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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6361150 No.6361150 [Reply] [Original]

I like to eat on the toilet bowl.

>> No.6361157

I used spoiled peppers in an omelette I fed to my ex gf after finding out she cheating on me and she ended up getting very bad food poisoning.

>> No.6361171

I put animal fats in vegan's orders

>> No.6361175

I add extra salt
I like Miracle Whip sometimes

>> No.6361180

Chemical warfare. You are devious.

>> No.6361182

I put pork fat in Jewish and Muslim orders.

>> No.6361184

I put seamen in cream sauces

>> No.6361187

I put my fat dick into ham sandwiches

>> No.6361200

I touch my food to my chin before each bite

>> No.6361208

i drink expired coffee & get massive heartburn & dont give a fuck

let's do lunch

>> No.6361213

I peepeed in ur coke

>> No.6361215

You're supposed to do that.

>> No.6361235

muslims have this thing when it isn't sinful if they don't eat it deliberately

you dun goofed

>> No.6361242


>> No.6361249

Doing God's work.

>> No.6361303

>mmm this is delicious vegan cookery, I will recommend to all my vegan friends
>hundreds of vegans unknowingly eating animal fats
This hypothetical scenario got me hard

>> No.6361376

Yes because fucking with people's food is always a good thing to do.
How about I spit in your food next time you come to my restaurant? Not like you'll ever know.

>> No.6361392

Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care
>implying I'd ever eat out after what I've seen and done

>> No.6361409

You seem upset.
Are you vegan?

>> No.6361416

>i drink expired coffee & get massive heartburn & dont give a fuck

coffee can expire?

>> No.6361433

vegan are scum
who cares what they think

>> No.6361446

Sriracha ranch is my favorite condiment.

Also I stuck mayo on a hot dog this morning.

>> No.6361547
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>Also I stuck mayo on a hot dog this morning.

Fuck yeah

I mean, some things sound weird but I figure whatever works, works

One time I tried putting mustard and ketchup on my fries and they were the best damn fries I ever had

Ever since then when I go to burger joints I ask for a little cup of mustard so I can get ketchup and mustard on my fries

Mayo is also good but I prefer mustard

>> No.6361582


>> No.6361605


>> No.6361620

I do this too.

Whenever someone vegan/vegetarian comes over, I make sure to cook with duck fat.

>> No.6361626

I put garlic, thyme and butter in everything.

>> No.6361786

I don't know about thyme but Garlic and butter is good on everything as far as I'm concerned

>> No.6361824

I cook almost everything with bacon fat/butter. I'll probably die earlier but i don't see why not when you dont need a neutral taste

>> No.6361831

Not vegan, just think it's wrong to put things in people's food without their knowledge.
Sure it may not hurt them but it's still a shitty thing to do.

>> No.6361900

>fruit salad

>> No.6361911

ok anything not-sweet

and butter is even good on most desserts

>> No.6361951

you just said why not, because you're going to die earlier

>> No.6362701

>because you're going to die earlier

Sure you can live a few more years

But without butter would you really have lived?

>> No.6362718

Deep thoughts by Jack Handy

>> No.6362750

Seek help.

>> No.6362756

>living requires specific foods to be happy
So every day of your life, the time between meals when your not eating is not living? Sucks to be you, i guess.

>> No.6362773

it was a bit of humor you autist

learn to identify a joke

>> No.6362776

Dad always said laughter is the best medicine. Which is probably why several of us died of tuberculosis.

>> No.6362812

I work in a high end restaurant and gas station nachos are one of my favorite things to eat.

>> No.6362827

I feel you. I can cook anything and everything but I have a huge soft spot for boxed mac n cheese.

>> No.6363391

Robert Romano detected.

>> No.6363404

I don't really like steak.

>> No.6363408

I killed my mother and got away with it and had some strawberry poptarts

>> No.6363412

I like bovril and peanut butter toasted sandwiches.

>> No.6363443
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I go out to eat with my buddy and talk about sex with women and tell dirty jokes until a family is seated next to us - then the contest is to see who keep talking filthy while the family is being seated before switching to talking about history - it's a weird type of chicken. And it is fun!

Example: We're on the bed and just then her little sister walks into the room and asks whatta are you guys doing? and my girlfriend says, playing Subway, wanna help us make a sandwich? and the her sister says sure, and jumps on the bed with us and starts taking off her training b - and even though Gutenberg was Catholic he had no idea that his printing press would become one of the major engines for the Protestant Revolution, spearheaded by the mass printing of Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences.

>> No.6363532

My weakness is plain Goldfish crackers. I can nearly eat a whole bag in one sitting.

>> No.6363740
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I drink this because it's anus flavored.

>> No.6363768

Disgusting use a plate

>> No.6363821

10/10 would bro with

>> No.6363842

Mashed potatoes and bananas make me heave

>> No.6363847

I'm vegetarian

>> No.6363883

>key lime pie

>> No.6363906

There's nothing wrong with a jew or muslim eating pork if he isn't aware there is pork. They're not allergic to it.

>> No.6363940
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I teach first grade, and for snack time I'll bake a batch of Dirty Sanchez cookies and then let my kids smear the chocolate frosting mustaches on them with their fingers.

>> No.6363946

A girl gave me a blowjob at a party in highschool after she had eaten a Payday or some chocolate bar, and I was allergic to nuts. Really fucked me dick up. Dick felt like it was on fire so I ran out of room with my dick hanging out of my zipper in my hand with everyone looking, Glad I didn't know anyone there.

>> No.6363954

Holy shit I thought I was the only who does this.

>dyke looking piece of shit walks in to a restaurant I work in
>starting ordering shit that isn't cater for vegans >with that pretentious face, she starts verbally claim she's a fucking vegan out loud and demands for vegan friendly food
>start cooking with bacon and duck fat for everything
>blend bacon bits and sprinkle very lightly on everything

Godammit I fucking hate vegans

>> No.6364001

I visit indian restaurants often and sometimes I would like my veggies with other sauce than those listed in the vegetarian menu, I see no reason why I should be getting this kind of hate if I asked nicely

>> No.6364008

If you're ever stuck in some undergrowth in your underwear, don't stop to think of other words that have'under' in them. Because that's the first sign of jungle madness.

>> No.6364019
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>> No.6364025

rambling man! it's been awhile

>> No.6364074

You can order off the menu or go somewhere else, snowflake.

>> No.6364108


Begone you filthy maggot.

>> No.6364159

I lick the spoon when I mix batter, even when I'm baking for other people.

>> No.6364244

rofl vegan detected

>> No.6364264
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I eat my boogers every day, I love them, best homemade snack.

>> No.6364265
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>he doesn't garlic butter his fruit salads

>> No.6364400

and I get a meal full of bacon and animal fats... why does it have to cause such a flamewar everytime I say I don't eat meat (and no, I'm not going around telling people that I'm a vegetarian and everyone else should be too)

>> No.6364565

Chef is that you

>> No.6366157

I know you guys hate vegans/vegetarians, but please be cautious about this. I'm not vegan or vegetarian really but I avoid meat and dairy products because they fuck me right up (lots of stomach issues) and I've ended up in the hospital in excruciating pain because some chef wanted to spite an annoying vegan and put meat in my food. I understand special orders are annoying, but you wouldn't put hide peanuts in someone's food if they had a peanut allergy, would you? I can only eat out at fancy frufru ethical vegan places just so I can be absolutely POSITIVE they won't put meat in my food for lels.

>> No.6366253

I salt my watermelon like a nigger. It's delicious.

>> No.6366295

I eat my meat well done

>> No.6366327

i make myself puke?

>> No.6366368

I thought that was an Asian thing?

>> No.6366441

I use canola cooking spray extensively, especially when frying eggs.

I don't like IPAs

I eat french fries with ranch.

>> No.6366655

I eat tomato paste straight from the tube.

>> No.6366740

I have a child's palate and can't taste nuances that I often invest into my dishes.

I feel like most meals can be better with some form of dairy, generally cheese.

I lick spoons, dip my fingers in sauces and generally practice really poor food handling, regardless if I'm cooking for myself or other.

I really enjoy having steak, eggs and a couple beers for breakfast.

>> No.6367250
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>Eating and shitting in the same place at the same time
Uh-uh. I don't even need to read the rest of the thread because you're already the nastiest motherfuckers around. Get your act together.

>> No.6367261

I've always wondered how this tastes

>> No.6367617


>> No.6367633
File: 111 KB, 558x515, 1418089242598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink my coffee black so people think im cool
its so fucking gross, i just want a vanilla bean frappucino from starbucks, but if i get one, i cant make fun of people that get gay drinks at coffee places

>> No.6367647

If you're this much of a faggot about your coffee I can't even think about how cancerous you are in your other activities

>> No.6367677

If there's an adult nearby, have him explain sarcasm to you.

>> No.6367689

>I was only acting retarded

Fuck off retard

>> No.6367707


I'm not the aspie who doesn't comprehend simple humor, sport.

>> No.6367765

>Trying to convey sarcasm without it's vocal component

Yeah, you're a retard

>> No.6367840

I can't cook anything aside from simple shit like bacon and eggs, or steak.

>> No.6367851

You're too dumb to realize how dumb you are.

And that's funny.

>> No.6367856

I'm not the one who posted it and I got the joke immediately, you hockey helmeted, drool cup wearing, short bus denizen.

>> No.6368289

I got one of Starbuck's brithday frappuchinos,
It was basically a vanilla shake with pink whipped cream.
I pretended not to be delighted by the pink whipped cream.

>> No.6368393

What's with this meme?

(Please explain)

>> No.6368702

I'm afraid to experiment but I like cooking. It's dumb and I need to grow a pair.

>> No.6369380

I was in that thread. I wish I'd screencapped somrcdxdvhchchxrzhfj

>> No.6369385

Well you're doing it here, which suggests that, hey, yeah, you probably do feel the need to bring it up fairly often

>> No.6369387

Like chicken wings, probably

>> No.6369654



>> No.6369816

I lick my plate after eating if alone.

>> No.6369865

Fuck I thought it was an old southern grandpa thing

>> No.6369984

So you lick it clean after every meal

>> No.6369989


>> No.6369994

So many emotions, so little time.

>> No.6370065

I eat pizza using a fork and knife.

>> No.6370066

I eat Mayo with my pizza

>> No.6370904

Are you that guy that was dumped by his GF because he always ate dinner on the toilet bowl?