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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 280x224, Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6372726 No.6372726 [Reply] [Original]

Kitchen gadgets thread, "who the fuck buys that" edition

pic related its my breakfast sandwich maker (mine's in red)

>> No.6373266

it fucking sucks

you can't put the top muffin half in until the egg is cooked or you ooze out the entire egg.

the bottom half is over toasted, and on the wrong side.

the entire thing is retarded and i hate whoever it was that gave it to me

>> No.6373295
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>> No.6373296
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>> No.6373304
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>> No.6373315
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>> No.6373325
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>> No.6373331
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>> No.6373334
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>> No.6373336
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fucking x-mas gift exchanges

i'm usually fairly creative with kitchen unitaskers but i have not used these damn things in the years that i have had them

>> No.6373339


i would use this

>> No.6373350


What's wrong with your knife?

>> No.6373351

this one hurts on a personal level eating wings is SUPPOSED to be a messy experience

>> No.6373353


why is that corn getting circumcised?

>> No.6373356

My wife:
>get me that, imma make taco salads all the time
used once

>> No.6373360


It's if you want to use the kernels in a dish but not the cob itself.

I'm curious as to why anyone thinks they need that in order to make a taco salad.

>> No.6373431

Fuck this world

>> No.6373437

Fuck you

>> No.6373446

Underwear inspector detected

>> No.6373494
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>> No.6373504
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>> No.6373506
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>> No.6373509
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>> No.6373515
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Anyone actually own these things you're posting? My flatmate has one of these- I thought it was retarded at first (and it is) but it does at least boil a good egg.

>> No.6373516

I own the dipr. Its only drawback is that it only works with Oreo cookies.

>> No.6373520

My mom has one of those. It works perfectly fine, it's just unnecessary.

>> No.6373521

I have, honest to god, never boiled an egg without one of those machines. I just fry them instead

>> No.6373548

Jesus christ:


So it's a burger that contains multiple Americas? What?

>> No.6373555

You're retarded, maybe you want to be gross, but I'd rather eat my wings with little dinosaur claws than get all sticky. Not that I'll bother to buy the damn things but still.

>> No.6373558


Anyone wearing that needs a good punch in the throat.

>> No.6373562

Anyone who'd punch someone else in the throat over trivial things deserves to be punched in the throat. Yes, that'd result in an infinite circle of throat punching, whatever.

>> No.6373563

If you can't handle multiple Americas then you get get the hell out.

>> No.6373574


As long as people are getting punched in the throat (especially the finger plate person) that's all that matters.

>> No.6373627
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>> No.6373654

This makes me happy!

>> No.6373680

>eating wyngz at all
literally the shittiest of barbecue foods.

>> No.6373685

>at a bbq
You are doing life wrong bud

>> No.6373686


>> No.6373702
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting useful gadgets now

>juice 12 limes in under a minute
>its margarita time

>> No.6373707
File: 16 KB, 500x258, peeler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exhibit 2: the peeler

extremely useful during pie season
>make spiral apple
>chop into 14/s or 1/8s
>perfectly sized apple slices
>no fuss

>> No.6373718

where the absolute fuck do i find this

>> No.6373719

Yeah these things are handy as shit if you're making apple pies on a regular basis. Dunno if I'd buy one for myself, but I'd put it on a wedding registry.

>> No.6373723
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>> No.6373745
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>> No.6373752
File: 209 KB, 1200x1015, Egg-willie-mold-penis-shaped-fryer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373754



>> No.6373756

My wife took one to work because theydon't have a stove in the kitchen. Everybody in her office uses it. It can be useful in the right situation.

>> No.6373758

I'd use that

>> No.6373760
File: 39 KB, 640x479, pie8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pie Bird

>> No.6373761


>> No.6373765


pls use on my cock

>> No.6373774
File: 55 KB, 960x960, hueheuehueheueh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw seeing some sort of absolute madman whose entire kitchen has these items, and none of the regular

>> No.6373782
File: 34 KB, 600x400, reel-roasters-diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373784
File: 13 KB, 300x225, Bananabunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373786
File: 17 KB, 522x321, garlic press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373789

what do you mean "and on the wrong side"?,

like it toasts the bottom and not the middle?

>> No.6373792
File: 155 KB, 1280x857, 717303-Paring-knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373795

Good for massive batches of apple sauce. Its what I use mine for, its handy as fuck

>> No.6373796


why? that's like cutting the meat off BBQ ribs!

whole point of corn on the cob is the COB damn it! You can just eat canned corn then if you want them seperate

>> No.6373798


Look at the picture bro. the heating element is above the muffin; thus it is heating the exterior of the muffin instead of the cut surface.

>> No.6373810


they're not supposed to be messy.... it's just the way things evolved. The fact that there's barely any meat, lots of bone, and usually sticky sauce is what makes it happen. It wasn't "designed" like that.

>> No.6373814


>> No.6373816

Wtf? Who would actually buy those!

>> No.6373828
File: 17 KB, 239x251, 1396476584012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i would buy those

>> No.6373834
File: 104 KB, 517x241, Guy-knives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you thought a regular santoku was bad, you haven't seen anything yet...

>> No.6373841
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>> No.6373860
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>> No.6373867

Fuck this fucking thing

My eggs came out tasting like burned plastic, but surprisingly neat and spill-free

Back to the WalMart it went!

>> No.6373869


I don't get this one. so that he doesn't bite and lick himself, like a pet cone?

>> No.6373873

Do they come in chestburster version?

>> No.6373876

don't kid yourself, those are dildoes

>someone finds your dildo
>"i-it's a banana holder!"

>> No.6373877

>paring knife with grantons
what the FUCK am I seeing.

>> No.6373878
File: 760 KB, 853x506, 1426994438235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AB would be mad

>> No.6373880

What, you never take your watermelons out for a stroll?

>he never takes his watermelons out for a stroll

>> No.6373881

Makes them more aerodynamic.

>> No.6373882

I never knew I'd write this, but I hope that's a fucking tumor.

>> No.6373884
File: 19 KB, 450x312, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373890
File: 1023 KB, 265x260, Gator guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I saw a stupid fucking relative post 'i need this'
Fatass bitch, she doesn't even cook.

>> No.6373891

Such obama

>> No.6373893

Nigga I used homemade tortillas to hold my wings. Keeps my hands relatively clean, and then I get to eat pieces of tortilla with good ass sauce all over em, shit is legit!

>> No.6373898

Hahahahaha wtf, do fags actually buy this shit? One giant fag trying to sell some faggy shit to stupid consumer fags...wtf mayne

>> No.6373903
File: 186 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373904

ur a gay

>> No.6373913


>> No.6373918
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>> No.6373922

ITT: sex toys

>> No.6373927

probably for people with motor issues or arthritis or something

>> No.6373938

If you need an aerodynamic paring knife your life has gone awry in ways I can't even imagine.

>> No.6373940

>Turn the bottom half over

>> No.6373944

ok what do I do about the burned-plastic taste that the eggs undertake?

>> No.6373945

How do you autists have room in your kitchen for all of these meme food makers?

>> No.6373948

omg i have this. i'm just a germa phobe who doesn't want salmonella!

>> No.6373951
File: 15 KB, 400x368, USBfondue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373956

What does it do?

>> No.6373959

Boy do I have news for you.

>> No.6373964


You probably don't have to do anything about it. It was likely a release agent from molding the parts of the machine or other manufacturing residue. Just wash it off with soap and water.

>> No.6373965

I'd love to see you take those things in public. If you happen to drop on one out of your fanny pack, you're screwed

>> No.6373974


what makes you think that has anything to do with salmonella risk at all?

A) salmonella is everywhere. Literally. It's all over your skin, everything you own, etc. It's not going to hurt you to touch an egg with your hands because salmonella is already there.

B) salmonella can penetrate the shells of eggs, so cracking them cleanly has no effect on the risk.

C) you're cooking the eggs, right? Who cares if there is salmonella on them, it's going to die when the egg hits the pan.

>> No.6373976

I did

I washed it several times and my eggs still had an off plasticky smell

It's too late now, I said fuck this shit and took it back to WalMart

>> No.6373985

My mom has that, we are Mexican.
It brings shame to my ancestors.

>> No.6373989

Kim Il Sung the 3rd practices eating.

>> No.6373998
File: 505 KB, 500x216, dont_get_technical_with_me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i touch the egg shell with salmonella on it, in the process of touching other things in my kitchen i may some how get infected. I didn't say it was rational i'm a germaphobe.

>> No.6374002

It's so her hair doesn't get inside the soup.

>> No.6374011

Hint: We are rolling to FLAVORTOWN now. Shut the front door.Serious, saw these in a rite aid on the "as seen on tv shelf".

>> No.6374012


but you already have salmonella on your hands even without touching the egg. it is LITERALLY everywhere. an egg is practically sterile compared to things you touch each and every day.

>>I didn't say it was rational i'm a germaphobe.

eh, fair enough

>> No.6374019
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>> No.6374056
File: 30 KB, 500x364, 1403647069137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just filling your mouth full of cookies,sipping just enough milk so you dont choke. Then letting all that goodness melt down until it gleefully slides down your throat. Only to relive the experince in just a few moments
>using spoon/fingers
Fucking neo /ck/

>> No.6374074
File: 246 KB, 1320x1616, 86174_fpx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these sandwich grills for free as part of some dumb work promotion. I already have a george foreman, is this worth keeping for sandwiches? I think they're only like 15 or 20 bucks so probably not even worth it to sell.

>> No.6374078

Does she have a tit on her forehead

>> No.6374082

Totally unnecessary but I kind of like it. I love those styrofoam cones and it looks so gloriously uniform.

>> No.6374086

Does this actually work? Because I hate the smell of sterno and cheese + neon lights would be really awesome while high.

>> No.6374096


I don't even....what is...I mean why....or how.....but mostly why.

So it's just like a rocking chair you put some milk or OJ on and it makes it easier to pour? Wat?

>> No.6374102
File: 64 KB, 726x408, a childs fishing pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like one of these

>> No.6374104
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 41DHOEixsiL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.6374105

looks like a sex toy

>> No.6374115

diabetics, my mother used to use all sorts of fruit saver shit like this

>> No.6374119
File: 1.30 MB, 350x197, cant tell if dumb or dumber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alton does not approve of this thread.

>> No.6374127

Holy shit he looks old in this gif

Don't die on us Alton

>> No.6374131

It's even worse. The only heating element is in the base. That top piece is just that, a top.

>> No.6374133

Is fat-head retarded?
For that matter are they both retarded?

>> No.6374136

I could sort of see that for people with poor motor control. Like if you're grandma and you want to be able to pour your own juice.

>> No.6374143


>> No.6374148

>hurr durr how do I canning

>> No.6374152

Watermelons are ~$50 in Japan and the traditional thing to do with them is take them to the beach.

>> No.6374156

Can I upload my melted cheese?

>> No.6374170

I have the cucumber version of that. It's fucking useless.

>> No.6374182

You must be joking. Large watermelon is only $3 in the United States.

>> No.6374188

>You must be joking.
Nope, not at all. It's a huge treat over in Japan.

>> No.6374205

That's crazy insane. How can people afford stuff like that?

>> No.6374206

We actually have these in Germany, albeit a bit more sophisticated. It's called a bembel. We use them for pouring apfel wein.

>> No.6374208

Like I said, it's a treat. Most families only get it once or twice during the summer and then mostly on holidays.

>> No.6374213

Damn crazy japs.

>> No.6374219


>> No.6374220

Those are great, especially when you get home hungry and drunk in the middle of the night. I miss mine.

>> No.6374320

>only one of them is a fat head
let me guess, you live down south

>> No.6374322

Lol, this must be a joke

>> No.6374329

Why not just say apple wine you're already using English

>> No.6374337 [DELETED] 

>tripfag with shitty opinions
epic meme!

>> No.6374341

im surprised she doesnt just heat them on the burner

>> No.6374347

>doesn't see the giant tumor thing on the blonde bitch's forehead
You are coming across like someone who was just looking for a reason to insult "the south"

>> No.6374354

Some of these are objectively more useful as reaction images than as things that exist in real life

>> No.6374363

its a woman, racist

>> No.6374371
File: 33 KB, 432x333, 6181.zoom.a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it cooks bacon the microwave

>> No.6374372


>> No.6374374


I have a little porceline thing that cooks bacon in the microwave quite well

>> No.6374376

>Cheese gets ad-ware

>> No.6374380
File: 88 KB, 699x1024, PouringStand3_zps2f749bf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houses in Mexico have bigger versions of those those; at least they did when I was growing up there in the early/mid 90s. Since you can't drink tap water, there was a water delivery guy, and he would bring by these enormous 20-gallon glass jugs full of drinking water.

Apparently that's still how Mexicans get water, since this image was hosted on a Mexican message board recently.

>> No.6374386

>the traditional thing to do with them is take them to the beach
On holiday, in a fucking stroller?

>> No.6374400

That must be impossible to clean easily.

>> No.6374402

One is more fat than the other, yeah, but calling one of them a fat head? Silly. Way to confirm your redneck imbred origins m8

>> No.6374418
File: 123 KB, 500x423, weird-odd-strange-kitchen-gadgets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6374419


cooks hot dogs in the middle.
heats the buns via warm spikes on the sides.

this must be a european toy; I have only ever seen hot dogs made in that fashion there.

>> No.6374431
File: 39 KB, 468x346, article-1089904-029A9B70000005DC-154_468x346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6374453

My hands felt fucking sticky just looking at this pic due to it causing Vietnam flashbacks of peeling endless numbers of apples as a kid.

>> No.6374455


Some people are just too retarded to understand the laws of physics.

They tip the big jug over like they're just pushing it over then suddenly wonder why they have no control when it flips horizontal and juice flies everywhere.

>> No.6374464


Wtf is this?

For making salad dressings or something?

>> No.6374465


it's to prevent splashback/noodle flick

ya dingi

>> No.6374466


Asians eat ramen by shovelling it into their face and broth splashes everywhere.

They make loud slurping noises as they go.

>> No.6374469

Where do you buy these? I feel like a pig every time I eat and my hands get dirty.

>> No.6374472

>this must be a european toy; I have only ever seen hot dogs made in that fashion there.

I've never seen a European eat a hotdog, let alone feel the need to a buy a kitchen gadget gimmick whose sole purpose is hotdog related.

That product reeks of America.

>> No.6374480


why not just shut the fuck up you're already contributing nothing of value

>> No.6374507 [DELETED] 

This is awesome tho!

>> No.6374512

1. It's polite.
2. It gets the full umami flavour profile of the ramen.


>> No.6374525
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>> No.6374532

probably just put it in the dishwasher

>> No.6374534

I forgot those existed after being in a dorm room for so long.

>> No.6374614

that's actually one of the most useful kitchen gadgets ever made. without it, you either lose too much water from the filling, or get a deformed top crust from the steam buildup. My gramma gave me her heirloom set of pie birds and I use them every Thanksgiving. My pies are always perfect. What do you do, put a lattice on your pies like a pleb? Die in a fire, co/ck/mongler.

I'm a girl, btw

>> No.6374619
File: 11 KB, 240x226, pinzon-mandoline-slicer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374622


>> No.6374634
File: 14 KB, 300x203, Baby_Shower_Cap_CubeMe1-300x203[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't actually for that, it's a joke. Those are used for pic related. to keep water out of the eyes when washing your hair.

>> No.6374645

>It brings shame to my ancestors.
You mean the Spaniards?

>> No.6374654

what fucking nancy asshole would use this? wings are SUPPOSED to be messy its part of the fun!!!!

>> No.6374684
File: 17 KB, 243x262, 1361139555157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sticky hands are fun for people with OCD

>> No.6374837

it's a bit undercooked, Chao Ming

>> No.6374849


OMG I have the exact same machine and it is cursed.

> got it free from qpgf's parents. It was closed so I thought it was some sort of george foreman thing or a panini press and i mentioned that before opening it. Her whole family laughed about the fact that I didn't know it was a fucking sandwich maker on sight.

I felt like a fag, but I still think it's one of the most superfluous tools every invented.

> two months later, I wanted to surprise my gf
>decide to make her a sandwich reminiscent of
>her youth, use this fucking contraption.
> I eat the 'test' sandwich before she comes home

>> No.6374867

I actually went to Baja California to do some charity work over there.

I actually got to see a water delivery guy, but he didn't deliver the jugs themselves. Every household would have one right outside, and he would just pour water in them through a large hose.

>> No.6374891
File: 97 KB, 1226x1500, wateru melun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374942

wtf these are awesome, best 8 bucks ever spent

>> No.6374944
File: 247 KB, 578x334, awwwwyeaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one of these bad boys when I started law school. Still fucking works.

>> No.6374990

Consider it like a manually operated ball mill.
A different take on the mortar and pestle concept, if you will.
Don't own one, but I figure it's good for crushing small amount of spices.

>> No.6375000

No fucking way

>> No.6375007

These are at the Dollar Tree, not even a minute down my street. Been considering getting one or two, actually.

>> No.6375027

Jesus Christ who mummified Alton Brown? I thought this was some sort of cgi at first...he's so gaunt...

>> No.6375103

You could just use a waterbottle

>> No.6375113

practical for arthritis and cerebral palsy.

>> No.6375136

What the actual fuck is this? I'm on their YouTube page now... Are they both retarded?

I found Tammy's facebook and apparently attended high school from 2010-2004....and that's not a typo by me.

Also, it say's she currently unemployed. Past:

Again, not a typo by me...

>> No.6375310


I have these. all i have to say is...eh

>> No.6375313

got one, awesome!

>> No.6375319

What the fuck? How many liters is that bottle of orange juice? holy shit

>> No.6375343

1 gallon
3.78 liters

>> No.6375356

My baby nephew.

>> No.6375364

That would be great for a small office.

>> No.6375382

>On holiday, in a fucking stroller?
Would rather carry it in your arms for the two and a half hours you spend getting to the beach by taking public transportation and walking?

>> No.6375416

I assume this works like a pushpop, how do you get the ice cream into the scoop?? is it a scoop or just a mold??

>> No.6375417
File: 79 KB, 620x794, starck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6375419

makes sense there since the jug is so fucking heavy but not for a gallon of juice

>> No.6375427

At least it looks cool.

>> No.6375429

>dog dicer

sounds like an Asian restaurant

>> No.6375432
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>> No.6375434
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>> No.6375441

Too nice to slice.

>> No.6375446


That baby looks like he's contemplating the meaning of life.

>> No.6375448
File: 33 KB, 571x562, oo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would buy this

>> No.6375453


Try prepping a decent dauphinoise, melanzane parmigiana, or even fries without one, you filthy casual.

>> No.6375471


dude, i bought some bananas recently that were like 25-30cm long, one was basically a meal

>> No.6375474

>Wtf is this?
>For making salad dressings or something?

yeah it is, i have one got it as a gift. its a piece of shit, made out of plastic. think about all the plastic that would leech into your dressing evverytime you are adding acids etc

>> No.6375493

i have found new hope..

>> No.6375516

Apparently the darker one is on disability because she's legally blind, not because she's morbidly obese. Forehead recently had a gastric bypass surgery or something. I honestly have no idea how they thought a vlog would be a good idea, but the youtube comments are fucking hilarious, as well as the fact that their amazon wishlist is part of their channel description.

>> No.6375541
File: 19 KB, 384x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these for xmas. Altho the sentiment was sweet, how often do you make crepes? Seriously? Used it a grand total of 1 time

>> No.6375582


Does it get hot enough to use an electric frying pan?

Can you make omelettes / fry onion on the side for burgers etc?

>> No.6375621

Yeah but then again considering all the cleaning and wiping i have to do I might as well just use a regular pan and a hot stove anyway. Not to mention juices will go everywhere

>> No.6375639

Maybe if you're 8 years old

>> No.6375645

I could see this being useful for old people

>> No.6375650

my mom had one of these and I had no fucking idea wtf it was used for
I would just put little blocks of cheese in it and watch it come out the holes, then eat the cheese

>> No.6375653 [DELETED] 


>> No.6375663

Is this a single serve ice cream maker?

>> No.6375670

it's a scoop

>> No.6375671

A couple years back he changes hid diet and lets like 20 pounds or something
He's also old

>> No.6375673

That cat is not amused

>> No.6375675
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Are you me, cheese cubes were the perfect size to put in these

>> No.6375680


for sure that's gotta end up in some B sci-fi movie as a prop.

>> No.6375693

>>i'm a girl btw

>> No.6375695

I have this. I don't understand how these idiots couldn't produce a decent sandwich with it.
Yeah it breaks the egg yolk, but nothing is perfect.

English muffins are too expensive, which is my main objection to using it. Other than that it works fine, but 5 minutes is far too long, I cook my sandwiches for 3.

Eh. If you've gotta mince like 12 cloves of garlic this thing is awesome, but past that I don't use mine anymore.

>anything made my fiskars

Saw one of these at a thrift store, didn't know what it was so I didn't buy it.

>> No.6375728

>a combined household duster and cocktail-shaker, for the housewife who wants to reward herself as she is going along;
We al/ck/ now.

>> No.6375831

What's the deal with Amerifats dipping biscuits in milk and not tea. I don't get it.

>> No.6375868


I own this

>> No.6375885

>Hot Dogs

You what

>> No.6375887

You're an idiot if you think this is useless.

>> No.6375899

I would pay up to £5 for one of those, actually, and use it regularly at work. The tea room next to my office has four microwaves and it's still a nightmare finding a free one.

>> No.6376164

Looks pretty cool and high-quality.

>> No.6376193

I really, really like this product

>> No.6376207

As a professional dildo rider, the middle part doesn't seem comfortable at all. Might as well pleasure yourself with a cheese grater

>> No.6376239
File: 170 KB, 400x400, wtf am I reading mexican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the middle part doesn't seem comfortable at all.

>literally a big dick-shaped object that goes up your ass

>As a professional dildo rider

Really? How much do they pay you? Do they have competitions?

>> No.6376253

>As a professional dildo rider
Which college do you go to to get THAT degree?

It's Brown University isn't it?

>> No.6376263


I think professional just means you get paid for it. He wouldn't have to go to college or anything, just receive money on the regular for riding dildos.

>> No.6376264

My dad works for Bad Dragon. He got me a position as a Product Tester.

>> No.6376270

... It comes from an alien movie, war of the worlds.

Good job buddy.

>> No.6376271

>big dick-shaped object that goes up your ass
>not comfortable

It is so obvious you've never tried anal play. nothing feels better than getting your ass filled by a giant dick.

>> No.6376284

Oh god, that post had everything. Thank you.

>> No.6376290


that baby looks like it's mom has a chokehold on it

>> No.6376490
File: 27 KB, 595x424, Ketwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how they make/ used to make hot dogs in East Germany.
They're called Ketwurst and the buns are basically like a bread condom instead of being cut open buns like those of a traditional hot dog.
The buns are partially filled with ketchup and then the sausage is put inside.

>> No.6376497

>warm buns
>bread condom

I wonder how many ketwurst makers are abused by lonely teenagers.

>> No.6376501

This was probably invented for people who have motor control problems, not retards who pour milk lazily

>> No.6376515

It's normally not something you have at home, it's just on food carts

>> No.6376707

Biscuits are good with tea. Cookies are good with milk.

>> No.6376724

sausage in a roll does not equal hot dog.

>> No.6376745


does it really matter if the bun is split down the side and a sausage is stuck in it, or if the bun is spiked down the center and a sausage is inserted within? In both cases you've got a sausage encased in bread with condiments.

>> No.6376751

My sides, my fucking sides

>> No.6376804

Who wouldnt want hot fondue for their all night vidya chan and porn bender? Ill take a mini fridge and a bedpan to go with it.

>> No.6376841

The machine isn't cursed, you're just an idiot.

>> No.6376849


>> No.6376855


i'm going to use this with my laptop at starbucks, but scrape off the logo and put an apple logo on it. those fucking hipster fucks won't know what hit them when I start having usb apple fondue right in front of their faggot faces

>> No.6377347
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>> No.6377365
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>> No.6377366

You know what else bring shame to your ancestors?

Not turning the town next to yours into a human cattle farm and going to war with them every 20 years so that you have a few hundred thousand sacrifices to appease a god that makes Warhammer 40,000's Khorne look relatively tame.

I mean, you're already a disgrace, don't bring tacos into this.

>> No.6377375

Maybe if you owned a hotdog stand and were too cheap to spring for a grill, a stove, or a deep fryer. I mean, I like toasty buns, but I can't even remember the last time I had a hot dog. Probably... 5 months ago.

>> No.6377381

You would have zero customers in no time when everyone starts realizing you make your hot dogs with bed bath and beyond dog toasters.

>> No.6377401

Vat19 goes a step crazier and has a device that holds bacon from the top of something that looks like a crockpot.

>> No.6377509
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>> No.6377728

I can understand if you have a kid with braces or if you're canning it but just use a fucking knife.

>> No.6377740

That actually seems like a good idea, though all that pasta is going to be stuck together because of the lack of room.

>> No.6377874

I stillhave mine in home. Any outside of Mexico uses it?

>> No.6377988

This could inspire a good Spongebob episode.

>> No.6378150


If you don't use it, it's a waste, I agree. This is however, an amazing thing. They come in packs of four. I also use them for quick pot pie's.

I know they're pretty cheap. Mine was a gift. It's also healthier than a deep-fried shell. I have a set of four, I'd have bought it sooner had I known how great it is.

>> No.6378188

You're thinking of yubari melons you dingdong.

>> No.6378189


I HATE corn on the cob. The worst part about corn, is the DAMN cob. FUCK YOU.

How the fuck do you think canned corn gets in the can, from the cob. You moron.

>> No.6378193

>Pie Bird

I thought this was a joke? like the nursery rhyme. Is Google in this thread, what does it do?

>> No.6378196

My relatives have this
They made good burgers

>> No.6378198

underrated post

>> No.6378199
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>this is what japanophilies believe

>> No.6378203
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>not posting the Dragon Dagger

>> No.6378205

Tits or GTFO you fucking CUNT!

>> No.6378206
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>> No.6378217

prove him otherwise then dipshit

>> No.6378222

A melon's a fucking melon. Japan loves gift fruit. The countryside is just old houses and farms, it's ridiculous to imply that melons are rare. It ain't 1750 anymore.


>> No.6378242

but licking the sauce off your fingers is the best part!

>> No.6378274

if you live in straya or NZ you probably use one of these at least weekly

>> No.6378295

In sone sort of a bag, like I always do. Fucking pussies

>> No.6378317
File: 16 KB, 500x312, 31yOuKoSkwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most useful things I've ever bought (and I bought a dollar store type version).

>> No.6378318

>this goober never learnt how to jullienne with a knife.

>> No.6378320
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>> No.6378323

He must be so proud

>> No.6378325

Literally just turned into a Marxist seeing this.

Fucking bourgeois scum.

>> No.6378330

I'm French, usually a dozen time per year.
That's our familly's guilty sunday pleasure.

>> No.6378332

Literally anyone with basic motor funtion and a knife can do this. How many people are missing one of these things and still need their sausage to look more like a man?

>> No.6378334

Gluttonous and lazy children in the hedonistic West.

>> No.6378346

Who bakes pies often enough that they buy a pie bird (which are actually pretty useful), but still uses a foil pie tin?

>> No.6378403

Hotdogs are quite popular in scandinavia.

>> No.6378542

Because it's true. I've never seen the whole beach thing, but they have these specialty watermelons and cantaloupes in grocery stores that can run up to about $40 a piece. There are cheaper ones, but the expensive ones still have a T-shaped section of the stem on them.

>> No.6378581
File: 151 KB, 475x359, Mitch_Hedberg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cob is the COB

why do they call it corn on the cob anyways? that's how it comes out of the ground.
it's not like you'd cut off my arm, call it mitch, then sew it back on and call me mitch-all-together

rip in peace

>> No.6378592
File: 50 KB, 600x399, Rotating_egg_beater_spring_whisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my Grandma bought this for us. (I still live at home)

It's a rotating egg beater.

The thing is it is actually really efficient and makes your eggs really fluffy

I just hate using it because it makes me feel like a faggot. Also a pain in the ass to clean.

>> No.6378720


They have two different sorts of watermelons.

The larger ones are like a watermelon you'd find in the US or elsewhere. Those are not crazy expensive. They are a common summer food in Japan, hence the beach thing.

They also have the smaller perfectly round ones. And one company even makes square ones. The purpose of those is an expensive luxury gift, sort of like those Harry & David pears you see in the US.

>> No.6378723

>why do they call it corn on the cob anyways?

Because the corn is left on the cob, unlike other dishes where the corn is cut off and prepared in a different way. It distinguishes the two preparations.

>> No.6378729


My guess is that it's someone who buys pre-made pie crusts, which often come in a foil tin. Though I agree that it's odd to have the bird but not to make your own crust.

>> No.6378810

but that's how it comes out of the ground

that should be called corn.
all other variants should be called corn off the cob

mitch all together

>> No.6378844


so when you serve peas, you call them "peas out of the pod", and when you have almonds you call them "almonds out of the husk"? Or maybe "cherries off the tree"?

Also: maximum autism.

>> No.6378849

>maximum autism.
it's a mitch hedberg joke you dingus

which went over your head somehow, twice.

>> No.6378883


who's mitch hedberg? is that from one of your chinese cartoons?

>> No.6380049

They're so stupid and yet so brilliant. I love them.

>> No.6380206

Everyone in my country has those, they're fucking great.

>> No.6380460

ur right.

>> No.6381187
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>> No.6381304

it keeps a consistent cut for even cooking faggot.

>> No.6381338

You could just use the shells.

>> No.6381357

doubles as a sex toy too

>> No.6381360

I had one, it didn't cook regular pasta enough, only rice noodles would come out done

>> No.6381378
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They're illegal to own these days and they never did much good in the kitchen anyways. Hard to clean. Only worked when they wanted to. But back in the day -everybody- who was anybody owned at least one.

>> No.6381406


>> No.6381818

Why would they be illegal?

>> No.6381890

Don't be a nignog. Not the anon you replied to, but just Google "watermelon price japan". I live in Okinawa, and pumpkins are 50-100 USD in season. Suika is a delicacy.

>> No.6381903

And yes, I know suika is not pumpkin.

>> No.6382049

I think that's for people with 1 hand

>> No.6382345
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Fancy Jaffer maker
We just use Gas Stove tops and iron clamps

>> No.6382348
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>> No.6382977
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Canadian confirming the unique pleb deliciousness that exists in Europe. Being far away from home makes this a fucking delicacy for cheap. Switch up the sauces put in the bread condom and you feel like a pornstar.

>> No.6383072
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>> No.6383077

its basically a big hole in the pie, that wont collapse
it helps let out steam so your pie doens't turn out retarded

you could do the same with like, foil or any cooksafe... tube thing, but these are obviously reusable, and any grandma that cooked, had like 8 of them, so they're easy to get ahold oh

>> No.6383090

That looks stupid, but eating a pizza with scissors is the best way to do it. Once you've been enlightened there's no going back to doing with a cutting wheel or knife like a barbarian.

>> No.6383096
File: 30 KB, 600x400, oreo fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just use a fork

or just use your fingers so you can tell if the cookie is at the desired softness