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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 476 KB, 988x1749, Bread1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6339743 No.6339743 [Reply] [Original]

First time baking my own bread. I used King Arthur organic whole wheat. How do you think it turned out?

>> No.6339748
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>> No.6339749

Looks good, but what's with the socks?

>> No.6339752

Looks good, can't taste from here. You used 100% whole wheat flour and it rose that much? that's impressive. Usually breads kinda get too dense and bitter for me if I use more than 25% whole wheat flour.

>> No.6339756

Maybe use half whole wheat half sourdough next time for a more open crumb? Looks a bit dense. Also, I happen to have a foot fetish, so thanks anon.

>> No.6339765

Looks pretty good. I use this recipe: http://www.veganbaking.net/recipes/breads/enriched-breads/yeasted-enriched-breads/no-knead-whole-wheat-sandwich-bread

It's pretty great. Before trolls, I'm not vegan. I use honey as my sweetener instead of syrup.

Too lazy to post a picture.

>> No.6339797

Looks a bit too dense and as though there might be a big air bubble near the top (see where the top crust is starting to separate from the crumb/inner part? that might inidcate a large bubble deeper into the loaf).

The air bubble can make the bread difficult to slice. As you cut it, the top crust may fall off away from the rest of the slice.

Personally, I don't like wholemeal bread. When I make "whole grain" breads, I use either oat or buckwheat flours. They each have the added benefit of retaining moisture better than wholewheat does and I find their subtle sweetness to be more pleasant than wholewheat. I actually have a some oaty dough rising right now. I can snap a pic for you, if you'd like.

>> No.6339832
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KAF honey white. It was a little underdone inside so next time it'll get a few more minutes in the oven.

>> No.6340017
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Haven't posted in a bread thread forever.

Here's a ~20% whole wheat bread with parmesan I made a week or two ago.

Turned out good, but the cheese overcaramelized because I started it a bit too hot.

>> No.6340038
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made this last week

>> No.6340044

It looks like a brick. Nothing you wouldn't expect from a 100% whole-wheat loaf though. Why would you use nothing but whole-wheat flour?

>> No.6340051

aw yesss
Bread Baking General

Any tips on storing bread? Rather not buy a bread box. From what I read, it's okay to freeze it. Refrigerator dehydrates it. So far, I've been keeping half a loaf on the counter wrapped in a towel. Seems okay so far. It's just me, so eating an entire loaf a day is a bit much.

>> No.6340095

Depends on the type of bread. Crunchy crusts don't tend to keep well, no matter what you do, but softer crusts can be stored in a plastic bag once cooled and cut into. Get an extra one from the produce or bakery department at your local grocer.

>> No.6341148
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Good a bread thread, finally.
I'm just starting out, and I'm looking for recipes on how to do
>whole wheat
and finally
How do I into bread CK?
Obviously I don't expect someone to respond to all my wants, that'd be shitposting, but if you see this, tell me how you make any one of these breads w/ a pic for results for me to judge.

>> No.6341188

>mfw I literally 10 minutes ago got in from shopping having bought for the first time sourdough bread
>mfw I literally 5 minutes ago shmeared some chicken liver pate on some of that sourdough bread and ate it
>mfw come on /ck/ going to ask w2c good sourdough recipe
>mfw bread thread top of /ck/

It's meant to be

>> No.6341316

Rye mix*, 100%**
Salt, 2,66%**
Yeast, active dry, 2,66%**
Water, 85ish%**
>more or less: less water makes it easier to work with but yields a more dense crumb while more water makes it more difficult to work with but yields a very open crumb

Whisk dry ingredients together.
Stir in water.
Mix well.
Knead a little.
Allow to rest 30-60 minutes.
Knead a little more then put in the fridge to retard a day or two.
Remove from the fridge 3-4 hours before you intend to bake.
After 1 hour, knead a little, then allow to rest 30-60 minutes.
Knead a little more then shape and put into a banetton.
Allow to prove until doubled, then place onto peel.
Slash then slide off the peel onto a gritted baking stone in an oven at 230°C/450°F.
Bake until done, 30-40 minutes.

>* a mixture of 66-67% strong flour and 33-34% rye flour
>** this recipe is in bakers' notation which measures all ingredients by weight relative that of the flour. in the given recipe, if your rye mix weighs 20oz, then use about a half ounce each salt and yeast (2.66% of 20 is 0.532) and 17ish ounces of water (not fluid ounces, but weight ounces; 85% of 20 is 17).

Whole wheat:
Same as above, just swap out the rye for wholemeal flour.

Those are cakes. Take a basic poundcake recipe, add some spices to it and swap out about a third to half of the egg and butter for zukes or pumpkin.

No idea what that might be.

Make a starter then mix it with strong flour and bake it.

>> No.6341819

Very well done, I need to make mroe home made bread, I usually just made buns for burgers but they always turn out like haridh rolls

>> No.6341987
File: 2.34 MB, 3264x1836, 20150321_102657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that king arthur no knead sourdough recipe
first time trying to make it, I think this one might be a bit too cruchy
shaping and slashing was really difficult, the dough was exremely sticky, is it supposed to be like that or should I have used more flour/less water?
I didn't use king arthur flour, I used super-market-brand enriched ap flour

>> No.6341994
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not crunchy, I meant really hard to crack on top

>> No.6342001
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second piece, waiting for it to cool a bit more before showing the cross section

>> No.6342034

this one turned out much easier to chew, I think the first one was overdone
how long can I keep these without freezing them?

>> No.6342038
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forgot pic

>> No.6342716
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I like bread.

>> No.6342718


>> No.6343203

Your bread looks like an unshaved beaver of a 90 year old anon.

>> No.6343209

You're not very observant, are you?

>> No.6343234

Guys my fucking bread doesn't rise enough and ends up all dense. I've tried putting oil on the first rise and it rises fine and all but during the second fermentation and subsequent baking it hardly rises at all. I'm attributing the dry weather where I live as the cause of this, the crust gets dry too fast and gets stuck. I'm using a gas oven by the way.

Will putting ice inside the oven help?

>> No.6343248

>I'm God's gift to baking
Fuck off. No one likes you, namefag.

>> No.6343279

I like him and he never said that or anything like it.
I want to birth his bearded ginger babies. :3

>> No.6343285

yeah, say what you want but ff makes damn good looking bread

>> No.6343293

moar yeast

>> No.6343331

Flour Faggot, quit your samefagging.

>> No.6343334

Packet says 11g for 500gr of flour and I've already put 16 gr instead and the result was the same.

>> No.6343355

I'm not him, ya big silly.

What sort of flour?

>> No.6343365

Regional brand, I'm guessing normal strength since it's what everyone uses around here. You sure it's not the dry weather?

>> No.6343372

No, I'm not sure it's not the weather. I wanted to figure if it was the flour first and it seems like that might actually be the case.
Can you not get strong flour where you are? Plain flour doesn't have quite enough gluten.

>> No.6343376

>Can you not get strong flour where you are?

I'll have to look it up, thanks. I'm still going to put the ice boiler in there, though.

>> No.6343691

The Fleischmann's yeast says to put it in warm water for 10 minutes. The Kroger yeast says to do the same, but add a teaspoon of sugar. What difference does it make?

>> No.6343707

Depends on the yeast. Not all yeast is the same, Anon.
The dry yeast I buy doesn't have any directions. It's just a silver-coloured package with a snow-capped mountain on it with the word "Snow-Capped" written on it in not-English. No directions. I let it bloom with flour and water rather than with sugar.

>> No.6343719

Yeah, I just mean, sugar activates the yeast, right? So does adding it before you add the yeast to the dough mix somehow make it better?

>> No.6343796

No, sugar doesn't activate any type of yeast. Dry yeast, such as the ones you are describing, are itty bitty capsules of water-soluble something or others that hold live yeast inside. In order to 'activate,' you just need to get them wet to dissolve the capsule and let the yeast out.
The sugar /can help/ the yeast along, giving it a bit of a push to go do its thing, but can also actually inhibit it, too. See, yeast needs water. Without water, it's just gonna go to sleep and/or die. Sugar is hydroscopic. That means it seeks out water. Well, not actively, mind you, but sugar absorbs water. Whatever water the sugar absorbs is no longer available for the yeast, which can inhibit its growth (and therefore the rise of your bread).
Instead of sugar, try boiling some potatoes or pasta then retaining the water. Use that water instead of plain water + sugar when blooming your yeast. It helps the yeast more than sugar will.

>> No.6343818

I see. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6343933


Blooming your yeast each time you bake is unnecessary. Bloom a small amount each time you buy a new container of yeast. If it blooms nicely, use it at will.

The capsules containing dry yeast will break down over the long periods of resting that high gluten doughs, like breads, require. Yeast will feast on the sugars in the flour.

I put my yeast in dry, sometimes even while the little bastards are still frozen, and they warm and get to work without fail.

>> No.6344516

Anyone got any vids on how to make sourdough?
Can't find any non shit ones.

>> No.6344536
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Guys I did something stupid. I followed a recipe and did something that it said, which for me it didn't make sence already since the beginning, but I did it anyway. It said to put the yeast the flour and the salt in a bowl together and then add water and mix them. So I did it like that, and I did it even worse, because the yeast was on the bottom, and I poured water at the top, so when I reached the bottom with the yeast, the dough was already pretty much done. Then I knew this was totally stupid of me and I tried to knead it as much as I could.
Now I have been waiting for 65' and it has barely risen. The last 15' I have put it in the oven, at 60 C. Although I have started believing it won't rise anymore.
Is there anything I can do?

>> No.6344551

Start a new batch, sort of.
Add the water for the new batch to the old batch first. Make sure to mix to get a shaggy dough.
Whisk the dry ingredients for the new batch together, then add that mixture to the old batch+water mixture.
That should help. I hope that makes sense? I might have worded it a bit stupidly.

>> No.6344562

I'm not sure but did you mean to use knew flour? Because I don't have any more.

>> No.6344571

>recipes calls for ingredients measured by weight
>not simply cups
Fuck. Scales are pretty expensive too.

>> No.6344593

They're $20

>> No.6344611

>>6344536 here again. Guys I have to go sleep right now and I'm going to leave the dough outside of the fridge for ~7 hours in case it rises a little more. It doesn't make sence putting it in the fridge now and stop the rising, it hasn't risen enough.
Is it going to spoil? Please answer me and I'll see the answer in a few hours.

>> No.6344630

For you.

Digital scales start at around fifty bucks around here in bricks-and-mortar stores. At least the ones that I've seen and I've been to a few stores.
Still, even if they were twenty bucks that's still a lot more than a plastic cup which you can get for free, pretty much.

>> No.6344636

Fifteen dorrar on Amazon. Plus they're much more versatile than cups, and I swear half the recipes I see use non-standard cups. Just say 250ml! It's easier!

>> No.6344659

> Amazon
> but I want it today!
Gonna go out and get one in a few hours.
A store near me has one that measures up to 5kg for $50, and another (of a different brand) that measures up to 10kg for the same price. The 10kg one sounds like a better deal but maybe it's less accurate. Which would you choose?

>> No.6344671

But 250ml is a standard cup.

Only five countries define a cup as something other than 250ml, Anon, yours, Burma/Myanmar, and Liberia (240ml for a legal cup and 237ml for a cook's cup in each of those) as well as the UK (280something ml) and grolious Nippon (200ml).

For everyone else, a cup is 250ml.

>> No.6344674

Depends. What store?

>> No.6344677

Do you live in the American South? All purpose flour there has less gluten because people mostly use it to make biscuits or dumplings or other quick breads

>> No.6344691

Harris Scarfe.
I'm not on PC now but will be in ten minutes and I'll find the exact scales.
It's just hard to decide if one either a good deal or a scam to clear shitty stock.

>> No.6344695

this thread is missing a picture of a bread disaster

come on i know one of you anons fucked up hard
share pics

>> No.6344737
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nvm. Looking at the website I see a bunch of different scales that are much cheaper and I idn't see them in store. Gonna do my own research now.

> Now: $24.95 Was: $149.95
seems legit!

>> No.6345570

Got the family hooked on the "Blue Ribbon White Bread" from AllRecipies.

Now trying to make some good birdseed bread like Dave's Killer Bread by soaking the grains and whole wheat flour overnight

>> No.6345871

Then stop being a bitch and stay with cooking. You can't measure solids exactly by volume and being exact is crucial for good cake/bread whatever. "oh my flour was fluffy let's just pour some more in the oven" just doesn't work.

>> No.6346205

I want to get a KitchenAid mixer because fuck hand mixing and kneading. I see that they have 300 watt versions for $300 and 600 watt versions for $600. Do I need the 600 watt version or can I get away with the 300? Its only going to be used to mix and knead bread dough, though it will be used for high gluten, tough dough.

>> No.6346306

more watts = more whore's power. never too many whores

>> No.6346547

We talkin' 'bout bread, Chett. Not big block V8's.

>> No.6346602

I made pasta the other day from a recipe with weight measurements. I was at my girlfriends house and didn't have my scale. You can find conversions online of various flours (since they have different densities). Everything turned out fine, but it was a lot more annoying than just using a scale.

>> No.6346667


Don't cut it while hot dummy. Other than that it looks good to me.

>> No.6346674



You're welcome.

>> No.6346764

you are overproofing. start baking sooner.

>> No.6347507
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>> No.6348350
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+1 to presoaking and whole grain flour and unmilled birdseed, consisting of buckwheat, barley, flax, sesame, millet, oats).
Notes: Avoid using rolled oats since they just dissolve to germ in liquid, although I might try steel-cut oats next)
Unfortunately I used too much water soaking the flour that I had to compensate by adding unbleached white flour to get the right proof.
It did make a lighter, spongier & fluffier loaf with regular whole wheat flour, versus 'dry-baking' the same flour unsoaked.
The wife's neighbor friend gave it rave reviews, saying it was the best bread she ever had.