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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 540x540, XnqvJNOZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6367966 No.6367966 [Reply] [Original]

>memefood threads stay up
>food pics from Japan threads stay up
>revirewbrah threads stay up
>countless fast food shill threads stay up
>Joey threads get deleted/autosaged and considered advertising
We need to have a little sit down with the /ck/ mod staff and discuss this right the fuck now.
What gives?

>> No.6367975

>inb4 ban for ban evasion

>> No.6367983 [DELETED] 


>> No.6368008


>> No.6368011

Joey threads are the heart of /ck/. Joey and his videos are very clearly food and cooking related, anyone who disagrees with that is incredibly stupid.

>> No.6368012

You need to stop forcing your shitty fatfuck meme videos. You retards have actually made me hate this guy I've never even watched. Congratulations.

>> No.6368018

Memefood threads, while shitposting, are funny, and start some decent shitflinging.

Food pics from Japan are quality threads, don't know why you're including them in your list.

Reviewbrah needs to die.

If you genuinely think the Jews try to shill an insignificant, cynical shithole like the cooking section of a Chinese cartoon image board, you have autism and need to be put on medication immediately.

Joey isn't fucking funny, he never was.

>> No.6368045 [DELETED] 


We dont like joey because he's funny.


Then hide the thread and move on, fucking idiot. You care enough to shitpost but if you don't like it you dont have to see it


> bans work
> in 2012+3

Yeah, no. I've started 3 joey>mods threads today alone. Not happening

>> No.6368100

inb4 subnet ban
you couldn't be more cancer.
Broeyfags pls go

>> No.6368132

Please explain how a YouTube food reviewer/chef is not food and cooking related.

>> No.6368180

We seriously need to do something about this. Clearly there is someone with a personal dislike/vendetta who is trying to kill these Joey threads.

>> No.6368186 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 750x772, 1392248198711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these Kendrones

>> No.6368322

Because its spam

>> No.6368331

But it's not

>> No.6368335

Fuck off with your spam Joey.

>> No.6368342
File: 719 KB, 1050x996, spam-family-of-products[1]..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think joey has reviewed spam yet

>> No.6368346

Because he's gross

>> No.6368351
File: 29 KB, 351x364, 1406492313657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking youtube faggots posted here lately are /b/ level garbage.

If you think otherwise you are stage 3 cancer.

>> No.6368473
File: 13 KB, 319x480, 2ezmbup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha! Now I know why half of /ck/ hates Joey! We have been blessed with one of the most obnoxious, pretentious userbases of all the boards on 4chan. While /ck/ will never live up to more pretentious boards like /mu/, the discerning standards of taste on /ck/ are clear. Who wants to see a large, disheveled man eating what appears to be feces off of a napkin, when they could see a fine young gentleman dressed in a dapper suit, drinking Powerade out of a fine wine glass, reviewing jerk chicken wings? The fine tastes of /ck/ are not satisfied by the disgusting Joey or the pleb Ken. Rather, we seek a certain sophistication in our food reviewers. We expect them to provide a detailed analysis of the flavours present in all foods. We expect them to use utensils and avoid attempts at humor involving the food being reviewed. So Joey does not measure up to the standards of /ck/ as a food reviewer, and thus, he is spam.

>> No.6368490

Joey is clearly not /ck/.

Just fuck off already.

>> No.6368507

How is he not /ck/?
He reviews food and makes cooking videos. That's as /ck/ as it gets.

>> No.6368509

>/ck/ - FOOD and cooking

all manner of food discussion is welcome friend. I eat fast food 3-4 times a week, thus I have something to discuss about it.

>> No.6368510

Why the fuck do Joey threads keep getting deleted?

They've been a staple for damn near a year.

>> No.6368516

The issue isn't so much a youtube food reviewer, so much as it is these threads.
they aren't food/cooking related.
They're cancerous circlejerk nonsense.

>> No.6368538


>> No.6368542

If you sage you're clearly agreeing with her you fucking moron.

>> No.6368547

You're right. It's just YouTuber fanboys circlejerk...

>> No.6368556


you're high asf. these threads are always fun and there's a core of good posts embedded in the shitposting by assholes like you.

if you don't like them, hide them. you are simply being a dick for no reason, you are a pleb tier troll that can't get better than harassing a minute part of an obscure board culture because you are pathetically low skilled

>shoo shoo reddit goblin

>> No.6368561


Yes why would we want to discuss a man who makes food and cooking videos on /ck/.

let's start a thread about a fucking stoner cartoon from the 90s instead, or have endless circlejerks about how depressed and drunk we are, that makes a lot more sense

>> No.6368566

Can someone in this thread explain why they legitimately like Joey?

>> No.6368571

He's a funny guy, seems very friendly as well. His videos swing!

>> No.6368572

He is funny and not mean spirited, reviews food I like, and is just on the whole very entertaining.

>> No.6368608


Fundamentally, he is extremely human and relatable, and his life situation is one that we can deeply sympathize with and we fully understand his fears and insecurities that are clearly on display, but we also like that he is brave enough and self aware enough to make fun of himself and act a fool.

We like that he can have genuine skills as a chef but he's too messed up to be a pompous tv chef/"youtube star cook" and we like that he does gonzo shit but doesn't take it at all seriously. He could never do some gay ass shit like EMT for instance.

he really is, warts and all, a very touching person at heart and that shows through. That's why he's hated on reddit and beloved here on /ck/. He's one of us on a very, very deep level

>> No.6368627 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 258x303, 10897794_530222377114524_7626021916591242685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He does reviews on food and he does a little bit of cooking.

>> No.6368705

He's a trainwreck in obese, mexican form. I like watching his life crumble. I like seeing that at least half the comments in his videos are about how he is a fat piece of shit. I like knowing that he will always be worse than Ken and Daym no matter how hard he tries.

>> No.6368722

he's Italian

>> No.6368724

> "Reviewbrah needs to die"
Please explain to me why you think this,
Reviewbrah is a good reviewer and I enjoy his reviews.

>> No.6368725

I don't think we have a mod, because this shit is fucking infuriating.

It's the same old bullshit over and over and not actual quality threads where we discuss actual cooking and give each other advice and inspiration.

Posting tendies should be an insta-ban.

>> No.6368728

His name is Joseph Hernandez and he lives in San Diego, if I'm not mistaken. Dude is a beaner.

>> No.6368732

there are Puerto Ricans in cali?

>> No.6368733

did you apply for the janitor positions?

>> No.6368735

I don't see any problem with "Food pics from Japan" except just being somewhat lazy threads with little discussion. The worst threads are the "Why do Americans..." or "Do Americans really..." threads. I love Joey though and I don't understand why the mods have started cracking down on something that used to be perfectly acceptable on /ck/.

>> No.6368741

It's like bronies on all of 4chan. Started off somewhat amusing then sperging idiots ran it into the ground to the point it was killing the entire place.

>> No.6368745
File: 50 KB, 413x449, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop liking what I don't like

hide the fucking thread if you don't like it.

it's you people that are making these threads bad with your constant bitching.

contain your fucking autism jesus christ.

>> No.6368746

The only rational explanation I can think of is the consequences of 4chan being manipulated into making someone an internet celebrity. If that happens, then all the boards are going to be overrun by vloggers looking for their 15 minutes.

I'm honestly surprised after Rebecca Black that you can even link to YouTube at all. The internet has the power to bleed over into mainstream media.

I consider myself a Broey, but do we want to accidentally let this lead to someone like Ken getting their own show on Food Network or Travel Channel? Fuck that stupid idiot.

>> No.6368747

If y'all stayed in your containment thread, it wouldn't be a problem, you're poisoning the entire board though.

>> No.6368749

just leave already, joey fags. you're not welcome here.

>> No.6368753

Considering the Joey threads are now trying to get that Ken guy in trouble with the Canadian government for tax shit I can't justify them at this point.

>> No.6368755

Isn't this a containment thread? There's never multiple joey threads on the board.

>> No.6368758

#AuditKenDomik is just an inside joke with the broeys. 99% of Joey thread discussion remains food and cooking related.

>> No.6368762

There were three at the same time earlier today.

>> No.6368764

It's a joke. None of us are actually contacting the canadian revenue agency to report him.

>> No.6368767

The joey generals keep getting deleted thats why.

>> No.6368768

if you didn't apply for the janitor positions then you need to shut the fuck up

>> No.6368769

Only because the /joey/ threads that everyone is in get deleted.

>> No.6368770

At. The. Same. Time.

>> No.6368772

looks like 'broeys' are as stupid as that mexican fat shitskin itself.


>> No.6368774

When the main (and only) /joey/ general is deleted, there's a rush to create the new thread. In this rush, duplicates are bound to happen. Is that hard to understand?

>> No.6368780

And an older joey thread is missed because someone didn't check catologue.

If Joey generals don't get deleted, there won't be duplicates.

>> No.6368783

There's always at least one joey general that stays up. They get deleted when there's more than one

>> No.6368793

great example right now, we've got this thread and >>6367556

so right there are two joey threads. This one isn't even a general but really just a bitch about moderation thread in which the guy who's probably OP admits to being a ban evader (>>6368045). This is why Joey threads get deleted.

>> No.6368804

yep this is why I watch

>> No.6368806

No one's even posting in the other thread though, it will die on its own.

>> No.6368820
File: 100 KB, 740x740, 1422706552814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368843

that thread is autosaging

>> No.6368875

And that is why it is /b/tier shit that isn't appropriate for /ck/.

>> No.6368894

I thought the same but it has stayed up for quite a long time. Either they are now leaving our threads alone or the offending janitor is asleep. I hope it is the former.

>> No.6368897

What's wrong with Reviewbrah?

>> No.6368949

I did, but was denied the position because I wasn't autistic enough.

>> No.6369087

A single Joey thread is fine. People actually talk about the food in the vids.

Clean up that other bullshit instead mods. Seriously like we really need 30 fucking pizza threads in the catalog.

Absolutely nothing, that guy you're replying to is just a shitposter. "Memefood threads are OK because they start shitflinging."

>> No.6369088

Who took this photo?

>> No.6369142
File: 34 KB, 604x451, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't get is why the mods don't just fucking outright delete joey threads. They let one go for days at a time, then once that one dies they fucking autosage the new one. For what purpose?

>> No.6369626


>> No.6369649

don't care about joey, and THIS thread has nothing to do with food or cooking.

>> No.6369651
File: 10 KB, 224x217, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



It's a peice of chicken in bread.


>> No.6369655

Joey threads are generally spam. That would be against the rules.

>> No.6369661

give it an hour or so and the deed will be done.

>> No.6369665
File: 64 KB, 617x340, ban_joey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369680

Why do a lot of Hispanics need to emphasis that they are "part Italian"? Your skin is dark, your name is hispanic, just leave it at that. We don't need to know your entire lineage.

>> No.6369685

Thank you for doing God's work Anon!

>> No.6369713

Joel hates want threads remove so they can continue happily posting in LE epic drunks anonymoos /ck/ club and LE BAIT WELL COOKED STEAK R BEST threads

Grow the fuck up. Woowoowowoo

>> No.6369770

$up Ken?

>> No.6369854

>Submitting false reports will result in a ban.
Soon, broeys. Soon vengeance will be ours.

>> No.6369908

Hey broeys explain how professional wrestling isn't /ck/ related. The Rock's signature move has him talking about cooking so obviously it's related.

>> No.6369918

It isn't. Joey has one wrestling themed video in a sea of cooking videos. Deal with you shitstain. Go back to your alcoholic general.

>> No.6369930
File: 621 KB, 2100x2803, Dwayne_Johnson_at_the_2009_Tribeca_Film_Festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it is related, anon. I think you just can't smell what the rock is cooking

>> No.6369935

If you really have enough material to maintain The Rock threads, I am 100% behind you

>> No.6369962

Why does /ck/ hate Guy Fieri but love Joey?

>> No.6369988

Because Guy Fieri is revolting as a TV chef. He has some similarities to Joey but Joey would not work well on TV. Guy Fieri's whole aesthetic is stupid and his restaurants probably suck.

>> No.6370061

You're right, all of them need to be b& for the cancer they are, and you newfags for shitting up the board.

>> No.6370255

This is a step back from his recent vids. Not as enthusiastic as he has been. However the little woowoowoo at the very end caught me off guard and cracked me up.

>> No.6370258

>However the little woowoowoo at the very end caught me off guard and cracked me up.
you need to get out more anon.

>> No.6370270

Was that a fart at 2:52?

>> No.6370289

dumber fucker gave himself diabetes.
real smart guy.

>> No.6370294
File: 489 KB, 649x455, madjoey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when Joey does that thing at 3:24 where he mocks his haters.

>> No.6370299

*meant 5:24

>> No.6370303

>board culture
i think you mean cancer
>not knowing what greentext is for
yeah, looks like you're the redditfag m8

>> No.6370304


pretty sure he's adding the farts in before he posts these. there's a lot of subtle gags he does for himself that you only pick up on after watching a lot

>hold food WAAAAY to close to the camera
>ostentiatous bag rustling
>flipping paper napkins around
>being a fat lard

you know...

>> No.6370310

>I like watching a fat sack of shit be generally retarded and disgusting in his car
>I like watching a sad autist pretend to be classy by eating junk food in his parent's living room


>> No.6370313

I hate these shit viral marketing threads. We don't want to see your shitty youtube channel!


>> No.6370318

A warm, fluffy, buttery biscuit folded in the shape of a taco and filled with our new premium marinated all-white-meat crispy chicken that is rolled in tortilla chips, served with jalapeno honey.
Also available with country gravy.
Read that you fuck, the fat beaner is being sponsored by them.

>> No.6370322

It's like watching a car wreck, get over yourself faggot.

>> No.6370323
File: 10 KB, 441x408, 1310408064982[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this mad over food reviews
Looks like you guys need to go outside more often.

>> No.6370326

Yup, Joey is a shill. He's actually sponsored by the junk food companies.
Report all viral marketing /ck/

>> No.6370331
File: 96 KB, 981x598, stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all you have do is pic related, dipshit. not even once a week and you'll never see them again

>born stupid or dropped on head

>> No.6370337

It's like having no life and being a faggot.


>> No.6370342

I love that too.

>> No.6370351

>It's like having no life and being a faggot
you're on a cooking board of an Ecudorian hologram depository, think before you speak shitstain.

>> No.6370355

what? that's for something completely different.

>> No.6370412

Okay, wait, I think I can explain why Joey isn't /ck/ real quick for y'all.
Do you actually care what he thinks about the food? No, I don't mean you're upset when he doesn't say one of his catchphrases in relationship to rating the food, I mean do you actually give a fuck about the food?
I think you know the answer, and thus why these discussions really aren't /ck/.

>> No.6370416


come to think of it you're right, i've never seen anyone comment on the food in his videos

anon you are on to something

>> No.6370420


Yes i do. he's a fine dining chef and has been involved with professional food prep for most of his adult life.

He likely has forgotten more about cooking than you'll ever know.

>> No.6370425


No it really works, try it

>> No.6370446

Oh, I'm sorry. Is "faggot" the only word in your vocabulary?

>> No.6370448


>> No.6370454

I base my decisions on what fast food I'm going to eat that day based on what joey has reviewed.
So yes, I do care about the food.

>> No.6370458

You must be as big as him

>> No.6370471

Ken must have gotten a huge tax return to pay for all of this anti-Joey propaganda. Don't let him win Gyang!

>> No.6370510


>> No.6370512

Someone should make a Joey's World Tour flash game where you go on an adventure to a fast food place. But on the way you must intercept Ken's tax return to pay for the meal and then make your way through lady trayce forest where she might distract your from your mission. Once you get to the place where you are going to eat you must make your selection carefully and keep track of your weight watchers points so you don't get negative comments. Then upload the video all before Monday morning.

>> No.6370519

fuck you Joey
fuck you Joey

>> No.6370532

>yfw joey is still in damage control mode after letting one slip in the double down video trying to dub in farts like he is doing on purpose
>b-but it was just a joke guys! it was a fake fart I swear!!

>> No.6370542

Superior review

>> No.6370684
File: 105 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, what the actual fuck did I just watch?

>> No.6370876


This is a Joey thread, not a cringe thread, anon.

>inb4 they're the same thing

>> No.6370895

>he doesn't know about robert dyre
dude is 100x better than whatever joey or ken bullshit /ck/ raves about all the time.

>> No.6371067

god how i wish no one would ever post that autistic,annoying little cunt called "reviewbrah"

>> No.6371109


>> No.6371414
File: 655 KB, 621x466, 1425618387600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6371441

that is the exact reason why his threads get deleted. what a most disgusting person.

>> No.6371469

You shut your cock trap! The nacho cheese challenge was a huge victory here. It wasn't even about the content, it was to run out the people telling a man how to run his own channel.

>> No.6371478

And you call ME names? You just admitted that Joey threads have nothing to do with the board. Therefore they will get deleted.

>> No.6371558
File: 33 KB, 400x300, 1427330654848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone link that creepy animated fan made video where joey comes in on a flying car and shit? that was some weird shit i tell ya.

>> No.6371980
File: 111 KB, 282x281, Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 1.08.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this'll pretty much confirm this thread as spam, but Joey put up some pretty cool shirt designs

I'd probably change this shirt to the infamous "I'am back!" though

>> No.6372047

I just saw this but was scared to post it here...it's a truly sad time for us broeys here in our homeland. I want one of those shirts.

>> No.6372056

>shirts not "I'm Byack"

>> No.6372074

I was about to ask weather or not that was real but then I realized only joey could use such a horrid font and make such a terrible design for a t-shirt.
The man can't even edit his videos properly but I guess that's part of his charm.

>> No.6372185

Who the fuck would buy this and then wear it in public? If I ever see someone with these on I'm pushing them into traffic.

>> No.6372231

you get mad over the dumbest shit anon

>> No.6372333
File: 377 KB, 691x457, 1427511625538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face irl fgt

>> No.6372397
File: 93 KB, 1120x634, way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6372461


>> No.6372510
File: 33 KB, 612x328, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate milk?

>> No.6372601
File: 81 KB, 969x621, with me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373197

If I got it I'd wear it as a pajama shirt or something

But you might get to meet some qt Hoeys if you wore it in public.

>> No.6373272

>not wearing your joey shirt in public
It's almost like you don't want a constant string of approving WooWooWoo's from others on the street.

>> No.6374070

Is the wrestling episode worth watching?

>> No.6374092
File: 202 KB, 465x269, ken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who still doubt that Ken is an attention whore
He uploads songified versions of his reviews to his own channel. He probably pays to have these done and writes it off on his taxes as a business expense. It's not some organic thing like with Daym.

>> No.6374128

No one doubts Ken is an attention whore. This is a middle aged man that takes more "selphies" than a 14 year old girl. He probably writes off his cell phone bill on his taxes because he uses instagram to promote his business. Also that video made me cringe hard.

>> No.6374186

>I'm not the only one shitting up the board, therefor I should get to shit up the board all I want.
I'd take food picture spamming threads over Joey threads any day.
Not a mod or anything, just wanted to say I'm glad you're upset.

>> No.6374207

This fat fuck is the cancer that is killing /ck/. Go fuck yourself with /Joey/'s tiny cock op.

>> No.6374308

Your intensive emotional attachment to these youtube whores is not just annoying but truly pathological. Don't you think it's time to seek psychiatric help?

>> No.6374340
File: 55 KB, 626x615, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374401

Does he use the same background music as Simply Sara?


It must come with some shitty video software

>> No.6375022

Starbucks® New Edamame Hummus Wrap REVIEW!



>> No.6375173

My dog farted and for a second I thought I could smell this fatfuck as I scrolled by.

>> No.6375251

Is he back with Team Daym? What the fuck is happening behind the scenes???

>> No.6375262

Who the fuck knows? This is better than any soap opera I've ever witnessed.

>> No.6375264

I know right. Joey keeps wanting to say things in his videos but stops himself a lot. I really wish he would just be honest about it and open up. Would really like to know.

>> No.6375266

He is probably too scared that big ape will come crashing down on him. Joey doesn't need to be censored especially by someone who put up with that #killjoey shit and let his "fans" shit all over Joey.

I miss the old Joey videos where he would do the "angry face" and go off on rants.

>> No.6375290

I feel like Joey is the punching bag of the group. His self esteem is too low to say anything about it and when he convinces himself to try and say something in his videos, he chickens out.

He should just stand up to that asshole and tell him hot it is with a big WOOO WOOO WOOO!!!! at the end.

>> No.6375526

Maybe if you fucks actually discussed the food and cooking instead of the other irrelevant bullshit your threads won't get deleted.

>> No.6375767
File: 34 KB, 438x234, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This video pisses me off. These two chucklefucks are going to Joeys home turf Cali for some youtube convention, they name drop a bunch of other youtube food reviewers. Not fucking once do they acknowledge our boy Joey. Big Joe has already said he is going why not mention him? Also why the fuck does Ken have a green screen?

>> No.6375856
File: 24 KB, 810x186, 5ea51fd1e288053c2dd82c741920e102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6375869

Was Joey's #TeamDaym intro an April Fool's joke?

>> No.6375872

Food reviewing in his car isn't a career for Joey. He can take it or leave it. No point in starting drama with Daym and Ken. He does it because he loves interacting with his fans and eating fast food.

>> No.6375873

Ken is probably going to vlog his SWAT raid

>> No.6375889
File: 45 KB, 373x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides! God damn I hope he gets an audit.

>> No.6376167
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what is with his nails?? Is that beetus nails?

>> No.6376185

I'm wondering if he injured his finger nail. I dropped a weight on my middle toenail a few years ago. Ever since then, the nail breaks off about halfway up the nail bed. It doesn't look diseased like his does, but he may just be a nail biter.

>> No.6376210
File: 110 KB, 255x294, 1423427520780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376215

He responded to a comment and said "cooking accidents"

I love Joey but come on, we all know that was a lie, there has to be something else.

>> No.6376225

can confirm this is a diabetes related condition.

>> No.6376241


beetus nails are yellow.

this is probably hepatitis or some shit

>> No.6376337

wow I've never watched any of his videos before but that shit is just bad. what a faggot.

>> No.6376405

Ken is literally one of the worst people on this planet. I have no idea how his channel is so successful.

>> No.6376408

can some kind anon fill me in on this Ken dude? Never watched his channel, what's the whole tax thing about ?

>> No.6376456

Ken is probably going to write his court expenses and fines off on his taxes.

>> No.6376476

Daily reminder:
LadyTrayce is love
LadyTrayce is life

>> No.6376482

Who is your favorite food reviewer /ck/?

Post 'em


>> No.6376483

Ken "receipt savin, tax evadin, audit free since '93" Domik is a criminal mastermind robbing the taxpayers of Canada. His "career" is eating fast food in his car. This allows him to write off everything he eats on his taxes. As well as all of his gas, plane tickets, hotel stays when he goes on a "food tour". He also has to stay in shape so he can also write off expensive bicycles and equipment as a business expense. On top of all of that he begs his fans to send him even more money so that he can "donate" it to his local food bank, he then writes off their donation money on his taxes as a charitable donation. #AuditKenDomik

>> No.6376528

>it's not like there's bacon in this so it will taste super good
oh, joey.

>> No.6376924
File: 132 KB, 750x830, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit! Why does Daym always get all of the attention? How do we get Joey on Giada's show? Joey would really WOOO her. She's single now so Joey could move in on that.

>> No.6376935

He's fat.

>> No.6376939

Because Daym is more charasmatic than joey.
Just be glad it's Daym getting all the attention and not Ken.

>> No.6376947

Daym truly is the lesser evil. Thank god it's not Ken. I feel a little better now. Thank you anon

>> No.6377324

How did he even get popular?

Same question with Ken, both of these fuckers are old and fat and review greasy food, how did their popularity even happen?

At least a super popular Joey would make sense (if he was super popular), because at least he's fucking crazy and used to routinely nearly kill himself with food challenges and such.

>> No.6377335

Sem-decent production with attempts at humour I guess. The masses love that shit.

>> No.6377382
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, you could've saved him.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, Ken and Daym wouldn't be out of place at some government desk job type position (maybe Ken would steal some staplers but nothing insane).

Every aspect of Joey is fascinating, and he deserves superstardom and his own TV show and a Giada gf.
If Joey doesn't turn out to be one of those people who gets ridiculed in their own time and worshipped after they die then no one deserves to.

>> No.6377709
File: 22 KB, 612x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to Daym, he is to the youtube community what the movie Friday was to the film industry. "Look at this silly black man he so crazy listen to that funny urban black people vocabulary " kind of the same reasoning behind Kevin Hart's success as a comedian. No real talent but a market for that type of persona. Ken.... Well I have no fucking clue why people watch his videos...perhaps some morbid curiosity of seeing a midlife crisis on film? He eats a bunch of shitty food in his car while taking selfies and trying his best to use memes. Joey is pure. He sometimes gets fooled by others trying to keep him down and releases a crap video (see the Hershey bar video) but he seems to bounce back and release some really good ones. You never know with Joey. It's what makes his channel so unique, Daym and Ken's videos are the same every time. Joey also has way better catchphrases. Ken is the absolute worst with his "just for you and just for you" and that retarded ass "scratch it, sniff it...the rest is mine" bullshit. Anyway I'm rambling. Why am I rambling? Joey is love, Joey is life. WOOWOOOWOOOWOOO!

>> No.6377764

I watched five seconds of Joey just to see what the fuss is all about. as soon as he opened up with this shrill "JOEY'S SUPA COOL FOOD REVIEWS." I immediately closed the tab, shut down my browser, turned off my computer, threw it down the stairs, and burnt my house down.

I don't know how you guys deal with this shit.

>> No.6377768

autism begets autism

>> No.6377778


Thanks for reminding me to add my Joey filter back on though, OP. Hate when my filter list gets deleted.

>> No.6377793

Aren't autists supposed to be super literal and incapable of understanding sarcasm or hyperbole? Or did you seriously think I burnt my house down because I saw a bad youtube video?

>> No.6377851
File: 1.32 MB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 11.45.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like our hero got himself a website

>> No.6377863


hah, you can buy gift cards for him.

>> No.6377878
File: 455 KB, 459x680, 1416091224941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think those are just so he can get dat referral money

I'd still rather Joey get money voluntarily from his susscribers than live on welfare like Ken

>> No.6377993

This just made me wonder if Ken actually gets welfare checks on top of his youtube click, tax write-off money. I'm no lawyer but couldn't he say he's technically unemployed? I doubt there is a spot on tax documents that list youtube attention whore as a job. Could he be even a shittier human than we thought? He needs to be audited.

>> No.6378062

this is why your threads were getting deleted.

cut the shit.

>> No.6378067

sick brahs a joey thread

>> No.6378068

Ugliest fucking vids.

>> No.6378086

fucking e celeb threads need to die

seriously, fuck off

>> No.6379911

Joey has like 5000 susscribers

>> No.6380020

>a celebrity
top kek

>> No.6380053

somebody needs to teach joey how to make a website. and teach him how to properly edit videos while they're at it.

>> No.6380107

it is cancer incarnate

fuck off with your youtube attention whores, same to autistic review faggot fans too.

>> No.6380120

>autistic review faggot
I assume you mean reviewbrah?
You can talk shit about joey all you want but don't be dissin based reviewbrah.

>> No.6380126


that garbage spam doesn't belong here

>> No.6380146

It's finally good to see /ck/ standing up to this cancer.

>> No.6380152

you guys like to claim these threads are spam but don't say anything about the bazillion fast food threads that get posted daily.

>> No.6380189

There is a difference between discussing food and circlejerking/gossiping about camwhore retards.

>> No.6380211
File: 771 KB, 738x804, joey loves his mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads about a chef are SPAM on a cooking board

All you have to do is quote these people to see how ridiculous they're being. How hateful does one have to be to see /joey/ as spam, and the only spam on /ck/. Asking these threads to be moved to /b/ is ridiculous come on.

>> No.6380232

Which recipe includes chefs as an ingredient? This board is for discussing the contents of food and cooking, not people.

>> No.6380247

Without chefs food doesn't get made

You should probably go to /sp/ and get the mods to do something about the athlete discussion before you lend your talents to /ck/

>> No.6380249

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
>hurr durr gauiz haz joey lost it??? xDDD
>le funny meme photoshop filter picture of joey.png
>I wonder what car he has!
>Look at his nails guys!!!! I COULD FAP TO THEM!
>I LOVE HIS FACE AT 2:41!!!!!!!!!!!111111eleven WOW WOAH!!!!

It's disturbing how manchildren are deluded enough to think that their mindless autistic circlejerk on the level of Justin Bieber administration belongs on this board. Why is this and will it ever change?

>> No.6380264

What makes you think that shitposting on other boards justifies more shitposting on this one? Are the actual intended contents of this board too hard for you to discuss? Or why else would you need to spam us with pseudo-religious worship of authorities?

>> No.6380439


Joey is love,
Joey is life.

>> No.6380485

i don't understand it either. the guy is just a gross-looking, unkempt, fat man with poor personal grooming habits

>> No.6380510

You realize there is no way this thread would work on /b/. They would eat joey alive.

>> No.6380540


His food reviews are informative and let me know about the kinds of fast food that are available in my area. His cooking videos provide instructions for making meals that I wasn't aware of before.

>> No.6380576

Too bad nobody talks about either of those and these threads instead revolve around shitposting about him.

>> No.6380591

both his food reviews and his cooking shows are dumb as shit

you'd have to be a real idiot to find this man appealing on any level

>> No.6380630 [DELETED] 


Let's start reporting this faggot and get his ass audited

>> No.6380637


Damn, Joey is smart enough to do (see: pay extra for) a private domain name registration. Would've had a surprise WOO WOO WOO party v& at his house if he hadn't.

>> No.6380665

pls no personal raids

>> No.6381023

if you look at like 5:40 theres a salt packet in there

get it together joey stop cheating :-(

>> No.6381038

Ken is a literal faggot. What kind of douche doesn't like pickles. He even thinks cucumbers are gross (what the actual fuck)

i would kill him if I could

>> No.6381042


>> No.6381069

Burger King fucking sucks. Decent review though. Our boy Joe just announced another challenge! WOOWOOWOO!

>> No.6381071

>go for your dreams everyone! just look at me!
>just kidding

>> No.6381079

Why has Teddy Long and the boys down at the shelter forsaken Joey? I miss Teddy...

>> No.6381092

spam challenge! eat two things of spam with no hands!

>> No.6381116 [DELETED] 


you post in every one of his awful videos you fat fucking bitch

kill yourself

>> No.6381121
File: 219 KB, 468x459, woowoowoowoowoowoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm neutral on this one

The burritozilla challenge could be goat
but he said they gave him the Yumbo
He should've blamed Mexicans and given it a zero and angrily announced the burritozilla challenge.


>> No.6381127

so who here is gonna go to BK and try that tomorrow?
I will be.

>> No.6381130

I like BK and always loved their chicken items. This looks delicious. And thanks to joey I know it exists.

Honestly, I learn about these new items from Joey and people like him because I never go out to eat, not even fast food. I'm also completely broke.

>> No.6381133

whats that one video where he gets a bk burger and calls it a princess burger?

>> No.6381139



>> No.6381146


but how did someone get all this info or is this just a troll?

>> No.6381154

Even Quinky Sauce was a better forced meme.

>> No.6381212

>#TEAMDAYM back at the beginning of the video
I thought he had dropped those clowns.

>> No.6381254

dont these threads get banned because you fags keep raiding him to tell him to do stupid shit like eat cheese with his face?

>> No.6381446

has joey lost it?

>> No.6381694 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6381765
File: 37 KB, 969x335, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, these comments made me lose it.

>> No.6381849

Ken Domik and Stefan Molyneux are the same person

>> No.6381990

[citation needed]

>> No.6382392 [DELETED] 

I lol'd hard.

>> No.6382398

They're both bald Canadians with goatees who hate taxes.

>> No.6382427


I'm going to send some $50 bills to ken covered with my shit so he'll be forced to write off my shitty money as income, that smug fuck.

>> No.6382445

>250 replies
>90 ips

chatroom shit. This is just part of the reason nobody likes you fucking mooks.

>> No.6382465

Good call.
Everybody go to #/ck/ on rizon.net

>> No.6382592
File: 69 KB, 482x857, IMG_20150403_144121400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright gang! Time for a review!
Today I'll be reviewing.... uhhh....
*looks at reciept*
The new... bacon.... cheddar.... chicken thingy from BK.

>> No.6382597
File: 66 KB, 482x857, IMG_20150403_144128677[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all that cheddar cheese! And the BACON! WOOO!!!! This thing looks great gang!

>> No.6382621
File: 72 KB, 482x857, IMG_20150403_144158719[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lets give it a shot!
mmmm the goodness of the chicken, the yummy bacon, the cheddar cheese, the BRIOCHE bun!
Joey was right! This is OFF THE HOOOK!

>> No.6382889 [DELETED] 

very informative

>> No.6382925
File: 1.05 MB, 320x261, 1426786295719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6382978 [DELETED] 

Come to (10 - 1)chan, abandon the Joey hate. >>

>> No.6382989 [DELETED] 

Come to (10—2)chan. Mods don't shit on threads there.

>> No.6383324 [DELETED] 

/ck/ has great mods

>> No.6383586


>> No.6383632

Do we have a Joey Player in our 4CC team already? I demand answers manager.

>> No.6383646

Joey doesn't like pickles either

>> No.6383650

No. No they wouldn't.

>> No.6383653

Go back to your "I'm 15 and never drank" threads then faggot. Go have an intellectual debate about Heineken with your other fedora brothers.

>> No.6383659

Why exactly is it called Joeys world tour? I highly doubt he would ever leave the states, or even his car.

>> No.6383677

>>>6382592 #
>>>6382597 #
>>>6382621 #

Fuckin ace bro. I kekked until my fat belly hurt

>> No.6383681


>4chan user
>Daring to post in same thread 2.65x
>Death is the only justice

Pull the stick out of your ass grampy. Stop telling everyone "how things need to be round here hArumph harumph"

Go suck a food related dick

>> No.6383718

Slow progress. Mostly doing behind the scenes stuff, logging audio and annoying the shit out of my neighbor by playing the recorder.


>> No.6383721

The hating cucumbers is what does it for me. I know for a fact that Joey eats cucumber in many of his vids.

>> No.6383866

Good stuff keep it up.

>> No.6383883


Thanks, getting it done for you guys in a reasonable amount of time keeps me going. I showed the almost-done animatic to my teacher (I can upload that if anyone is interested, but it is really rough) and he said he doesn't expect me to get it done by May since it will be like 4 minutes, but I MUST GET IT DONE FOR THE BROEYS! I also finished the short song part at the beginning, though I didn't upload it since two shorter versions are already uploaded. I'm thinking about sending it to Joey and telling him he can use it as an intro for one of his vids.

>> No.6384065


It looks really cool so far and I think it's great that you're taking the time to make something like this

>> No.6384077
File: 63 KB, 240x200, 1427939262162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one creepy and disturbed bitch but I think I love you.

>> No.6384085
File: 237 KB, 372x442, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

penelope let's go get some hummus

>> No.6384090

Where the hell does he get this stuff?
Who the fuck is penelope?

>> No.6384091


Thanks. I uploaded the finished Joey song and sent it to Joey, but told him to not feel compelled to since it is weird and I don't know if Joey wants to go that weird on his channel. I really hope he does though, cause I would shit myself thinking of all the Daym-esque plebs watching that atrocity. Here it is:


>> No.6384093


compelled to use it in an into, I mean

>> No.6384162

Please upload whatever you have no matter how rough it is.

>> No.6384222


I do find them informative and the man is honest and earnest when in front of the camera. I find that appealing. I am not an idiot.

>> No.6384238


Ok, the animatic is uploading now. Even that is not finished, though. It is missing 3 scenes:
1. Joey and the "boy" feeding each other fries in Rio. Joey chokes on a fry and dies.
2. The boy attends Joey's funeral. He takes one look at his mean parents, and decides to jump into the grave with Joey's corpse. Joey will not be in a coffin. It will just be a body in a 6 foot hole, with people shoveling dirt on it. They continue to shovel in dirt even after the boy jumps in.
3. Joey and the boy are in heaven, where they go to the Home Depot Snack Shack.

>> No.6384271

That's not possible, Joey is immortal. Did you really kill off Joey in the animation? If so I lost some respect for you. Go back to the drawing board and at least make an extra scene where Joey rises from the grave Jesus style and continues his world tour.

>> No.6384281


Why keep Joey alive, forced to live eternally without the heavenly Snack Shack? Immortality is great, but not merciful. He will especially suffer in 200 years when all of the fast food places serve government-regulated soylent burgers, with the calories marked on every menu.

>> No.6384291

and pounds

>> No.6384312


At least make his car a chevy trailblazer

>> No.6384337


Hah, I didn't know the model of his car. I did get the color of it from a screengrab, though. Not only am I horrible with cars, but I am equally bad at drawing them. I had to trace van-ish looking cars that I found from Google that were at the angles I needed. On the back angle of his car, I gave him a JOEY California license plate.

>> No.6384342

Here is the animatic. Again, it is very rough and unfinished.


>> No.6384368

>that I'm byaaccckkkkk

Good shit Broe

>> No.6384392
File: 10 KB, 211x246, 1360212213506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha holy fuck.
just the fact that you put the time and effort into making that amazes me.

>> No.6384674

>says contain you autism
>let's is flop out there

>Nice threoy fuck face

>> No.6384836

I had to close it out, I got a little to creeped out.


>> No.6385032

Lost it at the flute

>> No.6385033

LE red pill amirite

>> No.6385036


>> No.6385118


You fucking legend


>> No.6385121

>A single "losers that make food reviews for youtube" thread is fine.
fixed. theyre all the same and I dont need to see half of /ck/ shitted up with awful self promoting cunts. WE NEED A FOOD REVIEW GENERAL to contain it

its a metathread you dingus

>> No.6385137

>30 threads of Hey /ck/ what do you think of my pizza

The true cancer that is killing ck

>> No.6385209

Fine dining is a bit of a stretch for a caterer.

>> No.6385216

Best threads IMO.

>> No.6385304

New update on the animation gyang!

>> No.6385321

Recorder gave a nice touch.
Not sure how the goth shit will fly with Joey.

>> No.6385360

She already posted the link about 13 posts up you idiot.

>> No.6385446

Just curious how/why you decided to sing in a voice that sounds like you have laryngitis? I mean it's hilarious but it just seems so random. I love the off-key recorder at the end. It really makes it seem like you have pickled baby feet in a mason jar in your fridge.

>> No.6385514

>is her actual best singing voice
But offensive arnt u m8 le Mr simon cowbell arnt u

>> No.6385522

What tune are you singing in? Sounds like some gothika medieval songstress at a banquet whilst the men go out to battle montage shit

>> No.6385534

>u wot m8

It's obviously a forced voice (close to falsetto but evven raspier) she is using to make the character creepier. She even broke it for a split second and her actual head voice came through.

>> No.6385556

Bullshit! everyone knows Joey threads are the best. /joey/ has the deepest lore.

>> No.6385605


I don't know if /joey/ will ever approach Chris Chan for sheer depth of content, but I think we can begin writing chapters for Joey's eventual bio:

- The Early Years
- The Nutella Saga
- The Ken/LadyTrace Saga
- Rebirth: The Nacho Cheese Challenge


>> No.6385620

Ken made Joey delete all of the comments. He's obviously scared that his tax scam is getting exposed. #AuditKenDomik

>> No.6385636



>> No.6385783
File: 474 KB, 500x500, 1413507736901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long live the Hoey

>> No.6385797

why did you remove the cute videos of you playing guitar ;_;

>> No.6385806

>The Inevitable Death Saga

>> No.6385811


I'm actually not sure what key it is. I based it off of a tune that some random broey came up with - he made up the tune for the "Joey, Joey" part. I also have a low voice so it is hard for me to sing that high, and I smoke a lot of cigarettes.

>> No.6385812

I scrolled down and saw they were gone too why you do this femabroey

>> No.6385841


They made me cringe since they were played so mediocrely.

>> No.6385845

Can I see yo ass girl

>> No.6385849

How does it feel to be the bronies of /ck/?

>HAHA reviewBRAH! BROey!
>being so pathetic that you follow these sad sacks of shit, so you can live vicariously through them your attention whore tendencies to draw away from your own insignificance


>> No.6385866
File: 2 KB, 64x64, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel being a redditor?
>LE le le le le le le
>narwhal bacon
>/r/foodporn Rox my sox lol xD
>ridged chips

>> No.6385872


How does it feel to be a crybabby on /ck/?

>abloo hoo hoo people are liking something I don't like abloo hoo
>being so pathetic that you follow these sad sacks of shit, so you can cry about them with your attention whore tendencies to draw away from your own insignificance


>> No.6386048

I really really like this picture.

>> No.6386053

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6386252
File: 72 KB, 646x817, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get this fucking song out my head

>> No.6386272


It's a tour of food.

>> No.6386448


Tired copypasta is tired.

>> No.6386571

Has this been autosaged/

>> No.6386632

It hit bump limit