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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6386664 No.6386664 [Reply] [Original]

left side is most beta drink,
right side is most alpha drink,
where do you stand gang?

>> No.6386678
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>> No.6386680

I'm lying down

>> No.6386703

in the hospital for my fatty liver disease and dumbshit assumptions about myself and others

>> No.6386711

If you're not drinking everclear youre a beta and should probably kill yourself.

>> No.6386715

I think I would enjoy a good brandy

>> No.6386723

If you are not drinking Laboratory grade 99%+ Ethanol, you are a beta and should kill yourself.

>> No.6386778

Rubbing alcohol master race

>> No.6386783
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>not getting 99.5% ethanol from sigma

>> No.6386801

Confusing ethyl alcohol with isopropyl alcohol. GTFO scrub

>> No.6386802

What about water?

>> No.6386818

I do regular beer sometimes, malt liquor most of the time, and hard liquor whenever possible.
Place near here started selling those 99bananas. 99 proof 1.5oz for a dollar.

>> No.6386824

I drink the two on the left and the two on the right. There, I took the bait.

>> No.6386827

Water? What % alcohol is that?

>> No.6386859

If you drink to be manly, you're not manly.

>> No.6386862

scotch master race here

grow up faggots

>> No.6386876


wud u get drunk if u rubbed that on ur skin?
or like bathed in it?

>> No.6386902

to be fair, that would only be one step above the ~40% alcohol drinks

>> No.6386915

I drink literally all of that, maybe not in one sitting, but they all taste good and get me drunk

Also a good thing to do is drop a shot of tequila or vodka into a shitty macrobrew to make it stronger

>> No.6386929
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Everclear, you need to expand your scale.

>> No.6386942

it would be extremely painful

>> No.6386950

>don't eat a lot, so small stomach
>physically impossible to fit enough beer in stomach to get drunk
>forever relegated to wines and hard alcohol

I actually like this.

>> No.6386954


man, i have a low tolerance so i can get a good drunk going on just a few beers, but i used to be able to drink 10 in a night and feel good. now i can barely get through 4 or 5 before my stomach just says "no more", but at least i'm drunk

>> No.6386974

>used to drink a shitton when i was ~19-22
>couldn't get drunk on beer
>wouldn't even feel a buzz until like drink 4 or 5
>used to drink 10-20 drinks when i'd go out to bars or party at friends' places
>never got hangovers
>uni got way harder and drink way less
>now i feel a buzz of 1-2 beers
>a decent drunk from 5-6
>hungover from ~6+ beers
>stomach feels like shit if i have more than 7-8, even if i drink a shitton of water before bed (like fucking 30+ oz)
>cant tell if it's just aging or if i have cirrhosis or stomach ulcers or some shit

>> No.6387202

I drink 20 Appletinis with confetti sprinkles daily; you faggots are nothing but war-mongering queers fite me irl

>> No.6387228

i enjoy a good beer sometimes. I drink disaronno sometimes, and earlier i was drinking vodka straight out of the bottle.

i get around. this thread is dumb.

>> No.6387230

You best be drinking in neat or you're as bad as the fucking underage shitcunts that drink those bud light straw-ber-ita bullshit.

>> No.6387255

It's aging. When you're in your 20s you can treat your body like shit and it's no problem. People under 30 don't know what a hangover is.

>> No.6387262

but.. i'm only 23, about to turn 24

>> No.6387531


Neat is okay but with a tiny dash of water it opens up more flavor, it's scientifically proven and objectively the best way to drink scotch.

>> No.6387539

then why is liquor mostly drank by women and beer by men?

>> No.6387541

No. No it's not you disgusting pile of hipster garbage.

>> No.6387548

when I am out at bars, I always get mixed drinks, and shots when theyre ordered for me by someone else, because thats the most cost effective way to get drunk. beer isn't cost effective at all (at bars) OP is surely a troll or a massively underaged faggot

>> No.6387557

Natty light alllllllllllllllllll day bub.

>> No.6387574

I usually drink strong beer, 9 or 10 ABV.

I'll go too ham if I drink liquor but I can't get drunk at all from piss water.

>> No.6388269


>My alcohol is better than your alcohol.
>OP is a lush.

>> No.6388332

>not 99.7
kill yourself

>> No.6388365

>malt liquor
pick one
I have never seen a women have one

>> No.6388370


>> No.6388545

>not drinking exclusively everclear

>> No.6389045

You're a big guy

>> No.6391087

>drinking alcohol

Not enough confidence without, eh? :^)

>> No.6391204

I've been sipping on some GBL, this is literally superglue remover, I'm pretty sure I win the manliness/disgusting alcoholic competition.

>> No.6391209

>doesn't feel like he has enough of an advantage while hitting on drunk girls while drunk, so stays sober
Am I right? :^)

>> No.6391214

Only betas drink. Real alpha men smoke meth.

>> No.6391262

liter of taaka 100 where is that on the scale?

>> No.6391628

>where do you stand gang?
Cask strength scotch and romanian moonshine brandy, I'm off the chart.

>> No.6392841

>not plugging

>> No.6392857

Pretending to be alpha or using ice cubes, you must choose one.

>> No.6392865
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>master race

>> No.6392869


>Not doing a big round of animal painkillers and screaming into a pillow for seven hours

Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.6392870

who the fuck has time to make icecubs?

>> No.6392902

freeze while at work, or asleep or ask mumsy to grab some

>> No.6393023
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>not >50% cordials
>not >70% elixirs
children, please.

>> No.6393038


Ethanol is also a solvent.

>not getting rid of the azeotropic water drinking a strong carcinogen at the same time

>> No.6393059

I routinely use 100% absolute ethanol at work. Their are no "strong carcinogens" in any significant amount in ethanol required in very sensitive chemical analysis work.

>> No.6393135



>> No.6393140

I have one of these in my cupbord.
What even is it, herbal medicine drank?

>> No.6393153

Ethanol can only be distilled to 95% in the atmosphere dumbshit.

>> No.6393195

alchemical potion of immortality

>> No.6393228

What are some good cheap whiskey for a whiskey noob to try?

>> No.6393235


I stand in your moms room fucking her after drinking canned beer

>> No.6393355

liquor is for children
macrobrew is for dudebros
microcbrew and wine is for patricians
malt liquor is for hood niggas

>> No.6393361

Drinking alcohol is something for the unintelligents who cannot hold a conversation. Intelli-gentlemen can hold up their own conversation yours as well.

>> No.6393390

>Muslim detected

>> No.6393400

I'm at brandy.

>> No.6393444


Quite a few of the most celebrated writers in literature were heavy alcoholics.

>> No.6393554

For me Smirnoff straight out of the bottle does it. I want Scotch but that is at least $100+ for a good bottle.

>> No.6394050

He's right you pleb

>> No.6394127


>> No.6394144

and they all got depressed and killed themselves

>> No.6394148

At least they did something with their lives.

>> No.6394161

I'd prefer hard liquor on ice to beer, but then again I'd prefer Mike's or Twisted Tea to beer.

Or vodka/pineapple/7up to beer.

Or water

>> No.6394215

Isn't bezene added in the azeotropic distillation of EtOH?

Thanks for informing me, chum. GBL removes paint/lacquer etc. from surfaces it spills on, vodka does not.

>> No.6394682

>implying that isn't the most /fa/ way to die

>> No.6394698

>Isn't bezene added in the azeotropic distillation of EtOH?

It's one method, but it's not the only one used to break the azeotrope.

I spent 12 years managing a chemistry lab at a major US univeristy. We used EtOH regularly; it was a common stock item the same way a kitchen would have salt. The health code was a "zero", and the MSDS mentioned it was fit for human or animal consumption. Perhaps other brands might contain benzene but the stuff we ordered did not. And mind you, I'm not talking about the fancy spectroscopic grade. We bought plain 'ol reagent grade and it did not contain benzene.

>> No.6394968

I'm usually a beer, wine, or liquor guy... so far left or far right.

No cocktails?

>> No.6395005

Courvosier makes me alpha as fuck

>> No.6395016

The only french liquor that makes anyone alpha as fuck is Armagnac... with a bird drowned in it. The bird is eaten whole. The container full of the brandy used to drown the bird is eaten whole. Any witnesses are eaten whole.

Start stretching your jaw now.

>> No.6395354

>implying isopropyl alcohol isnt drinkable

>> No.6395360

>tfw years of steel reserve and old e have made malt liquor untouchable unless I'm ready to give up half the next day in recovery

>> No.6395368

Why not go through a bit more effort and make ghb?

>> No.6395379

alpha=drinking what you like
beta=drinking things you don't like as much because a meme told you it would make you more alpha

>> No.6397678
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we drink these here in slovakia, hard liquor is the best choice of price-drunkness
>tfw 0,7 vodka costs 7 euro, 0,5 rum costs 5 euro, this fruit destilate costs 9 euro

>> No.6397707

i drink beer when i'm at a bar (only if there's a good tap selection), might get a bottle or two to try at home if I feel like it
drink wine with friends and with meals
drink scotch or cognac if i'm drinking alone

i can't imagine being some super tryhard masculine man who only drinks scotch on all occasions

>> No.6397736

I drink cola

>> No.6397921

malt liquor is by far the most alpha, and I mostly drink scotch.

>> No.6397945

I stand on every point of the continuum.

And I'm a girl. Guess a girl is more alpha than /ck/?

>> No.6397951

>70% alchohol by volume vodka


>> No.6397952
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Фpyкти диcтилят кpaщe

>> No.6397959

70% is kindoff normal.
80% is doable.
90% gets you pretty fucked up but you will survive.
up from there I haven't tried anything,

>> No.6397960
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You're gay 3/10 bad troll

If anything the center drinks are for weiners and dorks. Who likes boozy grape juice?

>> No.6397974


What the fuck, slavs. What the fuck.

They basically drink straight ethanol.

>> No.6397977

I figured that was the point of vodka... it's not like there's a bevy of flavours happening there.

>> No.6397988

There are some really good vodkas, and they are close to 40% and the only reason to drink anything higher is to get drunk faster. It's just a cultural thing.

>> No.6399935

not by volume, by liters. 0,7l is 7 euro, and 0,5l of absinthe (GOOD absinthe) is around 14e. And yes, flavoured vodka is very popular with people here, drinking age starts here at 15-16 and no one gives a fuck, its deeply rooted here.

>> No.6399937

I drink everclear a lot. I think I'd rather have the beer.

>> No.6400831

alpha and beta at once

>> No.6400841

Protip: drinking something to try and show your "alpha-ness" actually shows how insecure you are about how other people think of you. Drink what you want. Fuck the haters.

>> No.6400855

>tfw governmental alcohol monopoly
>tfw ridiculously high alcohol tax
>tfw everything is expensive as fuck
>tfw narrow liqour store selection
>tfw bars are expensive^2

>> No.6401734

> Not smoking a fat bowl of meth with a few grams in your asshole

Stay pleb.

>> No.6401738


>> No.6401858

so where's everclear191 mixed with redbull?

>> No.6402008
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I'm an athlete, I don't drink alcohol.
Pic related it's what I usually drink, U MAD?