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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 5 KB, 160x213, awkward6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6338123 No.6338123 [Reply] [Original]

>Be vegan
>No one in your family knows shit about what food is vegan and what isn't
>Have work to do at my uncle's place at midday
>Eat some soy shit at 11am as lunch before going there because I know he has nothing I would eat
>Making an inventory of several irrigation products, moving boxes n shit
>Uncle has some problem with some tubes he bought for a football stadium and spent all the time at the phone
>5pm, I'm hungry
>My grandparents invite us to their home
>Grandma offers me sweet cookies (with cow fat)
"It's okay grandma I don't want"
>She offers me coffee (I only drink coffee with milk, soy milk to be more precisse, and she doesn't have any soy milk)
"Nah grandma it's ok I'm not hungry"
>Offers me more non vegan stuff and I keep passing and saying I'm not hungry
>All of them eating
>Went to an uncle's birthday party right after that
>Absolute non-vegan food on the table
>My uncle asks me if I'm eating because she knows I don't eat many things
"Nah but it's ok srsly I'm not really hungry thanks" (trying to not be a dick)
>Uncle highly recommends me the leek and pumpkin thing she made (with cheese)
"Yeahh hummm.....you know, I don't eat cheese, sorry, but it's okay srsly"
>Uncle gasps and said she preapred that precissely for me
>Feel like a total dick
>She says he has some breads so I can prepare a lettuce and tomato sandwich if I want, she ended up giving me three breads before I could answer
>I took the advantage and precissely prepared three tomato and lettuce sandwiches and ate the shit out of them
>She said I could grab more bread if I wanted
>Still hungry
>Didn't take more bread since I said I wasn't hungry and I would look like a poor spaghetti dick liar
>Took 3 more breads and ate them

>> No.6338129

If your diet is that fucking restrictive and you know you're going to be somewhere that won't provide you the food you need, you do what any person with sense would do and PACK A MEAL. At the very least you throw some snacks in a ziplock bag and call it good.

You deserve to starve if you're this dumb.

>> No.6338134

Have you considered stopping being such a colossal fagwad if sucking cow cocks with every fiber of your being is such a chore?

>> No.6338141

It's easy to say it but I just feel like an asshole or autistic when I bring my "special food"

>> No.6338142

I'm not angry, just confused at your decision to make such a life choice.

>> No.6338145

Then you need to get the hell over it. It's not asshole-y. It's looking out for yourself.

I had stomach cancer 5 years ago. I had to have 3/4 of my stomach removed. I can eat at most 4 ounces of solid food per sitting. I have to carefully craft my diet to make those 4 ounces almost entirely protein so my body doesn't eat itself. I take my own blend of food everywhere and no one says shit about it. If they ask, I explain the situation and they don't say another word.

Stand up for yourself or starve like an asshole.

>> No.6338147

Okay. Instead of feeling like an asshole or an autism, you can go ahead and keep on feeling like a starving retard.

>> No.6338157

If you actually knew any vegans you'd know how obvious of a troll thread this is, OP...

You might as well have just started a picky eater thread, because you sound like someone's little sister.

>> No.6338167

>Vegan stories thread
>6 replies, 5 of them are calling OP a faggot, the other one is OP trying to plead his case

Stay classy, /ck/.

>> No.6338172

aight guys i just posted this for fun, I don't think my life sucks or anything because of that, I was not starving, I just felt like eating, pls don't take it too seriously this is four chin ffs


>> No.6338178

Maybe because you are an autistic asshole. Stop making nonna cry

>> No.6338190

You were the one who decided animals, and their products, are more important than you, and your needs. Quit whining.

>> No.6338204
File: 900 KB, 853x480, you'redoingitwrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i just felt like eating

>> No.6338213

Back in college a girl in our circle of friends went full vegan, she never did tell any of us why. She gradually became hard to deal with, everything from preaching veganism to utterly random statements. Her roommate complained about the stench in the bathroom.
In a few months she had slimmed down so much her bones were becoming visible. Around 4 months she was found dead in her car at the college, vomited blood all over.
We promised each other to eat healthy in her memory and never go vegan.

>> No.6338215

Nah the worst thing is when you're not a vegetarian but maybe just don't feel like MEAT CHEESE XXXTREME that day because I have IBS and want a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich or something. I think I need new family. If I have to choke down one more "cheddar chicken casserole" at a family dinner I might explode.

>> No.6338258


Watch this nigger and cook like him op.

>> No.6338387

at least you're fuckin getting offered food
Selfish faggot

>> No.6338401

She sounds anorexic, not vegan.

>> No.6338402
File: 68 KB, 182x154, 1423816584200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is a 5.5 troll if my assumption is true - but 6.5 for making me question it

\veganism is essentially a subsection of auts so why suffer while having auts? Someone clearly hungry is evident - I know a vegan dude who appears hungry sometimes

>> No.6338411

If you eat vegan for ethical reasons, what harm are you doing eating the food that's already been purchased by your friends and family? At that point it's like you're avoiding all that stuff because you're afraid of soiling your veganhood and getting arrested by the vegan police, and not being able to say "I've had no meat/dairy since 1993"

>> No.6338419

Vegans don't care about the results of their actions. They don't actually care if they change anything.
They do it to be smug, and feel good about themselves.

>> No.6338422

I get that you're trying not to be a dick and that's cool but for future reference it would be a good idea to keep vegan snacks or something like that with some shelf life in your car or on your person.

also just as a fuck you, some food for thought, that gasoline and natural gas that you use to cook and get around with, they come from the long dead and decayed corpses of animals

>> No.6338423


Just like people who recycle

>> No.6338424

More plant matter than animal matter, friendo, but you're right.

>> No.6338425

Recycling is objectively good.
Being a vegan is objectively stupid.
There's a difference, shit analogy.

>> No.6338426


>some food for thought, that gasoline and natural gas that you use to cook and get around with, they come from the long dead and decayed corpses of animals

Are you implying OP's use of fossil fuels contributed to the death of the dinosaurs?

>> No.6338429


>Recycling is good!
>I'm saving the planet!

Smug faggot

>> No.6338430

by that logic, a vegan won't eat cheese because it contributes to the death of cows... oh wait

>> No.6338431

no but he's profiting from their deaths, so unless he's also wiling to profit from other dead animals as well then he's got a consistency issue

>> No.6338432

>Animals are good!
>I'm saving the planet!

no u

>> No.6338434

Recycling is looked down on? How old are you?

>> No.6338436


Where do you live where dairy cows get to just retire and live out their lives in cow paradise?

Plus you could argue that it's exploitation.

>> No.6338438

>recycling is good it saves the planet
>yay let's recycle these dead animals
>no anon that's immoral

>> No.6338440

Where I work we fry our vegan/vegetarian options with bacon fat :^)
We're frequently complimented on our food by 'em.
Feels good man

>> No.6338442


>he's profiting from their deaths

Yet not causing their deaths or affecting them in any way because they died millions of years ago. In contrast, by "profiting from other dead animals" he would directly contribute to the slaughter of the animal specifically for that purpose. You have to admit that was a pretty dumb thing to try to get him with

>> No.6338444
File: 612 KB, 620x668, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's family recipies will end with him because he is a modern faggot who thinks pop activism is a lifestyle

Kill yourself.

>> No.6338445

>it's fine to desecrate the dead because they've been dead a long time
fucking vegans and archeologists, they're both assholes

>> No.6338447
File: 51 KB, 960x404, Gandalf-gandalf-12059750-960-404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds to me you've got a severe of being a fucking faggot

>> No.6338448

no you dont

>> No.6338455

Keep telling you that.
We've been preventing veganism since '11 :^)

>> No.6338456


>> No.6338457

this, bitches watch like a hawk and you can't use the flattop or grill because meat cooked on it would contaminate the vegan shit. you have to cook their shit in a clean skillet despite the fact that the soap that cleaned it was probably made with animal fat

>> No.6338463

Why the fuck would you let people in your Kitchen? Or is it like, visible from the dining area?

>> No.6338471

Argh! An uncle is a male which is a "he!" Jesus Christ almighty!

>> No.6338474

This a gray area for some vegans. Some of them consider themselves "freegans", and will accept meat as long as it's offered to them free of charge or as a gift. Some freegans will only eat meat if it would otherwise be thrown away.

>> No.6338475


>hi I'm anon and I'm lying

that said, we cook our veggie burgers on the same grill that we cook meat on because where the fuck else are we going to cook it?

sides and other shit are cooked in separate saute pans

>> No.6338477

wow, it's like god is smashing your face in to normalcy and you just won't budge.

>> No.6338478

it's visible from the dining area

>> No.6338479

maybe you should take those dicks out of your mouth long enough to explain what vegan means to your dumbs family.

>> No.6338501

Mine isn't. Well, not very visible. From the dining area you can see the occasional chef's head, but that's about it.

>> No.6338682

I hate to be "that guy", but one short period of work without food is not "starving". Reaching the end of the day and knowing you haven't eaten isn't either. I've gone three days without eating and walked 55 miles through a subzero blizzard, and even that isn't true starvation. It's functionally crippling and uncomfortable, but there's certainly a difference.

You worked a bit and got a little hungry when you saw other people eating and had the idea of food, maybe your body's natural leptin cycle gave you the illusion you were doing worse than you were. Nothing more, nothing less. With all the soy you eat I wouldn't be surprised to find your body is very poor at managing blood sugar crashes and addressing adipose stores. Your capacity for lipolysis would likely be lower than comparable controls (without soybean consumption) in similar situations.

Either way, it's roughly the same with allergies. I can rarely find anywhere with food whether to buy or to eat. Can't eat out. Any food relatives or whoever has chances are I can't eat. They tend to keep trying to accommodate, to which I have to repeatedly decline. It gets easier, other people learn, you learn ways to read the situation and respond better. My family won't even ask me anymore, they might say "wish I had something to offer" or words to that effect, but not much beyond that.

Look on the bright side. Other people have actual physical discomfort if they cave and eat food they don't want. Honestly, if I caved to something so petty as momentary hunger as you did, I'd probably slip into quite a depression. I'm wired for rigid standards, and if I fail, little quells the self disgust. Not to mention the hell of your blood pressure dropping, feeling like you're burning alive, sweating, and not being able to breathe. That's just the icing on top, the real stuff is deep.

I never fail. Stop giving in to your desires like a slave, and eventually, it will be second nature.

>> No.6338692


>> No.6339571
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1399600475618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You referred to your uncle as "she," 6 times. How.

>> No.6339582

No one should care about vegans or their stories.

>> No.6339586

The bit ends of those look like faces in the thumbnail.

Upon expanding, it was gone.

>> No.6339594

>falling for this easy a troll.
Are you in a GED class by any chance, fellow anon-kun?

>> No.6339597

>being vegan
Kek faggot

>> No.6339598


This is just a general statement, honestly.

>> No.6339602

The bottom one looks like a skeleton with an orange afro.

>> No.6339606

Why do you have to decline their accommodated food?
Are you still allergic to it?
Also what are you allergic to that you have such difficulties finding?
You must be allergic to like everything

>> No.6339656

>Why do you have to decline their accommodated food?
Become sick otherwise. Depending on the allergen, either my blood pressure will drop and my resting heart rate will spike to ~160 bpm to compensate for the blood's tendency to pool in one's legs, and maintain the flow required. Get light headed, nauseous, sloppy. Mind feels like it's a haze, full of cotton, etc. Feel hot, anything from unpleasant heat to actual nerve pain and feeling like I'm burning alive. Mind gets a bit fuzzy around the edges... if not inside in general, for the next few days. It's not worth it.

I've never been big on food. Since I was a kid I'd found a certain sense of clarity of mind exists that I often lose upon eating.

>Are you still allergic to it?
I haven't retested in any objectively quantifiable way since I got the tests back in 2011 or so to begin with. But accidents happen, and they seem to produce the same effect, just not to such an extreme sense. Point to that most of the potent ones were IgE sensitized, which means once you're allergic it's not apt to ever really go away.

>Also what are you allergic to that you have such difficulties finding?
You must be allergic to like everything.
My allergies and sensitivities are clustered in such a way that eating any prepared food is almost never an option. Other foods are either unfilling or require preparation.

I'm allergic to the following (verified via ELISA of IgA and IgG. Never did IgE at the time unfortunately, at this point it would lean more towards false negatives):
-Cheddar cheese
-Goat's milk
-Whey protein
-Coffee Bean
-Wheat gluten and gliaden
-Certain mushrooms

Have sensitivities to the following:
-High levels of tyramine
-Certain meats, like beef and pork
-Etc. Things in that vein.

Soybean, in America, is obviously the worst. I've settled into my habits, can't really say I find myself too wanting.

>> No.6339679

I'm afraid of saying no to meat and such when in family or with friends OP, now I don't see anyone anymore, didn't even attend to last christmas. Not sure if I should feel bad or think that these people can die in a hole now.

>> No.6339695

what can you eat?

>> No.6339727

What do the vegans here think of folks like FullyRaw Kristina and Freelee and such from youtube?

>> No.6339741

please don't reproduce.
we don't need you crippling our gene pool.

>> No.6339770

Stop being so picky, faggot.

>Uncle highly recommends.... she made
I have news for you. If your uncle is a she, then she is an aunt.

>> No.6339773


Clickbait scam artists.

>> No.6339776

Is Kristina on drugs though? I've never been able to figure out her deal. I assume the other ones definitely are.

>> No.6339786


I'm sure she's on some fully raw drugs, probably organic sprouted poppy seeds or some shit. I love fruit as much as the next guy, but the "buy my e-book and cleanse all your toxins" broscience is too much from the fruitarian people.

>> No.6339802

Informations seem decent but not her attitude. In other words I'd eat her food but not her.

>> No.6339811

Well, and she thinks eating fruit changes your eye color to blue...or at least promotes that in some video. The one where she pretends to get drunk off her fruit "wine" is ridiculous. I just watch her vids to masturbate to be honest. I wasn't sure her appeal beyond how comically naive she is and hot in a sort of hate-fuck way.

>> No.6339814

What she claims her juices cure cancer and shit...how is that decent information?

>> No.6339827

holy shit it does

>> No.6339837
File: 301 KB, 640x480, 1405466393992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guise this is getting pretty spooky

>> No.6339839

Because this is a troll thread and /ck/ is full of retards.

>> No.6339847

holy shit op you triggered my pingu ptsd

>> No.6339848

Having been on 4chan as long as I have, I can say without a doubt that every single board is full of retards.

>> No.6339867

please add a warning to that image

>> No.6339892

it's in the filename

>> No.6341262

Mainly ground turkey. Very low in neu5gc, good base, easy to season, etc. Lot of fresh mozzarella cheese. Other than that, apples, and occasional fruit juices to make up for any nutrient deficits. Raspberries, blackberries.

I'll avoid citrus fruits, they tend to be decently high in histamine. Grapefruit for example makes my face visibly change shape and my skin becomes squishy, also tends to have an addling effect. Most other citrus are tolerable in low doses.

Very occasionally I'll make chili or soup. Carrots, peppers, onions, beans, vinegar, some spices like paprika, turmeric (avoid too much of this one, does odd things to 5-HT / mood), cayenne. Beans and vinegar will trash my digestion though, so this remains occasional.

tl;dr - Main diet consists of fruit, cheese, and turkey. All attempts to phase meat out have failed, there aren't enough other options and I am eventually left wanting as far as nutrients or some other aspect of physical health.

It isn't known what causes allergies. Genetic predisposition could be and very likely is a factor, environmental triggers are another. In my own case perhaps it was being given antibiotics frequently as a young child along with chronic high levels of stress. Don't know. My feeling though, all that aside, is I really was this way from the start and I was wired for it all along. In retrospect, that's how it seems, no matter what potentiated it all.

Individual fitness is relative to the demands of one's ecology, or what you think the world ought to be. I'm sure you're loaded with genes that I and you yourself would acknowledge as pretty shit for the gene pool. Your unwitting hypocrisy just stems from a lack of knowledge.