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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6369286 No.6369286 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: Goooooooooood Morning /ck/!

Stay at home husband anon here. Wife needed a little pick me up so i made her the little goofy meme egg that is Eggy in the Basket. What are ya'll eating this fine-ish Monday morning?

>> No.6369287


>> No.6369288


>> No.6369292
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fine choices.

>> No.6369313

Frozen vegan burrito (not my choice) then dragging my pathetic ass to work

Fuck you OP, I wish I was a house husband

>> No.6369316
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>mfw i was medically retired from the army and this is what i do every day


>> No.6369320

Not OP but I'm currently on sabbatical. Gives me all the time to cook.

I can cook whatever I want. It's awesome.

>> No.6369328
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>stay at home husband

I hope this is bait

>> No.6369337

A nice, cold bowl of cereal

>> No.6369466

Whattup do'.

>> No.6369482


>> No.6369487

beans with bacon and spinach

>> No.6370019

I made rice burgers

>> No.6370023

Jesus christ, fuck off to Facebook

>> No.6370038

If his 'wife' makes enough to support them... why not?
Theres not a damn thing wrong with having a sugarmama.

>> No.6370046

Two toads in holes, two oranges, milk.

>> No.6370079
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>Stay at home husband
Hang your self you worthless pussy.

>> No.6370103

If you have even a shred of self respect there is.

This. ASAP.

>> No.6370110
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> you will never get to wake up early to make breakfast for your lady, then spend all day working out, cleaning, fixing up the home, and preparing dinner for when she gets home after a long day of being the breadwinner, followed by pleasing her sexually in a variety of ways before nodding off in her embrace

Why even live

>> No.6370114

>People who are so insecure in their manhood they have to attack others because it makes them feel uncomfortable.

This is some American Beauty shit right here.

>> No.6370126

>pleasing her sexually
Unlikely, unless shes attracted to women

>> No.6370146

omg lol
ebin burn, brah ! XD

you must be one of them real deal trollls!

>> No.6370147

You don't get to have a sugar momma unless you can work a symphony on a vagina

>> No.6370161

>the sexist, dated social beliefs I learned from my parents are the only way the world should work
Theres literally nothing wrong with a woman making the cash while the husband/boyfriend takes care of the household.
As long as he's actually doing the cooking and cleaning and not just laying on his ass drinking all day, its just as beneficial as a 'traditional' relationship.

>> No.6370178

Unless the sugar mama is particularly old, say in her 50's or 60's, then she's just looking for a young pup with a tight ass and stamina to go with it.
I had one try to pick me up a looong time ago, when I used to work on the beach down south.
She pulled up in this.. I don't know cars, but it looked expensive as fuck, and she was wanting me to get in just to chat with her a bit.
Here I was, covered in mud and sawdust and sweat, not even a good looking guy by any standards, and she still wanted me to get in.
I still remember she was eyeballing me like a fucking steak, but unfortunatley I was too young and fucking retarded to understand what she wanted.
I could be rich right now.

>> No.6370193

no UR wrong cause man has penis wich make strong

>> No.6370202

Some people have better talents than others. I work as a software dev and I make decent money while supporting my fiancee through her PhD. Once she finishes though, she will end up making 1.5-2 times what I make a year and she's much more likely to be successful than I am (she has a very specialized skillset). Once her career takes off I'll probably transition to a house husband because honestly, she sucks at cooking and pretty much anything domestic besides cleaning.

What works best for us might not work for you but that doesn't mean that it doesn't work for us. I would enjoy cooking all day, fixing shit, building shit and taking care of bills. I got to sew my oats in the corporate world and if she's willing to put up with the business bullshit to keep the house afloat I'm more than happy to let her.

>> No.6370225

Did you even understand fight club, you fucking idiot?

I mean it's literally 0.5 milliseconds past pleb tier, shouldn't be that hard

>> No.6370230

Bagel with cream cheese that I tossed in a finely diced serrano, with tomato, muenster and turkey breast. beer and regret.

>> No.6370232

Further details are required.

>> No.6370246

>This is some American Beauty shit right here.

Oh my god, you're so insightful and deep referencing American Beauty! The entire movie was too complex for me (lel), but you bringing it up, because it was a critically acclaimed movie, makes me want to appreciate your wit and savvy even more! Is there any way I can validate you further?

>> No.6370247

I like how the trolls skip over the fact im retired and bring in about 3k a month by cooking my wife eggs and browsing 4chan. Ugh, my manhood, brb suicide time

>> No.6370251


>> No.6370267
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I also feel the need to explain why i make her breakfast and cook. During my time in service she eas hoppin and poppin when it came to ironing my uniform, making breakfast and dinner, taking care of the house, etc, in stupidly horrible military conditions. It only seems fair she gets pampered for a while

>> No.6371022

>PhD will make more money than a software developer
What fucking field is she in?

>> No.6371032
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ro/ck/ on bro!

>> No.6371056

Like I said, her skillset is highly specialized (and I'm a mediocre programmer), its not typical of others in her program.

>> No.6372138

I asked what field she's in not small talk

>> No.6372188


steak, sausages, crumpets with butter, bacon, hash browns, coffee

>> No.6372203

got some corn meal mush setting up in the fridge and in a few hours I'm gonna slice and fry that shit and it's gonna be goood

>> No.6372219

My SO is a stay at home hubby material, I already earn 2 times more than him, soon it's going to be about 3 times more, so we discussed that possibility and he pretty much agreed. I don't see anything bad with it, if I were earning less money I'd probably agree to be a housewife. Happy to see this kind of relationship is actually working, thumbs up OP!

Haven't made breakfast yet but it's gonna be oatmeal with honey and cinnamon.

>> No.6372222

wlell it\'s Tuesday here, but looks good.no doubt.scrumpy eggs and half a bagel.dusted with prapika or worse, ground red pepper. better get your shit together.You are fixing to be the on that needs a "pickme up."when on the street. 4/10 if <25. ,< 0 if + 30. even if Aussie, ya cunt. Seriously, better cook better than that.

>> No.6372223

you're drunk aren't you

>> No.6372227
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sorry,left off, pertains to OP.

>> No.6372230

well yes,aintt you?'''scuse me, but at home. not "texting" on a cell. I like Australia.or oz

>> No.6372250

Same....my husband is also a lot calmer and relaxed so he likes staying home and relaxing, cooking, cleaning. He's also kind of an ebay dude and sells a lot of stuff per month so he brings in income too.

I have to be working and moving or I go crazy. I do like cooking, but he is an amazing cook and I think it honestly makes him a better man in my eyes.

>> No.6372272

Public health. She has a lot of crossover between other disciplines based on what she does.

>> No.6372506

Someone sure is mad a midlife crisis having fast food worker doesn't find them sexually attractive