cranberry ice, i know its swill but right now it tastes awesome.
Just chillin in a hot bath after a hard day work.
Drink up, if its not destroying your life then why stop?

>> No.6391325

> can usually drink 8-10 pints of 5% beer or cider
> lately I've started feeling queasy after just 5 or 6 pints, and need to lie down

feels bad man. It's hard to balance drinking while you're trying to cut down on your food intake; I used to eat tonnes of food while drinking, which would often soak up the alcohol.

>> No.6391475

Cutting down on your booze intake would probably be more beneficial than cutting down on your food intake, anyway.

>> No.6391555
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Rate my alcohol consumption:

> 20 beers on Friday, another 20 on Saturday. Whole weekend always a blur.
> Never drink during the week unless there is a public holiday the next day.
> Always feel depressed until Wednesday. Like, severely depressed.
> Thursday get super excited for Friday
> Friday drink

Why am I getting such brutal feels?
How fucked will my liver/kidneys be if I keep it up?
I literally can't wait for each Friday to roll around.

pic related, my drink of choice.

>> No.6391563

The mark of a cultured drinker: you hold the flask in a smiley rather than a sad face. Never drink in remorse. A sad face is bad luck.

>> No.6391594

If you're not drinking on weekdays then you have nothing to worry about. I usually put down a pint of whiskey on my morning drive to work.

>> No.6391605


Holy shit. How old are you? How long have you been like that?

I literally can't afford to buy more alcohol than I do now. So that's a good inhibitor I guess.

>> No.6391629


Is that actually established flask etiquette or are you just making things up?

>> No.6391644

>drink shitloads of empty calories from alcohol
>get intense drunk munchies
>eat tons of fast food because drunk and don't care
>tfw starting to get really fat
>drink more to take my mind off it
this isn't going to end well

>> No.6391646


i don't think anyone drinking out of a flask in public is going to care that they are committing a faux pas with the direction of their flask

>> No.6391712

>same liquor store
I go to the grocery store... there are a handful of cashiers that don't card me anymore... I try to avoid them. It's because I buy a 24 pack every day.

>puked in the parking lot of liquor store
This I don't do... I always plan my drunkenness out.

naw m8

My biggest feels?
>rough winter, stopped working out
>starting to get a gut
>get testy with people when they bring up alcohol
>hide it at work
>every morning is a hangover, because I push it farther than I had the previous night

>> No.6391718

"Alcoholism" is wildly overdiagnosed these days. 2 drinks/day is fine. Alcoholism isn't alcoholism until it starts to directly and adversely affect your life.

>> No.6391723

That's the joke.

Although, it is a real thing for people in the choir I sing in. Nordic choral music culture is not as tame as you'd expect. A circle of bassos, baritones and tenors passing around flasks filled with scotch or brandy isn't all that uncommon in student choirs. In the very least, if it's not a tradition, they're usually willing to partake when you meet new people. Etiquette like this is good for bonding. We try to share the German way of looking others in the eye when clinking glasses as much of possible.

The whole thing with kuksas only being allowed to contain brandy, whisky, illegal moonshine, viina, water or coffee (tea if you're a dubious hippie) is very real for some people. This is important shit.

>> No.6392137

are you me?

>> No.6392141

this is 'bait' right?

>> No.6392164
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>tfw its been 64 days sober and I want a small bottle of whiskey so fucking bad

>> No.6392172

Yes. Don't forget to pick up those antibiotics tomorrow.

>> No.6392200

How have u dealt with the weight gain mentally

>> No.6392837

>Alcoholics who don't eat

Like, ever ?
I'm pretty sure you need to eat at some point

>> No.6392903

Wow. What a thread, guys... I blackoutted last saturday. Nothing happened, except a lost scarf and I had to pick my wallet from the taxi driver who drove me home. I'm 27 and I need to stop this shit. Just that it's so hard. 1 dui, 1 resisting of doorman and 1 assault charge which is still unsettled. I've been drinking since I was 15, i somehow picked up that excessive use of alcohol is romantic from reading too much charles bukowski novels as a teen. Now its just a burden. I dont want to quit but how to drink moderately?

>> No.6393634

Just did an online focus group forum thing last week for drink moderation and anti-social behavior related to excessive drinking (mainly violence).

But some of the more humorous ads were pretty good.

Maybe i can go full on fedora mode like this https://www.youtube.com/user/drinkproperly/videos

>> No.6393706

Nigga thats crazy
When I smoke weed I shake like fucking crazy. I'm twitchy and literally just can't stop thinking. I get right stressed the fuck out and I can hardly even talk. When I smoke weed I just want to go to bed, go to sleep, and have the high effect leave my body. I've only ever had fun with weed like 3 times, every other time sucks ass for me.

tl;dr Fuck weed, hail to alcohol!

>> No.6393708

Yep, same. It fucking sucks

I'll stick to beer and the occasional hard alcohol

>> No.6393722

It's like everything started off shitty, then wound out being alright, then went back to being shitty.

That sucks anon

>> No.6393737



I've seen this photo like 5 times in the past few weeks, this probably isn't even the original picture-taker

>> No.6393753

Why don't you move?

>> No.6394226

Google image and tineye give nothing.
It certainly hasn't been taken for this thread, but it hasn't circulated much on the internets.