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6383000 No.6383000 [Reply] [Original]

Ever wonder how studies say Reusable bags harbor tons of bacteria? Apparently people don't bag anything in the free clear bags.

>Woman in front in casher line
>Dumps potatoes and fruit on the conveyor belt
>Puts package of chicken wrapped in plastic wrap (not fully liquid proof) on conveyer
>Gives reuseable bag to cashier who puts it all in together
Is not separating and bagging your produce a thing now? Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6383012

Not everyone is a finicky weak little bitch like you

>> No.6383018

If so, I'm sorry. I know those with compromised immune systems are vulnerable to common and harmless bacteria. Maybe you shouldn't have barebacked all those bitches down at the club, hmm?

>> No.6383044

I have a few of those but I can never remember to bring them with me. But I don't want to go completely plastic bag free. I use those to wrap up cat litter.

>> No.6383068

But chicken blood IS bad, especially when it gets on produce.

Same with dirt to a lesser degree.

>> No.6383073

Protip: there is bacteria all around you

Protip: it's not all pathogenic, you dolt

>> No.6383075


>thinking it's blood

>> No.6383110

Enjoy your raw chicken juice.

>> No.6383487

Most reusable bags are completely washable. I wash mine in the washing machine with some disinfectant once a week. And the bags that aren't machine washable (of which I have only two), I wipe out well with disinfectant spray. It ain't hard, folks.

>> No.6383531

When I worked as a cashier, I was told that as part of employee safety, we had a right to refuse to pack reusable bags at our discretion, because of the bacteria. Not that anyone ever did though.

>mfw I would take the reusable bags to pack and find socks and stuff in them, because apparently they double up as laundry bags
The customers would be a little embarrassed, pretty funny
>but then mfw I'd get bags covered with dirt, densely coated with dog or cat hairs, or kinda crusty from produce/meat leaks that never dried/were cleaned properly
Really not funny.

>> No.6383536
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I am actually quite passionate about my hatred for reusable bags. Here is my survival guide.

1) Baggers do not know how to build proper bags with those misshapen pieces of garbage. Also they are 16 and/or retarded or an ancient human.

3) Zone out your conveyor belt so like items end up next to other like items. This will eliminate about 50% of your problems. Also wrap up all meat in a plastic bag("oh god it's wasteful." so is your body when salmonella has killed you and now you insist on occupying space on this earth in a coffin.)

2) Yes please wash them. They should be washed. Anybody know how to wash them? Fuck no because they are disposable but...would you rinse and reuse a condom?
Yes you would scumbags.

And there you have it. Or you could have them use plastic or paper and later on rebuild it all into your bag and repack it all and use that to move your groceries around.

Hell...I do *Wink*

>> No.6383539

> raw chicken juice

anon, it's flavor

>> No.6383628

Now think about how many kids touched all of the produce with diarrhea hand and sneezed on the cheese display because they had to stay home from school and mom still has to shop

>> No.6383656

When I was a cashier some of those reusable bags were horror shows. Dirty, crusty and smelly usually. It really was a reflection of the owner, the ones who looked neat and clean had nice bags, the one who looked like shit had bags that smelled like cat piss and were usually of poorer construction.

>> No.6384464

I wash everything when I get home, anyway. I've seen how produce gets handled behind the scenes.

>> No.6384564

Take the time to organize your shit when putting it on the conveyor. Cans with cans. Boxes with boxes. It'll take you an extra second, but it'll keep you from getting smashed chips and bread.
Also I promise the cashier will love you for it, because it makes bagging shit a lot faster and efficient, taking out the guesswork of what you'd like to be bagged together.
Some people want all thier produce and meats seperate. Some people get a hair up thier ass about mouthwash bagged with thier 2 liter coke.

>> No.6384583

I wash my produce before I cook or eat it.

>> No.6385319

I remember reading that plastic bags amount for something like 3 percent of plastic pollution

>> No.6385327

>But chicken blood IS bad, especially when it gets on produce.
>Same with dirt to a lesser degree.
Ew! I heard in some countries the produce comes from dirt. Mega EWWWW!

>> No.6385329

Are you guys really that worried about this stuff? I think >>6383018 is right, you guys are immunocompromised homobres.

>> No.6385331

What's really funny is that an irrational concern about bacteria typically leads to sterilizing practices which allow for the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria

Great job on contributing to our species demise, faggots.

>> No.6385335

Not to mention spraying untested products in your house that cause a spike in volatile organic compounds for several hours.

Yeah, better to inhale that shit all the time than come into contact with non-pathogenic strains of E. coli and other ubiquitous microflora of the environment.

>> No.6385337
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Was reading one of those advice columns and this guy was complaining about his girlfriend/fiance.
Seems in addition to her usual girl complaints, she chastised him for putting the groceries (bags) on the counter when he got home from shopping because they were unsanitary.

Bags on the kitchen counter a bad thing?
Hope this chick is a circus in bed because it's only going to get worse.

>> No.6385351

I use reusable bags with plastic around meats. I generally dislike when they have a seperate bagger, although this doesn't occur all the time as the grocery store I frequent is constantly understaffed. Also an old grocery chain that I grew up with was more of the "poor person" chain, had great prices but one of the things was that customers did their own bagging, so I got used to the process and prefer if I do it myself.

Re-usable bags are convenient as shit, though. They hold a lot and are efficient as fuck if you load them properly, and don't break at inconvenient times.

Fucking this, Lysol commercials get me enraged.

>> No.6385361

A chick like that is not going to do anal or even swallow or kiss him after he goes down on her. She'd proclaim it too unsanitary.

SMHNS, that guy should take the hint and get the fuck outa dodge.

>> No.6385362

The only good baggers at my local Publix are the kids with Downs syndrome in the special work program, and this one old lady from India, who looks like she's 70. can't talk but packs it right every time. The bottom line? No one cares anymore. These high school kids and low class bottom dweller employees aren't actual consumers. Someone else takes care of them. They have no idea what it's like to eat smashed bread or potato chips packed wrong, because why? They don't actually cook, or buy more than 1-2 items at once...ever. Not being real grocery consumers or even cooking, they have no concept about doing dishes and cleaning up a stinky sink full of dishes someone else thoughtlessly left unsoaked so flies can land on top of a chicken juice cutting board over the weekend, or even to get food poisoining. They don't know that food even should be refrigerated properly, stored properly, etc. It's all untested theory for a general of careless _poor_ folks. No home training if you're from the generation that only ate McDonalds, single serve 16oz gatorade and king size M&Ms as "lunch" ever.
Shoppers are the same dumbasses. Ever see that fool with water misted lettuce or cilantro, or loose tomatoes, sitting on their cart's kiddie seat and passed right to the dirty conveyor belt right next to their unwrapped drippy pound of ground beef? Using a plastic bag is awful for those people who care about environment, but not actual health, oh no. What are they gonna do? Boil that lettuce later? Or peel it?

>> No.6385365
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Lay off the Pee and Tee neckbeard-kun, Lysol isn't an antibiotic. Why not try to learn how science works instead of fetishizing it into a god you invoke when you need to ward off people who wash their hands after taking a shit.

>> No.6385374
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>this much ass mad about grocery store employees

>> No.6385377

Lysol may not be an antibiotic as we generally understand them (e.g., waste matter produced from bacteria, in a lab, that kills off other bacteria), but it is antibacterial in the literal sense that it fucking kills-off-most-bacteria.

>> No.6385381

Not that guy, but sterilizing your home with Lysol is not going to prevent illness or do anything beyond temporary disinfection of normal indoor microbiota and allowing the proliferation of whatever comes next via founder's effect. Not to mention the massive spike in VOCs, which you will be inhaling for the day after using products containing largely untested ingredients.

>> No.6385389

What are you talking about? I just said Lysol commercials get me enraged because they perpetuate this false-sterilized environment fetishism (while promoting SC Johnson & Co's accounts).

What the fuck is "Pee and Tee neckbeard-kun"?

And fetishizing science? I'm an anti-atheist because I think they're epistemologically ignorant as most of our laymen culture is about it, and throw around the term "science" like it's more than a basic model for empirical epistemological evaluation.

How can you miscontrue so much from one post?

>> No.6385392

yo bruh you gotta lay off the tee pee yank ur doodle fool us programming before you hurt yourself

>> No.6385394

So fire is an antibiotic now?
If your kid comes home with mystery stomach bug and he's puking and shitting all over the bathroom, something like lysol or a bleach solution is going to reduce the odds of other people getting the same illness.

Nothing is going to prevent all illness but you're delusional if you think we should just intentionally expose ourselves to the discharges of sick people because it "works out the immune system"

>> No.6385407

>So fire is an antibiotic now?
Sure, fire most certainly has antibacterial properties. And it's pretty true to the meaning of the word "antibiotic" in that it can kill off a great deal of life.

>> No.6385417

Just stop.

>> No.6385418

>it is antibacterial in the literal sense that it fucking kills-off-most-bacteria.
The wipes are more anti-bacteria. The spray is the virus killer.

>> No.6385420

>If your kid comes home with mystery stomach bug and he's puking and shitting all over the bathroom, something like lysol or a bleach solution is going to reduce the odds of other people getting the same illness.
Of course it does!

>> No.6385426

Fear is the mind-killer.

>> No.6385436


Are you suggesting that it doesn't?

>> No.6385481

Penn and Teller I'm assuming?

>> No.6385484

>If your kid comes home with mystery stomach bug and he's puking and shitting all over the bathroom, something like lysol or a bleach solution is going to reduce the odds of other people getting the same illness.
We are clearly talking about regular usage of disinfectants in the home.

And you realize every time you flush the toilet that is full of infectious material it will be aerosolizing said material and effectively covering every surface of the room, right?

>> No.6385489

>We are clearly talking about regular usage of disinfectants in the home.
We are? You just got done talking about how fire makes MRSA, I'm not even sure you yourself know what you're talking about.
>And you realize every time you flush the toilet that is full of infectious material it will be aerosolizing said material and effectively covering every surface of the room, right?
Toilets exist, therefore don't bother with sanitizing. Got it, the CDC can go home now, you've solved disease.

>> No.6385493
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it has something to do with aureoles I think
like boobies

>> No.6385495
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I have nothing to add to this but here's a creepy neckbeard photographing a beautiful woman, inb4 knees are too sharp

>> No.6385502

>We are? You just got done talking about how fire makes MRSA, I'm not even sure you yourself know what you're talking about.
MFW there is more than two people on /ck/.

>> No.6385532

>I'm an anti-atheist because I think they're epistemologically ignorant as most of our laymen culture is about it, and throw around the term "science" like it's more than a basic model for empirical epistemological evaluation.

I love you anon. Finally........

>> No.6385547

>And you realize every time you flush the toilet that is full of infectious material it will be aerosolizing said material and effectively covering every surface of the room, right?
Because some people leave the seat up.

>> No.6385568

>it will be aerosolizing

anon did it again


>> No.6385579
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>>it will be aerosolizing

>anon did it again

>> No.6385586

I bag my own stuff at the grocery store I go to, so I'm not worried about the checkers being grossed out or fucking shit up.
Also I think it's really nasty to touch the meat without using the produce bags so I don't worry about my bags getting gross. If my bags started to get nasty I wash them. But I'm totally for banning the free plastic bags because I'm tired of seeing them blowing in the wind and clinging to fences, especially in the poor areas. That's what happens when you give shit away for free.

I used to go to the ghetto hispanic market all the time because I lived about a block away. ALL OF MY RAGE when the checker put every single fucking item in a different plastic bag. I'm not even exaggerating. One girl said once it was because people bitch about stuff crushing other stuff, but I suddenly realized why those bags blow everywhere in the ghetto.

>> No.6385596
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>I'm tired of seeing them blowing in the wind

the answers, my friend?

>> No.6385611

Because when you're cleaning the bathroom, the last step is always to flush the bowl of explosive diarrhea that was there the whole time.

>> No.6385640
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>> No.6386545
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dirt is fucking good for you

I agree with the raw chicken touching vegg that will be consumed raw, but if your immune system is decent (not most americans) it should be fine.

idk about dirt from a factory setting but in my garden I rarely wash off plants. Did hunter gatherers go to a stream every time they picked a plant to eat? dirt is basically a probiotic

>> No.6386588

Yeah when I do an ocassional graze while tending my gardens IDGAF if there is some dirt on it. I'll give them a rinse if I'm prepping them for a meal, though.

It's funny I make that comment in a random /ck/ thread about bagging groceries, and never had in one of the myriads of threads and arguments over atheism and other shit. I guess that's what it feels like to get triggered.

>> No.6386724

>Did hunter gatherers go to a stream every time they picked a plant to eat?
No they didn't.
And you know what? Thanks to that lack of sanitation and the whole "Communing with nature" thing, their maximum life expectancy was around 35.
Infection, disease and poor sanitation killed off untold millions of them time and time again.
So don't go around thinking that that unsanitary past was some wonderful utopia, because if you look at who's actually living better, the good old days are right here and now.

>> No.6386743

>And you know what? Thanks to that lack of sanitation and the whole "Communing with nature" thing, their maximum life expectancy was around 35.
[source needed[

>> No.6386764

Bad non-citation arguments aside, you should've simply stated that they had less general pathogens and essentially no pollutants that would be all over our organic foods today.

>> No.6387023
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