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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 293 KB, 798x535, 3-24-2015 2-43-13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6351370 No.6351370 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else sick of this shitty mcdonalds hamburger thread?

What happened to this board?

I feel like it's left me behind..

>> No.6351380
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During a recent flyover I was lucky enough to try chicken tendies sprinkled in Himalayan pink rock salt served with a Sriracha/bacon broth and an artisan loaf of sour dough.
Dessert was a deconstructed salted caramel creme brulee.
All in all it was a fantastic meal, I'd say about a 4/10.

>> No.6351382


Not really, I've been on this board for years and I feel like "weird eating habbits" threads have been almost a daily occurrence the entire time.

>> No.6351393
File: 387 KB, 1703x1138, creation of erderm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, truly the renaissance of/ck/ has faded into the past

>> No.6351422
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You'd think that people would learn by now but let me spell it out for you - if you want to see quality threads on this board, or any other board on 4chan, start them yourself and stop making these shitty metathreads holy shit

>> No.6351424
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>> No.6351428

I also feel like we can't talk about domestic shit. No one can be married anymore without REEEE TENDIES FAGGOT. No one can have an opinion. No one can constructive crit or post oc. Fuck y'all. I miss my old ck.

>> No.6351443


The tendies trolls came outta nowhere and are indeed massively shitposting, but this is still 4chan, land of the edgelords who pretend not to be edgelords, nobody wants to hear about your relationship...just leave that out part out of the post and nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.6351447


>> No.6351475


>> No.6351479


>> No.6354050

How does a forehead get fat?

>> No.6354060


>> No.6354404

You're being a huge baby with your "can't have an opinion anymore no oc :(((", but you're right about the whole REE TENDIES meme ruining /ck/. Usually nobody gives enough of a shit from other boards to bother with something like /ck/ but since the tendies meme is directly related to food, /ck/ was the first choice for autists to spread their faggotry. It was fucking awful for like a month, literally not usable, still shitty now but it's dying.