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File: 653 KB, 1384x1038, dim-sum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6341890 No.6341890 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't dim sum more popular in the US?

Egg rolls, wontons, and jiaozi (the latter two often just referred to as "dumplings" or "pot stickers"), all dim sum, are extremely popular staples in our Americanized Chinese restaurants. Anyone who likes those would also probably love dim sum in general.

However, the actual dim sum customer tends to be like 95% oriental.

>> No.6341898

Because the rest are easier to make, and in large quantity.

>> No.6341901

It's not popular because of the dank stinky taste that comes along with much of China's cuisine. The western palette simply isn't used to a lot of the flavours they use. I've taken plenty of friends out for dim sum, and it's got to be one of the most divisive cuisines I've had the pleasure of sharing with friends.

I kind of like being the only white dude in the dim sum joints, so whatever.

>> No.6341902

Huh, I grew up eating it at least one weekend a month, my dad took me, and our family is white as fuck. We just like it, I dunno, doesn't seem weird to me.

>> No.6341904

i always thought it was because each portion is too small for amerifats

>> No.6341908


dim sum really doesn't typically have tastes that are not what the typical american likes

it's just people not tending to seek out that which they aren't familiar with

if somehow dim sum started getting a lot of media attention for whatever reason, it would be extremely successful

>> No.6341917

When I visited San Francisco last summer I went out for dimsum with my family (I'm chinese) and saw two white families in the place. Their tables were full of every single deep fried dish you can get from the carts, and a huge plate of lo mein. No veggies, no steamed buns, none of the actual good stuff.


>> No.6341921 [DELETED] 


Dim sum is just starch, meat, and shellfish, each American favorites. There's no really odd seasonings used, either.

Thai food is way more alien to the American palette. I've even seen disclaimers on their menus saying "you're responsible for what you order", clearly because so many customers have tried to get refunds on shit that was too weird to them. Yet they tend to be packed with white customers.

As the other anon said, it's probably just because most people don't even know that dim sum exists.

Yet Thai restaurants tend to be packed with white customers.

>> No.6341926


Dim sum is just starch, meat, and shellfish, each American favorites. There's no really odd seasonings used, either.

Thai food is way more alien to the American palette. I've even seen disclaimers on their menus saying "you're responsible for what you order", clearly because so many customers have tried to get refunds on shit that was too weird to them. Yet they tend to be packed with white customers.

As the other anon said, it's probably just because most people don't even know that dim sum exists.

>> No.6341927

Either that or they have no idea what to do at dim sum places because they don't know how to get stuff off of carts

>> No.6341928


The waiters would generally make it pretty clear.

They could watch the other customers, too.

>> No.6341933

Went to Dim sum with a bunch of people once because I had a mad craving for some Shu mai. One guy was brought by his girlfriend.
Dude had no idea what to do and couldn't use chop sticks. He just ate the normal-ish things we passed him. Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce, fried rice, ribs.
So probably just too many odd things at once.

That and all the Dim sum places are, shockingly, in places with lots of Asians.

>> No.6341936

Australian here. I enjoy Chinese food and we have a fair number of authentic dim sum restaurants down here, but I've always found them to be pretty underwhelming.

Like this guy said >>6341926 a lot of the dishes are just prawn or pork meat, wrapped in a pastry/rice noodle roll/leaf, with a couple extra things like chicken feet and turnip cake. Maybe the appeal of it is supposed to be the freshness of ingredients, but I'd honestly rather just go to a HK BBQ shop and get some cha siu rice or beef ho fen.

>> No.6342237

What's the green one called? I had it a long time ago and it was fucking delicious. I want them again but don't know where to get them or what they're called.

>> No.6342239

1. The idea is unusual to them. The whole idea of only ordering ala carte is very foreign, as we're used to only ordering for ourselves.

2. The food is a bit weird. Dumplings of all kinds, weird crispy things, chicken feet...it's not what they're used to when people say "Chinese food." They're thinking Panda Express.

3. The idea of eating Chinese food for breakfast/brunch is VERY unusual.

The people who are adventurous love dim sum, the people that aren't hate it.

>> No.6342241

Theres nothing green there

>> No.6342246

he's clearly talking about the top right basket. nice shitpost though

anon those look like bbq spare ribs. ask for pai gwat next time you go dim sum

>> No.6342247

The one on the left, you stupid fuck.

>> No.6342251

It's yellow you mong

Top right is brown, are you color blind or what

>> No.6342261

Because they're overpriced

>> No.6342263

yum cha in malaysia is so much cheaper then in australia /feels. people who live there just casually have yum cha for breakfast/lunch

>> No.6342277



Oh fuck off with that shit. I'm a gwailo that eats fucking chicken feet and you just come off as a dickbag. I wouldn't bat an eye at seeing some Chinese fuckers eating sweet and sour pork and crab rangoons.

>> No.6342296

For my parents it them being used to a limited menu they ate for 30 years of home cooked under spiced meals.

When they got old suddenly they got all smurfy in the head and became interested in trying new stuff.

After hearing they had been going to a Chinese buffet regularly for over a year I made it a point to witness it first hand. First plate looked fine. Variety and they were eating different items than each other. That's a first.

Next plate is identical to the first with smaller portions. Turns out that plates are small so one and a half plates are required to get the exact portions they were used to. They got refills of the exact same items because "but that's what I always get. Your dad always gets the dumplings (the one on the right) and I always get the s&s chicken ".

Maybe dim sum would have been the best possible meal,as their first visit, but given a buffet choice they went back to the same old routine as home.

>> No.6342301

ITT: Click Clack, Ding Dong and Charlie Chan

>> No.6342307

I love dim sum but I'm allergic to gluten so it's a no go now.

>> No.6342317

> Thai food is way more alien to the American palette. I've even seen disclaimers on their menus saying "you're responsible for what you order", clearly because so many customers have tried to get refunds on shit that was too weird to them. Yet they tend to be packed with white customers.

Nope, it's because Thai people are the greediest niggers on the planet. That disclaimer is for when someone finds a rat skull in their curry.

Last thai place i went to i was on my way to my car and two thai waitresses came sprinting out to the parking lot and stood being the car of the people who left just before us. They were bitching about the tip not being enough. Page was a Panang, with their cardboard box atmosphere, fucking staff that speaks zero english, $18 lunches consisting of hot bowls of water with a ton of spice and 2 tbsp of chopped veges.

Seriously, their restaurants are just retail space with black painted ceilings, brown walls, and a bunch of retards who couldn't even run a Chinese takeout.

>> No.6342320

Can you not have the rice flour and tofu based stuff?

>> No.6342322
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>huuurr if people don't eat what I like to eat then they're wrong!!111
cunt, I was in Guangzhou last month and I ate nothing but dim sum and roast meats, but when I'm back home they can order whatever the fuck they want because I'm not an elitist cunt who coaches their fucking choices.

Get a life chink.

>> No.6342343

Who wouldn't like yum cha, dim sum, whatever? I have an unexpected Sunday off tomorrow...fucking oath I'll be eating carb wrapped mystery bags or chicken off-cuts.

>> No.6342344

Last time I went to my favorite dim sum place there was a white group at one of the tables. That was the first sign things were going downhill. Then I found out they didn't have lengua in their jiaozi, or as stupid baka white gwailao call it, "dumplings" (lol). Obviously, they made this change to mollify the whitewashed inauthentic soccer moms who are flooding the place now. It's just a matter of time before they start offering shit quality western beers instead of authentic tsingdao.

Anyway the way you can tell a restaurant is good is if it was mentioned by David Chang in Lucky Peach; anything that gets a 91 or higher is guaranteed to be amazing authentic hole in the wall real ethnic food.

>> No.6342349
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>> No.6342393

10/10 would order from cart again

>> No.6342402
File: 94 KB, 768x768, corgi_cleaning_time_by_yongharn-d5tk6xt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the dim sum cart grandma comes around with your favourite siu mai and honey char siu bao

>> No.6342524

If it's the yellow one on the left they are called siu mai (say it as shew mai), they are basically all pork. The top right one is steamed spare ribs with black bean sauce. Both are dim sum staples.

>> No.6342548

I wish carts were more normal. It's slowly going to checklists waiting at your table and I can't imagine gwailo knowing what each item is without seeing it. The whole idea of the cart pushers was if you didn't know what you called it, you just point it out. It's also the ultimate "eat with your eyes" type of dining.

>> No.6342558

The quality of chinese food is inversely proportional to the english-speaking ability of the restaurant's staff.

If you have to stammer through your order several times with the waitress, you're gonna have a good time.

>> No.6342559

Dim sum is hugely popular in Cantonese America. So just go there, OP.

>> No.6342579

I dunno about this, at 90% of the dim sum places I go to you just tick options off an ordering sheet or choose stuff from the cart. Wait staff that actually take your order are pretty unusual for dim sum places.

>> No.6342583

OP shut the fuck up
it's busy enough in the good dim sum places as it is.

>> No.6342610

Dim sum may go in and out of fashion, partially because it competes directly with brunch, but it's pretty popular here in NYC. The better dim sum places are always mobbed on weekend mornings, and even the so-so places seem to do a brisk business. Even more so in Brooklyn's Chinatown. Pacificana isn't even the best dim sum joint there, and it's hard to even get in on a weekend morning.

Then there's Wilson fucking Tang with the revamped Nom Wah, popularizing the idea of dim sum as an exotic dinner for visitors to Chinatown. Many Chinese roll their eyes at this, but he's managed to turn one of the oldest dives in Chinatown into a goldmine, so good for him.

Also, many places that don't have carts (or even table service) offer a variety of classic dim sum dishes. I've had perfectly good dim sum in a cafeteria style setting at some of the larger Chinese bakeries in Chinatown. The dishes are kept in an automat looking series of steam shelves with little glass doors behind the bakery counter. Some smaller restaurants have a similar set up - no carts at all. Of course the freshness depends on what time you arrive, but some of these places turn out good examples of the dishes you'd expect.

Dim sum is very much alive and well in NYC. I've also had pretty good luck in Boston's Chinatown.

>> No.6342612

> he's managed to turn one of the oldest dives in Chinatown into a goldmine, so good for him.

How is that? It was already popular before he ruined it.

>> No.6342645

Dim sum doesn't go in and out of fashion because it isn't catered to white people. The main business of dim sum comes from Chinese people, and the population of Chinese people in North America is only going to grow.

>> No.6342692
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>> No.6342706

I don't think the point is why dim sum was not alive and well, the question was why non-asians are not more drawn to it.

from bay area and houston, i have taken friends out for dim sum, and in my experience, it is just a little intimidating sometimes. go on a sunday for lunch and everything's in chinese and there's hundreds of people speaking mandarin and all busy busy stopping the carts, no idea what is going on...it's understandable to me.

it is not catered usually to appeal to non-chinese. and there is nothing wrong with that. just how it is so far, again, just in my experience.

>> No.6342714

>It was already popular before he ruined it.
What are you talking about? The food is exactly the same as it ever was. The same cooks are in the kitchen as before the makeover, and the menu is pretty much the same.

All Tang did was spiff the place up a bit, get a beer and wine license and offer the dim sum menu in the evenings as well. And what's the upshot? The place is packed with people who might otherwise rarely bother with dim sum at all.

Tourists have been coming to gawk at Chinatown for a century now. Offering them classic food in a slightly upscale setting in one of the oldest establishments there is "ruining" anything. I say good for Mr Tang.

>Dim sum doesn't go in and out of fashion because it isn't catered to white people.
There are always white people who eat in Chinatown because they're nuts over Chinese food. Whether they're hitting dim sum or Joe's Shanghai is indeed a matter of fashion. The majority of diners at most dim sum joints will be Chinese, but going out for dim sum is not exclusively a Chinese thing in NYC.

>> No.6342717

>is "ruining" anything
ISN'T "ruining" anything

>> No.6342719

there is good dim sum to be had in chicago but i steer clear because i'm allergic to shrimp (meaning i can't eat like 2/3 of all dim sum dishes) and shit is poorly labeled so i have a hard time knowing what i can and cannot eat. shit sux.

>> No.6342791


Fellow shrimp allergic anon here. Yes dim sum can be intimidating for shrimp allergists. If you can, write down your allergies and show them to the waiter or cart lady.

You can still yum cha with plenty of nonshrimp stuff. Pork spare ribs, beef stomachs, beef balls, beef cherng fun, spare ribs, etc

>> No.6342807

I live near boston and I love hei la moon, they stay open til 3 but you should get there before 1 usually or it's just left overs. Only thing I hate is that I always have to wave down the congee cart.

Shrimp and chive dumplings are the best tho mang.

>> No.6343020

I don't know if your premise is even true. When I was little my family would drive to LA and get dim sum with the family of my dad's friend. Both them and my dad are pretty white (mom is non-Chinese Asian, but getting dim sum wasn't her idea).
I always assumed it was reasonably popular among Americans who live in cities with large Chinese populations.

>> No.6343037

>live in silicon valley
dim sum fucking everywhere

>> No.6343154

as a proud chinese, i can say with great sincererity...that tsingtao beer sucks ass, as does most chinese beer; snow is okay but barely.

we can't get everything perfect.

>2~4% alc by volume

i'm not 20 years old anymore, not going to drink a 30 pack to feel buzzed.

>> No.6343157

>Dim sum is just starch, meat, and shellfish, each American favorites. There's no really odd seasonings used, either.

you have clearly only been to places that do not cater to tradition. china weeps for your lost soul.

>> No.6343172

It's damn popular in some cities with Chinatown's and an asian population.
The lines for the good dimsum places in NYC Chinatown can get pretty long on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

The waitresses have these bingo card looking things that they stamp with their number for billing of what's ordered, then bring the bingo card to the cashier when done and they total it up in no time. It's very inexpensive and good stuff.

>> No.6343837
File: 779 KB, 1536x2048, 2015-03-20 12.41.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new place opened up in footscray.
the beef tripe is amazing

>> No.6343846
File: 789 KB, 1536x2048, 2015-03-20 12.42.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duck toung.

already finished the chicken feet so won't post a pile of bones.

>> No.6343852

whitey feels alienated when they walk in, also they eat gwai lo food, not authentic chinese

>> No.6343855

Move somewhere civilized, Flyover. Dim sum is everywhere. I dont even live in a major city and i can get authentic Cantonese dimsum every weekend if i want

>> No.6343860

That looks fuckin good

>> No.6343890

You click clack, ding dong or Charlie chan?

>> No.6343920

strike a nerve, pale face?

>> No.6343925
File: 32 KB, 1280x720, c1280x720_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off my lawn.

>> No.6343932

Jabbering gooks

>> No.6343939

shut the fuck up, pussy.

i used to stack fucks like you 5 ft high, use you for sandbags. now get off my lawn.

>> No.6343942
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What the Hell are spooks up to?
Don't fuck with Walt!

>> No.6343950
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>> No.6343959

Niggers got BTFO in that scene.

>> No.6343973
File: 90 KB, 567x378, dragonlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/e. go get me another beer, dragon lady.

what the hell are all you fishheads looking at anyways?

>> No.6344081
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Go let a buncha chinamen shoot ya full of holes whydontcha? Ya git.

>> No.6345195

tsingtao is German anyway.

>> No.6345201

I don't know of any dim sum places in the area, but the local asian market has a deli with something similar. You pick the pieces from the hot plates and then pay at the end of the line. Greasy stuff, but amazing.

>> No.6345214

it was started by german settlers to china, i would hardly call it german beer though. that would be an unecessary slap in the face to germany; they have enough shit to be slapped in the face for already.

>> No.6345217
File: 13 KB, 236x352, thebbgundiaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does your mom like to sew?


get her to sew that.