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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6377603 No.6377603 [Reply] [Original]

Guy Fieri is shit at cooking

>Be me
>Go into a Tex Wasabi since I have an hour lunch break and i'm kind of hungry
>Ask for a Rum and Dr Pepper w/ some Kalamari
>The Kalamari is covered in fucking honey and BBQ sauce

Yes because I would absolutely love to eat like a fucking savage and not just dip my shit in the sauces

I don't fucking wanna go to flavor town.

>> No.6377607

use a fork

>> No.6377610

>hey guys I don't like guy fieri
>*tips fedora*
Why does /ck/ think that talking shit about a TV character will make them seem like supreme gentlemen? Who gives a shit?

>> No.6377611


Not the point. The point is the dumping of the sauce on my fucking food

You couldn't just give me the dip as a side you had to fucking pour it on top.

>> No.6377616


>*tips fedora*

Back to /b/

>> No.6377622


Unless I specifically order my shit with sauces on it why give them too me? What if I don't want bbq or honey on my shit? Personally I like kalamari by itself or with a very tiny amount of ranch.

>> No.6377623

>6 bucks for edamame
I hope you learned your lesson

>> No.6377630

It's literally called "sticky calamari" on the menu. What did you expect? For it to not be sticky?

>> No.6377633


The drink, the fries, and the Kalamari was $21

I am never eating here again. How do you fuck up at being a Sports bar?

Applebees isn't nearly as retarded as this

>> No.6377636


Its gross. Honey is not something you dip Kalamari in much less drench in

>> No.6377637

If you bitched it would have been free

>> No.6377640


No, I'm fine just here. You gonna do something about it, you autistic little dweeb?

>> No.6377645

>Udon Noodle Bowl
>Udon noodles in a kombu tempura broth with seasonal vegetables & grilled teriyaki chicken breast.
>kombu tempura

how exactly do you make a tempura broth?

>> No.6377646

You went to a Guy Fieri restaurant called "Tex Wasabi's". What did you expect?

>> No.6377647


The last time I went to this place was to celebrate my friends 21st birthday and this get together made me realize a couple of things

>He's possibly gay due to the choice of drink he chose
>He's a morning time alcoholic
>He eats Sushi for breakfast

>> No.6377648

>He's possibly gay due to the choice of drink he chose
Where in flyover land are you?

>> No.6377649


I thought going to flavor town was optional

>> No.6377650
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>> No.6377656



Dude his drink tasted like melted skittles and starbursts

>> No.6377657

That's a bad thing?

But yeah, he's probably gay.

>> No.6377660

>tfw I like "manly" drinks but I also like daiquiris, margaritas, pinacoladas, and appletinis

>> No.6377661

>being afraid of homosexuals
>because you're a closet homosexual
Seems like you and Guy would get along famously
>in bed

>> No.6377662

Still no excuse. The menu warned you that it was going to be sticky.

>> No.6377665

Is hating guy some kind of meme?

>> No.6377666



>> No.6377674
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can't pry the guy

>> No.6377677


>> No.6377678

Have we discovered the only Guy Fieri apologist on the internet?

>> No.6377680

I was raped in flavortown.

>> No.6377684

Flavortown is mandatory

>> No.6377685

>I don't like the way this food was prepared
>even though I read the description and ordered it anyway

>> No.6377688

I hate overcomplicated dishes. Simplicity is best.

>> No.6377691

He's a great tv host and a fantastic chef

>> No.6377700

To be fair, gays are terrifying.

>inb4 gay

>> No.6377702
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>including spouting off sexist, homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs
>Producer David Page described the offensive comments Fierimad on the show's set, including homophobic remarks ("You can’t send me to talk to gay people without warning! Those people weird me out!")
>"I hope you die so I can dance on your fucking grave."

When I was told that /ck/ was full of retarded sjws, gays, and women I didn't know if I could believe them. Now I can. There is literally nothing wrong with this guy other than being a fatass and looking like a 9 year old from the 80s/90s.

You faggots need to stop getting so goddamn assblasted over people being "offensive." Get over it and get over yourselves. Literally a goddamn plague. >>>/lgbt/ >>>/tumblr/ >>>/out/


>> No.6377708

use it as you would a slurry i would imagine, seems kind of silly though.

who wants "thick" ramen broth

>> No.6377710



What did you expect from the cooking board?

>> No.6377713

Your mom

>> No.6377717
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So sorry if 4chan is no longer a safe space for kissless neckbeards ;_;

>> No.6377720

most people hate him because an annoying douchebag who's condescending to the people he has on the show and refuses to eat certain foods.

>> No.6377721

Only reason I'm here is because searching recipes for food on google is about as bad as murrican casserole cooking and almost no other chans have a cooking/food board.

Kill yourself faggot. That goddamn reeeee meme is retarded.

>> No.6377725
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>Kill yourself faggot. That goddamn reeeee meme is retarded.


>> No.6377727

>he comes to /ck/ for recipes

this board is for dank memes

and why don't you just make your own subreddit on whee®lchan?

>> No.6377730

>thinking a person with common sense that doesn't get offended by pointless words is a kissless neckbeard

You are retarded. You hate stereotypes yet you stereotype people yourself like big old hypocrites. Just because he isn't some pansy tip toeing around "offensive" terms because its such a goddamn travesty to "offend" people nowadays, doesn't mean he is some basement lurker. All you faggots are soft and need to learn what its like in the goddamn real world. Not everyone is going to let you circlejerk in your goddamn tumblr hugbox and hold your hand all your life.

If you are offended nut the fuck up and get over it. I hope you all die in a fire.

>> No.6377731

why so mad, autismo?

>> No.6377741

>just because I'm a butthurt loser who thinks my unemployment is because of the SJW conspiracy doesn't mean I'm a butthurt loser who thinks my unemployment is because of the SJW conspiracy

Why not kill yourself? If you pick the right method it would be relatively painless. Much quicker than pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, imagine you might fail.

>> No.6377742

I go to h8 but its becoming very cancerous (and only go there for like 2 boards. I mostly stay in chans that aren't very well known at all). It has its own /ck/ board but the post rate is extremely slow (I'm talking 2 posts per day if that). I know this board is mostly just trolls and sjws but it's still nice to come here and learn some cooking so I'm not a blundering idiot in the kitchen.

>> No.6377746
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Ronnie's son? Is that you?

>> No.6377751

>implying I don't make more money than you faggot

I'm a skinny rich guy. There is no SJW conspiracy. They don't exist outside of their conventions and the internet. They are too afraid to leave their hugbox.

>> No.6377756
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>> No.6377757

Literally who

>> No.6377758

>I can afford to eat at guy fieri's because I have a job at macdonalds

How does it feel that HR departments were created specifically to keep people like you from exposing the company to problems?

>> No.6377759


>> No.6377760
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>he doesn't know about ronnie's burgers
newfag detected

>> No.6377762 [DELETED] 

I don't even eat at that fatass' restaurant. I also didn't even know who we was until this thread (although I have seen pictures). You are just a belligerent nigger nigging this thread up very niggardly.

>> No.6377763

Literally nothing wrong with not serving niggers

>> No.6377769
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>newfag on a board worse than /r9k/, /mu/, and /lgbt/ combined

Whatever I'll take it. Only come here once a week.

>> No.6377770


What the fuck is a color-red?

>> No.6377775

That's not the point. It was just funny that this kid gave out his dad's restaurant's website on 4chan, and didn't expect people to make funny maymays and post on their facebook page. It was supposed to be funny. I'm sorry that comedy that disagrees with your personal views offends you so much.

>> No.6377789

Is he single?

>> No.6377790

don't order it then. That's like ordering a cheeseburger and then complaining there's cheese on it.

>> No.6377832


>you tasted his drink


>> No.6377862

sup mello mike