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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6357475 No.6357475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /ck/. I have an otherwise awesome girlfriend who does one thing that bugs me. Virtually every meal i eat she wants some of what i eat. And when she does manage to restrain herself she just looks longingly at my food. We went to dog sit a few weeks ago at a friend of hers and it shocked me to realize that her behavior is identical to that of a dog. Ive asked her several times to not do this as it really bugs me but it doesnt work.

It was at a point where i wouldnt want to eat meals in front of her because she would always ask me for my food. Anybody have similar dealings with this? Its at a point know where im ready to hangout less or even eat less meals together to curb this shit.

And im not selfish. But i think asking me for some of each and every meal is greedy and annoying. Anybody have similar dealings with this?

>> No.6357480


>> No.6357481

Go to /adv/ you autistic fatass.

>> No.6357495

Sounds like a dank problem

>> No.6357499
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>just gonna nab a fry real quick, babe

>> No.6357502

Growing up in a brown family everybody always went "oh this is so good, here take some" when in a restaurant. It made sense in a way, everybody got to enjoy different dishes and be able to compare and speak about them.

Only later did I find out this wasn't the norm.

>> No.6357505

I'd suggest embracing it.
I really like sharing my food with my girlfriend. Before I even consider taking food off of her plate she has already offered me some.

>> No.6357527

Eat more greens, fatties hate greens

>> No.6357535


Cunt punch.

>> No.6357540
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I just want a bite...

common complaint from men who court women

>> No.6357544
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Have you considered making some for her too, you dense fuckwit?

>> No.6357546


I would suggest trainer her just like a dog using:

>Search Results

Operant conditioning, sometimes referred to as instrumental learning, is a method of learning that occurs through reinforcements and punishments for behavior. It encourages the subject to associate desirable or undesirable outcomes with certain behaviors.

To that end, every time she asks for your food you need to reinforce a negative consequence. I would suggest arming yourself with some pure capsicum oil and putting a few drops on part of your meal which if necessary you will gift this this begging whore. This was, she'll just think your into spicy food now because it won't effect you but it will leave her with a burning lesson. Repeat this until you put that bitch in her place.

>> No.6357566

This is what kids do, when they see someone eating something nice, they want it, and they will bug the shit out of you for some, or stare at it.

My question is why are you not eating with your girlfriend?

You should eat with her, or make extra for her, always make too much and leave it in the pot for when she asks, i am just still curious as to how you have got into a situation of eating on your own with her about so many times.

>> No.6357578

Sounds like she might have an eating disorder. She might not see it that way but it can get worse if untreated.

I go to OA (Overeaters Anonymous, not to be confused with with the center of the universe) and there are a few women there that have this problem. They can't but want to eat what's on the other person's plate, even if they have a full plate in front of them. They've struggled with it for years before seeking help. Now they can manage their disease and live a more comfortable life.

My suggestion to you is to take your girlfriend to a meeting and let her see all the good looking women that are there and let her know that you're a catch there and if she doesn't stop eating your food, you're going to fuck those damaged and vulnerable women. More like bonerable.

>> No.6357582


That's what you get for dating a landwhale, WTF did you expect?>

>> No.6357586

lel, just give her some fod, why is it such a problem?

>> No.6357588

It's hard wired man, just give her some food, it's a bonding ritual.


>> No.6357591


This sounds like the most non-problem ever. Everything's a fucking "disorder" now.

>> No.6357593

>our natural instincts are disorders now

fucking christ

>> No.6357596

Fucking dump her you bitch

>> No.6357600
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cuz it's my damn food and I don't want some else's filthy son of a bitch mitts all over it playing grabbie with their potty hands when I made the exact amount for my own fucking satisfaction, them imma have to go hungry for the rest of the fucking day leading to poor nutritional choices, obesity and early onset diabetus all because this gutter slut won't get off it.

>> No.6357602

All of this.

>> No.6357605

I'm thinking this goes deeper. As irritated as you sound, I'm thinking that you are the main cook, if she cooks ever. I bet that when you cook and ask her if she wants some, she says no, and insists that it's ok, but without fail asks for some of your food.
I support this Pavlovian approach. It's a bit much, but lazy bitches gotta learn.

>> No.6357608

Why don't you eat with her? It's rude in many countries to invite people over then to only cook for yourself and eat it right in front of them as they starve away.

>> No.6357610

yes you fucking tumblr kikes. Wanting to eat other peoples food and be a fatass is a sickness and isn't healthy.

>> No.6357612

As a kid my parents would make me and my brothers shit food, then make themselves a nice meal and eat separately from us. We all acted like your girlfriend OP, staring and asking for some. And they acted like you, mad.
If they simply made us "adult" food and ate with us as a family there would have been no problem.

>> No.6357614

What the fuck kind of horrible bullshit is that? I've never heard of that.

>> No.6357618

Were you adopted or something? That sounds so cartoony and fake

>> No.6357624

>>and the truth shall be streeeeeeeeeetched beyond recognition

>> No.6357626

>didn't finish reading


>> No.6357637

Now i feel weird about this.
My parents just did not enjoy eating with us, we were loud and annoying. I guess they saw it as a meal for the two of them they could share together, they never ate with us, only on special occasions.
I guess we were like OP's girlfriend, he probably makes shit food for her, then nice food for himself.

>> No.6357639

It sounds like your parents didn't actually want children, anon.

>> No.6357642

They cared about us, i guess they felt this was normal?
I am from UK if that makes any difference, i thought eating together as a family was an American thing, because you thank god for food you paid for and cooked yourself, and i guess you do it as a family?
I don't know, any other UK people out there who had the same shit as me? I thought it was normal.

>> No.6357643

This. Also sounds like how I'd be if I ever had kids since I fucking hate them, so loud and irritating.

>> No.6357646

Your past is unfortunate, but I don't that you should just assume that he's cooking shit food for her. Unless the other person wants food that isn't like the stuff the other person is making, but that doesn't apply here, because she's eating off his plate constantly.

>> No.6357648

Not eating as a family is ignorable, but cooking shit food for your kids AND forcing them to go away sounds like a dick move.

>> No.6357649

This is a joke right? No that is not the norm.

>> No.6357651

I mean I understand doing that during special occasions with tons of family over (like thanksgiving or christmas).

You have "adult table" and the "kids table", but I have never heard of them feeding the kids shit dinners while giving themselves good stuff. What did they give you anon? Pb&j while they ate steak? They sound like awful parents.

>> No.6357652

If they cared about you and your sibling/s, then they wouldn't have given you "shit food" while eating the good stuff. That's what shitty parents do, that probably shouldn't have had kids in the first place. Good parents give their kids good food. If good food isn't available then they have no problem going with less, so their child or children can have more. Sorry, UK anon, but it's the truth.

>> No.6357654 [DELETED] 
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Fuck her more often stop being such a master fag

>> No.6357655

Holy shit what is this, i honestly thought it was normal and my behavior as a kid was bad.
On special occasions we would all eat the same together.
As kids they would make us basic oven meals just the ordinary crap, we would eat alone, then an hour or so later they would cook up a meal from a recipe book with expensive meats and good foods, i admit some of the food on the plate we would of not ate as kids, but parts of it like the meats we would stare in awe of it wanting that food. My parents would get mad at his and feel uncomfortable.

Either way it's not a joke, i thought it was completely normal up until now. I guess different families work differently, i never felt like we was treated like crap by my parents. Only it would have been nice to eat good home cooked meals with them instead of frozen pizza in the oven.

>> No.6357660

>we were loud and annoying
Well then that's completely on them. Having a 5 year old, I can tell you it depends on how the child is raised, disciplined and rewarded. If they had been actual active parents, then you'd be human enough to sit at the table.

Eating is different among cultures, but I'd figure the UK and the US were sort of on par with treating kids as human.

Hardly anyone wants children, I was one of them. But it's not like one day you just suddenly have a little child aged 2-6; they start off as babies which are pretty much easy to be around and care for. As time goes on, they grow and you learn where and how to put boundaries. His parents just didn't take to the responsibility of raising children into adults, it seems.

>> No.6357663

>I guess different families work differently, i never felt like we was treated like crap by my parents

It wasn't a family OP. Your parents were wardens and your dinner was your metaphorical prison cell. I'm glad you have came to the realization that this is NOT normal before you had kids and did the same to them.

>> No.6357665

Give us examples of the shit they gave you anon.
Frozen pizza but what else.
Do you remember anything they ate specifically?

>> No.6357666

By shit foods i did not mean it was extremely terrible, but a simple comparison would be.
Cheap brand spaghetti with tomato sauce from a jar thrown on top. Then comparing it to one of their good meals would be a better branded spaghetti with a special sauce or made by themselves, with herbs and Parmesan grated on top, our food was not exactly "shit", but compared to what they would make themselves it was not as well put together.

>> No.6357667

By master fag you mean chronic masturbater?

>> No.6357668

Perhaps, anon, they grew up with the same and just thought it was the norm. But hey, at least now you know better. Quality food is key to nutrition and better nutrition equals smarter kids. Smarter kids leads to better chances at a bright future. Themoreyouknow.jpg

>> No.6357670

It doesn't even make sense if it weren't for the fact you kids made a big deal of not wanting to eat the same food.

Kids up to teenage years don't really eat that much, and even then cooking for 4 adults isn't significantly more work than cooking for 2. The whole thing sounds absurd to me.

>> No.6357680

Well, dammit don't be so lazy with your phrasing, you cunt. It used to be a common western stereotype that kids were given the more basic food because they didn't have tastebuds developed enough to enjoy "adult" food. Maybe your parents bought into all that nonsense, just didn't explain it--kinda like you didn't explain that you didn't really mean shit food, when you said shit food.

>> No.6357683


Actually, my uncles family did this. The kids would get a totally different meal like spaghetti O's or tendies and the adults would eat steak or pork chops. It wasn't really a money thing or shaming the kids they were just ketchup only Mc'dz hamburger eating picky eaters and to this day still don't eat normal food.

>> No.6357684

It still is shit food m8

>> No.6357685

Well don't you think the parents would get it after their kids starting asking for food and staring at the good meal? I mean I know how kids are picky and retarded, but this guy said he wanted their food. You think the parents would be smart enough to catch on.

>> No.6357687

>saying it's not shit food
If someone tried feeding you that every day for years while preparing and eating superior foods, you'd pitch a fit.

That's probably because their parents gave them garbage as children and that's what they like and will only eat now. Kids eat what ever you give them; they're a clean slate and get their habits, whether good or bad, from those around them. So if someone raises a child on shit food, or makes their dislike for some food visible, then the child will pick up on that.

>> No.6357691


I have similar with my husband.
He is too lazy to make himself snacks so I am always the obligatory sandwich-maker for him.
Plus, whenever I made something tasty for myself he'd eye it or steal some.

Now that I started working out and lifting he's in the shitter cause I only snack on veggies, cottage cheese and eggs; all things he doesn't want.

I don't think you are selfish because she's a fucking grown up with 2 hands and 2 legs and should be able to go make her own food.

Worst case scenario: You tell her she put on weight with all the snacking (extra calories).

>> No.6357697


btw OP, gluttony and greed are sins.

>> No.6357698

You mates fail at reading comprehension. That was me referencing how anon previously said "by shit foods i did not mean it was extremely terrible." Meaning, he was being confusing, unclear, and waited until the last second to clarify what he meant.

>> No.6357703

So OP are you actually the dude who originally posted this story on the other forum, or are you just some anon who decided this level of angst was copypasta worthy?

>> No.6357712

Dont take it like that. Im sure youve refered to normal food as shit when comparing it to something superior in the past. I clarified whwt i meant by it the moment i was asked

>> No.6357735
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I hate when this shit happens too. Back in high school I actually broke up with this bitch for this kind of shit.

>she calls me
>hey I'm getting food right now I'm in line to order I'll call u back, if you're hungry text me I'll buy u something
>no it's OK I'm not that hungry I'll just have some of what you're having
>yeah we need to talk somewhere private this isn't gonna work out

I fucking offered to buy you food. I'm going to bring it to you too. It doesn't get any better than this. If you wanted food, but aren't that hungry, fucking tell me to order something small for you are u fucking retarded

If you like her a lot, OP, my advice is to tell her very sternly that this is unacceptable. If she wants food you can make her some, but she's not fucking picking off your plate and begging like a fucking dog. If shit doesn't change, this is obviously a bigger problem that you'll probably not discover for years, maybe not until you marry her. She thinks she's entitled to everything that's yours, literally the food off of your plate. Nip that shit in the bud hard dawg and tell her you aren't putting up with this. Trust me

Unless it's pic related for you, OP, dump this bitch or at least get to talking

>> No.6357746

Awwww, she's so damn gorgeous! I'm happy for them.

>> No.6357747

>facial piercings
>blown out earlobes
No. She looks like your run of the mill trailer trash.

>> No.6357751

She clearly has a mental disorder. No one can love someone that hideously obese unless they were out of other options.

>> No.6357770

Or she's a feeder.

Great thread btw.

>> No.6357781

Your neckbeard is showing.

>> No.6357793

Definitely a little fucked in the head. The trashy looking hot ones always are

>> No.6357798

>Or she's a feeder.
That's what he said. Mental disorder

>> No.6357959 [DELETED] 

The skeptics disorder is strong with this one.
You are not entitled to the food of another unless some is specifically made for you. Unless you mean to show a sign that you don't care about the other person.

yea, except its a mental disorder/dysfunction known as sms. (severe moochers syndrome)

Seek help; she will try to avoid or ignore change related to this issue.

Elegant but simplistic, I like it.

sounds like she is swiping what he made (not for them but) for him. if they were strangers that would be defined as a very odd theft.

Its obviously a female.

That is a pretty shit bonding ritual anon.
Question, can they do it with her having her own plate?

> Talks about the habits of children
> Assumes his gf has not aged past 6 & learned that not everything is hers "by default"
Obviously etiquette has become obsolete.

>> No.6357961

Even if I'm not hungry, if it smells good I'm gonna want a taste.

>> No.6357969

>And im not selfish. But i think asking me for some of each and every meal is greedy and annoying. Anybody have similar dealings with this?
You're autistic or at least somewhere on the spectrum. I know this not just because of this bugging you but because you previously can't communicate your oddity to her about the subject. When shit bugs ordinary people, they discuss it without fear.

1) Tell her that you have a hot button of annoyance and you want to discuss it without fuss. This needs to be completely discussed too.
a) I have a problem with people picking things off of my plate. It's a peeve I can't help it. But, it extends to the asking to try it stage too, because I've never shared anything, not even crayons in kindergarten. I am immature and just don't like sharing.
b) If you want to order something different after seeing what I ordered looking better, just do it. But, do not ask to try mine. It's okay to waste money, or change your mind, it's understandable. I won't complain when I see you order a second dinner because I simply won't give you a taste, and it would be silly to deny you the adventure of a new experience that didn't occur to you.
c) Be firm. Never ever do something out of your comfort zone. Dogs don't share their food, they bite each other's throats out if you even look at their food sideways in a glance. That's instinct. It's life or death to take another dog's food, even a bite. Don't allow it! You might starve to death. Being kind and sharing is not a consideration.

>> No.6358010

Fuck I feel you mate.

Every woman ever:

>Me: I'm making X for dinner, do you want some too?
>Her: No I'll just have toast
>Me: Are you sure? There is enough for two if you want some.
>Her: No, toast will be enough.
>Me: Okay then I'll just cook one portion then
>30-60 minutes later, my food is done and she's finished her toast
>I'm about to eat my delicious meal that I prepared for myself
>Her: Can I have some?


This has happened so many times that I now expect it as the norm when any woman is present while food is being cooked. If you want some, say so before its been cooked you cunt.

>> No.6358032

I see your point, and I'm sorry that it's frustrating. But you must look at it from another point of view. She wants your food because she loves you and wants to experience what you're experiencing. (or maybe, like myself, she's just too fucking lazy to make herself food and lets hunger build up to the point of frustration).

Either way, try to convince yourself that it's a GOOD THING. You have a gf, she likes your taste, etc. Some other autist on this board was talking about him buying a $100 Tenderloin to do something special with, and his GF rubbed it in some bottled marinade and overcooked it. He was all mad, until I told him "Hey man, you got a GF that cooks for you. You ain't got nuffin to be mad about"

> the norm
The norm varies by culture and location. In my culture (Russian) and pretty much every older culture, sharing food is a basic human tradition, just like asking someone that knocks on your door to "please come inside" even if you don't really want to talk to them (you invite in, make excuse, and kick out... but not just say excuse while they're outside).... or like asking whether you should take your shoes off in another person's house.

To be honest with you, only Americans (and crazy people) are so detached from basic human decensy and common sense to do the shit they do.

Like not sharing food. If everyone is sharing (or someone asked for yours) and you say "no, i prefer to eat my own food." then people would think you're some kind of cold calculating machine.

> muh nutritions must be complete
> system rebooting

>> No.6358034
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when you tryin not to bust a nut and she ridin

>> No.6358038

well, maybe she's being a proper gentlewoman and not ordering food when she's not hungry. She respects your ability to hunt and gather enough that she does not request sustenance until it's a dire need.

Suddenly the food smell raises her appetite though, and she gets hungry.

Also, don't you know better then some fuckin chick? Just make both portions and if she refuse to eat it, save it for her later.

My GF does the opposite! Lol. We'll plan all this big dinner, like grilled salmon or something. Start cooking.
> oh god, im so hungry my stomach hurts! I can't wait another 15 minutes, I have to have something NOW!
> makes herself some kind of cream cheese and toast, then grabs a fruit, then a vegetable, then some kind of chicken wrap, two large pizzas, lobster, baked potatoe.....

Salmon is ready, honey!

> oh no thanks, the toast and lobster I ate filled me up! Looks good though!

FACK! I coulda just gone to Carls instead of marinating this salmon by letting lemon juice drip down on it from my testicles.

>> No.6358069

>Just make both portions and if she refuse to eat it, save it for her later.


If you want some you better fucking say so before I start cooking it. You don't reward women for being indecisive cunts.

>> No.6358077

> You don't reward women for being indecisive cunts.
> READ: You don't reward women for being women.

r u wot m8? trying to be a born again virgin?

>> No.6358088

Tell her no and stop asking. If she doesn't stop, hit her.

Pretty simple stuff.

>> No.6358093
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gib food pleb nigger

>> No.6358097
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You sound like a judgmental asshole. Go die in a fire.

>> No.6358107
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burgers AND friees gib ur anus

>> No.6358108
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>> No.6358120

lmao how am i a judgemental asshole? feeling sensitive? hahahaha. i guess my comment hit you close to home.

truth hurts, i know.

>> No.6358124

you could stop being an autist alternatively.
this is the only other option, although I'd hit her first, then tell her no and stop asking.

>> No.6358126

Did you all grow up as only children?

>> No.6358136

I still think that is the norm amongst family/lovers. If you bought different dishes, why not get a chance to try different things? I guess it's a little weird amongst friends/acquaintances though.

>> No.6358138

I think thats a family/close friends norm, my girlfriend and I usually always order something different and share

>> No.6358145

>tfw current gf is vegetarian

literally never have problems

>> No.6358171

Then I just buy that bitch something from the place I'm eating at. I hate that shit so much

Especially an hour or so later when she's like, "babe, i'm hungry." Fuck right off with that bullshit

>> No.6358172

>my boyfriend is much fitter than me and has a nice body
>I constantly feed him eat chocolate and pastries so he'll put on weight and come down to my level
>it's started working

wow writing it out makes it sound so psychopathic but whatever i can't help it

>> No.6358188

He needs to dump you immediately

If you can't mentally handle your own insecurities when it comes to dating someone, perhaps you shouldn't be dating. Isn't the point of a relationship to be with someone who makes you better?

That's some toxic horseshit if I've ever seen any

>> No.6358209

> I guess it's a little weird amongst friends/acquaintances though.

Fucking American culture.... such shit.

Your friends SHOULD be like family. What kind of person are you that you chose friends that you can't even share a meal with?

It's just fucking depressing and all Americans are autistic.

In any REAL culture, if you're eating something you always offer everyone else... You grab a bag of chips you dont just sit there like a fucking 6 year old munching on them and laughing at your stupid fucking screen....

a normal person would automatically walk around and offer the chips to his friends by extending the open bag.

And not just one or two, but like half the bag.

Cause that's how real people act.

>> No.6358211

what kind of vegetarian is she?

. does she give you shit for eating meat?
does she suggest to go out to places that are shit for meat eaters?
how can you not have problems if you want to cook dinner doesn't she just make you cook some bullshit instead ?

>> No.6358227

If only to try to extend this rant further, i'd like to point out I meant eating off of someone's plate at a restaurant, not a bag of snacks.

>> No.6358256


>Comparing yourself to yourself in kindergarten
>Comparing humans to dogs

Those are red flags.

Sure, if someone grabs shit from my plate i'm going to tell them off, but if they ask then why not? Long as they don't eat everything.

>> No.6358265


I'm American and I completely agree about everything you posted. Fuck the whole "blood is thicker than water" shit; my family is shit, my friends are better people and I treat them as such. Also who the fuck cares if someone wants a little food? I always offer people shit so that they can get a taste of it, sometimes it's just nice to have a little taste of something. People who look at this as "HURR DURR THEY'RE STEALING MY FOOD, WHY DON'T THEY GET THEIR OWN" are fucking children.

>> No.6358309

Might I offer that sharing food isn't the issue. If you really don't like sharing food, you're not in the norm. However, the problem is people who often take but don't give, or refuse your food only to come back moments later and change their minds.

It's not a problem every once in a while, but it becomes an issue over time. This isn't an American thing AFAIK, unless other countries are more tolerant of this behavior

>> No.6358319

You are a psycho. Get fucked you gains goblin.

>> No.6358344

I'm an only child, and I really enjoy an opportunity to share my food with my gf. But she's really picky, so when she feels a little adventurous to some new food, I highly encourage it as pickiness is a bit unattractive. It is still annoying when women pull that "I'm not hungry. I'll just have some of yours." Nonsense.

>> No.6358354


I had a girlfriend that did something similar to this. Whenever we went into the store she would always want to buy some cute little snack and beg for me to buy it.

Several times after taking her to a restaurant I would park at a gas station to fill my car up and she would run into the little food mart and pick out things and ask for me to buy them for her.

I met her when she was 180, she was Breaching 300 by the time I left her. all the snacks, all the sneaking food, all the promises to lose weight, all the refusing to talk to me routines whenever I approached her about her weight.

Damn I'm glad to be rid of that selfish cunt. Why cant girlfriends just be *best friends* that you also get to fuck?

>> No.6358357

I cook full meals for friends every time they come over at my house, I'm a sous chef at a fine dining restaurant and I actually make really elaborate shit for them and don't ask for anything in return even though I'm a chef and I live in California so I'm fucking poor. Even if they bring someone over and they're just an acquaintance at that point, I'm happy to serve them too and have them enjoy my food.

I was out to dinner with one of these acquaintances (and other friends) who I'd had over and cooked for many times.

They ordered something that I had considered ordering and I was really interested in how it was because it was a unique dish.

I asked if I could just try a bit because I was interested in how it was.

>uhh no dude I'm really hungry


>> No.6358364


My friends offer things all the time, and we generally share if able. Not like "take a bite of this burger" mind you, but like try a slice of pizza, or some pasta or something.

>> No.6358375

he'll catch on to it someday you fat shit

>> No.6358378

>It is still annoying when women pull that "I'm not hungry. I'll just have some of yours." Nonsense.

This is your communication of it then. If it's a constant thing, then you order an appetizer and/or salad to start, so your appetite is always satisfied. You could also say you plan on eating it all, but you'll be happy to order a second one? If she's dipping into your fries next to your sandwich, don't say a word, just call the waitress over and order another side of fries. If she balks about it, just act surprised and it's not that you didn't want to share, but indeed they are very good and you'd both like more of them. Alternately, every time she wants to share something, hold on, wait...and get a spare plate from the waiter, and portion off what you don't mind sharing, and get it on a plate in front of her, making every effort to make sure she has enough of everything to fully experience it. A napkin, ketchup, a spare fork, whatever. It's a production but necessary to be done to etiquette. You can also start out with the sharing before your first bite even. Say "oh gosh, this looks pretty extreme, doesn't it? Would you like a bite before I get into it?" and hold your sandwich out for the nibble, or slice off that perfect bite of steak, and hand over the fork with it. Or request her fork, and then be done with it. It's a matter of cleanliness to section this stuff up front before you dive in. Did you know forks are the right thing even for fries? Rake some off onto a bread plate for her if you see her eyeing it.
You will TRAIN her, in time. What she is doing to annoy you is a mix between not knowing how to behave in polite company that is familiar (and confusion there, because you can swap spit with someone, but not eat off the same fork?). But people witnessing the sharing of food, could in essence be disgusted if it's not done right. It's as polite as not drinking from a milk carton with your mouth. It's just not done.

>> No.6358386
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>tfw your bf always saves you the last bite

>> No.6358389

>What she is doing to annoy you is a mix between not knowing how to behave in polite company....

No. It's a ploy for attention. She is messing with YOUR food because she wants interaction with YOU. The motivation isn't hunger, it's social interaction.

>> No.6358392


if I ask someone for some of their food it's just because I want to try it, or maybe I just want the taste of (for example) a french fry in my mouth but I only want one

you over analyze things, not everything has some deeper meaning

>> No.6358393

There is ALWAYS a deeper meaning to women.

>> No.6358394

>Conflating your GF with the masses
Do you and your girlfriend have sex, or is that yucky to you too? Why do you feel this way about her?

>gutter slut

Do you love her?

I don't think you have a girlfriend. Either that or you're a sociopath.

>> No.6358395

>Not trading bites with friends
>Not bantering about how the dish you ordered was so much better than theirs

>> No.6358397


I am a woman

maybe I just want to try a bite of food, wow so deep

>> No.6358400

>if I ask someone for some of their food it's just because I want to try it,

Right. But that's not the same scenario as what OP described. She isn't asking him to try something new every once in a while. She's doing this for nearly every meal. That's way beyond sampling new foods she hasn't tried before.

>>ot everything has some deeper meaning
clearly. but what other explanation could there possibly be? If OP is correct and this is "virtually every meal" then clearly "trying out a new food" isn't the answer.

>> No.6358402


Only solution I see is to dump her. Sorry OP, you'll find another.

>> No.6358405


you want to "try" a bite of food for EVERY MEAL? No, I'm not buying that. It's one thing if we go out to eat somewhere and you bum something off my plate because you've never tried it before. It's a different thing entirely for it to be happening all the time.

>> No.6358406


sometimes I want to just have a different flavor of something in my mouth, In an ideal world instead of one meal I'd rather have a ton of bites of different things

who the fuck cares unless they're eating a bunch of your food or they're not being sanitary, grow up

>> No.6358412

>In an ideal world instead of one meal I'd rather have a ton of bites of different things

Yes, but this isn't an ideal world. There are practical limits. You want a variety of foods? Go to a buffet, or order a tasting menu.

>>who the fuck cares
It's bad manners.

>>grow up
Says the person defending swiping food off someone else's plate like a child would.

>> No.6358418

Just make up the difference by eating off her plate. Make sure it's the good shit from her meal as well.

>> No.6358419

>sometimes I want to just have a different flavor

Did you even read OP's post? This isn't "sometimes", it's all the time.

>> No.6358434
File: 269 KB, 590x390, PoopOrIsItNutella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one solution is to start eating shit.

>> No.6358451


If it's just a bite, who the fuck cares? You're just being anal at that point.


I ask, I'm >>6358357

I'm not talking about people just grabbing your fucking food, but caring about OH MY GOD SHE WANTS A BITE WOW WHAT THE FUCK is fucking insane to me

>> No.6358456

Ask her to close her eyes and open wide, then feed her your dick.

>> No.6358457

my ex used to eat all the pizza toppings while i was prepping the dough and what not. fuck that would piss me off

>> No.6358458


>Says the person defending swiping food off someone else's plate like a child would.

Says the person who is essentially saying "no it's mine!! you can't have any!!!!" like a child would

>> No.6358459

>her behavior is identical to that of a dog
Dump her, buy a cat.

>> No.6358460

^^^and virtually every other meal i made

>> No.6358464

My cat does this as well. It's awful.

>> No.6358466


Why do you allow your cat on your dining table? Seems like a squirt bottle of water would sort that right out.

>> No.6358469


buffets are shit unless theres some expensive one near you

thats really a more reasonable solution to you than just offering someone one bite?

>> No.6358472
File: 3 KB, 194x180, spray_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How Do I Get My GF to stop asking me for food?

Squirt her with a spray bottle.

>> No.6358477

I mostly eat on the couch like a heathen. Just easier for him to reach me and my food.

>> No.6358482


What the fuck?

Also I thought that sharing food with people was completely normal assuming you aren't just grabbing it without asking like a fucking heathen. Is this not the case or is this just manchildren who are saying wahhhhh i dont wanna share?

>> No.6358492

Joke's on you he's just doing a dirty bulk for maximum gainz. Spring's just around the corner and soon he'll begin cutting for maximum aesthetics. He's probably into chubby chicks though, so don't worry about it.

>> No.6358498

If you don't want to share a bite of food with people you're dining with because you can't afford to have one morsel of your massive American meal miss your fat gullet, then you're just an ass.

But, some people just have weird personal space issues with their food and they think it's gross or rude to invade that space. Your dinner plate is full of stuff that is about to become a part of you, and you're mixing it up with your spit with every forkful of saliva you return to the plate. I don't have a problem sharing food, but I would try to be sure that someone is comfortable with it before I ask if I could invade their space.

>> No.6358505

Instead of making food for just yourself, make it for two when there are t w o p e o p l e god damn you autist

>> No.6358512

why dont you eat with her?

>> No.6358514



Everyone complaining in this thread about shit that is not unsanitary and is not without the person having asked is a passive aggressive manchild.

>> No.6358517

Also there's a difference between leeching and sharing. If you're not willing to offer a bite yourself but take from others that's just dick behaviour.

>> No.6358522


this is the post everyone should refer to

>> No.6358523


Wasabi Oil

You're welcome.

>> No.6358527

>But, some people just have weird personal space issues with their food and they think it's gross or rude to invade that spac

Yeah, that's called "basic table manners". It's right there with covering your mouth when you cough, not chewing with your mouth open, and so on. WTF are you doing touching someone else's food or plate? You have your own plate.

>> No.6358529

>not strengthening the immune system of the tribe


>> No.6358539

ITT: Virgins and mental patients who are grossed out by someone they should be swapping oral and genital fluids with.

>> No.6358557

Yeah, and manners are a code of how to act around people you don't know that well. If you're close to the people you're dining with then you probably know how they feel about their foodspace, and if it doesn't bother them there's no problem.

>> No.6358583


hey I'm all with you there, I don't give a fuck

I eat shit off the ground and lazily cross contaminate all the time (only if I'm just cooking for myself) and I've never had food poisoning and haven't gotten sick in ~15 years

just saying those are the only reasons that are at all justifiable by anyone who isn't fucking insane

>> No.6358590


Sure. But did you even read OP's post? OP clearly explained that he asked her to stop. So clearly there is an issue.

This has nothing to do with food poisoning or sanitary issues.

>> No.6358592

More like all fiction leaking from r9k....how many bawwwww women threads can we have here lately?

>> No.6358600


Whether the offender is female or not has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

>> No.6358605

The OP is crossposted from some shitty forum and he hasn't even come back, the discussion has gone on without him.

>> No.6358607


>OP clearly explained that he asked her to stop

Then she should just have dumped him. Women need to stop rewarding manchildren with sex.

>> No.6358608

But there have been quite a few bait threads lately just meant to get 150 replies about how women are demons. Meh. Think i'll just start hiding them.

>> No.6358611

why are you the only one eating when you girlfriend is right there
>autism confirmed

>> No.6358705

Immature btard detected who thinks every interaction between a male and a female or bf and gf is sexual in nature.
Sometimes you just want to enjoy your damn fucking meal.

>> No.6358715


Why should she dump him, when she's the one who can't abide basic table manners?

>> No.6358722

>I fucking offered to buy you food. I'm going to bring it to you too. It doesn't get any better than this. If you wanted food, but aren't that hungry, fucking tell me to order something small for you are u fucking retarded
Only an idiot would have such a conundrum. As soon as you heard "some of what you're having" you'd up your order, no matter how she said it to you. Double it. No worries.

>> No.6358724


back to your containment board please

i know you stumbled on here to look for new ramen recipes or how to make cheap healthy meals to lose weight, but at minimum you can at least try to confine your shitposting to those threads

>> No.6358733
File: 34 KB, 960x960, 1382955360404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at my angry feminist persona
>are you mad yet? lololol

>> No.6358735

Thank you. When I can't make up my mind (which is what it is a lot of the time) and what my boyfriend got or is cooking sounds good, I ask him to order or make double. I do most the cooking anyway. I don't know why it's so...difficult...for the dude or woman in this situation.

>> No.6358736


That didn't answer my question.

>> No.6358761

Not him but my alcoholic uncle used to cook dinner for him, my aunt, and guests or family. He was a good cook too. Us kids sat in the other room eating chef boyardee canned pasta or kraft Mac and cheese shaped like super Mario character from a paper plate. In a way its fucked, but we were little shits like every kid and probably wanted box food more than real food and probably would have disrupted a nice dinner. Still though. It was lazy on their part. If I ever have kids I'm going to make them good. Growing up on noodles and bologna is nonsense if you aren't poor. Kids are picky and noisy, if you let them be. Don't do that. I'll probably never have any though, so carry on.

>> No.6358770
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>> No.6358785

My girlfriend will sometimes get pissed if I make a sandwich and didn't bring her one as well. This is despite that our kitchen and living room is right next to eachother, and she clearly could hear what I was doing. Did she give a holler to indicate she wanted one as well? Nope, just got pissed instead.
Other times if I ask her if she wants something, she says "no thank you", just to change her mind when I come back and is about to take a bite.

>> No.6358798

>not sharing everything
>not eating her food too

>> No.6358817

my boyfriend used to be fit until we started dating, now he doesnt cook/eat as healthy as he used to and I've been urging him to get back into that routine.

He used to walk to work every day not he just takes the bus there and sits on his ass. I bike to work and I've been losing weight. He's been gaining and he's been complaining about how he's "getting fat" and Ive been telling him to do something about it instead of bitching if it worries him that much.

fucks sake i love him but hes such a woman sometimes

>> No.6358960

I looked past that, I'm sorry.

>> No.6358977

Same. Growing up in a latino family we always did this.

>> No.6358979

my sister always did this.

>anon, can i have a bite of your sandwich?

fuck off order your own

>> No.6358989

Stop dating fat chicks op

>> No.6358996

Why are you posting this on 4chan, you can get all the Internet points on reddit posting something this pandering

>> No.6359001


I just asked my wife about this and according to her there are two possiblities:

1) GF is doing this for your attention, not for the food. She's trying to engage you. Are you perhaps glued to your phone instead of paying attention to her?

2) She wants food, but is worried that actually ordering it makes her look fat. Therefore by eating your food she can have the food she wants but without the stigma of actually ordering it.

3) She's trying to send a message that you should be eating together, as a couple. Do you eat your meals together (e.g. she eats lunch at the same time you eat lunch) or are you eating while she does not have a meal (other than taking your food, that is) ?

>> No.6359032


numba 2

>> No.6359051

>eating in front of others and offering nothing.

Rude, and inhospitable.

Do you not know how to treat guests under your roof OP?

>> No.6359085


Fucking spoiled ass self centered retard. This is pathetic.

>> No.6359095

spit on your food.

>> No.6359096


what you describe is certainly rude, I agree. But I'm not sure that's what OP is doing. He clearly mentions "eating together" and also offering to order food for her, which she declines. That implies they are at restaurants together. And if he's offering to buy food for her, he's clearly not "offering nothing"

>> No.6359098


Offering to buy your GF food, having her decline, only to later steal it off your plate "constantly" is being self-centered? I didn't know offering to buy other people food was considered selfish these days.

>> No.6359108

You shouldn't be. I'm sure it's his own fault he got to that size, but even if one day he realizes he wants to lose the excess weight, she's going to continue driving him to overfeed himself until he's completely destroyed. If she really loved him she'd get over her weird feeder instincts and try to help him become healthy. Or at least compromise and get him down to chubby. This is doing to be really damaging for the both of them long-term. Sure they'll be happy... until he dies of a heart attack at forty and she's left alone knowing her behavior helped kill him.

>> No.6359123

Why the hell is dealing with women like looking up ASPCA guidelines for a dog breed.

Why is it too much for a person to ask for food when they want food? Non-virgin and I know the answer already, but it burns me up

>> No.6359153

Why would you invite your GF over and not offer her food. Do you think you're the king of france and people want to go to your place only to watch you eat?

>> No.6359391

I do this with mine too. Who gives a shit, I just want him to be a little softer.

He hasn't gained more than 5 lbs over SIX YEARS OF DOING THIS

I hate him. I just told him too, and he thinks it's funny, but he'll see after I start slipping fried lard into his burritos that I'm fucking serious.

>> No.6360216

You sound like a greedy, selfish punk. Grow up and learn some manners... Low-class trash.

>> No.6360229

Just get her pregnant. That's the answer to all girl problems. I have had 5 kids with different women in other counties and never have this issue op.

>> No.6360555

Sure, but being not just annoyed but disgusted by your GF touching your food is hella weird man.

>> No.6360698

>a greedy, selfish punk

It's greedy and selfish to offer to buy you GF food only to have her refuse and eat your food instead?

>> No.6360715
File: 92 KB, 216x272, 1372459286777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>feed bf tons of food
>"wow teehee his abs are disappearing! it's working hehe!"
>she doesn't know about the bulktrain
>she only knows about meme abdominals
>dirty bulk ends and he begins cutting
>you have turned him into a shredded beast

I wish I could see your fat face when it happens

>> No.6360753
File: 543 KB, 800x1152, 1265390421663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a horrible human being.
Chances are, your boyfriend isn't an idiot and he'll catch on sooner than later. He'll most likely notice in the mirror and cut down.
I hope he dumps you soon.

>> No.6361197

Is this a white murrikan problem? I'm brown from a small town and literally the first thing people offer you when you visit is food. Even if you arent asked to stay for a meal, people assume you are and start cooking extra.

top kek

>> No.6361217

no, its an autismo problem

>> No.6361221

It's an anglo thing - you don't fucking take food from other people, you get your own.

>> No.6361230

I can tell you're a minority. You lack reading comprehension.

Food is always offered. It was adamantly refused. Then begging commenced after food was served.

Have the nearest white person explain it to you.

>> No.6361232
File: 50 KB, 211x251, laugh glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the hell is dealing with women like looking up ASPCA guidelines for a dog breed.
I laughed because this is spot-on

>> No.6361238

For real though, when you go out with friends / family do you not share?

>> No.6361245

no, it's not. That's a bad parenting thing. If you grew up in a family or with friends that have this "get your own" issue that means you've been raised wrong.

>> No.6361253


>Have the nearest white person explain it to you.

So it IS a white murrikan problem. Thanks for answering the question.

>> No.6361257

Anglo-Germanic, I'd say. The people who invented the kind of capitalism that conquered the world. In many other cultures feeding guests is not just a given, but a matter of the host's pride. Unexpected guests are an opportunity to show that pride. In the Anglo-German world unexpected guests at mealtime are an imposition, and showing up unannounced is borderline rude.

>> No.6361258

>taking food off of someone else's plate is totally fine

Go step on a lego.

>> No.6361259

I'm kind of bummed if someone doesn't want to try my food. Makes me feel like I picked something unappetizing.

>> No.6361261

Why am I not surprised that the point sailed over your head?

>> No.6361266

whiteboy confirmed

>> No.6361270

Make more food then, you autismal robot.

>> No.6361290

you're a bitch. if you want him "just a little softer" tell him?
Or maybe you know that deep down telling someone to change appearance is not pleasing? What would you do if you found out that he wants you "just a bit less fat" and he purposefully tried to change your diet accordingly?

>> No.6361315

>Make dinner for my gf
>Put fucking hours into making a perfect meal
>Serve her and me plates of food
>Get slightly more food because I can eat way more than her when it comes to meal sizes
>We sit down, and I get up to grab us something I forgot
>She fucking SWITCHES our plates
>"Yours looks better than mine"
>Same EXACT food
>Tell her this
>"Don't yell at me over nothing!"
>Fine eat my damn plate idgaf anymore
>Doesn't even finish half the plate
>"Ugh I'm stuffed"
>Throws the remainder away

>> No.6361320

hue hue hue I sure am glad I make six figures and have enough disposable income to own a yacht! Unlike those poor, yachtless minorities.


If there is a god he surely made people as stupid as you for his express amusement.

>> No.6361321


You clearly didn't read the thread. OP offered to make more food or buy her more food but she says no. Then she takes his food anyway.

>> No.6361403

Shit man that's harsh. If someone who'd fed me asked for a bite I wouldn't have a problem giving him half the plate. Western individualism has its merits but the dissolution of family and friends is definitely a con. Individualism helps you achieve your goals but if you're individualistic to the point where something as simple as sharing food triggers you I think you've lost something along the way. Human societies were built in sharing food even if barter came into it later sharing was still at the core of it. All ancient civilizations still eat communally.

>> No.6361422

Literally cimphs

>> No.6361435

You're a horrible person who would be a drain on whoever you are attached to. But at the same time >tfw no gf with mental issues trying to make you fat

>> No.6361450

Did you mean chimps? They don't share food apart from with their young.

six figures isn't getting you a yatch unless you're single and that figure is $999999.

>> No.6362101

>six figures isn't getting you a yatch

You know that a yacht is any boat used for noncommercial purposes, right?

>> No.6362156

At least bonobo's have been documented to share fruits. They're not to keen on sharing meat, but will sometimes share when begged. Males tend to share more readily with females, presumably for sexual favours.

>> No.6362179

>Aw, you /know/ I can't have french fries
>::chomp chomp::

whenever my gf asks for a bite/drink of something I'm having, I make her say "Aw, you know I can't have..." in her best Laverne from Scrubs voice, even if we're in public. I think she's starting to cut back now.