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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6342421 No.6342421 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/, what's your weight, height and favorite snack? Last year I weighed 160lbs and now 128lbs, 5'9 height. Skinnyfat though. Favorite snack are brownies and applecake

>> No.6342437

5'9, 66kg

I snack on jerky, low calorie frozen confections, carrots and hummus, and british flapjack full of seeds.

>> No.6342440

5'5, 90lb (In b4 manlet, I'm a grill)

Uncooked vegetables I guess, or oatmeal!

>> No.6342445

185 cm 79 kg


>> No.6342447

90lb at 5'5? Post body pic please.

>> No.6342450

6'3" (190cm) 180lbs (82kg)

raw almonds (not activated, though, I like a little junk food in my life)

>> No.6342454

>favourite snack are things bodies don't naturally crave
You must really hate yourself.

>> No.6342455

I crave oatmeal all the fucking time

A snack, though? Who the hell cooks a bowl of oatmeal as a snack?

>> No.6342459

>being a manlet
Good luck in life m8.

>> No.6342462

>oatmeal as a snack.

It takes a few minutes to make, put some fruit or honey in it and it's tasty, and it's filling so you aren't hungry before your next mealtime.

That's basically what a perfect snack is.

>> No.6342469

>quick cook oats

>> No.6342502

Yeah, steel cut oats that take an hour to make properly or nothing. How dare they enjoy something in a manner different from the way I enjoy something!

>> No.6342509

160, 53kg.
Favorite snack? Either cheeses/charcuterie or expensive tarts from the patisserie

>> No.6342517

Pistachio tarts are my favorite

>> No.6342520

grill 5'2 122lbs raisins or walnuts
Last year this time I was 150 and it was chocolate so... improvement I guess!!

>> No.6342522

>Everyone in this thread lying about loving healthy snacks.

Someone's got to cop to going for the gummi bears before the celery sticks.

Not me, though, my favorite snack is a nice post-workout yoghurt

>> No.6342528

Do you have loose skin all over the place, like your arms and belly? Are your tits sad and sagging, like two dreary-looking fried eggs?

Such things usually come with weight loss, don't they?

>> No.6342532

5' 7" 135 lbs
Favorite snack: pickles, cheese, maybe salt and vinegar chips

>> No.6342571

5'10 / 177.8 cm
150 lbs / 68.04 kg

Popcorn, cheetos, cheese and fruit, jalapeno poppers, mostly shitty junk food

>> No.6342581

Have you had Jalapeno cheetos?

>> No.6342599

I was 130 last year, and have jumped to 160 right now at 5'6". I kind of really lost control of my diet for a while, as well as stopping basically all my exercise, and obviously gained a lot. Starting HRT didn't help much either.

Favorite snack is probably sliced cheese and crackers. Or yogurt.

>> No.6342605

They're pretty good, but I'm a bigger fan of the flaming hot ones. What's really Amerifat is to get one bag of regular cheetos, the flaming hot and the jalapeno and mixing them all together. The flavors all kinda marry and it's so fucking good.

>> No.6342613

5.9 (180 CM) and 174 lbs (79 kilo)

I'm not skinny, I work out with weights every week.

Fav snack.. prawn crackers, I love that shit or simple proper potato chips.

>> No.6342620

5'6" - 167 cm
52 kg

I like to mix half a cup of mascarpone and nutella 1:1 and just eat that

>> No.6342623

6 foot 2 inches
125 pounds

Probably (Airzona) Sweet Tea I'll buy a case of the cans (about 20 per) and it will last me one week.

>> No.6342633

150-ish lbs

>> No.6342727

6'1, havent weighed myself in a long time. Assume ~160.

I'd say Ice cream, french nougat, paydays, clifbars butterfingers, snyders pretzels.

>> No.6342755
File: 86 KB, 670x445, pico-de-gallo-DSC_2837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11 145 lb.

Favorite snack, hm. Pico de gallo and guacamole with tortilla chips.

Your post is donkey dick.

>> No.6342778

I don't have loose skin because I'm young and I lift weights as well.
I was never obese, so my skin didn't stretch so far that it lost its elasticity.
My boobs are fine, thanks.

>> No.6342781

>My boobs are fine, thanks.

Without pics there is no way for us to know you aren't lying

>> No.6342918

>190lbs (was 230 last year, so even though I still have a gravitational field, I'm more of a moon than a planet now, which is a good thing)
My favorite snacks are either baby carrots and hummus or Herr's Red Hot potato chips.

>> No.6343001

5' 6" manlet Korean 115 lbs. I like dried squid but i don't usually snack at all.

>> No.6343018

189lbs (up from 168. I feel fat)
Buttered toast. Love that shit

>> No.6343108

155 lbs
I'd like to lose a good 5 vanity pounds
I don't snack

>> No.6343283

6' 210lbs (down from 275lbs this time last year).

Favorite snack is probably Tim's Salt and Vinegar chips.

>> No.6343557

Grill,20,170cm,55 kg.

Favorite snack is carrots,red bell peppers, dried persimonn or dried apples.

>> No.6343575


>> No.6343582


>> No.6343588

/r9k/ please leave.

>> No.6343595 [DELETED] 


>> No.6343616
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>> No.6343621

Tits or GTFO

>> No.6343660

6'2" 150 lbs. Favorite snack is a banana.

>> No.6343836

5'0, 94lb
Apples, celery with peanut butter, baby carrots with hummus or ranch dressing, nut&seed bars, and string cheese.

>> No.6343858

~128-133 lbs.

Don't think I have a favorite snack. I like berries I guess, but probably eat chocolate (much) more frequently.

>> No.6343864
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>> No.6343875

6'2" and 225 pounds.

i'm down from 280, which i was at the beginning of the year. i've lost roughly 50 pounds in a little under 3 months.

favorite snack: any kind of licorice. twizzlers, red vines, pull n peels, nibs, good and plentys, etc.

>> No.6343895

183cm (6')
69kg (152lbs)
Cottage cheese.

>> No.6343909

>Favorite snack are sugar and sugar


>> No.6343913

5'10" 117lbs

i enjoy giant blocks of lindt dark chocolate, sea salt kettle chips, peanut butter from the jar or blueberries with greek yogurt

>> No.6343940

4'11 119

It changes between sunflower seeds and lays, but I don't snack much anyway.

>> No.6343944

5'6" and 109lbs
favorite snacks are green apples and greek yogurt

>> No.6343946

350 down from 390 at the beginning of the year, 6' 1". I fucked up to get here but I'm pushing my way back. Forty down, a whole lot to go.

>> No.6343947

5'10, 130 lbs (i'm a boi btw)

Cheese, beef jerky, yogurt, etc

>> No.6343954
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You can do it buddy

A stranger on the internet believes in you

>> No.6343965

Correction. Just weighed myself again, and I'm 123.

>> No.6343967

No. Fuck you. I had to put up with it for the last fucking 6 years and you have to, too. Don't just think that because we live in the age of tumblr that you don't have to experience some fucking hatred on an anonymous image board. When you fucking out yourself as a pretty princess in this environment, it's fucking annoying, attention-seeking behavior. I can't stand fucking shits like you. You're the reason that the fucking internet is dead now. Fuck you. You leave, you fucking shit.

>> No.6343979

waaaahhhhh mommy get those mean girls out of my secret tiny dick club!!!!

>> No.6343982

6"2, 170 lb

Either edamame (especially if I'm drinking a beer), or leftovers. I'd rather pick at something I made last night than I would most snacks.

>> No.6343988


Well by that logic, I'm perfectly entitled to hate you for being a fucking faggot

>> No.6343992

That helps more than you might think.

>> No.6343999



Suggest thinking about supplementing cocoa bean. It'll suppress your appetite (which is increased via higher leptin secretion if you have more body fat), makes your body more able and more keen to address adipose. It'll also spur mitochondrial growth in skeletal muscle, as well as improving mood (and motivation). Good for your circulatory system.

Some reading if you're interested. You have to get unprocessed cocoa bean, by the way. Duth process / chemical processing (with alkali or similar) destroys some of the flavonols. You can go with just powdered solids if you don't want the fat components, but some saturated fat is good for you. But like all things, whether chocolate or fat, just don't overdo it.


This one's more about caffeine. Cocoa bean has very little and tends mor etowards theophylline / theobromine, but it's still related.

Like that other anon said, a stranger on the internet believes in you. This is one tool, along with the obvious refinement of diet, lifestyle, and getting more exercise, that can make the process more efficient. Letting you know the option is there.

Good luck, whatever happens.

>> No.6344001

omg i am a girl you fucking idiot
i can't deal with this

>> No.6344003


ur not a girl, ur a cunt

>> No.6344006
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>> No.6344018
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>You're the reason that the fucking internet is dead now

>> No.6344020

I've been here since ~2006 or so. Yes, attention whoring has been a thing on 4chan for a long time, and it's also changed as culture and the demographic flooding the internet has. But to be blunt, it didn't get so bad until myopic people who respond like you became more common.

It's pretty simple really.
-The assumption on the internet tends to be that the speaker is male, 4chan especially.
-Women's bodies are different.
-She briefly specified female so that these numbers would be processed and put into perspective accurately.

Then you chose to jump on it because you're wrongly enraged that someone would say anything personal on an anonymous imageboard. A sort of broken idea, wouldn't you say?

You're the biggest part of the problem. Along with the rest of these new morons flooding in that think reddit is some big enemy and use their shitty heuristics to detect reddit and defend a board culture they themselves are ruining and have since they got here. The people who call everything autism, who "literally" everything, and think objective means something other than it does. Don't be fooled, 4chan has always had its phases and problems, but it used to be pretty decent on most boards. Things have gotten awful and you yourself are a symptom, not the cure.

>> No.6344024

>I lift weights as well
How those ten pound dumbbells treating you?

>> No.6344035
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Well said, anon!

>> No.6344050

170 at 5'8"

Cheese with bread, or trail mix.

>> No.6344090

5'6" 145lbs I eat rice

>> No.6344105

>lot of rice
High glycemic. Can be bad and lower insulin sensitivity.

Oh, that's right.
Adding on to this post, cocoa bean has been shown to greatly increase insulin sensitivity. Resistance to insulin is commonly correlated with being overweight, this is also something helpful.

>> No.6344130

>I've been here since ~2006 or so
wow cool!

>> No.6344224

5'11, 201lbs. Lost around 10 - 11lbs this past month by eating less and exercising more. I know you didn't ask but fuck you I'm proud.

Favourite snacks include triscuits, stove popped popcorn, and unsalted peanuts.

>> No.6344265
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5'2", 94lbs (grill)
Fav snack would be sweet breads or just sweets in general.
I've had about 7 panettones in that last month and the place where I get them stopped selling them. Back to the Asian bakeries I go.

>as a snack
Like plain cooked riced? No sweet rice or seasonings?

>> No.6344266


I'm not much of a snack person, don't have a favourite but I'll eat anything. I love homebrew ginger beer though.

>> No.6344273

5'4", 136lbs, hummus and cheese

>> No.6344296

These things are so god damn good. Every year at Christmas I look forward to having some of a chocolate one. They're great gifts, especially if given to people that haven't had them before.

>> No.6344299

5'3 93,get some curves gurl.

>> No.6344616

6'0, 85kg last I checked (down from 92-94ish as of eight weeks previously), hoping I can keep bringing it down. Want to get rid of the gut and then think about maybe getting /fit/.

>> No.6344623

Hang in there anon, and good job having correct crisp taste

>> No.6344629

6' 214lbs.

Definite beginnings of beer gut going on, but otherwise normal male body shape.

Favorite snacks are pickles, olives, and cheese.

>> No.6344647

Is that a lot of muscle? Because I'm 6' and I was fat at well under 214lbs.

>> No.6344657

I've always worked physical jobs and used to be an athlete. I am getting fairly soft now but the gut only started getting noticeable at ~200lbs. Could just be the way I put the fat on, but yeah, I don't really lead a sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.6344662

Alright, that makes mores sense, I've always avoided exercise like the plague.

>> No.6344719

6'4", 290 lbs.
I'll snack on just about anything, but it's usually crackers or jerky.

>> No.6344727

Height: 5'8 / 105lbs
Fav snack: Chinese food.

>> No.6345212

5'3 116lbs
toast with jam

>> No.6345221

190cm 73kg.
I fucking love any type of meat, especially jerky.
I could chew on that shit all day.

>> No.6345480 [DELETED] 

5'8" 140lbs, anything with chocolate, I fiend for chocolate

>> No.6345521
File: 256 KB, 1558x1106, Yellowfin_tuna_nurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4, 130 pounds

favorite snack is fruit, baked sweet potatoes, nuts and canned tuna.

>> No.6345523
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Exercise is stupid for weightloss. Its all in the diet. Exercise is good mostly for strength gain or muscle building.

People might argue that more muscle = better energy burn, but do those guys realize how fucking long it takes to build muscle?!

>> No.6345527
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Who the fuck craves vegetables. Im sure it is a FORCED snack, because wanting to be healthy blablabla.

Oatmeal i can totally understand. It has addictive properties and is often topped with sweet shit.

>> No.6345538

165cm 82kg, Candy

>> No.6345560

6'0", 264lbs

Been trying to lose weight for a while. Was a whopping 295 last year around October, but have gotten stuck at ~270 for a while. I try to count calories in a general fashion, i'm not hardcore about it and try to eat around 2000 a day, but I can't seem to get rid of any more weight. Work in a kitchen, eat healthy lunches more often than not, typically nothing over 900 calories, then dinner. Only two meals a day, maybe that's the issue? I have heard some places that doing 4-5 smaller meals in a day might fire up my metabolism, but it seems strange that cutting calories would work to a point then just... stop. Starting to do some walking and whatnot, and when I can some sets of crunches, squats, wall presses, and pushups, but we'll see how that goes. Only really drink tea and water these days, juice sometimes. I also have a lot of water weight from my job, since the kitchen is hot as fuck and I guzzle at least a liter and a half per shift, or more.

Favorite snack? Kettle chips and veggies with sour cream dip. Fuck yeah.

>> No.6345576
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What you eat could have an effect. Also underestimating calories consumed.

Try going for 1500 cals instead.

Also avoid refined sugar and wheat. Attempting to go for pure whole foods has worked best for me. So: eggs, nuts, vegetables (including starches like potatoes), fruit, meat, fish. I take protein powder too when im too lazy to cook.

Protein protein protein and plenty of veggies.

Just watch the sugar and wheat intake (cut out soft . Maybe even go cold turkey on it . Im sure you will see results very quickly if you keep at it.

When i quit wheat and sugar i found that i got hungry less often and i get cravings less often. I love it. Body weight is shedding steadily alongside possibly getting some lean muscle since i lift weights a lot and eat a ton of protein.

Im pretty sure someone is going to come in and say all calories are the same blablabla, but do give whole food eating a go while cutting out wheat and sugar as much as you can. It has worked so well for me personally.

>> No.6345582

98kg down from 120kg
189 cm

> jelly snakes
>sour worms
> gummy bears

Now I'm eating healthy and counting cal's I snack on tuna with dill pickels, tomato, pepper on some crackers. Or grapes, or other fruit. Still get eat about 160cal worth of jelly lollies every monday though as like a mini cheat meal.

>> No.6345591

Can someone explain to me why people act like fasting is such a big deal? Not implying it's an effective or healthy weight loss tool, but the question remains.

Sure, when your blood sugar begins to tank you might get spacey, feel hungry, feel weak. Might be outright unfunctional. But then your body adjusts, lypolysis becomes a dominant component in your metabolic pathways, the higher cortisol and epinephrine feels fine, and you just keep going. You might even feel sharper and more clear.

Really, what is the big goddamn deal with this? Are people really so incapable of stomaching even the briefest period of minor discomfort? Is it about habits? I can try to decode people all I want, but I'd rather know first hand what the major problem is.

>> No.6345592

>it seems strange that cutting calories would work to a point then just... stop
Yeah, it actually took me 5 years to lose the amount of weight that I wanted, not that much, just 80 pounds. I hit several plateaus like this and while it's probably not the most efficient method it ended up working for me to completely stop any diet restrictions for a month or two. I would gain weight after this but when it came time to eat less again the plateau would break and I would get to a new lower weight. So the general trend is a 16 pound loss per year for the past 5 years.
I don't know...not everybody is that patient.

>> No.6345595

So first up you don't really know if you're only half arseing the Cal count. Just be strict with it for a week, you might find you're going way over with a few teaspoons of oil or something. Myfitness pal is awesome for counting.

Also If you're too low on your cals your body will freak and hold onto fat allot more. If you count and you find you're only eating like 1100 cals or something stupidly low its this. Eat your maintenance (prolly like 2300 or something for you) for a while then get back onto the cut.

Do cardio

How many meals/how often, won't really make a difference according to >>>/fit/ sticky. It's more about the total count per day.

>Try going for 1500 cals instead.
Too low, stick to a -500 deficeit

>Also avoid refined sugar and wheat. Attempting to go for pure whole foods has worked best for me.

This is good advice if you are still very hungry and tempted to over eat. Veggies and shit fill you up for much less calories. But possibly it has more to do with simply making you more conscious of what you eat.

>> No.6345599


I've cut a lot of sugar but I can't quit bread like that. I'm the sort of person that runs the risk of reversion if I don't at least keep a few things I like in my diet, and wheat is one of those things. Pasta especially. I could look into going whole wheat for the pasta, and typically enjoy wheat and rye breads better than white, so I'm eating what's usually considered the 'better' breads at least. I don't do soda anymore except on special occasions, and any sugar I do eat is usually from foods that already have it like fruit. I do love meat so trying to go heavier on the proteins might appeal, but going full-Atkins makes me wary.


Always have a cheat day. If you are eating under your required calories and don't get stupid with it, it's really great for maintaining willpower and conditioning yourself to regard those things as treats, not meal items or things you should eat all the time. At least, in my experience.


Couldn't tell you, I've fasted (not passed on eating completely, but eaten like, three 200 calorie meals the whole day) several times in my life, and even gone all day without food a few times. It only sucks for a few hours really, and if you go to bed hungry, you wake up and the feeling goes away after an hour, then good to go. Often times if I go too long without food I actually find myself not wanting any really, though it only lasts the day usually.

>> No.6345603

198 cm - 95 kg

snacks : bread and peanuts

>> No.6345605

i am dieting so no snacks

>> No.6345606


Well, the fact that I am targeting ~2000 and at my weight and height I can maintain at well over 500 cals over that, even messing it up by 3-400 cals still puts me way under. As I said, I've added exercise, so we'll see if that helps. If things don't improve I'll start being more strict with my counting instead of ballparking.

>> No.6345617

What is your maintenence? I wouldn't be suprised if you're just trying to cut too hard and your body is holding onto fat. Try eating maintence for a week or two then going back to a -500 cal deficite.

I work in a kitchen as well. And I find it easier to just smash black coffee + about 2 or 3 liters of water then eat at home. But everyone is different with that shit.

And yeah bread and pasta is fine if you just keep the cals in check. Easy to go over with them too though. And at the end of the day 300cal of whole grain pasta is gonna be the same shit as 300cal of normal shit.

Also count the oil you put on the pasta, a table spoon of olive oil is an easy 119cals http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=olive+oil
So that shit can compile easy.

>> No.6345618

female, 5'4, 99lb
cheese pls

>> No.6345628
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Yeah ive found that at first, the hunger really hurts, but once you fight through it the belly stops making such a huge fuss.

>> No.6345632
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Man I wish I could lose weight on 2000 cal daily.

Im a short gril so mine is limited to 1200 or so.

>> No.6345635


wtf is this cockatiel doing?

>> No.6345640

Bathing in my washed kale. I don't really know why. She was holding her wings out and pressing herself against the leaves.

I had to rewash it after she had her fun.

>> No.6345646


That is cute. My budgies are afraid of anything leafy. I have to use water spray to wash them.

>> No.6345658


Yeah but your stomach and caloric needs are way lower than mine. My gf is 5'2" and eats about half of what I do, if not less, in a given day. Still, being able to eat that much and still lose weight would be nice I guess, relatively speaking.


This might be the problem. I am seeing anywhere from 2800 to 3100 to maintain, but the 3100 seems way high so I assume about 25-2800 is where I need to be to just maintain. So doing about 2000 puts me comfortably in the sweet spot, supposedly.

We'll see what happens with this exercise thing.

>> No.6345661

I was thinking about that the other day. I'm cutting on 1900 atm, and my housemate is eating her maintenance roughly at 1300. That feel when you're dieting and get to eat close to another half portion of everything compared to her :D

>> No.6345694

>Always have a cheat day.

Definitely not. A cheat day doesn't teach you anything. It's just a reward after a week of suffering. Healthy living isn't suffering, dieting is.
This is why so many dieters fail in the maintenance of weight loss, rather than the actual losing of weight: they never learn a healthy, weight maintaining lifestyle. They only know to suffer like ascetics until they drop weight, then they go back to eating like they did before.

Instead of a cheat day, try incorporating things you like into your diet every day, just a little less of what you're used to. Instead of a full-sized candy bar, for example, have a fun-sized one. Candy, soda, chips, etc aren't only enjoyed by fat people. Thin people eat them too, just not as often and we eat less of them in a single sitting.

>> No.6345713


What you just said is what I meant, not 'eat whatever you want however much you want' day. I don't think you read the rest of my post on the subject. Wasn't much there, but I certainly wasn't advocating what you seem to think I was advocating. Maybe 'cheat day' is a dirty word for it, I dunno. But as you said, fat people have problems realizing what healthy food is. If you, as you say, train yourself to think of treats as just that, treats, and not meal food, then you will keep the weight off. Which is what I was inferring with my post. You can incorporate ice cream and candy back into your regular diet when you learn not to eat a bag of them at a time and see them for what they really are first. It's psychology.

>> No.6345726

Oh, I read the post. The use of the term "cheat day" was specifically what I was against, as it seems to give fat people an idea of the absolution of their sin.

In my own experience maintaining a lower body weight and helping others do the same, a clean break to a new lifestyle is much easier and less traumatic than constantly backsliding into the eat-the-whole-goddamn-bag-of-chips lifestyle and the shame-and-starve that follows.

>> No.6346909


160cm, 75kilos and ice cream, I guess

>> No.6346951

205 lbs

Trying to lose 30-40 lbs. I was 260 2 years ago, but progress has slowed in the past 6 months.

Anyway, popcorn and cheese quesadillas with hot salsa are pretty based.

>> No.6346973

6'3 230 lost 20 pounds in the lost 4 months from just not drinking as much. beer

>> No.6347801

6'8, 315lbs (350 last year), Nature Valley Oats and Honey granola bars.

>> No.6347837

I'm 6'2 and 230.
I feel like I'm so fucking fat, but other people don't see me that way?
I mean they see me as overweight.. not a lard ass.
I have horrible self image issues.

>> No.6347848

5'. 107lbs, give or take 1-2lb depending on the week.

Chips or popcorn.

>> No.6347857


I wouldn't take what other people say seriously. Americans have a really skewed sense of what is overweight and obese because everyone is so huge. You are a "lard ass."

>> No.6347862

160 lbs

Olives and feta, tortilla chips and pico de gallo, and pita bread and hummus.

>> No.6347918


>> No.6347931

5' 3"

Apples, wasabi peas

>> No.6347934

I don't.
I'm my own worst enemy, but I can see myself for what I am.
Working on weight loss, alcoholism and general self control. Shit's hard sometimes.

>least I still land 7's and 8's I guess

>> No.6348090

65kg 5'11-6
Potato chips

>> No.6348200


You're exactly what you're complaining about autist

>> No.6348237

120 lbs
popcorn, ice cream, and dates are my standard snacks

>> No.6348324

Eating at a caloric deficit is easier when you exercise to expend some of said calories, but yes it can all be done without exercise.

>> No.6348399

6'3", 155lbs

Those little peanut butter filled pretzel things you can buy enormous tubs of at Costco, tortilla chips and salsa, toast

>> No.6348455

5'5" 122. feeling fat ;_;

>> No.6348490

~105kg/~231lb (give or take 5kg)
Soy crisps, maize, dried beef (the real tough stuff) or cashews.

doing good, anon

>> No.6348709



>> No.6348712

Now this is an attention seeking post

>> No.6348717

192-194 cm, ~75 kg.

nice FRESH JUICY fruits: hairless peach, orange, pineapples.

most of the time I just drink something for snack though. like cold mineral water or sth cold. GOTTA be COLD.

>> No.6348736
File: 258 KB, 500x931, 45280-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't exactly thin.

>> No.6348740

yes you are a girll and you have a nice non-anorexic body are you happy now fuck off

>> No.6348742

go back to /r9k/

>> No.6348749


You know this isn't /soc/ right?

Also feel free to hit the fucking gym for once

>wahhhhh I'm so fat
>I'm not going to exercise ever, I'll just stick to complaining about how fat I am

>> No.6348750
File: 142 KB, 299x311, What (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does someone get that fat but have such a small chest?

>> No.6348752

I can see your pussy split.

I'm going to masturbate to that in a bit. Thank you.

>> No.6348753
File: 173 KB, 352x334, 1362905092112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your daddy issues

>> No.6348755


that's skinnyfat, not fat

also do you have no idea how body types work or do you somehow just think everyone looks exactly the same?

>> No.6348767


y'all need to learn how to reverse image search.

>> No.6348783

I honestly have no idea what /r9k/ is even about

>> No.6348788

that's a lot of effort

>> No.6348790

a lot of NEETs and robots lamenting that women don't like them.

>> No.6348847

>Too low, stick to a -500 deficeit
He has more than enough fat reserves that this is a perfectly valid daily calorie count for a cut, if he gets all the other vital nutrients/vitamins.

>> No.6348880

175 lbs, 5'6, Hint of Lime Tostitos chips.
I know I'm hella overweight and have been on a diet since the new year began.
Last year, I was eating a whole pizza pie every Sunday which brought me up to 195 lbs by January.

>> No.6348916

5"3 104 lbs
Favorite snack is dark chocolate or pistachios I could eat both until I get sick

>> No.6349121

190 lbs
Smoked Almonds
Jesus, /ck/ is either full of manlets or girls

>> No.6349137
File: 71 KB, 800x1200, i7pqgoL8R1S6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~400 lbs (I haven't gotten weighed or weighed myself in a couple years)
potato chips

If I don't kill myself soon I'll probably start losing the weight, kicking the habits I grew up with is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.6349141

the "average" man is 5'5 IIRC

Thank god I'm not a manlet though, I'd look even fatter than I already am.

>> No.6349143

6'2" master race
Probably quesadillas

>> No.6349145
File: 7 KB, 225x225, facemelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400 pounds
How do you live with yourself?

>> No.6349147

Tortilla chips and salsa

>> No.6349150

>the "average" man is 5'5 IIRC
he's 5'10" if the average in the US
An average female is 5'6"
Average has been shortening over the decades, however, because of the mexican-american population masses.

>> No.6349154

I don't, I never did really.

Soon enough I probably won't anymore anyways.

>> No.6349167

6'2, 198 lbs, i like jalepeno pub cheese and wheat thins, i also like to make my own beef jerky, but shit makes your breath rank.

>> No.6349173


5'9 180 fit, Favorite snack is Potato Chips. There is a Lays distribution hub in my town, and they dump sealed large bags of chips every week. Cutting weight is pain.

>> No.6349180

5'9" 180

>> No.6349182


Gender was relevant in the explanation. If it was /v/ and she said "I like Dragon Age: Inquisition, I'm a grill btw." then I'd agree with you. But being 5'5" as a man, and 90 lbs is a death wish and would invite endless ridicule.

>> No.6349192

At your weight, with even a little exercise and diet changes you'd shed pounds pretty quickly. No sense in giving up

>> No.6349194


Apparently every grill on 4chan is sup 100 lbs, and should be a ballerina.

Seriously, I'm a balletrhino, light ballerinas make me feel like superman.

The fat ones make me feel guilty.

>> No.6349198


Jesus, at least try to get fit, it's hard to have self worth when you are literally worthless. Get an exercise bike, watch 2 1 hour shows a day, and make yourself pedal. Eat a little less. Deny yourself the comfort of the food you love and eat shit you hate. After the first few days of strength, when it gets the worst, feels hopeless, and you want that bag of chips, remember its gonna get worse, and you have to keep going, or it'll never get better.

One day it gets better, it all gets a lot better.

>> No.6349202

170 lbs
I was 140 about a year a half ago, but have made some decent gains despite being a vegetarian

Honestly my favorite snack would be literally any candy or icecream, but I dropped that stuff and now I eat roasted sweet potatoes with a little olive oil and thyme as a snack

>> No.6349221
File: 41 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6 - 135ish - skinnyfat
I'm getting fatter since I started being indulgent and drinking more

>> No.6349248
File: 191 KB, 560x405, veggie-tray-with-dip-side-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 meter 77 cm or 5 feet 10
91kg or 200lbs

Favorite snack is picture related. The reason I am over weight is because I fucking love beer.

>> No.6349251

I went through a oatmeal for every breakfast phase. You can make that shit taste like dessert. Anyways OP I'm 6'8 176lbs. Favorite snack is a baked sweet potato or cottage cheese with fruit

>> No.6349254

5'1", ~115lbs
Usually shit like whatever baked goods we have left around, bits of cold leftovers, or coffee.

>> No.6349272

6', 59kg
melster circus peanuts, too bad most places dont sell them anymore

>> No.6349294

What's really good is sprinkling a bit of lime juice on the jalapeño cheetos. It's the bomb

>> No.6349310

>I like Dragon Age: Inquisition, I'm a grill btw.
But this would be understandable, as no reasonable dude would like DA:I

>> No.6349314

5'5" 165cm
132lbs 60kg
I don't really snack, but when I wanna eat for no reason I'll usually make instant noodles or munch on left-over crisps/chips from the last party.

>> No.6349350


434 lbs, 6'1.

I don't snack, I have meals. I enjoy a 2-4 Prime New York Strips, with a bowl of cauliflower and broccoli topped with shredded sharp cheddar.

>> No.6349367

185cm 81kg

Salt and malt vinegar crisps.

>> No.6349382

5'10" 175lbs
I don't snack

>> No.6349389

170 (14% bf)

>> No.6349391

~1.8 metres

hummus and tuc biscuits is my favourite snack

>> No.6349394
File: 230 KB, 600x876, huge-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>434 lbs, 6'1.
>I don't snack

>> No.6349446

5'11, 134lbs, houmous- im cypriot greek not some kind of vegan/food freak

>> No.6349520

177cm 68kg
My favourite snack? Peanuts. I can eat a ton of those over a few beers but they are too packed with calories for me to eat them on a regular basis.
Once I've eatern 2 kg by myself in one day. That's like 10000 cal.

It was back when I was struggling to gain weight tho. (Martial arts burn up a lot, and my fast metabolism +stomach ulcer doesnt make it any easier)
I was a hungry skeleton a year ago now I actually look like a man who hasnt been in a concentration camp recently.

>> No.6349539

5'9 160

anything salty and available

>> No.6349877

5'2" 140 lbs
I like bread way too much

Trying to break a bad food habit every month. This month is cutting soda from my diet, I've been doing pretty good. Only had one soda for the past three weeks, and that was a birthday treat.

Dunno what to do once I run out of water bottles, there's dirt in my well water

>> No.6350363

6'2", 185lbs
Favorite snack is probably jerky.

Expensive habit, so I've had to invest in a DIY jerky machine. Bit more effort but the yield is about 2x-3x what you get in a $10 bag at the store. Only way to get it cheaper would be to raise and kill cows myself... which is a bit much.

>> No.6350416

grill 5'3" 110lbs

cheese and onion baked crisps.

>> No.6350449

6'4", 310lb

jelly beans and barbequ

>> No.6350473

141lb almost ottermode

tortilla chips with cayenne

anything with cayenne

(I mix my whey with wheatgrass and cayenne)