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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 232x300, screen-shot-2014-11-12-at-10-42-44-am[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358448 No.6358448 [Reply] [Original]

When dining out at regular restaurants, whose responsibilty is it to clean the floor around a baby?

>Going out with friends and their 1 year old
>Baby grabs everything in reach and likes to toss it on the floor
>Sometimes some of the food goes in its mouth
>Big mess at the end
>We pay and leave but the parents didnt clean up

>> No.6358461

Decent people clean up after their children.

>> No.6358483
File: 339 KB, 200x333, 1424881044210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that poster
It's not even... Fuck this poster. And fuck Keep Calm. I'll be as loud as I want.

>> No.6358489

But logically shouldn't the staff clean up (they have better tools for it). A few sweeps of a broom and done.

>> No.6358490

It's obviously the formal responsibility of the staff to clean it up, but any parent who doesn't clean up after their kid is a huge piece of shit.

>> No.6358491

i clean up the mess unless i am asked not to by an employee

>> No.6358494

What if they leave a huge tip?

>> No.6358496

as a restaurant worker yes, it's our job to clean up the mess but we still hate you, no one has any business taking a fucking infant to a restaurant, and if it's not an infant then that behavior is completely unacceptable

>> No.6358507

Then why provide high chairs?

>> No.6358513

I never go out to eat anymore but I hate when kids are in a restaurant. Like it infuriates me. I got in "trouble" twice as a kid at a restaurant.

1)I was maybe 5 and we were at a restaurant in town and some dickhead told my Grandpa to shut me up because I was LAUGHING. Not crying/being a dick, fucking laughing. Grandpa shut him the fuck up real quick.

2)This time I deserved it. I was being a little dickhead (out with mom and dad, aunt/uncle and grandparents) Dad said let's go outside for a second. As soon as he got me out the door he wholloped my as so hard. I did deserve it though, and from then on in I was never an obnoxious kid at a restaurant.

>> No.6358515

because management are pussies who fear soccer moms and the power of the online review

>> No.6358520

>clean the floor
That's not sanitary for you to touch floors in a restaurant (or hospital). Assume floors are infected with the same bacteria on the floor of a bathroom or a hospital for that matter, from Staph, to c.diff, to horrible things you are not gloved to protect yourself against, let alone not then contract to your baby on the next diaper change. There is stuff on floors you shouldn't inhale and you shouldn't get down on that level in such a dirty place. Imagine the soles of shoes that walk to and from bathrooms, parking lots, wet mats on kitchen floors, with hepatitis laden foods, e.coli, drippings, rancid oils, etc. Your alcohol hand sanitizer isn't going to kill it all.

Now, nothing is preventing you from trying to prevent things from falling on the floor in the first place, by removing things out of baby's reach, passing only 2-3 small items at a time onto baby's napkin, or something similar. But I assure you staff of any level of appropriate training would faint to see you pick up some carrot with a paper towel off the floor, and then place it or the napkin on a plate or the tabletop.

>> No.6358545

The tip is the service fee. Service means taking orders, bringing food, checking drinks, and cleaning the table after you leave.

>> No.6358562

You poor thing. And you do it all for free?

>> No.6358589

soccermom detected
stop spoiling your brats, there's a minimum level of acceptable public behavior

>> No.6358619

American pls go

>> No.6358638

get a better job if you dont like doing what you are paid to do you colossal faggot

>> No.6358649



also if you're american shut the fuck up anyway, the parents should take care of their fucking whelps but you make 4x what the BoH does for a fraction of the work, quit complaining

>> No.6358652

dude, stop your fucking bitching, whether it's at work or I'm just out somewhere I don't want to put up with your hellions being hellions, discipline your fucking children or wonder why they're still living with you when they're thirty

>> No.6358675

The parents.

If you make a mess, you clean it up. You're taught that growing up.

>> No.6358677

Babies up to 4 years old. - Leave it to the staff.
Kids 5 and up. - Leave it to the staff. Spank your child out of sight.

>> No.6358682

The parents should but you shouldn't complain about it because you make so much fucking money for that easy job.

And I worked FoH for 2 years so don't just assume that I'm a bitter cook.

Although I am.

I'm still right.

>> No.6358683


If your child makes a mess or otherwise cannot act properly in public, they do not belong in a restaurant, period, regardless of age.

Keep 'em at home until they stop making messes.

>> No.6358688

>be 3 years old
>pick booger out my nose at dinner
>its stuck on finger
>start shaking hand up and down furiously
>gotta rid the big booger
>waitress sees me
>thinks I'm trying to shake her hand
>she grabs my hand
>I unleash a massive green snot wad into it

There's another time I diarrhead down the leg of my high chair and threw my grandmas keys behind a booth, which they had to tear out BTW. All in the same night. I love hearing those stories and I'm glad I don't have kids.

One more, I ate refried beans with bare hands and high fived a waiter.

>> No.6358698

So much this. Almost nobody is as entitled as fucking service industry fags. It. Is. Your. Fucking. Job. Do it with a smile or go get a different fucking job.

>> No.6358703


While I agree with you in general, I would argue that it's the parent's job to take care of their kids.

The server is there to answer questions about the menu, bring you your food and drinks, handle refills and whatnot. They are not your babysitter. Your crotchfruit is your responsibility.

>> No.6358706
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pretty much nailed it, bro

too fucking smart for college

my sides!

>> No.6358707


It's absolutely the parents responsibility to take care of their kids and you have every right to judge them for being shit parents.

That said if you complain about it from the standpoint of "but I shouldn't have to clean it up!" you are a baby too. You make so much money. Yes they're shit parents, but do your fucking job.

>> No.6358714


Agreed on both points.

>> No.6358717

you're the kind of "people" that make me wish I could punch a person in the face through the interwebs

>> No.6358718

since when do service staff make assloads of money?

>> No.6358719

The staff, but unless you want them to hate you for the rest of your patronage there, at least have the decency to tip them for cleaning up after your child.

>> No.6358720


Fucking this.

>waitress goes to one table, takes order
>goes to next table, takes order. etc
>here comes the great wall of tickets
>she comes back after FIFTEEN MINUTES and just stands there tapping her foot waiting for the orders

I fucking screamed at her, and I'm not usually one who can't control their anger. Like ever. But seriously bitch you are bad at your job and then you just stand there, just like you just stand there in the FoH 80% of the time because that's all your job requires. I don't even get a fucking break in a 10 hour shift. I wish I could stop working for the amount of time your cunt ass is standing there for no reason because I could go smoke a cigarette.

And there were 2 well done filet mignons between the tickets. Those take more than 15 minutes to fucking cook when fired immediately.

Yes I'm mad.

>> No.6358726


they do compared to the kitchen staff and relative to the difficulty of their job

people in coffee shops work a lot harder and don't make half as much. and yes I've done both

>> No.6358730


hows that G.E.D. coming, bro?

>> No.6358737


do I sound too much like your Dad?

my sides!

>> No.6358743


meant to quote >>6358698

>> No.6358872

You've never had kids have you...

>> No.6358897

thankfully no, but if/when I do they will learn to act right in public or get their ass busted till they do learn

>> No.6358901

No a tip is for good service, what you listed is in your job description you asshole. The fact that basic j9b function required a tip is the most entitled thing

>> No.6358904

>Baby grabs everything in reach and likes to toss it on the floor

Sounds like a baby that needs its fucking parents to feed it

>> No.6358908

I bet you don't give them as good of service because you already sized up the family don't you scumbag?

>> No.6358915

no just because I hate you and think you're a shitty excuse for a parent and pretty much everything that's wrong with western society doesn't mean I don't do my job cunt

>> No.6358921


So glad I'm child-free.

>> No.6358927

what sucks about being childless is always being shit on at work and picking up the slack cause bitches with kids always gotta be leavin early or not staying late, or just don't show up because "the kids" like that somehow makes it ok

>> No.6358929 [DELETED] 

>Then why provide high chairs?
for... infants?

>> No.6358935

Easier said than done bro, and fuck you in the neck bearded autismo. While do I clean up after my kid on top of the table, I don't have the broom and such for the floor if it happens. Yes I notice how I don't get the best service because people like you grimace when they see my kid. I have a well behaved kid usually but it's not all the time kids are behaved. Plus because people like you see the kid you kind of aren't as attentive. So why should I tip as much because you're an asshole?

>> No.6358937

do you live in a giant plastic bubble, by chance?

>> No.6358942

low brow poorfag detected, no decent restaurant tolerates that sort of behavior from it's servers

>> No.6358945

So you don't do your job.
Why don't you stop being an entitled fuck and actually do some work and stop bitch at people for having kids. That's your job, you're so butthurt you have to do it that you post on ck. You're actually what's wrong with society. You entitled assfucked

>> No.6358954

>Easier said than done
since when is raising kids supposed to be easy? what's not difficult is keeping the little shitheads out of public until they can act somewhat civilized. let them throw food at YOUR walls and maybe you'll discipline them correctly after a few tries/

>> No.6358957

do you even reading comprehension bruh? I fucking said I do do my job, because not doing my job would make me just as bad as you shitstain

>> No.6358964

Nick beard detected, and no not a poorfag.
Yes it happens and because you don't want to admit it and act like servers do all the work and are treated the worst. you blatantly don't aknowledge how shitty servers act to people with kids simply because reasons

>> No.6358967
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How do you not realize you're talking to pic related?

>> No.6358972

you're the one projecting bruh, you think you've never done anything bad and it's because of other peoples kids, nope, you're shit

>> No.6359634

>Ameritip detected
Do you want a tip for doing your job?
You need a tip to show up to?

>> No.6359652

Good post

>> No.6359708

no, I actually do my job with a smile on my face no matter how much I want to call you a stupid cunt and smack your kid

>> No.6359719

Not the same person as you were responding to Ameritip, don't have a kid.
Did you want a tip for that?

>> No.6359749

Sorry but I'm not touching the floor.The people that work there will likely be sweeping around the table after we leave anyways.
I do, however, try to avoid letting my 1 year old make a mess when we take her places. I make sure to tip a little more than I normally would, we don't order her a plate because she wouldn't eat it anyways, and we always wipe the table off if she makes a mess somehow.

But I'm not touching the dirty floor to pick up a few crumbs that can be swept up by the staff in 2 seconds.

>> No.6360123

It seems that only waiters who don't want extra work are against this... and are telling people to never eat out with a baby and to not expose it to meal times outside.

>> No.6360182

Carefull, you might anger a foh server because they feel the need to be tipped for dealing with a kid.

>> No.6360371

Do most American parents just allow their children to make a mess?

>> No.6360391
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if you go into a restaurant and they high chairs and booster seats they are expecting kids

kids can be messy

if one of your hires can deal with it, fire their sorry ass and hire someone who will

>> No.6360397

I'll take that as a "yes".

>> No.6360402
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Probably not most, but there's always a vocal minority who think the world revolves around them. See also white people in general, right wing biblical literalists, and kissless NEETs who think they are entitled to a job.

The last thread this came up, a bunch of people who can't into birth control came into boast about how they are physically capable of reproduction and we should all be grateful to be inconvenienced by their precious hellspawn.

I never give up my seat on the train for the pregnant, people with strollers, or actual children. No exceptions. You made a choice and you live with that choice. I almost always give up my seat for the elderly and anyone with a cane as long as they are not using a cane because of their obesity. That wasn't your choice to get old or whatever, and I'm willing to be inconvenienced a little because it's going to be me some day.

>> No.6360453

>sitting with friend in cozy restaurant
>start trading stories about qts and dirty jokes
>family with kids sit down near us
>have to start talking about history
Fuck bringing kids to a restaurant that isn't catered to families

>> No.6360465
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There was probably another Taco Bell not too far away you could have gone to, bro.

>> No.6360471

>have to start talking about history

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.6360481
File: 133 KB, 500x333, pokemon22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>have to start talking about history

the history of Pokemon I hope

>> No.6360484

>Then I stuck it right in her a- Gentlemen we're going to steal the Declaration of Independence

>> No.6360492
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now I get it

>and the other blond says, thats' not my p - of course Hitler was taking a chance annexing the Sudetenland, but the German people needed more land

>> No.6360767
File: 32 KB, 365x271, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


let me try one:

>so the pedophile says to kid, you're scared? I gotta walk out of these woods alo - of course the Council of Trent laid the foundation for Vatican II and the Pope was quite right when he said, "What was, still is."

>> No.6360782

You shouldn't be taking children to non fast food restaurants to begin with.

>> No.6360810
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>a man goes to see his doctor and says doctor i think my 13 year old daughter is pregnant" the doctor replied "jesus, your 13 year old daughter is sexually active?" the man replied " not really , most of the time she just lays there and cri - Sherman's march to the sea and his burning of Atlanta demonstrated to the Confederacy that the war was pretty much over and capitulation was the only alternative.

>> No.6360839

Should the parents bring their own broom and dust pan to the restaurant?

>> No.6360849


I enjoyed these

>> No.6360855


>I have zero experience in this matter, but when I do it, it'll be easy!

>> No.6360856


Why would they need to? They could simply ask the waitstaff to borrow theirs.

>> No.6360859


i would keep going but i sense a ban coming form somebody on /ck/ with their kids

>> No.6360862


yea the parents clean up

the restaurant employees clean up
that's their job
do your fucking job

>> No.6361054

Heh. Spoken like responsible management.

>> No.6361112

More please

>> No.6361140

>I hurt my back sweeping with your tools in your restaurant
>Please pay my medical bill.

>You shouldn't be taking children to fast food restaurants or fine dining to begin with. Everything else is fine.

>> No.6361158


You should start telling dirty jokes after the kid starts getting noisy

>Kid shuts up to learn new words
>Or parents move

>> No.6361164
File: 89 KB, 500x311, alex_delarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up all breeder scum. This is an important announcement from those of us in the service industry who have been forced to toil in practically slave-like conditions, all for the benefit of the obnoxious, worthless little shit-factories that you refer to as children. I speak for all of us when I say that we are fed up dealing with your spoiled, messy, asinine little brats that you were idiotic enough to bring into this world.

The next time one of your little shit factories so much as looks at me funny, I will grab it by its neck, kick over your pathetic little high-chair, and lift it, one handed, as I choke the pathetic, wasted life out of its body. The idiotic parents will scream and plead that I stop, but one stern look from me will put them in their place. As the little shit tries to scream and gasps for air, I'll only squeeze harder, taking ultimate solace in the sounds of its neck vertabrae snapping.

And as the parents sit, powerless, realizing that their pathetic "little angel" is being erased from existence, I will look at them, dead in the eye and tell them that this is their fault. Their child is dead, because they didn't have the goddamn courtesy to keep the obnoxious little shit factory at home, where it belongs.

The day of reckoning is coming, breeders.

Do not.
With us.

Sincerely, your restaurant staff.


>> No.6361169 [DELETED] 

For the record, you should play that video while you read our ultimatum.

>> No.6361203

way too edgy

>> No.6361205

>tips 10%

>> No.6361209

Fuck off, breeder.

I won't even begin to mention what I do to the food of people who look like they won't tip.

I'm also right about 70% of the time.

>> No.6361216

nigga i aint a breeder i work in the food industry too.
its always waiters that are the most entitled wimps.
do your fuckin job m8

>> No.6361218

Fuck off with that macho bullshit, you sound like my fucking step-dad.

>> No.6361222

maybe you should listen to him and stop suckin cock

>> No.6361225

More homophobic macho bullshit.
It's the same with all of you people.
Judge me because my hair is too long, or my jeans or too tight, or because I have piercings.

Well fuck you. I'm not gay, but I wish I was just to piss off macho assholes like you.

>> No.6361237

u r not good at internet broski

>> No.6361239

nah, you're queer as fuck and i hope your stepdad kicks you out for it

>> No.6361244
File: 51 KB, 350x350, 1409680266653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More homophobic macho bullshit.

Surely not on 4chan?

I bet you stretch your ears too

>> No.6361248

>tfw im gay and have long hair and you sound like a turbo queer

>> No.6361267
File: 916 KB, 245x285, 1394012187372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well fuck you. I'm not gay
You're posting on 4chan. Hate to break it to you, champ...

>> No.6361282

As neither a waiter nor a parent, I can say without bias that just let the staff clean up.

They have the dustpan and you'd look silly wasting tons of napkins picking up scraps doing a half ass job that they'd need to follow up anyway. The 15% tip is part of the service and that includes cleanup.

>> No.6361284


The long hair is because you trap isn't it?

>> No.6361295

na i dont look trapish in the least.
im an overweight rican with a beard

>> No.6361305

puerto or costa?

>> No.6361307

I cringed a little.

I think people should leave thier brats at home in general. It'd be great if restaurants started enforcing a 'no kids under ____' rule. I'm sure theres some that do.

In Indiana, its already legal to refuse service based on religion.
I'm sure banning kids won't be far behind.

>> No.6361311

pr m8

>> No.6361313

>In Indiana, its already legal to refuse service based on religion.
Get ready for Indianapolis to become Detroit: The Sequel.

>> No.6361332

Edgy and angry are you a server by any chance?

>> No.6361348

Awh poor fedora, are you upset you had to be mindful of others?

>> No.6361359


What about the parents with the screaming babby? Shouldn't they be mindful of others?

>> No.6361363

Says the ass that brings kids to a restaurant

>> No.6361364

Do you complain and recite this to the boh while they are busy making the orders you sent in all at once?

>> No.6361369

fuck you and fuck kids at restaurants

>> No.6361370


>Being mindful of others is an obligation

Fuck your kids you aren't entitled to shit you should be grateful he cares
If your kid is screeching anywhere near me you can have fun explaining all the new words they'll be learning later and pedo jokes

>> No.6361382


It's the parents' job.

>> No.6361390

Maybe you should work somewhere else.

>> No.6361436

Awh did you read fight club the first time ameritip?

>> No.6361444
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>> No.6361475
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>mfw at the amount of butthurt because they can't be edgy
>mfw I don't have kids.
Awh poor babies.
If you're saying shit that you have to change subject, you're bound to be complained about sooner or later.
Stay entitled faggots

>> No.6361485

engrish, motherfucker

>> No.6361494

If you're having to change your subject of banter in a restaurant, people are gonna complain about your edgy shit eventually

>> No.6361499

>restaurant serfs complaining about what an inconvenience the customers are
>shut the fuck up, you're lucky to be working, even as a servant

>> No.6361510


We're all serfs Anon

>> No.6361511
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"The moral is, never be sorry for a waiter. Sometimes when you sit in a restaurant, still stuffing yourself half an hour after closing time, you feel that the tired waiter at your side must surely be despising you. But he is not. He is not thinking as he looks at you, ‘What an overfed lout’; he is thinking, ‘One day, when I have saved enough money, I shall be able to imitate that man.’ He is ministering to a kind of pleasure he thoroughly understands and admires. And that is why waiters are seldom Socialists, have no effective trade union, and will work twelve hours a day — they work fifteen hours, seven days a week, in many cafes. They are snobs, and they find the servile nature of their work rather congenial."

- George Orwell, "Down and Out in London and Paris"

>> No.6361517

>‘One day, when I have saved enough money, I shall be able to imitate that man.’ He is ministering to a kind of pleasure he thoroughly understands and admires.
>And that is why waiters are seldom Socialists

Not anymore

>> No.6361529

you sound like a self righteous cunt.....

>> No.6361531

Itt: people who complain about kids at a restaurant when they act worse and are messier than kids.

>> No.6361552

niggers on my /ck/?

>> No.6361556
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Nothing is sadder than a queer with daddy issues.

Or is it nothing is funnier than a queer with daddy issues?

>> No.6361558


Faggot male waitresses have no idea how hard other people work. Pushing a floor sweeper around an air conditioned restaurant is literally effortless compared to what half of their customers do to make ends meet.

>> No.6361579

Pretty much.

>> No.6361591

No, I work in consulting. Do you have precious little angels who can do no wrong, by any chance?

>> No.6361598

But but anon I have to write orders and take them to the chefs and drinks anon

>> No.6361611
File: 3 KB, 124x112, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


waiting tables is hard work
almost as hard as getting all D's in highschool

>> No.6361615

Actually no I don't have kids lol.
You're probably worse than kids at a restaurant tbh because you sound insufferable tbh

>> No.6361621

>Your head.

Yes I'm the anon you replied to

>> No.6361634


yeah I missed it
it wasn't that funny yah stupid fuck
plus the grammar was awful

why did you take mine seriously?
lay off the Sterno

>> No.6361646
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>Damage control

What'd you get Anon, C's?

>> No.6361647
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You were trying to be funny and failed. Just admit it and move on.

>> No.6361649

Good one

>> No.6361661


With all the pretentious wait people replying to this, I wish I had five kids under 5 so I could them to a different restaurant every night

Do your fucking job.

>> No.6361663

>Samefag after damage control

>> No.6361667


Why do you expect waiters to do their jobs but at the same time not expect to do yours?

>> No.6361684


I go into a retaurant. I don't wanna hear about your crummy life choices, I don't want to hear about how you're new, I don't want to hear about any of that crap.

I want a cocktail, pronto, I want my order to be fulfilled correctly, I want you to ask me if I want more coffee. I will tip, no problem.

But most of all I want you to do your fucking job without complaint. And yes, you can graduate with all D's from high school but you'll probably end up waiting tables and carrying people's dirty dishes into a kitchen.

>> No.6361689

It's not my job to clean the table and sweep the food off the floor.

>> No.6361690

Why do you expect a couple to work hard all week, take their family out to a restaurant, pay $100 for $20 worth of food, then give the male waitress an extra twenty bucks to NOT clean off the table?

>> No.6361695

>entitlement ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6361705
File: 2.65 MB, 240x180, Confused_kids_general.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baby grabs everything in reach and likes to toss it on the floor
>Sometimes some of the food goes in its mouth
>Big mess at the end
You should have gotten tossed out quite early, for not making sure the baby is eating its food. There shouldn't fucking be a mess after a infant, because they can't walk around or reach anything.
If you fuck up this badly, you are a horrible parent.

>> No.6361708

Parents should clean up, but they should have hired a sitter in the first place.

>> No.6361726


Did you ever think about the fact that the person directly below you on the organizational chart in a restaurant is usually a retarded kid?

fucking wait staff smoke way to much meth
get a clue

>> No.6361736

Get a brain, moran.

>> No.6361748

A sitter isn't always available or they were not at hone when they decided to go to a restaurant usually.
Or better yet and sucks it up and deal that parents take their kids with them

>> No.6361772

Parent cleaning up mess. Hurts back. Sues restaurant. Wins. Restaurant gets new owner. Parent got it in the lawsuit.

Wait staff out on the street with the retarded kid who busses tables.

>> No.6361791

I'm insufferable because I don't think it's reasonable for you to expect me to accommodate your mistakes in life? Ok then, you're entitled to an opinion, just not my personal space. As to the servers who you probably treat like your personal baby sitter, I'm sure they will agree.

>> No.6361801


are you typing this in your Mother's basement?
is there a copy of Atlas Shrugged at your side?
when you look in the mirror does the word "douche bag" always seem to pop up?

>> No.6361813

But parents are supposed to bring babies to restaurants. Dinner is big part of socialization which includes ordering and looking at all the other patrons.

>> No.6361817

No, at my desk on my phone
No, I read that maybe 18 years ago, it was funny. I have a tom stoppard book, and about 5 unread issues of the economist in a stack
No, the mirror says I am the top choice of them all (and calls me a conceited bastard)

>> No.6361818

>I'm insufferable because

just say "I'm an asshole."
because that's what you are
you're parents described you as "insufferable" because they were kind

>> No.6361823

He's right though, isn't he? That's why you're so buttmad.

>> No.6361833

Does reading comprehension elude you or are you just stupid? I don't have kids you moron and yes, you're insufferable jackass. You have an entitlement complexe my friend.

>> No.6361845

I'm curious, does anybody in this thread have kids of their own?

>> No.6361850

Of course I'm entitled. So are you. Everyone is entitled to something. But people like you believe your little monsters entitle you to everything. It's a question of proportion, and yours are all messed up because of baby hormones.

>> No.6361851


I do. That's why the childless commenters and the wait staff posters all make me laugh.

>> No.6361859


I don't have a problem with any of that. That's a waiter's job.

Taking care of or cleaning up after your crotchfruit, however, is not my job. that's the parent's job.

But it is your job to stop your children from making a mess.

I don't expect that. I expect that the waiter does their job--taking orders, refilling drinks, bringing food and condiments, etc. I also expect that parents do theirs: preventing their children from making a mess or being a nuisance.

Entielement for what? I'm not a waiter, I'm an engineer. I find it terribly ironic that people expect other people to clean up after their children. Just as getting me my drink is a waiter's job, cleaning up little johnny's mess is johnny's parent's job.

>> No.6361862

Again, I do NOT have kids you retard.
Maybe if you turned your light on in your mother basement , you'll be able to see the words better

>> No.6361864

I pick up the bigger items, what I can, but if there's a mess that someone is going to have to sweep up I leave a couple bucks extra on the tip. No big deal. I can't believe this thread has so many damn replies.

>> No.6361866

>A sitter isn't always available
Tough. You don't get to go out then. Or if you do, go to McDonalds where there is a play area for your messy little kids. Taking small children to a nice restaurant is socially irresponsible, rude, and selfish.

or they were not at hone when they decided to go to a restaurant usually.
>Or better yet and sucks it up and deal that parents take their kids with them

>> No.6361868


That's why restaurants have insurance, bro.

The situation you describe happens more often with the waitstaff trying to sue the restaurant than it does with customers. It sounds like you don't have any experience working in the restaurant industry, do you?

>> No.6361871

Babies are babies. Let them explore their food and feed themselves in order to learn. Parents need a break too you know. it's also called being part of a community, everyone helps each other.

>> No.6361873

You're a order engineer , it's a fancy way to say waiter.

>> No.6361874

If there are crayons at reception and/or giant flat screens everywhere I'm taking my kid. Fuck you, they're people too.
If there's dim lighting and fabric table clothes/napkins I leave the kids at home. You don't like kids, stay out of family friendly restaurants, prick.

I also will yank my kid outside and give her a good smack if she's screaming or crying though. But drunk adults get plenty loud, as long as my kid isn't any louder than the guy cheering on his team at the bar, or the cunt in the next booth abusing the waitress I'm not going to worry about it.

>> No.6361878


turning on lights doesn't make reading a computer screen any easier

how many kids did you say you had?

>> No.6361881

>Babies are babies. Let them explore their food and feed themselves in order to learn.

Of course. But they can do that at home, as a family around the dinner table.

>> Parents need a break too you know
Sure. That's what friends and family are for.

But it's incredibly rude, and selfish, to the community to force them to deal with your ill-behaved children.

If they know how to behave in a restaurant, then there's no problem at all.

>> No.6361883

Because you ate them? The baby hormones are strong in this one.

>> No.6361886

I didn't bother reading past the first few replies myself. I've got a 14 month old, and if we go out and he's hungry, he's too busy eating to make a big mess, and if he starts it's a sure sign that he's done.

I've also spent years working in the restaurant industry, and like it or not it's part of a server's job to clean up the floors.

That said, I've seen some niggers who just let their spawn make messes that they should be ashamed of, but I'm sure they have a lot of other problems besides restaurant etiquette to worry about.

>> No.6361887


I don't understand why you're angry with me, we seem to be agreeing.

A nice restaurant doesn't have crayons at reception or giant flatscreens blaring sports. You aren't taking your kids to nice restaurants, so we seem to agree as to what's appropriate and what's not.

By the way, I agree that loud-ass drunk adults don't belong in a nice restaurant either.

>> No.6361889

Babies do behave towards other patrons, some just are messy and drop lots of food. That's not ill behaved at all.

They need to learn at restaurants too. It's proper parenting.

>> No.6361892

>or the cunt in the next booth abusing the waitress

I would like to hear more about this

>> No.6361895

>so people with kids can't go to a place with a waiter because reasons.
I don't even have kids and that's stupid.
Unless it's a high scale dining, I don't care if there are kids.
Funny enough I don't see you yelling at drunks or people who abuse wait staff.

>> No.6361902


There's a difference between a baby spilling food by accident (which I have no problem with), and a lot of what goes on in restaurants sometimes. Many times their kids will be jumping up and down or running around between tables, throwing things on the floor (or at each other), etc, and the parents just sit there and do nothing to intervene. That's not proper parenting.

>> No.6361910 [DELETED] 


How many of your kids are retarded?

>> No.6361912

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6361920

>Unless it's a high scale dining, I don't care if there are kids.

I thought I made it clear that I was talking about nice restaurants. It's even in the post you just quoted!

>Funny enough I don't see you yelling at drunks or people who abuse wait staff.

They are just as bad. I only mentioned them once because this thread is about children, not drunks. We're not talking about drunks here. But in case you care, I did mention in >>6361887 that drunks are just as unacceptable in a nice restaurant as ill-behaved or overly young children are.

Heck, let's just make this simpler: ill behaved people of any sort, regardless of age or reason for that ill behavior, don't belong in nice restaurants.

>> No.6361923

Well you didn't seem to be acknowledging any sort of leeway between a "nice restaurant" and McDonalds.
It happens. I was at Coco's or some similar shit, and this huge woman was abusing the waitress and she keeps saying
>Its not what I wanted but I'll eat it, it's just very disappointing.
Then you're just bitching to hear yourself bitch, bitch!

But yeah, when we have the sprout I stick to Bar&Grills, Pizza places, or diner style places where I feel my kid won't be a nuisance. I've been to nicer places before with her on accident, and if she's not behaving herself I've spent half the meal outside threatening her very life. But that's parenting.

>> No.6361926

>before with her on accident
>on accident
>yer poor kid

>> No.6361937

Meh, I just tip extra if theres a a real mess

>> No.6361938
File: 19 KB, 199x300, 300px-Thomas_Gainsborough_008-199x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


problem solved
and they'll be happy to see you next time

>> No.6361947

I was pointing out that there are waitstaff upset in general if there is a kid regardless and I know not every waitstaff poster isn't in a nice restaurant.

>> No.6361948

Going to a nice restaurant on accident makes my kid unfortunate? I just wanted peruvian food, man. I couldn't tell from the outside it was a fancy schmancy place.
Fucking word. I hate how much servers bitch on here sometimes. if you're getting 2 bucks extra for the 30 seconds it takes you to sweep up the 3 sq. foot mess on the floor, then you're overpaid.

>> No.6361950


sounds reasonable to me

>> No.6361977

I can tell you right now that there are probably fewer waitstaff posters than you realize.

I am not a waiter. I have never been a waiter. I've never even worked a day in the restaurant industry. But that being said, I hate on parents who take their ill-behaved kids to restaurants and then stand around oblivious to the situation and do nothing about it. I'm sure many of my posts in this thread could be taken to be "a bitchy waiter".

But I'm not a waiter at all. I'm a fellow restaurant patron that wishes that parents wouldn't let their kids make a scene or a mess or otherwise inconvenience others. The same applies to people with drunk obnoxious friends.

>> No.6361979


no I was kidding you about saying "on accident" instead of "by accident"

you sound like a pretty good parent (and you're female I think by your approach)

>> No.6362570

Only those who have kids know what it's like and can give an honest opinion on this.

>> No.6362749

Bullshit u 13yro. There were highchairs in restaurants long before the Internet and even before minivans