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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 400x260, Midwest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6343531 No.6343531 [Reply] [Original]

"Bland, inoffensive food for bland, inoffensive people"

>> No.6343542

"At least we aren't gay mexicans or jews"

>> No.6343543
File: 13 KB, 196x244, Michele-Bachmann-Republican-Presidential-Candidate-Mouth-Wide-Open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will tell you that I had a mother last night come up to me here in Tampa, Florida, after the debate. She told me that her little daughter took that vaccine, that injection, and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter.
>I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?
>Why should I go and do something like that? But the Lord says, 'Be submissive wives; you are to be submissive to your husbands.
>Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne [Gacy, the serial killer] was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too

Bland, maybe. Inoffensive, not really. Remember what kinds of people midwesterners like to put in office.

>> No.6343547

"Capable of tasting things other than capsaicin."

>> No.6343565

>implying KC doesn't have the best bbq
That's just ignorant, dog.

>> No.6343570
File: 132 KB, 640x624, DemocraticLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not this Midwesterner. I've voted Democrat across the ticket for years.

>> No.6343587

I think I'm gonna report this

>> No.6343600

Too offensive. How about:

Normal food for regular guys!

>> No.6343608

"Your flight stops here so you can have cheaper air fare

>> No.6343619

Kill yourself, retard. I bet you vote on triangulated social non-issues like the irl baited faggot you are.

>> No.6343627

The food might not be the best, but at least there's no minorities!


Cooking food we raised or grew ourselves, inside our large houses that sit on several acres of land

>> No.6343635

Minnesotan here. I can't really beat your slogan.

The Midwest is completely irrelevant when it comes to food. All we have is "hotdish." lol

>> No.6343639
File: 18 KB, 220x179, eminemreaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bland food, midwest
>Detroit has tons of great Mexican food, Greek food, Arabic food, and great local Pizza places

Opie is either a jackass who's never been to any actual city in the midwest or a suburbanite moron who thinks every place is like his podunk town.

>> No.6343642

>there's no minorities!

That's definitely not true. Any food that's even palatable here is due is most part to non-white ethnic groups.

>> No.6343643

>GOP: raging impotently against the content of wombs and where people stick their penises for the last six dozen election cycles, shrieking about kenyan birth certificates and vaccines causing autism
>Democrats: rolling out a massive albeit flawed overhaul to the healthcare system, fixing the economy the GOP ruined, trying to unwind the optional wars that the GOP started, trying to negotiate a massive free trade deal with Asia

That's cute. Who's voting on non-issues again?

>> No.6343651

>Detroit has tons of great Mexican food, Greek food, Arabic food, and great local Pizza places
Don't forget Polish. Shame one of the few good towns to eat in the Midwest happens to be bankrupt.

>> No.6343652

>Mexican food, Greek food, Arabic food, and great local Pizza places

All this can be found worldwide. It's not unique to the Midwest.

>> No.6343670

Something something Miracle Whip casserole. I'm from the midwest by the way, but that shit is in everything.

>> No.6343683
File: 97 KB, 600x399, hj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iowan here. This is where I chose to live after eight years in Texas, and eight years in Connecticut.

Happy Joe's taco pizza, pork tenderloin sandwiches, good barbecue, Machine Shed, Casey's breakfast pizza, Panchero's, Dutch letters, Quad-City style pizza, fucking hell there is some great food here.

Now I'm not saying it's better or worse than any of the other places I've lived. CT in particular has some grade-A pizza. But the Midwest certainly does have its things to offer.

>> No.6343687

>All this can be found worldwide

Not really...as far as I know Mexican food is basically impossible to find outside of well...Mexico and certain places in the US. Brits and shit post on here all the time about how they've never even tried a taco.

>> No.6343693

>But the Midwest certainly does have its things to offer.
I suppose, but that pic really doesn't make the case for it. Holy shit does that look disgusting.

>> No.6343704
File: 139 KB, 600x597, 1422133756156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"We are flyover scum that deserve only death!"

>> No.6343709
File: 10 KB, 222x229, 1223450012546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago has an assload of gays, mexicans, and jews.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.6343712

Good Mexican food cannot be found in Florida. Old people don't like spicy food so it's selected against. I have tried every Mexican restaurant in a reasonable distance from both home and work. Bland and smothered in too much cheese.

>> No.6343735

>Bland and smothered in too much cheese.
Same thing in Texas. And New Mexico, for that matter.

>> No.6343743

I completely disagree. I have family who live in Southern Utah and Austin, and every single time I visit them our first stop after the airport (hour permitting) is a Mexican restaurant. It's just so much better elsewhere.

>> No.6343744

The Midwest is a pretty fucking big place, filled with people from all sorts of different backgrounds. It's kind of hard to pin down Midwestern food in the same way that you can't really pin down New York food. How do you? Too many different kinds.

My Midwestern city has huge populations of Czechs, Poles, Hungarians, Italians, Irish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Puerto Ricans, Koreans, Greeks, Ukrainians, Lebanese, and plain old average white Murrkans. How do you pin that down? Where else on earth can you find KC-style barbecue and Czech potato dumplings on the same plate, and not think twice about it, before heading later that afternoon to your local pub for a clambake? Is ham hock, black-eyed peas, and collard greens "bland?" Is pickle soup inoffensive? Is it boring to have seasoned fries and a Coke alongside your hommos topped with beef schawarma? Kielbasa with a side of arroz con habichuelas?

This is the food I grew up eating. If you claim that's boring, I don't buy that affectation.

>> No.6343745

Indian food looks gross too but it's some of the best in the world.

>> No.6343753

Yeah, but Indian food isn't served covered in fucking Doritos.

>> No.6343755

You have swallowed so much propaganda that it's fucking disgusting that retards like you can vote. There's no use even trying to debate you, as you are too far gone.

The epitome of a sheep.

>> No.6343758

My point stands.

>> No.6343762

>Happy Joe's taco pizza

fuck yeah. casey's is good too but this one is far and away the best. if you've never had taco pizza before this will make you a convert

>> No.6343773
File: 82 KB, 620x465, cat-nip-mist-himym-season-7-and-a-red-fedora-1374770195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Free thinker" detected

>> No.6343781

>Kielbasa with a side of arroz con habichuelas?

I love those non-translations of foods so common among the settled immigrant population.

'Kielbasa'... that's just Polish for 'sausage'.

>> No.6343795

In the US it's usually a very specific flavor of sausage

>> No.6343805

nonthinker confirmed

>> No.6343825

Haha. Touched a nerve there it seems.
"Capable of tasting salt, and pepper if we're feeling adventurous"

>> No.6343842

the plains and Missouri are not the midwest

>> No.6343844

>implying there is a geographic difference in American cuisine anymore

everyone has everything. you can find avocados, jalapenos, fried chicken, texas bbq, pad thai, whatever you want in all 50 states

>> No.6343847

the vast majority of anti-vaxxers are democrats, but not the midwestern kind, its mostly the california

>> No.6343849
File: 119 KB, 1040x765, Truman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the kind that likes to drop the mother fuckin bomb yo.

>> No.6343857

As does mine. If I go to a restaurant and ANYTHING comes with Doritos on it I'm never going back. That is some lazy, trashy shit.

>> No.6343862

You didn't even try to refute or even address any of the points he tried to make. You just gave a perfunctory, "It's not worth debating you."

Jesus man, if you're going to try to represent the right, try not to sound like our dumbest fucking member.

To >>6343643
The system that the Democrats unveiled for healthcare is so fucked that it needs to be repealed. The simple fact that more people have healthcare is secondary to the fact that the costs are going up and the quality is going down along with it. I welcome a system that increases coverage and decreases costs, but not at the expense of quality.
Just because the GOP hasn't come up with a replacement doesn't mean we have to keep going on with the current awful solution.

The wars were a mistake, in hindsight. I'll grant you that.

>> No.6343863

why are coasties so insecure about the midwest?

>> No.6343866

Point of order, you're misrepresenting two of the issues on that list:

Firstly, that anti-vaxxers in America are spread across both parties, with Republicans taking the 'I decide what's right for my child, not the government' stance, and the democrat side being "I don't like vaccines because they're filled with chemicals, which will totally disrupt my daughter's kale cleanse!"

Secondly, many democrats are concerned about that free trade deal being negotiated, because it's less "democrats" negotiating, and more "American Corporations" negotiating.

However, the real issue here is how no one's talking about the importance of mid-western city Columbus, Ohio's extreme importance to this nation's food industry.

My slogan suggestion is "America's Farmers. We may not be impressive, but we are important."

>> No.6343867

In those rare instances where you travel internationally, we worry that foreigners might get the wrong impression of Americans from you.

>> No.6343872

foreigners' negative impression of americans is entirely based on southerners

>> No.6343873

>America's Farmers. We may not be impressive, but we are important.

Considering America's Farmers is a handful of megacorporations, I'd say they are pretty impressive.

I'd nominate: "America's fertile heartland: we're already feeding an entire country. Sorry, Africa."

>> No.6343878

>you can find avocados, jalapenos, fried chicken, texas bbq, pad thai, whatever you want in all 50 states
True, but taste varies from region to region. Everyone eats greasy shit and drinks sweet drinks, but the South is particularly crazy over that shit. Seafood is much more popular on the coasts. And the Midwest, being home to much Big Agra and processed food giants does lean toward using convenience foods as ingredients, and highly processed foods. Fuck, they put Doritos on pizza.

>> No.6343879

>costs are going up and the quality is going down along with it.

Both of those are true, for reasons unrelated to Obamacare

>> No.6343881

>The system that the Democrats unveiled for healthcare is so fucked that it needs to be repealed.

The problem is that isn't the system that the Democrats wanted originally. It's a watered down fucked up version that got mangled via. committee and GOP meddling. The system that was originally proposed (single payer) would have been far better.

>Just because the GOP hasn't come up with a replacement

The irony being that Mitt Romney invented it first?

>> No.6343883

It isn't worth debating. This is 4chan where arguments never solve anything, and he's way too far down the rabbit hole. The things he says are direct propagated lies from the left with absolutely no basis in reality. I've been down this fruitless road before, and I'm not going to do a point-by-point refutation to a fucking retard who will just shove his fingers in his ears and go off on unrelated tangents because he can't respond to being corrected.

tl:dr it is not worth debating

>> No.6343886

to add to that, our poor image of Americans comes from Southerners who generally refuse to travel outside the US.

The ones who do travel to visit often come off as poor dressers, fat, and uncouth, but (and I mean this sincerely) unfailingly pleasant and friendly.

I live in Paris, so I deal with a fair number of tourists, and I have never encountered an unpleasant American vacationing in Paris, including many from the South.

I'd rather my city be visited by Americans than any number of Brits, Russians, Germans, or Chinese.

>> No.6343887

You obviously haven't been to a real Mexican restaurant in Texas. There are tons. And the food tastes great and its not smothered in cheese

>> No.6343892
File: 35 KB, 450x359, map-poverty-02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who generally refuse to travel outside the US
its more of a being poor thing than a refusal (though they are still more affluent than europeans are amazingly)

>> No.6343893
File: 47 KB, 600x896, BFGcd8oCUAEEc7k[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>control both houses and executive branch
>pass a law
>buh buh it wasn't our fault that we crammed it through before christmas break without even reading it

keep passing that buck and finding scapegoats

pic related

>> No.6343899

>The irony being that Mitt Romney invented it first?

That's a bit of an over-simplification. Mitt Romney was the governor of Mass. when it was first put in place in this country. Even then, it was an idea being floated around the GOP Congress in the mid-90's. Newt Gingrich was a big proponent of it. The Democratically-controlled Mass. State Congress also put a lot of their own touches into the law to ensure that it fairly covered the poor.

>> No.6343901

>GOP meddling

It was a 100% Democrat bill. It never got one single R vote in either house, in any committee, at all. It was done when the Ds has control of the White House and both houses of congress.

You are a lying, ignorant cunt and should kill yourself immediately.

>> No.6343902

As a foreigner I take offence at that.

Some of my negative impression is based on New Jersey and California, too.

>> No.6343906

>thank god he's a tripfag so I can filter him
small victories, /ck/. small victories.

>> No.6343910

To be fair though, sometimes it's to avoid confusion. When you say "kielbasa" in the US, it becomes pretty clear that you're referring to a particular kind (or a few kinds) of Polish sausage. If you just say "sausage," well, this is 'Murrka. We have all manner of sausage, from Jimmy Dean patties to hand-crafted weisswurst.

>> No.6343915

>It was a 100% Democrat bill

It's like you have no fucking idea how a bill gets written & amended.

>You are a lying, ignorant cunt and should kill yourself immediately.

That's the healthy debating skills and emotional strength we all like to see from tripfags. You big boy you!

>> No.6343918

Except he's right. If you think that Obamacare isn't 100% on the democrats, then you're a delusional partisan nutjob.

>> No.6343919

>It never got one single R vote in either house, in any committee, at all. It was done when the Ds has control of the White House and both houses of congress.

Oh so what you're saying is, that the Democrats won a majority of the vote in for both houses of Congress and thus were able to pass legislation that they had promised as part of their election Manifesto. That the bill was written and passed with mandate in an entirely democratic process?

Then why are Republicans so upset? I thought you guys LOVED democracy? Or is that only when you get your own way?

>> No.6343922

The Democrats wanted single payer.
The bill passed is not single payer.

Which bit of that isn't part of the 100% that is 100% Democrat?

>> No.6343930

The fact that they drafted and passed it you retard.

They didn't do single payer for purely political reasons because it would be unpopular, not because of republican boogey men.

Holy shit, the cognitive dissonance is palpable.

The law is broken out of the box, unconstitutional, and the majority of the country hates it. It never had popular support, let alone a mandate. Your next argument is that "the supreme court says it's constitutional," and I don't even want to go down that road of how every single branch has wiped their ass with it that it may as well not exist.

Let's see, the democrats campaigned on how medicare, medicaid, and the VA health administration were all broken (remember the recent VA debacle). Why would the next logical step be complete government oversight to expanded to outright control? How fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.6343936


Not according to the Supreme Court. That one must really burn you up, huh?

>the majority of the country hates it

Apparently not as it was passed entirely democratically. It was in the Democrats election manifesto. The majority voted for the Democrats in both houses of Congress. The Democrats passed the legislation via. a vote in both houses of Congress. The President signed it into law.

You know, exactly how the Constitution says it should be done.

So if the majority hate it, why did they vote for representatives who support it?

>> No.6343938

Drown it in CHEESE!

>> No.6343951

>Apparently not as it was passed entirely democratically.
and the people who wrote and passed it were almost immediately voted out of office

>> No.6343958

Yes, and? That's also entirely democratic. Lots of Republicans also got voted out of office 2004, so does that mean everything the Republicans did in the four years previously was all bad and wrong?

>> No.6343963

I like how you completely ignored everything but that one sentence. You're just plain wrong.

For example, to ban booze today, the constitution is so trampled that they would just pass a law (a la obamacare) and say it was under the guise of the interstate commerce clause. If we were going by original intent of the constitution, we would have to have a constitutional convention which is a hell of a lot more than simple majority. Not to mention that the supreme court decision is possibly the most controversial one in the history of the United States.

And the law has never, and I mean NEVER, had popular support. As in, polling the population of the United States, not political positioning. The dems were voted into office in protest of neoconservatives, not because of some retro-conceived mandate. The proof is abundantly clear in the candidates and to say otherwise is pure rationalization.

This is all besides the fact that the entire program is a complete debacle from the get-go.

>> No.6343968

you were discussing the opinion of the majority. Those people being quickly voted out shows what the majority felt
>so does that mean everything the Republicans did in the four years previously was all bad and wrong
No it means their flagship stuff became unpopular (the war). The point you were addressing was entirely unrelated to quality, it was about popularity

>> No.6343971


Allow me to explain how you people are wrong. It won't make a real difference, but I do it in the name of equality:

See, in the United States Government, we have this concept called bipartisanship, and an action we call "The filibuster".

The filibuster means that the minority party can say "I don't like this bill, and I'm going to keep bitching until you change it to what I want, or it gets thrown away."

The only way to Override A Filibuster is with a 60% vote (in the Senate). Which the Democrats did NOT have at the start of the 111th congress, when the bill was being made.

As such, they had to work with MULTIPLE Republicans, to give the bill enough Republican support that they could override a filibuster.

Eventually, the bill made it to voting, where it had been fucked with so many times that it had a spree of issues, but it passed.

And it has had a spree of issues since, but some simple ones to counter are these claims >>6343862

>Costs are going up.
OTher than the fact that insurance costs are ALWAYS going up, because fuck if companies are going to let inflation fuck them when it fuck the consumer instead, they're increasing at the lowest rate in decades.

>Quality is going down
The number of people receiving better care is monumental, For one thing, the system implemented a series of rules to govern what companies must cover, and can no longer do, like, for instance, dropping you if you become sick.

And lastly
>the majority of the country hates it
Here's the fun fact about that: it's true. but equally true is that A) The majority of Americans like the majority of the bill (the biggest issue for most is the individual mandate. Meaning Americans want universal healthcare, but they don't want to fill out their own paperwork) and B) a majority also think that Congress should work with the bill, rather than repeal it, and a majority also say they wished Congress would, if I may paraphrase "Shut the fuck up about it and move on."

>> No.6343987

Right, and people voted for the Democrats when they knew that Obamacare was in their core election manifesto. They voted so much for the Democrats they controlled both houses of Congress.

>Those people being quickly voted out shows what the majority felt

So what did the majority feel when they voted them IN?

>> No.6343994

The law is constitutional. The Supreme Court has said it is. You can't twist that one.

>the law has never, and I mean NEVER, had popular support

The majority voted for Democrats in the full knowledge that Obomacare was a core policy. They voted enough that the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. How is that not a complete democratic mandate? It worked precisely how the framers said it should work. Again, you can't twist that one.

>> No.6343995

you have to realize the people don;t know what the fuck they are doing, the voted for democrats because fuck Bush, they didn't think it through at all

>> No.6343997

And, who passed the piece of shit again?

Also, what is the nuclear option?

Quit trying to pass the buck. And everyone from the medical industry to economists to insurance agencies thinks that the ACA is a fucking terrible law that has done and will do much more harm than any perceived feel-good notions.

>> No.6344002

>you have to realize the people don;t know what the fuck they are doing

Ah so they didn't know they were doing when they voted FOR the Democrats, but they knew what they were doing when they voted AGAINST the Democrats. Great logic. Gotcha.

>> No.6344007

>who passed the piece of shit again?

It's still an improvement. You're allowed to be angry that it isn't perfect, but that wasn't the Democrats fault. You're angry at the wrong people if that's what you're doing.

>medical industry & insurance agencies thinks that the ACA is a fucking terrible law

No?! NO!?! No fucking way! You mean the guys who have been fucking people over for decades and stand to lose from a law...DON'T LIKE THAT LAW? Tell me fucking more Anon, this is groundbreaking. It changes everything!

>> No.6344012

nah, they don;t know what they are doing ever, but given the timing its pretty clear what they were trying to do

I am not speaking to whether this was a good thing or not, thats entirely unrelated

>> No.6344014

Most voters are completely retarded, and democrats in particular just vote for whatever social issue tickles their fancy, and don't even know a damn thing about who they're voting for.

>> No.6344019

>democrats in particular just vote for whatever social issue tickles their fancy

So Democrats vote for issues they care about, and that's bad? But Republicans obviously always vote based entirely with a balanced, nuanced view of the situation and would never, say, vote for the guy who loves the baby Jesus and guns more and wants to overturn Roe v Wade. They'd never do that, right?

>> No.6344027


Are flyovers this delusional? Mid-westerners are weird as fuck


not to mention most "juggalos" live in the rust belt and there really isn't anything more embarassing than a juggalo.

>> No.6344040

The Midwest: For Taste-buds that Prefer Missionary.

>> No.6344045

>It's still an improvement
except it's not

>experts in the field are wrong, people who didn't even read the shit they passed are right

The voters are fucking retarded and can be triangulated easily by identity politics non-issues. You're a perfect example. Like the whole invented "war on women," which was the stupidest tumblr-tier shit I've ever heard about, yet the fucking idiots ate it up.

Holy shit, I'm done, I'm going to go play video games and drink beer. Congrats, you legit got me mad bro.

>> No.6344047

Your claims are unsupported by the vast majority of everyone in the professions you list, EXCEPT insurance agencies, because of COURSE THEY FUCKING HATE IT. That's like thinking that fucking Enron hating a new Anti-Fraud bill is an "expert industry opinion". You're right, and their opinion is "I don't like it because it means I have to stop fucking you over."

And what fucking nuclear option? Republicans are TRYING the nuclear option, and failing. You've held the House for 4 years now. In those 4 years, you've voted almost 60 times to repeal Obamacare. Notice how it's still around? That's because you don't have the power to get rid of it. You lost, but you refuse to admit you lost. You're like Georgian yelling "The South will Rise Again!" No, you won't. You can hate blacks all you want, but you don't get to own them anymore. Stop trying.

And I'm not trying to pass the buck: Here's the bitter truth: at some point, I personally feel right around the 70's or 80's, our political system went to shit.

I'm not specifically blaming anyone, but somewhere in that time, we started making some decisions that were shitty for the long-term health of our country. We made laws or ended law that have lead to where we are now:
Both parties are more defined by their dislike of the other party and everything it does than anything they actually achieve. Our politicians bow to special interests and lobbyists, because failing to do so can get you voted out on the grounds that lobbyists will pay for your next opponent. Lobbyists have straight up admitted to doing it. (One lobbyist said he once did it to a guy who actually voted the way they wanted. He was just a dick about it)
The American PEOPLE don't want to be involved with Politics. We hate taxes, but love their benefits, so we don't understand why roads are so shitty when we've refused to raise the primary funding source for highway repair since 1993.

We got dumb, we got greedy, and we're paying the price.

>> No.6344054

>The voters don't do what I want so they're fucking retarded

Uh huh. Democracy, what a bitch.

>You're a perfect example.

You have no idea who I am, what I believe or who I voted for. I have no idea what your angry rant about Tumblr has to do with anything but does tell me you're an angry white male; possibly an MRA. You're not a success so it must be everybody else's fault, and you still believe in The American Dream and you can be successful if those damn Other People would just stop Keeping You Down.

Don't bother to reply by the way, that's largely rhetorical.

>I'm going to go play video games and drink beer

Oh, nailed it.

>> No.6344061

>you have no idea who I am
>paints a picture of the other guy with minute self-projected detail

your and idiot

>> No.6344064

Try harder Anon. Trolling is a art.

>> No.6344068

>My Midwestern city has huge populations of White Americans, White Americans, White Americans, SemiWhite Americans, White Americans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Puerto Ricans, Koreans, White Americans, White Americans, SemiWhite Americans, and plain old average white Murrkans.
Fixed that for you. Outside of Chicago and possibly Detroit (if that place is still standing), the Midwest doesn't really see much European immigration these days.

>> No.6344073

Dude, do you realize what a state fair is?

>> No.6344083

Yeah, the big event of the year where midwest yokels get filmed being themselves

>> No.6344096

Serious question, do you honestly think posting clips from a state fair, a place where rural people go specifically to eat weird stuff once a year is meaningful?

>> No.6344104


California is to Demos what Florida is to Repubs: they associate with us, not so much the other way around

>> No.6344112

Boston and the upper midwest are the only places where educated white people vote democrat, in the rest of the country its pure minorities and uneducated union members (and California crazy people)

>> No.6344113


Hey man, we tried to Reconstruct that shit, but the idea got shot down

>> No.6344124


As something of an illustrative point, here's a quote from an article today on The Hill:

>“Members earn the right to go on taxpayer-funded travel. Those rewards aren’t going to be handed out to members who oppose the broader GOP team on a regular basis, especially those who’ve previously asked the leaders to bail them out to keep their seat,” a House GOP leadership aide said, referring to campaign committee help King got in his tough 2012 reelection.

"Members earn the right to go on Taxpayer-funded travel"? What a shitty thing to say. I assumed that Congressional officials went on taxpayer funded travel when it was NECESSARY FOR THEIR JOB.

I'm not calling out the Republican party for this, though they're a big center for it at the moment, with the political divide between mainstream Republicans and Tea Party members. (the quote in question comes from an article about some recent in-fighting between Reps and TPs about the threatened DHS shut-down)

I'm sure the same shit happens among the Dems too, but it's the kind of bullshit that I don't think has a place in politics.

Further, the kind of rhetoric used is irritating. One guy bitching in the article claims that, when the GOP refused to pay for him to travel to Egypt, he had to "reach into his own kids' inheritance" to fund the trip himself.

This is a man who makes $181,000 a year. His personal net worth is $350,000. Who has $196,000 in his personal campaign committee. And he's bitching about a $1000 flight. Don't get me wrong, it's enough of and expense to be complain-worthy, but "Reaching into my kids' inheritance?" Bullshit.

>> No.6344128


"Obesity isn't an epidemic, it's a way of life."

"Where ranch dressing is a food group."

"At least we're not the south."

"White people."

>> No.6344142


Of course not, I mean how could anyone think anything bad about the Midwest anyway? Not a single person there that might give the country a bad perception


>> No.6344149

half of those states aren't even in the midwest

midwest: illinois, wisconsin, minnesota, michigan, indiana, illinois

t. a midwesterner

>> No.6344155

What do you have against plains people, asshole?

>> No.6344160

there aren't very many jews in chicago
not many at all, at least compared to any east or west coast city
and all of our jews are confined to the ghettos of evanston and skokie

chicago is mostly catholic

>> No.6344163

U.S. Census Bureau, what is it?

>> No.6344164

compared to any other city in the Midwest it's absolutely swarming with jews and other racial undesirables.

>> No.6344167
File: 90 KB, 450x332, larry-the-cable-guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plains "people

>> No.6344168

nothing, it's just they're not part of the midwest, or at least the midwest i know

i've been to the plains, it's a totally different place than what i know and i've lived in illinois, michigan, indiana, and ohio

>> No.6344170

the midwest is only bad if you don't like moderately affluent white people

>> No.6344175

an arbitrary designation for the purpose of classifying population and demographic info

not a cultural designation

>> No.6344176

Don't really care too much about the argument between Lolocrats and Roflicans, but you've got the figures reversed, Anon.



>NJ, firmly blue
>MN, firmly blue
>AK, firmly red
>NH, firmly blue
>VT, firmly blue
>MT, firmly red
>IA, generally blue
>HI, firmly blue
>UT, firmly red
>MA, firmly blue
Out of the ten states with the highest rates of highschool graduation, seven are blue, three are red.

>TX, firmly red
>MI, firmly red
>CA, firmly blue
>KY, firmly red
>AL, firmly red
>LA, firmly red
>AR, firmly red
>WV, firmly red
>NM, generally blue
>TN, firmly red

Out of the ten states with the lowest graduation rates, eight are red.

And if you organise it by bachelor's degree, only one of the top ten is firmly red, two are swing and the remaining seven are blue.
And by advanced degree? Same figure: one red, two swing, seven blue.

Lowest bachelor's rates: nine red, one swing.
Lowest advanced education rates: eight red, one swing, one generally blue.

I wonder why that is...

>> No.6344177

th plains are the plains, not the midwest

and Missouri is the south

and Ohio is its own thing, they are way too rednecked and poor to be the midwest

and once you get an hour or two south of chicago you are basically in the south

>> No.6344179

>compared to any other city in the Midwest it's absolutely swarming with jews
i bet Milwaukee and Minneapolis have a pretty similar portion of jews, Minneapolis probably has the most of the 3 cities

>> No.6344183

Metro Detroit and southeast Michigan is chock full of Jews

>> No.6344185

Romney won the educated male vote in every state besides Massachusetts, you are simplifying this too much

Southern republicans are northern democrats and everyone in California are all terrible people

>> No.6344188

>and once you get an hour or two south of chicago you are basically in the south
I totally agree. I lived in both northern indiana and northern illinois. When you went to the next county south you could detect a southern accent and a different sensibility. It was weird. Most of Indiana is southern except for like 5 counties in the north west

>> No.6344191

sorry our food is not crammed with spices and flavor aids to cover up the off taste of bad veggies and meat, haji.

>> No.6344192

Sounds like you're just upset that the facts don't match your PoV, Anon. That's so sad, I could cry. T_T

>> No.6344197

i have a cousin who lives near Indianapolis and I was surprised to learn a lot of people down there have southern accents. Even she is starting to pick it up a little

>> No.6344200

Kek, that's an interesting outlook. "I don't like these states so I'm not going to consider them part of my group"


>> No.6344205

>"At least we're not the south
Lost it

>> No.6344207


Yeah definitely, seems like a fun place.


>> No.6344208

I went to school in Pennsylvania, about 3 hours from NYC. The townies spoke with a drawl. Not all of them, mind you, but enough that it was noteworthy.

>> No.6344209

The facts do match what I was saying

New England and the upper midwest are the most educated part of the country and typically vote democrat, but the most educated portion of every state still votes republican. In every state besides Boston the educated white people still primarily vote democrat while the poor white people and non white people and increasingly women swayed by irrelevant social issues go democrat
Where exactly the cutoff is varies by state, and in the south all white people regardless of education (which means a lot of fucking uneducated people) vote republican. You ned to look a little closer

>> No.6344218

A lot of people in the great plains, despite having not having real familial relations with white Southerners, picked up Southern accents or lean towards them subtly in their speech, since they self-style themselves as self-reliant, gun-owning, small government people and the dominant American cultural trope of that sort of person is a rural white southerner.

Being a Democrat in a rural community in the great plains is a good way to make yourself a pariah. Which is funny since the people there are so reliant on government subsidies on corn.

>> No.6344220
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To clarify I have no problem with the plains, I just consider them distinct culturally as it becomes more rural and drier (which traditionally made it based on a different kind of agriculture)

but yeah, thats true of Ohio, they just suck so they shouldn't count as the midwest

>> No.6344227

Better educated people tend to be higher earners. Higher earners will tend to vote for the guy who promises to make them pay less tax and make it easier for them to make more money.

So while "the most educated portion of every state still votes republican" is correct, they're not voting for the entire platform or because the agree with the platform on an intellectual level. They just want more money.

>> No.6344228

>Being a Democrat in a rural community in the great plains is a good way to make yourself a pariah. Which is funny since the people there are so reliant on government subsidies on corn.
funny because it is the opposite in the upper midwest where most rural and small town white people vote democrat but the educated suburban people vote very strongly republican (and the small inner cities are 99% democrat of course)

>> No.6344230

>they're not voting for the entire platform
no one in any circumstance is voting for the entire platform

Educated people vote republican because they are smart enough to put economic issues before trivial social ones. Very few of these people agree with the republican social platform but they have to go along with it for more important issues

>> No.6344233
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>going to Detroit for any reason
Why not just shoot yourself? It's cheaper, faster, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

>> No.6344236

Fact: educated states vote dem.
Fact: uneducated states vote rep.
These facts were backed up with evidence.
Your claims aren't backed up with anything other than "nuh-uh!! NUH-UH!!"

>> No.6344240

>my stereotype can beat up your stereotype
/pol/ is the worst food ever

>> No.6344243

All that proves is that education is nothing more than liberal government brainwashing which needs to be defunded.

>> No.6344244

>Educated people vote republican because they are smart enough to put economic issues before trivial social ones

You have your correlation & causation the wrong way around.

Also you're assigning your own biases ("Money is more important than social issues") to everyone else.

>> No.6344248

>Fact: educated states vote dem.
>Fact: uneducated states vote rep.
misleadin because the educated portions of those states vote republican while the uneducated ones vote democrat (have you ever met a union member or inner city resident who doesn't vote democrat)

Besides the 2 previously mentioned groups the only large one that goes democrat are people too young to understand money

>> No.6344252

if you think whether gays can marry or not is more important than the economy, then fuck you

There hasn't been a serious social issue in many decades, its all just arbitrary bullshit drummed up by the media now

>> No.6344257

>where most rural and small town white people vote democrat

This is factually wrong.

Look at the 2012 presidential polls. If only sparsely-populated rural votes counted Minnesota would've handily given Romney the election. Look at all that red around MSP.

>> No.6344261
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>> No.6344262

>have you ever met a union member or inner city resident who doesn't vote democrat
Yes. Several.
Have you ever met a hillbilly or redneck who doesn't vote republican?

>> No.6344264
File: 252 KB, 1271x928, Scrooge-McDuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How DARE someone have a different value system to you! Democracy is SUCH a bitch!

>> No.6344268


>> No.6344269

look at the by county results in Minnesota and Wisconsin
The more heavily populated suburban counties of Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Green Bay overwhelmingly voted republican while the inner city and rural areas and college towns like Madison voted democrat

>> No.6344270

I don't know if I'd call 5 many.

And the whole gay marriage issue is an economic issue as well, given that we've incentivized marriage through tax breaks, death benefits, and various other options.

There's a difference between "educated" and "Wealthy". Plenty of educated poeple are stuck working only moderately useful jobs, while three guys who got lucky on the stock exchange spend thousands to convince poor people we should end the estate tax.

>> No.6344274

>There's a difference between "educated" and "Wealthy".

>> No.6344301
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>lol, white people are so bland and inoffensive, they would be SO much more interesting if we dumped a billion PoC in their towns, right go..I mean, guys? Think of the food, people!

>> No.6344308


My dad probably qualifies as redneck or hillbilly and is a union member and votes democrat so I certainly have.

>> No.6344315
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>> No.6344328

you basically just said people who aren't poor are just lucky

Thats just a ridiculous thing to believe. Education and intelligence very strongly correlate with how much you end up making

>> No.6344348

minnesota is one of the most consistently liberal states in the nation, yo

i love the midwest and most stereotypes about it are way off, but we really don't have much going food-wise. not that minneapolis doesn't have lots of great restaurants, just that it doesn't have a food identity of its own. i guess lefse, corn dogs, and cheese curds are pretty good.

>> No.6344352

we have god tier beer though

>> No.6344356

True. I live in west Michigan and I submit that we have the best craft beer in the nation.

And by that metric we must have the best beer in the world. Other midwestern breweries round out the region. Have fun with your faggy wine fagifornia.

>> No.6344364

>Education and intelligence very strongly correlate with how much you end up making

Your level of education (and even intelligence) also strongly correlate with how wealthy your parents are.
Let's not kid ourselves. We're all anon here.

>> No.6344370

Fortunately, education budgets have already been slashed in your state, which explains you, Spud.

>> No.6344373

>Your level of education (and even intelligence) also strongly correlate with how wealthy your parents are
yep, genetics are real

>> No.6344377

true, true. the past few years have been fantastic in terms of breweries in minneapolis. so many taprooms and brewery tours.

>> No.6344379

I agree there is no other similarly sized region that can match Founders Surly, New Glarus, Bells, Three Floyds, Ale Asylum, Toppling Goliath and Pipeworks

>> No.6344396

Yes they are. They're considered the lower Midwest. There is a big difference between the lower Midwest and the upper Midwest. People tend to lump them together when talking about culture despite the differences. The lower Midwest is more like the south in terms of culture and cuisine.

>> No.6344402

Go back to /pol/ you pathetic idiot.

>> No.6344403

>They're considered the lower Midwest
the lower midwest is Indiana, Ohio and Southern Illinois and maybe Missouri. The plains are culturally distinct

>> No.6344405

You're wrong, New England greases the Mid-West in terms of beer, better variety of styles, number of brewers, and quality.

Portland can make a case for themselves, but Michigan sure as shit can't.

>> No.6344407

"Take away your fresh fish and year-long growing seasons and you couldn't do any better, either"

>> No.6344411


Come to Canada, friends.

>> No.6344414

"the Midwest: Do you really need all FOUR seasons per year?"

>> No.6344418

how much does good beer cost in canada? Isn't your cheap beer like twice as expensive as our top beer?

>> No.6344419

this is why MN is trying to secede from the midwest and its stereotypes and rebrand itself as "the north". i can't say that i hate the idea.

whatchu trying to get at. no one sees the seasons as clearly as minnesota. -20F in the winter to 100F in the summer

>> No.6344423

Why? I can get American beer cheaper here.

We Americans may tease each other about their respective region's preferred beers, but any American can agree that America has the world's best beer. Therefore, it is entirely unanimous among relevant opinions that America has the world's best beer.

>> No.6344427

Everything is more expensive here, especially in my area (Vancouver).

But we do have great beer. Even our macros are better (though that's not saying much).

>> No.6344429

> the election results are only legitimate if my guy wins
Why do you hate democracy?

>> No.6344435

>no one sees the seasons as clearly as minnesota.

except spring and autumn. It just goes from scorching into late September and the Arctic wind comes in and drops the temps into the 20s over the course of a week.

I'm from Wisconsin, I know what I'm talking about. Go to New England. Spring and Fall are real, distinct, things there.

>> No.6344441

I wasn't even talking about legitimacy and I definitely didn't have a guy, I was just talking about demographics

>> No.6344444

Conservatives secretly long for a monarchy because they all think they will be included in the new noble class. It's been that way in the South since the days of the Revolution, when Southerners advocated conciliation with the crown while flinty northern men were cleaning their muskets and loading their 18th century bugout bags.

>> No.6344445

>I'm from Wisconsin, I know what I'm talking about
its been solid spring here in Wisconsin for a couple weeks now. So what if its supposed to snow tomorrow night

>> No.6344447

Lmao have fun with your Sam Adams faggot

As I sip on a two hearted from bells while being feet away from founders where I might just go to get some KBS aka everyone's favorite beer

>> No.6344451

>You're wrong, New England greases the Mid-West in terms of beer,
This is an opinion that literally no one has ever had before
Heady Topper can't carry your entire region

>> No.6344453

eh, i don't know. i'm from minnesota but moved to NYC a few years ago, and it doesn't seem like spring and fall are much more pronounced than they were in MN. unless NYC isn't new-englandy enough, i dunno about up by vermont etc.

>> No.6344458

>Take away your fresh fish
Upper midwest/Great Lakes have a huge fishing tradition, including ice fishing, so it goes year round. It's just not like the mass-boat coastal quantities scooped up by Vietnamese immigrants and made available for retail.

There is actually a lot of fishing around the midwest (even outside the Great Lakes/Upper).

>> No.6344467

>dat Walleye/perch friday fish fry with god tier craft beer

>> No.6344468

Where there people are nice and the food needs spice.

>> No.6344471

Have you done the Lakefront Brewery Fish Fry?
I hear it is amazing but haven't made it over for it yet

>> No.6344477


can't wait for summer

fresh fried northern pike and largemouth bass with some god tier beer.

>> No.6344484

god DAMN that's a lot of vodka yo

>> No.6344492

The Midwest: where corn is a conversation starter!

>> No.6344510

I think there is one person here who has a seething dislike of the Midwest for some reason. You can usually find them in cheese threads talking about how shitty they think cheese from Wisconsin is and how much better cheeses from Vermont and California are. It's probably that same guy.

>> No.6344534

Damn proud of my Midwest bros coming out in full force here defending the region. We know what the deal is. We know.


>> No.6344535

Oh hey! It's everyone-who-shares-an-opinion-is-the-same-guy guy! What's up EWSAOITSGG? How's life treatin' ya?

By the way, I'm not involved in your conversation, I just wanted to point out your paranoia. Maybe you should lay off the ganj for a while.

I like this.


"Where coming in third would be a triumph!"

>> No.6344547

I feel like the Midwest is the only region in the country where people will get into a physical altercation over whose county is better. How accurate is this assumption?

>> No.6344555

not very. i get into a lot of joking "fights" about counties but i don't actually give a shit

>> No.6344563

not accurate

I don't know maybe in the really rural parts though

>> No.6344568

>implying iowa isn't the midwest

>> No.6344582
File: 220 KB, 1365x1024, Iowa_Hawkeyes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm an Iowan and your ridiculous incorrect classification can go fuck yourself. Long live the Midwest and may you have an early death.

>> No.6344583

Not at all, in my experience. It's far more likely that people will get into fights over which neighborhood of a major Midwestern city (or any American city, really) is better, but very few people give two shits about which county is better, except as far as tax rates go.

>> No.6344598

He probably just forgot about you

I think most of us consider you midwestern (unlike Nebraska which is straight up plains)

>> No.6344800

No coast is best coast

>> No.6344839

you mean north coast

>> No.6344854

>Have you ever met a hillbilly or redneck who doesn't vote republican?
i live in an area of the country (UP Michigan) that is nearly all white (except for indians) and also nearly all hillbilly redneck (we call them hilljacks) and we still voted for Obama

why exactly? i have no fucking clue. most of the people around here never leave the state, nor have they ever met a black person

>> No.6344856

who /greenbush/ here?

>> No.6344860
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>tfw I live in Ohio and just want to move to Washington
I can't stand this flat landscape and wonky weather, the only redeeming parts to this state are: Columbus, Cedar Point, and the Buckeyes.

>> No.6344866

You guys got blown the fuck out today, you let the Big Ten down again

>> No.6344871

"now with less poison!"

>> No.6344881

bass is shit tier fish. it tastes like mud. nobody I know even bothers to keep them except as trophies. i can tell you're a transplant. and you're not gonna get northern pike unless you are or know a fisherman. the meat tastes good, but there's a shit load of bones and they're a pain in the ass the clean. neither bass nor pike are commercially fished around here. If you really knew about midwest fish then you'd be all over that crappie and walleye and bluegill and lake perch

Too bad commercial fishing around here is so limited. Most of the fishing rights are given to the indians, even in canada. It's always helpful to know a sportfisherman. I know a guy who goes out multiple times a week and catches a bunch of steelhead and coho and king salmon. He always has plenty to give away.

Lake superior whitefish is godtier though. My favorite fish by far next to black crappie

>> No.6344885

>How accurate is this assumption?
not at all.

people define themselves by county more out west than they do in the midwest. maybe it's true in places like iowa, missouri,kansas, dakotas, etc., but that's not the midwest

>> No.6344891

do you have any great lakes?
i thought so

>> No.6344911

Iowa is like the midwest's backyard. Its where Minnesota, Wisconsin and Chicago go to grow corn. So culturally its pretty close to midwestern.

>> No.6344915
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>You let the Big Ten down again
Need I remind you about our wrestling championship as well?

>> No.6344917

Is that what the midwest really is? Non-american here I thought it would go all the way to idaho

>> No.6344923

Also not American here.
Nah, that's the plains. Combining the Plains and the Midwest you get The Flyover States.

>> No.6344925

If it's not worth debating then it's not worth making a comment in the first place, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.6344927

Detroit actually has a pretty good food "scene"

I think it's actually gonna have a huge upturn soon, hipsters have already started moving there

>> No.6344929

reminder that OSU football before this year was near entirely responsible for the conference's negative perception

Luckily Iowa, MSU and Wisconsin will carry the banner in basketball (i was actually rooting for you guys today)

>> No.6344933

no, Minnesota and Iowa re the only midwestern states west of the Mississippi River, after that you get the great plains and the mountains where very few people live

>> No.6344934

the flyover states most importantly include the south

most flyover meme stuff is specifically about the south from Virginia to Texas

>> No.6344940

Hey now, OSU was one of the few teams saving B1G football from becoming irrelevant because we're a powerhouse. Luckily OSU, MSU, and Wisconsin carried the banner and told the country to fuck off starting with OSU beating the evil empire.

>> No.6344958

most of the SEC is GOAT meme started with OSU's embarrassing losses to the SEC at the start of the SEC's run

Surely it was undeserved but this attitude began with OSU loses.

Now we just need Wisconsin to beat basketball's evil empire (Which you would have significantly helped if you could have handled Arizona today)

>> No.6344965

No one flies over the south to get to Los Angeles from New York. They fly over the Midwest and the Plains. Your getting Babyjesusburg confused for the Flyovers.

>> No.6344978

flyover was never about logical flyover paths

otherwise it would only be states directly flown over between NY and LA, its basically everything that isn't California, New York or Massachusetts but most of the stereotypes are specifically about the south

>> No.6344986

>Boston fag thinking his state matters.

DC and Philly are far more important. You're basically Baltimore but with the white and black demographics switched

>> No.6344989

lol what, its not 1776

>> No.6344999

non-american here, i like colorado and the rocky mountains, do they qualify as flyover states? same with arizona, the grand canyon is sweet. is it because those states are full of bible-thumpers?

>> No.6345007
File: 75 KB, 886x643, ChurchBodies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do they qualify as flyover states
yep, if its not LA or NY its flyover
> is it because those states are full of bible-thumpers
while the bible thumpers are all in flyover areas, most of flyover land is not bible thumpers those people are pretty much just the south east, see the red areas of this map

>> No.6345017


Bullshit, flyover is mostly about being flat, middle of the country nothingness. The plains states are the quintessential "flyover", flatness and cornfields and lack of people or "culture". Flyover in the strictest sense would be the plains and grow out from there.

>> No.6345018

This one scares me. At least Baptists, no matter how crazy, have some kind of theology, I assume. "Christians" probably just slavishly obey their mega church "reverend" even if it's polygamy, melting dead "sinners" in vats of acid, and other weird shit

>> No.6345022

so whats bad about flyover land then? im curious because I liked my time in flyover land way more than tri-state area and most of california

>> No.6345023

>This one scares me.
sure, as it should, but there are very few places where those are the plurality

>> No.6345026

>so whats bad about flyover land then
nothing, its just a meme (well the south is legitimately bad I guess)

>> No.6345031
File: 142 KB, 1020x593, ElectoralCollege2012.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colorado and Arizona are both on the edges of "Flyover" territory.

They're callled Flyover states for two reasons: they're what tourists fly over on their way to somewhere interesting, and where politicians fly over to get somewhere important. A few states in the midwest are important for national elections, but otherwise, the areas tend to vote relatively the same, and with the major population centers on the coasts, it's worth more to fight for them then the interior states

If you look at this map (ignore the colors for the moment) you can see that, for instance, winning Washington state is worth more than winning North Dakota, South Dakota, AND Nebraska.

But yeah, Flyover doesn't really target the midwest states (Illinois and (okay, Minnesota is definitely a flyover. ) It's most states like Kentucky, Nebraska, etc. Certain Midwestern States like Ohio are targeted because they're "swing states": they don't have as strong ties to either party, and for instance, Ohio's votes have gone to the winner of every presidential election for the past 50 years.

>> No.6345034

I changed thoughts midway through one of my points.

It should say
>Flyover doesn't really target the midwest states (Illinois and Ohio are both heavily contested, for example, but Minnesota is frequently a "flyover".)

>> No.6345037

>d with the major population centers on the coasts
thats not true though as the midwest is more populated than the west coast

The great lakes region is the second most densely populated part of the country after the northeast

>> No.6345043

i liked most of the south, not as much as i liked the rockies but i really liked the oceanside southern states. I didn't go much inland but I liked the coastal southern region (aside from the big cities like miami)

>> No.6345045

Quints 4 truth

You fucking knew what you were doing, saying the election results were only because THOSE people voted, not TRUE Americans like you.

>> No.6345051

>only because THOSE people voted
yeah, women

my point was really only to make the few males who voted Obama feel dumb, i very much did not support either side of that election

>> No.6345063

Densely populated and more populated are not the same thing.

There are 38.8 Million Californians.
There are 39.7 Million Minnesotans, Michiganites, Ohioans, and whatever the fuck you call people from Illinois COMBINED.

Combine Washington's 7 million to Indiana's 6, and it's a tie WITHOUT Oregon.

Florida is almost a tie for Indiana and Ohio. heck it might me, I don't feel like doing the math.

Face it, there are a couple exceptions (Illinois) but other than that, people tend to live on the Coast (Texas can beat Ohio AND Indiana, the region's two heavy hitters.)

>> No.6345066

45% of male voters voted for Obama, that's more than "a few". I wasn't one of them.

>> No.6345067

California is huge

>> No.6345071

so he would have lost by a large margin if it was up to men

>> No.6345074

what is the area of Callfornia compared to the upper midwest combined?

>> No.6345077

"We aren't niggers and are actually very nice human beings who enjoy good food as much as anyone else."

>> No.6345078


>> No.6345097
File: 69 KB, 468x305, 1426981275443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canadian tourist who likes nature and who has been everywhere in the US, here are the only good parts of the country, everything else is godawful

>> No.6345101

lol at liking texas

>> No.6345106

texas is my third favorite state behind washington (1) and oregon (2)

>> No.6345108

Yeah. So's texas. But here, let me give a different example:

Here's a list of the top 10 biggest cities in America, and their regions

New York (east Coast)
Los Angeles (West Coast)
Chicago (Midwest)
Houston (South)
Philadelphia (East Coast)
Phoenix (Southwest)
San Diego (west Coast)
Dallas (South)
San Antonio (South)
Detroit (Midwest)

"BLANK" Coast outnumbers Midwest 2 to 1. Texas alone has more than you. And if we go by City and surrounding suburbs? You don't gain anything. If we did top 20, the coasts would get another 5, and you'd get 3. There are more people on the coasts.

This is like, human nature 101, man. You know 2/3 of China lives on its coast, right?

The City of Los Angeles (just the official city) has 3.7 million people in it. Which is 800,000 more than the populations of Chicago and Detroit combined. Which is more than the entire population of the STATE of North Dakota.

That's why the plains states are flyovers: their populations are other cities error bars.

The fuck I'm doing that math, man. I can tell you California is 162,000 sq miles.

>> No.6345113

And an even bigger margin if he ran against Abraham Lincoln. Your point?

>> No.6345116

ammendum, 4th favorite, alaska is #1 by far, forgot that its part of the states

>> No.6345136

of course there are more people on both coasts combined than the mdiwest
literally no one has ever claimed otherwise

but the megaregion from Buffalo through Minneapolis is larger than any other north american region besides the northeast

>> No.6345139

my point is the men who voted with emotion like women instead of logic like men should feel bad

>> No.6345142

>not liking Texas
>not liking a great economy, based laws, and brisket
>it's 2011

>> No.6345169

>voting for someone who wears magic underwear, has so little understanding of the economic state of his own countrymen that he believes the average income to be well over 5× more than what it actually is and claims to be "self made" when all he did was piggyback daddy's money
Howzat logic werkin' fer ya there, friend-o? Obama's a nigger, but Romney's an out-of-touch whackjob.

>> No.6345179

>calls it unconstitutional
>says the constitution doesn't matter

>> No.6345180


Except you did. Your direct argument was to my claim that people ignore the midwests because the major population centers are on the COASTS. Note the S on the end of that?

Then you said: "Nuh uh, the mid west has more people than the West coast" (Already, you've decided to ignore the southern and eastern coasts, choosing to only fight 1/3 of the options, but whatever.)
I then pointed out that if we only take 1 of the three states on the West Coast, it's almost bigger than 4 of your states.

NOW, you're arguing that a "megaregion" that stretches to fucking New York (Or did you forget what state Bufflao is in?) and Pennsylvania, and includes CANADA'S CAPITAL, as well as two Canadian metropolises, is what you're now arguing about? That's what you meant when you were talking about the "American Midwest"? Canada and The East Coast back-up? Because here's the thing, YOU STILL NEED THEM. Without Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, your Megapolis is STILL smaller than Washington, Oregon, and California. If you give up the east coast state cities (Pittsburgh, Rochester, and Buffalo) the west coast can tell Oregon to sit this one out, Washington and California have it.

Buddy, I got nothing against the midwest. Hell, it's got some great shit going on. Minneapolis won like, most technologically advanced city in America 5 years back or so. That's some cool shit. But the fact is that most people live in coastal states or regions.

Hell, I don't even know why we're arguing this, your Great Lakes Megalopolis is defined by being ON THE COAST OF THE GREAT LAKES.

>> No.6345190

Spoken like a true 16 year old.

>> No.6345203
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>voting for a mormon

>> No.6345305

this must be bait. Mexican food in Texas is God-tier, although it's its own unique brand of Mexican most of the time. Idk about NM but you're probably wrong about that too considering your assertions on Tex-Mex.

>> No.6345324

I honestly wouldn't mind voting Democrat if they were pro gun

>> No.6345346
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>> No.6345362

Dems frequently are. I am a pro gun dem and lots of foks around me are too.It is something not everyone in the party agrees on.

>> No.6345371

seems like a board about politics would be popular

somebody should look into making one of those

>> No.6345380

Yeah, if only we had one instead of a board for people from stormfront

>> No.6345680

>this thread

>> No.6345685

literally every political forum ever has a bias

I fucking dare you to try and find me one that doesn't

>> No.6345742

Well of course. If the forum were either moderate/centrist or about equally representative of each side, to people like /stormfront/ and /pol/ and other rightist nutters, it would just be seen as leftist/liberal. People like whatever websites the nutters on the left go to would see it as rightist/conservative. And we centrists are almost nonexistent, so our opinions on the subject don't much matter. :-(

So I'm a centrist because you can't throw the same answer at every problem and expect good results every time. This is something both the left and the right seem to fail to grasp.

>> No.6345744

even if you generally lean to the left, there are plenty of right-leaning forums that are willing to engage in civil discourse. (We're all Americans, we all love America, we wouldn't feel so passionately about these ideas otherwise.)

/pol/ is a fucking cesspit that has gone beyond politics into first-trolling-now-completely-serious edgelord ultra-right conspiracy theories and hate speech.

4chan does not have a politics board.

>> No.6345766

>we're all americans
>except for the 95% of the world that's not
The stereotype of the cloistered American shows its face once again.

>> No.6345771

When you say pro gun, you don't mean pro gun. Most democrats are pro gun. What I think you mean is if democrats favored obligatory arming of toddlers in preschool with the latest select fire PDWs from Germany because it's safer that way

>> No.6345775

>please can I play too?
No, it looks like fun I'm sure, but if you want to debate the electoral politics of your home country you'll have to find another thread on another board. Cute try though I give you a 2/10

>> No.6345778

"Fly over on your way to somewhere interesting!"

>> No.6345782

>What I think you mean is if democrats favored obligatory arming of toddlers in preschool with the latest select fire PDWs from Germany because it's safer that way

This. Also it bugs the fuck out of me when NRA rejects tell families of slain people to "get over it", then they wonder why more people don't support them. They're killing tons of support like that.

>> No.6345786

>not having the best political system in the world

>> No.6345794

We have that in California. It's shit.

>> No.6345802
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I grew up in Iowa, lived there for 24 years. This thread is literally the first time I've ever seen anyone claim that Iowa wasn't "the Midwest".

I mean, I don't even know what to say. It's like if someone claimed that water wasn't required for humans to live, or that Bob Evans wasn't an American company, or that vegan cheese tasted as good as real cheese.

>> No.6345845

Both of this. The NRA has nothing to do with the individual gun owner anymore and is basically just another lobbying arm for the firearms industry.

Individually, responsible gun owners have demonstrated in poll after poll that they have no problem with increased controls, but as a group, the NRA (which supposedly speaks for them) gets everyone frothing at the mouth.

I'm a gun owner and I still lean to the left on most issues.

>> No.6346069

i'm from minnesota and i am a fisherman, catch lots of northern pike and bass each year. i actually love the taste of bass, prefer it slightly to northerns.

>> No.6346085

Is this still the food and cooking board???

>> No.6346098

Haha. Touched a nerve there it seems.

>> No.6346141
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>this thread

>> No.6346195
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I will fight you.

>> No.6346196

Wow nice hyperbole, you sure showed me. I'm sure to change my opinion to match yours now.

>> No.6346198

What the fuck have you been watching?

>> No.6346224

this. there's a lot of variation in geography in the midwest. the plains are the fucking plains.

also, culturally, we're not quite as backwards as the plains

>> No.6346235

Some people get their impressions though face to face, in my case I had some non denominational neighbors who upon meeting me asked if I was a "catholic or a christian" (I'm neither) and I associate their creepy provincial ways with that level of theological obliviousness.

>> No.6346247

> they're not part of the midwest, or at least the midwest i know

this just in: a single geographical region isn't necessarily homogeneous

>> No.6346281

Why do Americans even call that region the "Midwest"? It's more to the East than West.

>> No.6346297

>Why do Americans even call that region the "Midwest"?
It's relative to what was considered the "wild west" back then.

>> No.6346377

great food, guys

>> No.6347042


>> No.6347100

Catholics are Christians. Christians just believe in Jesus Christ. They can totally be crazy, though, depends on the local church. Most are pretty plain.

>> No.6347109

Not to the nondenoms. They believe Jesus spoke in early modern English and if you have even once heard a phrase in Latin or read a bible version that wasn't the king James version, ur gonna burn in hell son

>> No.6347118

>confirmed for having never left the U.S.

>> No.6347151

Catholics are by far the least crazy christians in america these days

>> No.6347175

>most of central america and south america, most of the spanish-and-french-speaking carribean, most of spain, portugal, andorra, france, belgium, luxembourg, monaco, italy, san marino, malta, croatia, slovenia, hungary, austria, liechtenstein, poland, timor and the philippines as well as a number of africans are going to burn in hell because they don't speak english and therefore don't read the KJV
No one thinks that, Anon.

>> No.6347182

-Someone who possesses neither a mirror, or any amount of introspection.

>> No.6347191
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"Android Baseball"

>> No.6347197

You're naive

>> No.6347201

>Intellegent voters
>Have money
>Want a president that will cut their tax-bracket
Color me suprised, if Rmoney wasn't literally trying to buy votes by promising to extend tax-cuts to the wealthy, I doubt that he would have won nearly as many of those votes.

>> No.6347206

nah i think that award would go to lutherans. catholics are close though

>> No.6347211

What about Christian Friends and Christadelphians? They seem pretty chill.

>> No.6347213

yeah, catholics and lutherans are basically the same

>> No.6347221

I'd say Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Friends are pretty uncrazy.

>> No.6347226

ELCA have a lot in common with RCs. LCMS and WELS are just as batshit as the most megachurchy of biblical literalists.

>> No.6347233

fair, i'm from MN where the ELCA is predominant so it's what i've interacted with

>> No.6347235

i don't know what any of that means

I just know everyone who lives near me in Wisconsin is either catholic or lutheran and I can't tell them apart, most of them give very few shits about religion

>> No.6347250

Lutheran isn't clear cut in the US. It's maybe somewhat like Baptist in that people calling themselves that often tend to be in certain regions, but the theology and value systems are all over the place.

tl;dr gotta read the fine print

>> No.6347304

"The Mild Mild Midwest"

>> No.6347321

>all this liberal white guilt

yeah, white people with money are so awful, you should spend some time in a diverse place like Mississippi instead

>> No.6347341

>at least I'm not black
This is like the race version of the Midwest's "at least we're not the south"

At least I'm neither a poor black nor an embittered, alienated white

>> No.6347373
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real map

>> No.6347387

But thats not what I said at all
I was pointing out how liberals lament the presence of white people and culture in the midwest, but none of them would ever even consider moving to an actually diverse place like the deep south or Texas

>> No.6347394

make Iowa Midwest and Ohio the pink southern shit state region

>> No.6347442
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"Plenty of beer & less tornados"

>> No.6347444

I'm a liberal and I guarantee you where I live is far more diverse than either of those.

How many languages do you hear being spoken on your average commute to work? Note the key word is average.

If it's anything less than three, GTFO.

Having black people and some Mexicans living a few suburbs over isn't diversity.

>> No.6347508

dude, mexicans and black people living in the suburbs?

But I get it, only cool cultures count, those poor american ones don't

>> No.6347517

There are plenty of low income people, including immigrants, whites born in America, and blacks born in America, where I live. I probably see more black Americans in a day than you see in a week. What's your actual point?

>> No.6347532

i wasn't even discussing where I live, I was talking about the south

but of the 5 people I work most closely with with one is from India, one from Pakistan and one Hmong

>> No.6347551

Cool. In my department alone there's a Fujianese, an Indonesian Chinese, a south Indian, a white guy from Louisiana, a black Sufi convert from Connecticut, an Israeli, and me (I'm half Asian half white american)

The south is a backwards shit hole. I know because I've been to every state except SC.

>> No.6347572

>The south is a backwards shit hole
my point exactly, you people trumpet diversity but want nothing to do when it comes down to it because the vast majority of the time the most diverse parts of america are the worst

>> No.6347582

How exactly does that work? The south is in fact the worst part of America and it's anything but diverse. I've literally had people ask if I speak English, after speaking to them in English, because they've never seen anyone who looks like me there. Again, lots of black people =\= actual diversity.

>> No.6347696

>tfw Detroit is literally a city that has been reclaimed by nature

>> No.6347707

Anyone live in FL? People always say not to go there, but man I love that FL weather.

>> No.6347734

I know it's more diverse where I live. On my block alone there are about a dozen different ethnic groups and languages and nearly as many religious traditions represented.
There used to be a Caodai family here. You could see a hologram poster of Jesus and Victor Hugo shaking hands on the moon hanging in their living room. It was visible from the street.

>> No.6347739

Jackson heights?

>> No.6347763

What do you mean, "you people"?

>> No.6347952

> tfw i moved from the midwest to a city that's only a third white

also, whaddya mean by "you people"?! eh? EH?!

>> No.6347962

Thank you retarded liberals of the thread to confirm that you are dumb enough to be triangulated on identity politics for bought votes instead of actually being an informed voter who weighs actual issues.

It's a damn shame that vote weight is determined the same between people who actually have a brain, and the irl baited retards.

>> No.6347996

I like how angry self victimizing racist kissless conservative anon has nothing to say to this :)

>> No.6348025

Or this

Realty turns out more liberal than basement life in /pol/

Who knew?

>> No.6348038

why did you even make this post. you used a bunch of words to say absolutely nothing

> muh intelligence

confirmed enlightened "libertarian" high schooler

>> No.6348055

Didn't you already declare defeat here?>>6343755

>> No.6348846
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>an actually diverse place like the deep south or Texas
Blacks and mexicans does not mean diverse.

>> No.6348936

>mfw I'm OP
>mfw I'm from the midwest
>mfw I was just board and decided to make this thread
>mfw this got like twice the amount of posts /broey/ gets in half the time

>> No.6349641

Goodnight sweet prince