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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6386030 No.6386030 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/
I am the PhD student who said I would shut down a food truck nearly 3 months ago after they served me chicken in my meal (I'm vegetarian) and refused to pay me back. They told me to stop asking for a refund and just laughed at my pleas, so I took it upon myself to shut them down for violations in retaliation by contacting my city hall.

It's been a while and I have some sad news. After nearly 3 months of me submitting the letter about health violations to the city hall, I received word today that they will not pursue any action on health violations by this food truck.

I promised you I will update you when I shut down the food truck, but I come in defeat to tell that my pursuits were in vain. The city hall informed me they sent a food inspector who noticed some violations and shut them down for a week to clean the truck and create new policies.

Atleast they got a scare, and apparently an inspector will check up on the truck three times this year for any further violations that may lead to new actions.

Atleast there is that. I have been on /ck/ but not without a trip, I just wanted you all to know since I promised you an update.

>> No.6386059

fuck off pussy

>> No.6386065

GTFO you vegetarian faggot manlet

>> No.6386071

I'm vegetarian but not gay or short.
How am I a pussy? I am admitting I did not get them shut down so that shows I am alpha enough to post on here... every time I walk by the food truck, I chuckle at the scare I gave them

>> No.6386078

Don't believe it's real you and I don't believe the original story when I read it anyway. Nobody has so little to do with their time they'd pursue this, let some PhD student (which you always did a piss poor job at backing up).

>> No.6386083

Well actually there was a professor in Harvard or something that did something similar to a chinese take away place. I think it's just a copy of that.

>> No.6386087

sounds like irish stew guy: vegetarian version

>> No.6386089

I posted my story way before that article even came out... being a PhD student does not mean I have no time.

I don't use my freetime wisely, and I instead pursue hobbies like posting on this site. I also thought getting them shut down would be a much faster response with one inspection but the city hall took forever to get an inspector to go and check on it.

I don't get what part is not believable?

>> No.6386092

Good job. Now please move on with your life and stop bringing up your boring failures on this board

>> No.6386093

>being vegan
>getting meat in your food
Uhm, yeah when you go to the lowest of of low and expect "service" with any sort of adjective attached other than "bad"... well, you get what you deserve.

>> No.6386099

I brought this up before and I don't see how I did any wrong.

I ordered a vegetarian plate, and was served chicken in it. I requested a refund like any normal person would and instead got laughed at.

If you ordered food at a restaurant, and they brought you the wrong thing or something you are allergic to, is it not normal to get a refund or a replacement? Are the people on this board so beta they would not complain? Atleast last time some rational anons agreed with me

>> No.6386128

You should have taken your complaint to the better business bureau, this sounds like it deals with the service and how they didn't refund you then the cleanliness of the truck.

>> No.6386136

At least you tried, nobody wins every battle.

>> No.6386137

>I posted my story way before that article even came out... being a PhD student does not mean I have no time.
>Nearly three month ago
>Article posted in december 9th
Except you know, not really.

>> No.6386160

The BBB is some voluntary organisation that nobody listens to anymore, it might have meant something in the 1950's but it's pretty useless now and doesn't have and never did have any legal jurisdiction to do jack.

>> No.6386166

you did something wrong by being a vindictive, obsessive cunt instead of cutting your (what, $5?) loss and choosing to simply deny them your business in the future & conversationally spread word to friends like you're supposed to.

>> No.6386180

This, what a bitter faggot. Op is why everyone hates vegetarians.

>> No.6386203


> I ordered a vegetarian plate, and was served chicken in it

I don't believe you. You are leaving something out. What else happened?

>> No.6386205

Being in the highest caste doesn't mean shit to outsiders out of India.

>> No.6386218

You're a cunt, m8.

>> No.6386230

Nice i remember that tgread. You got them shut down for a week, thats something anyway.

now you shoukd send them a note saying you did that and why

>> No.6386243

special snowflake much?

>> No.6386248


Vegetarians are fucking gay anyways, go away you don't belong here

>> No.6386273

Wow I always somehow forget people like you exist. You are never going to make it. For all I know you prob grabbed someone else's order like the selfish impatient asshole I'm almost positive you are.

>fuck you

>> No.6386351


Food truck workers > PhD student

>> No.6386365

>tripcode on a slow fucking board like /ck/
>feels the need to tell everyone he's a PhD STUDENT
>(I'm vegetarian btw)
>went to city hall for a HEALTH violation instead of just giving them nasty reviews or taking matters into his own hands (you could have found the fucking truck and put nails under its tires or something)
0/10, OP is a prissy little faggot who needs to man up but never will

>> No.6386380

Thanks. I tried my best but was annoyed by how badly the city hall treated my case. Rarely responded and showed no interest. I was thinking of going back to the truck and saying something but I might just refrain for now.

I'm not. I literally just wanted my refund. And they made a scene out of it saying that $5 isn't much and I should stop complaining and just eat the meat essentially. Was really pissed off so I took action.

No I did not grab someone else's order. I asked them about it and they said they messed up but won't refund me. It was a small line and I was with my lab mates and they basically made me look cheap and hurt my dignity.

As of now maybe. I get a liveable stipend but I will be rich one day.

I only said PhD later in the original thread since people wanted to know more about me and why I would complain and that I was some stupid person. I only wrote PhD since people remember that from the thread for some reason...

>> No.6386389

You sound like a lot of the intolerable cunts that I go to school with.

My friends and I refer to them as the AAAs: autistic asians on amphetamines.

>> No.6386399


>City hall screwed OP too

If you think government cares about you, then you are wrong.

>> No.6386417


you're trash and i'm glad nothing came of this

>> No.6386418
File: 183 KB, 1224x1632, 1421461492328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm vegetarian but not gay

>> No.6386452

all you idiots in here getting BTFO by a man that took justice into his own hands.

If you got treated that way by a snotty fast food worker you be on here bawling about it like babies.

you are a righteous man, OP and you did what should be done when treated like shit.

>> No.6386476

>every time I walk by the food truck, I chuckle at the scare I gave them
It's like a modern Notes From Underground.

>> No.6386488


I am talking about before you got your food. You ordered a product they had, and you want us to believe they gave you something else on purpose?

>> No.6386504

I always order a tofu rice plate. Usually swaps between Eggplant tofu, General Tso Tofu, or Vegetable Tofu.

They probably heard General Tso and assumed it was chicken but I always make it EXTREMELY clear that I do not want any chicken or any meat broth in my meals. I make sure they nod yes because their english is bad before I proceed to move to the standing line as they prepare my meal. So no, I did not do anything wrong.

>> No.6386506


That makes more sense. You were being obnoxious when ordering your food.

>> No.6386533

If you missed the original thread this guy is some Hindu who thinks he shivas gift to the world. He is an insufferable douchebag

>> No.6386542

I'm mixed.

On one hand I think OP is a pushy faggot, and being in an overpriced inflated daycare for an overpriced job, bullying on working peasants doing a toiling day-to-day job pisses me off. Doesn't help OP is a fucking vegan to boot.

But on the other hand, OP did fucking make an order, pay for it, and not get what he paid for. Food truck niggers shouldn't be uppity about resolving reasonable requests as their business is heavy on word of mouth.

It's still better than involving bullshit bureaucracy for a petty service dispute.

>> No.6386698

A part of your brain probably managed to pull together enough resources to mutiny and override muscle control long enough to order some meat and replace the memory with that of you ordering what you expected. The ruse was discovered in time to prevent you from eating the meat though.

>> No.6386747

> I make sure they nod yes because their english is bad before I proceed to move to the standing line as they prepare my meal

Just curious, what nationality?

>> No.6386762

keep fighting the good fight bro

I have a feeling that NONE of these food trucks are keeping up with health standards and THEY ALL need to be SHUT DOWN for GOOD!

>> No.6386776

How does it feel to be a piss baby that didn't get what you want?

>> No.6386779

>being shiva gift and not ganesh
Well fuck this cow worshipper

>> No.6386782

Nice try op.

>> No.6386784
File: 278 KB, 554x539, TrioUSI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfag go home pls

>> No.6386788

What's to be expected from some H1B type that comes to the USA and writes shit code for shit money with the underlying reason of bringing it's whole family here to the states instead of doing something useful for it's own nation.

They're pathetic hypocrites, I have to deal with them professionally and they really suck.

>> No.6386789

So you grabbed the wrong order and with your accent fumbled the order. They probably thought you were scamming them so you try to shut them down because you wanted a free meal asshole. Stay entitled

>> No.6386791

Do you work in the cellular industry too?

>> No.6386793


>PhD student
>too dumb to know better than to eat from a health violation wheels


>> No.6386796

You sound like a racist from /pol/. Why don't you fuck off back to /pol/?

>> No.6386797

Just a dev and I've been doing it professionally since I was a little kid, before the h1b shit spun up so I know the differences. Last specifically was Lockheed. The industry doesn't matter after enough time, it's just code and ripping out professional shit.

>> No.6386798

I'm not a racist, I just find indians to be pathetic, the bobbing head shit is funny too when they try to speak English.

You try to do that shit on a professional basis and maybe you'll be qualified to have an opinion, but you haven't and you don't.

Piss off!

>> No.6386807

First off, I clearly mentioned I did NOT grab the wrong order and checked before as I do everywhere I order.

Secondly, I am a US Citizen though born in India. I am not a FOB and do not act like one... I am probably contributing more to society than you ever will. I advance the science/tech behind this nation so you can piss off while you get chicken tendies from your mom's basement. I am much smarter and better than you in all aspects of life so don't even try that Indian poor smelly bs on me.

>> No.6386812

Yusomad, plus I'm doubting your the original poster from months ago because he never used the term tendies. So nice try m8 I r8 8 0 b8 0/8

>> No.6386816

The original poster never used those insult so nice b8 m8

>> No.6386819

Tendies weren't so popular back then... I can tell you about the research if you doubt it so much? No way some random person can make it up on /ck/ considering you are all devoid of thought


Also, I am a bit more annoyed since I posted the update out of the goodness of my heart and instead I get the SAME old "hurr durr" Indian, FOB, smelly, tech support. This is exactly what I got last time even though it had nothing to do with the conversation

>> No.6386823

Go cry to ganesh you pansy

>> No.6386828

Yeah I want to see the paperwork of your research, I want to see the paperwork for your complaint also that you filed and any responses. Otherwise you're a troll tripfag

>> No.6386835

I suspect that you're full of shit unless by contributing you mean by writing shitty code that I get paid a lot of money to correct.

Just sayin'.

>> No.6386836


>> No.6386837

I can tell you my research is on nanofabrication and I work on very small structures in the nanorange using lithographic techniques. Anything more will make it easy to find my name so that is all I will say.

I had to drop off a physical letter to the city hall and call them since they do not do things over email (its 2015 and they are still so backwards).

I got a phone call yesterday in the afternoon. I did get a letter about them sending an inspector a while ago but idk where it is at the moment.

I am a PhD student man, I don't get paid much... also I make small features for electronic/bio/communication/MEMS applications. I do write code for my research but almost anyone in STEM writes code, though that it is not my main focus

>> No.6386845

>weak-stomached faggot who goes to community college gets told by the city to eat a dick

>> No.6386847

>truck gets order incorrect, probably makes new fresh order for OP
>OP still isn't satisfied and believes he is justified to a free meal
>is surprised when city hall doesn't give a fuck

>> No.6386849

Uh.. do you not understand how a PhD works? Idk if they even offer PhDs in a community college but I go to a highly ranked program.

Looks like you dropped out after high school

>> No.6386856

>mommy puts me on the short bus every day and they tell me I'll get a pee-pee D if I can suck really hard!
Dude, you got your shit pushed in by the city, by the food truck, and by society in general. You should probably an hero, just to complete the cycle.

>> No.6386858

So you're basically useless to any real company but might provide some comedy when you mutilate English or any code while moving your head to and fro?

You also provide a good source of shit quality work for other people to correct, that could looked at the other way by saying if you weren't here in the first place, that shit code wouldn't exit.

If you're so smart do something for india instead of fucking up the USA with your expat crap.

Again, just sayin', you provide nothing to us except a voting block to idiot politicials that make money from h1b bullshit.

Making money because of "do as we say, not as we do" politicals really isn't something to be proud of.

>> No.6386863

Except for the fact that I am on the road to high impact factor publications in a lab that is reaping in huge grants? And that my work is directly related to industry so when I go to industry night career panels, the people often love my work and how transnational it is? My future looks great man, I'd worry about yourself

read above. Also, I am a US Citizen... so I don't get what you are talking about. Also, just so you know your tax dollars literally pay for my grad school :) I am an NSF fellow so your tax helps cover tuition/stipend as a grad student through the national science foundation.

No idea why people keep saying I am a FOB or international. Must be the illiterates and low IQ on this board

>> No.6386867

>I can't actually prove any of this but I'm sure my credentials will speak for themselves on an anonymous image board!
This is Shit That Never Happened: The Thread.

>> No.6386871

Keep thinking that you're right. In shit companies that keep foreigners like you employed guess who gets paid more to correct your problems. Me.

Then I make chicken tendies.

I've never met someone from india, and that's from working for a lot of large companies some internation that could actually write code or even write a specification without needing a LOT of help from white people.

So keep thinking that you're making a contribution and that your PhD means jack shit. What's what PhD in, ethnic studies?
Good luck with that one in real life.

>> No.6386874

How is it possibly for one human being to be such an austitic faggot.

Seriously, you need to kill yourself. The way you live, it's not right, you are a blight on humankind and the only way you can even get close to redeeming yourself and making up for all the time, money, food, shelter, and other resources you've wasted over how many years you've sadly been alive is to donate all your money to a charity for autism, so hopefully someone as autistic as yourself can get help before they end up like you, and then kill yourself, leaving a note apologizing for ever existing.

>> No.6386880

Ask me about the grant process, academia in general, or anything related to nanofabrication and I will have a pretty good idea. I can answer questions that I cannot google.. I am not posting my publication or you will know my identity. I already said too much with the NSF fellow stuff so not going to delve further

Are you guys seriously illiterate? I mentioned meany times I am getting a PhD in nanofabrication for many applications already listed and that I am NOT a foreigner. You clearly have no grasp on industry then. Sure, in the past managers could get by without any technical expertise.

Look at most large companies now and the project managers have PhDs except for the very top business managers. Idk what industry you are working in, but if there are no PhDs in the top scientific advisory board that is concerning.