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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 1167x900, 1-amys-baking-company-in-scottsdale-ariz-was-featured-in-a-particularly-grueling-episode-of-gordon-ramsays-kitchen-nightmares-when-the-episode-prompted-a-wave-of-negative-feedback-the-restaurants-two-owners-took-to-facebook-in-one-of-the-mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6381135 No.6381135 [Reply] [Original]

If you like food so much, why don't you start your own restaurant?

>> No.6381157

Let's be honest, the Internet hate machine is full of people who just want to get off on seeing someone fail. reddit, in particular, is a cesspool.

Sure, they found out some things about the husband, but in the beginning, the hate for Amy's was completely unwarranted. People were making some pretty wide assumptions based on a fucking television program that is edited to create a narrative and heighten the drama. What exactly did she do other than be annoying?

>> No.6381159

Reddit is literal cancer.

>> No.6381161


she also looked annoying

>> No.6381167

>Why don't you start your own restaurant
Because liking food doesn't mean I'm going to start a business in a shitty industry.

>> No.6381183

LOL those comments are hilarious. Talking to YOU neckbeard.

>> No.6381190

I think the backlash the restaurant had actually helped them stay in business and attract new clients, like people where so curios if the restaurant was really bad they tried it themselves.

>> No.6381192

Because restaurants are money pits and very rarely succeed at all.

>> No.6381207

I don't usually watch television (it rots the mind) but I did see the two episodes of this on Gordon Ramsay's show. Wow that guy needs to take control of his woman.
They like cats though so that's nice. Me too. Cats are great.

>> No.6381217

the food i like isn't generally restaurant quality.

cooking for myself, i enjoy slow cooked food where the meat is falling apart served with simple sides--using only the occasional fresh herb garnish to add anything.

restaurant food is about flash and speed and variety and chipolte aiolis and pan sauces bullshit like that.

>> No.6381634

This. My fiancee's family all have some kind of small business they run and constantly give me shit for "not being ambitious enough" since I won't open a restaurant. No way am I going in the hole that deep only to close the place down in a year. MUCH harder to do than making fucking wrestling trophies, not to mention the startup costs.

>> No.6381643

>making fucking wrestling trophies

WTF kind of job is that, are you autisic and are socially incapable of holding down a real job?

>> No.6381652
File: 14 KB, 331x319, 1427816967206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I make the trophies, they have a business making trophies and advertisements for wrestling competitions across the midwest. Pretty successful.

I'm a programmer and happy not going 50k in the hole only to fail. I'd consider someday maybe starting a different kind of business but a restaurant is a money pit; you either need to be incredibly lucky or have 2-3 years of startup capital to succeed. I would try it if I won the lottery but not with my own money.

>> No.6381692

Then make a restaurant that serves the kind of food you like. Unless no one else likes it?

>> No.6381695


Prepare to rage.

>> No.6381698

>I'm a programmer

So they have programable trophies now...what exactly do you program them to do?

>> No.6381704

>If you like to have sex so much why don't you become a prostitute?

>> No.6381756
File: 1.45 MB, 378x232, 1427683153612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or just trolling terribly?

>> No.6381778

>but in the beginning, the hate for Amy's was completely unwarranted.

Taking your server's tips, mouthing off customers and acting like a psycho cunt isn't going to win people's sympathy. Don't forget that place already had terribad reviews long before the show.

You can't pin it all on editing and tv drama. These people are fucking retards.

>> No.6381791
File: 67 KB, 400x302, 1346086544810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Internet hate machine is full of people who just want to get off on seeing someone fail.
Singling out Reddit for this? Pic related. Objective proof that Reddit and Tumblr are only referenced as talismans to ward away Things I Don't Like from 4chan.

>> No.6381793

Wrong, Reddit (where you should return to) is a hugbox for liberals who think straight white men are responsible for everything wrong in the world. 4chan is simply the unfiltered truth that fag lovers like you can't handle.

>> No.6381798
File: 414 KB, 500x375, cat-dancing-gif-kitty-Favim.com-371946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why can't you just explain your future trophy faggotry?

>> No.6381904

I work as a programmer, mostly working on retail point of sale software, but thats not the point.

They have a business making trophies.

These are two separate things. I have no plans to take over the business.

The point of my post is they look at me as not having ambition because I am very interested in cooking and food in general but refuse to open a restaurant since its a giant risk that will most assuredly fail. Her fathers and uncles all have business they started, one of them is making trophies, that are successful. They give me shit for not being ambitious enough because they feel since they started a business, I should be able to as well and me hesitating is a lack of ambition. They don't understand how difficult it is to open a restaurant and not go bankrupt.

I honestly can't make this any clearer.

>> No.6381928

Well now I'm really confused. I thought you had like a really cool job programming next generation trophies with badass apps or even better were some kind of mind control expert that programs trophy wives for the export market. Instead, it sounds like you're just some lazy fat ass with no ambition getting cuck’d by his wives family because you can’t satisfy her needs and they’re probably all up in her ear right now trying to convince her to bang that big dicked successful black chef with his own restaurant they ate at last week.

>> No.6381932

4chan is no better you spiteful twat.

>> No.6381951


>> No.6381970

I value my nights and weekends.

Also, I wouldn't make as much owning a restaurant as I would in my comfy engineering job.

Protip: restaurants typically run a loss for the first 3-5 years

>> No.6382067

Remember that chick with the vegan restaurant in Paris who did that?
I feel a little better about my own shitty life when I compare it to hers.

>> No.6382081

The one from the original series that just used all her dads (or uncle I forget) money to do stupid shit at the restaurant?

>> No.6382089

This one.

Crazy underachieving bitch.
Becoming a whore is the ultimate copout as it requires literally no skills.

>> No.6382097

Oh, you're just a shitty troll
