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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6358822 No.6358822 [Reply] [Original]

You think you big boys could finish this in one go?

>> No.6358838

>all dat bread

No. Never.

>> No.6358842

You don't eat an entire loaf of white bread for breakfast?

>> No.6358843

Those fatties on My 600 lb Life sure can.

>> No.6358849

he looks slightly mongoloid

>> No.6358850

You'd need your asshole stitched up after that big dump.

>> No.6358852

I could not.
And I wouldn't try either.

This idea of eating more than you actually want to just to prove something is really pathetic and plebeian. I pity the people who feel they have to eat or drink beyond their pain threshold to prove something.

>> No.6358856
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This is now a giant portions thread

>> No.6358860

Waste not, want not

>> No.6358861

I don't know this man, but I hate him

>> No.6358862
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>> No.6358868
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>> No.6358869

>all dem fishy tendies
Do want

>> No.6358870

this picture looks depressing

>> No.6358871
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>> No.6358875

No, he's just a Britbong.

>> No.6358877

The OP already said it's a massive portions thread, that's not how overtaking a thread works.

>> No.6358879

Wat am I looking at, giant grilled portobello caps?

>> No.6358880

it's all for the lady on the left

>> No.6358881

No, maybe half

>> No.6358883

I think they're Yorkshire puddings.

>> No.6358884
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>> No.6358887

Matt Stonie would have rekt that challenge.


>> No.6358890

I think they are burnt

>> No.6358891
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>> No.6358900
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Very dishonorabrr

>> No.6358902

they are toad in the holes
yorkshire pudding batter with sausages planted inside

>> No.6358914

I find it depressing because old people barely eat anything, and they seem to be upset that most of that pizza will go to waste. Why do they have that giant pizza?

>> No.6358934
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>> No.6358938

Best preparation method?

>> No.6358944

Why is he clothed?
We don't sell feathered chickens or fuzzy beef.

>> No.6358946

is that just one fish?

>> No.6358947
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>> No.6358950

who would want a slice that fucking long

>> No.6358951

Are you in Britain? Because they do. I have like a giant container at home of chicken knickers leftover.

>> No.6358955
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>> No.6358959


>Those soggy as fuck fries

>> No.6358968

the lady opening the ranch gets me every time

>> No.6358970


I am of the firm beleif that no human could consume that much in one sitting. I would do a hell of a dent in it though.

>> No.6358974
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>> No.6358976

well someone managed it in 26 minutes.

>> No.6358999

I managed your mum in half that time

>> No.6359018


>> No.6359052


That's not insulting the mother, that's praising her and insulting yourself.

>> No.6359105

If you ignore all the crappy filler bread? Yeah sure.

>> No.6359137

It seems depressing at first glance, but realize there is a gift bag and a balloon string in the picture. This is probably some sort of family gathering or celebration and there are other people there who will help eat the pizza.

>> No.6359142
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>ordering giant sized meal
>it doesn't taste good

>> No.6359147

Why didn't they offer some to those girls in the corner :(

>> No.6359194

>all that everything
>tiny portion of beans

>> No.6359214

That poor hungry skelton in the back gets me

>> No.6359226


>> No.6359233

You don't want to have farts after eating 10 kilos of food duh

>> No.6359390
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>this guy will probably outlive you

>> No.6359422

The fact he eats a Big Mac once a day isn't even that weird. It's the sandals with blue jeans that really disturbs me. And cut the hair, dude.

>> No.6359441


Terrible shade of blue yes, but nigga, watch where you be steppin on flip-flops and jeans. You lookin to get dunked on, shit is mad good.

>> No.6359456

It's really their faces that get me. That hippo in the back looks to be blowing Coca-Cola's dick like an experienced whore working the biggest score of her life. And the whale in front is joyously unwrapping that xbox hueg bottle of ranch like it's Christmas, her birthday, and a free Golden Corral run all rolled up into one.

>> No.6361004

I could eat it all sans bread.

>> No.6361010

jaime oliver is getting fatter

>> No.6361023

And more bro-ier with that twat watch and faggy tat sleeve.

>> No.6361026

No, I'm not american.

>> No.6361032

Pukka! Wazz that pink slime up ;_;

>> No.6361039


What kind of retarded shit is this? We don't buy pigs in a container as a "whole"

Are they implying we're like chickens or some shit?

>> No.6361052



>> No.6361055

beta as fuck

>> No.6361064
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>> No.6361068

>can't even match red to original packaging
Fucking failure, get out.

>> No.6361074

I so don't get what the fuck people prove by showing that they can eat several day's worth of calories, fat and salt in one sitting. It's as stupid as drinking contests or buying the hottest hot sauce you can find.

If you want to be competitive why not focus that drive on something that actually benefits you, instead of self-destructive behavior?

>> No.6361076


>> No.6361081
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>> No.6361144

They're not fries you dumbass, they're chips. They're supposed to be like that. They're actually made from potatoes, not reformed potato flour with additives.

>> No.6361147
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>no ranch

>> No.6361163

whats wrong with flip flops and jeans

>> No.6361165

I bet you're a lot of fun at parties.

>> No.6361173

Is California the worst place on earth?

>> No.6361188

Get a load of this fucking idiot

>> No.6361189

this looks like a party considering the balloon and gift bag.
i bet theres more people out of shit

>> No.6361193

because they are strong independent women who dont need no pizza

>> No.6361212
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>blowing Coca-Cola's dick like an experienced whore working the biggest score of her life

>> No.6361219

I'm not partying with gluttons, so if gluttony is your idea of a good time maybe I wouldn't be much fun to you.

>> No.6361418

He's British. Do i need to say more?

>> No.6361441
File: 1.02 MB, 257x387, 1420988508114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I bet that one with the coke in her mouth does amazing blowjobs.

>> No.6361468

Wearing sandals are socially unacceptable unless you're at the beach.

I have a strong suspicion I'm talking to 13 year olds.

>> No.6361509

They invited their grandchild, his parents and all of his friends over for the kids 13th birthday.
No one but the parents came, the kid thought it was lame.

>> No.6361538


>most of that pizza will go to waste

What the hell? Don't you have freezers in your country?

I'd force feed that damn pizza to anyone thinking of throwing it away in case they couldn't eat it before it spoiled in fridge temperature. If you can't eat it, freeze it!

>> No.6361636

Frozen pizza tastes terrible, that's why you never see it.

>> No.6363054
File: 266 KB, 1024x513, big texan billboards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drove through Amarillo once

>> No.6363058
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I did not attempt the challenge

>> No.6363100

I've eaten there a dozen times. I love Amarillo.

>> No.6363104
File: 205 KB, 358x358, 420 blaze it fredo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a tremendous appetite when hungry but it dissipates like sugar in water
>tfw you always overestimate how much you are going to eat
>tfw you always take too much food no matter what meal it is
>tfw you always end up throwing food away or putting it back in the fridge
>tfw you never learn and you do the same thing again next time

>> No.6363109
File: 38 KB, 534x627, 1421196034814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as a Texan, this is what will come to mind every time I hear of Amarillo:


>> No.6363112

Of course

>> No.6363140

To be honest at first glance I thought the plate was lined with napkins. Dear god, what's the point of laying a whole loaf of bread on the plate?

>> No.6363153

Brits love that shit. They use it to mop up the extra bean juice and grease.

>> No.6363157

same. i get full so fast and it makes me nuts because my boyfriend can eat a shitload of food in one sitting. i always overcook too because i grew up in a big family. my fridge is constantly leftovers.

>> No.6363159


I love Arabian/Middle eastern cooking where they stick the entire animal on a large plate of flavoured rice.

I'm guessing that's somewhere in Xinjiang though (or some western Chinese province)?

>> No.6363213

Love giant paellas!

>> No.6363295

No,your guts would just explode right out your arsehole in a violent bloody rush.

>> No.6363311
File: 25 KB, 485x321, 1427474047757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie I wouldn't mind tasting human if I had the opportunity. What do you think is the best tasting part of a human?

>> No.6363314

Look at how many little tables there are on that pizza!

>> No.6363323

Ask the black-looking Austronesian people in Paupa New Guinea.

Fun fact: There is a tribe of people over there who make their kids blow them until they hit puberty, so that they can become men. It's like a stone age Greece over there, disgusting.

>> No.6363328


Lioness has to wait for the Lion to finish eating first

>> No.6363354

the cock

>> No.6363367

James May pls go

>> No.6363372

Brain, muscle tissue, sweet meats.

>> No.6363411

Looks doable except for the bread.
The guy look rather small, it makes the plate look bigger

>> No.6363429

Can't the human brain fuck you up if you eat it?

>> No.6363645


If there are scrapi prions in the brain you're eating, there is a high chance you get infected, that would indeed fuck you up.

>> No.6363692

Yeah, there's literally eight of them!

>> No.6363723
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>> No.6363728

That's the dumbest looking stein I've ever seen

>> No.6363742

>Is called the "Kidz Breakfast"
>No kid could finish that

>> No.6363746

Did you copypasta this, or come up with it yourself, because I laughed my balls off.

>> No.6363755

Those guys have a feud with the ones who ritual for manhood is anal

>> No.6363763


>triangle slices