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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 250x281, smug-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6374057 No.6374057 [Reply] [Original]

Diet shit that always makes you kek

I'll go first

>diet soda
>being vegan or vegetarian for "health" reasons
>the raw food diet
>drinking a glass of red wine every night to "clean your veins"

>> No.6374063

>I'll avoid carbs, but eat as many fucking calories I want. Surely I will lose weight.

>> No.6374068

taking ex lax soo you poo a bunch

>> No.6374073

Drinking Shiner makes your dick big

>> No.6374077
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>McDonalds makes you fat

>> No.6374080

Semen is a good source of protein.

>> No.6374084

eating prunes to make you poo a bunch

>> No.6374093

People who get angry about memefood

>> No.6374344


ever male memeber of my family has high cholesterol. i try not to eat much meat at all because of that

>> No.6374415
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>eating "kale"

>> No.6374478

the things you list really are just better alternatives to what is a fairly unhealthy habit, or oddball reasoning that has nothing to do with potentially beneficial effects, given many different variables

your smugness is not warranted

>> No.6374500
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>"It's a superfood!"

>> No.6375372

I like kale :D

>> No.6375387
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it could be worse, but you'd need a lot of semen to hit your daily macros

>> No.6375418
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>that one guy who throws an autism fit for drinking a diet soda rather than drinking 400 calories of sugar
>that one guy who thinks he has to have meat in every single meal or he will get a protein deficiency despite the fact that he eats 14x the RDI of protein and is obese

>> No.6375420

>drinking a glass of red wine every night to "clean your veins"

never heard this garbage b4, stop hanging out with retards

>> No.6375421

A significant portion of carnists take in less protein than a whole foods vegan since so much of their diet is refined sugar and oil.

>> No.6375424
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>> No.6375443
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>Eating only one type of food will magically make you lose weight
They still fuck it up because they eat too much of it, counting calories is hard.

>> No.6375484

>it's my bad genetics
>i have a thyroid problem

>> No.6375490

>being vegetarian or vegan at all
>being vegetarian because of 'ethics'

>> No.6375499

"Its full of antioxidants!"

>> No.6375500


Fuck off back to your tumblr hugbox and take your "carnist" word with you.

>> No.6375501
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>"I've tried all the diets and none of them worked"
>hasn't tried excercise

>> No.6375507

yeah doing something about the unnecessary death in our culture is really a bad thing

im sure youre one of those fags who still baws when he injects his dog with poison pretending he loved it and that it was "better off " being dead becuase you didnt want to pay some medical bill

>> No.6375519
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>"I eat lots of salads"
>"exercising is hard"

>> No.6375535


Even her forehead is fat, jesus christ.

>> No.6375614

What's wrong with choosing to be vegetarian or vegan for health reasons?

>> No.6375640
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>Sourcing food
>Thinking dogs being put down isn't to spare them pain and being this much of an asshole to people who might've had to suffer through being forced by lack of money and overly steep vetinary bills.

>> No.6375647
File: 93 KB, 610x458, just ranch my shit up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm on the Adkins diet"
>orders giant salad
>flicks off the croutons
>drowns salad in ranch

>> No.6375648

>implying kale isn't a delicious and nutritious vegetable

>> No.6375682

>being vegan or vegetarian for "health" reasons
>the raw food diet

Meh, while the people who practice these types of diets are generally full of themselves, they're both legitimately ways that people can lose weight, when appropriately utilized. With exercise of course.

>> No.6375703

Nothing, but a lot of people just really hate vegetarians for some reason.

Nothings wrong with being a vegetarian for any reason, just like nothing is wrong with eating kale (or a larger variety of greens in general). It's pretty well known fact most people don't eat enough green vegetables so I don't get the hate, except for maybe it makes people uncomfortable somehow?

>> No.6375727

you are mentally retarded
you are psychotic and should be killed for being this shallow unloving and materialistic

>> No.6375731

Hmmm, I have been having troubles hitting my zinc RDI lately..

>> No.6375769


>drinking a glass of red wine every night to "clean your veins"


>> No.6375770 [DELETED] 


Your pretty fucking dense mate.

>> No.6375771

Better start slurping on that semen then.

>> No.6375778


You're pretty fucking dense mate.

>> No.6375825

>if it's organic then it is healthy

>> No.6375930

>co worker says she just isn't losing weight
>tells me that she's having a hard time to stop snacking
>say that the easiest way to not snack is to just not have anything to snack on at home
>"I can't do that, I HAVE to have my chocolate or I'll get grumpy!"
>well then just eat two or three pieces
>"No it has to be the entire bar"


>> No.6375938

>you can't eat pizza for breakfast, its unhealthy
>you can't leftover chinese food for breakfast, its unhealthy
>you can't eat chili for breakfast, its unhealthy
watch me bitch

also anytime someone mentions >rawfood vegan
I burst into treats

>> No.6375944

Pick one. No one on the planet eats kale because it tastes good. No one sane, anyway. I would wager maybe 10,000 people on the planet at any given time enjoy the taste of kale.

>> No.6375955

Certain people have sensetive stomachs and have trouble eating dark meats.
Wine is healthy for you in small amounts.

>> No.6375962

>GMO is safe

>> No.6375965

>"I'll avoid carbs"
>They still eat vegetables
Bitches be retarded

>> No.6375973

I never understood the kale fad. We have been eating that shit for some 2000 years in northern Europe.

>> No.6375976

>This site does not dispense medical, legal, or any other advice and none should be inferred. For more fine print, read the disclaimer.

>> No.6375994

I like it. It tastes pretty good for a leaf vegetable. I eat it raw as a snack sometimes.

>> No.6376000

what's the difference between kale and "kale"?

>> No.6376005


>> No.6376013

Because it's green cabbage. Kale sounds pretentious as fuck.

>> No.6376020


nigger you can't just prevent death indefinitely

>> No.6376026

Its the same bullshit with avocados. The west coast and Mexico have been using them for years, but then the flyovers found about them and suddenly it became a "fad."

>> No.6376049


everywhere has used them for years. crab salad served in an avocado is like a century old hotel dish

>> No.6376073

im so tired of seeing corn. people in flyover states have been eating it before europeans arrived.

>> No.6376097

That's just something you tell your GF so she'll suck your dick more

>> No.6376201

I'm on a diet and I'll often have 2 pieces of dark chocolate as a dessert. If you only have two pieces it isn't that much calories and it isn't even that high in sugar.

>> No.6376209


That's exactly it, I told her she can eat pretty much anything as long as it's in moderation. But nope, that's not her style, she completely cuts out everything (except for chocolate) and stays with that diet. And then, after however many weeks the book/article says the diet is over she switches back to her regular eating behaviour and treats herself even more to all those things she couldn't eat during the diet.
I mean, come on, girl. Listen to me! It's a bit frustrating

>> No.6376218


at the end of the day she probably knows how retarded she's being it's just really, really hard to conquer the inertia from years of overindulging because it feels normal and therefore comfortable to live that way and it takes constant self-belief to change it.

>> No.6376227


>if I don't have this treat I want I get cranky

Fat women who say this deserve to get slapped.

>> No.6376230


Yeah I think she does. I mean she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she eats entire bars of chocolate in the evening and that she knows that it's bad. But then she says how unhappy she is and how she wants to lose 20-25 pounds and, well, yeah.

>> No.6376261

nice one jizzboy

>> No.6376279

ok poor beaner.

>> No.6376292

I've lost a lot of weight drinking diet soda. Don't think that would have happened with regular soda. Still trying to give it up though.

>> No.6376296


>I have never owned an animal.

>> No.6376327

>unnecessary death in our culture

>> No.6376507

>eating vegetables
>not enjoying only the finest imported packaged foods from jlist with my waifu

you are pathetic.

>> No.6376512

tough guy red neck macho insecurity faggot detected.

>> No.6376516

your pussy probably taste like shit.
your cum probably tastes like shit.
you stink all fucking day and are just a gross person.
ya ill watch you :^) watch you live alone or with an equally gross person who thinks being gross and eating like shit makes them cool or edgy.

>> No.6376522

not making kale chips in your oven at home.
not making a light peanut sauce with thin sliced red onions.
not cooking it down like any other green.
not blanching it and simply serving it with some parm and some lemon and olive oil.

ya i guess its pretty shitty if you are a fucking idiot about it.

>> No.6376526

Unless you're a parasite or disease.

GMO is a hate buzzword only because the people that use them shit on smaller organizations.

>> No.6376532

> actually believing the propaganda that pro GMO'ers are spewing.
it really is too late for us.

>> No.6376537

wow. how can you all be so stupid?

>> No.6376542

>believing pseudoscience from facebook

>> No.6376548

>>that one guy who throws an autism fit for drinking a diet soda rather than drinking 400 calories of sugar
This, so much. I don't understand why someone would even choose to drink regular soda when diet is available. It's just a waste of calories.

>> No.6376555


I don't understand why people drink soda or diet soda. It's just a waste of money.

>> No.6376556

its ok friend.
remember when doctors used to recommend cigarettes to patients?
and when lead paint was "harmless"
and when DDT was safe and non toxic?
o-oh wait.

>> No.6376557


as is any fucking recreational experience or luxury product

don't be a retard

>> No.6376560


>> No.6376562

>remember when doctors used to recommend cigarettes to patients?

You mean people actually believed what an advertisement told them? Maximum lol.

>and when lead paint was "harmless"
>and when DDT was safe and non toxic?

That was never said. We always knew lead compounds were toxic. We just didn't think that irresponsible parents would allow their children to eat wall candy, etc.

>> No.6376565


Agreed. That's what's so funny about it. who on earth wants to spend their recreational budget on something as lame as a can of soda. It seems like such a lame "recreational experience".

>> No.6376568

spirit science pls go

>> No.6376577

its ok friend :^) keep eating and doing what they tell you to. cant wait for football season to come back amirite!

>> No.6376582

i know. i channel spirits out of books. where most of the knowledge is. but dense fucks like you laugh and marginalize the real important shit which is what happens until its too late and then stupid mainstream media faggots jump on the wagon but its too late. everytime.

>> No.6376589

dr. oz fan confirmed

>> No.6376597

Vegan buzzword.
How's having to constantly eat more for the same nutrition working out for ya twig boy?
Did you just try to list every buzzword you know?
You've never had a pet have you?

>> No.6376599

A can of soda is less than a dollar, and sometimes you just have that craving. An occasional soda is hardly a strain on the budget.

>> No.6376601

how fucking stupid are you to even compare anything i have said to Dr. Oz? I didnt even touch on him or any of his ideas/practices.

>> No.6376608

how fucking stupid are you to believe in science that NO SCIENTIST believes?

>> No.6376609

Who is this guy in the picture and what is this from?

>> No.6376611

You're weird
Organic food shill go home.
Do you have a poster of the food babe on your wall or something

>> No.6376612

being this mad. defending eating meat this hard.
insecure confused tough guy detected.

>> No.6376616

Nothing. What annoys people about it is how most vegans/vegetarians shove it down your throat all the fucking time like religious bellends.

>> No.6376620

it's ok. they tell me it s ok. so it must be ok. i mean why would they lie? they have never intentionally lied or manipulated me before. They are here to help me. the food must be safe they say its safe. Why would they lie?

>> No.6376626

>not knowing what being mad means
>hurr he disagreed with my vegan bait he must be mad trololo
>insert buzzwords, that'll show him
Wa la your post broken down.
Stay buttmad vegan. :^)

>> No.6376628



is lying?
got it.

>> No.6376629

omg i know right? they are almost as bad as fucking retarded meat entushaits who actually brag "FUCK VEGETABLES! FOR EVERY ANIMAL YOU DONT EAT ILL EAT 3 FAGGOT. " bacon on everything lol. celery is 100% not pizza. Ya totally different.

>> No.6376633

Unless it comes to organic foods being safe. Then those ones aren't lying.

>> No.6376636

the "scientists" you watch on day time tv are not representative of the actual majority in the scientific community. Like i said. BOOKS. you dense fuck. sit down.

>> No.6376637

Buttmad much?

>> No.6376639

"yes organic food is safe
so is gmo'ed food"
-every scientist


>> No.6376640

>listens to metallica and lives in middle america.

>> No.6376644

yes the unanimous majority of the scientific community says that there is nothing at all unsafe about muh gmo food
thanks for agreeing

>> No.6376646

:^) we will meet in the end friends regardless of our erroneous ways

>> No.6376647
File: 959 KB, 448x352, ed7aa2c342bf73b7dd6e4b8e150b5507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The joke
>Your head

I'm in favor of gmos

>> No.6376651

:^) only smellz now. only smellz.

>> No.6376654

ok but really fuck that other guy >>6376620

>> No.6376659
File: 14 KB, 433x433, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green texts to act like not buttmad
>goes on to make false assumptions.
Kekeede kek, don't Kek back.

>> No.6376665

That's an organic shill for you.

>> No.6376679

thats a poorfag 4ya.

>> No.6376693

Because I don't buy over priced "organic " but probably isn't organic I'm a poor fag.

>> No.6376713
File: 52 KB, 376x419, 1340623718224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diet shit that always makes you kek
>I'm on the seafood diet
>yeah, I see food and then I eat it LOL!

>> No.6376715

Protein is good for you. I'm not saying you should pig out on meat in all your meals, but avoiding meat, unless told by a physician, is unnecessary.

>> No.6376720

There is literally nothing better than being a twig boy.

>> No.6376725

>I want to look like I'm from a third world where celebrities film themselves to give ti said charity.
To each their own.
Inb4 fatass

>> No.6376754


>> No.6376757


>> No.6376830



>> No.6376842


>> No.6376848


>> No.6376853

>my car need premium gas but regular works just fine. it's the same gas it does the same thing. never mind the octane amount thats hippie liberal bullshit.

>> No.6376860

>mfw I actually get premium gas for dirt cheap.
>mfw when the guy replying is mentally defunct

>> No.6376862
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>> No.6376880

>tfw you live in the middle east

>> No.6376900
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Nope ameriland

>> No.6376903

ah i bet flyoverbama is beautiful this time of year

>> No.6376905


3/4 of a tsp is a piss poor load.

>> No.6376954

Not even close midwesterner

>> No.6376964
File: 108 KB, 247x290, 1375158107752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, you are retarded.

REFINED CARBS is what they are avoiding

veg carbs are fucking great for you

>> No.6376972

>has to eat certain things at specific times of the day
i bet you wonder what a fresh breeze on your skin feels like since u been in that box for your whole dam life

>> No.6376977

>what are complex carbohydrates
>what are simple carbohydrates

>> No.6377245

I have a, uhm, special needs friend who's logic basically works like this. I've tried to help explain to her how to be healthier but for all the years I've known her she's never "got" it. And she hates vegetables and won't eat them, and refuses to drink water, she has to have sugar drink of some kind, whether it's soda or juice or Kool-Aid. I feel bad because it's probably not her fault since she is a little slow but man I get frustrated when she keeps coming to me for help because she's overweight and then ignores my advice.

>> No.6377268

>drinking a glass of red wine every night to "clean your veins"
That's more and excuse than a diet thing lol.

>> No.6377291

Meat is hardly the only resource for good proteins.

>> No.6377311


>> No.6377322

You're enjoy better results with lots of fruit, beans, and greens.

>> No.6377330

Just because you're afraid of meat doesn't mean anyone else eating it is unacceptable.

>> No.6377333

>Beer makes you fat.

>> No.6377336

I know. I was being facetious. I love fruits and vegetables

>> No.6377338

That and it's high in vitamin E so it's good for your skin

>> No.6377372


>> No.6377380

My friends mom was bitching about having to eat bread because all my friend had at his house was PB&J fixings. She complained about all of the carbs and how bad it is for us as she completely covered both pieces of bread in butter and microwaved it before adding the peanut butter and jelly.

I shouldn't have to say she's a fat turd.

>> No.6377393

It does though. It's all empty calories. Drink too much on a regular basis and you're on a one-way trip to Fattytown. I'm Native American, we know these things.

>> No.6377478

No. It doesn't. Caloric surplus leads to weight increase. You can drink plenty of beer without having a caloric surplus.

>> No.6377486


Not really assuming you eat and move an average amount

>> No.6377641

>yeah, I see food and then I eat it LOL!
Has anyone ever actually been told this "joke" before, because I refuse to believe someone can make this terrible a joke and not be ironic or sarcastic about it.

>> No.6377923

Yeah but it is easier to get complete protein with meat.

>> No.6377935

this is the reply of a smug dummy

>> No.6378114
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People who think "organic" actually means anything. FFS you can buy "organic" salt some places and online.

Let that sink in.

>> No.6378119

>carefully researched, monitored, and tested over decades products that have prevented the deaths of hundreds of millions by starvation are unsafe
Kill yourself anytime.

>> No.6378123

what is your tinfoil budget per week, i can't imagine how many hats you go through in a day

>> No.6378154

Diet soda is a better alternative to soda when it comes to losing weight and being healthy.
The ill effects of diet soda can mostly be attributed to people being unable to control themselves after having something that tastes sugary.

>> No.6378248
File: 17 KB, 474x305, sandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saturated fats are bad and polyunsaturated fats are good (a myth pushed by the seed oil industry to sell their products)
>sugary foods (such as orange juice) are bad for you/make you fat
>'complex carbs' (ie starch, pure glucose) are a superior source of energy to sugar (glucose + fructose)
>fructose is toxic (yes, it is, when you give mice absurd amounts they die from an overdose, just like when you drink 10 liters of water, you'll die)
>white meat is healthier than red meat (if you're consuming a lot, white meat is generally better than red but you shouldn't be consuming a lot of meat anyways. red meat has a lot more nutrients than white meat)
>aspirin causes stomach ulcers (pushed by pharmaceutical industry because paracetamol [which kills your liver] and ibuprofen are more profitable than aspirin)
>margarine is healthier than butter
>salt/sodium is unhealthy
>cholesterol is unhealthy and will clog your arteries, even in small amounts
>having a low resting pulse (under 75) indicates good health
>dairy is inherently unhealthy for you
>caffeine and coffee are unhealthy
>you need vegetables for a healthy diet (they're almost always beneficial but they're by no means NECESSARY)

>> No.6378249

you sound fat

>> No.6378401
File: 92 KB, 227x334, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this food make you fat?
Yes, that pasta you're eating has over 2000 calories.

>> No.6378527

To get a USDA certified organic stamp for produce or animals actually means something.

"Organic" doesn't mean anything unless it's locally produced.

>> No.6378541

are calories a bad thing anon ?

>> No.6378552


>> No.6378559

>"I don't eat meat"
>"I believe in healthism"
>"I'm a big boned girl"

>> No.6378561

>not knowing about dietary fiber

>> No.6378565

You're either a hamplanet, sixteen, or sixteen year old hamplanet.

>> No.6378591
File: 6 KB, 180x134, whoakr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst, if something you're eating has calories then throw it away.

>> No.6378690


Oh Julius.
I think I have to watch this entire video this weekend

>> No.6378705

>having a low resting pulse (under 75) indicates good health
Maybe not strictly a rule, but it's a good indicator.

When I was fat (225lbs) my pulse was like 110 all the time, but now that I weigh less (155lbs) it's usually like 65. And no, I didn't exercise, this is purely from weight loss.

Stop being fat.

>> No.6379328
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>> No.6379353


>> No.6379364
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>> No.6379418

just someone saying they're going on a diet or are on a diet to lose weight pisses me off. you don't "go on a diet" to lose weight, you make long-term lifestyle and cognitive changes to become healthy.

>> No.6379526


milk is evil

>> No.6379851

dairy is actually bad for you??

>> No.6379857

Unless you're starving and need the calories, yes. You're better off with beans and greens.

>> No.6379862


>gluten free

>> No.6379868

>eating according to race
>eating according to blood type

>> No.6379880


I dropped carbs for a while and lost like 10 pounds in two weeks. And I'm going to do it again starting tomorrow.

>> No.6379890

>cheeks and forehead--FOREHEAD--so fat that they've almost swollen her eyes shut
>second chin about grown enough to move out and rent a nice little place in the city
>even ears are fat
>"neck" is purely hypothetical
Qt nose and lips though. 7/10 would hit

>> No.6379920
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>he still thinks that ZERO CALORIE soda makes you fat!
What're we dealin' with here, sport? Magical meta-calories? Oh wait no, I know, it's that stuff about anything sweet-tasting giving you insulin spikes regardless of sugar content right? That idea that's contradicted by as many studies as it's supported by?

>> No.6379923

>eating according to blood type
I laughed when I first heard of that one.
>eating according to race
That one is news to me.

>> No.6379929

they're similar. the premise is if your nordic. your body is genetically use to milk and shit where if you're greek or meditaranian it is use to seafood and olive oil.

>> No.6379938

>counting calories
terrible habit. Calories data in food are vague at best and don't take a lot of factor into account.

>> No.6379941

You know what's even more vague and takes even less factors into account? Not counting calories.

>> No.6379947

>people who don't realize that fat percent sodium percent is in one serving size
>tfw a serving size is suggested at 15 chips

>> No.6379948

excercise is actually dangerous when you are past a certain point of fatness. And you don't consume that much energy doing stuff like walking.
Diet change should come first. Exercise is really just the final step.

>> No.6379998
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>> No.6380018

I don't even know if this is good or bad

>> No.6380179

she's the living Hitchcock profile

>> No.6380353
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>> No.6380399

I drink soda without sugar because diabetes type 1. Not the fatass diabetes.

>> No.6380423

>you just think balut looks gross because you're uncultured
>you just think frying an octopus alive is barbaric because you're uncultured

>> No.6381263


Being vegan or vegetarian for health reasons makes sense though


>> No.6381275
File: 51 KB, 666x555, 1412374552415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only eat sugar-free and fat-free cookies
>mfw the person who said that was a landwhale

>> No.6381308

Some people are not poor.

>> No.6381329
File: 34 KB, 482x622, isis booty2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low Fat is good for you!
>You should always practice eating low fat!

>> No.6381343

>calories in, calories out

>> No.6381346
File: 31 KB, 277x278, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being fat isn't about genetics

>> No.6381347

>oatmeal gives you diabetes and butter is good for your heart
>the rest of the world just hasn't caught on yet, but I read it in an internet blog so it must be true

>> No.6381355

lol if that were true, my father would have doubled over with coronary heart disease

>> No.6381358

Oh shit, no butter in the house. Is vaseline good?

>> No.6381368

nigga when did he say he was afraid of meat, all he was doing was making a suggestion

>> No.6381373


>avoiding meat, unless told by a physician, is unnecessary.

Are you familiar with the phrase "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"?

>> No.6381385

doesn't the "raw" food just mean avoid too much processing? if so, then that is healthy

>> No.6381399

One of my colleagues did a pineapple diet some time ago.
Every second day he ate nothing but pineapple and drank only water and pineapple juice.
Apparently it was supposed to detox him or something.

He didn't listen to me when I said that's a terrible idea.
A few days later he stopped, since his mouth was burning like hell and his stomach was hurting terribly.

What a surprise...

>> No.6381407

Maybe because diet tastes like shit and the fucking sweetener they use is fucking poison.

>> No.6381408

The problem with diet soda is more the sweeteners, sucralose and acesulfame k aren't as bad as aspartame but still drinking a lot of that shit isn't really good for yoy

>> No.6381412
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These one food only diet are retarded. Most use them for weight loss. A lot of people don't even know how calories work and if they do, they avoid normal meals because they have "too much" cals even though they don't even know what their TDEE is.

>Apparently it was supposed to detox him or something
Jesus tittyfucking Christ.

>> No.6381420
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>> No.6381449

I made that up

>> No.6381578


>preventing people from starving

this is why GMOs are bad.

>> No.6381741

ur a nigger.

>> No.6381767

>I eat celery because it takes more calories to digest than it gives
>Proceed to dip in ranch sauce

>> No.6381768

Nice logical argument there mate.

>> No.6381799

Kale is delicious, I don't care what americans think

>> No.6381824

>anything 'detox' or 'cleansing'

It doesn't even mean anything.

>> No.6382280

Honestly I use the red wine bit as an excuse to drink a bottle of it
Don't even care

>> No.6382300

What's the problem with diet soda when you're dieting? Makes perfect sense to me

When I was an apartment building handyman, one of the doormen was 300-350lbs (I'm terrible at guessing weight). He drank a shitload of regular pepsi every day, and when he switched to diet, he lost 25 pounds in a couple months. That was the only change in his diet.

He was/is still a fat fuck, but substituting a sugary drunk for a sugarless one seems like a fucking no-brainer.

>> No.6382357

inb4 broscience about your stupid body thinking about drinking something and not getting calories

>> No.6382393

You could switch to water and tea and lose even more weight tho.

>> No.6382406

Ok... obviously. Yes. That's true.

Realistically, dieting is about working up small steps to get yourself used to healthier habits. It's much easier to go from all sugary soda to all diet soda, and then maybe somewhere down the line, water or tea.

>> No.6382425

Good point but the problem is that most people who drink diet soda when they're on a diet is that drinking diet soda and eating reduced fat food is basically their whole diet.

>> No.6382463

As illustrated by my fat friend, it IS a diet for some people. Losing two stone isn't going to free the tricycle that got caught in his gravitational field back in '98, but it's not nothing.

Baby steps, man. Don't disparage people for their attempts to be healthier. First cut out sugary drinks, lose some weight. Two months later, cut back on snackfoods, lose some more. Two months later, eat salads for lunch 3-4 days a week, and before you know it, you've made real progress. Very few people can just flip a switch from lazy wangus to healthy all at once.

>> No.6382479
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Every thread until you like it.

>> No.6382628


drinking water or tea instead of diet soda isn't going to make you lose more weight bro

>> No.6382648

anyone else wanna eat her truffle butter?

>> No.6382672

you are such a faggot

>> No.6382678


>> No.6383828


Never forget the kale you super nigger.

>> No.6383842


If you have the exact same amount of food you usually do and switch to diet soda, it's going to make a difference.

There's still that strange theory and diet soda makes you eat more. Which I don't get, but I don't really like soda anyways.

>> No.6384216


>> No.6384235

How American are you the Orange juice ihas the same kcal and carbs as two or three oranges how could eating that much sugar don't make you fat

>> No.6384241

I'll watch it anon who knows my name

>> No.6384259


>No, you can't have milk with your Kellog's. Go grab the can of beans.

>> No.6384266
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Hmm, I wonder why the DURRR curve is the only curve that seems to have a one-to-one correspondence to HURR

>> No.6384324

"I'll eat healthy and take diet pills!"
"Exercise? Why should I exercise? I'm on a diet!"

cause dieting alone apparently makes fat disappear from the known universe

>> No.6384333
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Why do fat people love miracle whip?

>> No.6384426
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>> No.6384485

>only drinking a glass of red wine
>not a bottle

Do you even /alc/?

>> No.6384617


He posted on /fit/ for a bit, he's a really cool guy

>> No.6384656

2nd gen portuguese here. I've been eating Kale soups since I was a kid. It's nothing special.

>> No.6384669

The Midwest is where the term flyover state came from

>> No.6384677

Pineapples are fucking delicious I drink a fat oversized tin can of pineapple juice all day I don't care if it's draining my wallet

>> No.6384708

I will lightly steam kale and eat the fuck out of it, but honestly I'm not sure I'm sane so you have me there.