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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6332879 No.6332879 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Buffalo Wild Wings? I think it's pretty decent but I want your guys opinions.

>> No.6332883

I've never been there but I hate it anyways

>> No.6332886


It's like the Mc'dz of wings. shitty sauces, terrible service, wet mushy wings, garbage sides, over priced and no hooters.

>> No.6332895

Complete garbage.

>> No.6332898

Lmao get a look at this fucking hipster. Fuck you nerd, the food is great and the service is great too. Maybe if you had friends you would actually have a reason to go instead of never having been there and making up shit to sound like you're smart. I'm loling at your life XD

>> No.6332901

Way overpriced, and everything besides the wings and burgers are microwaved. I've known enough people who worked at this place to never want to eat there again.

However, I like going with really big groups and sitting on the patio. Makes it super easy to dine and dash, which is the only time the food is worth it.

>> No.6332903

You've never been there you fucking NEET loser.

>> No.6332911

high school students or trolls detected

then again, what's the difference?

>> No.6332936


This fucking toddler taster, has the audacity to question my superior pallet, well I never. I also, have to assume that you have never had the pleasure of dining at fine wing establishment such as hooters due to your adolescent boner control issues.

>> No.6332946

>shitty sauces
They're pretty decent. Everything else is accurate.

>> No.6332970

they have really good spaghetti and super good marinara sauce. all the tvs are set to sports though which sucks.

>> No.6332974

>marinara sauce
where the fuck do you live that BWW has these?

>> No.6332975

They'll put gay porn on if you ask

>> No.6332978

I went during the winter olympics. I fucking LOVE the olympics. They were showing figure skating on one of the screens, but of course they were playing loud hard rock. so I got to watch Ladies figure skating to Metallica and Powerman 5000, which was amusing for me. i enjoyed it.

I don't like wings, though. Too much work for too little meat.

>> No.6332982

Get boneless wings. They're like pre-sauced nuggers

>> No.6332987
File: 20 KB, 400x400, TPB_RIcky_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get boneless wings.
Fuck off

>> No.6332990

>he doesn't like saucy nuggers

>> No.6333016

some people just want to watch the world burn

>> No.6333017

Saucy breading maybe

>> No.6333018

>he doesn't like soggy bread

>> No.6333024

French dips only

>> No.6333038

Ugh, I fucking love French dips.

My faggot friend loves them, too, and he visited fucking Los Angeles and didn't even go to the original French dip place. When I told him about it after he got back, he didn't even know they were from LA. Fucking faggots.

>> No.6333221

It's not great but it's not bad either, they have decent food for what I expect from a sports bar like place. I think the prices are a bit too high though.

>> No.6333330

the one near me isn't bad
if I catch them on cheap wings day and know whatever magic spell you need to cast for cheap draft PBR I can have a good time

my old roommate and me worked weird hours, so we'd go there tuesdays (then the cheap wing day) and camp out with our laptops and go on WoW for hours and hours.

raiding with people bringing you beer and wings is really great, I can see why the stereotype is to stay at home so mom brings snacks

>> No.6333382

That is more douchy than the bros that eat there.
Besides you never know the glory of wing kingdom

>> No.6333384

>rags on buffalo wild wings
>glorious hooters.
Shill . Hooter is garbage and the only thing good is happy hour

>> No.6333392

I've never had mushy wings there. I don't know where that guy lives that has mushy wings

>> No.6333403

It depends on the location. I've been to a purty good hooters. I've never been to a wild wings that I liked.

>> No.6333419

I've had more decent experiences with bww than hooters.

>> No.6333434

I just can't get over the idea that wings are treated as a meal. It's a side dish. At least hooters has other attractions.

>> No.6333484

I like it because I'm a hockyfag and if I don't want to make wings at home it's nice having a shitton of wings and beer with friends watching a game without worrying about messing up a kitchen.

>> No.6334787

Roasted Garlic Mushrooms are the best thing on the menu. Wings are average at best. The only reason to tolerate this places is if you are planning on drinking lots of beer & watching a game.

>> No.6334796

Some of the sauces are good. The sides are nothing special.

>> No.6334818

Alright food, service ranges from decent to great. Can't say I've ever tried the wings there, but some of the sauces are pretty good.

>> No.6334849

It's only worth it on cheap wing day. Carry out, and buy your own beer.

Mango Habañero sauce is based

>> No.6334868

It's a chain. I don't eat at chains.


Underrated post.

>> No.6334869

Spicy garlic boneless wings are good.

Some locations have a good beer selection, others only have redneck selections.

All of their cocktails are WAY overpriced and intentionally low on alcohol to jew you even more.

>> No.6334889 [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 587x429, wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total fucking shit.

TFW your favorite wing spot goes out of business because Wing Shack comes to town.

I just make my own now.

>> No.6334891 [DELETED] 

*TFW your favorite wing spot goes out of business because 'B DUBS" comes to town.

Wing Shack my favorite place.


>> No.6334902

only good for happy hour.

>> No.6334931
File: 569 KB, 587x429, wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalo Wild Wings is truly fucking shit.

TFW your favorite wing spot goes out of business because MUH B DUBZ comes to town.

I just make my own now.

All you need a skillet, olive oil, fresh chicken wings, and some Franks hot sauce and you've got proper buffalo wings.

Don't support these niggers.

>> No.6334934
File: 678 KB, 1280x720, S3e32_wing_kingdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to based wing kingdom

>> No.6334942
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>It's a chain. I don't eat at chains.

>> No.6334943
File: 169 KB, 500x280, tumblr_lzrtqxjxtk1qaf8yc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who else loves wing kingdom?...?

>> No.6334944


> i dont eat at chains

dat hipster edge

>> No.6334947

>using Frank's
You lost all right to speak monkey

>> No.6334957
File: 29 KB, 279x212, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know Frank's was originally created in Buffalo, NY and Frank's are what were used to create the original buffalo wing.

You probably order boneless wings too, don't you fuccboi?

>> No.6334964

My bad. It was created in Ohio. Some years later it was used to create the original Buffalo wing.


>> No.6334966
File: 75 KB, 407x584, cb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the term fuck boy
>using Frank's
>not using crystal wing sauce.
Stay quiet basketball American.

>> No.6334973
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Nice ad hominem, breh.

>> No.6334974

yes it is JUNK FOOD!!!

>> No.6334984

Not my fault it's true. Only basketball Americans would lie like that. Gonna get angry now?

>> No.6335006
File: 53 KB, 204x214, thispleasesbobby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying about what? Nigger are you even reading the thread?

Let's try and keep it on topic here.

I like Frank's because it's the original, real deal sauce. It's quite good with fresh wings cooked in at least an inch of oil. It's also the true, authentic Buffalo wing sauce. There is a reason you can buy it in most stores.

It's ok if you want to be a special snowflake, though.

>> No.6335009

>he doesn't make use memesauce for his wings
get with the times, grandpa

>> No.6335083

God don't chimp out nigger, plus you just are stupid.
>Frank's is the original
>based of a buffalo new York recipe.
>Frank's is the original
Stay angry monkey

>> No.6335097
File: 57 KB, 398x409, 1423103229150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read the wiki?

>Makes angry post suggesting I'm angry


>> No.6335110
File: 31 KB, 380x302, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I know you niggers are retarded and can't read, but I mean you can't be that retarded right?
Stay angry friedchickennisha
Posting from buffalo ny.

>> No.6335124

God kind of does randomly chimp out in the old testament over pretty minor stuff so.....

>> No.6335128

I've never eaten there and have no plans to do so.

>> No.6335130
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>> No.6335132

I like Wing stop, but Buffalo wild wings have specials.

>> No.6335135

If you created everything in 6 days and people are just being ungrateful, you would show them who's boss too.

>> No.6335337

They fell off hard. I used to love going there when they served wings by pieces and when the wings were pretty big. Now they go by small medium and large size and they go by weight. The prices went up too since the first time i visited in 2011-12.

Wingstop is whooping their ass right now.

>> No.6335707

To be honest I only like their mango habanero and spicy garlic sauces. Other places do traditional buffalo sauce much much better.

>> No.6335862


It's the best shittiest restaurant there is. The hours are nice in the fact most stay open until late so it's usually, for me, just a place with food late at night when nothing else is open.

But quality wise the food is crap besides the wings. But it's a crowd pleaser too, everyone can find something they like. It used to be the cheap option too but not anymore apparently.

>> No.6335865


Speaking of Hooters they have suprisingly good food.


To be fair I've literally never had a decent server in all my years of going there and I've worked in food service before, every single shitty coworker I've had has worked at BWW too, like the worst waiters/waitresses/cooks/bartenders they always flock there. To their spawning grounds.

>> No.6335867


I often wonder if MUH B DUBZ is only good because people think it's supposed to be? Like a placebo? Same with Chili's and Applebees... absolute shit but people think "Restaurant Chain with commericials=quality" when it's not like that at all. Local places are usually always better because they're not dealing with huge supply chains and having to use so less fresh ingredients, but local places aren't blasted in your face with advertising so how can they possible be good.

>> No.6336150

i will admit i am not really in to wings at all, i usually hate them and avoid...but for some reason i can enjoy these. blazin is fun to try once...but too hot to be enjoyable. i usually go for caribbean jerk and hot garlic.

caribbean jerk is pretty damn awesome.

>> No.6336165

Overpriced as hell, except on tuesday when its like $3 for 5 wings and then its worth it to spend about 10 bucks on wings

>> No.6336530

>being this foodie hipster about it.
>muh local non customer establishment.
Most local wing places are about the same as b dubs.
It's popular so it must be bad.

>> No.6336534

the buffalitos with caribbean jerk is amazing

>> No.6336823

shit company, shit food, treat their employees like shit

just go to a real sports bar, anon

>> No.6336827

ayyyy someone has a really serious personal opinion!

kudos on your conviction.

>> No.6336832


i mean, i don't think this is a personal thing, i think it's an honest opinion

burger patties are frozen, everything is frozen and deepfried

even fucking wendy's does better than that

OP asked for opinions, i gave mine. get fucked, anon

>> No.6336846

Fucking hate bdubs. Haven't been there in years. That being said I have a little story....
>be back in high school days
>me and three other friends go to bdubs
>have disposable income because living at home and shit
>go to local bdubs
>overhear some douche working there saying he had tables open but didn't want to take us because we were kids (thinking we wouldn't tip)
>have to wait another 15 minutes
>finally a girl comes over and says she'll take us in her section
>finish meal and each leave a $20 tip
>waitress' face when she probably got the best tip in years
>douche server's face when he lost out on an $80 tip because he thought we wouldn't tip
It was great leaving the place. The whole wait staff was just watching us in shock.

>> No.6336858

fuck off with your "shill"

>> No.6336866

I like their asian zing sauce but their chicken seems very dry generally. I prefer wingstop chicken seems better quality.

>> No.6336885


I like them, they aren't the best wings I've ever had but they're usually decent and I find it's a more enjoyable place to have some beers and watch a game or fight than hooters or other chains while the local sports bars will have a million frat bros huddled around the screen.

Mango habanero sauce is my favorite.

>> No.6336900

hah, rich..

give an opinion then, don't word your opinion as if to state a fact.

>> No.6336905

>don't word your opinion as if to state a fact.
you must be new here

>> No.6336906

>even wendy's does better than that

uh...no they don't.

>> No.6336910

says they faggot whose best idea of a rebuttal is to simply call me a newfag basically.

nice one. keep swinging for the fences, you glorious retard.

>> No.6336945

Fight me fggt

>> No.6337209

I went to my local BWW once with some friends, and we got like a 60 wings deal and then had them give us a basket of every sauce.

Some of them were ok, some of them were shit. I forget what it's called, but the hottest sauce they make is fucking gross. It's just mindlessly hot with very little flavor, and what little flavor it does have is chemically like your wings have been sauced in mace.

I probably would have had a better time if it wasn't so over-priced for what it is.

>> No.6337240

nobody likes blazin wings

>> No.6337248

The most disgusting carrots and celery ever. Beer specials are meh.

>> No.6337259

got food poisoning there once. went back one time (for a game) since then, was pretty good, but I'll probably never go back again. Wing Stop has much better wings if you have one near you.

>> No.6337384

>place has WINGS in the name
>wings are almost a dollar a piece if not a dollar
Yeah no thanks, I'll go to Crosstown for wings and Hooters for hooters.

>> No.6337433

i can't argue about seeing big titties, but hooters wings are shit. most of their food is shit. wanna know why it tastes good to you? titties.

not even complaining.

>> No.6337471

I've only been once, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I got. It seems every time I go to a place that's supposed to specialize in wings, I end up paying way too much for a plate of scrawny, dried out wings with skin that manages to be both soggy and yet somehow undersauced. I'd been avoiding such restaurants until I got pulled to BWW by a friend. The wings I got had a lot of meat on them and the skin was crispy. I actually walked away from the table, which was a first for me at these kinds of places. Not sure if I'd go out of my way to eat there again, it's just chicken with hot sauce after all, but if I ever get a freak craving for hot wings and can't be assed to make them myself, I know where I'm going.

>> No.6338218

I go often, but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays when their wings are on sale. Their variety of sauces lets everyone find something they like, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays you can order 4 wings per sauce letting you try more than you may usually would be able to just by order their snack/small/medium/large sizes.

I actually enjoy the atmosphere because I am not a neck beard who can't talk to what usually ends up being a waitress. They always seem happily enough to engage in banter about whatever sports is going on and don't feel awkward about it because they aren't showing off their tits asses like many other great places do.

Last Tuesday I went with a group of guys and we just all chatted and flirted with the waitresses and enjoyed ourselves. To me BWW is just a place to go with your bros, watch the game and talk to basic looking bitches. Oh, and to drink. Their happy hour is alright at best and I usually just go with their beer of the month because it's the cheapest.

Personal favorite sauces is their asian zing and mango habanero. I enjoy that they also have a new flavor of the month, their current one this month is some maple honey that taste like Aunt Jemima just squirted all over a chicken wing; it's okay at best. The chips and queso with chile and pico de gallo is good, try it out sometime.

>> No.6338237

>not going to 50% discount days

>> No.6338251

tl;dr MUH B DUBZ

>> No.6338260

>I can't handle a different opinion because I'm a overgrown child that gets upset when people like different things than me.

>> No.6338266

>To me BWW is just a place to go with your bros,
>watch the game and talk to basic looking bitches.
>Oh, and to drink.


>> No.6338272

That wasn't me that posted about that my was someone else haha fggt

>> No.6338289

>so we'd go there tuesdays (then the cheap wing day) and camp out with our laptops and go on WoW for hours and hours.

I've never heard of people camping out at a restaurant to play computer games for hours and hours.

Do you just chill in a booth for 5 hours or something?

>> No.6338296

I've been there only one time and got some bone-in wings. The skin was incredibly crispy and the meat was flavorful.

Then I tried one of the boneless wings my friend ordered, and it tasted like an overly breaded chicken nugget.

>> No.6338335

That's literally what they are. The meat didn't even come from the wing, it was chopped off the breast in an elongate shape that vaguely resembles a wing. The only people who eat boneless "wings" are autismal fucks whose mental deficiencies make them afraid to eat meat that has a bone in it

>> No.6338342

I know. But I was somewhat expecting something better when all of my friends told me "No don't order bone in what are you doing their boneless are AMAZING and you get more meat!"

I put too much faith in my friends, but then again we rarely eat out together.

>> No.6338372

It's alright but the closest one to me is so loud you have to raise your voice too much just to talk to the person two feet away, even when the place is dead.
Servers fuck up like one in four of my orders there because of the volume, and I don't want to fucking shout to place my order or have a conversation, so I usually just get my shit to go.
Alcohol there is horrendously overpriced. I know that's the case everywhere that serves booze, but even factoring that in they're gouging you.
The sauces I've tried that I ended up not liking were either ones where it tasted like it was decently made but just not for me, or was something that tastes pretty good but not on chicken wings (i.e. thai curry, shit does not belong on fried chicken). The buttery maple sauce they've got as a limited time thing is really good, in my opinion.

>> No.6338417


Suitable only for frat boys and middle-aged former high school quarterbacks who totally could've gone pro if they didn't have that ACL tear

>> No.6338461


a true lover of the chicken meat of the small wing of the chicken would never associate themselves with this filth.

are you fucking serious????? it's fucking chicken wings asshole, not goddamned dragon/pheonix soup...lighten up a bit.

>> No.6338476

*tips fedora*