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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 600x399, RoastedDuck1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6377448 No.6377448 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good Mexican recipe to use with Roasted duck?

>> No.6377480

A few different kinds of moles would work

>> No.6377485

Put some salsa on it, some cheese and wrap it in a tortilla

That's 90% of mexican food

>> No.6377487

Chinese style

Mexicans wouldn't know what to do with a duck if it shit right onto their fucking sombreros.

>> No.6377495

Treat it like chicken.
Duck with yellow rice would be pretty damn good.

Make them separately but use some of the duck with the rice to flavor it.

Ka ching!!!

Winner Winner
Duckie Dinner!

>> No.6377497

Looks like you guys only know tacos

>> No.6377501

You must be right.
You must also be right about the fact that all you know is taking Mexican cock in your ass?

>> No.6377504

Did you make sure to remove its head?

>> No.6377518

Implying /ck/ knows anything about Mexican cuisine other than nachos and burritos

Manchamanteles ,green mole , or a simple adobada would be the best bets. Don't forget that Mexican cuisine is one of the most diverse cuisines in the world and you can find a recipe for anything

>> No.6377530


I found something similar to what you wanted. Make sure to pair this with white rice and you're good to go

>> No.6377533

Looks good .

>> No.6377535

Implying we dont.
Implying that you're not an arrogant fuck that's pissed off that you've never been able to defeat the USA.

>> No.6377542

>his implications are just as bad as knowledge of Mexican food

>> No.6377552

Are you really so arrogant as to think I give a fuck? I make food that I and people I care about like... I don't give a shit about whether it's "authentic" and I don't give a shit about faggots and trannies.

Get over yourself.

>> No.6377556

>posts in a thread about mexican food
>i-i don't care guise

>> No.6377558

Wasn't really a Mexican food thread, it was about a duck. There are better ways of doing a duck then Mexican, get over it.

>> No.6377574

>What's a good Mexican recipe
>good Mexican recipe

Doesn't know anything about Mexican food and decides to add his 2 cents with little basis, talk about obsessed

>> No.6377596


>> No.6377841

Ducks its not common to eat in Mexico. Try with mole and salsas

>> No.6377865

I ate mole verde with duck in state of Mexico 3 years ago with some stuffed squash blossoms , and it wasn't in some fancy environment, it was near a highway with stalls that sold rabbit, medula and other regional items

>> No.6377888

If you ask "¿Cómo cocinarías pato?" (How would you cook a duck?) to a mexican it's almost possible that the answer is "Pato a la naranja" (duck a l'orange) which is in fact a french dish.

Actually I just asked my mom, she said right away "Pato a la naranja". LOL.

You're 90% right hahaha

I lol'd to your comment hahahahaha.

>> No.6377905

I thought the pato a la naranja is a dish that the mexicans adapted to their own taste, like al pastor but with pork instead of lamb or whatever

>> No.6377946

Yeah I don't think the french prepare it the same way as we do.

>> No.6379009
File: 96 KB, 473x250, El_Pato-Yellow_n_Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff's great in chili... El Pato.

>> No.6379966


>> No.6379970
File: 44 KB, 400x400, abuela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note for mole: include some Abuelita, peanut butter, and raisins if you feel so inclined.

>> No.6379974

cacao unsweetened, peanuts and walnuts are much better options

>> No.6380008

There a few

Escabeche oriental. : which is a vinegary type dish

Mole verde : herbaceous

A la naranja : orange sauce

Manchamanteles : chile and fruit stew

Pipian : nutty sauce

adobo : chile and vinegar sauce

mole negro : no explanation needed

Pink mole : beet mole sauce

recado negro : bitter and burnt sauce

and one of my favorites : yellow mole

if you have left overs then make some chilorio and tinga tacos