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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6341846 No.6341846 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Annoyingly trendy foods. I'll start:

Greek Yogurt
"Street Tacos"

>> No.6341854

nice thread! i will help out...lesse...#1

1. giving a shit what anyone else thinks and just enjoying the food that makes you happy.

oh shit did i break the thread?

my bad.

>> No.6341857


Eh..I still enjoy some of these foods, however, the foodie cult around some of them is annoying.

>> No.6341858


but as someone who has grown up on greek yoghurt and now lives with a greek flatemate i enjoy the stuff.
nothing better than nutelle between two jaffa cakes

>> No.6341866

Are we trying to avoid the m word?

It doesn't make your thread any less of a shitpost.

>> No.6341867

flaxseed anything
sweet potato fries (I fucking hate them)

>> No.6341868

not sure we are on the same page.

i think all of that can be good, sriracha i only use on pho really...but overall that is all good stuff. my point was who fucking cares about what you like, just be happy and eat with a sense of enjoyment. in uni i had a friend who made sandwiches out of peanut butter and haribo gummi bears....and you know what? zero fucks given. sounds insane imo, but it means nothing to my life if he eats that or a damn cactus, who gives a shit.

>> No.6341872


What's the m-word?

>> No.6341875


I don't care at all. That's not the point of this post. My point was in naming food items with a lot of hype around them or cult following, that's all.

>> No.6341888
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Is this your first day on /ck/, opie?

Or do you just enjoy mindlessly repeating what has been said thousands of times before, because the routine distracts you from the impending void that is mortality?

P.S., are you aware that disliking these trendy things is, itself, a trendy action?

Are you aware, in a general sense, about anything?

>> No.6341891

nutella and sriracha have been around forever, it's stupid for people to put them into everything but if you've only recently heard of them then you've been living under a rock

also street tacos? what the fuck? that's not a fucking trend

>> No.6341892


Seriously I hate when Asians eat with chopsticks even though I know how to use them I stick with fork n spoon

>> No.6341931

Avacados. All of a sudden everything needs avacado in it. Burgers, salads, you name it.

But in the last couple years there's been Nutella EVERYTHING.

>> No.6341938

Salted caramel
Frozen yogurt

>> No.6341945

i took your post the wrong way then, fair enough.

>> No.6341949

What's it like posting from 10 years ago?

>> No.6341950

Fish turns into a trend food every year around this time because MUH LENT.

>> No.6341953


I've known about both my entire it's just that they are everywhere now. Applebee's and Taco Bell have sriracha food items and there's tumblr pages desecrated to sriracha. I like it as much as the next guy people go overboard on these trends.

>> No.6341954



>> No.6341970


Also Sushi

>> No.6342171


No, you kind of made me hate these trends even more as some of them I really enjoyed before they got so trendy.

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike them now that they're trendy, I'm just tired of them now. I loved sriracha, not just the rooster, but in general. I've been putting it on crackers for years. Now I cannot bring myself to eat it.

Now Taco Bell, color me disappoint.

I forgot OP...fried eggs. I still love them on everything, and I'm glad the idea has become popular, but sometimes?

>> No.6342174


You needed to add that they don't have to be bad, but it's just becoming annoying.

>> No.6342184


No, you had it right.

>> No.6342795

On restaurant menus:

Artisan bread
Peach tea

>> No.6342813
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>> No.6342816

>oh shit did i break the thread?
No worries, it's still here and people are replying.

>> No.6342819


I just made a street taco with chipotles, Greek yoghurt and nutella, topped with sriracha.

It sucked.

fuck you, OP.

>> No.6342823

who the fuck doesn't like the flavor of chipotle?

The worst trends are:

>> No.6342831
File: 132 KB, 1024x678, pistachio butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternative nut butters

>> No.6342843

Yes I too hate the food trends of 5-10 years ago.

>> No.6342864

ITT: Decade old food "trends".

>> No.6342868

aioli isnt new.

>> No.6342870

>college boy elitist liberals being mad that they live in a "tolerant" multicuck coastal shithole

Enjoying the feeling of jamal's BBC in your rectum, shillary lover?

>> No.6342883

I can't even think of an actually current food trend that I'm tired of because they're all pretty dope. I guess root vegetable purees in place of sauce is getting a little old.

>> No.6342894


>> No.6342899

Local cuisines change with time much slower than your awareness of trend spreading. But thesafest bet is assuming he defines his cuisine by the avocado occasions in the fast food corporate monoculture.

>> No.6342909

I live amongst those elitists; hell, I probably am one to some extent. (I live in Massachusetts.)

Those fuckers do more harm to the American left than any number of barely literate, inbred, Bible-thumping stumpfuckers do to the right. Their pathological need to seem cultured and worldly just has them chasing trends and dismissing shit just because they think it's about to become popular.

Even when they have good ideas (or just repeat good ideas) they are dismissed because they're the ones saying it.

If you don't like a "trendy" food because it's trendy, get the fuck over yourself. You didn't invent it, you didn't discover it. Either shut up and eat or go find a new food that will be the next trend.

>> No.6342913
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>> No.6342916

Another way to look at it is that it is easier to define trends once their end point is in sight. Adoption by fast food monoculture is a good way to mark the beginning of the end.
From that point on, it is either fully integrated into the American diet or it is rejected and never heard from again for a couple decades.

>> No.6342933
File: 88 KB, 641x534, 4653-bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone actually capped this

>> No.6342943

I didn't get a word of that. Afraid I don't speak "stupid", or whatever they speak where you come from.

Has fresh food made it there yet, or do you still live off canned food?

>> No.6343165

How much really are the new waves of trends developed from boundary pushing creative chef types? Food industry giants while using trends like a jc penny designer is told to copy the latest runway fashion also force trends by simply moving a substantial of product.

The mcrib for instance I've heard to be released on when mcdonalds secures a sizable amount of pork futures when they drop off in price.

Excuse my loopy grammar.

>> No.6343171

>Implying based nutella is a trend

>> No.6343181

Bacon weaves
Soy lattes

>> No.6343200

chiken tendies

activated almonds


bubble tea


general tao chiken


steak fries



yogurt as a middle class womans health food

>> No.6343204

I do hate the sriracha cult in popular culture. But it is a pretty good sauce, and just about ubiquitous. I feel no remorse about enjoying it. Sriracha is actually one thing I really DON'T like to add to my pho. A good broth speaks for itself.

Not a sweets man, but I could make the same argument as for sriracha.

This is a restaurant, not a food item.

>Greek Yogurt
Maybe certain brands or something, but yogurt is pretty ubiquitous. What pisses me off is that people treat it like it's some sort of miracle food.

>"Street Tacos"
What the fuck are those?

>> No.6343210

>Artisan bread
Yes. Now THIS one really pisses me off. There is no such thing as "artisan" bread. Just tell me what fucking kind of bread you're using, thank you very much. Is it rye? Sourdough? Barbari bread? "Artisan" tells me nothing other than that you like to masturbate on your menus.

>> No.6343222

street tacos are normal mexican tacos.

AKA: small, corn tortillas with only meat and 1/2 toppings

>> No.6343226

>"Artisan" tells me nothing other than that you like to masturbate on your menus.
It indicates there's a good chance the sandwich will be built on something better than the kind of horrible sub rolls you find at chains, or the sliced wonderbread they have at diners.

That's something.

>> No.6343238

And this is a problem, somehow?

>> No.6343241

It's a bullshit marketing term that tells you literally NOTHING about the bread itself. Every storebought brand calls itself "artisan" these days.

>> No.6343254
File: 126 KB, 800x843, Capsicum_annuum_chipotle_dried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a restaurant, not a food item.

Can't tell if stupid or just trolling:

>> No.6343264

In his defense, OP did capitalize 'Chipotle' so it is a little ambiguous. Still, both the restaurant chain and the dried chili are a little irritating in their trendiness.

The dried chili is probably worse because restaurants put it in fucking everything and play it off like they're Guy Fieri blowing the doors off your buttoned-down pre-conceived notion of mayonnaise.

Chipotle, the restaurant, is relatively easy to avoid. Just don't eat at one.

>> No.6343269


>> No.6343277

I agree it's a bullshit marketing term. Fucking trash like Panera calls their shit artisan. But it is a step up from Subway or wonderbread, so I'll give them that.

Far worse than the use of the word "artisan" to me is the whole fast casual thing. Fast food joints doing ever so slightly better than no effort trash pawning themselves off as being substantially better than other fast food places, and charging premium prices for it. Panera, Chipotle, and Five Guys are great examples of this, and they annoy the piss out of me. Not because I mind paying more for better (I don't), but because they're really not much better.

>> No.6343278

Gluten free macaroons

>> No.6343290

He also capitalized yogurt, you sperg


You're that guy complaining about normie reddit mods deleting your tendies shitposting, aren't you

>> No.6343299

People whose sense of self-worth depends on how many people they can feel superior to for dubious reasons. Think of how many people you can feel superior to if you don't like something popular.

>> No.6343300

Fuck you fleur de sel caramels are delicious

Aioli is amazing as well.

>> No.6343307


nigga you trippin balls or you live in buttfuck nowhere

I've seen frozen yogurt shops around since I was a kid and I'm almost 30

also aioli? how the fuck is aioli a trend?


>sweet potato fries
>I don't like them so they're a trend


but macaroons are inherently gluten free, so are macarons

also "street tacos" have been around for fucking decades

>> No.6343310

Semen [for the obama/clinton do as we say not as we do types]

>> No.6343321

/ck/ is in a really pissy mood today.

Is this a new meme or did I miss something?

>> No.6343322

The cool thing is knowing how to use them all, both chopsticks because those can be useful sometimes and also knifes, forks, and spoons, even various types within those.

>> No.6343327

>I'm almost 30
...and you're still on 4chan. Tell us what went wrong, so that we might learn from your mistakes.

>> No.6343329

I'm glad that I'm not the only one to notice that.

>> No.6343336

>The worst trends are:
That's no more annoying than people thinking carbs are poison and boneless, skinless chicken breast is "healthy". There's more than enough stupid to go around.

>> No.6343339

None of what you listed are current food trends. You must be from a flyover state.

>> No.6343340

I love taco trucks
The rest is whatever

>> No.6343341
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>> No.6343350

One for you, you're a douchebag who thinks that you're the only one that's worked not only 9-5 M-F but also til way late nights. You can piss off you entitled sounding douche bag.

>> No.6343356

Are you a nigger?

>> No.6343360


Who the heck works 9-5 anymore? Except maybe eurolards with their state-mandated 12 weeks vacation and free healthcare? The earliest I left my desk in the last week was on Friday. On Tuesday I was there until 10.

>> No.6343367


No. Do you live in one of those places where whenever something you didn't like took place, you lynch the nearest black?

>> No.6343374

It's necessary sometimes, because that's a standard when folk are expected and if there's a problem with stuf then I have to be available to sort it out.

It doesn't mean that I have to be on some site 9-5 but that's most normal companies are available for business. It varies if running databases and systems so that you have to make sure that even if drunk or something on a Friday night, the west coast still has systems availablity.

>> No.6343378

Naw we don't lynch the nearest ones, just the ones deserving of it that rape and pillage and generally act like savages and rape our womenz.

Look up al sharpie sharp sharpton and tawanna brawley.

>> No.6343387


euroland paid vacation laws and shit make me so fucking jealous

I work fucking 60-80 (depends on how many banquet reservations we have) a week no matter what. Hell, I cut about half an inch of my thumb off a few weeks ago and didn't take any time off because I'm not going to fuck over my coworkers.

>> No.6343390


I know who sharpie is, I actually ran into him a couple of weeks ago going into whole foods. He's a lot smaller than you'd expect. Sorry you're living in the dark ages.

>> No.6343395

>street tacos

Oh god this

>lel, they are half the size and sloppy as fuck, but the same price as a normal taco! I feel so

>> No.6343397

>I work more for less money, effectively doing my part to drive down the market price of YOUR labor! I'm so smart, making slightly more by being a slave, at the expense of FUCKING EVERYONE

>> No.6343410

Condolences, was he surrounded by his entorage of hypocrites and freaks in their hoodies?

>> No.6343415

Free range
Gluten free craze
Vegan "meat" alternatives

>> No.6343421

"Earthy" foods. Somehow eating dirt isn't very appealing to me.

>> No.6343425


No, surprisingly he was not flanked by heavies like in all the pictures. There were some black people nearby (the only black people nearby), and they were dressed pretty well so I assume they were part of his group. But he was standing on his own, at least ten feet from them, waiting for something or someone.

>> No.6343428

Maybe waiting for some cash payoffs.
verif: memba

>> No.6343429

Pastry chef here.
I feel your pain.
I also fucking love my job. Shitty parts and all.

>> No.6343433

That's cool, you'll probably be really good at it too. Cheers!

>> No.6343460

I don't think that's the point. He hates how these foods have been ruined by the mainstream, sort of a hipster thing to do.

>> No.6343469

I think this might tie into the infuriating descriptor "rustic." Fucking every show on Food Network calls every dish, no matter what's in it or how it's prepared, "rustic."

I always took "earthy" to describe the common element in a lot of root vegetables, mushrooms, and the like, which contain geosmin. It's supposed to taste and smell "earthy" in a pleasant way, the same way good seafood is supposed to taste like the ocean, but in a good way.

>> No.6343478

1000 calorie "portions" of anything
Cheese everywhere
Flavored crust on pizza
Kids meals for adults (nuggets, tater tots, "gourmet" mac&cheese)

>> No.6343490


you grew up with silverwear, good for you, use it. a lot of people in the world grew up with chopsticks and a spoon. who gives a shit, use what is natural.

fucking hell...only on /ck/ can you find people this pretentious and full of douchebaggery.

>> No.6343497

Do your panties similarly bunch up when you hear about Indians and Pakistanis eating with their hands? Or does it bother you less because you don't know how to do it?

>> No.6343504
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Oh boy here we go

I don't think a passportless flyoverland neckbeard who gets ass blasted seeing an east asian eat with chopsticks will even understand that there is a technique and an etiquette for eating with your hands, in places where that's commonly done such as south asia and parts of southeast asia.

>> No.6343694

food trucks where the food costs just as much or more than a restaurant i could sit in and enjoy my food.

gluten/vegan when it doesn't have to be
white people who go nuts over basic asian snacks

>> No.6343763

>Deconstructed anything
I'm not paying for lazy food, especially a deconstructed hamburger; that's just retarded.

>> No.6345917

>goji berry
>pre packaged muesli you are paying close 4x the price for rolled oats and sultanas

>> No.6345944


Oh, you mean garbage tacos.

>> No.6345951

you thinking you know anything about food

>> No.6345960
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>> roundeye knows how to use chopstocks
>> uses fork n spoon anyway
>> MFW

>> No.6345979

Not that guy, I live in NYC, but I've lately noticed a few random frozen yogurt shops appearing in less trendy working class neighborhoods. I'm not sure why. Maybe there's one person behind all of them? They don't look very successful so maybe it's a money laundering operation...

>> No.6346049



you trippin balls nigga

>> No.6346056
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>Asians know how to use a fork
>Eat using sticks anyway

>> No.6346059

Kebabs. the Queen of meme food.

>> No.6346067

Tacos fucking suck. it's so overrated.
it's like synonymous now with "going to poop afterwards"

>> No.6346071


>it's like synonymous now with "going to poop afterwards

"hi my name is anon and I don't know anything about physiology"